NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A D V E R T IS IN G NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEW BERG G RAPH IC BATES Doe Col mm n ......................^ ...T w e n t j Do 11 or« R o lf Colum n.... ............................... Ten Dollem frofeeaionel Cord*..... ... .........._Oa® Dollar vl — JLJJ * f J L I J L i X V J J L vj J ^ j L J L 1 1 1 \ J S U B S C R I P T IO N $ Tkree Mon t h e . S e e d in g N o tic e # W i l l B o In s e r t e d ot th e R o t e o f T o n C on la P o r L in o . Advertising B ill» C o lla te d Monthly RATED . One Y t o r . ........... .................... .. DM ' j M O n e Y e a r , in a d va n c e.......................... $1.00 VO L X IV . N EW B E R G , Y A M H IL L beat saw a light there about 2 a the morning, and as the house was au empty one. suspected somethiug was amiss. He found the door open and In the front room, which is bare of fur- ture, discovered the body of a gentle­ man. well dressed and having cards in his pocket bearing the name of ’Enoch J. Drebber. Cleveland. Ohio, U. S. A.’ BY A. C O N A N DOYLE. There had been no robbery, nor is there any evidence as to how the man met his death. There are marks of blood in the room, but there is no wound upon his person. W e are at a no doubt; but he was by no means loss as to how he came into the empty C H APTER I I — Continued. such a phenomenon as Poe appeared to house; indeed, the whole affair is a “ From a drop of water,” said the imagine.” puzzler. If you can come round to the writer, “ a logician could infer the pos­ "Havg you read Gaboriau's works?" | sibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara I asked. "Does I.ecoq come up to your house any time before 12 you will find me there. I have left everything in without having seen or heard of one idea of a detective?” statu quo until I hear from you. If or the other. So all life is a great Sherlock Holmes sniffed sardonical­ you are unable to come I shall give chain, the nature of which is known ly. you fuller details, and would esteem it whenever we are shown a single link "Lecoq was a miserable blunderer.” of it. Like all other arts, the science \ he said in an angry voice; "he had a great kindness if you would favor of deduction and analysis is one which only one thing to recommend him. and me with your opinion. Yours faithful­ TOBIAS GREGSON.” can only be acquired by long and pa­ that was his energy. That book made ly, “Gregson is the smartest of the tient study, nor is life long enough to me positively ill.” my friend re­ allow any one mortal to attain the “ The question was how to identify Scotland Yarders,” highest possible perfection in it. Be­ an unknown prisoner. I could have marked. “ He and Lestrade are the pick fore turning to those moral and mental done it in twenty-four hours. Lecoq of a bad lot. They are both quick and aspect of the matter which present the took six months or so. It might be energetic, but conventional— shocking­ greatest difficulties, let the inquirer made a text book for detectives to ly so. They have their knives into each other, too. They are as jealous begin by mastering more elementary teach them what to avoid." problems. Let him, on meeting a fel­ I felt rather indignant at having two as a pair of professional beauties. low mortal, learn at a glance to dis­ characters whom I had admired treat­ There will be some fun over this case if they are both put upon the scent.” tinguish .he history of the man, and ed In this cavalier style. the trade or profession to 'which he be­ I was amazed at the calm way in I walkeif over to the window and longs. Peurile as such an exercise may stood looking out into the busy street. which he rippled on. seem, it sharpens the faculties of ob­ “ Surely there is not a moment to be “ This fellow may be very clever.” I servation and teaches one where to said to myself, “ but he is certainly lost,” I cried; “ shall I go and order look and what to look for. By a man’s very conceited.” you a cab?" finger nails, by his coat sleeve, by his “ There are no crimes and no crim­ “ I am not sure about whether I shall boot, by his trouser knees, by the cal­ inals in these days.” he said, queru­ go. I am the most incurably lazy dev­ losities of his forefinger and thumb, lously. “ What is the use of having il that ever stood in shoe leather— by his expression, by his shirt cuffs-— brains In our profession? I know well that is. when the fit is on me, for I can by each of these things a man’s call­ that I have It in me to make my name be spry enough at times.” ing is plainly revealed. That all unit­ famous. No man lives or has ever "Why, it is just such a chance as ed should fail to enlighten the com­ lived who has brought the same petent inquirer in any case is almost amount of study and of natural talent you have been longing for.” “ My dear fellow, what does It mat­ inconceivable." to Hie detection of crime which I have "W hat ineffable twaddle!” I cried, done. And what is the result? There ter to me? Suppose I unravel tHe slapping the magazine down on the is no crime to detect, or, at most, whole matter, you may be sure that table. “ I never read such rubbish in some bungling villany with a .motive Gregson, Lestrade & Co. will pocket my life.” so transparent that even a Scotland all the credit. That comes of being an unofficial personage.” “W hat is it?” asked Sherlock Yard official can see through it.” Holmes. “ But he begs you to help him.” I was still annoyed at his bumptious “ Why, this article,” I said, pointing style of conversation. I thought it best “ Yes. He knows that I am his su­ at it with my egg spoon as I sat down to change the topic. perior, and acknowledges it to me; to my breakfast. “ I see that you have “ I wonder what that fellow is look­ but he would cut his tongue out before read it. since you have marked it. I ing for?” I asked, pointing to a stal­ he would own it to any third person. don’t deny that it is smartly written. wart, plainly dressed Individual who However, we may as well go and have It Irritates me though. It is evidently was walking slowly down the other a look. I shall work it out on my own the theory of some arm-chair lounger side of the