itT , ti,*’ ¿J**. 1 It — 5 iU-J.ll---------- ü Terminated »U h a tag o f J . B. Ornar, Fi ü OR. FRED CULLETTE c u : NEW FURNITURE With Or. J. K- Lo«k* WT-. il A M a d iso n 81 P o r tla n d , O FRIDAY, NOVEMBER s i , 190a. ü *y. ■ •• ■ '..**■%* FOR S A U BY VM VM X T. B. CUMMINGS ft GO. Baportod hr U m Yn Oa. a l M cM inerllle, H B : A T PORTLAND MICE8 * Come in and let tu prove It to yon. ami an, MeMinn ville Ra. Sl, aod aa la­ utest ta Ih m ia reviving all orar Iba aoantry, Mr. Wal har bapaa Io bring 014 Yamhill haak la haa Miai torà. U m landing prluctptaa al U m Giaagt ara cò-operation, adnnathm and sociability. Than aarar ama a mam im para tira de- M M » Naomi B K rlaeyX l Additional I SPECIALTIES OF WALL PAPER DB. C. C. BENNETT, 8 Frank al al lo A KJ L LaBeote die 1 4 e r F i k W Howitt à w l td a ta R K «orner land o l < a r t » |S0. U S t o G e o H Maddei t a n t » Palast. ü 8 to Johan Frador 8X ofN E A a*ol R O steopathic W« Up-to-date designs always 00 hand. P h y s ic ia n PAINTS AND 0IL8, WINDOW CLASS, PICTURE MOULDINCS, GENERAL H0U8E FURNISHINGS. M . Y O T A W R e sid e n ce . W E ARE ALSO TH E LE A D IN G U N DERTAKERS. | T. B. CUMMINGS ft GO. p r r r n r n r T r n r ) e o Satisfaction Z m m r Travia Maddox lo Mas J Labold SS a la aae SS I S a r S w 1150. A L Brooka to Mas J Labold SS a ia a a e S S t S a r 4 « $3. Lewia Josaa A w f to Palar B aih a» 66 Il » aida bifcK H A L ad M Kawberg |1. 8 8 T a m il A » f Io Lothar B Charte* A wf Iota 16* 17.18, hlk SO Kdwarda add lo Newberg (100. John Lynch A wf to F 8 Vhtap 10.66 a la 8 Oaaiaoa die 1 4 a r 4 $608. F 8 Estep A v f to Elim Walch S a la 8 Coatam die 1 4 a r S w $161. Lisais Gaadoa to üao W Woe lelts lot S fatk 1S B ovl.nda and to MaM $230. UULAJUULAJUUUtJ o Is w h a t w e a im Z to g ive o u r eus- • toraere in a il • lines o f ro o d s . NEW BERG. OREGON. Office» & Directors: A l t h b u s M il l s , Pres., J. C. Mc- C k ba , Viee-Pres.; S. M. C a l k in s , Cashier; J. K in l b y B l a is . Correspondents: Western National Bank, New York,* U. S. National Bank, Port­ land, McMinnville National Bank, McMinnville. Established 1893. CLOUGH & CLOU^HEK 7 o SWr stili y/M 2 P p r ç A W à i* /w 2 o Z 0 with Cash ¿Purchases on Gvorythiny in stoch. P h y s ic ia n s A S u rg e o n s Mrs. Ida M. Oowrtaey, eoonty dent o f tbo W . O . T . U., emme from Dayton Friday to hold an 1 lira Meeting ot the sown!y anion. We promise that ahaald yon aa nam Fadetam Dym and be diami Ttiawdwa tel thank* be given to God, aad let the day be »pent ia a way be­ com ing to a grateful people, la pabiie praiae and worship and ia deads of charity aad benevolence to thorn leaa favored. N . C. C hrist « « © » , Mayor. Union riDe, Mo. Sold kg O. F. M oor. 8aam one aaade aa attampt to break into Winslow*a Jewelry store Satardny night bat worn e^prpd away by Orland Haaaoak, who with h i. M other E m e tt To prov ■leaps lo tfaa store. He flrad a shot at Bar. Alice A. Mendenhall tho “ noira," the bullet passing through Invocation, President Edwio McGraw the panel o f tho door, but no Mood waa Opening prayer. Elder O. C. Carl abed m tar aa known. To rend the Script W. A Haas and wife who arrived in Rev. A lim A. Mendenhall Oregon direct bom Kenans a few