Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 27, 1904, Image 7

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To Itself
L i what it la and what it does— con­
taining the beet blood- purifying,
alterative and tonio substances and
effecting' the most radical and per­
manent cures o f all humors and all
eruptions, relieving weak, tired,
languid feelings, and building up
the whole system— is true only o f
H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla
N o other medicine acts like it ;
no other medicine has done so
much real, substantial good, no
other medicine has restored health
and strength at so little oost.
“ I wee troubled with eerofule and ««"»«
near losing my eyesight For four months I
eould net see to do anything. - After taking
two bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla l eould see
to walk, and when I had taken eight bottles 1
eould see as well as ever.” - Susie A
tom . Withers. N. a
H ood’s S a rsa p a rilla p rom lass to
•ura an d ksspo th a promts#.
M«a have e score scut* sate* ef Basil
than aromen.
rightly named, because it purifies the
blood and tones up the body.
A Selfish Youth.
He—Although you are engaged to me,
yon don’t treat me a bit better than you
do Dick.
She— How selfish you are! I’m • en-
eaced to him. too.
A speed of 40,000 words an hoar was
reached in a recent test of the Poliak
sad Virag system of telegraphy between
Berlin and Frankfort. Germany,
out of an attack««
£ N e u r a le r ia
R efu sed to
A Frenchman went to a brother
member o f his lodge and said to him:
“ What does a polar bear do?”
The brother answered:
“ What does s polar bear do? Why;
ha sits on the tea.”
“ Sits w aaa Ice?"
“ Yea.” said the brother, “ there Is
nothing else to ait on.”
“ Veil, vat he do, too?"
"W hat does he also do? Why, he
eats fish.”
"Bat fish—sits on see Ice and eats
fish. Then I not accept”
“ You don’t accept? What do ypu
“Oh, non, non. I does not accept.
I was appointed to act as polar bear
to see funeral.”
Mount Pleasant, Utah, May 23.— To
find a medicine that will cure every ail­
ment due to diseased or disordered Kid­
neys has been the aim of many physi­
cians and chemists.
Mr. C. E. Peterson, a farmer of this
place says he has found such a remedy
and that he has tried it with success in
his own case. Mr. Peterson says the
remedy is Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a medi­
cine introduced here about seven
months ago.
“ I am glad to be allowed to testify to
what good things Dodd’s Kidney Pills
have done for me. I used this remedy
for Kidney trouble and it cured me
“ I can heartily recommend Dodd’s
Kidney Pills to all who suffer with
any kind of Kidney tionble.”
Mr. Peterson’s case is only one of
many jnst as convincing that have been
reported recently.' This new remedy
seems to have conquered Rheumatism
completely, not a single case having
been reported where Dodd’s Kidney
Pills have failed to cure peifectly and
Mothers will find Mrs. Windows's Soothing
Syrup the beet remedy t* uae lor their ohlldrsn
during the teething period..
Young girl* In Greece sad Italy w#r-
ehiped Diana until they were ef age,
when they dedicated their girdles te her
by hanging them up in her tempi* or
grove, and turned to Aphrodite.
plies t il these, con ta in in g
ss it does ingredients fo r
. . ..
. ., , ,
the purification o f the blood
and also w a ll-k n ow n ton ic
m .V ini* i t th*
properties, m ak in g it the
ideal rem edy in cases w here
t h . t>lood t o . d - . . r i o r . t , d ,
the stom ach disordered and
annAtit* h a s failorl
appetite has failed .
S. S . S. being a purely
vegetable com pound, leaves **
i la WUHIkA.
no bad after-effects, like the strong potash and mineral remedies, which
are bad on the stomach and nerves. A course o f S . S . S . now w ill
fortify tha system, and the impurities that have accumulated through
the long winter months are more readily and prom ptly thrown off,and
the warm weather finds you in good physical condition, instead o f
. w eak, run-down, tired and debilitated, with no appetite or energy, as
is apt to be tha case where tha system is neglected and nature toft to
take care o f herself. I f you need a tonic and appetiser, you w ill
find S , S. S . the beat. M edical advice without charge to all w ho write us
about their
' '
i - .
