Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 11, 1903, Image 1

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O f Interest to the Citiseli* and one a t present, and calls for in­
New M au gp n ese Safe
Taxpayers of Newberf.
telligent procedure. The columns
F T E R the
o f the Graphic are Open f o r a
a tte m p t
There is a question o f v ita l im­ general
discussion . o f
portance to be settled b y the citi­ question.
zens o f this com m unity, ‘a nd th a t
Interesting Proceedings of the
to o before long. We refer to the
City Council.
m atter of new public school ac­
H v: r '
2 :
1 ri "
comm odations.
The present
All the councilmen were pres­
crowded condition of the New- ent a t the regular meeting M on­
berg school is know n and appreci­ d ay evening, M ayo r H. A. L ittle­
ated, especially b y those w ho field presiding.
¡have an intelligent interest in
The first im portant subject to
m atters pretain in gtothe welfare come before the Council w a s pre­
o f the public school. The direc­ sented b y a petition, freely signed,
to rs think
they can w orry askin g for all night electric light
through this year, though a t a service. General discussion fol­
disadvantage, w ith the eight lowed the reading o f the propo­
teach ers. n o w employed.
But sition made b y the proprietor of
action w ill have to be taken the. light plant, C. J. Edw ards,
soon and preparations begun in brief as follows: “ I w ill keep
lighted the street lights from
Som ething must be done. The dark till daw n, leaving connect­
question is, what?- And the ed all regular commercial lines
directors feel th a t they should during the night, provided a suf­
h a ve the co-operation o f the ficient increase in present busi­
patrons and taxpayers in solv­ ness can be secured for which it form and a t t o t edge is about
in g the problem. I t is time the w ill require the installing on the six inches thick^fitting into the
people should be studying the p art o f the city of «. sufficient jam b o f the door oi the same
question, and deciding upon the number o f lights a t $8 per thickness. S6 accurate and per­
¡best course to be pursued. The month for arc and $2 per month fect is the joint, th a t a hair from
in itiative will soon be taken, for incandescent to equal $85 your head p lad lp on the door
a n d when the public is called up­ per month under the present con­ crushed "’to powder when
■ ....... . ■
the door is closed! The body of
on to express an opinion, th a t tr a c t conditions ."
opinion should be an intelligent
The sentiment expressed w as the safe is cast solid, th a t is in
favorable to the extension o f the one piece, and the door also is
A new building will be neces­ service, though some members solid so th a t wheh the door is
sary next year.
Shall i t be were conservative as regards the seated in the jam b and locked
erected as near as possible to expense entailed thereby. M a y o r the safe is practically one piece,
Littlefield actively supported the as the opening ”i | hermetically
proposition and encouraged the sealed so th a t liqtfid explosives
faint hearted to acquiescence On cannot be introduced. The m a­
m otion of F. K . Jones, the m a t­ terial of which the safe is made is
ter w as left w ith the committee Manganese steel and is. looked
on streets and public property, upon b y metallurgists and scien­
tific men generally as a wonder­
with: instructions to investigate
ful discovery as it ml b oth drill
and b last p r o o C ^ T M B ank o f
grad es be accommodated in one call an extra session within a few N ew betg has had one visit from
building and the lower ones in days to decide the question.
to defy all burglarious at-
Itiw as moved and carried th a t
th e other? These are questions
• .
which will have to be met and another hose cart, as recom-
The cashier Mr. ColcorcTis
decided and it is natural th a t medded by H. R. Morris, chief o f highly pleased w ith the new safe
th e directors, feeling the heavy the fire department, be purchased. and he invites the public to call
Some special rates for w ater and take a look a t it.
responsibility upon them, should
w ish to
acquaint themselves and w ater power were made.
