THE NEWBERG GRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT. VOL. XIV. NKWBKRG, YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON, SEPTEMBERTia, 190a. NO. 43 g . - " , i ..." _______________ I m m r of lire smile disease and was buried Weil* ■ Matlieny dfe 1 6 a r II » 900 nr »day evening, On both oecasums im -1 S S S m S i ia th r o e v V "* preesive funeral services were conducted r 3 w ................. 1000 With Or i. K lawk, Or laud Ilea cock it learning llwjewal- at tlie aemetery by Rev. F.’ C. Stsnard •Htate of Oregon to W A Jones 100 a n t l d l i r f * .................... 300 In away that could not hut bring comfort t*r bat In eta under Gian Winalow. I A N a rllM in HI aud eon sot at ion to ser> owing hearts, EH Heese 4 mi to Harmy W ClfV- Alloruay D. P. Print of Portland t enger A wf small I fact at tMT P s r t ls M l. 'file death 01 of these little ones ■ ne sudden suuuen ueain inese mils s o «h end of R R yjdue in Me itad In town with hlt'nitiar, Mr*. F. takes the only daughters of the fam ily,! Joseph Forbes et to F M Hutford Elliott Thursday. P *> leaving three boys. baa j __*_V_*ec G G / o w Mrs. Larkin ha Hay Hatch well of A»tisnd, ton of herself I wen sick hot is now improving. W R Haynes A wf to H J Dorsey 6 a Mm. M. E. Hatch well vidteil In town beg at a e cor Wm Parrish die 300 i K. P . D i l u a . I . C. M u m . » r illX G M K O O K ITS.WS. the first o f tlte week.' ---------— Right Number, hut Wrong Color.— Her. K. U Htanard an I family went Amos Graves return. .I home from One of Portland’s well known citizens to Portland Tbnraday In a In* lava \\ ashiugton the la«t of last week and took hia lamily to the coast recently and visit with friends in the dty. left Tuesday for Hoothern Oregon left bis house In charge of a colored girl Hugh Finnegan, w ho formerly lived Mrs. K. H. Warren went to Portland daring hie absence. Tim colored girl O regon . Newberg - - - at Lanrel but who is now livlug near Wednesday to visit her .laughter Mrs», had several beaux among the porters Woods, Tillamook county, was in town A. Jones a few days. and lit# barber* of the city, and fre- B Saturday. .... h i m i Several more parties are lalking of quentiy •>«• <* them. As there A rroa»«T-AT-L*W . 1 « eph Wilson 011 Wynooeki street uni it We do not know which ompany they w“ 1 ° « « «**e *« the house, they were getting material on ilie ground tor a sure o f getting her woeii they tailed (o' ill join. new house. w ill pr the •>ho,,e phone number, W. P. Thomas and ami K M r * In rued j 1 th* " un,ber- so “ they •*» never oe*er asked “ kwl Spécial attsntten given *U ‘h* to eo" ru * rk. th, who was at the other end of the line, w iitiiif of As. __ adf-th. Chris Nolle and family from Ifex'er, home from their outing Mom lay. drafting of nit legal papers. but simply went ahead when the ans­ Iowa, were in town Tuesday and Wed­ The fruit growers will probably start Xswterg. Oregon. nesday visiting with Mrs. Node's broth­ j up their dryer neat Monday. Some wer esune. The owner of the bouse ar­ o m c * — aeoong Floor rived houie unexpectedly one morning, Bank of Newberg BnlMtng- er, Theodore Gardner and aonie former talk o f starting up the Iasi of this week. and just as he stepped inside the door Iowa friends. j | A. I,. Watson is having his hops lie heard the call bell ring. H e went to D. H. Turner has rented the IWrie picked this week Mr. Davis and J. A. the phone and beard tbaee words mut­ property, east of Jeeee Edward«', and Jones will tiegin the firm of next week. tered in the receiver: “ Honey, I jus-, will more to the same the flrat of the T ig C,vde Hallsdav w ho has lieeo sick wish you was hear; I ’d jus hog and kiss week. The Harries intend to m»v«- tu C » r d No. 90. with smallpox is improving y u ! " “ Not by a dauin-sigbt!" said the No. 2 For Yaqoina: Portland iu the near future. >HOBI Y. house-ow ner, and he hung up the phone. Leavp A lbany................ 12:45 p. m. Mrs H. M. Calkins received the an­ —Oregonian. “ C o rv a llis ................. 1:50 p. m. ItCM DKK I T k S - nouncement a few days ago of the mar­ Arrives Y a q u in a ............. 5:35 p. ni. Ilop pickiug is nearly completed here, Advertised letters remain in the New­ No I Returning : riage ol her sister Mias Mamie Maris to berg poet office for H. 8. Davis, Mrs. E. one L . A. ('ranee of Fort Kliunath, crop tail hot not heavy Leave« Yaquina ___ . 7.00a. m. which occured quite recently. Case beer, H. Ellis, Mrs. Albert J. Jones, Say Is this hot enough for too? Leaves Corvallis .............14 9 9 a .m . Arrives Albaay ...... 12:15 p.m. E 8. Quitnby, the man who was -*r The Hell telephone Co have put a Robert Roberta, Mrs. Nancy Tillery, J. No. 3 For Detroit: iously injured in a fall IromGrwfe's (tour farmer’ s line through here running C. Clark, Mrs. Evelyn Smith. Leaves Albany ----------- 190 p.m. E H Woodward, P. M. mill, has improved sufficiently at tlte from Newberg to Craw ford’s farm south Arrives D e t r o it '...» .