F Hansjvirth W C B Jones, small tract in J B. Rowland's d 1 c, t 3 s, r 4 w, $io; ; C B Jones and wife to 0 ,F Cooper» small tract in J B Row­ land’s d 1 c„t 3 s, r 4 w, $8oo. L II Statley to R A Rowley, 36q acres in secs ifi,1?9«nd 30, t 3 FOR EVERYBODY •• r s w .,f r t o o . ____ O ur shelves are loaded w ith a new stoafr of Notice tv Prune Growers. shoes, which it w ill be money in your pocket to examine, I have bought the Seth Mills fruit dryerand am prepared t o dry fruit for growers a t reason, able rat«*. 4 2 -4 t L. S. H e a c o c K. A good shoe has three distinguishing points— quality, beauty, ease. O urs have all these, 1 * Ladies and children's slippers also on hand, , D istress A ft e r E atin g Cured. Judge W. T. Holland, of Green s- burg, Da., who is well and favor­ ably known, says: “ Two years ago I suffered greatly from Indigestion. After eating, great distress would D E A L E R S IN G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D IS E invariably; result, lasting for an hour or sot aud mY nights were restless. I concluded to'try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and it curWf me reason thereof w as filled w ith entirely. Now my sleep is re­ earth up even w ith the grade. freshing , and digestion perfect.” Sold by Caldwell & Co. A pair o f Guinea pigs for sale. The old scales have a history closely connected w ith the Herman W oodward. The proudest moment in a suc­ g ro w th o f McMinnville. M r. cessful m an’s life is when he tells A. E. Moore made a business Johnson purchased them and put how he g o t there. trip over to North Yamhill them in on the then busiest street Thursday* o f the village.- As near as he can We handle L ittle’s Sheep Dip. remember, it w as nearly, if not. F. H. C aldw ell<& Co.» Prescrip­ quite, th irty years ago. They tion Druggists. are supposed to have been the Tone up you r system by ta k in g first large platform scales ever M oore's Sarsaparilla, the best brought to the county; certainly spring tonic they are the first ever brought to MeMinnville. Mr. Johnson w a s A new supply of hop-picking gloves in stock. jk We work at the Newberg Steam laundry, the best place in the couutry to get your work done. We guarantee satisfaction and prompt attention. A ll work called (brand promptly delivered. Blanch offices in Dayton and Sherwood. A. N. PRESSN ALL, Prop. ■'"DREQON’S BLUE RIBBON SALEM, Sept. 14-19,1903 The Greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show on the Pacific Coast. High Class Racing every afternoon. All exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pacific. Reduced transportation rates on all lines. Live Stock Auction Sale held in connection with fair. Fine camping ground free and reduced rates on camp­ ers’ tickets. Come and bring your families. For further information, write M. D. Wisdom, Secretary, P o r tlan d , O regon . People don’t w orry h alf as much afioùt w h a t the Lord they do about thinks o f t ’ Obors say o f w h a t then them. su re o f E a tin g Mrs. W . W. H ollingsworth, R e a l E s ta te T ra n s fe rs . w h o is visiting relatives a t L a th« Yamhill County Abstract Grande, w rites th a t the climate Reported by Company, McMinnville. ' Of Eastern Oregon is proving Jacob Harrington to J O and J L very beneficial to her health. Harrington, 40rfcres in Wm Smith Dfivid Bundy, a cousin o f Mre. Martha J Hyde to Lecta M Met L . M. Parker, arrived last week on a visit. Accompanied by calf, 40 acres in sec 2; t 5 s, r 7 w Miss Nora Parker, he left for J W Booth and wife to Lena Salem Thursday to visit rela­ Tehran, two small tracts tives in th a t vicinity. Amity, $4*5. A gentleman named Stone, Elsina Johnson to Keturah Ed­ recently from Iow a, but who wards, lots 3 and 4, blk 22, La With his family has been spend­ Fayette, $100. ing a few weeks a t Yaquina Bay, J E Noll and wife to Ellen M has been in Newberg this week of Daniel m aking arrangements to move Knott, 157 acres, n Booth d 1 c, t 2 s, r 3 w, $200. here. John E Brooks to Carrie A There w ill, be an adjourned Pritchett, 1 # acres in McMinn­ meeting o f the Newberg M onthly ville, $1000. Meeting o f the Friends church J J Ward to Ira G Nelson, 15 next Saturday evening a t 8 acres in sec $ , t 2 s, r 4 w, $7 5 o. o'clock. It is understood th at Ethel Hitchcroft et al to N G im portant business is to be con­ Fairchilds, 80 acres in secs <29 and sidered. 32, t 2 s, r 5 w, $500. Dan Gilbert’s parents and J R Owens and wife to C D youngest daughter left their In­ Johnson, pt lot 5, blk 8, McMinn­ diana home the first o f the week ville, $300. for Oregon on an extended visit. Wm Hamilton and wife to Chas They come directly to Salem, Lorenzen et al, lot 11, Eletcbtr's near where they w ill first visit ist add to Dayton, $650. w ith Levi Gilbert and family. C H Pool to J H Heath, 40 acres T w o or three other Hoosiers ac­ in sec 19, t 4 s r 3 w, $1300. company them. A P Oliver to W R Rees, lot 13, Little Orchard Homes, Newberg, Historic denies. $75* The DH Tairbariks Rtcaleslrt C E Jensen arid wife to JBm fth, front o f C . D. Johnson’s black­ 60 acres in J Brisbine d 1 c, t 2 », r smith «hop on A Street were dis­ 3 w, $1000. mantled and removed this week, J & Owens and wife to R Nelson, mad th« hole left in the street by part lot 5, blk 8, McMinntiUe, ■ « *É | ||»it| "V -w ***-ó 4* «—* - .. > r f t f - a 4, ' ,J • f t <• * t 1 ■ • - H is L ife S a v e d by C h a m b e r la in ’s C o lic, C h o le ra a n d IH a rrh o ea R em edy. 1 « '* - - ^ 1 * ...................... ..... .................................... . . . j . j " 'T • (V » , ■ *.rJ iJ ,' r 1 ...... f ; - ...... fi-0 .