Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 04, 1903, Image 7

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« * * « a * * A JN U M t 1
U t
A n A M la C lean in g W alla.
Every farmer should have bis well
food and clean for the winter months.
Here Is a design for a handy well der­
rick. The scantlings are 12 feet long
2x4 Inches thick, made o f elm. The
three pieces at each end and the mid­
dle are 4x4 Inches, also o f hardwood,
spiked to the scantling. A 1)4 Inch
hole Is bored at the top about 14
inches frypA-ijtoe end. A n o th e» hole,
the s a m e ^ H V ^ b o r e d a t the bottom
about 1 % sSeetffom. theend.
The cnt'ahQWB the derrick set up for
use. ThgAegs jtraJl feet long, 4 Inches
. t h lc k y M ^ r good solid timber. A 1)4
DESaiCK FOR ClJBAiriHG w i u .
inch hole la bored through She top for
the bolt to go through. The inside
part o f the leg where the hole Is bored
should be made like a wedge, so as to
fit closely against the scantlings. The;
pulleys are 12 inches In diameter, and
a re made o f wood. The rope should be
put over the top pulley and under the
bottom pulley. The legs should be
sunk in the ground so that they w ill
not slide and let the derrick fall. A
good strong hook should be securely
fastened on the rope.- A steady horse
can operate this all right, ohce it Is
understood.— Harry H. Poetle In Ohio
A Cheap Drap.
W hile there are some drags on the
m arket that are very deeirable, it la
possible to bave a home-made one that
la quite aa good and which w ill ooat
considerable leaa than the bonghten
one. Such a drag la shown In the il­
lustration, and Is made o f tw o strips
o f timber and three fence poets. These
posts may be o f any sise desired to
give the needed weight; Indeed, by
making several o f these drags o f posts
o f different weights, one may have 4.
drag for almost any use. The cross­
pieces are spiked on so that the posts
are about a foot apart and, as w ill
be noticed from the Illustration, the
posts are placed so that the rather
sharp edges are forward, which pre­
vents clogging. As will be readily
seen, the cost of such a drag Is very
email, and there Is nothing in Its con­
struction but what may be done on the
farm where the ordinary tools may be
found.— St. Paul Dispatch.
Quick R etu rn * fro m P o u ltry .
A correspondent to one o f oar ex­
changes says: “ One of the advantages
In poultry production Is that returns
come quickly. W ith the exception of
strawberries, there la practically do
line o f small fruits which yon can be­
gin to realise inside of three years; s
milk cow does not approach her fall
power of production short o f three and
a half years; apple trees do not begin
to bear freely short o f seven or eight
years. H ow Is It with the hen? Three
weeks from the setting o f the hen yon
have s hatch of chickens; from four
to four and a half months from batch­
ing the cockerels are ready for the
market, and in five to five and a half
months the pallets w ill begin to lay.”
Farm Notas.
Where’s the harvester or other val­
uable tool?
A harvester in a fence corner where
last need is as much out o f place as a
bull Is. In a china, shop.
¿There are now thought to be about
18,000,000 dairy cattle In this country,
which allows one cow for about every
four persons.
A writer on the subject o f hogology,
In speaking o f the chief pointa o f the
modern hog, aaya that he has no
points, but la round llko A sauaagt.
The Duchess o f Bedford makes the
world recognise her existence. She is
fine-looking and wealthy, hut prefers
business enterprises to society. A t her
fine'estate, Woburn Abbey, In England,
she haa a boo filled mostly with sebras
and camels. She has Just built a hos­
pital on her estate, for her tenants.
The Duchess haa for a long time run
a dairy. The dairy building la a Chi­
nese pagoda affair with tiled floors and
oak panelling. Everything la old style
and the halls are ornamented with his­
torical dairy utensils. But the Duchess
does not use any o f these—she uses the
lateet American ma chines.
The Bedfords also have an opera
house o f their own—and the Daks
while we argue that In these modem
P»*«*P Berries Fid the Heads
days a woman should demand a horse
Wheat Stalks.
that when she starts for a given point
Auction sales o f Uvsstofik will be
her clothes won’t get out of style be­
o f a week’s work with
conducted at the Oregon state fair on
fore she gets there.
machines the reports
September 18 and 18- The fair has al-
The farm Implement or machine ways afforded an
rtunity for received are to the effect that the
which w ill earn 25 per cent, on Its cost fanners and breeder
buy and sell wheat crop In Marion county la turn­
sales are ing out much better than was ex-
yearly, aa very many will, la a far^ stock, and every y
peeted. Manager J. Q. Graham, of
safer Investment than bank stocks made. The t ran factions have always Balfour, Guthrie A Co.’a office in
on deposits. W e most learn to do busi­ been made by private ' dickering Salem, aaya that yields are running
ground the cattle department. This
from 25 to 50 bushels per acre, and
ness with the farm.
