Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 04, 1903, Image 2

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ir again as he came
in. she conducted )iim into a large and
comfortable room and exceedingly neat­
“ I first used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
looking withal: There was no person ex­
In the fall of 1848. Since then I
cept themselves there. - ■ ~r*
have taken it every spring as •
A sharp gnat of wind and rain beat
blond - p u r i f y in g and nerva-
against the casement, ancf he saw the girl
strengthening medicir
look involuntarily Jn that direction with
S. T. Jones» Wichita»
a half sigh and au air of apprehension—
1 '*
“ Perhaps mademoiselle has friends who
I f you feel run down,
are exposed to this storm.?” suggested
tr e easily tired, i f your
“ Yes, m onsieur, my father, who has
nerves are weak and your
C H A P T E R I.
and that 1 may be at hand when you need been absent all day. He should hare re­
It was just after the close o f a some­ warning again. Good night.”
turned much earlier than this, but, doubt­
blood is thin, then begin
H o t w a ter taken Internally, hot com-
what sultry spring day, when the- Count
Louis continued his way, with strangely less, he will come home soon. H e went
Louis d’ Artois took his way along the mixed feelings of wonder at what had to the market this morning. I am sorry presses and a com fortably w arm at­
to take the good old stand­
lonely and gloomy path leading through just occurred, together with some degree he is not here to welcome you.”
mosphere are quite often useful in
a rd f a m i l y m e d i c i n e ,
the very heart o f a deep forest lying to­ o f apprehension and curiosity as to the
o f sluggish livers, to assist in
A little silence ensued, when the fa iric a i
wards the aouth of France, and not far danger which menaced him. Nothing in hostess drew a spinning wheel towards
A y e r ’ s Sarsaparilla.
im proving their circulation. T h e syr­
from the beautiful windings o f the Rhone. the shape o f danger appeared, and for,
her, and, sitting down fly the hearth, be­ inging o f the lo w e r bowehwlth suitably
It’ s a r e g u l a r n e r v e
H e was young—certainly not more than perhaps, the space o f fifteen minutes, gan to work quietly but industriously,
five-and-twenty; of a slight and elegant , he was kept in suspense. But, sudden-« now and tbfen looking up from her em­ heated w a ter Is excellent In many de­
lifter, a p e r f e c t b l o o d
figure, yet with nerves and sinews th a t* ly, a branch above his head was bent and ployment to respond to some observation bilitated cases. T h is empties the rec-
might have welt become many a one of cracked sharply, and while Roland, a f­ of her guest; while Louis, on his part*
b l l i l d 1er,
su e s
part, tum and leaves moisture w ithout the
stouter frame and broader shoulders; frighted, reared violently, and almost un­ studied at leisure her sweet aild
with a fine head, a proud and noble brow, seated his rider, the lightning flashed what thoughtful countenance, followed
r t
r * ,:" /r d ’ ,’r,‘ ' " b'cb ,b* w w
about which curled silken masses o f ra­ again and the figure o f a man swung with pleased interear, the glancing mo­
ven hair; dark, earnest hasel eyes, a lightly down from the branch to the path­ tion of those snowy little hands, and
In a sick room there should bfe no
■ n ^ O M a w fl.
slightly aquiline nose, and lips somewhat way. A strong hand seised Roland’ s bri­ wondered to htmsttf how a graceful blos­
standing liquid, not even the purest
compressed, shaded by a curling mous­ dle; a rough voice uttered “ Stand!” a som like this coula ever have sprung up
cold w ater. The tainted atmosphere It
Paras Products.
tache, and showing, at a glance, the firm­ pistol was pointed at the count’s head.
and flourished in apeasant’s home.
sure to settle upon its surface, which,
ness and decision o f his character. Tbo
“ W hat do you require?” asked Louis,
The export trade of Canadian farm
Th e rain and wijtd beat furiously about
whole countenance, with its delicate, fine­ briefly and sternly.
the little cottage, Increasing the sense of i f not drank, la evaporated, mingled prod acts is increasing at a very rapid
ly cut, yet noble features, told of thought,
“ W hatever money you carry about you. comfort witjiin, and blending its sound w ith the air, and taken Into the lungs
and energy, and power, no less than of Give. it to me, and be quick about it!” curiously with his reflections, as Louis to be Incorporated w ith the blood.
the gentlest and tendereet feelings with said the voice«
___ __ _____ r_ _ _
sat there by the hearth, opposite to his E verything- perishable by evaporation
which the human heart is gifted, f
“ You are mistaken, my man,” uttered hostess, and thinking how- exquisitely
should be rem oved from the room, as
Count Louis rode carelessly onward, Louis, quietly, while one blow from his pretty she was, and wondering what her
thinking of many things—some that were slight but powerful arm struck aside the father was like, envying him, at one mo­ foods and fruits, as the air Is contam­
pleasant and some that were sad, and uplifted weapon, and a second stretched ment, for being the father o f so lovely a inated by th eir exhalations.
