Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 19, 1903, Image 2

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    Nò Hair?
v n falling oat very
fa itJ & d ^ x ra s greatly alarmed. I
thep, tried ^ y e r ’e H air V igo r and
my hair stopped falling at once.” —
M rs. O . A . M oVay, Alexandria, O .
abb «•tf*eoal and that It would require 6,000
d e n U o d i fall wall that his bast suc­ men to work 200 years, 280 days lit
cess will come from giving the trees the year, to bring the vast ddpcilt to
ChM k D ra ft Attachment.
While we are all looking forward
hopefully to the day when the main
roads shall be In perfect condition for
light and heavy travel, with macadam
or other Improved surfaces, It w ill
probably be many years before tbe ruts
and mudholes are all removed. Until
that time comes there Will be freqnent
use for the wagon attachment which
we here present, and many a teamster
with a heavy load will have cause to
thank the Inventor who devised such
and plants ho sets every opportunity to
get a good start, hence be never con­
cerns himself about the crop except
as something he mtpecta to h iv e !n*the
future. The Inexperienced, In setting
small fruit plants, keeps uppermost
In mind a possible crop the next sea­
son, the one immediately following
planting, and therefore bis chief con­
cern Is to preserve all the. growth the
plant has at the time o f setting. Rasp­
berry and blackberry plants should be
cut beck close to the ground at the time
they are set, while currant and goose­
berry plants may be safely cut back
at least one-half.
With strawberry
plants. It pays to keep ths blossoms ,
picked off the season directly follow ­
ing planting, nnless, o f course, thp
plants are those grown In pots and set
In midsummer for fruiting the follow ­
ing season. The amount o f pruning
that should be done on. newly set trees
depends somewhat on the tree as re­
ceived. Peach trees are usually cut
back to a single whip, while the growth
on other trees Is reduced from one-
third to two-thirds, depending, as stat­
ed. on tbe condition o f the tree at the
time It la received. This rigorous prun­
ing means that the tree or plant has
no old growth to- sustain, but that all
o f Its vitality may be thrown Into the
production o f new wood after It gets
a secure hold on the Soli;
an ingenious arrangement to help him
out when the wagon becomes stuck in
the mad. The picture almost explains
Itself, showing, aa It does, bow the In­
vention gives a leverage near the cir­
cumference o f the wheel. Instead of
compelling the team to pall direct on
the axle, os heretofore. From each
lend o f the doubletree a rod runs back
to tbe npper end o f a lever pivoted on
the axle. Attached to these levers are
pawls, which engage the teeth o f the
ratchet wheels, the latter being secur­
ed to the rear wheels o f the wagon.
When a team is pulling a heavy load
the doubletree vibrates, owing to the
fact that the two horses do not step
Dr turteon and do not pull exactly to­
gether. I t la this vibration that is util­
ised In applying the dyvlce, as It en­
ables the pawls to secure alternate
bold on the teeth o f either wheel, thus
gradually working the wagon out of
the rut or np the steep'Em. When the
team is traveling smoothly on a level
road the pawls ride idly in the ratchets
without Interfering with the rotation
of the wheel.
the surface. Allowing much, for the
exaggeration which usually character­
ises the first reports of discoveries of
this nature, says the Philadelphia Led­
ger, the new veins w ill prt>oably add
greatly to the anthradtp^coal supply.
T b s estimates o f the duration o f this
supply must be revised «J f the new
fields are aa extensive and iimameafS
aa the early predictions Indicate. Ohe
o f the dispatches announcing the find
says that it la estimated that the de­
posits w ill furnish anthracite to the
world for twenty years.
In Roberts' “(anthracite Coal Indus­
try,” a valuable and Informing work,
published in 1W1, several estimates of
Dr. C. Gee Wo
harks and vest-tables
that are entirely un-
Dotng HU Bast, .
“ In order to be lucoesaful these
layg,” remarked the west side philoe-
>pher, " a young man should apply
himself constantly.”
