. 'Y N E W B E R Q G R A P H IC . The Wedding Bells Have Rung. A very quiet but pleasant wedding took place a t L a Grande .------------- .. ' .... ..... in the beautifully decorated IS S U E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y M O R N IN G parlors in the groom ’s new home Wednesday M ay 18th. 1904 a t E. N. WOODWARD. Editor and Publisher. 9 a. m.. when J. F. Steinbeck and W. C. WOODWARD. A s s o c ia te E d ito r . Miss C lara H adley were united $1.00 Per Year in Advance. in the holy bonds o f m atrim ony, ^OCEAN B E A C H . Wm. G rant officiating. Only a P O P U L A r R *-*L-------- TH U RSD AY, JUNE 9. i 9b to H may be taken from the beach into a The newspaper, men of the E Palmer, et al 29 acin tbe Amelia country of wild and picturesque beauty, quiet and secluded among state ' are most heartily in Welch d 1 c t 3 f ! i 2 w, $500., hills and forjst, with hunting and sym pathy w ith the spirit o f the Ellen J Farquhar to T C Kpperly fishing in native haunts;' to the above testimonial. An old news­ and wf, 10 ac in Solomon Heater d United State* Life Saving stations and lighthoufes, cranberry farms, paper man himself, Mr. Baker 1 c t 3 s r 2 w, $850. oyster beds, salmon fishing grounds coqJd put himself in close touch A P Macy and wf to C D How­ and canneries. w ith the press of the state, and ard and wf, 5 lots in A P Macy add For particulars about the trip to w ork w ith excellent advantage. to Dayton, $1170. North Beach ask the nearest O. R. The republican papers are alw a ys J B Hanson and wf to Edith H & N. agent, or send two cents in ready for duty, but they are not Evans, 5.75 ac in Samuel Cözine d stamps to A. L. Craig, general passenger agent, Portland, for Hi w ays accorded the considera­ 1 t 4 s r 4 w, $10. “ Restful Recreation Resorts” , tion and appreciation which Mr. W C Arthur and wf to J A Lam­ which tells all about the Columbia bert and wf, 2 ac raore or less in River summering places. B aker has shown. Entered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at New berg Oregon. Ù ------- . N » Cosine and Newby claims t 4 s r 4 w, $1330. J O’Brien mod wf to Thomas Burns, 30 ac in sec 27 t a s r 3 w, $800. T Goodrich and wf to Lizzie Goodrich, 20 ac in Moran Griffin d 1 c t 3 S T4 M, $1000. Jesse Hobson to Moren Ryan, 12 ac in sec 26 t 3 s r 3 w, $1. . m — ■■ v - - 1 ............. .................... TUank You. Thrown From u Wagon. We m ost heartily thank our kind neighbors and friends and the city fire department, w h o so quickly responded to our great need o f help in savin g our house and woodshed from catching fire from burning barn, and the much appreciated help giyen to us by our friends since the fire. .. M r . and M rs . G. C. C a r l . * For a Hundred Roars. For a. hundred years or more Witch Hazel has been recognized as a superior remedy, but it re­ mained for E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics, iutbe/orm of a salve. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The high standing of this salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look for the name “ DeWitt” on the package, and accept no other. Sold by F. H. Caldwell and Co. Mr. George K. Babcock was tbrowu from his wagon and severely bruised. He applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen ok North Plain, Conn, There is noth­ ing equal to Pain Balm for sprain» and bruises. It will effect a cure in one-tbird the time required by any other treatment. For sale b y C. F .Moore & Co. Excursion Rates to Yaqutua B ay > -........ .. I, ... » On June 1st. the Southern Pacific C o. w ill resume sale o f excursion tickets to N ew port and Yaquina B ay. Both season and Saturday-to-M onday tick ets will be sold. This popular resort is gro w in g in favor each year, hotel rates arc reasonable and the opportunities for fishing, hunting and sea bathing a re unexcelled by an y other resort on the Pacific C oast. W. E. C oman , General Passenger A gen t. t ■ % PAUL BRUNZEL & SON, . .D E A LE R S IN. Fat Cattle, Mutton, Pork, Veal, etc. ................... Eggs, Chickens and General Butchers' . Products Bought for Cash. j * j * M AIN S T R E E T . (4 F O U R D O O R S N O R T H O R G I . B N HO TI II . SPRING TIME IS COMING, GENTLE ANNIE! Just the time when you want to consign that old carpet to the junk pile and buy a new one. A new set of chairs would help tbe appear­ ance of the home, too. We have them. Good ones, too, at correct prices. Hollingsworth & Cooper, THE HOUSE FURNISHERS. STU DH BA.K .BR W A G O N S A N D BZJGGIBS . . ARE THE STANDARD. \ Studebaker W agons. Studebaker Buggies. R ock Island Plows, F O R Poultry Supplies. Mill Feed, Ha A ll Kinds of Grass and (harden Seeds. y, S A L E IB Y Feed Store. W The Newberg Steam Laundry. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE PRICES, A. N. PRESSNALL, Manager. The Newberg Hotel. BAST FIRST STR EET MRS W^A. C A M P B E L L , Proprietress. New Management Good Accommodations Rates $1 per day and np 4