year, the fair management has ar­
a little better than the last-
The next time yon purchase bran ex­ ranged fo r the employment of an auc­
named amount la reported hi some in­
amine It carefully to see whether It tioneer and public sales will be held.
stances. Mr. Graham haa heard of
A large number o f well-known no crop that has yielded leas than 25
contains whole weed seeds. There was
sent to Wisconsin last year a car of breeders w ill send stock to the sale, bushela per acre tb l» year. The qual­
bran that contained 52,000 seeds 'to and those who Wish to buy can find ity la good.
the ponnd, says an exchange. Think almost anything they want. While
Farmers were evidently deceived
the greatest interest w ill probably be
o f patting the manure from ten tons centered in the sales o f cattle, there by the looks of the straw this year.
The stand o f straw was poor, and the
o f that bran on a field!
w ill also b«L horses, -sheep, goats and farmers looked for only fair yields at
The young man.Jni the country o f hogs sold-io the highest bidder.
beat, but it seems that the heads o f
The sales w ill begin on Friday, and wheat were hiled out from and to end
1[h abits can have a larger bank,
~ at
St the end o f the year on a continue on that day An d Saturday.' with plump grain and the yield
Those who wlah to bid will therefore
wage o f 8300, with board and laundry have plenty o f tim e earlier In the thna greater than appearances Indi­
thrown In, than can the .city fellow week to examine all the stock offered cated.
.who gets a wage o f 8000 per annum. and determine what they wlah to bid.
*Nor w ill it be necessary for the young This feature o f the fa ir established
man la the country to deny himself particularly for the farmers, lg likely
Cemp may Pen«
any of the genuine pleasures o f life to prove very popular.
Begin Bi '
in order to do this.
The directors elected by the recent­
There is leaa demand every year
ly organized
Prunegrowers’ .mutual
for the extra large overfatted hogs
latsrw insurance company have decided not
of Trade
that have taken tw o years to reach
to begin business this season. An
ef the Ti
agreement was made with the Oregon
maturity. W hat is wanted for pro­
A number o f the citizens o f Rain­ mutual fire relief association, o f Mc­
fitable feeding la a' thrifty pig, that In
ier have affected-a temporary organ­
six or seven or eight months’ growth isation o f a hoard o f trade. A com­ Minnville, by which that company
will extend its work so aa to Include
w ill average a pound of pork a day. mittee was appointed to draft by­
prune dryers. Under the agreement
This can usually be made at a profit. laws and instructed to report Satur­ the Oregon MHitual will fix a rate of
The heavier hogs cost more to keep, day, August 29, at which time the or­ assessments on prune dryers which
and the pork Is neither so good, nor ganisation Is to be perfected.
will make the cost o f insurance 50
The object* o f thie hoard of trade are per cent o f the rates charged by old
w ill It now sell so well, as pork that
to Invite capital for investment and line companies.
weighs 200 pounds or leps per car­
to advertise the resources o f the
town. The recent county seat fight, their organisation so aa to operate a owns more land than almost any okhar
. A good w ay to get rid o f potato bug* while It was not won by Rainier, it mutual company of their own by the nobleman In England.
Years ago one o f the Duke’s ances­
la to poison them by the use o f parls haa stimulated the cttlsens to action. time the next drying season begins.
hanged an abbot o f Woburn Ab­
The directors considered it impracti­
green and water at the rate o f one
proved, factories to be put in opera­ cable to get their work started this bey. A brother abbot swore that the
pound o f the poison to one hundred
tion, In short where there Is only a
dukedom should not pass three tim e«
gallons o f water.
Another w ay is town e f a few hundred Inhabitants season.
succession— from non to son to son
to use the parts green with cheap flour Rainier expects to be a city e f sever­
Big Ors Body Uncovered.
while this curse has so fa r been
or plaster, using about one pound o f al thousand inhabitants before the
Recent developments a t the "Lucky fulfilled, yet It does not worry the
green to one barrel o f either o f the close o f the Lew is and Clark fair.
