' H a r m o n io u s D o c to r » . “They hare called two doc to n la for consultation.” "And do the doctors acne 7“ “I believe they have agreed upon the price.”—Philadelphia Ledger. Mothers will Had Mrs. Windows's nothing Syrup the bedt remedy to use for their children during the teething period.. To make silk that haa been waahed look like new pat a teaspoonful of methy­ lated spirit» to a pint in the rinsing water and iron while damp. There la more Catarrh in this section of the eountry than all other diseases put together, aud until the last few years was supposed to be inourable. For a great many yean doctor« pro­ nounced It,a local disease, and prescribed local remedies. dud by constantly falling to care with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable, doienoe baa proven catarrh to be a constitu­ tional disease, and therefore requlree constitu­ tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cura, manu­ factured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only constitutional cure on the market. It la taken Internally In doses from 10 I drops to a («■spoonful. It acts directly on tho blood _ and muooas surfaces of the system. They y off« offer ona hundred dollars for any casa It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimoniala. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., TOlsdo, O •old by Druggists, 76c. H airs Family Pills ara the Where the beat things are not pos­ sible, the best should be made of those th a t are.—Hooker. Hood’s P a c ta a n d f k w e a W ATER IN D E S E R T C A C T U S . For aeventy-aeven yeara the pay of a Congressman of the United States N a tiv e s A r e A c c u sto m e d t o T ap P la n t W h en T h ey A r e T h ir e ty . was $6 a day wbile In attendance upon The marvelous strength of desert Sarsaparilla Is unquestiona­ a session and $6 for a$ch twenty miles plants la well known, but we are a t in going and coming. Double pay was bly the greatest Mood and granted to tba Speaker of the House. a loss to explain the source or rea­ of their luxuriance In regions liver medicine know n. I t The President’s salary until 1878 was sons where only a few inches of water fall when It w as Increased (for Why Is it that Ayer’s Hair positively and perm anently $25,000, during the year, and th at little is Im­ G rant's second term), to $50,000. The cures every hum or, from Vice President received $5,000, the mediately drunk up by the torrid bud . Vigor does so many remark­ able things? Because it is a W hat enables the yucca to thrust Its Pimples to Saroftila. i t b chief Justice $4-000, *nd department bead through thirty feet of gypsum hair food. It feeds the hair, heads lees. In 1866 the pay of Sena­ the B est puts new life into it. The hair tors and Representatives was raised to and sand or the barrel cactus to store $5,000 a year, with mileage at 20 centa enormous quantities of w ater and' to a mile going and coming. The salaries hold the w ater for months, perhaps of the Speaker and Vice President were years, or the sumach to cling so ten­ A O hara o f S ir H e n r y I r v in g . raised to $8,000. Delegate Jonah K. aciously to Its ground when every­ When Sir Henry Irving was staying Kalanianaole, of Hawaii, baa to travel thing else la swept away, are ques­ cannot keep from growing. lately at the Queen’s Hotel, Manches­ nearly 10,900 miles to get to Washing­ tions which none can satisfactorily an­ And gradually all the dark, ter, a small boy, about 6 years old, ton and back, and bis mileage la $2,180. swer. No less marvelous and inex­ son of William Molllaon, a well-known rich color of early life comes plicable la the mesquite shrub, which sometimes has roots over fifty feet member of Sir Henry’s company, To B reak la N ew Shoes. back to gray hair. strayed Into bis rooms one afternoon. Always shako a in AUvn’a Foot-Ease, Fbot-EsM, a powder. long, and other desert plants whose " W k w I I n i used A yer's H air Vigor my It cure« hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. hairy coverings and realnona coatings h a ir « m about a il g rsy . B u t now It 1« a niea Invited to make himself a t home, and Cures corns. Ingrowing nail* and bunions. At rich black, and a« th ick a« I eould wish.