ff DR. H . B . CLO U G H , t Physician & Surgeon. « Newberg, Oregon. * Iypcal E ven ts. The besf; flour in tl* city at - ------ \ —22---- r W ilson’s. Rittenhouse keeps ice for Sale. : . Portland bread for **le at R|t- Guaranteed BEST Machineonade bread at Ritten- tenhduse’s. Jiquse’s. M rs.’J. Cj Colcpjd ismrrangin g f indies, when you w ant a nice, to take treatment hi « fjfr.i-, O I j T N • i. : a «eat jo b done on your shoes, g o Sanitarium. 7* nf to M. Sears. Mr». H. W. Qrable ami boy» Mr. and Mrs- Don Çstep o f returned to their hoine at Poug- EARTH Yea»» C ottage Grayp were thç guests l&s the first o f the week. o f Mr. and Mrs. C. BL Eggers Miss Grape Ruan o f Portland this week. rf ’ vented in tow n with Mr. and —SOLD B Y— Several Newberg people ; a t­ Mrs. R. W. Kirk over Sunday. tended the A. O. U. W . picnic at D oor and window screens iq McMinnville Saturday gnd re­ stock or made to order at the port a good time. Newberg Sash and Door pac- Mrs. F. S, Hallock o f M onta- * villa has been visiting w ith rela­ Miss $teH* $nritfy has been ^Lowers and Rakes,r Wagons, Buggies, tives and friends in Newberg for elected to h pqsition as teacher the past tw o weeks. Oliver Plows, Buckgye Washers, flour, Feed, Seeds and in the La F ayet^ public school Advertised letters remain *** for next year. Poultry Supplies« the post office for Mrs. Rebecca 3^ N o^ is the time to g it ycmr Wade and Mrs. Mamie Betts. kodak and be lerirtifaig how to Good ice crep.m fojr sale by J. E. H. Woddtvttrd.T». M . w ork it. You wii} flnef'fide M. Rittenhouse. Go t o T. B. Cummings & Co. at M oore's Pharrdftcf. M , 0 . Pickett visited friepds in for paints, oi]s, w all paper and AJorm^itua^tol tba I f you w ant tq kpow where to Dallas the first o f the week. now engaged w indow shades; a full line pf get your summer^hat, just call m Beehives, beehjves, at the New­ undertaking goods kept pi stock- at Hqrton & Horton’s and they berg Sash and Door Factory. ' F. A. Hayes o f Vancouver was will tell you all about i$. ^ Call in a t Hqrton & H orton's Barber la Newberg, with his family over Sunday, On Thursday ofeach week Miss and look over their stock o f mil­ with whom he makes fortnightly Flora Bell of Portland will h&ye linery. Aft iti or*—or te McKern A Parrott. He invites hi* visits, at their home, Ehgleside qn sale at Rhret Bros’, store, the Mrs. ] f W. Coffin and youngest, place, north o f tow n. *" “ latest sty k » m spring millinery. son, o f Payton, visited in town- R. W. Kelsey went dow n to G. P. Shelton has moved to his Tuesday, Portland Tuesday morning to pew home on Meridian street, Sidney R oot went down to the H a h Cutting a Specialty. give testimony in a trial against purchased o f C. Ai Hodson. The a saloon keeper, charged wpth H odsoM artf at IHfai Stratton’s city Wednesday morning to at*, AU work guaranteed to he Satis- factory doing business w ithout a license. for the present- »a bndS v. ; , V tend the pioneer reunion. Bmmor Hall, wwrib»' Opposte Bank of Newberg. Jonathan Y otaw and wife left The David school on Chehalem in Portland, came up tq Newberg M onday morning for .Tacoma, mountain, which' has been pn business Tuesday evening. Washington, to visit "their son, taught by A- O f Stanhrough, If yon w ant a cool milk shake, H. L. V otaw , and family, and closed last Friday. Amos will soda, water or lemonade—we will probably be gone about tw o spend the summer working on serve them, J. M. Rittenhouse. months. . his place north o f town.~ * Cherries wanted a t the highest Jas. Patterson o f Blaine, Tilla­ Mrs. Effie Earhari o f Oregon market price for cash. Boxes mook county, g o t o ff the train City is at N. L. Wiley’s out at here M onday m orn in g -to see Rex attending her brother, furnished. Wm. Kincaid, Spring- brook. 