T h vf. ■ D R . H . B . C LO U G H , Q Physician & Surgeon. Newberf. Oregon. 1 • v s p ' V it Events. t t i t t t T t n r r i i ¥ r • j The Douglas The best flour in the Rittenhouse keeps ice for sale. G w M M te d W ilson’s. Machine-made bread at Ritten- Portland bread for saj* at Rit- house’s. tetfhouse’s. Mrs. G. O. Worden o f Trout- Miss M yrtle McDaniel visited dale visited here this week with in Portland over Sunday. * relatives, D oor and window icreens in Mrs. N. C. Maris and son, stock or made order at the Ralph, o f Heppner, arrived the Newberg Sash a iu f D oor Fac­ latter part o f last week. tory* W a n t e d — »Wood choppers, at —SOLD BY— Nelson Brouillette o f Illinois, $1 per cord; g ood timber; hall w ho has been spending a year in mile from tow n. Newberg Pressed Oregon, left for hit home Wednes­ Brick Co. 30-2t day morning. - Go to T. B. Cummings & Co. •Now is the time to get your for paints, oils, w all paper ^nd kodak and be leaqoing how to w indow shades; a full line o f w ork it. You w ill find a fine line Deering Binders, M owers and Rakes, W agons, Buggies, •undertaking goods kept instock. at M oore’s Pharmacy. Oliver Plows, Buckeye W ashers, Flour, Feed, Seeds and Miss Maude Comer arrived If you w ant to Jknow where to Poultry Supplies* home Friday evening from New get your summer fiat, just call in York, having ju st been gradu­ at H orton & H orton’s and they ated from Friends Oakwood icecream for sale by J. will tell you all ahpat it; "*"1" ""*• w Seminary. , , ^ • OU8C> On Thursday crftrach Week Miss A ubrey U&ib tmcn g o t home F lora Bell o f Portland w ill have • Beehives, beehives, at the New» M onday evening after attending A former student of the on sale at Ehret Bros’, store, the berg Sash and D oor F actory. Collere is now eogifod the Y. M . C. A. conference at MA latest styles in spring millinery. Call in at H orton & H orton's Gearhart Park. He- reports a The pupils o f Mrs. Walter Reed and look over their stock o f mil­ g ood convention and a pleasant gave a music recital in Portland linery. time. / " "t •- \ M onday I f you w ant a cool milk shake, afternoon, in which Mrs. E tta Pier, daughter o f As sueoessor to MeKern Miss Mabel Edwards took part. soda w ater or lemonade—w e A Parrott. Re lnttteahls Mrs. Lottie Decker, w as married friends, bid and new to H. E. Follet has greatly added serve them. J. M . Rittenhouse. tire blm a trial, at Salem Sunday to R. R. Robin­ Handsome moquette rugs given son. They w ill make their home to the appearance >and com fort near Dundee on the groom ’s fruit o f his store building, occupied by aw ay with cash purchases at Hair Cutting a Specialty. Parker & Pool, by putting up a Parker & P ool’s. Call and get ranch. a purchase ticket and see samples. large, new canvas f i r i n g . Mrs. A. T . HiU and children, guaranteed to be satis* Miss Leora Buchanan enter­ County School Superintendent factory o f L a Grande, came dow n the tained her classmates, the public o f Polk county, C. L. Starr, and Opposite Bank of Newberg. latter p a t t o f last week, prepar- school graduates, and Principal Miss Bergftta Nelson Qf McMinn­ c J mkv M x attending her brother Ore’s wedding in Portland next ville, visited in Newberg Sunday and Mrs. R. W. Kirk at her home evening. w ith Miss Mabel* fed wftf-ds. tt H Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butt, Prof. W. A. Ginn, a former Bert Terry is taking a rest from close confinement in the bar­ resident o f Willamette valley,, J. C. McCrea, John Larkin, F. H. ber shop, and has turned his but n ow o f Iow af has been visit­ Caldwell and M rs: R. B. Linville chair over to a Portland barber ing in tow n