• W -
-T b« beat eoaob medido« money «to bar
le Aver*« Ch«rryPectoral. Vor th« eonRh« of
«hÜdroo nothing eould no-.tbly be b«tt*r.” .
J a co b B h u l l , Borotogo. Iod.
j . c. ato * co„
Sc.. Me., fl-Ml
A n d rst«.
f o r — fta h
Throat, Lungs
Ayer’s Pills greatly aid th e Charry
P ectoral In break ing u p 8 c o ld .
Water and bread maintain life; pure
air- and sunshine are indispensable to
health; and do not worry.
Piso s Cur* fc a remedy for coughs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 oents,
St druggists.
Th* services of no leas than forty-
three goda and goddesses were seeded to
raise a Roman child.
Deafness Cannot Be Cared
U n d e o f N ich olás Credited w ith A m ­
b ition s and Treasonable D esigns.
Grand Duke Vladimir, and* o f the
present Czar, has always been credit­
ed with ambitions designs upon the
Russian throne. The relations between
him and the. late Alexander III, his
brother, were not cordial and it is as­
serted that on two occasions Vladimir
was Involved In revolutionary move­
ments which alined to place the latter
on the throne. During the last weeks
ef Alexander’s life, while the Emper-
er lay dying at Uvsdta, in tha Crimea,
military precautions wers taken, says
a writer in Munaey’s Magazine, to pre­
vent Vladimir from seizing the throng
From the dying Czar General Meus-
alne-Peuchklna, commanding the Sev­
enth and Eighth Army Corps, received
instructions how to act in the event
e f Vladimir attempting to seize the
reins e f power.
A few days before the end, the dy­
ing Gear telegraphed for his brother-
F ate o f a Jewel.
Wife—I discharged the cook to-day.
Husband— Why, I thought you said
not long ago that she was a perfect
Wife— Yea, but jewels, you know, are
more ornamental than useful.
that X seal la batter physical condition than I
have la years. X aaayjadraant there Is no better
toalo aad blood n i d n on th* market than year
preparation, and X unhesitatingly recommend lt
A T ». .
up a c o ld in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prevents
pnetimonla. Physicians ad*
vise parents to keep it on hand.
I h iY i i I w r y i b n n tTfirit to
a ttatimo-
•»1F do so aowbsoaaa# o f a dssir* to
bare other* benefited by tbs ns* of y o u most
excellent medicine. Before using 0. a. 8. ibis
Spring I very mu oh felt tb* need of a tonio; was
troubled with Dyspepsia and Constipation, aad
blood was la had ooodltlon. Tbs us* o f your
* pools* has driven away all indications o f Dys-
■ ■' * -i • ‘
Is te es*
It increases the appetite, tones up the
stomash, invigorates and strengthens the
the up-
system, and furnishes purer and better blood tor tl
building o f the run-down constitution. Y ou w ill find no tonic
to act so prom ptly and beneficially where tha health has given
way, the strength ever-taxed by hard w ork and close confinement.
Thoae living in the low , marshy sections o f tha country, exposed to
miasmatic poisons and breathing tha impure air arising from stagnant
pools and swamps, till their
Cantea, Ohis, A u . 0,1008.
sen: 8 .8 .8 . is a rood mediólas. Ik ee*
systems are filled with ma­
la th# bous* all tho whlls. X* la aa «assllsat
laria and their health under­ lt
te alo te eive strength te the ayate as aad teme So
mined, w ill find S. S. S. a all th* srgaas. It atoes appetlte aad saergy aad
asakss ©a* fhelbetter la avery way. X la v e ¿ornad
most excellent tonic, and its 1«
aleo aa szosXleat bleed parlAer. Fez aaoatba X
timely use has many times was treubled wlth aa ltohlag skla sraptloa *a
«bes, aad X triad opeolallsts aad asaay reme­
prevented the serious com ­ the
dies te get a «ture, bat 0 .0 .0 . le tbe enly setilnlns
plications that so o fte n tbat seemed te relieve. I a a asw eeaeparativsly
trae a f tbla aruptloa. I tblak a great deal e f yoar
result from malaria.
medicine, believine tt te be the beet bleed parlfisr
G ood blood, good appe­ aad tenlo kaown te tb ew orld te-day
tite and good digestion are
1000 B. Bevsatbst.
the foundation gjones o f
good health. S. S. S. sup-
You can hardly find a home
without its A y e r 's C h e r r y
Pectoral. Parents know whit
it,does for children: breaks
O dd Thing* Abotft the 'Possum.
