Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 04, 1903, Image 4

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    ' • ' - ’
ductibri from these) which are
fairly representative, lire, on the
Entered u second-class matter at the poatoffiee whole, complimentary to the in­
et Newberg, Oregon.
telligence o f readers. The old-
I ssued e v e r y F r id a y m o r n in g time influence o f the bookseller,
which was so potent as to be­
come all-important, has wahed,
but still a considerable degree of
it remains and continues even
$1.00 Per Year in Advance* yet the largest single factor,
perhaps, in ordinary cases in the
selling o f a book
’ -
■1 1 ,*
• *'
t .
• f . * -,
r ? *
’ " ;v
\ *f '’"L
'V *t’"
Dan Patch and Lbu Dillon, PURSUES R IG H T COURSE.
Who travel a mile in tw o minutes
So far as the Enterprise is Con­
and better, are postponing any
cerned, we are through with this
immediate demand for flying
free advertising for any concern
in the country* Every mail
The cup still belongs to Ameri­ brings to our office some circular
tan yachtsmen. It is suggested of some kind from some public
that Sir Thomas Lipton again institution or some public enter­
realizes that yachtà áre classified prise; which we are asked to
publish “ free for the benefit ol
as good, better, American.
our readers.” Recently Vre haYt
Apropos o f the present warfare made a rule to throw them into
between capital and labor, an the waste basket as fast as wt
exchange likens the corporations can tear them open. A news­
to a spider, which, when he gets paper man’s space is- his capital
hold o f a wasp and finds that he —his’ living—and the St. Louis-
has obtained a larger contract fair, the Portland exposition,
than he bargained for, shouts for the Chatauqiias, our own state
harmony until he can get hiS web fair and other enterprises are as
able to pay for advertising as wi
are able to do it for nothing.
The “ funny man” w ho had his Every self-respecting publisher
daily stunt to do for the breezy should shut down on this impo­
note and comment column sat sition at oifce and forever.—
with pencil in air and wearily Myrtle Point Enterprise.»
scratched his head. But the
fount o f inspiration had run THE POSTAL. EXPOSURES.
.. ;
dry, so he proceeded to get busy
There is to be no let-up in the
and ground out another joke on aclimnistration’s action against
the Pulitzer college o f journalism. thfc postal delinquents, declare*
the Globe-Democrat. M bst o:
A dispatch from Spokane siays
the big offenders have been pro­
that during a 'storm therfe the
ceeded against, at least in a pre
other day several telephone girls
liminary way. Now the smallei
wele knocked senseless by light,
wrongdoers are being deal!
nihg. The Capital Journal man
with. A long list o f little of­
is unkind enough to remark that
fenders has been made out, anc
it’s a ten to one lead A pipe
cinch 1
will feel the heavy hand o
that as they regained conscious­
ness each one parted her ruby
lips and softly murmured “ busy
Hitchcock’s “ secret charges” <
hgainst J. W. Knowles, who,
though backed by the entire con­
It has been the desire o f the
gressional delegation , was turned democratic
leaders to get t.
dow n for the registership at La ,<
chance to bring the postal scan
Grande, smacks very much o f , dal up in the extra session of
the Conduct o f the despicable congress,
and alfeb in the régulai
character w ho is always going session. From present indica­
about intimating Something tions, the whole question will b<
dark and mysterious in reference pretty well .out o f the w ay be
to his neighbor which he is not fore the called session begins, il
at liberty to divulge. Such there should be such a session.
action iS.unfpirand un-American. The republicans have a reputa­
tion for dealing Very rigorously
A democratic paper says that
with such wrongdoers as are un
the republican party ha! not,
earthed during their days, am
since the Grant regime, been so
the postal affair o f 1903 will bt
likely to be defeated by dissen­
no exception to this rule. The
sions in its own ranks ri& it is
president has aspecial interest ii
today, and that the democratic
getting this matter cleaned up ai
party has only to get together
the earliest practicable moment,
to do business again. Yes; de­
and as he has the powel* as well
mocracy has only to get to ­
as the inclination, it is Safe to
gether with its Bryans, its Cleve­
predict that nothing will be left
lands; its Hills, its Johnsons and
o f the postal irregularities by thi
its Gormans. That’s all. And
time that congress COittes inti
while it is “ getting togetheh” it
session again. -
might be performing a few o f the
One o f the thing! Which wil
fabled labors bf Hercules For
figftre in the platform framed by
recreation and exercise.
the party next year Will be tht
Recently an American firm of vigor and success which it ha*
publishers, wishing to discover ha<$ in dealing with govern­
w hat it is that induces people to mental offenders o f all sorts whe
buy books, invited replies to a haVe been revealed during repub
fist o f questions it sent out. licrin days. The party has had
Prorii the answers it was dfe- soihe experience in dealing witl.
dudW; says an Exchange, that wrongdoers, democratic arid re
twehty-six per cerit o f those Re­ ptiblican, and the tv ay which it
plying purchased the book in hHs ousted and punished then
question on thE recommendation makes a very creditable chaptei
o f booksellers, sixteen per cent in the long and illustrious his
becari^ie they had read ’and liked tory o f republican management
othet book'! o f the author, four­ of A e government b f the Ijnitei
The defiaocratA whi
teen per cEVlt on the recom­ States.
mendation o f friends1, twUVE per were imagining a few weeks ag(
bent becarisk they sflw it adver­ that they could make politic»
tised; and teh per tent because Capital out o f the postal scanda
Rhey saw' it reviewed, while five forgot the name o f the party
per cent bought it because the which was doing the exposing
tlHE d t fr a w d them'. The de- and the punishing in this affair.
