VOL IVI. NEWBERG, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY,* DECEMBER 25, 1903. NO. 0. F I S K J U B IL E R S IN G E R S . but a lw a y s enough o f the W e w ou ld ;like wJdUalk w ith stock remained to. lift the new every farm er in mmunitv S om eth in g.»!’ the H istory o f this members up t o the com pany's about using Fi Formaldehyde. It W on derfu l O rganization . high standard o f w ork. has been recoimfiended «itfiended by the O f the original members, only Oregon Experiment S tation a t T h e people o f N ew berg and v i­ cin ity are beginning t o realize one is singing to d a y — M a g g ie C orvallis in place o f vitriol. Is Porter, n ow Mrs. Cole, w h o is cheaper, easier t a u ^ and better w h a t is in store for them in the far-famed Fisk Jubilee Singers, still the leading soprano and than vitriol. Y o u » for better musical directress. She a lw a y s crops, F. H . Caldwell & Co.-, w h o appear here on' the evening has taken the greatest possible prescription druggists. o f January 12. Considering the care o f her voice and o f herself, general interest manifested, $ F rlg b Horse. and a t no tim e in her life has she short sketch o f the history o f the Running like down the organ ization w ill certainly be in sung better than now . j Indeed, street oumping upants, or a the remarkable preservation o f order. hundred other accidents, are every When its a ge is considered, the her voice, w ith all its beautiful day occurrence*, m It behooves origin a l character o f the w o rk it qualities absolutely unimpaired, everybody to havd ■ «lia b le salve w a s called t o do, and the w on- is one o f the m arvels of the com­ bandy and there’s node as good as derful w a y in which its mission pany’s t career. In her are em­ Bucklen’s Arnica ^Ulve. Burns, w a s accomplished, the Fisk bodied all its early traditions, cuts, sores, eczema tnd piles disap­ Jubilee singers m ay claim t o be its lofty* aims, the wonderful in­ pear quickly under i|s soothing ef­ unique am on g the concert com­ cidents o f its history, and—her­ fect. 25 I i To be thoroughly appreciated should possess value. In our great varieties of neckwear, mufflers and handkerchiefs you will find just the thing the men folks will w ant................ Fancy Hose, 25c. Ties, all colors and styles, 25c to 50c. Silk Handkerchiefs and . Mufflers, 25c to $1.50. — ** - - H O D S O N B R O S ., C lo t h ie r s and F u r n is h e r s . No Time Like the Present ¡AND; —— ...... No Present Like the Time j th a t time, some voices have You don’t pay any more for w o rn out, am,d many o f the you r good s w ith chairs than you w om en have married and given did w ith ou t then a t P o rter & up singing to care for families, L a rk in ’s. \ XfflgVS GIFTS oils, glass, brushes and a fall line o f enamels. A large stock o f un­ dertaking good s kept on hand. Em balm ing a specialty. ü Puzzle your brain for a Christmas present, but you will always come back to r watch as being gifted with a charm possessed by no other thing in the world. W e have what will please you in the line of a watch. Think of a . . Good, Gold-filled W atch, W a r­ ranted 20 years, with a genuine American movement for $9.50 ~ : ! ' • ' V - —-r ----------------------| ' 4 • ....... It ’s the talk of the town! Never sold for this price betöre, nor could they be this time if we had not struck a snap in buying, and we now give the people o f this vicinity the benefit. \ 9 ■ . - - -— N o t o n ly a r e o u r w a t c h e s t h e c h e a p e s t in p r i c e , b u t w e a r e G IV IN G C H A IN S W IT H T H B M Call in and talk the watch business over, and you will be convinced we can save you money on one. HEACOCK & HEACOCE. THE JEWELEHS. v NEWBERG, ORE. The Newberg Hotel. • BAST FIRST STREET * M RS. W . A. C A M P B E L L . • Proprietress. New Management Good .Accommodations Rates $1 per day and np 5.. ... I rf & HUB