NEW BEBG, Y A M H ILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRID A Y , A P R IL 8, 1904. EASTER SERVICES. KNVRKTAINMENT. Y A M H IL L COU SUNDAY SCHOOL CON TION. . Newberg Churches Fittingly liadles of the Lewis and Clark Commemorate Resurrec- , A Profitable Session—Interest­ Club Have Something Good tion Morn. in Store for Newberg. ing Papers Read and Live Topics Discussed. Seemingly in deference to the It will be something novel and d a y and to fair possessors o f new Easter millinery, Jupiter Pluvius and Mr. Sol declared a truce Sunday—rather unlooked- fo r consideration. The day was conducive to light hearts and happy faces, in keeping with the glad anniversary, and in the morning church services over to w n the theme w as one and the same. Rev. Thos. Armstrong o f the Friends church preached from the text ending, “ Who was deliv­ ered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification.” He declared the resurrection to be the greatest event in history and emphasized the necessity, through its agency, o f personal resurrection. The choir rendered the selection, “ Christ is Risen,” and a beautiful solo, “ Resurrec­ tion Song,” was sung by Miss Lucy Gduse. The exultant sing­ ing o f the canaries and the effect­ ive decorations gave a gladsome air to the service. • The sermon at the Baptist church by Rev. Stanard was from the words, “ Raised in G lory.” The church was very prettily decorated. An excellent musical program was given, some features being an anthem; offertory, “ Pastorale” by Miss H orton; solo,- “ The Bells o f Easter Peal,” by Mrs. H. G. Miller; duet, “ Springtime o f the Soul,” by Rev. and Mrs. Stanard. At the Presbyterian church the Sunday School and church services were combined for the Easter exercises. After the usual Sunday School exercises, the Easter thought was beautifully illustrated by the resurrection plant. The pastor then gave a short address, followed b y tw o selections from the choir. At the close o f the service, the chil­ dren and friends o f the Sunday School were made happy by a generous distribution o f Easter eggs, cards and booklets. An Easter sermon was preached a t the Brethren church by Elder G. C, Carl, his text being, “ I am the resurrection. He that be- lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Appropriate services were also held at the Methodist church, but tw o or three attempts to se­ cure a report o f them proved in­ effectual. t Get Ready for the 190Ô Fair A meeting was held at McMinn­ ville on March 26th for the pur­ pose of organizing a board of man­ agers for the Yamhill county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair. The object of the organiza­ tion is to arrange an exhibit of the procucts and resources of the coun­ ty, to appoint agents and attend­ ants to arrange and care for the exhibit and to. make rules and regulations for guidance of same. The second meeting will be held at the city hall, McMinnville, at 1 o ’clock, April 16. Every locality in Yamhill county should be repre­ sented by as mauy as can attend. Our county should lead in this great fair, as our resources are equal to any and we a re near the ground, and our exhibit can be placed with little expense. J. M. A tkinson , Sec. Latest blocks in soft hats at 13 Porter & Larkin’s. ENDIAN unique. This is the opinion ar­ The Yamhill County Sunday rived at after talking with some School Association held its o f the ladies o f the Lewis and twenty-first annual session in Clark Club in regard to the Newberg, Thursday,* March 31, Sacajawea entertainment which and Friday, April 1. The con­ they are preparing to give in the vention was hardly as large as near future, the date o f which it has been in preftous years, will be announced soon. but interest was not lacking. The inspiration o f their efforts Perhaps the tw o schools best is a very w orthy one, which represented according to their should enlist the support o f all. size were the Methodist school The proceeds o f the entertain­ at W ebfoot and» the Friends ment g o to the Sacajawea school at Springbroók. It was Statue Association, which was also encouraging to »ee the num­ organized for the purpose o f ber o f students from Pacific Col­ erecting a monument to the lege who attended the afternoon Bird-woman, the Pocahontas o f sessions. Interesting subjects the West, w ho made success pos­ were treated by prepared papers sible to Lewis and Clark in their and extemporaneous discussion. western explorations. Who was One subject which it would be Sacajawea? Every student o f well for every Sunday School United States tiistory should worker to consider in his ow n know, especially in the North­ mind is, “ Do the Sunday Schools west, but for fear such is not the Meet the Needs o f our Communi­ case, a little o f her history is re­ ties in Regard to Bible Study?” counted. If the Sunday Schools do not Sacajawea, the Bird-woman, meet the needs, how may they belonged to the Shoshone, or be met? Should there be any Snake Indians, a mountain tribe change in the course of study? which, in the days o f Lewis and Much stress was laid upon the Clark, was in danger o f exter­ Sunday School being thechurch’s mination at the hands o f the opportunity. The same thought Minnetarees, or Blackfeet. She prevailed in the convention had been taken captive when a which is recognized in the world, child by these foes. When Lewis that whatever is desirable to ap­ and Clark, coming up the Mis­ pear in the future o f .society must souri, reached in their first win­ be implanted in the child. ter the Mandans and Minne­ On Thursday morning many tarees, Sacajawea, a girl o f 16, vital subjects were given atten­ had shortly before become the tion. J. L. Whirr?, *Baptist col­ slave and wife o f Chabonneau, a porteur, told w hy young men French voyageur, w ho, like leave the Sunday, SchooL The many a w aif o f his race, had active, energetic young man o f stink far tow ards savagery and today must find that in the was living with the wild men. school which will repay him for Perhaps