ThE climatic history o f the Old
World will repeat itself in Amer­
ica. If forest|d est ruction, at Its
present ret*. of recklessness,
should continue much longer,
our continent will have to dry
up. So will àn orator * w ho
should venture to urge that fact
upon a boodle legislature in this
era o f lumber trusts. But the
fact remains, and .its significance
may be inferred from the experi­
ence d f the Mediterranean coast
lands, where thousands o f godi
gardens have been turned into
Gehennas o f wretchedness and
desolation. By tree destruction!
alone a territory' o f 4,500,000
square miles has been withdrawn
from the habitable areR'xrf' » m i
planet. .The physical history o f
the easten*4^Biisphere is the his­
tory o f a desert that originated
somewhere hear the cradle o f
the Caucasian race—in Bactria,
perhaps, and, spreading west­
and southward, has
blighted the Edens o f three con­
tinents like a devouring fire and
is now scorching the west coast
o f Africa, and sending its w am -
mg sand clouds far out to sea-
ward.—From “ Climatic Pros­
pects,” by Dr. Felix L. Oswald,
iff September National Magazine.
Then step in this way
please« for that'is our busi­
ness arid w e are préparée
to satisfy all wants in this
W e have a
large stock to select from,
and if you don't seé whal
you want, call for it and
w e will see that you have
Hollingsworth & Cooper
Reduced Excursion Rates to the
Seaside and Mountain Re­
sorts ÀrthA Summer.
* "*
j , , ’<
• The Southern Pacific Company
¿ms placed pn sale at very low
rates round- trip rickets to the
vérious resorts along its lines,
and also, in connection with the
Corvallis add Eastern Railroad,
to Detroit and the seaside at
Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good
for return until October 10th.
Three-day tickets to Yaquina
Bay, g ood going Saturdays, re­
turning Mondays, are on sale at
greatly reduced rates from all
and north on both
points Eu;
East and
d Sunday
at th f Seaside. Very low round
crip rate£ are also made between
Portland and same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going
Saturdays, returning Sunday or
Monday, allowing
people to spend Sunday in the
country and the out-of-town
people to have the day in Port
B L A N K E T S and
t h is
R A K E S and
_____ BINDING T W IN E .
I invite the public to examine my stock and prices and satisfy
yourselves that the Studebaker goods are the best in the market
and'are warranted to give entire satisfaction
o f passenger. ¡Baggage checked
through to Newport. A new
feature at Newport this year will
be an up-to-date kindergarten,
in charge oi an Experienced Chi­
cago teacher.
A beautifully illustrated book­
let, describing tht seaside resorts
on Yaquina Bay1, has been pub­
lished by the SoUthem Pacific
and Corvallis & Eastern rail­
roads, arid can be secured from
any o f theif agents or by ad­
dressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
S. P.' Co.,
V Portland,
,Stone, Manager C. & E
Albany; Oregon.
The most desirable main crop potato, being the strori^est in
growth, the heaviest yielder, finest keeper and best shipping
late variety in cultivation; the vines are wonderfully vigCr-
ous and the tubers lie closely together in the hill. The
tubers are handsome, oblong, thick and round in form, few
and shallow eyes; skin pure white and quite thin, but firm
and tough, the flesh being pure white, dry and floury.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon for Yamhill
y -------
< ■ •
D. R. Jackson, Plaintiff, v*. Prances J. Jack-
ion, Defendant.
. •
To Prances J. Jacksdn. the above named de­
In the name of the State 9f Oregon, you aro
hereby required to appear and answer the c#m-
plaint filed against yqu In the above entitled
wmanaw in *ata coroptaim, to
ttssolvlng the hoods of matrimony now exist-
Imported and grown by Frank Wood*
Christenson & Seeley, Agents and Salesmen.
, ......
B oy*d W illi
H i d e I«»r L a * .
around «pectin,;
¡ S O T S # 1 “ > '■ " " ‘rt
him to die, and a son riding for
life, 18 mile», to net Un King s
lilt'ol vUitt11.™.«?,,
New Dbcjvcry for Consumption.
I..,* 0. th, w d „ Ot
fcough, and Cold», W. H. mourn,
Anoni., to. reintig v>r I^essrille, Ind., endured devh -
O n e M i l d r t e O e u g l l C u r e agonies from «*lm>a, but iris won
For - — gftft C*M* asW Croup. Uhtfiil medicine fave tottW »list
¿did soon cured him'. He writesj
" I nbw sleep soundly every rilfeht.”
Like marvelous cures of con-
suhijiUon, pneumonia, bronchitis,
coujghs, cold» and grip prove itd
matchless merit for all throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed buttles;
and $ 1 . Trial bttttftes free at
t\ H. CftldWril & C&’s drug tare.