***•-■ £ >w*. un- y T ■ -, * j DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION— PE-RU-NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY. Catarrh ia a very frequent cause of that class of diseases popularly known asMemale weakness. , , Catarrh of the pelvic organs pro­ duces such a variety of disagreeable and irritating symptoms that many people— in fact, the majority of people — have no idea that they are sensed by catarrh. If «11 the women who are suffering with any form of female weakneas would write to Dr. Hartman, Colum­ bus, Ohio, and give him a complete description of their symptom »And the peculiarities of their troubles, he wiD immediately reply with complete direc­ tions for treatment, free of charge. Mrs. Eva Bartho, 133 East lath street, N. Y . City. N. Y ., writes: “ I suffered tor three years with leucorrhea and ulceration of the womb. The doctor advocated an operation which I dreaded very much, and strongly objected ta go under it. Now 1 ant a changed woman. Peruna cured me; it took nine bottles, but I felt ao much improved 1 kept taking it, as I dreaded an operation ao much. 1 am today In perfect health and have not felt ao w ell for fifteen years.” — Mrs. Evn Bartho. < Mias M aui Steinbach, 1899 12 th St., Milwaukee, Wis., writes: "Last winter I felt sick most of the time, was irregular and suffered from nervous exhaustion and severe bearing v a dartho down paina. I had so frequently heard of Peruna and what wonderful cures it performed so I sent for a bottle and in four weaks my health and strength ware entirely restored to me.” — Mias Maud Steinbach. Everywhere the women are using Pe­ runa and praising it. Peruna is not a palliative simply, it cures by removing 'the cause of fpmale disease. Dr. Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any other living physician. He makes these cures simply by using and recom­ mending Peruna. If you do not derive prompt sod satisfactory results from the use of P e­ runa, w rite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statem ent of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. 't* „ Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Colum­ bus, Ohio. Mtç>. E Has Posed M a n y Presidents. George G. Rock wood, photographer, has posed every president since Van Bonn. He has been a photographer over fifty years. “ The Klean, Kool Kitchen Kind” of etorea keep you clean end cool. Economical and alwaye ready. Sold at fo o d «tore «tore*. The Three Causes. - — “ Congratulate me, old ' chap. I ’m * v — “ *“|t man en earth today.” E n i __id, married or divorced?” - - , / Plso’e Cure 1« e good couch medicine. I t has cured coughs end colds for forty years. A t druggists, 25 cents. Time Table Told the Steep* “ It strikes me that this is about the slowest railroad in the country,” said the impatient tourist. “ I knew yon were going to kick,” re­ plied the oonductor. genially, “ as soon as you asked (or a time table. You are one of these people who believe every­ thing they see in print.” . Mrs. Hir|fn— You may stay until Dsy In and oat them Is that feeling tk your week is up, Bridget, but when you weakness that makes a burden of itself. go I must tell you I won’t be able to Food does not strengthen. write you a letter of recoin mend* tioak Sleep does, not refresh. Bridget— Don’ t let yer want of eddi- It is hard to do, hard to bear, what cation imbhrrass o i ’ ll Should be easy,— vitality Is on the ebb, and write it /q* make yer ¿he whole system suffers. mark to It. For tubs condition take H ood ’s Sarsapdrllla H o t S tra w b erry Shortcake. Chop a quart of berries and stir into them a heaping cup of granulated su­ gar. Let this mixture stand while jrou make the shortcake. Into a quart of prepared flour rob two heaping ta­ blespoonfuls of butter and enough milk to make a tender dough. Roll this Into a thick, round sheet. Bake In a nick oven and as soon as It is dons quickly split the cake, spread the two halves with butter, cover the lower half with the sweetened berries, put the upper part on this and pour the remaining berries over all. Bat while hot, serving It with rich cream.— Chi­ cago News. • S te w e d E n d iv e w ith C re a m S au ce. I t vitalises the b lo o d ,Y ive s v ig o r and tone to a ll the organs end functions, and is positively unequalled fo r a ll run-down or debilitated .conditions. Ho >i>'s r i u i cut* ¿uuatlpiatiua. 23 cent*. Brutal Treatment of Wife. Husband— Don’ t yon think that you Names. are rather unreasonable to expect me Japan has s grea er variety of names« te take you to a ball, stay awake until for girls than w i bavq. Most of* them 4 o’clock and then get op at 8 to go to are in two syllables, and the given my work? ; Wile— I may be a little unreason­ name is plsoed alter the family name. able, bat it’s perfectly brutal of you to £ . Important Port. mention it.