Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 12, 1903, Image 2

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ed Dead From Collision oa tbs
Coast of Franco.
M arseilles, June 10.— More than 100
persons perished today near Marseil­
le » as the result o f a collision between
the Insulalre and the Llban passenger
steamers, belonging to the Fralssenet
Steamship Company. The Llban left
Marseilles this morning on Its regular
passenger trip to Bastla, Corsica, and
was run down and sunk by the Insu-
lalre off the Malre Islands.
T h e collision was witnessed from tha
Cab» il «rrmnf lag lor » c uniate at pilot-boat Blechamp, which was about
Monterey, Mexico.
tw o miles distant The Blechamp im­
Franchises in 8oath Afric» »r i to be mediately repaired to the spot to ren­
reelricted le white British subjects.
der assistance.
A St. Loaie street car aocident rem it*
The force o f the colltslonn had cut a
ed in >5 people being «haken np and great hole in the Liban's side,' and it
already was making water rapidly.
Piece by piece the $500,000 mansion The captain saw that the only ehancc
of John M. Longyear i i being moved was to run the steamer aground, and
from Marquette, M ich., to Brookline, the Llban was headed full speed for
the shore; but within 17 minutes after
Desperate resistance against arrest the collision and while still in deep
by two alleged murderers on a Chicago water, the fore part of the steamer
street ear threw the passengers into a plunged beneath the waves, and a tew
minutes later had disappeared/
The May statement of the London
In the meantime the Blechamp, the
boird of trade shows a decrease of $7, steamer Balkan, also belonging to the
103,000 in imports and an increase of Fralssenet Company, and other vessels
$7,475,600 in exporta.
had drawn near the sinking ship and
Tugsing between the shafts of the ire re making desperate efforts to res­
wagon from which his bor-e had been cue those on board. The Blechamp
taken because he was beating it, A lfon ­ picked up 40 persons, many of whom
so de Lucia, an Italian peddler, fell
were at the point o f exhaustion. The
dead in a street in Brooklyn.
Balkan rescued 37 passengers and up
George D. Widener, a wealthy Phila-
to the present It Is known that in ad­
deiphia man, left a large number of
valuable diam >nds in a London hotel dition to the passengers, 17 o f the
in the baste of packing, and did not crew were also saved.
Officers o f the steamer Balkan des­
diacover his Iocs until New York cus­
cribe the scene just before the Liban
tom officials examined bis baggagé.
disappeared as a terrible one. Aa the
Masatian, Mexico, is now free from vessel was sinking It was inclined to
the plague.
such an angel that the masts struck
water, causing an eddy, making the
A ll Mormons have been ordered to
work o f rescue most difficult. A mass
leave Germany.
of human beings was clinging to the
Socialists threaten to make trouble it foundering vessel and uttering despair­
ing cries as it went down.
thè czar visits Rome.
A t the same tim e,
The flood at St Louis has placed 200 plotted, intensifying ti
people in grave peril.
a few moments the victim s were seen
struggling in the sea, when the waves
President Roosevelt has ordered a
closed over them and all was silent.
thorough investigation of the poetai O f about 200 passengers who were
aboard the Liban, it was feared that
Torrential rain at Spartanburg, 8. C ., half were drowned.
cauesd 30 deaths and property losses of
Secretary Root is being boomed for
tps to
the Republican nomination for governor United States Has Ordered | W i
of New York.
, ^
Washington, June 10.— Upon the re­
The fórait fires in the Adirondack
mountains have been subdued.
The ceipt o f reports from American agents
looses are estimated at $4,000,000.
In Chile to the effect that the situa­
Two men were killed and two fatally tion at Valparaiso Is unsatisfactory.
injured ou a band^figr that waa ranJsusingJfeJtbo rmoapt aololalle* 4 |« *nrb-
down by a train nearuenoa, Neb.
ances there, the State Department this
A report from the census director of afternoon requested the N avy Depart­
the Philippines places the Christian ment to dispatch a shijf to that point,
population of the islands at 7,000,000. in order that American interests may
The Union Pacific boiler men at be .fully protected in thè event of an
Cheyenne, Wyo., have, had their re­ emergency.
quests granted and w ill return to work.