tins week with his attended the grand lodge o f the for a time while he gets a little sister, Mrs. Agnes Ginn Gould, M asons and Eastern Stars in Portland this week. and family. fresh ozone. The Graphic w as misinformed R oy Mershon o f Troutdale, Dr. A. Mills and family leave last week as to the statement the latter part o f this week for w ho w as in school here last Inends in that Mrs. Josie Bradley had th eir, ranch out in Lincoln year, visited college friends days ago. He purchased J ohn M cCleery’s place. county, where they will make Newberg a few delay Mr. McCleery traded his place to their home. Mrs. Mills intends hopes to enroll» %s a student C. W . Christenson. rf to ’heaCh th esch oof out there this again next year. For a short trip o f test and fell. A. secretary at Seattle, came Albany College w on the inter­ recreation, John DvJttstan left dow n the first o f the week for a collegiate field meet at McMinn­ Tuesday morning for Hood visit at home and will remain ville, Friday, in a walk, while River to join bis w ife , and until after Pacific College Com­ Newberg trailed in third with a parents, w ho are picking H ood mencement. V- few seconds and thirds w on by River strawberries. ' F or the past week M aster M ilton Hampton came t^jp from Dwight Coulson in the hurdles, H obart Littlefield has been dan­ W orth Coulson in the mile and Logan, Clackamas county, last gerously ill w ith pneumonia. Owen M aris in the 50-yard dash. week, and is looking-after the in­ His life w as despaired o f for a The attendance was small and terests o f his Dundee place. He time, but he is now much better little enthusiasm w as manifested. is preparing to enlarge his fruit and gives promise o f recovery. The Misses Ella Crawford, dryer to take c^re o f the big W. C. Kruger expects to start prospect. Lena S til well and Jessie Britt prune crop he has An interesting service w as held out overland w ith his family the gave their lady friends a picnic middle o f next week on a sum­ Friday evening in the w ay o f a at the M ethodist thutch Sunday mer tour o f Southern Oregon hay w agon ride out to the evening, when the piprtgage on B. C. MILKS, Présidant. r E. H. WOODWARD, Crawford home on the Yamhill the church whacky has recently and California. They will pass Vice Pres, and Secretary. through the Lakeview country river. Aside from the “ coach­ been paid off, was burned. Ap­ J. O. COLCORD, Cashier. and visit a sister ofM rs. Kruger. man,” H oward W illiam s,: tw o propriate speeches were made by Mrs. 0 . C. Yokum, sister o f other Gentiles interloped", and different members, relative to the Robertson boys, was in tow n CAPITAL STOCK, $304)00. “ leavened the whole lump.” All the history Methodism in New­ berg, and the w ork o f raising Tuesday. She i ad received word report a glorious time. A. C. MILKS. from her husband that tourists C. K. SPAULDING. The annual school meeting will the debt. K. H. WOODWARD. were already on the w ay to M t. A subscriber and property 8. J, Madsen. - . be held M onday afternoon at the J. H DOUGLAS, JR. H ood, and she returns at once to owner suggests tjiat it would D irectors. public school building at 2 take charge o f their inn a t G ov­ o ’clock, when a director and a not be a bad idea for the council ernment Camp. OORftEgPONDKNTR—Ladd A Tilton, Port clerk are to be elected. J. W. t o adopt the setme measure land; Nation* 1 Park Bank, New York. The graduating exercises this Forsyth is the director whose tow ard keeping the,sidewalks in term empires. An encouraging repair as that in vogue in a few (Friday) evem n: close the w ork grangers virtttng tW e ity Art Incited to cell St am ount o f interest