— New York Weekly. “ I trust,” said the wardboss. “ that Cause fo r A larm . we will be able to roll up a handsome “ 8ay, doctor,” exclaimed on excited majority for you.” “ I don’t core whether it’ s handsome men as ha dsebed into the pill dispens­ er’s private office, “ I went yon'to make or not, ’ ’replied the canddate, “ just so it’s a majority.” an examination as to my sanity.” “ Whet reason have yon for believing yourself a candidate for the podded ' — cell?” asked the M- D. OREGON. £ PORTLAND Well, I happened to run across s package of letters this morning that I wrote to my wife daring enr courtship,” Thirty-third year. Commodious buildings. Modern equipment. Academic and callage was the significant reply. Out the outer leaves from the de­ sired number of besds of endive and wash the endive thoroughly. Drain and then boil in salted water for about fifteen minutes. Remove, put into colander and let odd water nts through them. Chop and put into a saucepan with a considerable amount Indirect Answer. of butter. Cover and let 000k for Borem— Do you believe that suicide twenty minutes. Uncover, moisten a is s sin? bit with cream, sprinkle paprika over and turn on to fried slices of bread. • Miss Caustic— Well, in yoar case I Those who have favored endive as a think it would be permissible. salad will pe agreeably surprised at There Is mem Cataire in m i» motion o f (ho finding how subtly this way of cook­ country than all other diseases put ut together, ing it appeals to them.—The Epicure. and until the last few yegra was rap ;• nosed tob e WWW— • Taking Time By the Forelock. Titocook — Would you mind giving me »a recommendation, ma’am? The Mistress— Why, yon hare only just come. The Cook— Bat yha may not wsnt to stye me wan when I do be leaving.— Life. . 7 \+r ■ s?:. ■ ■ St. Helen's School for Girls. preparatory coarse«. Special courses in * >- music and art. Illustrated catalogue. AJ deportment« now open. MISS ELBA NOR TBBBBTT8, Prtodp«^ BROMO- SELTZER y y e a n doctor» pro- P o ta to Croquette«. Mix enough cream with c o m potato to make It easy to handle: add tional dlaeamTand therefore requires constitu­ C H R IS A L L a little bntter, a beaten egg (to two tional treatment. H air I’ S C a t a r r ‘ h C u r * , m u » * - * * " * + '• » » » « u i an Co . Toledo, Ohio, — cupfuls of potato), a tablespoonful of nfaemi la I he only constitutions a! cure on the market. „ g- flour and a sprinkle at salt; forqj into It is taken Internally . in a dose» from 10 drops to teaapoonful. It sets directly on the blood neat little cylinder« or cone shfpes, e and mucosi surfaces o f the system. They oS one hundred dollar» for any case It falls press closely In shape, and set them 10 C E N T S -E V E R Y W H E R E eure. Bend for circulars and testimonial*. on ice to cool; whei^firm, roll la beaten drew. F. “ J. CHEN c h e n e y a co., Toledo, white of egg and flour or breadcrumbs, Sold by Druggists, 78c. F a ll’s Family Pills are the best t Useless Up. then fry in boiling lard till brown. His Honor— Don’ t you know honesty Take out with a skimmer and drain. No Extra Charge Made. is the bent policy? These make a nice garnish/for baked “ Wow!” yelled the victim. “ 8ae Erastus — ’Deed I'don’ belieb in fish, or are a favorite luncheon or sup­ here, barber! You’ve cut off part of plyain’ policy no more ash; I ’s done per dish. my ear.” reformed. | “ flo I have,” replied the barber cool­ R a s p b e rry Shrub. ly, “ but calm yotmelf. We make no Allow eight quarts of berries to one T m O s s flat Alton's Foot I s m WAX*. extra charge (or correcting facial blem­ W rite Allen & Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y ., fer a pint of acetic add and four quarts of I’ll triln the other ear down to, free sample of Aden's Foot Ease. I t cures chil­ water. Put all the ingredients Into a ishes. blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet decant else too.” — Philadelphia' It makes new or tigh t shoes easy. A certain stone Jar and allow the mixture to so. cure for Corn» and Bunions. All druggistsaall stand for forty-eight hours, stirring ■■ "i1 , - " 1 $fjg^:qSi(Mp \ i t 36c. P e n t accept any substitute. occasionally. For each pint of Juice — iirrf add a pound of sugar, boll /or fifteen “ Would yon quit smoking for my In Russia no photographer can prac­ minutes, and bottle while hot. When sake?” asked «he cool, refill the bottles. PqunA the,corks Prilling machinery. Over forty different style« tice htg art without a license. . “ Certainly,v answered the celd machine« for Water, Gagjuid Mineral Prospect­ in tightly, cut close to the pottle, and blooded man; “ if there was any occas­ of ing. Steam or borne power. W e handle the K elly < S Tanneyhlll Co.’