31-2t how the tow n looked, as he said, F*ank Tolson, w ho was injured after an absence o f tw o or three The bad weather militated in a runaway last .^Cck. against the band coneert M on­ years- V Mrs. N. Ç. fctfar 7 ^ y s gqt day evening, a small audience Dr. Geo. Lnrkin has been in in time aw ayfrom £ .-yT Portland this V « d seeing «his tion to escape the ierr!bl< Handsottte moquette friend, OrePriee, pass over from o f flood and disaster. They Hv^d the state ©f single blessedness, aw ay w ith cash purchases at near the stream inihe vegy path Parker & P ool’s. Call and get He officiated as head usher a t jr of the torrent* and would un­ a purchase ticket and see samples. the wedding. b doubtedly have been lost, as When you w ant your boots Miss Gertrude Brewer, the tal* were so many o f their friends. -, and shoes repaired in first-class ented pianist, formerly o f Che- Chas. C\ark, a brother o f Mrs; shape, g o to M. Sears, the shoe­ mawa but now o f Puyallup, C- S. Calkins and a Junior in maker, three doors east o f Washington, will be present to college, w ho was forced to stop Parker & P ool’s, play at some o f the exercises o f school recently on account o f an commencement week- 1 The wedding o f Miss Edna injury sustained in the lower Mr. and M ts . G. F. Taplin ar­ limbs, left Tuesday for Grants Hobson, eldest daughter o f Jesse rived here again from M innesota Pass to take osteopathic treat* Hobson,,and Walter Van Duyn M onday evening, having finally men,t tinder D r .C ^ B e n n e t t .-; o f Sumpter is announced to take place next Wednesday. A decided to call Oregon their Miss Carrie. Nelspn, eighteen- home. They were welcomed yyith year-old da ughter qi Amos Nel* Mias Bertha C ot, who. has the heaviest rain o f thè season. son, died Sunday morning after been teaching school a t Clarks* Hon. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. Irene a brief illness and ^ a s buried in ton, Washington, arrived Tues­ U C. MHÿE 8 , Praaideat. , Everest and Mrs. M ary Jane the West Chehaleip cemetery day evening to visit friends and E. H. WOOUM AKD, , attend commencement exercises. Everest went down to Portland M onday afternoon, • the funeral Vf«a Fren, aad Socretgry, i . 0 . CObCOKD, OaaMar. . . - M onday to attend the annual fè- services being ably conducted by Mr..and Mrs. B. S. Cook have union o f the Oregoii pioneers. Rev. F. C. Stanard. The funeral recently sold out at Prosser, Mrs. J. C. Nelson and Mrs. P, w as very largely attended. Washington, and have purchased CAPITAL STOCK, S3O.D00. M. Edwards followed Tuesday property in Portland, where Ben Dr. E. T. Allen o f Portland, morning. A CL MTT.aa. assistant* pastor o f the First will engage in the real estate C. K. SPAULDIN Mr. and Mrs. A. S. F ogg o f Presbyterian church, will deliver business. Mrs. C ook and little a a. wooDWAj a. J. Madaou. Mt. Tabor drove up to Newberg the annual addreM: before the girl are visiting relatives here. J. H DOUGLAS, JE. Directora. the latter part o f last week and Crescent literary society at thè N. C. Maris came up on the ‘ . J t i r* . / j t ■ visited friends for a few days. college this (Fridhy^. pyqiing train Tuesday evening, and on coR A M SFO N D B irra—Ladd é TUtoa. Fort They were accompanied by Mrs. upon* the suttfffct. ofc^erf ia^' The th t follow ing day, accompanied land; Nation«; Park Bank,New Yoak. F ogg’s sister and husband, o f ’ lecture will be illustrated with by his family and eister, Mrs. F. . . ! - • r • - T ->• • r . • Philadelphia, w ho are out west i stereopticon views, which