Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 04, 1903, Image 3

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    General D ebility
Day In and oat there Is that feeling of D a n v ille Officer W ho Defended Negtro
P riso n er A g a ln e t Lynchers.
weakness Out makes a burden of Itsett.
I f the law had more such fearless
Food does not »trangthan.
defender« as Sheriff Whitlock, of Dan­
Sleep does not refresh.
It Is hard to do, bard to bear, what ville, IU., It would be more generally
tfmold be easy, — vitality Is on the ebb, and
respected and there
the whole system suffers. .
would be fewer oc­
For this condition take
casions for our offi­
H ood 's Sarsaparilla
It vitalises the blood, tires visor and tone
to all the organs and functions, end Is
positively unequalled for all run-down or
debilitated conditions.
hoSD’S F I U I ears •aaatlpatioa. 1ft
There ere about 360 volcanoes on this
earth that have performed in modern
There are many hundreds
more that have long been extinct.
To Chicago, Dubuque and the
East; to Deo Moinso, Kansas City and
the Southeast, via Chicago Great West­
ern railway. Electric lighted trains.
Unequalled service.
W rite to J. P.
Elmer, G. P. A ., Chicago, for informa­
Speed of Decks. .
Ducks fly at an Average rate of
ninety miles an hour. W ith a fair
wind it is believed that they nan .make
160 miles in the same time.
Mothers w ill And Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing
Syrup the beat remedy to use for their c h i l d « *
the teething
of Trolley Cars.
The trolley par is not drawn or
poshed by the electric current at all,
but is lifted again and again by the at­
traction of magnets for the armature
coils of the motor.
For bronchial troubles try Fiso’s Cure
for Consumption. It is a good cough
medicine. At druggists, price 2& cents.
fbr New Yt
The New York Bapid Transit com­
pany anticipates putting » second tun­
nel under the East river from Maiden-
laine to Naseau street, Brooslyn.
D E A F N I8 S
By local applications, ss they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that *« by constitu­
tional remedies. Deafness la caused by an in­
flamed condition oi the mucous liy ig o it h e
Kustachian Tube. When this tube gate in­
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imper­
fect hearing, and when It is entirely dosed
deafness is the result, and nnleas the inflamma­
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing w ill bade
forever; nine eases out of tea arecei
catarrh, which is toothing bnt air ini
condition of the mneous surfaces.
We w ill give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by H all’s Catarrh Core, lead far
placed under a physician’» care. The
experience of Mrffi Carter would have
killed ¡in ordinary woman, but It la
thought that the Naturally strong phy­
sique possessed by her w ill gave her
In tcAltng her story Mrs. Carter
stated that she lived on Monroe’s
Island, opposite Owl’s Head. Mho re­
called starting to'row some time late
Sunday night frem the laiand to the
mainland. An oar broke and she drift­
ed In the darkpes* out to the open sea.
The wind blew a «a le and she became,
terribly frigbttsred. She waved an
oar and shoutko at what ahe supposed
were boata^passing, but they did not
see her ddty or heed her cries of dis­
tress. y in agony kbe cried, while the
dory, driven by tbe violent wind, boro
her Into the mysteries o f the great
ocean, while the Ink} pall about her
added to her terror. At times ahe
Imagined she beard help near at hand
and coukl dlstln^bieh the sound of
men talking, but evidently these
voices were only delusions, and abe
said she realised how hopeless were
her chances o f rescue. ,
A great thirst came upon her and
she gulped down. « handful of sea
water. A t daybreak M n . Carter w as
hi pitiable sfiapq.
Her throat was
parched and her body was racked
with pain. She could see schooners
afar off, bnt vraa too feeble to make a
distress signal. That was all that ahe
could recall of the fearful experience
o f forty-eight hours, half of which abe
spent In a hurricane, and In which she
drifted seventy-five miles.
cials to be held up
to the scorn and
derision of
who entrust them
with authority to
preserve order. In
repu ting , a . m o b
fight Ita way Into
the county Jail, this
• h e b i f t w H nxocx sheriff prevented a
double lynching. A crime had already
been committed by the mob,* whose
offense would have been magnified
bad It been permitted to carry out Ita
purpose. Its original Intention w as to
go to the county jail, secure possession
of the person of James Wilson, negro
assailant of Mrs. Bifrgess, and lynch
him. It numbered several hundred.