-j.~ -i CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. T im e C a rd N o. 2 1 No. 2 fur Yaquiua : Leaves A lb an y . . . „ i , . .,.12: V Corvallis................. 1:J Arrives Y aquloa............ ..... .5 No. 1 returning ! Leaves Yaquina...............*.<. 7 Corvallis Arrive A lbany. No. S tor Detroit: Leaves Albany Arrives Detroit No. 4 from D etroit: Leaves D e t r o i t . . . . . . ........ *.1 :0 0 p. m*. Arrives Albany................ .. .5:06 p .'tn . train No. 1 arrives in Albany In tim e to connect with the 8. P. south bound train, aa well as giving two or three- boors in Albany before the departure- of the 8 . P. north bound train. Train No. 3 connects with the 8 . P._ trains at Corvallis and Albany giving a direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No. 3 lor Detroit, Brel ten bush and other mountain resorts leaves Al­ bany at 7 :0Q a. m ., reaching Detroit at. * noon, giving ample time to reach the- Springs the same day. For further information apply to< E dw in S ton * , Manager. T h o s . C o c kkkll , Agent, Albany H. H . C r o n ise , Agent, Corvallis. « O regon (jggj) S hort L ine « nd union P acific TIREE TRIMS ti tin EAST DAILY Chicago Portland via Huntington. Balt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth,Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis,Chicago and E ast Atlantic Xxpreaa • :15 p.m. _ via KunUngton. 1 n r Also Rheum atism , Back I I 8 ^ i “* ache, H eartD lsease Gravel. 1 i l l E , Dropsy, Fem ale Troubles. W * X JL l Don t become discouraged. T here is r. cure for you. I f necessary write Dr. Fenner lie has spent a life tim e co rin g J u s t such coses as yours. A ll consuAtatloos F ree. 1 “ 1 had sever© case o f kidney dlsOm«' and rheum atism , discharging bloody m atter. Suffered intense pain. My Wife Was seriously effectedAHth fem ale troubles. Dr. F en n er s Kidney and B ack ach e (h ire cured us both. F. M. W H EELER , Randolph. la ." Druggists. SOc.. >1, Ask forCook Book—Free. QT V IT IIt’ n iN P C Bure Oltre. Circular, Dr 0 1 • V11 UO UAnUC Fenner, Fredonia.N.Y F or Sale by F . H .C aid w til & Co. Atlantic Express. St. PasU Fast Mail m. ftpokana OCEAN AND RIVER SCH ED ULE .B O H PORTLAND. All selling dates subject to change For Ben Francisco— Bail every 6 daya 5:00 p. m. Daily Cetaatbla Riser Kx. Sunday Ex. Sunday Steamers. S:0O p.m. Saturday To A Storia and Way , Lendings 10:00 p. m. • :45a.m. don., We< and Fri. “ B. L ;*B y sfi a well known cooper of Urf* town, says he be­ lieves ChHfhberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved bis life l a s t * summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctors dlfied bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any goodjuntil he tried this rem­ edy* It gave him immediate re­ lief,” sayt B. T. Little, merchant, HancockjfrMd. For sale by C. F^ Moore & 9 Qp. A ■to'4.y,,«ii? '» fc * ■" ' « « ,»i'«fews. ' i« -- Persons suffering from indiges­ tion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes , the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for indigestion and dyspepsia and W ÀTCHM AKEK all complaints affecting the glands JEW ELER or membranes of the stodach or digestive Uract. When yon take Solicita the patronage of hi* old Indiana Friend* who need watofa repairing done. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tadtfcs good, and every bit 2 0 7 M o r r is o n S t . of the nutriment that your food PORTLA N D , OR contains is assimilated and appro­ priated by the blood and tissues. Sold by Caldwell & Co* ‘ M any a wom an, says a critic, “ parades up the dhurch aisle in a new stylish h at and gow n, followed by a husband in a threadbare coat and last y e a r’s h at.” A llo f which is admitted by the G arnett Eagle, which then, add«, th a t “ m any a man passes down the street w ith his old hide foil o f beer, a cigar in his teeth and a chew o f tobacco in his mouth« while hts> wife ca n 't get money enough to buy a h at o f any kind for herself or a pair of shoes for her children.” MB PAS BO ST B . C . D a W I T T A C Q ., CHICAGO Fov Sale by F . H. Caldw ell & Co, $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 C a s h P r e m iu m s o n L iv e S t o c k a n d F a r m P ro d u c ts . the weighing stand w ould form I Easy to take and easy to agt ts ( that famous little pill DeWltt's Little Early Risers. This la due to the fact that they tonio the liver in­ stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the moat delicata lady, and yat they are so certain in results that no one who uses them Is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, Constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu- r*onia and fevers. TRADE MARKS D esig n s C o pyrig h ts A c . th and dOsmptton m»y Inton free whether an entable. Communie«* Salem, Indepen­ dence, Corvallis and way landings. 7:00 a.m. Foes.. Thnr. , VaiSMil Rlvsr. Oregon City, Dayton and way landings l,v, Lewifltwr intricali* 8 :Oo s. ni. 4:05 a. os. «ally except Riparta te Lewiston Daily except Friday* Saturday A. L. CRAIG •--- « è '.-* /! j j