W e.w ould like to ta lk w ith
One improvement which has
w ith the feeling o f the patrons
every farmer in this comm unity
relative thereto. A school meet­ been hanging fire for a long time
about using Formaldehyde. I t
in g w ill be held' in the near w as finally passed upon fayor-
has been recommended b y the
future for the purpose of vo tin g ab ly M on day evening, and th a t
Oregon Experiment Station a t
a. ta x foi the expenses of the com­ w as the opening up o f River
Corvallis in place o f vitriol. Is
in g year, when this question will street through Clarence B u tt’s
cheaper, easier to use and better
natu rally come up for discussion. property. Some time a go inter-
than vitriol
Yours fdr better
A good attendance should be
crops, F . H. Caldwell & C o.,
city would appropriate $200
present on th a t occasion.
prescription druggists.
In connection with this subject
A Frightened Horse.
a movement is being advocated
Running like mad down the
b y some, the idea o f which is
street dumping the occupants, or a
n e w to m any— th a t of the con­
hundred other accidents, are every
solidation o f the school districts
It behooves
o f the neighborhood into one,
everybody to have a reliable salve
an d o f bringing the pupils o f the
handy and there’s none as good as
neighboring districts into New-
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Burns,
berg to school. The plan has
cuts, sores, eczema and piles disap-
been adopted in m any places
• pear quickly under its soothing ef­
an d found very satisfactory.
fect. 25c, at F. H. Caldwell &
Drivers, regularly employed, g o
Co’s. Drug Store, , w
o u t over theif country routes, in
the morning, gather up the chil­
Build the foundation of life up­
dren and haul them to school
on truth, and it will w ithstand
any onslaught. W hatever there
and take them out home again
of error or falsehood must
in the evening. The advantages
crumble and decay.
claimed for this plan are the
of the school
One Hundred Dollars a Box
system , greater efficiency of
is the value H. A. Tisdale, Sum-
service, the securing o f the bene­
merton, S. C. places on DeWitt’s
fit o f g raded sehools to all, Ct
Witch. Hazel Salve.’_He says: ‘ T
I t is not necessary to call a t­
Bad the pttes for 20 years. I tried
tention the benefit of this system
many doctors and medicines, but
t o an y tow n .
It is obvious.
all failed except DeWitt’s Witch
Eventually this system will,
Hazel Salve. It cured me.” It is
w ith little doubt, come into
a combination of the healing prop­
general usage. Are we ready for
erties of Witch Hazel with antisep­
it here?
/ \
tics and emollients; relieves and
No subject should awaken
permanently cures blind, bleeding,
more general interest than one
itching and protiuding piles, sores,
which bears upon the welfare o f
A few more sacks o f vetch seed cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum
the public schools. The situa- for sale. H. E. Newlin, Spring- and all skin diseases. Sold by F.
tio n , locally, is a rather complex brook.
II. Caldwell & Co.
To be thoroughly appreciated
should possess value. In our
great varieties of neckwear,
mufflers and handkerchiefs
you will find just the thing the
men folks will w ant.................
T here are
Belles to
And you can R ing Both; Especially at X m as]Tim eI
(Not only is it a good plan to R IN G them, but it if
also advisable to W A T C H them afterwards.)
And to assist in the festivities, we shall be exceeding glad
Since you are thinking of rings, watches, etc., we
humbly call your attention to our stock in the jewelry line.
We have lately received a large number of fine rings,
including some diamonds— and we feel sure we have some-
thing to suit the most fastidious taste.
We also have something exceptionally fine in silver
ware for the Xmas trade.
Jewelers and Opticians
Whetryou find a fra ilty in your strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
friend, perchance, if ybtt will rebuilds wornout tissues, purifies
look, you w ill find a greater in
strengthens and sweetens the stom­
yourself. , „
ach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson of WT
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Va., says: " I have used a number
digests all classes of food, tones of Lotties of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and strengthens the stomach and and have found it to be a very ef­
fective and indeed a powerful rem­
digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia
edy for stomach ailments.
indigestion, stomach troubles and recommend it to my friends.”
makes rich red blood, health and Sold by F. H. Caldwell & Co.