-, - i m V > — 1 \ = ad work? I f bead purses agon and set P. E lliott, wn. Clemenson a,nd fam ily o f P ortla n d visited N ew berg rela- >ver Sunday. ion on alt hats A LOT OF THE OLD RELIABLE G oats to sell, o r trade for fo r ten days encing F rid ay horses o r cows. Fred W erth, t w o M a y 27, a t H i s Sisters, miles southeast o f N ew berg. 2t Mrs. Ellen 1 s o f Willamina This line of goods needs no word of praise to the old-time resi­ M r. and Mrs. A. H. G aunt and returned home nesday even- dent, but ty the fanner who has recently located in our midst, let son W aiter, o t M cM innville, in g after vi* few days w ith us tell you a fact. Thore were more Oliver Chilled and Steel visited w ith D. H . Turner and N ew berg relatii Goods sold oo this coast last season than all other makes com­ fam ily Sunday. bined. The members '¿of the Friends F o r the sweet g irl graduate, church, w ith many others w ho ^The only full stock of grass and garden seeds w h a t cotffd be daintier than one attend the services of the church, kept in town. Yes! we sell barbed wire, hop o f those white hats a t H ortons? held a very pleasant social Tues­ wire and woven fencing at right prices. All And the prices are so reasonable. day evening. kinds of feed, land plaster, at carload rates. FREE D ELIVER Y. B O T H PH O N E S. C. B. Wilson has purchased J- On last Saturday evening M r. A. Hughes’ confectionery store and Mrs. E. S. Craven enter­ and bakery o f which he has taken tained a t their pleasant home charge. He is having ice cream north o f to w n the Senior class ot parlors fitted up in the rear o f j the college, some of the Seniors’ the store room. friends and a tew members o f the F. E. Vestal has sold out his faculty. Don’t forget. Saturday is bar*; OR. CEO. LARKIN, groceries to Henry Ehret and Mrs. S L . Hanson went dow n gain day at Hortons. having purchased R. M . M c­ t o Portlan d Saturday for a visit Mrs. J. K . B lair has been very j K ern ’s barber shop w ill resume w ith her sister IVlrs. Jay C ook from j w ork a t his old trade. R. M. and fam ily. M r. Cook has gone sick during the week Office over Chehalem V*Uey Bank. *.» . says he w ill g o to Eastern O regon. over into C rook county and stomacfc^trouble. A ’owhsry, Oro aro n The Hutchens Sisters for strict-1 LATEST STYLES In m aking to o short a turn at Mrs. C ook and daughters are ly up to date and a ttractive j the depot F rid ay morning, preparing t o follow . B E S T PR ICES . . jS j * > J* J* J* > J* J* Chance Gra*me’s dray team g o t One day last week, L. S. Hea- millinery. Workmen are busily engaged excited and took a short run cock felled a tree on the David ^ 9if. 0. Pickett, j, which resulted in the blacksmith M artin place which he says is in pu tting in the foundation for MRS. I. A. HORTON ¡■P*’ v * . Clarence B u tt’s new house on g ettin g a g ood jo b o f repair Tittorney-at-JZaw, ^ the biggest in this vicinity. It. w ork on the vehicle. measured six feet in diameter in­ North River street. Tfotary Public, * H. F. Ong, a graduate o f side; the bark and he says he w ill - Abner Blair, w h o has been em­ jk O/fioa opposite SPost Offieo. for some tim e up at Pacific College w ho for the past g et tw en ty-five cords o f w o o d ployed ONLY F U L L LIN E Leavenw orth, W ashington, came three years has been located at out o f it. + * * * ‘* ' f * + * * ----OF- W endling as physician for the Charley Soper was riding home Saturday evening. Booth K elly Lumber Com pany, home horseback from to w n last Mrs. Lizzie Judd aud daughter, j A ttqrney - at - law . has this week opened up offices Thursday afternoon arid stopped Mrs. Ella .White, from Spokane,! in Portland for practice. a t the W astfall place and w as are visiting w ith the form er’s i CLARENCE B U TT. IN N EW B ERG . Geo. Allen is pu tting up a talking, sittin g carelessly on the brother, J. H. Rees, north of! Oliver Chilled and Steel Goods. . * - -41 RITTENHOUSE & GALKINS MILLINERY —f-DENTIST-i— .harass.