Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 25, 1903, Image 5

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    lunch with hot coffee at Jake
G. P. Skelton arrived h
Miss Inez Thompson o f Co-
Saturday evening from Pilot quille is visiting in tow n with
the family o f W m.:ilkh.
Rock, Umatilla county.
Guilford Terry 'Is building a
Miss Maud Dorrance o f W ood-
burn is visiting in tow n with her house on Sheridan Street just cast
A full line of Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows» Spike»
friend Miss Jessie Britt.
o f the Armory hall building.
F. E. Vestal is embarking in
Oihneal, linseed dairy food,
Spring T ooth and Disc Harrows» Rushford and
DBS. LITTLEFIELD Si B01IG, clover hay, for sale by Andrew the grocery business and will oc­
Eli Wagons» Clark and Parry Buggies» Buck­
Pickett at City feed store.
cupy one side o f Henry Ehret’s
Physicians & Surdons.
Books, latest and ‘ best, all store w ith his stock.
eye W ashing Machines» Harness» W hips and
Office In Chebalem Valley Bank Bldg.
Phone Mo. 48.
styles and prices, from a linen A
Elder G. C. Carl announces
Horse Furnishing Goods.
A ll kinds of Feed and
B C to leather bound, at that there will be services at the
Brethren church dii Christmas
M oore’s.
Hay» Grass Seeds and Poultry Supplies.
. v
*' 'j
J. A. Hughes has purchased o f
Y T im n n n n n n r
Free Delivery to all parts of the city. Phones:
Jesse Edwards the building occu­
Raspberry tips for sale, also
Oregon» 124; Mutual» 23.
pied as an office by Dr. H. J. some cherry seedlings and straw­
Office : Two d oon weal of Moore’« drug­
store eu Writ
it. Reeidence Q»e block*
M inthom .
berry plants.
F or particulars
1 i n t ai
and N
Ì| blocke east of Bank of „
’ Newberg B uilding. Uome Phone.
Prof, and Mrs. C. E. Lewis, address Springbrook Canning &
,$f V,»,
assisted by Prof, and Mrs. O.’ C. Preserving Co.
Successors to J. H . Dunstan.
Atkinson Bros, shipped three
Albertson,entertained the Seniors
at six o ’clock tea Saturday even­ fine Poland China hogs to the
Weber stock farm at Nfabton,
For^sale—House and barn and
Mr. G. W. Cutts, station agent Eastern Washington, Wednesday three acres-ofland. Apply to If.
at Shedds, has a vacation o f sev­ morning.
f. Minthom.
---« • D E N T I S T « —
Allen Smith is* beginning the
eral days and is spending it here
Four room house, bam and
with his wife and daughter erection o f a residence on his lots
Office o u r C bebalem V alley Bank.
acre lot for sale. Mrs. K. P.
Newberg» Oregon.
northeast ot the public school
M ew berg, O regon .
Shuell, First street.
A mammoth cluster o f mistle­ building. This part o f tow n is
F. H. Caldwell & Co. have O FFICERS A N D
toe, doubtless the largest euer becoming a popular residence
added a line o f books. All the D IR E C T O R S
j * > brought into tow n, has been At­ section.
best authors. L ook them over. Alpbeus Mills, Pres.
tracting a good deal o f attention
If your co w goes dry it’s your
9 ÿ. O . ¡Pickett, ■
The directors o f the Newberg J. C. McCrea, Vice-
in Caldwell & Com pany’s show place t o get milk from me and
jftto m e y -a t-JU a w ,
not your customers, and I’ll public school have issued a call S. M. Calkins, Cashier
for a school meeting to be held N. C- Christenson,
Mrs. N. Newall arrived the charge only 10c per fqt: t o sup­
Tfo ta ry ¡P u b lie
first o f the week from Southern ply you r c u s to m ««' with milk.
O ffici* »pp»*it* Ä S F ^ /T S * .
at 2 o ’clock for the purpose o f J. Kinky Blair.
California w ith tw o children I’m o f age and will attend t o my
voting a tax for next year’s ex­ C orrespondents :
« r « r « r * « r »r
i f ^ i f which she will send to school ow n affairs. G. Everest.
Western National Bank. New
here. Her old home is in Eng­
Mrs. Joyce Hoskins Learning
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunstan U .8. National Rank. Portland
arrived home the first o f *the M cM innville National Bank.
Miss Cora Dunham, a student
week from their trip t o Southern
Established 1893.
- CLARENCE B U T T . - o f the college, left Tuesday morn­ The bod y will be brought to California, and glad to get back
W ill p ractice In all the court« of the etate ing for her home at Berkeley, Newberg for burial,, the funeral
to a little refreshing moisture.
Special attention given to probate work, the
w riting o f deeda, mortgage*, contract» and the California, on account of poor service to be held this Friday
They were not very well im­
drafting o f all legal paper«
N ew berg- O r e g o e . health.
The students o f the morning at the Friends church
pressed with what they saw o f
O m c i — Second Floor
boarding hall gave a party in at 10 o ’clock. Prof. C. E. Lewis the golden state and say that all
Bank o f Newberg Building
will have charge o f the service.
her honor Saturday evening.
the Oregonians thCy encountered
The management of the New­ have their eyes turned longingly
Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Wilson
Steam Laundfy lias again in this direction.
came hack from Sheridan Wed­
nesday morning, C. B. having partially changed, Mr. Sykes
^Political bees are beginning
closed out his stock o f merchan­ having sold out t o nis partner, to breathe the warm ozone o f
Fleishauer & Bashaw» Props.
dise there the first o f the week. Mr. Frazier, w ho wilL-continue the approaching season, and a
' '
_ '
Charlie brought back with him a the business. Mr. Sykes still re­ faint flapping o f the little wings
Keep on hend and manufacture
LIVERY & FEED STABLES. couple o f blue blooded English tains the ownership qf the dwell­
everything In the line of
and a gentle buzz n ow and then
Nevf rig*.