has been other tow ns in te rsta te . Where o f the public school for the bank for Information concerning tbe city. Coriespondence invited. taken in school matters o f late, property o wne*« are ditetory ln In place o f holding “ last d ay” and it is n ot expected that Gen­ keeping their walks in shape, the exercises this afternoon, as usual, eral Apathy will be present at council has the w ork done and literary exercises have been given charges it to the delinquents. ¡along throughout the year in the meeting M onday. ... Every indication says that the <*6*rth at the PuFUs maT * o t ** At the Friends church Sunday valley w ill be fell d f prunes this overworked a t the last when morning will take place the chil­ The place to get your year, and accordingly the prune |bu^y w ith school w ork and ex dren’s d a y - exercises at' 11 o ’clock, the hour o f the regular grow ers wear that self-satisfied animations. M r. and Mrs. W . fi. Turner DRUGS 4 M EDICIN ES. morning service. A feature o f expression which bespeaks peace ___ _ __ came up from Portland! Satur- the program will be the boys’ ¡w ith the world. The prune is choir, which will lead the congre- ^ the subject o f many ft joke by the day evening for a visit w ith their PRESCRIPTION W O R K A gational singing in place o f the 1 fenny paragraphed, hut there is brother, D. H. Turner, and SPE C IA L TY . regular choir. It will be “ rose” no joke about it in these parts, family. Mr. Turner has a g ood day with the children. All are This much-abused fruit means position in W ashington, D. 0 ., cordially invited to be present at business and prosperity for all o f as clerk o f the senate committse Books, Stationery, Fancy and “ All hail to on printing and i inding, and Toilet Articles* Camara and the exercises and enjoy the chil­ us, and we Kodaks and all kinds o f Camara dren’s service. The pastor, Miss the Oregon p r u n t f'W r e full o f will return to his w ork about Supplies* .... Mendenhall, will give A snort green prunes. We’re glad o f it,'th e first o f next month, He *» talk upon “ The Blue Bell's Se­ and we don ’t ca fl w ho know s i an Interesting talker oft affaire l e s s o n s GIVEN IN k o d a k * B B f* - at the National Capital* it.” cret.” - BEST ON Five EARTH Years MACKIE & DUNSTAN. DB. C. C. BENNETT, Ernest Jlofef, O e rte o p a th ib ^ P iiy s ltila n iy. V i f a f c ¿ 2 *--r^fr- . .-_— " ’ M. V O T A W Residence. v Consultation and Examination Free. Barber in Newberg, Dii. MINTHORN, Offloe in Bank of Newberg Building. Rertid.ïiicc one block north and > blocks east of Bank. Home Phone. JU L PH. CEO. LARKIN. — « -D E N T I S T * — Office over Ohebalem Valley Bank, -v N e v b a r i f , O r o jfo n . •* s * J * . l » J * J * J * . * J * Jt «I* 97/. O. ¡Pickett, J Îttorn oy-a t-jC a w , J* 9/ota ry ¡Public,. O ffic e a p p o sita ff*est O ffic e . ^ «r nr ir j^TTO R K E Y -A T-LA W . CLARENCE BUTT. Will practice in all the court* Of the atate Special attention given to probate work, the writing of deeds, mortgage«, contract* and the drafting of all legal papers. N ew b e rg . O r e g o n . O ffice —Second Floor Bank of Newberg Building. ^ ................ .............. ..........— ---- B. F. TERRY, T O N S O R Ifln A R T IS T . EVERY PATRON GIVEN SATISFAC­ TION. BATH ROOM IN CONNECTION. JOHN A. BECK, W ATCHM AKER JE W E LE R , Solicit* the patronage of his old Indiana Friend« who need watch repairing done. 2 0 7 M orrison St. PORTLAND. OR. Kalamazoo Celery & Sarsaparilla Co. The pnly Blood and System Build­ er. Every bottle guaranteed. ^ | Sold only by F. H. CALDWELL & Co " - Prescription Diuggists. -..i-, I Bank of Newberg. M ««u.".*-;' -(TZ *•— - I I V