Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 18, 1903, Image 7

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M akes
ces Its presence kn ow n
m any signs .—st
tors, bundles in t
c u ta n e o u s eruptions, In­
flamed eyelids, so re ears,
catarrh and w asting diseases.
H ood’s Sarsaparilla
E ffects permanent cures.
A Father at 82.
The Marquis of Donegal, who, al­
though he haa been married three
times, has hitherto been childless, has
become a father at the age of 82. He
marired his third wife, a daughter of
Henry Twining, of H alifax, Nova Beo­
tia, at the beginning of the year. 8he
is 22 years of age. The child, who is
a boy, w ill inherit the title, bat com­
paratively little else, past generations
of the fam ily having squandered the
F o r bronchial troubles try Piao's Cure
fo r Consumption.
I t is a good oough
medicine. A t druggists, price 26 cents.
The Practical Side of It.
“ Father, have you read m y ode ‘To
the Pines?’ ” asked the youthful poet.
•“ No, John, I haven’t ,” was the old
man’s refily. “ But you just take thia
here ax an’ cut down a few of ’ me.
The pinee are owin’ me about ten cords
o’ woodl
In order to advertise its goods a Ger­
man firm is enclosing a bank note of
the value of 10 shillings in one of ev­
ery 900 bales of wool sent out.
Aa Instance of Orowth.
I t is a pleasure, in thia day of great
industrial combinations, to note an
instance where an independent concern
haa attained to mammoth proportions,
and has grown steadily bat surely for
years from a small beginning into the
fullness of the present time* Such an
institution is cited in the seed business
of D. M. Ferry A Co., who for nearly
, half a century have gqne forward each
year, constantly adding new customers
and retaining a ll its old ones, until it
is today the source of seed supply from
which the great crops of this country
spring, 8ee4 houses have come and
gone— some survived and flourished for
years, but finally succumbed for one
reason or another— while Ferry’ s kept
growing all the tim e. Thousands of
farmers, gardeners and flower growers
them year-after yeS f for thS”
seeds from which the prosperity of
their fields and gardens is to grow, and
the fact that they are never disap­
pointed in Ferry’s seeds is the secret
of the wonderful expansion of this pop­
ular firm. You can buy their seeds in
every city, town or hamlet of this land,
and you are always certain that they
are fresh, true to name and sure to
grow. Their 1904 Seed Annual, a val­
uable guide in the selection of the
proper seeds to plant, w ill be sent free
to all readers of this paper who apply
to D. M. Ferry A Co., Detroit, Mich.
/ Mew About Home Displays?
He— I t seems to me that the prac­
tice of sending clothing to the heathen
is in direct opposition to Scriptural
8he— W hy, how can that be?
H e— I t teaches them to take thought
what they shall wear. v-
Tee Much Argaiasat.
Dar’ s a good deal in argyment, but
it can also be overdone. As long as
Uncle Moses believed in sulphur and
brimstone he let my cabbages strictly
alone. When I had argyed him into
believin’ dat no sich place existed he
cleaned out my truck patch in one
Death to Convicts.
Since 1852 more than 26,000 con­
victs have been sent to French Guiana,
of whom 84 per cent died of disease,
hardship and insufficient food.
“ About g year ago my hair waa
coming out very fast, so I bought
g bottle o f'A y e r’ s Hair Vigor. It
■topped the falling and made my*
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
Is 45 inches in length.” — Mrs. A .
Boydston, Atchison, Kana.
There’s another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
' Hungry hair needs food,
needs hair vigor— A y r t.
This is why we say that
Ayer’s Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
All i
heavy. ILMai
If'jroor druggist cannot »apply you,
•end us one dollar and tre w in express
yon a bottle. Be eure sndglve the name
n f tout nearest express office. Add ree»,
J.C . A T Y R CO., Lowell. Mae».
»A A A A A A A ^ A A / *
* ! £4*
/' 1 ' '
** 1
* s, 4
Fools and Money.—-She— A fool and
his money are soon parted. He— True,
and a fool and her money are soon w ed­
ded.— Yonkers Statesman.
