GRAPHIC. VOL. XV. NEWBERG, YAMHILL COUNTY, F o r Y o u r S cra p b o o k . L ocal E vents. SEPTEMBER 4,1903. lithful am Chris- ■ fiest knew W sacrificing pd depth o f as partially m odest and r W ith lov - Ebsent; ones, eternal rest B years, 10 » . “ Blessed | diè in the l. Yea, saith Y rest from Br w orks d o ggaa. ( > The lo t y , o f Eugene Field io r Mrs., Nellie C, A bbe is m aking little folks w a s th e fountain o f _ _jk visit w ith Seattle relatives. - , in spiration t o him—the source o f Fine Pekin dppks for sale. E m | his best w ork , b o th prose an d quire a t office. the H om e telephone Say, did y o u t r y M o o r e ’s corn cure? It does the w o rk . N o w is the tim e t o tra n sp la n t y o u r corn s, _, ppem s w hich has m ade them Prune g ro w e rs are preparing . . , .. ,,T t o begin w o r k e v a p o r a t i ^ ^ f e f ^ f * ^ ^ y e a r’s c r o p the first o f the week. D rum ,” etc. Other selections, Elder G eo. C. C arl and w ife a r­ w ritten in the sam e beautiful rived hom e W ednesday from a strain, fo llo w : t w o w eeks’ trip o u t in to C o o s TO THE" PASSING SAINT. cou n ty. tonight you came your way, A couple o f gentlem en were np from P ortla n d the m iddle o f the week w h o contem p late p u ttin g 1 in a harness sh op here. J. W . C offin w a s d o w n from D a y ton a few d a y s a g o and pur­ chased to w n p rop erty o f Jesse E dw ards, lyin g w est o f B. C. M iles’ hom e. H e says'his fam ily likes N ewberg, and he w a n ts t o build a hom e here soon er o r later. I~.~ .Ijg 4» _ C. A. M a rr and fam ily spent a cou p le o f da ys in P ortla n d the first o f the week, they h a vin g g o n e d o w n w ith M rs. M a rr’s brother, j . D. P ickett, and wife, w h o started hack t o their M is­ souri hom e after m aking a sh ort visit here. - - „1 E. Spaulding, Mrs- C. K. Spaulding and daughters and M r. and M rs. E li Seese are the latest arrivals from N ew ­ p o rt, h a v in g g o t hom e Wednes- ori p retty w ell thinned ou t. • _ Eugene A ckley, w h o has been here for som e tim e lo o k in g after the affairs o f his aunt, M rs. M . J. H yde, deceased, returned w ith his w ife the la tter p a rt o f this week t o T a co m a , W ash in gton , where he h a s a g o o d p osition w ith the street ra ilw a y co m ­ pany, fo r .w ttic h he has been w ork in g fo r t w o years. H e w as a student in college here a few yea rs a g o. By some fairer voice beguiled, Once he wandered from my sight; He is such a little child, fie should have my love this night, ft has been so many a year— Ob, so many a year since then! Yet be was so very dear, Surely he will come again, If upon yonr way yon see One whose beauty is divine, Will you send him back to me? He Is lost, «md'ho Is mine, % ^_fi ________......^ __ B, arlng earthward heartply joy, Ten me, O dear aalnt, I pray, Did you see my little hoy? •Tell him that his little ohglr Nestles where thé sunbeams meet, That the shoos he used to wear ' « Yearn to kiM his dimpled feet. Tell him Of eaoh pretty toy That waa wont to share his glee: Maybe that will bring t a f boy Back to them and back to me. O dear saint, M on you go Through the glad and sparkling frost, Bid those bells ring high and lo v For a little efilW that’s lost! O dear saint, that blesaest men Vi iih the gracnof Christmas joy, Soothe this heart with love again— Give me back my litfcls boy I TELLING THE BESS. the spirit, that t heir labors; ant f >llow them,” - ‘4 O w es H is L ife 1 The little brown men in Luwm are easily satisfied with suits that cost even less than a dime. New berg gentlemen W»nt the best, and that is what they get at T h e Newberg Clothing H ouse, where is the largest and most complete line o f Clothing, Fur* mshing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Valises. N eighbor's ' r ' K id d Mr. D. < ^| Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Summer counties, W . Va. most kely owes his life to the kindness f a neighbor. H e was almost We lead in fashions and fc price. See our splendid line of