NEWBERG BXPBCT BATTLB AT LIAO VANO. GRAPHIC Impending. B. N. WOODWARD. Publiahar NEW BERG......................O R E G O N EVENTS OF THE DAT? ■ t H REPUBLICANS W IN Review of tlM of the P u t W w k , The Port Arthur channel is again open. Mm. Samuel Clemens (M ark Twain) is dead Russia fears a rising against the c a r if Port Arthur falls. Vice Adm iral Togo has been pro­ moted to be admiral. The Japaneee bare found Talienwan by completely mined and must delay landing. Fire near Richmond, V a., destroyed 4,000,000 pounds of tobacco. Loss, $600,000. ' Reports bare been sent out that both Japan and Russia have lost ships in a fight at Port Arthur. Senator M itchell fails to find any­ thing in reports to warrant the remov­ al of Postmaster Bancroft at Portland. Two riots in Victor, Colo., following the blowing up of non-union miners, resulted in two miners being killed and a number injured. Thirteen non-union miners were killed at Victor, Cloo, while waiting for a train. Three hundred pounds of dynamite was placed under the depot platform and fired by electricity by un­ known persons. Troops have been ordered to the scene. A Paris report says General Kuroki has been captured. The Colorado m ilitary, continues to deport striking miners. Russians are making important move­ ments toward K ai Ping. Rain baa ceased in Kansas and the floods are now expected to recede. St. Petersburg, June 7.— The gen­ eral public at the Russian capital is Imbued with the belief that import­ ant m ilitary developments are im­ pending at Liao Yang, and that a gen­ eral engagement between Kuropat- kln’s and general Kurokl’s armies is imminent. Although the authorities are doing nothing to discourage the idea, the best-informed circles at the war office do not anticipate a decis­ ive battle Immediately, unless brought on more or less unexpectedly by an accidental j collision between strong columns, as often happens in war­ fare. T h e war office’s information does not indicate that the Japanese have concentrated for an attack on Gener­ al Kuropatkin, and it is expected they are not yet ready to assume the of­ fensive. Nevertheless, it is known that differences o f opinion exist at the Russian headquarters as to the ad­ visability o f taking the aggressive, and it is believed this matter was the subject o f a conference between the commander-in-chief and the Viceroy at Mukden Tuesday. Kuropatkln’s position is becoming very formidable, both in the number and character o f troops at his dispos­ al. The condition o f some o f the Si­ berian reserves when called to the ’colors was not satisfactory and caused Kuropatkin misgivings, but it is now reported that they have been drilled into a state o f efficiency. More important, however, are the large reinforcements o f field artil­ lery, in which the Russian army was especfally weak. These have now ar­ rived. Nevertheless, Kuropatkin does not consider himself strong enough to risk the possibility o f a defeat which m ight be irretrievable and re­ sult la- disaster or at least years o f campaigning. His friends praise his steady conservatism, caution and re­ fusal to listen to the counsel o f the hotspurs. RUSSIA CANNOT BBLIBVB IT. Japan Held to Have No Right to Offer Territory to China. ENTIRE STATE TICKET ELECTED BY A BIG MAJORITY. Charles 8. Deneen has been nomi­ nated for governor of Illin ois by the Re publicans on the 79th ballot. One-third of New Y ork ’ s street sweepers contract consumption, pre­ sumably from germs in the streets. Senator Burton, of Kansas, has filed an appeal. The senator indicted for bribery thinks the lower court erred. Crook county, Oregon, towns are booming with the arrival of many would be settlers who are attracted by the irrigation projects. Russia baa no ground for supposing Geimany is in a position to help her either diplom atically or m aterially, as no treaties exist between the two countries. The esar and a council of war have decided to advise Kuropatkin to en­ deavor to relieve Port Arthur. Russia has dispatched the first of eight submarine boats to Vladivostok by rail. The Japanese are landing a second army at Takushan. - Superintendent Potter, of the Che- mawa Indian school, may be trans­ ferred as a result of the chargee against him. * / y Large forces of Chinese bandits are soliciting in the bills northeast of the Liao river and are preparing to cut the railway north of Mukden. A new strike of what promises to be rich ore has been made about 13 miles from Cripple Creek. Over a thousand claims have already been staked out. Transports loaded with troops con­ tinue to leave Western Japanese ports daily for the theater of war. A large proportion of those dispatched during the post week were to reinforce General Oku. in Ships, However. Is Haring Salutary CLOSING IN FORWARD MOVEMENT AGAINST PORT ARTHUR BEQUN IN EARNEST. , . ashlngtss Cossty. Wasl MOHAMMBDIANS ARB BXCITBD. JAPS Baker City, June 7-— The returns of Heights Rsported Takes—Artillery the election in this county are v.ery in­ untes Works of complete. Indications are that the republican state and congressional Outer tickets have a good m ajority in tbe Irlo s Sordo Prom Port, hut Close} CMes Defeat county. Simmons, tbe democratic Togo Soon Drives Country* Precincts j congressional candidate, is running be­ hind his ticket, many democrats not Rome, June 6.