some, again, that «were both; now his the ruffian senseless among the bushes child, and the next, thinking that, mhch
father, whom he bad last seen, some by the path. W ith a terrified snort, as as they might love each other, he was
There la some support fo r the theory
weeks before, at Paris; now o f his uncle, the count gave him the spur, Roland gal­ very glad that he was not her father. that the cholera falls In w ith the tide
the Marquis de Montauban, whom he loped forward, but he had scarcely cov­ W hile she, working busily, kept her littlt o f travel, and fo llo w « the ra ilw ay
was about to visit, and his fair cousin, ered a dozen rods along before two more wheel whirring, whirring—and now and lines.’ One thing la aure, it revels in
Helen, whopi he already imagined as men sprang out into the way.
then.slightly turning her fair head with
watching for him. Louis could have im­
Roland, scared by tbeir sudden appear­ an intgut look, as if listening ftfr the foot­ filth and fou l'vap ors. Uncleanly and
agined his magnificent cousin Helen as a ance, shrank and reared, and While one steps that did~l*ot come, or lifting her intem perate people, and people whose
A L C O H O L ,v O P IU M »
queen or a duchess, but his wife—never. o f the villains seised bridle, and brought beautiful eyes to her guest’s face as he m isfortune it is to liv e where drainage
T O B A C C O U S IN G »*
Yet he liked her—he had always liked her the beast to his feet again, the other spoke to her, and answering him in those is im perfect,
are its readiest vic­
from boyhood, in a cousinly way. She leaped upon the young count, and, with quiet, pleasant tques that Louis could tims.
P eop le who
breathe pure
First u l B s t ir e ir S h i, i
was beautiful, graceful and accomplished, a powerful grasp, almost drew him from not heTp thinking the sweetest in the air,
■sis m.
wholesom e
too, as fur as it was possible to become, the saddle, at the same time firing a pis­ world, until thé whd died away and the drink alone, and keep a clean con­
in those'days; but he had never thought tol close to his ear. B y miracle or chance, rain ceased, and-Louis could not but say,
science, need take no violent alarm for
o f her in a nearer position than that the aim missed.. Louis jerked his arm as he looked out from the casement upon
selves when It becomes epidemic.
from the grasp o f hia assailant, and the narrow road that wound across the
which she held at present.
w ill die sometime, but a re not
Suddenly broad, vivid flashes of light
fields, and among th« distant hills, to hia
h a lf so lik ely as those o f the other
ntnjrlit tip tirr forest all about him and
uncle’s chateau, that it was time for him
Yon can save from
yearly by
classes to die o f cholera.
with almost the distinctness o f noonday
to depart.
wearing W. L. Douglas $SAO or $3 shoes.
he saw clearly, at a little distance beyond
“ H ave you far to go, monsieur?” she
T h ey equal those
his horse’s head, a human figure, creeping
Cleanliness.— “ It is believed that that have been coat­
asked, putting aside her wheel and ris­
ont, on all fours, from beneath the un­
much can b e done to prevent contagion ing you from $4.00
Tho im­
derbrush that skirted the pathway. A l­
“ Across the hills yonder: half a league, by teaching habits o f cleanliness. But to
mense sale of W . L.
most involuntarily he drew rein, and, in
perhaps,” Louis answered; “ as far as I f such instruction Is to be effectual it Douglas shoes proves
the pitchy blackness that succeeded the*
the Chateau da Montauban. You know
must be continuous. T h e teacher their superiority over
flash, endeavored to discern the figure
all other makes.
the old chateau?”
again: but this was impossible. Y e t he
Sold by retail shoe
“ Yes, indeed!? she replied, with a pret­ should notice and correct violations o f
was conscious that it must be near him
ty smile, and a alight blush. “ I go there these rules as habitually aa violations dealers everywhere.
Look for name and
—almost at his very side. W ith a quick
every day to cirry flowers to Mademoi­ o f 't h e more form al school rules are price on bottom.
but quiet motion, he placed his hand in
selle Helen. 4 *d I think you are-----”
Tkat D h |I u m m Cor­
his bosom % Then he was, conscious of
she hesitated, and blpahed more deeply, disease and contagion did not enter ea * Celt prove* there la
vatee I* Doeelaa «hoee. ,
another hand laid upon his knee, while
while her glance wavpred and fell before into the m atter at all the subject ought Coreas Is the highest |
man’s voice, in ‘a low but friendly tone,
that o f LouisyThe pooV child was asham­ to be given more attention by teach­ grad* Pat. Leather aesde
Fust Cater tiyeisU used.
and close beside him, said:
ed o f having half gueaskd who he was.
ers. Onr schools should not only teach Our $4 Gilt edge Line ceu,*
’’Count Louis d’Artois, you are'in dan­
Shoo* by stall, U rests extra. Illsaltrated
“ I am LAuis d’ A rt oik, the cousin v f
reading, w riting, and arithmetic, but Catalog free. W. L. DOIJOLAS. Breektes, Haas.
ger. Pause a moment.”