“ Does your daughter’s husband love
her as devotedly as ever?” “ H e does
when I ’m around,” replied her daugh­
ter’s husband’s mother-ln-laW, grimly.
— Houston Post.
D M I R A L S C H L E Y , one o f the foremost position ^nd has won its way to the hearts of
Fond Mother— My darling, it Is bed­
* notable heroes o f the nineteenth century. the people.
time. A ll the little chickens have gone
T h e natural timidity which so
to bed. Little Philosopher— Yea, mam­
A name that startles terror in the heart of every
many people have felt about giving endorse­
ma, and so has the old ben.— Woman’s
to any remedy is giving way. Gratitude
Home Companion.
and a desire td help others has inspired thous­
Anxious Mother—W illie, dear, do you undaùnted courage and prompt decision.
Approached by a friend recently, his opinion ands o f people to give public testimonials for
ever ¡have any trouble with the other
little boys at school? W illie— N aw ! I w as asked as tq the efficacy of Peruna, the Peruna who heretofore would not have con­
lick one o f ’em every once in a while,
national catarrh remedy. W ithout the slight­ sented to such publicity.
but that ain’t the least bit o f trouble.—
est hesitation he Rave this remedy his endorse­ . N e v e r before in the annals o f medicine has
Chicago Tribune.
It appealed on later conversation that it happened that so many men o f national and
Mrs. A.— Your husband smoking
again! Why, I thought you insisted Peruna has been used in his family, where it is international reputation have been w illing to
that he eboald give it up. Mrs. Z.—I
give unqualified and public endorsements to a
a favorite jem ed y.
did, dear, but then I found such a pret­
Such endorsements serve to indicate the proprietary remedy.
N o amount o f advertis­
ty smoking-jacket at a bargain sale.—
Chicago Daily. News.
wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds ing could nave accomplished such a result.
Helping His W ife : W ife — I have ô f the Am erican people.
It is out of the ques­ Peruna has won on its own merits.
been thinking I ought to g ive you a
tion that so great and famous a man as A d ­ cures catarrh o f whatever phase or location in
birthday present, H ow ard Husband—
Schley could have any other reason for the human body. T h at is why it receives so
Oh, very w e ll Just w rite down what
it shall be, and I ’ll buy it on my w ay giv in g his endorsement to Peruna than his many notable and unique endorsements.
uptown.— Town Topics.
Address T h e Peruna D ru g Manufacturing
positive conviction that the remedy is all- that
Friend— Now that yon have mad«
Co., Colum bus, Ohio, for free literature on
he says it is.
million*, what w ill you do? Old Bul­
lion— I shall retire, and amuse myself
telling pepople what a burden wealth
is, and how happy I was when I waa
poor.— New York Weekly.
A fter the Wedding: “ But they told
me you had money.” “ And they bun­
The streets of Bombay are excellent,
coed me Into thinking you were rich.” ' Eudoxus, born 406 B. C., wee the
“ Well, w het’s to be done about i t r flr»t man known to history to explein as are generally the main roads through­
“ Let’s fe ll in love just for splte.” -rCln-
to make % map of out India. They are thoroughly ma­
l a Cas* Exista it W ill Nat Caca
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
, th® heavens with the planets And fixed cadamized or mettled and made smooth
by heavy rollers.
“ Do you believe that the American 8tarB marked -
____________ _
Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen “I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley
has taken Pe-ru-na and I believe with good effect.”—W .
S. SCHLEY, Washington, D. C.
Ask Your Pruggist for Free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1904
people like to be humbugged?” “ No,
air,” answered the sturdy patriot,
“ but when they find anyone smart
enough to do it they can’t help takin’
off their bats to him.” — Washington
Beyond Expectation: Mr. Jones— See
here! Thia horse you sold me runs up
on the sidewalk every tim e he sees an
auto. Horae Dealer— W ell, you don’t
expect a fifty-dollar horse to run up a
telegraph pole or climb a tree, do you?
“ Do you believe that every man haa
his price?” “ I won’t disease that,” an­
swered Senator Sorghum, “ but I w ill
say that the reason some men stay
honest is because the price asked is
so much higher than the price bid.” —
Washington Star.