goods. was attended by Two physicians who gave him little, if any, relief, when a neighbor, s Tious coni b jttle Cholera aqd Diary! which cured twenty-four hou: F. Moore & Co. We have suits that are bound to suit you in style, color and price. W e can fit you from our stock, or we will take your order for a tailored suit. Fit and workmanship are guaranteed. --------------* f l " “------ S ee our prices. B oth w ill please. SUITS HATS r Suppose th a t every tim e a newspaper 4 m an —should hear some one criticise h is paper he should retaliate b y holding up t o public gaze the faults and short- om ings o f said fault-finder, w h at w o u ld be th e result? The editor d oes n o t know it all, but he does n o t live ia a com m unity lon g w ith o u t a w h ole !lise fu l as w ell as Ornamental Out of the house where the «lumberer U r the murmuring bees: "The clover bloom that kiaeed her feet And the poeie-bed where «he used to play Have honey «tore, but none so sweet ----- As ere our little ohe went away, O bees, sin* soft, and, bees, «fug low; For si.? is ► one who loved you w ." A woudof fell on the listening bees tinder those pleasant orchard trees, And in their toil that summer day Ever their murmuring seemed to say t ‘•child, 0 child, the g r a « -1«.coot,------- -— And the posies are waking, to hear the sorg Of the bird that swings by the shaded pool, B aiting for one that tarrleth long." ’T was so they called to the little one then, As If to call her back again. O gentle bees, I have come to say That grandfather fell asleep today, And We knot* by the smile on grandfather’s face He has found his dear one’s biding place. 8o, bees, slug soft, and, bees, sing low, As over the honey fields you sweep— To the trees abloom and the flowers «blow Sing of grandfatber fast asleep. And ever beneath these orchard trees Find cheer and shelter, gentle bees. M iss Alice A. M endenhall, w h o is enjoying her v a ca tio n a t L ake Geneva, W isconsin, has w ritten a very interesting letter t o girl friends here, telling o f experi­ THE SLEEPING CHILD. ences' o f ' her trip east. She My baby slept—how calm his rest. stop ped o ff a t S alt L ake t o learn As o ’er his handsome lace a smile m ore a b o u t M orm on ism , and — Like that of angel flitted, while has this t o say o f her ob serva ­ He lay so still upon my breast! baby slept—ills baby head , tion s there: “ I w en t t o head­ My Lay nil unkias’d uesth pall and shroud; I did not weep or cry aloud— quarters, their tem ple groun ds, I only wished I, too, were dead! fo r m y in form ation . R oom ed My baby sleeps—a tiny mound, w ith a M orm on fam ily, t o o ! All covered by the little flowers, Woos me in all my waking hours, Ju st think o f it! I m et the ‘ high Down in (Ue quiet burying ground. u p ’ people in the church, bishops, when I sleep I seem to be etc., one o f the w ives o f M r. And With baby In another land— S n ow , a form er president o f; I take his little baby hand— He smiles and sings sweet songs to me. their churdi. The la d y w i t h , on, O baby, while I keep w h om I room ed w a s one o f t w o j Sleep My vigils till this day be pa-sedl w ives o f her husband. H e is n o t; Then shall I, too, lie down at last, And with my baby darling sleep. living. T hey are m o st cord ial and lovely people—all o f them j Obituary. th a t I m et are. I attended fo u r , Julia Grace M inchin w a s born different M orm on services on Sunday in three different places, a t L edyard, New Y ork , O ctober b o m v insight w a s p re tty extern! 15, 1876. She m oved w ith her sive for one d a y. A m usic re* j parents t o O regon in the w in ter cital on the w onderful pipe o f 1890, and died o f tuberculosis orga n in their tabernacle w a s a t her hom e near Dundee, Ore- the grandest org a n recital I e v e r ! gon< She returned from Id a h o heard. . . . Please d o n o t be ¡five weeks a g o , after spending uneasy. I am n o t a M orm on , three m on th s there m the vain They did n o t t r y t o m ake m e attem p t t o regain her usual on«; a lw a y s Introduced me as h e a lt h .. Her illness W as borne ‘ M iss M . of the Quaker fa ith .’ With her accustom ed patience T hey manifest large ch a rity and And cheerfulneSSi E arly con- verted, she has since lived a* i L o rd froip h< NO. 4 2 . F ea rfu l Odd» AjuAnst Hita. Bedridden, alone and destitute S ich, in brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens. Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney dis­ ease, and neither doctors nor medi­ cines gave him relief. A t length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order, and uow be testifies: “ I’m on the road to complete - recovery, earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bqwel „ complaints. --.Only ’ 50 c. Guaranteed by F . H. Caldwell & Co., druggists. A rc you in need o f one? If so, w e w ould be pleased to sh ow y ou our line. Best A larm -C locks in rustic cases, $2.00. H igh ly ornamented O ak M antel C o c k s , $3.25 to $4.50. , — - F an cy E bon y d o c k s , up to $7.50. ___ _— r_ W h y use a w atch hung upon the w all as a timepiece, w hen you can get a good clock so'cheap? AT THE NÊW The m an w h o never tips the w aiter m ay shve a little m oney, but he doesn ’t k n ow h o w g o o d * N o man can strictly be called a a r_*al thick steak is. citizen o f a t o w n o r com m u n ity B u ck le n 's Arnica Salve unless he takes som e active p a rt H is world-wide fame for marvel­ in tfie doin gs o f the people lous cures. It surpasses i n f other a m o n g w h o m he abides. He salve, lotion, ointmen^ or balm for rarely m akes a success o f his cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, private affairs w h o is never in­ felons, ulcers, tetter, salt rbeuin, terested in public m atters; and a com m unity, depending on the fever seres, chapped .bonds, skin success o f its individuals fo r suc­ eruptions. Infallible for piles. cess as a w h ole, should d o those Cure guaranteed. Only 25 c at F. things th a t arouse public inter­ est.—Ex. H. Caldwell & Co.’ s, druggists. In these d a y s o f organ ization som e one should organize “ the m an w h o rock s the b o a t ” and dra\v up b y -la w s provid in g th a t none bu t members m a y be d r o w n e d .______ _______ W h at is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, paid results. Ir* regular living means derangement o f the organs, resulting in consti­ pation, headache or liver trouble. Dr. K ing’s New Life Pills quickly readjusts this. It’s getrtle, yet thorough. Only 25 c ;at F. H. Caldwell and C o.’s drag store. STO R E A R em a rk a b le R e co rd . Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time many million bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment o f croup in thousands o f hemes, yet duriDg all this time no case has ever been reported to the manufac­ turers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even as soon as the crpupy cough appears» it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take; many children like it. It contains no opium ot other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by C. F. Moore & Co. The Genuine vs. C onnterfteits. The genuine is always better than a counterfeit, but the truth o f this statement is never more forcibly realized or more thor­ oughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeW itt’s W itch Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless substi­ tutes that are on the market. W . S. Ledbetter, o f Shreveport, La.» Blinks—D o y o u suppose it'd says: “ After using numerous other ever possible t o com e anyw here remedies without benefit, one box ln eaf the size o f a m an ’s incom e? of DeW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve jin k s—.Yes} ju st take the figure cured me.” F o f blind, bleeding, he gives t o the assessor, a d d it itching and protfuding piles ho t o the figure he tells his friends» remedy Is equal to DeW itt’s Witch and then divide the result b y Hatel Salve. Sold by Caldwell fc t w o and .y o u ’ll have it aaa# enough. Co.