The Navy
at first
K ing Edward and Queen Alexandra
but as
w ill pay a visit to Ireland Jane 21.
Rear-Admiral Glass has just brought
• ‘ Fire destroyed the business portion
his ships to California waters for re­
of New Lisbon, W is.; lorn, $100,000.
pairs. it was decided to order Rear-
Fire in the plant of a Philadelphia Admiral Sumner, commanding the
dress suit case company caused a lorn of North Atlantic station, to proceed at
once with his squadron now at Monte­
video through the Straits to Valparai­
The wheat importers of Lisbon have so. Cable orders to this effect were
formed a trust which takes in all the sent Admiral Sumner this afternoon
m illa of Portagai.
Orders were also telegraphed to Ad­
Glasgow, Scotland, capitalists have miral Glass to be ready for sea, and
formed a company to make shipments in the event that Admiral Sumner’s
fleet is unable to get undeF way at
of bananas from Jamaica to New once, the Pacific squadron may be or­
dered to Chilean waters in Its stead.
Strife between the Baptists and the Rear-Admiral Sumnér’s fleet consists
Méthodiste at Rochester, Minn., has o f the protected cruiser Newark, flag­
resulted in the blowing op of the form­ ship; protected cruiser Detroit and the
gunboats Gloucester and Montgomery.
er church.
On the charges of insolvency and
mismanaegment, a receiver la asked for
the Campeche lumber and development
company, a $1,000,000 corporation
dealing in Maxican timber lands.
U l.
Robbers rifled the safe of a bank at
Vista, M inn., of $45,00.
Roumanian Is considering steps to
zeep Americana out o f its o il field«.
The Lander-Rawlins, Wyo., stage
was held up and the mail sacks rifled.
The Acre rebellion is at an and and
the chiefs have promised obedience to
' ^
Fire has destroyed the $50,000 plant
of the Midland manufacturing oempany
at Tarkio, Mo.
The Mississippi capitol building,
erected at a cost o f $1,000,000, has
been formally dedicated.
A treaty w ill be signed by thé United
States and Brasil for the admiMfou of
American floor into Brasil.
The greet state pawrbroking estab­
lishment at Rome has been gutted by
Are, and damaga of $2,400,000 dona.
Two largo whales which pursued
schools of mackerel find themselves im­
prisoned in the Bras d ’or lake, Capa
Ottumwa, la ., suffered a lose of
$400,000 by fire. A large planing m ill,
a printing establishment and ten resi­
dences were burned.
Com mi a
o f the Post­
T w o s]
ât Baker City
mysterious disap-
pearance o f two reglstered manor
packages, which Mra been missing
since last Maroh. The packages were
deposited in the poetoffloe in this city
by the First National Bank, on March
17 last. One was addressed to Brown
A Pearce, aC Cornuoopia, and the
other was addressed to a Mr. Hun-
aaker, at Pine.
Neither package
reached its destination and the bank
made inquiries concerning them at
the office in Baker City.
A t first it was claimed that the post­
master at Relating, the first way sta­
tion on the route out from Baker City,
had receipted for them, but some
time afterwards it was discovered
that the Keatlhg postmaster had re­
ported the packages short when tha
pouch reached there, and the .m
bad been oveflookedlhy the Baker
City office. The total amount of mon
ey in the two packages wax $450.
- ■ w.—
La Orande Office Receive» | Orders Con*
ccrnleg Orant and Morrow..
A telegram has been received by
the La Grands land office officials
from Washington as follow »:
W ithdraw from settlement, or any
appropriation, townships 4, ranges 28
and 10; township* 5, range» 28, 29 and
30; townships 8, range» 27, 28, 29, 30;
township 7, range 27; the north half
o f township 7, ranges 28, 29 and 30;
tha west half of township 8, range 37;
all south and
Assistant Secretary,
The land
in Grant and Morrow
lldatlon Mining Cona­
to resume operations
pany is plani
in a few da:
qn an extensive scale.