On the way a negro named Metcalf
became Involved in a quarrel with
some of the party and mortally wound­
ed a man named Gatterman. The ne­
gro fled, but .was captured at the Dan­
ville police station, where he
placed h(mself under the protection of
the officers The latter barricaded the
doors, but tbe angry mob battered
them, down, seised the negro, swung
blm from the nearest telephone pole
and burned bis body In the public
square, hacking It to pieces with BMTNMARk GIVES
Then the mob went to the Jail te get
■ ■ .
Wilson, but Sheriff Whitlock himself
A wreck that resulted In a romance
flred Into ffie gang of
assailants, has brought to light a queer story of
wounding several of them. The Infuri­ an occult manifestation. Mias Olive E.
ated crowd sought dynamite and de­
Coventry, a young
clared that It would lynch the sheriff
heiress of Guelph,
and hla deputies. If they could be cap­
Canada, was
tured. but calmed down before doing
caught under a
any more trouble. The sentiment of
seat In a railroad
the community sustained the sheriff
wreck, .and waa
and he w as never more popular than
rescued by Jhck
to-day, though he would probably fare
Bernestein, a civ­
badly In the hands of the lynchers.
il engineer. They
H e has no fear of them, however, and
b e c a m e lovera,
aaya he w ill bring the offenders to Jus­
and were recent­
tice.— Utica Globe.
ly married.
In telling' the
story of her mar­
riage Mrs. Berne-
F a v o rite B ritis h A r tis t u f Illu s tr a ­
ateln accidentally
to r Is N o More.
the re­
Phil May, artist and illustrator of
Punch, the Graphic and other periodi­ mark that she had “disregarded the
cals, died in London, after a protract­ warning hand.” It‘ seems that In each
ed lllneaa. 1864, he generation of her faotly one member
ham carried upon hi* or her wrist when
" * Y /. C H O K T . C O . * * * . O. drew from hla earliest childhood. A t
sixteen be went to ‘London to earn a danger of mtaforfuae waa near at hand
living with hla pencil, and after a a birthmark— tbe livid Imprint of four
Ungers and a thumb— which at other
times w as wkoDy absent
Guest — Hera, waiter, H u my bill
In the present generation this In­
been made out yet?
warning o f approaching mis­
Waiter— No, not yet. The proprie-
fortune appears on the wrist of Mrs.
tot aaya that his id
eeem to come
very alowly today.
Permanently Cared. Ko fit* or
after first day’ s u t o f Dr.KlIne’s Ureo* Nerve
Restorer. . Send for F r e e g l trial bottle and treat!—
r. It.
it. H. : Kiln«, L t d . . « Arch S t. Philadelphia, Pa.
Youth’s Romance Soon Ended.
Si I Ileus— They are really tbe most
devoted lovera I ever rear.
Cynicus— Yea; it seems a shame
that they are going to get married and
spoil it all.— Stray Stories.
R e le r n o n
M a c h in e
Foot of Morrluon St.. Portland, Oregon.
Parsons H awkey«. Automatic, Self Feeder«,
Faultleso Stump Puller, 100 horsepower with
two her—a. Buckeye Sawmill Machinery, En­
gine* and Boiler«. Eli and Btlckney Qaeollne
F.nglnee. W rite ua when in want of anything
In machinery line.
Poor man! He can’t help it.
He gets bilious. He needs a
good liver pill— Ayer’s Pills.
They act directly on the liver,
cure biliousness. •
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brow n or rich black ? U s «
n m pte,9eeeo—wwoee. r. sjjj . « oo.. muro*. ». a
'> “ I h a v e b o o n n e ln g C A S C A R K T S for
Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for
Over twenty years, and I can m y that Case arete
have given me more re lie f than any other reme­
dy I have ever tried. J «hall certainly recom­
mend them to my friends ss being all they are
T a o s OiLLABD, Elgin, IU.
*n ù f n ì P K ì
I l f V
f V
f W
f V
« M s , s a w . ä
O U « « C O N S T IP A T IO N .
