MMMMM3L These are the lutest styles and the prices are rigfit - $8 to $15 F or a shrot time, We offer Children's Over­ coats at the following cut prices, $4 and $4.50 FO R H A R D HONEST W O R T H . Our new line o f Box Calf Shoes for boys and girls have never been equalled in this, or any other town, at • • - • Cape coats at - $3.00 $3 fuad $3.50 Cape coats Ladies Stout and stylish W alking Shoes weather The fall rains remind you o f the need o f a first class Mackintosh. W e w ill furnish it at 1-2 price. Strong, Misses low heeled Box durable, comfortable Old Ladies “ Comfort” Shoes, good ones, and easy your feet, only - - - Full line o f “ Hood Rubbers,” ................................. Ladies 60c. K en's 70o A large line o f “Anguvic” fleeced w rapper goods f o r .........lie . per yard Calicoes, Ginghams and O utings,.............................................. 6o. and up Fast Color W ater P roof Umbrellas............ ...................................... gl.00 Ken's, W omen's, Boys and Kisses M ackintoshes.................$1.60 to 7.60 All kinds o f Ken's, Youths and Boys Clothing at extremely low prices. W e are after your trade and if first class goods and low prices w ill count w e w ill have it. We are prepared to meet the demands fo: all classes of winter A wet w eather goods Standard Khaki Shirta heavy w e ig h t!.......... Fine fancy flannel Shirts.................................. G o lf Shirts.......................... .............................. Snag p roof Short R obber Boots, best brands Snag proof H igh R obber Boots, best brands. Overshoes, Boston and G oodyear G love____ A lso the cheaper grades. Boys* Sw eaters.............. .................................... H e n ’s S w eaters...................................................... t Flash bread at A. B. Cooper's, first Osll at H irst Bras.Stan, «W5r asst Hollingsworths fon t (are store, and asaasiha Was Flora 1 A few mors o f them Ids tablets for 5c Rios psoeils are bast for the ayes; gat Portl*B ^ * r e Woodard Chsriea wen« iTk‘>^ w . 1 l Wtelint, Mb00k' *h. office at t b a ^ i ^ S Mrs. Dell Powell of M t b a f came op down to Portland Friday morning and , “ “ " V , H# oorder'i work previoo. toQ everything the In h e re need. ^ WM by ^ flatnrday night to attend the funerel of visited with relative« until Tueeday Mrs. Jails A. Marla, rat ora in g Tuesday evening. W .E . Mills who has been working ___The city election la M The trouble rectus to *norn,n* John Blum, aged seventy-one years, (or several mouths in the office of the Cart Parker who hm been working died near Wapato last Saturday night Hillsboro Independent came home Sat- men now „ „ t, „ eonnett * In the upper Churchill dryer k it Tuee- «here be has resided for tbs last twenty orday night, having given op his pod- and good man off don’t wets day evening lor Sheridan whom ba Is year«. The deceased leaves four son« lion. He la figuring on a job In Salem. U prospect of a little .perri, running a oruiw evaporator. and two daughters. In the diver medal contest held at Thom whom terms era out Raonrder J. L. Hoskins «ad fomllr of w „ wbo have ip, od. Craters ball Friday night, Mrs. J. C. Jones, H. C. Burns, Hln McM in«rifle, and Mr. and Hit. Obaa |0| summer at Dundee left tbs first Hod son was awarded first honors and and John Nnwell.-Rcporfit h . H . Window cams an Hadley of Dayton drove down Sunday ^ |be WMk Uisir homestead near E. W. Hall second, the judges being «t>d ftUtndtd tb$ funeral of Mr«. Julia K|nf|||cy E|iltn) Or®*on. « • * “ C h .~ b , Prof. O. C. needs, afternoon with a bat Albertson and Pres H. E. McGrow. , ru 8py appte, f ,nU.Ild, n f .A, Mfirii. A tetter Came fo .b e Prmldant of the ¿ - . Buckley who cam . down from A n m Nswby brought is a cluster o f people he said that Ilia* d< «ollege Saturday evening from Francis Otex. Eastern Oregon, . tew d .y . ego, tomatoes the other day which would go to Hood Rivsr to r n l M Oregon sp­ attract attention anywheis. They w o n pim. The applet wets pH at In abap* Wbiter of Baitiomrc. Maryland, enefoa- ing a check for one tboumnd loiter, fo Rdwards In tbo Bex neighborhood met clustered together aa clocdy aa a bench and wvrs beauties Tbeih fere eight of of grapes, war* perfeat and smeoth and them, and cnofa weighed w um m tbo management «cm best. Th# o( town' frsstioa o f a pound. The» oollcgo tttfthoriUm oovat this Mod of Dr. H. J. Mlnthern arrived home twelve o f them weighed Sight pounds. «orvmpondcnoe. Tuesday evening offer hie summer's A subscription paper area circulated buaeh measured IS M lnd