The American opossum is one o f the
most cartons animals living in the
United States. It is the only one that
carries its young in av pouch, ilk* the
kangaroo. It is the only animal that
can feign death perfectly. It is' re­
markable for hanging by its tall like
a monkey. It has hands resembling
those o f a human being. Its snout is
like a hog’s, while its mouth is liber­
ally furnished with teeth. Its eyes are
like a vat’s and it hisses like a snake.
The pearl oyster is, strictly speaking,,
a mussel. The fine pearle are caused by
incrustation around a parasitic worm.
S t Jacobs Oil
in-law, tho Prince of Wales, whom be
knew to be a man of excellent coun­
sel, sad a useful friend to bars on th*
spot at a critical moment Th* prince,
although b* had scan comparatively
little 0 t Alexander «Inca th* latter's
ascssatoa to th* Russian throne, left
London within a few hours of receiv­
ing tbs
summons .and
straight across Europe by special
train. without stopping anywhere, un­
til ha reached Lfvadla. H* arrived a
few hours too lets to ss* Alexander
alive, but was in time to assist in th*
proclamation of th* Czarevitch Nicho­
las as Emperor e f Russia. Th* Prince
of Wales, b o w King Edward, remain­
ed with hla nephew for nearly two
msaths, acting as the young C u r's
supporter and mentor—indeed, on*
might almost say as a second father.
H s did not return to England until he
had seen Nicholas safely married and
firmly established on tha throna.
Neither Nicholas nor hla mother has
aver fergottsa their debt of gratitude
to King Bdward. It was this mam-
ary that eanosd tb* Bmperer to keep
Russia from harrasslag England dur-
Jag toe loath Afrlcaa war. As soon
as It b sea ms evident that th* Boar
attack had placed the British fores*
la a position c f serious embarrass­
ment. the aggressive element 1^ Bua-
slaa military aad official cl rales was
eager to take advantage o f th* oppor-
tuatty. The Musoovits pr ess, too, was
alaasaaous to Its bitterness; hut th*
Oaar was steadfast In hla opposition
to any suggestion of unfriendly action.
Ha rebuked hla minister o f foreign
by local application« as they cannot reach th*
diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one
way to care dearness, sad that is by constitu­
tional rsmedles. Deafness la caused by an in­
flamed condition of the muoons lining of tha
Kustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
yon hove s rumbling sou nd or Imperfect hear­
ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness la­
the result, and unless the inflammation eon be
token out and this tube restored to Its normal
ltlon, hearing will be destroyed forever;
eeaea out of ten are esused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the-mnoons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
esao of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. Bend lot
circulars, free.
y. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. .
Sold by Druggists, 76 c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
affaire, the lata Count Muravleff, for
hie endeavor to organize jk coalition
against Great Britain, eo bitterly that
the itateaman committed suicide a
few hours after a stormy interview
with hla sovereign.
Thia attitude of Vladimir la Inter-
eating now in view o f the present war
and the naval disasters which have so
greatly shocked and surprised the Rus­
sian people. Should Russia be defeat­
Keeps on Talking.
ed in the struggle and be forced to
’’Does that barber across th*
conclude a peace offensive to popular shot np on Sunday?” aaked the
pride, there la no telling what internal ger within the gates
disturbance might occur. In the event
"Oh, no,” repjlied the landlord
o f such disorders Vladimir might have village inn, "be merely doses his
the' ambition of his life granted.
of the
O N E W O M A N ’ S D E V O T IO N ,
T exas W ife 's L s y s lty to H er Dead H us­
band’s M em ory.