Superintendent V. H. Behne has just
the east, having been
returned fri
lslng sufficient funds
for all necei
improvements. This
ted on Martin creek,
property la
in the Bob
district They have
over 1000 t
of tunnels, and also a
on the ground. Many
ens o f ore have been
very rich s;
found on
T h e antagonism to Sunday baseball
has broken out ifresh at Eugene, and
a complaint has been made by a large
number of citizen*, who went before
the Counpf Ceart and secured a tem­
porary inju nction prohibiting base­
ball on Sunday. This action la only
preliminary to a case that w ill come
up at the June term of the Circuit
C ou rt >srhen it la the hope o f the
plaintln to have the restraining order
made fermanent.
u •-
tunc Salmon In the Rlucr.
The fegular June run of fish has evi­
dently trrived In the lower Columbia,
and for.the first time In several weeks
salmon are really plentiful, although
there Is no big run. The fish are large
and*of like quality, those ranging from
40 to 60: pounds each predominating.
As the belt catches are being made In
the lower harbor and around the
mouth of the river, the indications are
that a new run la entering the Co­
General W . H. Odell, as attorney for
the State
Oregon, bos appealed to
the Secretary o f the Interior from the
decision of the Commies:
General Land Office in the matter of
lien land selections upon mineral baas
In Southeastern Oregon. The Com­
missioner had rejected the selectlona
o f lieu land made by Mr. Odell for the
state, assigning aa a reason therefor
that the state had already sold the
lands which it seeks to use aa baas.
Another reason assigned for the r%
jection wag that the mineral character
of the land had not been proven.
The Commissioner also held that
the proceedings for the adjudication
o f the mineral character o f the land
were Irregular for the reason that thay
were commenced before application
had been made for the selection of the
indemnity lands.
Governor Chamberlain has written
a letter to the Secretary of the Inter­
end, Congress will be forced to con­
clude that, so far aa time la concerned»
at least, the Government can beat have
Its Navy built by private shipyards,
te«n -syt^Qttxnnunent .Navy-
Under the terms o f the naval appro­
priation hill o f a year ago, the Govern­
ment navy-yard at N ew York was au­
thorized to construct the battleship
Connecticut, and a contract was award­
ed to the Newport Nows Company to-
build a sister ship, the Louisiana. T h a
navy-yard and shipbuilding firm com­
menced operations at the same time,
the purpose being to determine wheth­
er the Government can get better re­
sults by building its'ow n ships or by
having them built under contract. The-
New York navy-yard has been handi­
capped, it is true, by labor troubles,
but aside from this the Newport News
Company ha* taken and maintained
the lead to such an extent as to call
forth general comment. It is true this
Is^undoubtedlv making unus­
ior a ili/U i..» th »r — -—* “ * •**------- *
TJaell has autnonty to represent the
State of Oregon in this proceeding, ing it is in competition with the Gov*
and that It is his desire, as Chief Bx ernment, but the experiment has also^
•cutive, that the selections be ap­ demonstrated that Government navy-
proved, so that sale* made by the yards are as likely to Bqffer from
state shall not be rendered null and strikes and labor agitations as are the
shipyards o f private corporations.
One of the great complaints made
against some o f the shipyards that
Klamath Lake Railroad Running.
have had Government contracts has
Trains are running regularly on the been that- they were hampered by
new Klamath Lake Railroad from labor troubles, whereas, the Govern­
ment was not so affected. The experi­
Laird, on the Southern Pacific, to Pak- ment at New York proves the fallacy
egama, the temporary terminus in o f that assupmptlon.
Klamath county, and stages and freight
wagons are able to make their trips
in half the time they did when they
went to Ashland and Ager. Mail still
comes by stage from Ashland, hut it Cremation Fornac* Also Blown Up to
is expected the government w ill soon
Proven! Funerals.
arrange to have It brought via the new
San Francisco, June 9.— The boycott
railroad, thus greatly improving tha
service. Particularly In winter, when of the Cemetery Employes’ Union
mud and slush impeded travel, the against Cypress Lawn Cemetery cul­
railroad will facilitate the carrying of minated today in two acts of vandalism
mail and gain the appreciation e f peo­
that w ill result in Immediate action by-
ple who hanker for letter* and papers
before they become ancient history.— the authorities of San M&toe county.