Mademoiselle Helen,” he^upplied. “ And
‘‘And where rests the danger?” asked
now, m ayA not know to Whom I am in­ it is, perhaps, quite as im portant that
Louis, firmly.
the hospitality l have receiv­ they should inculcate cleanliness, de­
“ Beyond yon, monsieur, and behind as
ed, t h a j l may, at least, return thanks cency, refinement and manners. Clean­
well, and on ¿ach side. You cannot es­
liness should he taught fo r its own
for it V
cape it, even if you would, except by
P O R T L A N D ,O R E G O N
“ My name is Rose Lamonte, monsieur.” sake, even i f It had no relation w h at­
your own courage, and your own
tijildeed!” he said, kindly.
“ I have ever to health.”
strength and agility, which, I know, have
heard m y cousin speak o f you, then, as
■erred you ere now. I have heard that
»truck at him with th e bart or a heavy
A M O T H E R 'S A W F U L P L IG H T .
yon are on. your way through this forest
riding whip; but it was caught and quite strangers after all, RoseT L-Ain
Standard Academic four-year Courses in
to-night to your uncle’s chateau; that you
Classics, English and Science, One-year
wrenched from his hand. Laying hold, much obliged to you for your kindness to F in d s H e r B a b y B e tw e e n T w o Hat*
carry about your person a considerable
t ie r s en d H a r e s I t .
and four-year Commercial Courses.
then, as a final resource, on one o f his me to-night. I shall not soon forget it.”
sum of money,* besides some few jewels
“ Good-night, monsieur,” she returned,
pistols, he fired at the fellow, who drop-
of heavy value, which you bear within a 1 p**5° *’s.Ke ®re<^
heart bleed w as encountered at Haney-
small casket, in the inner folds of the
The moon shone one moment full upon
broad sash about your waist, and that
Center County, Pa., the other
the gentle face and pretty figure o f his
ing. M echanical Engineering and Electrical
your valet you left at the inn this morn-* ing the bit of the rearing, trembling cottage hostess as he took one last glance, day by Mrs. Joseph Button. She had
ing. Thus you are fitting prey for those steed, let go and sprang, in his turn, upon and then he had closed the door. The. gone to a pasture to milk the cows,
T h e scholastic year, begin-
who frequent these places.”
landscape was peaceful and, withal, beau­ leaving her baby asleep on a m at in
7,1903, ends June
A feeling o f the profoundest astonish­ from the discharged pistol, felled him tiful, as he glanced over it; field, wood
the kitchen. W hen she returned she
also to the ground, to keep company with
ment took possession o f the count.
and hill lay calm and quiet all around.
Catalogue sent free on appU-
“W ho are you,” he asked, “ who knows his companion. Then, giving Roland the The air was still, and the silvery beams ta w a monster rattlesnake, h a lf colled
rein again, he galloped on. A volley of
on the floor, w ith in tw o feet o f the
câfloti. Address
all this so well?”
shots was fired after him, but he was o f the moon shone fa ir upon the scene, baby. T h e mother’s strength g a ve w a y
‘ I am your friend, Monsieur Louis, unhurt, though two or three whistled past while some light cloud, at intervals,
which is all I can tell you at present,” " his ears.
crossed her sweet face, and reflected a
U N IV E R S IT Y P A R K , O R E G O N .
said the man. “ But, in the meantime,
I t was evident that the number o f his passing shadow upon the quiet .earth be­
take these and defend yourself with assailants had been exhausted, for still low. H ow different this scene from that
them, as you will have-need in a little he was neither met nor followed; there­ o f two hours before! Louis could hardly
while after you have parted with me,
fore, he slackened his horse’s speed to realize the violent contest he had had, as
And Ix>uis felt a brace o f heavy pistols give him breathing space, and also to he rode along in the silence now.
placed in his hand.
(To be continued.)
consider, on his own part, which direc­
“ M y good fellow, I have arms already— tion he must pursue, for the field or com­
T h e Sea L a w y e r ’ s Speech.