Good horse*. Bale driver«.
setter pups from which he ex­ ing and lot and sqys he will presages strenuous activity as /¡V Doors» W indows» Mould-i
Phone, Main* «7.
move the house farther west and
pects great things.
ings, Turnings, Crest-
soon as the sun comes out and
fix it up.
the le a th e r will permit .‘good
ings, Brackets,’ Door &
Harrison Crater is preparing
Representative B. C. Miles left whittling.’ As yet the prospect­
t o put up another business
W indow Frames, Fan­
Saturday morning for Salem by
ive candidates are modest and
building on First street, just
cy Casings, Etc.
w ay o f Portland, to be in at-
. . _
: exceedingly shy. But people will
west o f Heacock & Heacock’s . , ___.
Y our patronage solicited.
T O fiS O R IA U A R T IS T .
jewelry store. It is to be a tw o ‘ en dan reat the special s«s>°h , talk, a id as talk this early in the
o f the legislature which convened i r - . , • , aan
„„„ „„„
story building and will be used ^
18 c h e a p ’ e v e r y o n e c a n
the first o f the
afford ‘ to talk a little, as it is
a millinery store by Miss Min­
Myrtle McDaniel w ho w as a
TION. BATH BOOK IN CONNECTION. nie Hutchens o f McMinnville, clerk
now little more than tw o
during the last session, al- j
i months until time to begin call-
w ho visited here the first o f the
A .! ff, ™ent n p t p the caprtal to , see j j n g
a n d c o n v e n t i o n s ...
week w ith Mr. and Mrs. H
(With the above as a little pne-
Miss Ella Culver, w ho in com 1 lude, the Yamhill Reporter pror,
Though a Veteran o f scores of
pany with her mother, tw o sis-; eeeds to forecast the personnel o f
hard-fought football battles, it
ters and tw o brothers, left here the county tickets, but, as usual,
remained for Prof. F. K. Jones to
B. C. MILKS, Prealdent.
Friday for their old home in w ithout taking Newberg into
suffer his first serious injury last
Kansas, died enroute Sunday af- account. But possibly Newberg
. V ice Free, end Secretary.
Friday evening in a little prac­ tem oon at Modesta, California, j candidates are unusually shy
J. C. COLCORD, Cechier.
tice game with the college boys. o f consumption. Friends here j and hard to locate.
When in the bottom o f a scrim- j
expressed fears that she
ClirixtmaM Pointers.
The only Blood and System Build- mage some one planted awheel on | w oui(j not live through the jdur-
er. Every bottle guaranteed. his face, which resulted m a ney. The remains were shipped Games and game boards, dolls
d. C. MILES,
broken cheek bone. Dr. Min­ on t o Kansas, p , , , , f ->r<
and toys, o f all description, at
th om attended to the wound,
8. J. Med eon.
A tail-less calf was received by M oores.
Sold only by
and though it gave thé professor Stanley & Bond at their meat
Get a Waterman Ideal Foun­
a good deal o f pain for a time, market
M onday from Wm. tain Pen, the best made, for a
C O K K K 8 P O N D E N T H — Ladd A Tilton, Port
he was able to appear at school Buuck w ho lives in the Cheha-
present, at M oore’s.
len d ; National Park Bank, New York.
F. H. CALDWELL & Co Monday morning.
lem Center neighborhood. “ Not
F. H. Caldwell & Co., prescrip­
Prescription Diuggists.
Calvin Blair represented Pacific like other calves” would be a tion druggists, hare the finest
Stranger« visiting the city ere invited to cell at
the bank for information concern Ing the
College at Monmouth Friday fitting epitaph for the littk brute line o f holiday perfumes.
o ily . C on esp on d en ce invited.
evening in an executive commit- for it never switched its tail
Call and look over our line o f
tee meeting o f the college Debat - 1 when guzzling the lacteal fltfid.
holiday goods before buying. F.
ing League. The question d e-: Fortunate for his calfship that
H. Caldwell & Co., prescription
cided upon for the coming the butcher found it before fly
debates is in effect as follows: ■ season came.
The place to get your
If you are looking for candies,
, “ Resolved, That those institu-
Miss Emma Phillips, w ho has
j tions, of which the Standard Oil many friends in Newberg, having, nu*s* toy® or a Christmas book
Company and the steel trust? are once taught . sch o o l, here, was ^or
folks, just walk
i a type, are economic evils.” Pa- ma fried recently a t .Gibara, ! arotmd to J* A. Hughes’,
cihc College will debate this Cuba, to Juan Francisco Mar-
All kinds o f games for children PRESCRIPTION WORK A
question with the State Normal tinez, with whom she became and grow n people at lowest
and has the affirmative side of acquainted while engaged in prices. F. H. Caldwell & Co.,
the proposition. The debate mission w ork at M atamoras, prescription druggists,
comes off on Friday, March 4, : Mexico. ‘ She has been serving | There arc three different chairs
and will doubtless be held here, for three years as a missionary to be had at Porter & Larkin’s
as the last debate between New- in Cuba, and with her husband and you can just as well have
RROtICNT TO NEWBERG berg’and the State Normal took will enter w ork at a new loca- them all w ithout any extra ex­
place a t Monmouth.
The Newberg
Feed, Seed, Vehicle and
....................... ; y Implement House.
Chehalem Val­
ley Bank.
Newberg Sash
& Door Factory
Depot Stable
Kalamazoo Celery
& Sarsaparilla Co.
Bank of Newberg;.
S.W . P O T T E R
Watches» Clocks»
Jewelry» etc.