» # _ ‘ .1 . \ I i* ■if- \ •• —- . . ;i s . . m : ’■7 ml ■ GRAPHIC. HO. 29. R E P U B L IC A N S BALLT. -, C o n g re ssm a n H e rm a n n an d Sen­ a to r F u lto n A d d re ss B i g N e w b e rg A u d ien ce. A lo n g abou t five o ’clock last T h u rsd a y evening, N ew berg’s fa c to r y whistles opened up a ■“ h o t a ir ” bom bardm ent which struck terror t o the uninitiated, w h o feared th a t the fire fiend w a s g ettin g busy somewhere a b ou t. Th ey did indicate th a t th in gs were beginning to sizz fro m a political standpoint, for they’ signalized the a rriva l o f Congressm an Binger Hermann. I t w as his first visit here, and if there is anything in a r ig fit qoisy welcom e, he’ll w a n t tp com e a ga in . A ll Newbergers _ were Herm ann men and extended the g la d hand to the guest o f honor. A little later, the evening train a rrived , when Senator F u lto n ’s fa m ilia r figure w a s seen on the street. The presence o f both a United States senator and a con­ gressm an a t the same time made a n "e v e n t” in N ew berg which w a s considered n otew orth y. The speakers could n ot have ' asked anyth in g better in the w a y o f an audience than th a t which packed C rater’s hall in the even­ in g . A ll floor space w as occu­ pied and more w as in demand. M r. Hermann made the prin­ cip al address o f the evening. He firs t g a v e a hearty greeting t o old friends and highly com pli­ m ented N ew berg on its beautiful location , its splendid schools, a n d hazarded the opinion th a t no to w n in the state five times its size has such manufacturing industries. N o room fo r argu­ m ent here, and M r. Hermann proceeded. A tten tion w as first given to the national aspect o f the com ing «electKin. A big m a jo rity on June <5 means much for the national •election, and w e o w e it t o Roose­ velt tor the splendid w a y in which he has supported the L ew is and Clark fair, which is to be the harbinger o f a new era o f prosperity for the northwest. The adm inistration w as com ­ mended for its attitu de on the tru s t question, capital and labor problem s, the Isthm ian canal, th e policy o f protection and finance; for its policy relative to th e increase o f the navy, liber­ a lity t o the old veterans and its In itia tiv e in the m atter of n a tion al roadm aking. As t o his ow n personal record, M r. Hermann made quick w ork o f his defamers. He to o k up such charges as have appeared fro m tim e t o time, refuted* them in turn and branded them as m alicious and cow ardly. His vin dication w as complete in the m inds o f his hearers, w h o g a ve him the closest attention. Recurring again t o national issues, the congressman surveyed the history o f the t w o parties and advised his -auditors t o ex­ amine the books and v o te ac­ cordingly. Never has there been such universal prosperity as a t th e present time. He^losed w ith a stirrin g appeal in behalf o f Th eod ore Roosevelt and repub­ lican policies. M r. Hermann covered the po­ litical field carefully and compre­ 1 hensively, and made a good impression. He w as heartily re­ ceived, and w ill roll up a good m a jo rity in this section. Senator Fulton follow ed him briefly, heartily commending M r. H erm ann’s record. He, too» I made an appeal in behali o f R oosevelt on account o f his in­ valuable services in fa v o r o f the L ew is and Clark Centennial. H e spoke a g o o d w o rd /or the county ticket, and especially lor M r. Miles, w h o is finding some opposition on account o f the lo g g in g bill he attem pted t o get passed in the last session o f the legislature. M r. Fulton declared the measure t o be a fair and m eritorious one. P A C IF IC CO IN T E R -S T A T E E W IN S ONTEMT. O ra to r W a lt e r R . 