/ ‘T h at’ s m e,” rejoiaed the youth
with the short-order salary.
“ I ’ ve
been calling on an heiresa every even­
ing lor three m onths.”
The Pour Minot« Egg.
Cynical Boarder— Here, waiter 1
Waiter— Yes, sab; yes. ssh!
Cynical Boarder— When I asked yon
(or a foar-minate egg yon evidently
misemderatood. I meant one that has
b e e » in boiling water for that period
snd not one that lacked four minutes
sf hatching._______,
S k M tlu T a b l e .
The shearing tame shown in the Il­
lustration we have found indispensable
at shearing, branding and other times
when It becomes necessary to hold the
goat in a position where It cannot get
aw ay or bother o a ^ In shearing we
place It upon its back in tbe trough
and close the stanchions around Its
Commencing at the brisket,
shear back on tha underside o f the
The trouble Is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed It with Ayer’s
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs ire beginning to
ahow ^A ya^iiiic Vigor
will restore color every
known to medical ad- ^ V B b U K b B S
ence In this oonntrjr. Through the use of
those harmless remedies this famous doctor
knows tke action o f over 600 different rem­
edies, which he «ucceesfully uses In different
diseases. Ha guarantees to core cat tar h, asth­
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomaoh, liver, kidneys, etc.; has hundreds of
Charges moderate. Call and
see him. Patients out o f the d ly write for
blanks and circular*. Send stamp. CON8UL-
TbeC Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
21 * Alder St.. Purttaod, Oregon.
Important Ommlaslen.
Pa— Oetend, in the front of this dic­
tionary you w ill find “ the flags of a ll
nations.” It Is complete.
Ostend— Complete n othin '!
W hy,
they ain’ t even got the baseball pen-
nant among dem
Three hundred and fifty square miles
have been added to the British Empire
valley was effected and by t}>e ratification of the frontier be­
the Wyomi:
the price pi Id the Indiana .wal about tween India and Thibet.
the same. tDr. Throop says iu bis
Anxious to Help Rockefeller.
•Fifty Yean fin Scranton’ that in 1774
Report that John D. Rockefeller bad
land was s< Id In the neighborhood of
Scranton fa 4 cents an acre; in 1884 ■aid ha would pay i million dollars for
tbe same la: id could not be bought for a naw stomach, or a healthy digestive
apparatus, bos resulted in deluging tbe
13,000 on ac
Standard O il m illionaire with thous­
ands of letters.
M achine fo r C u ttin g Tim ber.
The usual method o f felling trees in
large forests involves the use of the ax
and saw in conjunction, and the woods­
man Is more than likely to choose the
most comfortable height to begin his
work. This, as Is well known, means
tbe loss of several feet of the beet por­
tion of the log, and aa timber grows
more scarce, complaint o f this waste is
•are to be made. I f It bad no other
parpóse than the saving o f this lum­
ber, tbe apparatus here shown would
have much to recommend Its ase, bat
It is also recommended os a Hme-aaver.
I t consists of two platforms, placed
as shown, with pivoted handles rock­
ing back and forth to oscillate the saw
belly; then take opposite fore leg and
shear as far ap tbe shoulder and neck
aa possible, then from the brisket on
neck to stanchion, then near fore leg,
and shear same os other side. This
deans’ All tbe hair from underside o f
animal. Next throw left leg across
animal’ s body, release stanchion and
bend the neck across yoar knse. Shear
all the neck and replace In stanchion.
Then take tbe animal by the bind leg
and stretch flank muscles smooth and
shear up leg and alongside to where
you left off on fore leg. Drop one side
o f table, which w ill allow the back and
sides to be sheared.- -Breeder's Gazette.
F a n s Note*.
„ It is noted that the hog la Invariably
healthier in the dairy sections o f tbe
country then in those where the cow
Is not kept, and this difference la at­
tributed to the use o f akim milk fo r
the pigs when young.