I do not need them,” be returned, mon upon which he found himself might
"though I thank you for them sincere­ take him in any direction other than the
H ere is one o f the humors o f the w a r:
one desired. Upon deliberation, he re­ W hen the cruiser Topeka w as brought
“ But you do need them, monsieur, as solved to go straight onward from the across the ocean her officers had a m er­
you will shortly find, for your own, safe wood path, and he struck across the field, ry tim e with the British crew . T h e
as you think them, have had the charges his way still illumined by the electric vessel w as built fo r Portugal, and her
flashes that played over the black sky. name, when pur governm ent purchased
“ How?” uttered the count, in surprise. The rain was falling faster And more vio­ her, was the Diogenes. On the third
“ It is even as I tell you; it was done lently, when suddenly a light gleamed
at Corbigny this morning, after you-your- out upon the blackness around it, at sothe day out from Liverpool her officers de­
self had charged them. These which I distance ahead, and remembering that a cided to mount a fe w guns, but when
have given you will do you good service, small cottage, inhabited, when he was in the order waB Issued there was loud
and with them I do hot fear for you, al­ this district last, if he remembered right, grum bling among the crew . H a vin g
though there is danger about yon. Be by some quiet peasants o f the neighbor­ noticed, the prevailing mutinous spirit,
wary, and. act with your usual bravery hood, stood somewhere near his present the lieutenant in command had the
and calmness when the danger comes. position, he concluded that this must be troublesome men called before him and
and she fe ll against the baby’s high
I t is not far off.”
it. Putting the spurs to his beast again, asked what was wrong. T h e leading
chair, on which there w as another
“ And so I am to be waylaid?” asked therefore, he pressed on, and in a few
sea law yer o f the party stepped f o r ­ rattler. Springing up, she hurled the
Louis. ,
moments reached its friendly shelter, just
w ard and made the fo llo w in g b rief and tw o gallons o f milk that she carried
Y O U /? H O M E S
“ Think the worst; it is the safest way, as the rain came pouring down in abso­
pithy speech: “ W hen w e shipped on at the reptile on the floor, at the same
for then you will be better prepared for
ro / ? r/ w / srt/ A / G
whatever chance presents itself.”
Fastening Roland in an old shed that this ’ere vessel, sir, she w as in a B rit­ tim e deluging the baby. The reptile
instantly ceased Its rattlin g and start­
" I t is well. I think you for your warn­ adjoined this cottage at one end, Louis
^ L O O /?.5 E T C
knocked on the door with the handle o f from stem to stern. Bnt the anchor's ed fo r the door. Mrs. Button seized a
ing, and will endeavor to be ready.”
A t that instant, another broad sheet of his whip. The next moment it was open­ no more’n h’ lsted an’ w e’ re no more’n broom and broke its neck.
A t the
lightning quivered like flame, and Louis ed wide, and before him, shading her eyes under w a y ’an ye calls 'er the Dlogno- moment the anake on the high chair
beheld the person whom he adressed—a with her hand, with her pretty and petite ses an’ runs hup the B rayzlllan flag.
struck at the woman and missed her.
4 t/ # A 3 L & ’ •
man of middling size, with bushy dark figure clearly defined against the glow­ T h at alone were Suspicions. W e ’s tw o
Sirs. Button killed the creature w ith
hair, a wild, uncombed beard, and a ing background o f a well-lighted apart­ days ont an’ ye rdns hup the Am erican
a broomstick.
heavy moustache; wearing a rough jacket ment beyond, stood a young girl, evident-
and a broad sash with long ends, within ly not more than sixteen years o f age. flag an’ calls ’er the Tapioca. W e think
In th e J a n g le .
' ’ ' of
— —*-*-*---------
- *------------
the folds
which were stuck
a brace o ' f There was an earnest smile on her face, ye’re nothin’ bnt a--- pirate.” —Kansas
/M S /S T O /Z /M V/MO
“ W h a t started the fire in the under­
pistols similar to those which Louis now and a warm welcome for some one, evi­ C ity Star.
brush by the swam p last night?” ask­
held in his own hand. His head was un­ dently, upon her lips; but the beautiful
B ritish G overn m en t Cam els.
covered, so that the lightning displayed features changed their sweet, expectant
the tiger o f the monkey.
T h e British government is the ow ner
look to one o f startled surprise as the
his features clearly.
don’t exactly know,” said the
“ Good!” said Louis. “ I shall not be light from the apartment behind shone o f over 25,000 camels. Several thou­ monkey; “ bnt I understand that the
likely to forget your face in a hurry, my upon the strange face o f our young hero. sand are used In India to carry stores
lightning b og ignited the tapir.”
friend. L et me thank you again for your
“ Your pardon, mademoiselle,” said and equipments when companies are
And then the monkey went up a
Louis; "but the storm has overtaken me, changing quartan by line o f march.
timely assistance.”
not desiring to buck the tiger.
“ Nay—keep . your thanks, monsieur- and I am forced to ask for shelter here
W here all are eelflsb, the sage la no
keep your thanks until the danger be a little while until Its present violence
Lend men thine eer, but not thy um­
better than the fool, and only rather
past,” Tetumed the man, quietly. “ I only abates.”
hope you may get safely through this,
T h e young girl stepped back, saying, more dangerous.—Fronde.
M f ^ e c l c y
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