« 2 iav~£~ « writing of deeds, mortgages, aootracts and the drafting of ail legal 0 r „ , „ n. O ffic e — Second Floor Bank o f Newberg Building B. F. TERRY, TO N SO R 1A Ü A R T IS T , EVERY PATRON RIVEN SATISFAC­ TION. BATH ROOM IN CONNECTION. Harness and Saddlery cottage a t the corner o f Fourth and Meridian streets on the site o f the old evaporator, and on M onday his friends gathered and joined w ith him in an old fashioned house-raising. ~__ _ A jolly big crow d o f you n g peo- p le g a v e Miss N ervia W righ t an informal surprise p a rty a t her home-east o f to w p F rid a y even­ ing. There w as plenty o f fun and a good tim e tor everybody w ith cake and ice cream th row n in. pony the while. W ithout any w arning the animal plunged aud threw the rider, the resuit being a fractured shoulder, which Dr. M in th o m looked after. N oa h J L ap p Nidiq recently. sold his residence over near the rail- road is building a new cottage on Second street w est o • f the # F orsyth property, which is well under w ay. His son Charles has bought an adjoining lot where he w ill build a cottage during the season. Wm. M eats is also arranging to build on the same street a little farther west. to w n . TO BE FOUND AT H- C. LAWER’S HARNESS SHOP Miss M argaret Inglis has had ; a building site staked off on her NEXT TO CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. lo t on North Riyer street, w ork tO be commenced on the cottage nêxt w e e k .— — -------flj | V Tom Scroggin of Sheridan is the man to elect for county sheriff. He is capable, and in a republican countv there is no reason w h y he Newberg, Oregon. should not be elected. ...... ley Bank. Ice is now made in New berg. j M ilk and cream are plenty. Salt D IR E CTO R S j » j * is cheap. Homemade ice crea m 1 Alpheus Mills, Pres, From all reports Saturday is clean and delicious. J. M .S h a w J- C.. McCrea, Vice- President. w as a big day. a t the county seat. has a new stock o f freezers— S. M. Calkins, Cashier In the first place the circus w as Colon Eberhard o f M cM inn­ fam ily sizes. B etter get one. N. C. Christensen, in tow n . Then there w as an ville w ho has Ixen m anaging the A fire alarm brought out the Assistant Cashier Indian fair, the republican candi­ New s for the past year, came hose and hook and ladder com ­ J. Kinley Blair. dates rendezvoused there a t th at dow n M onday morning,and after panies in short order M onday COR R ESPONDKN T S : V tim e and there w as a meeting o f a visit w ith J. C. M cC rea’s, the afternoon, but the fire, which WcHtcrn National Btrnk. Nov York. The only Blood and System Build- ,the Yam hill County Board o f j next d ay went over in to M arion w as located in the r o o f o f the U.8. National Rank. PorilaiHl er. Every bottle guaranteed. Exhibit for the L ew is and Clark ! county to make a visit w ith his steam laundry, w as put out McMinnville National Bank* fair. aged grand pn rents. H e is pre­ before thev could arrive on the Established 1893. A gen t Satchwell sold sixteen paring to leave in a week or so | scene, Sold only by tickets on last Sunday’sexcursion fo r Valparaiso. Indiana, where j John Minchin, son o f M r. and j from N ew berg t o Portland. he w ill enter upoh the study o f i Mrs Samuel Minchin o f Dundee,: Conductor Crocker says th a t the * died on Wednesday o f last ^ week | F. H. C ALD W ELL & Co excursions from the pther side *a w Mrs. H. N. Sheets o f Sacra- a t the state insane asvlum. His! B. C. MILES, rie.ldeut. Prescription Diuggists. E. H. WOODWARD, Vice Pre*. and See were heavier, but th a t all ex- mento, California, w h o for