The union men quit work today be­
cause the cemetery manager refused
Carnival at Salem.
to reinstate three discharged em­
Salem will not celebrate the Fourth ployes.
A burial was scheduled this morn­
o f July In the usual way, but w ill held
ing, and Superintendent E. B. McPher­
a street carnival from June 29 to July son dug the grave himself. H e then
4, Inclusive. A ll the plans have been went to the railroad station to meet
perfected and a committee o f active the funeral part. Upon returning to.
and enterprising citizens hava the the burial plot it w as found, that the
work o f carrying them out so well in grave had been half filled with water,
hand that the success of the carnival a garden hose having been used for
la assured. City Recorder N. J. Judah the purpose. The water was bailed
is general manager and has 11 aaslstr
jrom -
the casket. The body was finally In­
terred, but others were placed In the
Honor for Oregon Boy.
receiving vau lt
Homer Martin, son of D. B. Martin,
Lhter in the day a cremation was to
of Mount Pleasant, near Oregon City, have taken place, and when the Area
who was recently graduated from were started in the furnaces an explos­
Stanford University, has been elected ion followed, blowing out the back part
to the chair of Latin and German in of the structure. Investigation
the Palo Alto High School. Professor vealed that a large quantity of crude-
Martin has accepted the office for-a oil had been poured into the flues.
year, and F ill begin his labors In the The two workmen who started the Are
narrowly escaped death.
Carrier Lumber for Mills.
The Benton County Lumber Com­
pany has completed a flume for the
transportation o f lumber from its
sawmill in the woods on Greasy creek
to Philomath on the line o f the Cor­
vallis A Eastern Railroad. The length
o f the flume is 6% miles, and its ca­
pacity is 26,000 feet of lumber per
Latest Musk for Chautauqua.
Music will be made an especial fea­
ture of the meeting of the Willam ette
Valley Chautauqua Association this
year. Mrs. 'Walter Reed, o f Portland,
Wheat— Walla W alls, 70@73c; val­
who has been placed in charge o f this
department, will organize a large ley, 76c.
chorus from among the singers of
Barley— Feed, $20.00 per ton; brew
Oregon City. Six o f the very latest
musical productions w ill be selected
Fishermen Declare Strike.
Beet grades, $3.95 @ 4.30;
for presentation during the Chau
New Westminster, B. C.f June 10.—
Millstnffs— Bran, $23 per ton; mid­
The Fishermen’s Union for British Cb-
Receipts of State Land Office.
$27; aborts, 923; chop, >18.
lumbia has decided to proclaim a strike
The receipts o f the State Land Of­
O at»— No. 1 white, $1.10 @ 1.15;
commencing Jhly 1. The sliding scale fice for the month o f M ay amounted
offered by the cannera is unsatisfac­ to $66.647.74. This Is the largest gray, $1 05 per cental.
tory. Take the average number of month’s receipts in a period of 12
Hay— Timothy, $20@21;
fish caught last season per boat, M42, years, with the exception o f one nominal; cheat, $1501A per ton.
at 16V&C cents per fish, Is $188.33, or month In 1892, whon holders o f land
Potatoes Best Bnrpenks, 60@60c
»»».77 p«*r man for the season s work.
certificates made payments of arrear- per sack; ordinary, 36(§4io per cental,
The Indians wanted 18 cent«, and w ill £
not fish for less. They have signed an tSe rate of interest Practically all growers’ prices; Merced -sweets, $3@
agreement not to leave their homes the receipts this month came in dur­ 3.60 per cental.
to fish for anything less than 18 cents. ing the first 21 days o f the month.
Poultry— Chickens, mixed, ll@ 1 2 c ;
The white men want 18 cents and the
18<§l4c; bens, 12c; turkeys,
Japs 10 cent,» per fish.
President Otvea Vi
live, 16@17c; dressed, 20922c; docks,
President H. Edwin McGrew, of Pa­ <7.0097.60 per dozen; geese, $6.00J
Rebels Were Routed.
cific College, has been granted a year’s ff.OO.