Dr. A. Morris, drove over to North Strengete visitine the olty ara Invitad to cali a l tha bank ter Information concerajNg, tito on a visit. Allen took when in Persia. A Yamhill to visit the Ladd fine olty- Corraspondence lnvttod. stock farm. He returned at once Sam Lloyd, wife and daugh­ literary treat is expected. to H ot Lake. ter, accompanied by a friend The largest school meeting in Ed. Hobson received a letter named Drill, arrived M onday the history o f the district was from his son, Fred, Wednesday evening from Sauk Center, Min­ held M onday afternoon, both nesota, and have rented for the Prof. Kirk’s and Mrs. M artin’s morning, w ho w orks on a ranch present Mrs. C. M. Lashier’s room s being necessary to accom near Heppner, giving an account The place to get your house in the w est part o f to w n J modatetho8epresent< Naturally,’ o f the devastating flood. He Mr. Lloyd and D. R. Jackson are the interest manifested was in w as in town, at the time, w as DRUGS & MEDICINES. old-time friends. I accordance with thè attendance«. caught in the waters, but g ot The Lewis an(J Clark Club the election o f a director being out arid helped others to escape. held a very interesting meeting the point a t is*uèi Oft' the in­ Among those w ho went down PRESCRIPTION WORK last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. formal ballot J. W. Forsyth re- from here to Portland Wednes­ SPECIALTY. R. C. Crosby o f Dundee was ceivèd eighty-one vêtes ànd C. A. day morning to attend the Price- v elected vice president o f the state H odson forty-si* *btes, w ith 1 a Beharrell wedding in the evening Books» Stationery, Fancy and - . «• .. /s .. . . . i__ 11 - x ______ I x r jii- i.^. j c ___ department from the Newberg few scattering. The ballot was were F. A. Elliott and family, Toilet Artioles. Camara and division. Mrs. Douglas’ talk on made formal and Mr. Forsyth Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hill o f La Kodaks and all kinds of Camara the Lewis and Clarit expedition was declared re-elected. R. B. Grande, the Misses Pearl Cum­ Supplies. was made the more interesting LinviBe was also re-elected clerk mings and Mabel Edwards and L. B. F< by the use o f a large map. , w ith Httle or no oppoffition. HACKEE DR. FRED CULLETTE WlthO^Jf.K.Look| Irà A Madison St Portland. Ore. yim & S a a tito > DD. C. fc BENNETT. Osteopathic Physician M . V O TA W Beiidencft’ Consultation and Exam ination Fyee. -*-r- DR. MINTNORN, Office in Bank of Newfcarf Building. Held enee one block north end 3 block* t u t of Bonk. Home Phono. ♦ »JO" DR. CEO. LARKIN. -¡• D E N T I S T * — Office over Chehalem Volley Bonk ~“ í Wewberg, Orearon. .J J' 7lf. O. ¡Pickett, JÍtt*mey-at-jCaw, a Tfotary ¡Public. 4 k - :' O f /*re + O fT i #«. + + + + > Jk T T O R N E Y -A T .LA W . CLARENCE BUTT. Will practice the itate raettee in all oil the court# couru of t. attention S p e c ia l------- — _ giren ------ to probate work, the writing of deed*, mortgage*, coutracu and the drafting of all legal paper* N t o t o r g , O re g o n . d r n c i-S e c o n d Floor Bank of Newberg Building. B.F. TERRY, T O N S O R Iflü A R T IS T . EVERY PATRON GIVEN SATISFAC­ TION. BATH ROOM IN CONNECTION. . in , , ,0 f f is w w JOHN A. BECK, . V if * <,>! Jt'.,.- WATCHMAKER T* "' y, ... JEWELER, Solicit* the patronage of h i. old Indiana Friend* who need watch repairing done. 2 0 7 M orrison St. P O R T L A N D , OR. Kalamazoo Celery & Sarsaparilla Co. The only Blood and System Build­ er. Every bottle guaranteed. m o Sold B only S by E I F. H. CALD W ELL & Co Prescription Druggists. • » i , c S DUNSTAN, Ernest Hofei*! Bank of Newberg. y. u t fin s i A % ]