, CM«— . ■MtrMl. I n Tarft. MS
P. N. U.
No 36—1901.
r B IN w riting to advertleare p lea ««
mentine this pepar.
sharp struggle his work in Illustrated
Journalism brought him Into the notice
of the public.
H e spent three years in Australia
on tbe staff of the Sydney Bulletin.
Returning to Europe, he spent some
time in Paris, aud then became regu­
larly connected with the London Dally
Graphic. H e came to New York on
a roving commission In connection
wJtb the Chicago W orld’s Fair.
A w fn l
E x p e r ie n c e o f a W o m a n In a
D o r y O ff t h e M a in e C oast.
The terrible experience recently of
Mrs. John Carter, of Monroe’a Island,
Me., who- drifted In an bpea boat for
w—si— forty-eight hours,
Kk^’vV'J IU and helpless, is
^ without parallel on
the Maine coast.
Carter w sa
!§J picked up by
thirty mile« east of
Mount Desert
A t first it
was thought
woman w as dead,
but restoratives be-
log administered sbe revived suffi­
ciently to give her name. She waa
taken to Long Island, where she w as
Department of Agriculture Takee
. _
Btepe to Ckack ln u u U .
The Department of Agriculture at
Washington has just Issued a state­
ment defining the standards of food
products. By reference to It any prod­
uct may be' classified and good and
poor separated according to the stand­
ard established by tha department and
recognised by the laws o f the States.
The standard leaf lard must contain
not more than 1 per cent o f any sub­
stances other than fat o f the healthy
Standard milk must contain not less
than 3.25 per cent of milk and 8.25 per
cent of solids, not fat, and must have
an acidity equivalent to not more than
0.2 per cent of lactic ad d.
Cream to be standard must contain
not less than 18 per cent o f milk fat.
Butter must contain not less than
82.5 per cent of butter fat, with the
fatty aubstance of fresh or ripened
milk or cream.
Standard renovated or process butter
must contain not less than 82.5 per
cent of butter fat and not more than
16 per cent of water.
Standard 'whole milk, cheese, full
cream cheese or skim milk cheese must
contain not less than 48 per 'cent of
butter fat.
( Ice cream comes within the report
and to be pure and up to the standard
set by the department must contain
not less than 6 per cent of milk fat.
These standards will be sent to ev­
eryone Interested and 8tates will be
largely governed by them In legislation
governing food products, no common­
wealth acting independently of tbe
general government In this respect.
W as
M iserable—C ould
N ot
Stand U p
W a lk —P e-ru -n a Cured.
Many Persons Have Ca­
tarrh and Don't
Know It«
Mr. James M. Powell,
638 T roost street, Kan so«
City, Mo., vies grand of I.
O. O. F., of Cherry villa,
Kan., writes:
‘ ‘ About four years ago I
suffered with s sever» ca­
tarrh of the bladder, which
caused continued Irritation
pain. I Was miserable
could not stand up or
k for any length of
weariness and pah*. I be­
gan taking Peruna and it
greatly relieved me, and In
eleven w eeks I w a s com­
pletely cured and felt like
a new man.” —James M .
Hundreds of Dollars Spent
in Vein.
Mr. Cyrus Hershman,
Sheridan, Ind., writes:
“ Two years ago I waa a
sick man.
Catarrh had
aettled in the pelvio organs,
making life a burden and giving me
little hope of recovery. I spent hun­
dreds of dollars in medicine which did
me no good. I was persuaded by a
friend to try Perana. I took it two
weeks without much improvement, bat
I kept on with it and soon began to get
well and strong very fast. Within two
months I was cared, and have been
well ever since. I am a strong advo­
cate of Perana.” — C. Hershman.
Perana cures catarrh of the kidneys,
Liver end other pelvic organs, simply
because it cores catarrh wherever io-
No other systematic catarrh
remedy has as yet been devised. In­
sist upon having Parana. There ore
no medicines that can be substituted.
If you do not derive prompt and sat­
isfactory results from the use of Para­
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv­
ing a fall statement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his val­
uable advice gratia.