Cats*,’’ the property under develop­
ment by W. T. Cope and others on present Bedfords.
latter. This should be dusted on the
Maple Gulch, a tributary o f the Ap­
leaves early in the morning when they
have uncovered an ore body EX-GOVERNOR BOIES*
are m oist London purple may be
•lx feet In width, while the distance
used in the place o f parts green, but
Multnomah F air Association races, between walls is 13 feet. The ledge
as It is more liable to burn the leaves
matter outside o f the main ore body
Irvington track, September 21-26.
when used in water, one pound of
carrying streaks and bunches of
Teachers’ Institute,. Lostine, Aug­
qnickllme should be put in the water ust 24-26; Hood River, August 26-28; quarts, indicating that the whole
fo r each ponnd o f london purple used; Prairie City, September 1-8;
Rose- width may come into quarts at a lib
but the london purple, in such a case, burg, September 1-4; Heppner, Sep­ tie greater depth. During the wh61e
should be used at the rate o f one tember 2-4; Bevins, 8ejtember 7-9; progress o f the tunnel, wfilch la now
Salem, September 9-11; Vale, Sep­ nearly 300 feet in length, there has
pound to seventy gallons o f water.
tember 10-12; Oregon City, Septem­ been a steady increase, both In the
. Poultry tad Small Fruits.
ber 15-17; Klamath Falls, September dimensions o f the vein and In the
That there Is good profit In raising 28-30; Lakevlew, October 1-3, and quality of* the ore. The values are
very steady and range from |8 to $20
poultry In connection with small fruits Hillsboro, October 28-30.
per ton. The mine is easily acces­
has been repeatedly proved; on the
sible and the ore can be handled eas­
other hand, many failures have result­
and cheaply.
Labor Day, Portland, September 7.
ed solely because provision has not
State convention of mining men,
been made to keep the fowls from the
Using New Read Law.
Portland, September 7.
fruit plots. I f this Is done there w ill
Oregon National Guard encamp­
Columbia county la adopting a new
be no tumble Jo working both Indus­ ment.. September 3-12; Third Infan­
system for road work under th e new
tries to advantage, for the time when tr y , Gearhart Park; ~ First Battery, law. The road master, recently ap­
the fruit needs the moat attention is Seaside, August 20; separate battal­ pointed, has made a tour of inspec­
the period when the fowls need least. ion, Roseburg. September 3-12.
tion through the low er end o f the
Joint concatenation o f H oe Hooa, county and w ill recommend some rad­
In working this combination it is a
ical changes in the building of roads.
good plan to raise poultry largely for Portland, September 9.
Carn)val, Oregon City, September
the sale o f the carcass In the fall and 23-27.
winter production o f eggs; then, If the
State Fhir, Salem, September 14-19.
young chicks are hatched early in the
Second Southern Oregon District
Messrs. Daniels A Hanna, o f Hood
spring, the work of the poultry w ill e’atr
September 29-Octo- River, have secured a valuable body
ex - gov . nous.
Interfere but little with the necessary ber t.
o f tim ber on the north fork o f the
Ex-Governor Boles la now living in
Harney County Fair, Burns, Sep­ Scappoose, and are putting in a saw­
attention which must be given the
and shows no inclination to
m ill o f large capacity.
small fruits. By proper arrangement
Races, Antelope, September 17-19.
In public affairs. H e la
o f poultry yards and runs and the
Stock exhibit and race meet, Port­
large farm near Bldofa,
small fruit plots there should be no land, September 21-26.
consists o f 1,500 acre»
trouble In keeping them apart For a
Second Eastern Oregon
state o f cultivation.
man who must handle a small farm Fair, The Dalles, September 22-26.
since the death:
Klamath County
Fair, Klamath
alone there Is no better combination
Whaat— Walla W alla, 78679c; blue- o f his son. A valuation of $500,000 ha»
than that o f poultry and small fruits.
been placed on his farm.
Crook County Jockey Club meet, stem, 80682c; valley, 86c.
— Indianapolis News.
Flour— Valley, $3.«*@3.66 par bar­
Prlnevllle, October 27-29.
S m a llest C opy o f L o r d ’s P ra y e r.
Lincoln County Fair, Toledo, Sep­ rel; bard wheat straights, $8.8064.00;
N a v y Beans.
wheat, patents, $4.1664.86;
A crop which can profitably be tember 10-12.
Prof. Webb, o f the Royal Micro­
graham, $3.8*63.75; whole wheat, scopical Society, o f Great Britain, pos­
grown to a much greater extent and • Race meet, Sumpter, October 1-5.
$8.5564.00; rye wheat, $4.50.
over a much larger area of the coun­
sesses the smallest copy o f the Lord’s
Price of Hops Raising.
Barley— Feed, $20.00621.00per ton; Prayer in the world. I t Is written
try than la now done is the common
Twenty-two cents has been offered browing, $21; rolled, $21621.80.
with a diamond upon a piece o f glass,,
navy or field been.