Girl In the Grand Stand—Isn’t that
a cruel game? Do you think It’s fair
for a dozen men to pile themselves on
top of the poor fellow that has the
ball? Her Escort— No; there oughtn’t
to be more than eleven o f them, any­
way.— Chicago Tribune.
neighborly bore, “what are you build­
ing the new chicken house for?”
“ W hy,” replied Nettles, “ for a flock of
pink carmela, o f course. You didn’t
suppose I ’d put chickens in It, did
y o u r’— Philadelphia public Ledges.
“ Weren’t yen nervous at the wed-
ding,” asked the sympathetic chap,
“ with all those people looking at y o u r’
“ I nervous?” repeated the recent bene­
d ic t “ W hy should I be nervous? No­
body looked at me; I was only the
groom, you know.” — Cincinnati T im e »
In Kentucky: Aacum— I don’t know
whether your head over the article
about Colonel Luahman’s death was
printed tbe w ay you Intended, but It
was a good one. City Editor— Let me
W hat waa it?
fought his last bottle.— Philadelphia
Citlman— W hat’s the matter with all
you Lonesomehuntera? Newcomb’s a
decent sort o f a fellow, and yet you all
appear to hate him. Suburbs—No won­
der! He went and bought bis w ife a
sealskin coat last week, and our homes
are no longer peaceful.— Philadelphia
“ tyamma, what la Topsy’s other
name?” “ Topsy In the play? I don’t
know, dear; Just Topsy, that’s ' alL”
“ Oh, she has another naiqe. I bedrd
papa speak K yesterday, but I can’t
think o f It now. Oh, yee, I remember
— It’s Topsy Turveyl” — Kansas City
“ H ow did you like Dr. Fourthly
last Sunday morning?” asked Mrs. Old-
castle; “ don’t you think he Indulged
rgther freely In mixed metaphor?”
“ Goodness! • I didn’t notice. Did he
have It right there In the pulpit? This
w s terrible blow to Joslah. H e
thinks so much o f the doctor.” — Chi­
cago Record-Herald.
The Rule of Three: “ One week from
to-day, Uncle John, I w ill be a married
man. In seven short days 1 wlU
be Initiated Into the m ysteries'of mat­
rimony.” , “ No mysteries about It, my
boy. It is just the p!sln. simple rule
of three.” “ Rule o f three? Eh— what
“ W ife, mother-in-law, and
hired g ir l" — Kaneaa City Journal.
OF B A D b l o o d
S t . H e le n * « H a ll
Home and dar school for rlrls. Ideal
Spacious building.
location, spacious
banding. Modern
equipment. Academic, College Prepar­
(•) ation and special courses. Music, Elo­
cution, Art In charge of specialists.
Illustrated catalogue. Easter term
opens February 1. 1«M.
The beet evidence of a bad condition o f the blood and unhealthy state o f
the system, is an old festering sore, running ulcer, or abscess. They show
inflames and festers. Everything about an old sore or ulcer suggests diseasc.
They affect the general health, they
n o x o alf o r t o t usotoaotclb
require constant attention, and are a
source o f anxiety and trouble all the
time, and in some cases h igh ly offen­
H ew Castle, Pa., July 80,1008.
Three year* a re a common boll ap*
sive. There is danger, too, o f these
ared on th* oalf o f my lim b. Hot yield-
places becoming cancerous if not
g to simple home rem edies,I consulted
treated prom ptly and in the righ t
a physloian, who prescribed • poultice.
w ay. W ashes, salves and ointments ■ San seed, supposedly. B y som* fearful
mistake I w as given corrosive subli­
are good for external use, but they
mste, and after having it on fo r a few
can’t stop the discharge o f change
minutes Z could endors th* pain no
longer, so took off the application and
the condition of the blood, and for
that my lim b from the o a lf to th*
thia reason the sort never heals per­ ) found
ankle w as In an aw fu l condition. X im ­
mediately sent fo r another physician,
N ot until the blood is purged o f
who told mo Z had been poisoned. M y
impurities and the system cleansed
lim b from the e a lfto the ankle was one
__ m
„. „
b .,
“ I h a v e u sed r o a r v a lu a b le C A « C A ­
R E T S and find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for some time
for indigestion and biliousness and am now com­
pletely cured. Recommend them, to every one.
