I f. , 71 tion and dozens o f oth er im ­ p orta n t qu estion s relatin g t o this sta te, and in gll the g re a t affairs o f oth er states and o f the cou n try -a t large, the influence o f the O regon le g isla to rs-w ill be N E W B E R O Ç R A P H IÇ ¿I Newberg, Oregon. jssuKP bv * * y F r id a y m obbing _ — .— jàjâ------------- — W. C. WOODWARD, $ L 0 0 P er Y ear FRIDAY, JUNE 19. » ygD ¿A S T OF POPULISM . A ccord in g tq, th e (ylobe-D etpo- cra t, B xrSenator M a rion B utler, w h o w a s a t the head o f the pop -' u list n a tion a l com m ittee a t one tim e, says th a t th a t p a rty w ill n om in ate a presidential tick et in i f this neck o f the w o o d s is t o ' ta k e her righ tfu l place in the fro n t ran k it m ust be because o f the sterlin g qu alities, th e lively enterprise and the m anly and w om an ly virtu es o f her citizens as m uch as b y reason o f her g rea t n a tu ra l resources,—As- toria n . P ro b a b ly n o t m any are aw a re th a t S unday w a s a n a tion a l h olid a y, June 14th being “ Stars o tir l d em ocra t «T r a n k s w ill be in a sect by them selves, B utler fo r a tim e w a s a m an o f som e conse­ quence in p olitics, b ijt he is n o t qu oted t o an y g rea t exten t n ow . H is present prediction w ill serve t o ca ll t o m ind the fa ct th a t there w a s a tim e When the p op u ­ lists w ere an elem ent o f som e im ­ p orta n ce in pu blic affairs. In 1904 th e th ird p a rty which w ill a ttra ct m ost a tten tion w ill b e th e socialist. In th e elections o f 1902 the socia lists o f the cou n try a t la rge ca st somewtunr* like 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 v otes. There^are, o f course, t w o o r three division s o f th e S ocialistic p a rty . The la rger branch, the Social dem o­ cra ts, polled nearly 9 0 ,0 0 0 votes fo r Debs in 1 9 0 0 . Ju d gin g by th e stren gth w h ich th ey have disp layed in the con gression al an d in som e sta te canvasses jiince then, th e socia l dem ocrats o u g h t t o be able t o ca st 200,000 o r 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 v o te s n ex t yea r. ¥ or a m an like, p eb s th a t pRrty peffed t o n otice, B ut the p op u list p a rty is as dead as the an ti-M ason ic party o r as John R an dolp h ’s Quids. M o st o f the populists o f the w est have com e back the republi­ cans, w here they'belon ged before th e sou th the bulk o f the p op s ' H aw ’• A t ip lu iT iilr « ! C hicago, a t prices and * term s sim plyrirreslstible. L a r i s t fize fan cy m achine ca rv ed W a lp st ca se s,, R o y a l up­ righ t, soltf yeceptly b y a p rom i­ nen t $ n n w hich has g on e o u t o f w aln u t cas^ M igen t 85. M edium size, e ^m ahogany cqse LCicht u p rig h t; has been o u t on rental, $167. v-~: - ■, . / . • ’ '* A n qth et one, $182. B eautiful, nearly n ew , fancy w a ln u t cased Decker ¿Up Son, origin a l price $500, now t$245. F a n cy Ifnglish q a k C olon Dell upright, the $35& •£*• M athushek fupright, th e , $500 style, fo r $185. 1 L a rgest size C olon ia l J a cob D oll upright, the $425 style, $218. L a rg est size, v e ry ela borate oa k c a s t-L u d w ig upright» the $250 style* $165. L argest size, fancy m ah ogan y, carved qase L aflargue u prigh t, th e $275tatyle. fo r $167. And ra in y others, E very jinirifum ent th orou gh ly repaired And tuned an d in perfect c o n d ffa W ^ í D I D YOU FU R I f SAY— n E n u R T h a n step in this ? w ay please, for that is our busi- ness and w e '* v‘ art prepared >;* * ■ r- 1 g to satisfy all w ants in this direction« W e have a large stock to select from , and if y ou don't see what We a*e the PIONEER FURNITURE w e w ill see that you have it > I KEEP O N H AN D A C O M P L E T E U N fe O P . ** * V STUDEBAKER V E H IC L E S ,H A R N E S S , W H IP S , R O B E S , , B L A N K E T S and D U STERS 'V .' ALSO . E iler 9 P iano H ouse , W ashington • Street, corn er P ark, P o ftla « d , O regon. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quan­ tity is constantly com ing in, de­ claring Dr. K ing’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be ufaequaled. A recent expression from T . J. McFarland, B entorvllle/V a., serves as au ex ­ ample. He!*Writes: “ I had bron­ chitis for three years and dbetored all the trials 'W ithout being bene­ fited. Then I began taking D f. K ing’s NeW^Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured m e.” Equally effective in Uuring all lung and throat troubles, consumption, pneu­ monia and grip. Guaranteed by F. H . Caldwfcll & C o., druggists. Trial bottles free; regular sizes, 50 c and $ 1 . ■ ■ ■v • ■ ■ ■ Marriage Licenses. ■ A nnah B qtfer, 1 9 , t o J 0 L eon­ a rd , 2 6 . , Adeline J F a y , 1 7 , t o W m B urth, 2& u f m 1 . 4 — . . er « Excursion Ream er T. J» Potter Goes into Service June 27. - 'v . Those who «re planning their vacation this year will be interest­ ed in knowing that the popular excursion steamer T . J. Potter— queen o f rivfcr boats— goes into service Jimp g 7 , and that she will leave Portland, during the season, every day from Tuesday until Sat­ urday inclusive. T o see the beau­ ties o f the Picturesque and mighty Columbia, from , the (decks o f the Potter idaitpt&t never to he forgot­ ten. F or spfed and grace nothing in river and lakeservide in the en- tire West equals this side wheeled beauty. Five hours from Portland and ooa from Astoria, through the B IN D E R S , M O W E R S , ... this is... A . L. S T E V E N S S IC K L E G R IN D E R S , R A K E S and B IN D IN G T W iI E. NEW BERQ, OREGON I invite the. public to examine my stock and prices and satisfy yourselves that the Studebaker goods are the beat in the market, and arc warranted to give entire satisfaction , famous fishing waters o f the Col­ umbia, past scores o f salmon traps and nets and as many white-wing­ ed fish boats, lands the passengers at Illwaco, where close connection is made for beach points with trains o f the illw aco & Navigation Company, whose cars stand on the whart awaiting the steamer. The beach is twenty-seven miles long two hundred yards wide at lowest tide, and so hard that carriage wheels scarcely leave « mark. It is an ideal place for driving, riding, wheeling or walking, and the suif bathing 5 is unsurpassable. The excellent ’ hotels and boarding houses provide good accommoda­ tions at prices ranging from one to threfe dollars per day. The round trip rate from Port­ land to Astoria is $ 2 . 50 ; to Ocean Beach points $ 4 . 00 , good until October 15 th. On Saturdays, dur­ ing July and August, round trip tickets are sold to oeach points at $ 2 . 50 , good for return leaving the beach the following Sunday eVen< ing. * The Oregon Railroad 8 l Navi­ gation Company has just issued a new summer book (free for the asking) which t Is all about the de­ lightful resorts o f the valley o f the Columbia river. This can be ob­ tained from any agent of the O. R. & C o., or by writing A . L. Craig, General Passenger A gept, Port­ land, Oregon. W e work at the Newberg Steam baundry, the best place in the .'ountry to get your work done. W e guarantee satisfaction and •irompt attention. A ll work called for and promptly delivered^ Branch offices in Daytofc and Sherwood. A . N. PRESSN ALL, Prop. ----- " " ~ Vai- ley Bank* N ew berg, G regory J* C. McCrea, Vice- ’ President. >■'. S. M. Calkins, Cashier N. C. Christepson, Assistant Cashier J. Kiifley Blair. C orrespondents : W M U n National Bank, NWr York# . - ■ U.S. National Bank. Portland McMInnrllle National Bank. iista b iish ed 1893. .