There is not
hops o f the crop of 1902. This Is
Oats— No. 1 whits, $1.07)4; gray, and only the finest microscopes manu­
enough grown to supply home de­
Information received by
factured can distinguish the characters
mands, beans being imported every Wlnstanley. o f the Oregoa Hoparrow- $1.0061-05 per cental.
the letters. The naked eye, even
year, although it Is a crop of compara­ ers* association, from a reliable
tively easy cultivation and one that source. W hile this prioe has been of­ dlings, $25; shorts, 822; chop, $1$; when aided by an ordinary magnify­
ing glass, would not be able to read It.
pay« f better than most field crops. fered for one lot o f hops, it Is not con­ linseed dairy food, $19.
Hay — Timothy, $14.00 per tea;
The Lord’s Prayer covert a space
Clean land, of good quality, should be sidered the market price, but merely
selected, and the baa ns planted In drills Jodie»*««! that the market Is strong at cloker, nominal; grain, $10; cheat, measured by one five-hundredth o f an
Immediately after the corn Is in. Culti­ the figure generally quoted, 20 cents. nominal.
Inch one way,' and one elx-bundred-
Few sales. If any, are taking place.
Batter— Fancy creamery, 22)4628« and-thlrd part o f an Inch In another
vate as soon as the plants are above
par pound; dairy, 18620c; store, 15
the ground, and when there is no dew
direction. In other word», It means
Wheat Low at
or rain on the leaves, as that w ill spot
that with writing o f that size. 74,115,- .
Pendleton buyers are offering ex­
Cheese Full «ream, twins, 14e;
and spoil the foliage. Cultivate thor­ trem ely low prices for wheat, com­
600 letters can be placed in a single
America, 15o; factory prioas,
oughly until the growth o f foliage cov­ pared to quotations In other places.
square Inch.
The force o f this Is
161)4e leaa.
ers the ground and stops the growth o f T w o sales have just been made at
easier comprehended when w e remem­
Poultry— Chickens, mixed, 1 1)46
weeds. When two-thirds ' of the pods 70)4 oenta. Another small lot has
ber that the Bible contains 88,666,480
been sold at 71 cents. A t Enreka 12c per pound; spring, 14614)4«;
are ripe pall by hand and lay in rows Junction an offer of 76 cents haa been
letters, which means that the entire
hens, 1 2 612)4«; broilers, $2.00 per
until well dried. TlmWh on a dry, made for blnestem. A t W alla W alla
Christian Scripture« can be written
doeen; turkeys, live,
10612c per
clear day, otherwise the beans may not bluestem la selling In the neighbor^ pound;dreaeed,14615c; docks, $464.50 legibly, twenty times repeated, within
easily come out o f the pods.
the single space o f a square Inch,
hood o f 75 cents.
per dosen; geese, {6 66.50.
and have vacant space le f t
Canned Pass.
Eggs— Oregon reach, 16c.
Rich Valovs on Powslta Croak.
Shell the peas and lay in cold water.
Potato«« Oregon, 75685c per sack;
Bo In te re s tin g .
Sharp Bros. A Holman, miners of
A t the end o f an hour drain and put Powell creek, made a quarts discov­ sweet potato««, 2)4c per ponnd.
“ Bah Jove I” suddenly exclaimed
Whnet Sack«— In lota of 100 , 6)4e.
over the fire In slightly salted boiling ery o f unusually excellent appearance
Cholly Borem, after a lull In the con­
Beef — Groee steers, $8.7564.28; versation, “ this Is the lawst day of:
water. Boll until tender but not bro­ on the headwaters of that stream a
ken, drain and return the liquor to the few days ago. They have uncovered dreasad, 6 6 7 « per ponnd.
Jane, isn’t It?’’
Veal— 8>4c per pound.
fire. Pack the peas In qnart Jars, fill a ledge four feet in width, samples
dressed, 8 6
thèse to'overflow in g With thé boiling from which have given vain «« o f $86 - Mutton ■ Gross. $8;
5 )4 «; lambs, gross, $3.50; dressed, 6«.
liquid and seal Immediately. Keep In to tha ton.
“ Why, If It was the lawst day o f
Hogs— Gross, $5.5066.76; dressed,
a dark place.
Sale of Bohemia Mine«.
Instead o f June it would
W illiam Griffith and son, O. B. Grif­
’—Philadelphia Preee.
Let the middlemen understand that
H op »—1902 crop, 20c per pound.
the fruit of your labor la yours, not fith, o f Oregon City, have sold their
Tallow— Prime, per pound, 4 6 8 «;
Broadway group o f mines In the Bo­
When a woman comes back from a
theirs, and i f they w ill not deal Juatly
hemia district to the Oregon Surety No. 2 and greaaa, 2 )4 6 3 «.
visit, she usually has a great deal to
with you, cut them out, and go straight company. It la understood that the
Wool — Valley, 17618e; Eastern say about the smart sayings of her
to tha consumer.
consideration was $36,600. -
Oregon, 12616«; mohair, 86#S7)4o.
sister’s children.
« {. S