Coro, Venezuela, June 10.— A fter two leave of absence by the board of man­
Cheese— F oil cream, twins, 1 5 ){®
days* hard fighting the Venezuelan gov­ agers, and w ill spend next year in 16c; Yonng America, 16915)jic; fact­
special work at Harvard University.
ernment troops, under the command of Professor C. E. Lewis, o f Colorado, ory prices, i ® 1 >ic less.
General Gomez, assaulted the camp of has been elected as acting president
Batter— Fancy creamery, 20®22 3^c
the revolutionists, commanded by Gen­ o f the college, which insures good per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 209
eral Matos, General Rleria and General management for next year.
22Me; store, 16c®18.
Lara, and inflicted a complete defeat
Eggs— 16X®17>^c per dosen.
to Ledge.
On them. The rebels were encamped
near Pad regal, 20 miles from this
A celebration by tha Women of
Hops—Choice, 18®20o per pound.
place. The capture o f General Matos Woodcraft was held at Roseburg, a
Wool— V alley,12^9170 ¡Eastern Or­
few days ago, the occasion being the
is expected shortly.
8914e; mohair, 85937>kc.
close o f a three months’ campaign for
Beef— Gross, cows, 3 ^ ® 4 o , per
new members. During that period the
Costly Fir« at Baffalo.
ledge increased from a m em b er’ *<
pound; steers, 5®6)rfc. dressed, 8H e.
Buffalo, June 10.— Fire early today 60 to 175, and a large number of appli­
Veal— 7>*@8c.
destroyed the Buffalo Carting A Stor­ cations are still on file.
Mutton— Gross, $3.50 per pound;
age Company’s plant and contents,
Weston Normal Commencement.
causing a loss of $400,000. The build­
The Eastern Oregon State Normal
Lambs— Gross,
ing was used by the Lake Shore Rail 8cbool at Weston, Is now busy with dreseed, ’ He.
road. It was filled with machinery preparations for commencement. The
Hogs— Gross, 6@8%c per pound
and other goods stored for manufactur­ week opens with the baccalaureate ex­
dressed, 7@8e.
ing concerns o f other cities.
ercises Sunday, June 7.
rritftflS ih n i
New England Foraste Are a Oraat Mass
et Flan
New York, June 8.— The forest fires
in the Adlrondacks and New England
are spreading at an larmlng rate and
destroying millions in timber and hun­
dreds of thousands o f dollars worth o f
summer cottages and caihpiug resorts.
Fire* are reported in Vermont, New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecti­
cut and Maine. Long Island, to the
east of here, has been swept for miles.
Over this city and all the region
around the smoke from the forest.
Urea is so dense that the sun is ob­
scured. The big ocean-going v essel»
felt their way In and ont of the harbor
or else remained at anenor to avoid
The situation is grave. In spite o f
the efforts o f the hundreds of men the-
fire* are spreading. The most serious
are now in the vicinity o f Long Lake,
east towards Newcomb Lake and
Mount Marcy. Farther south fires are
raging along the Cedar river and at
Indian Lake.
Joining Town Burned.
Bakersfield, Cal., June 9.— Fire com­
pletely destroped the greater part o f
the business portion o f Randabnrx to­
day. Fire started at noon in the Orphe-
urn Theater and spread rapidly to ad­
joining blocks. The loss Is $100,000.
Most of the building destroyed were o f
• flimsy character. The town o f
Randsburg Is one of the principal min­
ing camps o f Southern California. It
Is In the center o f the richest district
in Kern county and is In the extreme
southeastern portion, just Inside the
line o f San Bernardino county.
Sun Pranclsco Firm Falla.
San Francisco, June 9.— Epplnger A
CO., o f this city, one o f the largest
grain dealing firms in the United
States, went to the wall today. The
crash came suddenly and for a time
threatened to completely upset the lo­
cal grain market. As it was, the an­
nouncement of the failure caused a
big bobbing o f price* on ’change and
wrought up such excitement as has
not been witnesseed on the floor fo r
many years.