____ 5:45p.m . Portland hospital J to he able to get of Dundee Some men try Advertising aa the In- No. 4 From Detroit : * aliout on crutches, snd it expected home leaves Detroit.. 1 2 0 a . m. The Dundee Prune Co. is runhitlg its inn tried feathers, says an exchange, Arrives Albany .............. 11 95 a m. In a lew weeks. two dryers on tlte hills so as to he ready He had heard the white man got con- John Coyle aud daughter Miss Mvrtie when the drying season begin«. , «Morafile comfort by sleeping on lenth- Train« 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in time I, who have bee., visiting with .1 B ., R ,,ro tli> new house is going up, era, so be took one and laid it on a board to connect with the 8. P. south bound train, aa wall aa giving two or three Mounts for several week« left for .heir Uw ¡ goes on. and slept on it all night. In the morn- hoars in Albany before departure of S. home at Stuart, Iowa. Thursday iiuun _ «illicit and A. Woisky had Q11(t# ¡ng he remarked : “ W hite, P . north bound train. .■¿w j « - . ing. Mrs. Mouut and A. C. Poof went a time Huwd.y with a Are w btah g * t * ~ P * * T ***~ *" V Train No. 3 000 newts with the H. P. with them ks far as Portland A P brflo M 'fl N o b le A c t beyond their control and threatened M. 1 traînant Corvallis and Alhany giving Nelson Brouillelle, a young man, ar­ Miller’s dryer and Mr Bitlich’a barn. [ “ 1 want all the world to know” writes direct service u> Newport and adjacent rived here from Concordia, Kansas, last The prune crop will be much lieiter 1 <-. J. Budlocg, >f Ashway, 9. I., beaches. , Saturday evening and is making hla j ^ ^ ^ |kH up j “ what a thoroughly good ami Train No 3 for Detroit, Breilenbotb home with h.a uncle, the Rev. T. | ^ ^ |f medicine I (ound in Electric Bitter. and other mountain resorts leaves A1-- Itronille'te. He ia out with 'lie ex pec They cured me ol jaundice and liver bany at 190 p. m. after the arrival of Mrs. Ada Miller from Washington has inlioii ol casting his lot in t began. troubles that had caused me great suffer 8. P. south bound train from Po rtland, - I been visiting with her mother Mrs C. | T. B. CummingH has the contract lor ing for many years For a genuine all- reaching Detroit at 5 :45 p. 111 P. Hess. . N it erecting Semon .Madeon’s new house in around cure they excel anything I ever For further information apply to v « r Hale. saw.” . Electric Bitters are the surprise the west part ol town. The house will E dwin S tone , Manager. Nine hundred acres of land within five j of all for their wonderful work in liver, J. Turner, Agent, Albany. probably cost in the neighImrbond of twelve hundred dollars ami will make utiles of New berg, in different iraeta. kidney and atomach troubles. Don't H . H . Croniae, Agent, Corvallis. Amos Nelson. a substantial a-ldilion to the residences ' Mostly improved fail to try them. Only 50c Satisfaction of Newberg. ia guaranteed by F. H. Caldwell A Co. K o H u 11, F a , o r * a T e s s a . 1 Andy Winter« came very near losing ! "H a vin g distressing pains In head, OREGON* S Ids hop house one day the .irstofthe back and stomach, and being without to use l>r. --_____ King's ____ New _ . week by fire which caught from a spark appetite, ------, - I began ----------------- on the roof. The alaitu wu* given and Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead, of Blue Ribbon prompt work on the part of .lie pickers Kennedale, Texas, “ aud soon felt like a put the fire out before any very great new man.” Infalible in stomach wnd amount of damage was done. i liver trouble«. Only 35c at F. H. t'sld- A dditional Looal. OR. FRED CUU.ETTE D B iV T / S lS , J j CLARENCE BUTT. MS it Eiita L1 :P" DR. GEO. LARKIN, -♦ D E N T IS T * State Fair OOtcr over Chebwlem Valiev Hank. Geotge 'Poison, who haa been a,land- | * * ^ ______ T i e v r r . , - , , U O l r e e g g u o n n ile a l K .tw tv T ra n s fè re . ♦ Iv e o w r . l D ing the theological seminary at Oakland, j Reported by the Yamhill Co. Abstract I I California, has been altout town this .. __ ... I -0-0 » « ♦ » 9 » e^ week calling on relatives nod friend«. , * * ■ McMinnville, Oregon, for the . r ^ lie is on Ids wav to Yale University weekending Aug 31,1902. The place | H B. cuh :« « H. w .c io c c n a a . w here lie will continue Ills theological to get the title o ' your I ami examined «1 tidies. He was leccntly offered the Hanvilte. Louisa and M \V to Mary Riohatein, 25 a in Joel Chrisuian opportunity of going to Germany for die t 4 s r 3 w .................... $ 1 | * study hut concluded that his health Olive K Cook to J H Hutchiueon, 11 P h y s ic ia n s A S u r g e o n « would not jn-rmit of the clone applica­ w o l n w sec 6 t e r 2 w ...... tt;t5 i tion which would be expected of him Henrietta Cox to Samuel A Cro««, t Newber«. iregon. 2 a pt A R Faulconer die 15 s r 2 there. ' , *-♦ • • ♦ • ♦ * ♦ ♦ « , w ............................... 136l A- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • * ♦ «•»