the best strike the cap­ his attendance. The qualifica­ tains made in preparing for their tions o f a g ood superintendent work was in engaging Chabon­ were considered by a paper by neau and Sacajawea to join the Hervey Hoskins o f McMinnville. expedition, for the latter proved Prof. Albertson considered some an invaluable aid at every hand. change in the international sys­ Here are ten reasons why a tem o f lessons desirable. The monument should be erected in question above referred to rela­ honor of the Indian heroine: tive to Bible study in the com­ Sacajawea was the only woman munity was very ably handled to accompany the Lewis and by Mrs. Hammer oí Spring»- Clark expedition. brook; also by Rev. Stanard. She was their guide and inter­ In the evening a devotional preter. and song service was led by Rev. She protected them when Stanard and Mrs. Albertson. A threatened by hostile Indians. selection was given by a mixed She procured for them both quartette—Mrs. Miller, Mrs. food and horses when destitute Stanard and Messrs. Wright and o f both. Stanard. Rev. Mr. Lellick o f She saved their journals and Portland gave a most excellent valuable papers at the risk of address upon the various de­ her ow n life. partments o f Sunday School She was the only one o f the work. He laid particular stress party w ho received no pecuniary upon the Cradle Roll, the Home compensation for her services. Department and the Teachers’ While enduring hardships and Training Class. At the close o f suffering, she administered to the the address Mr. Lellick delighted necessities .of others. his audience with a vocal solo. She welcomed with intelligent A male quartet, “ Nearer, My appreciation the civilization o f God, to Thee,” was given by the white race. Over a million dollars will be Professors Lewis. All>ertson and spent in honoring the memory Kirk and W. C. W oodward. o f the heroes o f the Lewis and At the first session o f the fol­ Clark party, and not a cent o f it lowing morning, Alva M acv o f has been appropriated to the Dayton discussed the use o f the only heroine. in the Sunday She w as the first pioneer blackboard Short talks on the mother to cross the Rocky School. mountains and carry her baby inter-relations o f superintendent, into the Oregon country. i teacher and pastor in school “ Madonna o f her race, she had led the w ay to a new time. T o work followed. In the afternoon, the the hands o f this girl, not yet eighteen, had been entrusted the ject, “ The Sunday School, the key that unlocked the road to Church’s Opportunity,” was Asia. Across North America, a ably handled by Rev. Whirry. Shoshone Indian princess touched hands with Jefferson opening Jier B. F. Hevland had in charge the country.” —M 1rs. Dye in “ The “ round tabic.” Miss Jessie Britt gave some interesting glimpses Conquest.” o f the w orld’s Sunday School convention, sOon to be held in Jerusalem. The convention reaped much benefit from the presence o f Mr. Pugh, secretary o f the state association. Officers -of the county associ­ ation for the coming year were elected as follows: President, J. F. Taylor, Newberg; vice presi­ dent, Mr. Mclntire, La Fayette; secretary, Mrs. L. A. T. Hudson, Newberg; statistical secretary, Rev. Post, Dayton. NO. 21. Good for Children. The pleasant to take ?nd harm­ less One Minute Dough Cure gives immediate relief in all cases of cough, croup and lagrippe because it does not pass into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the in­ flammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Are You a Dyspeptic? Sold by F. H. Ca’dwell & Co., If you are a dyspeptic you owe it druggists. to yourself and your friends to get A Muskogee young man. told a well. Despepsia aunoys the dyspeptic’s friends because bis girl th at he intended t o kiss her disease sours his disposition as well upon leaving' her home. She commanded him to leave a t as his stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia once. Cure will not only cure dyspepsia, A Great Sensation. indigestion and sour stomach, but There was a big sensation in this palatable, reconstructive tonic Leesville, Iud., when W. H. Brown digestant strengthens the whole of that place, who was expected to digestive apparatus and sweetens the life as well as the stomach. die, had his life saved by Dri King’s New Discovery for Con­ When yon take Kodol Dyspepsia sumption. He writes: “ I endured Cure the food you eat is enjoyed. insufferable agonies from asthma, It is digested, assimilated aud its but your New Discovery gave me nutrient properties appropriated by immediate relief and soon there­ the blood and tissues. Health is after effected a complete cure.” the result. Sold by E. H. Caldwell Similar cures of consumption, & Co., druggists. pneumonia, bronchitis and grip Notice. are numerous. It's the peerless We. are making special prices remedy fer all throat and lung on lumber at the mill to farmers troubles. Price 50c aud $1. Guar­ and others who desire t o do anteed by F. H. Caldwell & Co., their’ ow n hauling. The Chas. druggists. Trial bottles free. K. Spaulding Logging Co. _ 21 Perhaps the reason w h y the We do not mean to say that all newspaper men are great liars, but we do say that many o f them would make good weather prophets. dude pays so much attention to his head is because it is his chief weakness. Before purchasing you r spring hat, see Porter & Larkin. 13 W H A T A SURPRISE IT IS T O SEE SUCH A COM PLETE LINE O F BUGGIES AN D VEHICLES IN NEW BERG A S A . R. M O O - M A W & SO N H A VE JU ST PLACED O N TH EIR FLOOR j » > j* > > T H E Y ALSO H AVE A COM PLETE LIN E OF Seeders, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, etc. W E ARE H EADQUARTERS FOR H O P W IRE and W IRE FEN CIN G. GENERAL H AR D W AR E, P A IN T S ,' OILS, GLASS AN D ROPE. A. R. MOOMAW & SON. Your Watch Goes Wrong, Be careful who you let M O N K E Y with it. Bring it to us and we will guarantee you a first-class job, as watches repaired by us have never given any trouble afterward. Jew elers and Opticians NEWBERG, 0R E