Addreas Dr. Hartman, President of
Tbe Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
sad Wi
" I notice, W illie, that berrisa are
“ They my Underwood baffled six
beooming pretty plentiful upon the physicians.”
“ Mast have been a terrible com.”
‘ ‘Yes, Sallie, and they w ill remain
“ It was. Althoogb they took him
more plentiful upon tbe market than to oourt they oonld never collect a
upon oar table until tbe price gets cent.“
smaller end the boxes 'get larger.” —
Roller Monthly.
Discovery la Horiaeay.
Tbe German empire la divied into
146 chamber of commerce districts.
Them chambers exert a powerful Influ­
ence on legiilAtion in the empirei es­
pecially la tariff metterò.
Momma— Gladys, yoo were rude and
indifferent to several people last night.
Gladys— Yes, mamma; I ’ ve decided
that It i « * t worth while to have man­
ners if your clothes don’t fit.— Detroit
Free Press.
Chronic Sores
Eating Ulcers,
N othing is a source of so much trouble os an old sore o r ulcer, particu­
larly when located upon the lower extremities w here the circulation is w eak
and slu ggish . A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the le g is a frightful sight,
and aa the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tis
tissue beneath and the
sore continues to spread, one can almost ;
the flesh m elting aw ay and feel
the strength g o in g out w ith the sickening discharges. Great running sores
and deep offensive ulcere often develop from a simple boil, swollen gland,
bruise o r pim ple, and are a threatening danger always, because, w hile a ll
such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make you
suspicious o f a ll chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if can­
cer runs in your fam ily. Face sores are common and cause the greatest
annoyance because they are so per­
sistent and unsightly and detract so
much from one’s personal appearance.
About tan y ean ago a
a on eaoh of my anklos.
M iddle aged and old people and
those whose blood is contaminated and Daw gat Into tha plaoaa and tbay ba­
lera«, aatlng uloara, and I suf-
tainted with the germs and poison of farad intansely f r naerly
‘ ~
tan yaers.
m alaria or some previous sickness, are jihad spant
than 8600.00 try­
the chief sufferers from chronic sores ing to gat wail whan I ehanoad to
am 8. 8. 8. advartiaad Ip a Xampbia
and ulcere. W h ile the blood remains in P « par. I bagan to
y l im b «
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal­ ourad.
a* e ll
in g is impossible, and the sore w ill ■ora er given
fi. fi. 8.
alno«. X bava
continue to grow and spread in spite of to a greet
r p e o p le , and a m b o w
i t tO m y n in e -y e a r -o ld BOM f o r
washes and salves or any superficial or
Durlny my long aiaknaaa X
surface treatment, for the sore is but
waa living paar Memphis, Tenn., but
the outward sign o f some constitu­ have ainoa removed to XansM City,
tional disorder, a bad condition o f and am now roalding at Vo. 614
the blood and system which local Boat Sixteenth
Mrs. B. A . H A R R IS .
remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
City, Mo.
and tonic is what you need.
thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula­
tion and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy.
S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sore» through the blood. It goes to
the very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all
the im parities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the slnggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified
and the system pureed of all morbid,
nnhealthy matter tn e healing process
begins, and the nicer or sore is soon
entirely gone.
S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison­
ous drugs of any description, bnt is guar­
anteed a purely vegetable remedy, a blood
purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores
Expensive Goldfish.
and ulcers. I f von have a slow-healing sore of any kind, external or internal,
One of the rarest and most expen­ write ns about it, and our physicians w ill advise you without charge. Book
sive of Chinese goldfishes is the brush- on “ The Blood and Its Diseases ” free.
tall, a pair of which sell for $1,000.
Probably there la no other living thing
of ita slse and weight that la worth so
much money. Like all the other Chi­
nese fishes that are so highly prised
by collectors, the form of the brush-
tall la due to some extent to artificial
methods. The Chinese know bow to
assist nature in shaping and beautify­
ing fishes. H ow they do so la one
of their many secrets which have not
yet been discovered.
A cynic is a man who admits there
are worse men on earth than himself,
Southwick Hay Press
The Southwick has the largest capacity, 1« fastest and easiest worker of any Hay Press made.
Bend for catalogue. Mailed tree.
Hair# ' n