— ------------------------------------------------------------------- M M M H a Ì H ft l v l ■■■■ va w '■ pf. itaP r GRAPHIC YOL. XV.' PUBLIC NEWBERG. YAMHILL COUNTY FRIDAY, JULY 24,1903. 8P IB IT . board, called upon the standing paid when wi built a mill o f 100,000 i ly capacity, Committees to report. Ruttiti Miasm at Meetiuff of the wc will agree a a mill o f The report o f ttift hotel com ­ that eapacit Ronrd o f Trade—Citizens will mittee gave rise to a lively dis­ This proposji Endeavor to Moet Proposition cussion. There was no argu­ the understar of Spaulding Lugging Company ment on the proposition that the tow n needs better hotel accom­ Such a meeting as that o f the mediation» modations badly, but as how aft to h ow T he C h I I ^ K . * Y o u can supply ajl your w n t fl to Newberg Board o f Trade held extensive a hotel yye need and : ging C ompany , i ULDING ItfOG M onday evening serves as an ex­ how to get it, there was w a» some Per Chas. , Spaulding: the hat line at oqr store. The cellent tonic for those run down diversity o f opinion. Jesse Ed- Ed-* L. M. Parker d |ored thé at- stock is the largest, the variety in public spirit and enterprise. w ards'thought $10,000 would titu d eofsom e ft vsighted peo- There was a good attendance be necessary to put up a hotel pie w ho have all dy expressed greatest, the values best, for the out, and some excellent speeches which would satisfy the dft. themselro» as oppdaed m oney, to be found in th$ city. were made to which close atten­ mands o f our grow ing tow n. anything for thè «ftflfpàny. tion was given. J. C, Hodson said that there is recited briefly the instory o f The long train o f fireworks as much danger of overdoing the industry w hich’ -lias aided so was set off by J, C. Hodson, w ho thing;, on the other hand, as it is potently in developing Newberg, made a very effective address now underdone, He didn’t think and declared it t o be the greatest on “ Manufacturing Industries,” Newberg would ever attract thing in tow n and an institution which he prefaced with the fol­ many drummers, as they can’t which it would m disastrous to lowing story: On a street o f a get anything to drink here. lose. certain city , a negro woman was Clarence Butt proceeded to d o This brought L. M. Parker t o unsuccessful in an attempt to his feet in defense o f the knights his stunt in oratorical pyrotech get under an awning for shelter o f the grip, w ho reseated the as­ nics, in telling ot the great future from a heavy rain, and the g o v ­ persion, which called forth the in store for the tow n if the peo­ ernor o f the state, w ho was suggestion (sotto voce) frern ple wifi only rally and hang on D o you w ant a tailor m ade suit? passing, held his umbrella over Butt that perhaps Parker hadn’t to the sawmill. figured that Let us take your m easure for he^ while the shower lasted. been asked to drink, a left-handed with the compfiify’s newly-ac Some friends were discussing the suggestion ' which brought the quired paid-up capital o f $150,- B row nsville W oolen M ills tuft* governor’s kindness, when one rose bloom out on Hodson amid 000 .it would aptojmt to more T H E Y A R E T H E B E S T IN remarked that most any one the general laugh which followed. than a quarter tuition dollar could have done that. “ Yes,” TH E TRADE. F A. Morris emphasized the concern, and that ié would make was the very pertinent rejoinder, value o f a good hotel as an ad­ a name for Newberg. He stated “ but Briggs did it.” Thewords, vertiser o f Newberg, and Urged that the switch would ‘be public “ Briggs did it,” .were taken by that some definite action be property and coul<| be used by Prof. Hodson as the text o f his taken that, the ball might be other manufactories sure to fol­ talk, t he application being that, started rolling. He thought it low . He closed hiaiemarks with while talk is plenty and cheap, would be a good idea to have a the thought that; the new mill it is the tow n that gets in and paper passed around that it and attendant enterprises would does things that grow s into the might be determined how much soon double our population and city.. He stated that there fire stock the people o f Newberg that Newberg would soon out­ tw o principal periods o f growth; would subscribe tow ard the en­ strip McMinnville, when which came to pass he cquld sit back, that in the first place a tow n is terprise. an outgrow th,of a demand unto Messrs. Caldwell, Parker and cross his legs and be happy ever ii . partnin point, when in the Carl were heard on the question after. And as M n llu tt t*>ok his second period the tow n must g o at issue, their idea being that a seat a look o f such ineffable con­ farther than the demand ¡Bind $6000 or $7000 hotel, well pat­ tent and satisfaction illuminated Successors to G lenn W in s- create a new one, or come to a ronized, would be a better in­ his countenance that it was standstill and retrograde. In vestment than a more preten­ thought " he already saw the other words, the country first tious institution,^ with half a county court house starting out in this direction. makes the town, and the latter, business. < In F. A. Morris’ estimation, in turn, develops and makes the During the discussion some w hich they w ill later teQ there was no pipe dream in the country. Newberg has grown good words were spoken for foregoing remarks, to which he somewhat out o f the first stage, ' r Landlord Nelson, the general im­ added a few words in support o f and what she further becomes the public som ething of in- pression seeming to be that he is the proposition. Others followed will be the result o f her own doing good work under adverse in like vein, until it w as evident efforts. There is an outward circumstances. terest