** take some refreshment, he consumed a all druggists and shoe stores, 14 g " — mbs . S usa * K i o r m n i n , Toscumbia. prevent the evaporation of moisture. any substitute. Sample mailed These secrets may soon be discovered, pear and a bottle of lemonade with Allan 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. o. ATIt OO., JU j M a bottla. apparent satisfaction. Then gazing however, as the Carnegie institution m wawaanfiimma a ffi J B h f o r steadfastly a t his host, be said: A happy genlna la one who has had haa established a desert botanical lab­ “I do miss Pbll May.” enough wealth left him to make it un­ oratory a t Tucson to study' them. It was among the desert hills west "So do we all,” said Sir Henry, necessary that he depend on his talents. ' 1 '8*1---- of Torrea, Mex. The Indian cut the gravely. top from a plant about five feet high "Tea, but I miss him most,” pursued Q R E G M ß n W O P u R lF /£ fi and with a blunt stake of palo verde the child. “He was my chum.” W hy ness o f th e Wbyfbra. pounded to a palp the upper six or “Ah! that makes it very hard,” said TESTED AND TRUE—GUARANTEED Fred—I always enjoy convening with NOWI Is the Urne te USB IT. eight inches of white fleah in the a spinster at a social gathering. Sir Henry. standing trunk. From this, handful There was a long pause, and then Joe—Because why? S m a ll C o in s N e w e r a n d B r ig h t e r . | Fred—She never bores one half to by handful, he squeezed the w ater Into the little fellow asked very earnestly: “Have you noticed the improved “Will you be my chum now?" So quality of the coins now in circula-i the bowl he had made In the top of death by talking abont old times. they swore eternal friendship on the tlon?" asked the trolley car conductor, the trunk, throwing the discarded palp on the ground. By this process he altar of Phil May’s memory. . as he pulled a handful of bright pen­ nies, nickels and dimes from bia pock­ secured two or three quarts of clear Cure lor B ack ach e. water, slightly salty and slightly bitter Randolph, Neb., May 30.—Cedar et for Inspection. to the taste, but of far better quality “It’s due to an effort on the part of Co. has seldom heard of a more wonder­ than some of the w ater a desert trav ­ ful case than th a t of Mrs. Lucy Nich- the government to put better money eler is occasionally compelled to use. olls of this place. For a long tjme into circulation by recalling the worn The Papago, dipping thia w ater np In Mrs. Nicholls suffered with very severe and shiny pieces from which the Im­ his hands, drank it with evident pleas­ pains in the back and almost instantly pression of the die has become effaced. ure and said th at hla people were ac­ these pains left her. She haa tried I’ve noticed for the paet two years a customed, not only to secure their doctors and everything, but nothing steady improvement in this respect drinking w ater In this way in times G enuine had helped her till she used Dodd’s All the banking Institutions now of extreme drouth, but th a t they used throw aside the coins that how decid­ Kidney Pills. She says: it also to mix their meal preparatory “ Dodd’s Kidney Pills did ms so ed traces of wear, and the treasury to cooking it into bread.—National much good I can’t tell, it was so won­ departm ent redeems these with new Geographical Magazine. derful. My back h u rt me all the time. ones. In England a soiled bank note I doctored and tried everything but did la unknown. The paper money la al­ R E B U F F WA8 C U T T IN G ONE. not feel any better. I thought my life ways new and crisp, being recalled was short on earth, but now I feel like before It becomes worn. It’s getting F it tin g R etort o f “ Mad P o e t" to an U ngentlemanljr R em ark. *4 a new person. I used one box of to be th a t way in this country with onr Many stories are told of McDonald M ust B ear Signatur« of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and I do not feel •mall coins.”—Philadelphia Record. Clarke, known fifty years ago In New the slightest ache or pain- I can turn York as the “mad poet,” which allow W h e r e A ja x W o u ld H a v e F a ile d . and twist any way without feeling it “T hat is Ajax defying the light­ th at he had a vein of great shrewd­ and I feel so proud of it I cannot hardly ness, such as is often possessed by express my gratitude to Dodd’s Kidney ning.” people who are counted insane. “Well,” answered the man with the Pills for what they have done for mo.” One day he was seated a t a table timorous manner, “there’s always a A mocroaeopic examination of a hair strong chance th a t lightning won’t hit In a New York hotel quietly eating will determine, with almost infallible anybody. If Uie same amount of elec­ his simple dinner when two young certainty, to what kind of animal it bo- tricity bad been a fte r him in the bat­ men took their seats a t the same table. FOR IIA B A C M L longed. ' . tery of an a u to m o b ile ^ don’t believe McDonald Clarke was a well-known FOR M ZZIIIISS. figure, and the young men a t once Piao’s Cure is a good cou cough gh m edicine. Ajax would have been ao'courageous.” FRO B IU 0R SIESS. recognized him, though be did not Donai a n d colds fo r fo rty —Tlt-Bita. I t haa cured congha FOR TRRFI» LIVE*. years. A t druggists, 25 cents. know them. FOR CONSTIPATION. They were not gentlemen In the best tobacco ! UPUOR-MORPHINE-TD For hoisting from the 1,520 foot level FOR SALLOW S U I. sense of the word, and it occurred lycured I HANTS PERMANENTLY of the Kimberly diamond mine forty w— row TOLL MKDCUUMU to them th at they might have some FOR TMECOMPLCXIOI aeconds is required. a u sport with the poor poet Conse­ PITA Permanently oursa. wo ntaor httwi W quently one of them said In an un­ I MU after Srst day'suae oiDr. Kline's Ursat Nsrre L e a r n l n i l a O k la h o m a . necessarily clear tone: Restorer. Send for F ree S 3 trial bottle and traaUaa. C U R E S IC K H E A D A C H E . Oklahoma baa seven educational in­ Dr. K. H. Kline. Ltd..