weeks To rend proclamation, ago aad who have been stopping tem­ Bev F. C. SUnard porarily at Oregon CUy, m m ap on the l b preach the Sermon, Iter. H. Gould Steamer Ruth Wednesday aod a » The sMociatloa meet, on the lint 1 « with the Culver family, of which Monday in each mouth. Rev. H. Gould they are old acquaiotaaem. They are i ia présidant. Rev. F. C. SUnard ia rov greatly piaaaod wi*.h Newberg. retary. A ll ■ are invited to Our neighbors at North Yamhill sur- them meetings. tained a BOND lom by Ira Tuesday OIS Age. sigh t. Firs waa dlsco vurai la the gen­ It’s ebumeful when yoath fail, to eral merchandiar store o f Meaaaar A Vaulbeim at 9 JO o’clock fa the a Truing. show proper reaped for old age, bat just This building was deetiuyod aod also the contrary in the cu e of Dr. King’s Rew Life Pills. They cut off maladies M Bush by grocery etore, the Exchange no matter bow severs and irrespective la 1881, hotel, a auiooa nod a barber shop. of old age. Dyspepsia, jaundice, fever, ▲ number o f safes bane beau cracked eonetipalioa all yield to this perfect pill. ia Kewbarg fa tbe pasi tea ea t weirs 26c at Caldwell A Go’s drug store. I la 1808. Bay years bat the beat haul so far recorded Urn hack, road it F a rm fu r Hale. aa made oa last Friday sig h t when stona ha thrown k* Urn way o f the 190» tbs safe at the railroad depot was emp- \\t% se n s, 99 acre* In cultivation— or Lawk and Clark lair. •d aad about $1308 carried away, suitebia for growing grain*, fruit, aad goat Hatch well had that “ ail gone” hop.; balance In CBaond growth timber D r . G ilb e r t’ s •Bug when ha opened Urn safe Satur­ good for cord wood. Plenty o f running day uMrning and dime re rod that an water 00 tbe place. T hl. farm is atte­ tpraaa package for Christenson A Seely sted one half m il* weet of Newberg, staining $1180 and «bout 998 in Yamhill Co., Oregon, in a community at an where there are « number of good schools aad ch For further pmHeehui enquire of M. Ramsey, lewberg, Oregon. I to light al Bonn than td long sof- Everybody Elisabeth, W. Va. Aa ol by aaasa of G. W. Roberta farad wltn laenrabta oaom believed hta earn ho palma 1 Electric B itta » aad appi! Arnica Belva. The m e lit to oomplately. Now everybody who rer to aspa) RW trouble, »r run down U. Only SOo Caldwell A School Books, Tablets VJL 8 JUUUULÄJUUUJ Slates, School Cray­ ons, Pencil Boxes, T O N S O IR IA b A R T IS T , ETERI PATRON GITES SATISFAC­ School Book Straps, The place to get your TION. BATH ROOM IH CIHNECTIOS. Lead Pencils, Slate DRUGS ft MEDICINES. Pencils, Composition books. Im fact all PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY. School Supplies. file can suit you . Kodaks and all kinds Nine hundred aeree of land within 8 » miles o f Rawberg, ia different tracta. Mostly improved. Amo* Nelson. “ Dyspepsia," wrote Eus “ often Incapacitates a man 1 and sometime! extinguishes am bition." Though great Wreck*. com plaint Field Buffered fn bi. for many a tio a all hia Ufa. A weak. tt Carrlemnam ie tba same causes a n can't digact your food, railway wreck 1 of aafferars from m i. Y on can only rest it making human of a preparation Ilka Kodol Bat sines tbo lieras It o f work by dlgcetia) throat aad long ~N*w Discovery