in regard to their jew- that the fellows who are gener­ and an inward growth, but the The hotel committee was or­ hitter must first be in evidence in dered to open subscription books ally “ feminst” were conspicu­ developing a tow n before outside and determine what financial ously absent. d r y business* A committee, composed o f F. capital will be attracted. The backing the people o f Newberg H . Caldwell, C. B. P ool and speaker held that there is an op- will give. •” Clarence Butt, was appointed to portunity lor Newberg to double The most important topic 6f its population in tw o years—not discussion, however, was intro­ take the matter in hand, begin by waiting, but by seeing some­ duced by M ayor Christenson, investigations at once, and be thing to do and doing it. In hift w ho read the proposition o f the ready to make a report at another public meeting to be held The Foundation of Health. Very Remarkable Cure of D i­ belief, there are tw o industries Spaulding Logging Company, in the I. O. O. F. hall Friday arrhoea. Nourishment is the foundation which we ought to have at once the text o f which follows: evening. _____ ~ “ About six years ago, for the of health-life—strength. Kodol and can get: First, a large furni­ Working- Might and Day. Newberg, Ore., June 27, 1903. Dyspepsia Cure is the one great first time in my life, I had a sud­ ture factory; and second, a fruit N. C. Christenson, The busiest and mightiest little medicine that enables the stomach den and severe attack of diar­ cannery, which before long will Mayor, City. thing that ever was made is Dr. rhoea,” writes Mrs. Alice Miller, of Dear Sir: We have recently in- King’s New Life Pills. Toese and digestive organs to digest, come somewhere in this part o f Morgan, Texas. “ I got tempo­ the country and which should i term ed some parties in our pills change weakness intostrength, assimilate and transform all foods rary relief, but it came back again into the kind of blood that nour­ be located here. H e ' company which makes it possible li^tlessness into energy, brain-fag p.ope \ ; for us to build a new sawmill at ishes the nerves and feeds the and again, and for six long years I held t.iat the fruit growers ^ponR, p0{nt where we can get the into mental power. They’re won­ have suffered more misery and should start the latter industry, proper transportation facilities, derful in.fitfiiding up the health. tissues, Kodol lays the founda­ agony than I can tell. It was backed by the citizens o f New- We have hai always been interested 0u ly ^ ^ Sold by F> H . tion foe health; nature does the worse than death. My husband nip TAwti nf Mptxrhpror onn rest. Indigestion, dyspepsia and berg, upon a co-operative basis •in t j » tow n o f Newberg and Caldwell & Co. , . .. . would like to see the new mill all orders of the stomach and di­ spent hundreds of dollars for phy­ to begin with. Some say we located at this place. The new M arriage Licenses. gestive organs are cured by the use sicians’ prescriptions and treatment” would fail. We have failed and mill will be, ait least, twice the without avail. Finally we moved Nettie Fulton, i8 ;to Hugh Ma­ of Kodol. Sold by F. S. Caldwell to Bosque county, our present may fail in some things, but su^- capacity o f the old mill and will & Co. cess comes only by trying. It’s give employment to quite an in- loney, 20. home, and one day I happened to worth evervthing to a tow n to creased number o f men. In the __ _ E Hobson, 18, to David A Cora Liberality consists rather in see an advertisement of Chamber­ . .. c public ii* enter- . past we have for not any asked the tow n I , Jones, t get a reputation for £ Newberg bonuSi and 31 _ _ _ _ _ giving seasonably than much.- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea prise. Like begets like, enter- WOuld not now, but the parties Just About Bedtime Remedy, with a testimonial of a Cicero. prise begets enterprise. We could who are interested with us are Takft a Little Early Riser—it will man who had been cured by it. have a woolen factory in success- persons who have no financial Ture constipation, biliousness and No Pity Shown. The case was so similar to my own ful operation..withina.fewyear. liver trouble». D ,W iu> Little “ For years fate was after me that I concluded to try the remedy.. it we would make the effort. neccssary switches to accommo- Early Risers are different from continuously,” writes F. A. Gul- The result was wonderful. I could The great opportunity for New- date the work o f the new m ill.' |othef pills. They do not gripe ledge, • Verbena, Ala. “ I had a hardly realize that I was well berg is nOw, right now, and we | We make this as a definite and break down the mbcous mem- terrible Case o: piles,.causing 24 again, or believe it could be so after having suffered so long, but will get capitalists interested proposition to the citizens oft brane8 of the stomach> liver and tumors. When all failed, Buckleu’s that one bottle of medicine, costing here we . show ,.n a . saving switches ^ e' ' >5r£ ‘ as ^ above y ° u indicated, t^ ie; , bowels' irentlv arous- - . , when . or c“ ’ but DUl cure cure bv °y gently arous- Arnica Salve cured me.” Equally but a few cents, cured me.” Fof iauh in ourselves. Bnggs d id , w -p deposit approved security ' *ng the secretions and giving good for burns and all aches and sale by C. F. Moore & Co. it” should be our Watchword. that the expense incurred in strentta to these organs. Sold by pains. Only 25c at F. H. Cald­ Graphic and Weekly Oregonian, C.J. Edwards, president of the building such switch will be re- F. S. Caldwell & Co. well & Co.’s drug store. one year, $9.00. • '. * 4 -. 4 V’, * Straw 25 c to $ 1.00 Crash 25 c. to $ 1.00 Quality Shoes - I . ' K * %