* machinery, and full Unee of re­ E I T 1 PsrmaosnOT Ouraa S t t a « s im esaw dip in hot wax to seal. ion for it But I fail to see why I pair* carried In stock. W e also furs lab g a s o lin e # '' '*■ fil® sitar first day’» nasof Dr. Ellas’, Great Nom engine* to run machinery. Onr mac hi pee ace should begin smoking for yoar sake in Aster, stronger thin P otato Soap. and easier to operate than machine on the market. Thousands _ V Peel, cut up and boll four larke pota­ the first place” — Washington Star ^ operation. RKIERHON MACHINERY cenaful 1 o General Agents, foet of Morrison Street, t'Q., Oei toes. When nearly done pour pff the ‘ Ore. Send tor Free Illustrated Catalog. Portland, The Human Stomach. ^ Her water and add one quart of hot w»ter, Nature seems to have provided that Softleigh — Yaas, I always cahwy and boll till the potatoes are thorough­ no poison which sets externally shall an umbrella, doncher know. ly dissolved, addtog more hot water Mias Cutting — I always suspected If necessary. Then put through the have any effect internally and vice ver­ that you didn’t .know enough to go in colander and add three-quarters of a sa. Thus the most deadly snake venom can be swallowed with impunity, the whan it rains. cupful of hot cream, a tablespoonful juice of the stomaeh p resu m a b ly decom­ of finely cut parsley, and salt and pep­ posing it and rendering it harmless.— ” 1 h a v e n a t d yeaur v a l n s M e C A S O A - R B T S and And them perfect. Couldn't do per. Serve hot. Journal of Bcienoe. A Good Beginning 4 Would Help Her Out. General Debility If the blood is in good condition a t the beginning of the warm season, you are prepared to resist disease and are not apt to be troubled w ith boils, pimples, blackheads and blotches, or the itching and burning skin eruptions that m ake one’s life a veritable torment and misery. Now ia the time to begin the w ork of cleansing and building up the blood and strengthening the w e a k places in your constitution. During the HORRIBLY AFFUCTEB WITH B 0 IL 8 . cold winter months we are compelled X had a horrible to live indoors and breathe the impure attack • t b o il« that broke out all airv of badly ventilated rooms and of­ over my body aad fices. W e over-work and over-eat, and fr o m w h lo h X get too little out-door exercise, andlour could cat no poe> systems become clogged w ith impuri­ Bible relief until ties and the blood a hot-bed of germs X b o r a s taking and humors of every kind, and warm y o u r medlolae, weather is sure to bring a reaction, aad from my ex­ and the poisonous matter in the blood p e r ie n c e X oea safely aay 8.8.8. and system w ill break out'in boils and to the beet blood pustules or acaly eruptions and red, purifier in the world. disfiguring bumps And pimples. Make X n . 1C. P . B X T T H X B 8 , a good beginning this season by taking W yth eville, V e. », a course of S . 8. S. in tim e ; it w ill not only p urify your blood and destroy the THE, BEST TONIC AND APPETIZER. germs and poisons, but promote healthy W h ile llr ln r In Bherman, Trie., X bs- action of the Liver and Kidneys and o a m o a viotim o f impure, w atery a p p e tite end an« blood. I ran dow n In appetite give you a good appetite at a time e n e rg y ; w a i ■ o aroely a b l e to so* when you need it most. a t o u t a n d h a d to « t o p o ff a n d r o « t s lo n a lly . I to o k B. 8 .8 . a n d be- 8. S. S. improves the digestion and o g o a o n a to im p r o v o a t ouoo, a n d a it a r a tones up the Stomach, and you are not th o ro u s’h o ou rsa bacarne strongr and Troll» continually haunted by the fear of I t h ln k 8 . 8 . 8. t h è b o e t m e d ic in e X indigestion every time yon eat, or « v e r u sed aa an a p p e tis e r an d aren­ te. J . G . H G O TT. troubled w ith dizziness, nervousness e r s a i i i ton B a llr o a d Street, R o m e , Ore. and sleeplessness. There is no reason to dread the com ing of warm weather if you have your system welt fortified uggish and the Blood in a normal, healthy con ditkm . It is the pollute« nd aad blood th at invites disease germs, inicrobes and poisons o f every kirn bring on a long train of spring and summer ailments, break-down the con­ stitution, aad produce weakness, lassitude, and other debilitating disorders. Eczema, Acne, Nettle-rash, Poison O ak and Ivy, and other irritating skin troubles are sure to make their appearance unless the humors and poisons are antidoted ahd the thin, acid blood made rich and strong before the coming of Warm weather. A course of 8. 8. 