Bast soon restores it to Its 1 advent o f Dr. sad oolda, ev- for cooaoaaptieu, en tbe worst aa «an be eared and resignation is no necessary. Mrs. Loi* Cragg of , Mas*, is one of rowed by Dr. King’s 9 wl Rew Discovery. This gnat remedy ia eases by Caldwell A Co. druggists. Pries 50 b , and 81« Trial bottles free. ■BOOK ITKW8. Mis. Paul Maag tookpectiog a brother from Iowa on a visit eooo Chaa. Hamden is expecting friends from the east in a tow day* » h o expect to toaate b a n . Mrs. KluEOid ia .»ported about wall aad all tba other aick people are on tbe gala. Mro. Jody o f Am ity, who baa been taking ear* o f bar mother Mro. Ban). Heater, for several weeks left for home on the train Saturday eight. Bay Smith who baa bean risittng with his aunt Mrs. Hubbard left for Portland a law days age. Shorty. O w r iW r ilM F. H. Caldwell ft Go. ^ Prescription Druggists. m m ® i T E A % A U W N W t r First class work done in every particular, and careful attention given all customers. - Dundee customers will please leave their laundry with O. W. Byers Jr. j f , 7/. ¿Pressnali, Prop, a. c. MILKS, ». LESSONS G IV E N IN K O D A K - BB Y. That is, tbe dirt does if yon take your clothes to the ME 0 . COLCORD. C u b ia * . B. C. MILKS. C. K. BPAULbntO. B. M. WOOÜWAKD. M. K. BRITT. t . B DOUGLAS, JR. X Ö end of dainty j^relery. N O limit to my willingness to show it. N O question as to tbe fairness of my prices. N O shortcoming in sny of my guarantees. N O work done but that’s done well. N O thing bat the truth and tbe whole truth told. N O vember i^oal A fter * e T * * r » Mr. O. Haney of aaaava.QH>o, had tba piles far forty y ea rs/ Doctors and dollar* could do him no lasting good. DeWIU’ s Witch Haael salve cured him the stomach, exposes the nerve, of tba permanently. Invaluable for cuts, stomach, producing a swelling after rat- homo, bruises, sprains, lacerations, ee- heart bam , headache, eoor ri.ioga asms, tatter, salt rheum, and all other Anally eaUrrh of tba skin diseases. Look for tbe name Dw Kodol reiiare. the Wltt 0« tbo pec It awe—-Ml others are tecta tba nerve* and cheap, worthless counterfeits. Caldwell Kodol «UNO I A Co. stomach troubles by deal sweetening tbe glandy of tbe Caldwell A Co. * K . FENNBTS KIDNEY - la the only barm gives qaiek » lie f. C croup bronchitis, wh S/onn fi/inotow. NEWBERG dASH ft DOOR FACTORY Keep-on hand and manu­ facture everything in the line of DOORS WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, TURNINGS, CRE8T- INC8, BRACKETS* DOOR AND WINOOW FRAMES* FANCY CASINOS, ETC. f ^ Y r a r patronage sol­ icited. City Headquarters for General Supplies, such as AG E N TS F O R C Y PH K R 'B NON-MOISTURE IN C U B A ­ TO RS A N D B R O O D E R S. j f ^ F t t e Delivery. f . r. HEACOCK 180 HS CalderIIA Co. \ For 8%te by F. H. W A R D Pirat Street & - and mmé S u p p lia s. “ St Jill Comes Out in the Wash » » » . B. BUTT. Vlee-Pim. A a. woodward , Heavy eating la n e itfy tb e 8 ft* < ot |ndi*e«Uon. r aad yet at the *or sale. taka a trip up the One two year old fall, w oo City and 8a- hull, also tw o cow* ty-eight miles you I is Urn oely point r r , H ook a , S ta tio n a ry , F a n cy T o ile t A r tie le a . C a m a ra B A R C L A Y . - Newberg, Ore. 7 t