Once tried, you will never be without them In
the family.”
S ow . A-.M a k x , Albany, N. Y .
Tfcli wonderful Chl-
»■— e
Is culled
ir r u because be cur—
people without opera­
tion that are fire n up
to die. He cur— wlih
I hoar wonderful Cht-
herb*, roots, buds,
k m » and vegetable#
lhat are entlrely un-
known to medical sci­
ence In thl» country. Through Use
tbose harmless remedí— thls famou _____
knows the action of over MM different tem­
edle«, whirh he sncce—fully uaee lu different
di sesees. He guárante— to cure oattArh, asth­
me, long, throat, rbenmatlam, nervousness,
stomach. Il ver, kldneys, etc.; h— bundreds of
Charges modérate. Cali and
s— hlm. Patienta ont of tbe ctty Write for
Man ks and circulara. 8end s tain p. CONSUL­
The C G « Wo dünese Medicine Co.
2SS Aider St.. Pœtiaad. Oregon,
g - M eu itou paper.
S .N .U
r H E N w r it in g t o ad v e r t í se ru ]
■Dentina t h is p a p er.
i Just Stop and Think
How favored you ora in the gre^t North-
west. A ll you have to-do is to stretch out
your hand and take hold of your opportunity.
Sit down today and write
for our catalogue. We give you a practical busi- Betake-Walker laste ess Collere
Portland, Oregon.
ness education and assist to get you a position when competent.
Tbe dreat Conditioner and Stock Pattener. HORSES *
Mora W ork oa Less Peed. COWS give More and Richer
Milk. HOGS Patten Quicker if given this Pood. ,
L w w w V w W
Dr. C. Get Wo
and improved rapidly
ulcer heal, or the effect Upon the ays- under its use, but about this time I had
tern blight prove disastrous. 8 .8 .S .
an attack of typhoid iever.and this aeL?
e s into the circulation and searches
out and removes the cause o f the in the ability o f B .B .B .,1 began it again
as soon as I w as over the fever, m u ) to
o ld sore and invigorates. And builds
make a lon g story short, w ss compie U ly
tip the pplluted, sluggish blood
and permanently eursd. T w o yoarahavo
again, and as the poisonous matter elapsed, and X have never had a return o f
the trou ble.
M BS. X . A . D U F F Y .
is driven from the system the sore
814 W . W ashington St.
begins to heal, new flesh forms and
the place is soon covered over with
fresh skin and the sore is gone for a ll time, W here the constitution lx
debilitated from the effects o f chronic sores, ulcers, abscesses, carbuncles,
boils or other severe skin eruptions, S. S. 8.
w ill build it up again and stimulate and
Strengthen a ll parts of the system. S. S. S.
contains no strong minerals, but is guaran­
teed entirely vegetable. It is unequaled as
a Blood Purifier and invigorating tonic.
D o hot depend upon local remedies alone.
Get your blood right, and as it forces out
the poison the sore most heal, because ndthing is left in the system for
it to feed upon. W rite US should you desire medical advice, which is given
without charge. *
Hnt tad Rootromerr Sts., F o r
Telephone, Bata 3*4.
w H r W
Package, BOo and Sl.OO.
m akes
f ig s
— g o o d
calves .
P kttm ian R k m b d t C o .. 8t. Paul, M inn.
O m t l i m i x :—I b a re been feeding jo u r P i d h i a x S t o c k P ood t o m y
thoroughbred ewine. I t g iv — them an appetite, and makes the plga
g r o w . I also tried i t on stunted calves w ith satisfactory results.
F . W . G ro o m s . BUrin. Neb.
P O R T L A N D BRED CO., P o rtla n d . O r.. Coast A gon ts.
Sanders Disk Plow
■O-TO-MC r . M
• ••
I m u w I. a«w T ot *, h i
Send for Special Circulât
Simplest and most perfect made. Before you
Rite your order for a Disk Plow be sure to ex­
amine the Sanders. For sale by tbe old roll-
able house of
, ...
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
P o
r tla n d