#*.* Arch 81. Philadelphia. Fla “I have seen almost everything and stitutions of higher learning under con­ everybody in New York except Mc­ The Greeks had a female deity trol of the Territory, and many schools Donald Clarke. I have a great ad­ -II named Hyglela. whose duty It was, and colleges under the supervision of mirations for - hla poems, and I would when properly propitiated, to keep the religions denominations. - The State give a great deal to see the man.” WONDERFUL babies well; when she neglected her haa more than 250,000 children of When he passed the mad poet HOME > business, however, the deficiency was school age, and 8,000 young men and leaned forward and said with evident TREATM ENT sometimes remedied by Medltrina, who women in the Institutions of higher gratification: T h is w on d « rf« l c h i- learning. restored the health of the little ones. “Sir, I am McDonald Clarke, whom km d o c to r la called , r r * t be c a use h a c o re s you say you wish to see.” people w ith o u t o p e ra ­ tion t h a t a rc p r w o p The young man stared a t him with to die, H o c u res w ith much rudeness for* a m om ent and (b o ss w o nderful Chi* neee b a rb s, roots, bods, then drawing a quarter from his b a rk s a n a T re e ta b le s th a t a re e n tire ly no- pocket be laid it on the poet’s plate, k n o w n to m edical set- saying, “T hat’s for the sight!” ro c s Is th is eo i s t r y . T h ro u g h th e use o f (boss le s s re m e d ie s th is fa m n n t doctor Clarke looked at the coin for an in­ k n o w s h th a rm e a ctio n o f o r e r 100 d iffe re n t re m ­ edies, w hich b e su c c e ssfu lly ossa in d iffere n t s ta n t and then placing it in his pocket, a se » H e g u a ra n te e s to c o re c a tta rh , a s th ­ he took ont a “York shilling,’’ 12% d m ise a. lung, th ro a t, rh e u m a tis m , nervousness, sto m ac h , liver, k id n e y s, e tc .; h a s h u n d re d s of cents. This he handed to the yonng te s tim o n ia ls C h a rg es m o d erate. C all a n d ()oo D rops see h im . P a tie n ts Out o f th o c ity w rite for man. saying gravely, “Children half For Infanta and Children. b la n k s a n d c irc u la rs. S end stam p . C O N SU L ­ iiiriiiiii.tt.Siin.ii.iiuuuniuuiiuiinHUiHMmuiiMiiuu.ttmm.uiitiiuiitii^ltiUtH price.” T A T IO N VRKK. A D D K K S h Ayers Blood Medicine. H a ir V ig o r t G ray H air in ABSOLUTE SECURITY. 'Young women may avoid much sickness and pain, says Miss Alma P ratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E Piokham’s Vegetable Compound. Judging from th e letters she (a receiving from ao many young girls, Mrs. Pinkham believes th a t our girls are often pushed altogether too near the lim it of their endurance now­ adays in our public schools and semin­ aries. Nothing is allowed to interfere w ith studies, the g irl m ust be pushed to the front And graduated w ith h o n o r; often physical collapse follows, and it takes years to recover the lost vitality, — often it is never recovered. Mias P ra tt eaym,— “ D m M bs . P i n k h a m : — I feel it my duty to tell all young women how much L y d ia E . P i n k l i a m ’s won­ derful V e g e ta b le C om pound has done for me. I was completely run­ down, unable to attend achool, and did not care for any kind of society, but now I feel like a new person, ana have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. “ I ; recommend - it to all young women who suffer from female weak­ ness." — Mias A l m a P r a t t , Holly, Mich. — $9 0 0 0 f o r fa it I f origin al o f aboot W E W AHT AGENTS $150 and np per month to ener­ getic represen­ tatives in every city and town town in Oregon Washington and Idaho. Dignified, hon­ orable, permanent and immensely profit- ■ able employment a t home or on the road ; something new ; send stamp or call a t office for details. OPPORTUNITY Carter’s Little Liver Pills. I CARTERS Dr. C. Gee Wo CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE CO. 129 Seventh Street, B Portland, Oregon U Y ÄVegefabk Preparation For A s­ sim ila ting foe Food andBe*»da­ ting foe Stomachs and Bowels of I m a n i s / ( h i i i ) k i ; n P rom otes D igestion.C heerful- n e ss and Rest .Con tai ns neither Opfum.Morphine nor M ineral. N o t N a r c o t ic . P R O M Y O U R D E A L E R HOOD RIVER Straw berries «