'Miles E asily D e fe a t* C a lifo r n ia and W a s h ­ in gton S p e a k e rs — W ill N ext O o to In d ia u a p a U *- Pacific College w on one o f the m ost signal victories in its his­ to ry, when on la st Friday even­ ing, in the White Temple at Portlan d, its representa­ tive, nineteen-year-oW W alter R. Miles, w on the second annual western inter-state oratorical contest ot the Inter-collegiate F lu e T eam Sold. Proh ibition Association. This J. A. Jones, o f Springbrook, means a vic to ry over all thp col­ Oregon, has sold his team o f leges and universities o f the t w o three-year old geldings, Ravin C alifornia leagues,; including the Jones and D dctor Jones, t o G. W . U niversity o f Southern C al­ L o g g ie, president ot the W h a t­ ifornia, Stanford University, com M ill Co., Bellingham, Wash. Berkeley, numerous colleges, and These colts stand 15.2Vn and the institutions o f Western Wash* w eigh 1050 each, and are nearly ington, including the State Uni­ full brothers, being sired b y C a p t. versity, t o say nothing o f the six Jones, son o f M cKinney. The colleges and universities Tn the dam o f Ravin is Rosa Lee, by Oregon league. In other words, Malheur; second dam Tempest, Pacific College stands in the by Mazeppa. The dam o f D octor fron t rank o f the Pacific C oast Jones is Tempest, by Mazeppa. institutions in oratory. A ll this The youngsters look alike, are considered, it is n ot to be w on ­ w ell mannered and one o f the dered at, the demonstration made handsomest teams th a t ever left by the N ew berg delegation, fo rty the state. strong, when the .decision w as M r. L o g g ie w anted something announced or the fact th at Prof. g o o d and he certainly found it in K elsey’s hat w en t soaring up on this team, for which he paid an exploration tour into the $800 and refused a g o o d profit dome of the W hite Temple. on his investment before the colts The vic to ry w as clear cut and were shipped.—Rural Spirit. decisive. M iles received four firsts and led his nearest com­ T h e A u d ie n c e W a s Pleased . p etitor w ith five .points, an un­ M r. J. W . Cook, the m ovin g common m argin. T>n delivery picture expert, w h o has exhibited he g o t three straight firsts, M r. in B row n sville oq t w o ’ lorm er White, also o f Oregon, ranking occasions, closed a t w o n igh t’s second. B azata o f L o s Angeles, engagem ent a t the opera house heralded as a second Webster, Saturday night. M r. C ook is received on delivery one second, continually adding the latest a fourth and one last~place. creations in m ovin g pictures to There was no m istaking the his extensive collection and thus decision o f the audience in the is enabled to g ive the public the m atter. F ou r times in the best there is going. His ou tfit course o f M iles’ oration his represents several thousand dol­ auditors were stirred to w ild lars ou tlay and his collection so outbreaks o f applause, and when large that he is enabled t o make he referred t o "editorials being t w o nights stand and still g ive knocked dow n to the highest t w o hours o f splendid entertain­ bidder,” the local application ment. As heretofore the people w as so appreciated . th a t the o f B row nsville were w ell pleased large building echoed and re­ w ith the splendid entertainments echoed w ith applause. Such afforded them by M r. C ook.—The fervor reacted upon the young B row nsville Times. orator, and he fairly outdid him­ self. WThen he closed his appeal N otice to Voters. he received a tremendous ovation. Six years a g o there were t w o According t o the decision o f circuit judges to elect, and the the judges, the institutions repre­ republican candidates were Geo. sented ranked as follows: Pacific H . Burnett and H . H. H ew itt. College, Newberg; Occidental M an y voters did n ot understand College, L o s Angeles; Seattle th at7they were to v o te for t w o , Seminary, Philom ath College, and in consequence o f the mis­ Stanford University. Th e w in­ take Judge H e w itt w as defeated. ner received a prize > o f one hun­ A gain this year there are t w o dred dollars, w ith which he w ill judges t o elect, and the republi­ defray his expenses to Indian­ can nominees are George H. Bur­ apolis, where, on June 28, he will nett and B. L . Eddv. V ote for represent the Pacific C oast in the both . , national inter-state contest’. E xcursion R a te s to Y a q u iu n B a y N ew berg has an enviable record in prohibition oratorical contest On June 1st. the Southern w ork. In the three years since it Pacific Co. w ill resume sale o f has been organized on the coast, excursion tickets to N ew port Pacific College has w on t w o o f and Yaquina B ay. B oth season the state contests and