In an experiment made to determine
the absorptive powers o f milk there
was Inclosed In jar* a portion o f milk,
and in different Jars, but not in connec­
tion. different substances, giving off
flavors. A t the end o f eight hours a
of the milk was drawn from
blade. T o feed the blade Into the tree
a colled spring Is secured to either end near the bottom o f each Jar by means
o f the saw, with the opposite ends at­ o f a pipette, so os not to disturb any
tached to stakes'driven In the ground part o f the milk. In every one—o f fif­
on the opposite side of tbe tree, exert­ teen trials—the milk had absorbed the
ing a constant pall as the blade slides flavor to inch an extent that It had
back and forth.
penetrated the very lowest stratum.
When a plant produces s e « l It will
Beet* In Clnmpe.
The tendency of beets to grow In not afterward make an attempt to
bunches Is because each ’’seed”
Is flower. Pansies, which bear flowers
really a bundle of seeds wrapped In the profusely, should be kept clean by
woody fiber. Thus from one to six picking the flowers off dally. I f this
plants spring from each seed ball, and la not don\ the supply o f flowers will
separate planting la practically Impos­ ’soon fall off.
sible. The nliimqe o f young plants
Poor land on a farfn may be used to
make thinning a difficult matter’ and better advantage for forest than any
Injurious to those that remain.* Borne other purpose. Even In very fertile
beet growers lessen the trouble by districts there are few farms without
cracking tbe seed bolls In a coffee mill. some uncultlvable land. Land which
I t Is also proposed to attempt by se­ la extremely dry or wet, or rocky or
lection to secure seeds, each producing sandy, or land subject to washing,
only one plant.
should be used for forest.
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borné the signa­
ture o f Chas. H . Fletcher, and has been made under his
pervision for over 30 years. A llow no one
you in this. _ Counterfeits, Imitations and
• * Just-as-good” are but Experiments, and endanger the
health o f Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is C A S TO R IA
W hat la declared to be the best
“ counterfeit presentment” of the late
Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone ever
made Is' the statue herewith repro­
duced, which was recently unveiled In
tbe north transept o f Westminster ab­
bey. Tbe statue is of tbe finest Car­
rara marble and shows tbe dead states­
man as a D. 0 L. of ‘ Oxford. The
royal fam ily of England always feared
more than it admired Gladstone, but
since bis death It has come to a reali­
sation of the fic t that he was a pretty
akfe man, after all, and the placing'Of
the statue so promptly in the place
reserved for the elect is a recognition,
that he possessed qualities which win
cause his fame to grow greater as
tbe years go by.
F o llo w e d D ire ctio n «.
A school teacher in Kentucky had
some trouble in teaching a little fel­
low to say “ double 1,” .“ double e,*\
“ double a,” etc. But after a while
his efforts were fruitful, and he was
gratified by an extraordinary appear­
ance of interest on the pupil’s part.
In fact, the boy became a double let­
ter hunter, and ceased altogether to re­
quire attention at that point. About
that time they reached the lesson con­
cerning the early riser, beginning “ UpI
Up! and see the sun!”
H e read H “ Double up! and eee the
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, P a re ­
goric, Drops and- Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use f o r Over 30 Years.
ftMÉI ,emtr*y h i *»•
I u m i but we are called upon to perform
come difficult dental operation that 1«
the direct result of neglecting the teeth.
We cannot urg* too «tron gly the benefit
and economy o f consulting a d e n tla ta t
the very fln t sign of tooth trouble. At
the start these troubles are corrected
quickly and at small cost. Our method*
are painless snd our work guaranteed
Both ’phones: Oregon South SJ91;
Columbia 86k.
Open evening* till k,
Sunday* from U t e l i
B a d .E ffect* o f th e D rought.
The disastrous effect« of t^e drought
In New South Wales may be judged
from the fact tbat a meat-preserving
company has bought 120,000 sheep at
from 6 pence to 1 shilling per bead. - *
B R O S . , Dentists.