— Reports from Tokio- In the election yesterday the re­ voting lor congressman. The dis­ turns Indicate that the republican trict attorneyship In this county Is indicate that the Japanese have already- state ticket is elected by a plurality doubtful. begun tbe preliminary assaults upon of 20,000. Port Arthur. The Glornsle d’ Ita ils County. In tbe First Congressional district prints a dispatch from its Tokio corres­ Blnger Hermann has been re-elected Arlington, June 7.— Gilliam county pondent saying the Japaneee have occu­ by 7000 to 8000 plurality. In many w ill give Williamson,- Rep., for repre­ pied the first line of the outer fortifi­ counties be has run ahead o f hie sentative to congress, a majority of cations at Port Arthur. In this event,, ticket. Tb e same Is true of Repre­ about 200. Mc-ore, for chief justice, is sentative Williamson, who w ill be re­ running ahead o f his ticket, and his the seoond line of the outer fortifica­ tions must have been taken earlier. turned to congress by a plurality of majority w ill probably reach 250. The correspondent adds that the Rus­ 12 000 sians offered but the feeblest resistance Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W . Morrow Comity. Bailey, candidate for re-election, made Heppner, June 7.— Returns from to the assault. a strong run, and bis plurality w ill seven precincts in Morrow county lm The Tokio correspondent of the fall little short of Supreme Judge dicate a very large majority for the Agenxia Libéras, after confirming th e Moore's. state ticket, with Williamson, Rep., Italia’s report, says four Japanese di­ Tbe returns Are too m egger to Indi­ for congrocs, running shead o f bis visions occupied Kwan Tang heigh t» cate tbe success or defeat o f the lo­ colleagues. yesterday and placed heavy batteries o f cal option law, and it w ill take .the artillery thereon, thus dominating th e complete count to determine tbe re­ Klamath County. works of Port Arthur. sult The cities have voted against the Klamath, June 7.— Incomplete re­ The Russian squadron, says the cor­ measure, and the country districts in turns give Hermann and Moore good Its favor. The.djrect primary law has majorities. Benson and Hanna, for respondent, tried a sorti« from the port been- ratified by a large majority. circuit judges, and Laycock, for sen­ against the Japanese, but tbe Japaneee The vote polled was large and will ator, are sure o f election. Moore, fleet soon forced it to return to th e not fall short o f the total registration. Dem., w ill probably have a majority harbor. for district attorney. For joint rep­ resentative,-Steiner, Rep., and Grif­ DI8CONTBNT 13 GROWING. Oregon City, June 7.— W ith no of­ fith, Dem., w ill receive majorities. ficial returns st hand the election of Russian Trado and the entire republican ticket is as­ Creek County. tag Greatly as Result of W ar. sured. About 86 per cent o f the reg­ Prinerille, June 7.— T b e eqtlre re­ istered vote was cast. Hermann w ill publican state ticket has a plurality Pails, Jane •.-—Private intelligence carry the oonnty by probably 250 in Crook county, ranging from 160 to received in Paris at several different m ajority’. The republican state and 300. The vote on the county ticket is judicial ticket will be elected by at close and divided. On the local op­ quarters gives gloomy accounts of th e growing feeling of discontent and anx­ least 1000 majority. tion law a light vote was polled, and iety in Russia over the silence that the measure w ill be defeated by 150 Wasco Comity. in this county. T b e direct primary prevails in officialdom as to the even t» The Dalles, 'June 7.— Thus fa r no law w ill have a m ajority o f 200. of the war. Following so closely upon complete returns have been received the exuberant reports received and dis­ from any precinct in this county. As Comity. seminated eagerly during the early part far as can be estimated from tbe Marshfield, June 7.— The entire re­ o fth e campaign, the ntter failure o f meager reports the state officers and publican ticket In Coos county is the government to give ont any state­ representative Williamson w ill carry elected. Returns from Curry are very ments either of victory or defeat ha» the county by large pluralities. indefinite. Blnger Hermann will have proven disquieting in the extreme, and the largest plurality ever given in has aroused popular misgivings to an Yaaih