Alexander, the fifteen year old eon of work at Newport, and will be»in prao- hero the latter part of last week asking 8od thr scrallest 11$ by It Mr. and Mrs. Tboa Herd, wbo was tloa bars aa aoooonced In thasa columns New berg people to do tbeir pert toward Winslow’s tram «ram tborc operated on last weak for appondicitte, lAM week. assuring the sword wfaieh tbs people of 8od he says be doesn’t d M Saturday night, and waa boiled AooOvding to notice given tec« April, Oregon are arranging to prseeet to the *wo P8* 8801 of his apples I Ervin Scott was made bs Bonday afternoon at five o’clock,Schorl nl) customers from that date will pay gallant Adm iid Clark wlio captained and appropriate eerrice being conducted gi.go per month after Nov. let. All new the Oregon daring bio distinguished evening by receiving not by Rav. F. G. Slanard. General eym- eoafomcre «1410; gallor. 17c. I ll get the , campaign in vbe Spanish American war. Department that la tbs « pathy goes out to tba bermvad family, i^ g b thoca wbo think they can got Mr. Perry Bradley sod family came Cap. H. J. Trsvie, e*-driltor for tbo ««Uk o f me, when no where «tea, one ol Saturday night for a visit with Mrs. « T L T iT t m k Yamhill Coal A OH Company, baa as- them days. 0 . Everest, Bradley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs J. D. «opted a position aa engineer on the President H. B. McGrow and Jmoe i Shearer, having sold their Washington «S T if! ’ “ steamer Pom on». When tbo Com pony Edward* loft Wednesday morning for • county piaoa near Galm Creak recently. ^ . . marts op drilling operations again, Mr. iodlanapolte, Indians, sa delegatee of I They are undecided as to future toon- J “T V . E. B. Cooky ol Woodhoro, an expert Oregon Yearly Mooting to U m Friend* i lion, and Mr. Bradley will make a trip * n ^ L U L l l ,hJ " ” from tbo OalitocnU oil laldc, will bo In National Qotoqoonnial Coufsrenoa, tbo i north to Inspect the Alberta country | «horgo. Ho expresses greet faith la lb* first to ba bald endsr lbs jurisdiction of [ BOW " ■ W * A .o o d d s a lo l ° company'• pro*pocU. tba now uniform discipline. They will 1 ; Woodard Char tea next wit! ■ sw b e r fc « a « * « ' article m ow off do some work in tbo Interest* of tbo col- Pres. H. E. McGrsw was in Portland ; Eivin baa beau out oa tbs ' last Saturday attending an assembly o f . struct log patrons to put s| amateur work at the MeMlancUto ear- . tbs ooltegs presidents and professors of making general prepared nival baht last month. Ptof. R. W. 1 ‘ ho state, called foe l bo pur pom of mrviOs, which H to be ah Keteoy feoeived first in the third year • adopting or suggmtiag come rules f o r i b o r l. Tbo now beam wbl «k m , a P. Moore fire» la the second I governing college athletics io Oregon, altrsody monrod la coaoset year and Prdf. H. G. Rosenberger fite« • Pres. McGrow served m secretary of tb o 1 Oregonian, have arrived a io tbo Arm year clam. Mlm Pearl Com- ’ meeting. The Graphic oOee will print otmked up In the poetof 1 tbo miontm of the mooting, which will the coll o f tbo potvhaeert- They be fononlly distr I to) tod. ) daisies and so mistake to £3 Tower's Fish Brand oil clothing\ medium and long coat, also pants. During October we will give two pair pants with chil­ dren's suits. Advertised letters remain in the poet- office for F. W. Shrader, Mr*. Maude Smith. E. H. Woodward, P. M. Col. E. Haler of Salem, ihe veteran strawberry grower, bs* gotten out a brief catalogue of fifteen bast varieties of new strawberries. He bm tested about one hundred varieties io the test ten years In gardon and field culture, and gives s short des cription ol the fif­ teen now varieties which hr bas found from hi« own experience to be the best. Mr. Holer sent a number ol hi« cata­ logue« to the Graphic and any one In­ teracted may have one by calling at this office. Sam Hutchins, the manager of tbs Mutual Telephone Company, deserves much credit in working the matter of running rural téléphona Une« to différ­ ant section« of tbs country to Dayton to a socosMful Issue. There am now several line« In working operation from this place, which are found to bs a great con­ venience to residents boro and in the country. He i* now patting op a lino to Fred and John M. Crawford's places near Ray’s tending. It will soon bo connected with that of Be*bent, that Woe being completed to pendm, tod the Mutual to Chas. L a tin 's place. This leaves a gap of a Bute over a mite to oonatraot.—Dayton Usrsld. rtisnda who ssaO watch rt patri a« 8 0 7 M orrison SC Right About Face jfcoiimtjsivorth