received and Satu rday-to-M onday tickets second place in the third. The victo ry in the inter-state comes w ill be sold. This popular resort as a fittin g climax. is grooving in fa vo r each year, Such signal success is due hotel rates are reasonable and largely to the enthusiastic w ork the opportunities for fishing, ol Prof. R. W . Kelsey, w h o fo if hunting and sea bathing are three years had charge o f the unexcelled b y am- other r e « > r t W o n c a l f i t m e n t o fth e c o l- . . J j, - ; lege, and w ho, though not now on the I acme Coast. directly connected 'w ith the in- W . E. C o m a n , stitution, trained W alter Miles General Passenger Agent, fo r F rid a y night’s victory. When — :---- m ------- * , he arrived here the college was F o r sale, t w o big w ork teams, decidedly dow n a t the neel in w a g on and harness; also a disc this line o f work, but he w on the p lo w fiot sale or trade. D. J. Gil- first state contest, and since that oert.« " time no college or university in Ü__ ! .. » „ the state has w on so many C ertain ly the Lim it. oratorical victories. A bility, Smith—Isn’t Green a cold- energy and unquenchable en­ blo.oded sort o f chap? thusiasm have characterized his B row n—T h a t’s w hat. H a ve w ork . As he goes to a new field in Southern California, m ay his you heard the latest about him? m antle fall on other shoulders Smith—Don’t know. . W h at is here. it? The fo llo w in g is the program B row n —They say a m osquito o f the evening: Male Q u artet....... ................................ ........... bit him and the p o or thing died In vocation..............- . . . . Rev. A. Beers, Seattle o f pneumonia a few seconds later. Introduction.......... : ................................ ... t -* r - Alfred C. Mllllcan. National Traveling .Secretary oi the I. P. A. Oration. . ...................... "The Call of the Day" W illiam if. Boddr, Seattle Seminary. Oration.* ....^ ..... ••Weighed In the Balances" Herbert F. White. Philomath College. Oration ............ "Patriotism apd Prohibition" Charles F. Bazata, Occidental College, Eos Angeles. Vocal Duet...... .....M isses Lytle and McKenzie Oration........................ "T h e Ultimate Reform” Miss Mary F. Balcomb. 1.eland Stanford Jr. University. Oration............... “ Sacrifice, the Victory Spirit" Walter R. Miles. Pacific College. Male Quartet................................................ .;. Presentation of Prizes...... ............ H. W. Stone. P o rtla n d and R etu rn $ 105 . T riu m p h s o f M o d ern S u rgery. Wonderful things are done for the human body by surgery. Organs lire taken out aud scraped and polished and .put back, or tjiey may be removed entirely; bones are spliced ; pipes take the place of diseased sections of veius; antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, • Only bruises, burns aud like injuries be­ fore inflammation sets in which The Southern Pacific Co. is n ow selling round trip tickets to P ortlan d from N ew berg for $1.05, g o o d g o in g Saturday p. m. o r any train o f Sunday, return­ in g Sunday o r M onday, g iv ­ in g all day Sunday and M on ­ day in Portland. .The same arrangem ent applies from P o r t­ land, g iv in g all Portland people a chance to visit va llev points a t g rea tly reduced rates, causes them to heal without matur­ ation and in one-third the time required by the old treatment. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering which such injuries entail. Before purchasing you r spring hat, see P o rter & Larkin. 13 For sale by C- F. Moore & Co. BE C O N V IN C E D That A. R. MOOMAW & SON are selling Buggies» W agons and Farm Implements A T PO RTLAND PRICES. W e also wish to call y ou r special a tten tion to our S Y R A C U S E P L O W S , both in Steel and Chilled. W e guarantee them superior t o any other p lo w on the m arket. * W e also have the S H A R P L E S S C R E A M S E P A R A T O R , which has no equal. Harness» Paints» Oils and General Hardware* A. R. M OOM AW & SON. Does Experience A L W A Y S Count? "F o r by their fruits ye shall know them." W e do not claim to have had many years’ experience at watchmaking, but We CAN FIX a watch and FIX IT THE FIRST TIME. Jewelers and Opticians NEWBERG ORE,