8. now would be a safe precaution and a good beginning and enable you to p a s s in comfort through the hot, sultry months a n d d sum mer.' * 8. escape the diseases common to spring and summer. S. 8. 8. is guaranteed rifier and the most in­ purely vegetable and ia recognized aa the best blood puril vigorating for onr book on * * The Blood and vivoratine and pleasantof all tonics. W rite foronrbook Its Diseases.” THE SW IFT SPECIFIC CO .« ATLANTA, QAm Headaches is u t c i. n w v a ig c i o u u e m u oa P sê Ê » Biliousness B o i l e d C o r n s t a r c h P u d d in g . Heat a quart of milk to boiling In a double boiler and stir Into It five beap- lng tablespoonfuls of cornstarch dis­ solved In a little cold milk. Stii; until this thickens, then stir in a lump of butter, add graduaDy a beaten egg. and beat In a teaspoonful of vanilla and a dash of grated nutmeg. Serve hot, with butter and sugar or sugar and cream. Sees Resalt of His Labors. ▲ Methodist church et Red Wing, Minn., has been celebrating its semi­ centennial, Rev. .Chsuncey Hobart, who preached the first sermon there April 26 , 1863 , is looking on at the “ exercises.” He is now a patriarhal gentleman of 92 . without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness sod am now com­ pletely cured Recommend them, to «v e ry one. Once tried, you w ill never be without thorn la the family. tow. A . M a b x , Albany, N. Y . J CANDY bA I MAUTI« CATHARTIC t n A Jà C JO Û LB ü U Ù ♦ ?■ ■ * ÿ American la Oxford »B igh t.” D. Milburn, sob of the well known Buffalo lawyer in whqge house Preel- S h o r t Hufcgeettonn. Bottles should never be cleaned with dent McKinley died, i s ' 8 member of shot, aa there is s risk of lead poison­ the Oxford boat crew this year.' His almost equally athletic brother has ing. Do not scrape a frying pan, as it is missed the “ eight.” liable afterward to barn, instead, pib Western Reach Engines. well with a bard crust of bread and The 60 -horse power traction engines wash In hot water. ared on western ranches will pull sim­ A hew lampwlck should be soaked ultaneously 17 14 *Incfa plows plowing In vinegar/ If this Is done there will 20 feet. The outfit will ptow from tO Ae neither smell nor smoke, ffnd a to 60 asree pee day, or will plow, drill moot) brighter light will be given. . and harrow, all a i one time, with prop­ Before cleaning out a fireplace, sprin­ erly arranged tools, from 86 to 60 acres kle a good handful of tea leaves among per dsy.— N. Y . Bun. the ashes. This makes the ashes lift One Man’s Wisdom. easier and prevents the dust from fly­ Ping— There goes s men worth $ 3 ,- ing about the room. On« of the best sauces for fish Is 000*000 end he made every dollar of it A made by chopping a tablespoonful of in trade. Pong— Well, all I’ ve got to say is capers very flue and then rubbing that I don’t want to trade with a man them through a sieve with a wooden like » that. - - - -........« spoon. Mix this with an ounce of cold butter and season with salt »nd pep­ . The Effect of Running. per. Running lessens the blood supply To keep palms green and fresh look­ in the legs. ing and remove the dusty and faded appearance of the leaves, wipe each a a a tso M m a o h i m e r y o o . leaf separately with a cloth dipped In grucceesora to John Pool«) at Morrison Street, Portland, milk. This will at once give back Foot The _____ Ell Gasoline ____ Engine—A ._ child H m . run It. their natural gloss and frefch green ap­ Valves and all working parts covered up. 2 h. p., f l » ; 4 h. p.. «310; « h . p., «300. “ Put In a lit ­ pearance. ile Gasoline and then go to sleap.” for Illustrated catalogue and for price Very often cakes stick to the tin; and on Write anything you need In the machinery line. It is difficult to get them out without breaking the cake. Wring out a cloth Over an# million dollars in pensions secured In cold water and wrap It round the by us for our clients during the six years last past. Over 30 years successful exnerlenee. Per­ sides and bottom of the tin. Leave it sonal and prompt attention to all claims en­ for five mlqutes. then tip It up. and the trusted to us. If your attorney has been dis­ barred you can appoint us to act In your claims. cake w ill slip from the tin without Fsea fixed by law and contingent upon su< whitman Ca.. »-40 ~ * ~ Warder Bldg, IT« breaking. Washington, D. C- • a-ww* wkm * - sMjtam,- - ... CU RE O O N S T IF A T IO N . .„ « o t o - b a c a a r < 8 i0 $ s & t ó r Î c - . Interested ta Boggles? Something Comfortable aad Durable ? MITCHELL & BEE LINE BUGGIES Are at the head of their cl«se for Comfort Easy Riding Appearance Durability WAFT TO DI 0 W WHT? A tk for our tlluatratrd pamphlets. Mailed free. H T H E U , LEWIS t t T U U CO. 200-206 First S t.. PORTLAND, OR. ' Also Spokane, Balsa. -rp-