NEWBERQ QRAPHiC. nal republican victory. The more complete all along the line the Zatored a i Mcond-fllaw mattar at the poi to flic« better. Admit no subterfuge or at Newberg, uregou. deception, through the déclara* IS S U E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y M O R N IN G tion that, as Oregon w ill v o te for Roosevelt in Novem ber a n y w a y , B. N. WOODWARD. I it can make no difference whether W. C. WOODWARD. - the June electionvyields a republi­ can trium ph o r not. I t w ill make every difference. Hence the need o f a foil v o te and a foil repub­ TH U R SD A Y , JU NE a, 1904 . lican vic to ry in June.—Oregonian. $1.00 Per Year to Advance. A v o te for T o p i Scroggin o f Sheridan fo r sheriff is a v o te fo r a clever and competent official. The political quarry is nearly run dow n and it only remains t o see w h o gets in a t the killin’ . W ith this issue the official publication day o f the Graphic is changed from F rid a y to Thurs­ day o f each week. Loe seen, but everywhere is The lo w in g o f the herds pre-, grass. The onlv thing now sented quite a contrast t o prune-' which seems to be feared is raising. blackleg, caused by the cattle D akota, ; as well as other fattening to o suddenly. Next week they will vaccinate against this dread disease and dehorn the calves. H o w do I enjoy ray visit? Fine! The country is so quiet and free trom care, with no danger of an afternoon's nap be­ ing spoiled by callers. I will re­ turn to McKenzie the middle of June for a short visit, and then journey on to Io w a and visit among the scenes of my girlhood. M aria H. B owerman . Moyersville, N. D., M ay 27,1904. F or a Hundred Rears. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has been recognized as a superior remedy, "but it re­ mained for E. C. De*Witt & Co. of Chicago, todiscover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics, in the form of a salve. D eW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises aud piles. The high standing o f this salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look for the name *'D eW itt” on the package, and accept no other. Sold by F. H. Caldwell and Co. Thrown From a W agon. Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and severely- bruised. He applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balln freely aud says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is noth- ' ing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and braises. It will effect a cure in one-third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by* C. F .Moore & Co. A small b o y wttAcalled t o v ie w his new born baby brother. H e looked him over w ith dissatis­ faction, and finally asked, “ M a m ­ ma, where did this thing com e from ?” “ An angle brought him Jimmie.” “ Huh! w as you a w a k e when he came?” “ C ertainly, Jimmie.” “ Well, mamma, all I ’ve g o t t o say is th a t you are- dead easy. I ’d like to see a n y old angel put o ff any such a looking thing as th at on me. I s’pose w e ’re stuck, unless I can w ork Johnny Jones arid trade it sight unseen for one o f his pups.’ * P A U L B R U N ZE L & SON, DEALERS IN., Fat Cattle, Mutton, ________ Pork, Veal, etc. Eggs, Chickens and General Butchers' Products Bought for G ish. j * > A/A/JV S T R E E T . (« F O U R D O O R S N O R T H O F G L E N HOTEL, SPRING TIM E IS COMING, G E N TLE A N N IE !” 4 - - j Just the time when you want to consign that old Carpet to the juuk pile and buy a uew oue. A new set of chairs wouid help the apj>ear- ance o f the home, too. W e have them. Good ones, too, at correct prices. Hollingsworth & Cooper, . THE HOUSE FURNISHERS. S T t/D E B A K E R . . W A G O N S J l NL> B U G G I E S ARE THE STANDARD. Studebaker W agons. Studebaker Buggies. R ock Island Plow s. F O R . . Poultry Supplies. M ill reed , H ay, A ll K inds of Grass and Garden Seeds. S A I j E eea oiore. IPppfl S t O TP j* B Y ANDREW HCKETT proprietor . The Newberg Steam Laundry. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. A. N. PRESSNALL, Manager. The N ew berg Hotel. KAST FIRST STREET M US W . A. C A M P B E L L . ProprletreM). New Management. : Good Accommodations Rates $1 per day and np *