A a Indianapolis young
whose winters are spent in Texas,
where her father has thousands o f cat­
tle and acres o f grass to feed them on,
always brings North her -a fund o f in­
teresting stories from the Lone Star
“ Tbe greatest case of woman’s de­
votion to the memory o f a dead hus­
band I know of,” mid she, “ is to be
found on a big ranch in the foothills
of the Sierra Madre Mountains. She
la a sweet-faced English woman who
is living a life o f sacrifice away from
her friends because her husband lies
buried to that country. Captain Fol-
lett and wife came to Texae from En­
gland and settled on a big ranch. The
captain was successful and made
money. Hla wife, a refined and cul­
tured woman, endured the early priva­
tions because ahe waa with her hus­
band and because be waa doing well.
After years o f bard work, when they
had gathered about them great droves
o f cattle and had built themselves a
luxurious boms, th* hnsband was
taken suddenly ill and died. Hla wife,
Instead o f having him buried in a
cemetery, had him laid in the ground
in th* yard in front o f their home.
Th# little mound that marks hla rest­
ing place Is still there. Friends came
to the assistance of the wife and gave
her advice and all the assistance that
gsnsrona Texans can giys.
“ At length sh* settled down to liv­
ing again absolutely alon# and unpro­
tected. She keeps no help on the
ranch, aa non* is needed except wnen
It is necessary to brand her cattle or
when they are taken to market On
these occasions ahe calls in the neigh­
bors. But ah* baa no one living In the
bouse with her, and prefers to be alone
with her dead— lying there in the yard.
Her bom* is furnlihed luxuriously.
8b* has a piano and her library and
her magazines. People visiting her
bom* could scarcely believe from the
Interior that they were in the very
heart of tbe cattle country, far from
civilization. She plays the piano ex­
quisitely, and all of the beet class of
mualc finds Its way into her ranch
bouse. People peering tbat way late
at night ere often astonished to bear
th* sound of a piano played by expert
hands coming from the house.”— In­
dianapolis Journal.
Miss Hapgood fells how she
escaped an awful operation by
using Lydia E Pinkham’s Vege­
table Compound.
“ D ear M bs . P utkham : — I suffered
for four years with what the doctors
called Salpingitis (inflammation o f tha
fallopian tubes and ovaritis), which is
s most distressing and painful ailment,
affecting all the surrounding parts,
undermining the constitution, and sap­
ping the life forces. If you had seen
me a year ago, before I began taking
L y d ia E . P in k h a m ’ s V e g e t a b le
C o m p o u n d , and had noticed the
sunken eyes, sallow complexion, and
general emaciated condition, and com­
pared that person with me aa I am to­
day, robust, hearty and well, you
would not wonder that I feel thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine,
which restored me to new life and
health in five months, and saved me
from an awful operation.”— Mies I bbse
H afoood , 1022 Sandwich S t Windsor,
Ont. — $6000 forftft If orlglrml i f atom/«ter
proving genuineness cautnot be produced»
Ovaritis or inflammation o f th*
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin
th* ovaries may result from sudden
stopping o f the monthly flow, from
inflammation o f the Womb, and many
other causes. The slightest indication
o f trouble with the ovaries, indicated
by dull throbbing pain in the ride, ac­
companied by heat and shooting pains,
should claim your instant attention.
It will not cure itself, and a hospital
operation, witn all its terror*, may
easily result from neglect.
$150 and np,per
month to ener­
getic represen­
tatives in every
city and town
town in Oregon
Washington and Idaho. Dignified, hon­
orable, permanent and immensely profit­
Cologne’s First Railway.
able employment at home or on the
In 1878 s Belgian company con­ road ; something new ; send stamp or
structed th* first street railway to tb* call at office for details.
city of Cologne, Germany, and th*
road became th* property o f the city 129 Seventh Street,
Portland, Oregon
in 1887. _____________________
Italian Bass.
Italian bees ar*' better than black
ones, aa they are better
are more easily controlled.
- -
■ • t.-J S Ü