body w as brought home for ] J. C. COLCORD, CHshiet. cursions so far this y ea r have ¡several weeks lias been visiting burial, the funeral services being dropped o ff heavily from' form er! in W est Chehalem w ith h e r1 conducted a t the Minchin home years on account o f higher trans-! daughter Mrs. T. D. Snodgrass, | on F riday afternoon by Rev. CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000. p orta tion rates. started home M onday, accompa-1 M artin Cook. The deceased was a. C. MILES. J. I. HADLEY. Mr. J. B. Miles, a cousin o f B. nied by the latter as fa r as Port- j twenty-four years o f age About E. H. WOODWARD 8. J. MADSON. OPPOSfTli BASK Ol * SKWBBKfi C. Miles and Mrs. M inthorn, land. She declares that, though six or eight years a g o he w as the t , I. H DOUGLAS, J r . __ ^ ____ Director*. w h o a t present is superintendent h aving traveled about a good victim o f a sad accident w h ich ; o f the Io w a Industrial school a t deal, she has never found a place affected his brain, since which 1 . „ . . „ „ . „ „ „ a , , tow .. r.. F IR ST-C LA SS W O RK. Eldora, Io w a , hasbeen prom oted , th a t for beautiful surroundings tim e he has been an inmate o fi Und; Nation.) Park Bank. New York. B A T H ROOM IN C O N N E C T IO N to the superintendency o f the and prosperous couditions, the asylum. | l . -----•----- A A--«. several cpvpral montns miMif n Ol f suffer vlilttn* city ation are tnv.ted to call the at reform school of the District o f pleases her as does this. Atter suner- ! Stranger« th^ baD k for the inform onceTnlu* Columbia. The Oregon S t a t e 1 General Gideon Joubert, veteran ing, Mrs. Ida Everest H agey died coneanondence invited. Reform School w as established o f the B oar war, g a v e a very a t her home in Dundee, Oregon, a t Salem under the management ‘ interesting lecture in the Friends M a y 21, a t 6 pi m. H er grand­ o f M r. Miles. | church Saturday night, relative father Richard Everest, a pioneer T H E JEW ELER. - On account o f Hon. Binger to the history o f his people in o f 1847, was identified w ith , ’ The place to get your Herm ann’s address here on South Africa, their struggle for Yam hill county for many years. HH.XiJCILWRTIiNS l;OW j Thursday night, the regular liberty, and gave a dram atic She w as bornSept. 21. 1S67 and . j j p j j g g & MEDICINES. i ¡m eeting o f the Proh ibition p o rtra y a l o f some o f th e battles w ?is married to Jacob H agey of ■ j — - « — ; — Alliance has been postponed to o f the late w ar in which he w as j Dundee Dec. 25, 1888. Mrs. ! F rid a y night o f this week. The engaged. He makes no secret o f ( H agey w as a w om an o f lo^elv PRESCRIPTION WORK A public is earnestly requested t o the fact that he expects yet to character, devoting herself to her SPECIALTY. be present as this m eeting w ill be see the d ay when the Boers w ill husband and children constantly, o f special interest to all. M r. F . secure their independence. On She loved the beautiful and spared , Books, Stationery, Fancy anil L . H arford w h o has had a large Sunday evening General Joubert i\o pains to make her home at- T o ile t Articles. Camara aud experience in the temperance spoke to a large audience in the t r a c t i v e . H e r loss w ill be felt, Kodaks and all kiuds of* Cam ara Repairing Neatly # w o rk w ill be the speaker o f ’ the church on the social, religions and ! not only by the husband and Supplies. c , Kalamazoo Celery & Sarsaparilla Co. $1 Bank of Newberg. McKERN’S BARBER SHOP. ■f S .W . P O T T E R W atches, Clocks, Jewelry, O p tical Goods. and Promptly Executed evening. A t 8 o ’clock in the industrial ( B aptist Chtarch. 1 Africa. conditions in South 1 tw 6 daughters w h o survive her, LESSONS G IV E N IN K O D A K ' but by a large circle o f friends. EttY. V ■y n