street, looking anxiously at hoqk. I may have a laugh at them, who evolves all these neat little para­ the numbers. He had a large blue en­ if I have nothing else. Come o n !” doxes in the seclusion of his own velope in his hand, and was evidently He hustled on his overcoat, and bus­ study. It Is not practical. I should the bearer of a message. tled about in a way that showed that like to see him clapped down in a “ You mean the retired sergeant of an energetic fit had superseded the third-class carriage on the Under­ marines,” said Sherlock Holmes. apathetic one. ground. and asked to give the trades “ Brag and bounce!” thought I to my­ “ Get your hat,” he said. of all of his fellow travelers. I would self. “He knows that I cannot verify “ You wish me to come?” lay a thousand to one against him.” his guess.” “ Yes, if you have nothing better to “ You would lose your money,” Sher­ The thought had hardly passed lock Holmes remarked calmly. “ As through my mind when the man whom do.” A minute later we were both In a for the article, I wrote it myself.” we were watching caught sight of the hansom, driving furiously for the “ Y ou !" number on Our door and ran rapidly Brixton road. “ Yes; I have a turn both for obser­ across the roadway. It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and vation and for deduction. The theories W e heard a loud knock, a deep voice which I have expressed there, and below and heavy steps ascending the a dun-colored veil hung over the house tops, looking like the reflection of the which appear to you to be so chimeri­ stair. mud colored streets beneath. cal. are really extremely practical— so “ For Mr. Sherlock Holmes,” he said, My companion was in the best of piactlcal tliat I Aaprnd upon them for slipping Into the room and handing spirits, and prattled away about Cre­ my bread and cheese.” my friend the letter. mona fiddles, and the difference be­ "And how?” I asked involuntarily. Here was an opportunity of taking “ Well, I have a trade of my own. 1 the conceit out of him. He little tween a Stradivarius and an Amati. As for myself, I was silent, for the suppose I am the only one in the thought of this when he made that ran­ dull weather and the melancholy busi­ world. I ’m a consulting detective, if dom shot. ness upon which we were engaged de­ you can understand what that is. Here “ May I ask, my lad," I said, blandly, pressed my spirits. In London we have lots of government “ what your trade may be?” “ You don’t, seem to give much detectives, and lots of private ones. “ Commissionaire, si’ ,” he said, gruff thought to the matter in hand.” I said When these fellows are at fault they ly. “ Uniform away for repairs.” at last Interrupting Holmes' musical come to me, and I manage to put “ And you were,” I asked, with a them on the right scent. They lay all slightly malicious glance at my com­ disquisition. “ No data yet,” he answered. “ It is the evidence before me, and I am gen­ panion. a capital mistake to theorize before erally able, by the help of my knowl­ “ A sergeant, sir; Royal Marine you have all the evidence. It biases edge of the history of crime to set I.ight Infantry, sir. No answer? Right the judgment.” them straight. There is a strong fain sir.” “ You will have your data soon.” I ily resemblance about misdeeds, and if He clicked his heels together, raised remarked, pointing with my finger, you have all the details of a thousand his hand in a salute and was gone. “ this is the Brixton road, and that Is at your finger ends, it is odd if you the house, if I am not very much mis­ can’t unravel the thousand and first. C H A PTE R III. taken.” Lestrade is a well-known detective. “ So it is. Stop, driver, stop!” I confess that I was considerably He got himself into a fog recently W e were still a hundred yards or so over a forgery case, and that was what startled by this fresh proof of the practical nature of my companion’s from it, but he insisted upon our brought him here." alighting, and we finished our journey theories. “ And these other people?” My respect for his powers of anal upon foot. “ Thqy are mostly sent out by private inquiry agencies. They are all people ysis increased wondrously. There still (To be continued.) who are In trouble about something, remained some lurking suspicion in and want a little enlightening. I listen my mind, however, that the whole A Crushing Reply. to their story, they listen to my com­ thing was a prearranged episode, in­ tended to dazzle me. though what ments, and then I pocket my fee.” Referring to the “ Pulpit and Pew” “ But do you mean to say,” I said, earthly object he could have in taking question raised by Dr. Horton’ s in­ “ that without leaving your room you me in was past my comprehension. When I looked at him he had fin­ teresting experiment, a North London can unravel some knot which other ished reading the note, and his eyes minister writes: men can make nothing of. although “ I think we ministers rather relish assumed the vacant, lack luster ex­ they have seen every detail for them- pression which showed mental ab­ criticism, but we get too little of it.” selyes ?” One rcalls in this connection the “ Quite so. I have a kind of intuition straction. “ How in the world did you deduce story of the young minister walking that way. Now and again a case turns home with one of the elders after the up which is a little more complex. that?" I asked. “ Deduce what?” said he. petulantly. deliverance of his first sermon. After Then I have to bustle about and see “ Why, that he was a retired ser­ some momenta’ silence the latter ob­ things with my own eyes. You see, I have a lot of special knowledge which geant of marines.” served : “ I have no time for trifles,” he re­ I apply to the problems, and which fa­ “ You w e r e n ’t long.” cilitates matters wonderfully. Those plied brusquely; then, with a smile, " I am very glad to hear you say so,” rules of deduction laid down In that “ Excuse my rudeness. You broke the replied the youthful cleric; " I was article which aroused your scorn are thread of my thoughts; but perhaps afraid I was tedious.” invaluable to me in practical work. it is just as well. So you actually “ Oh,” was the crushing reply, "you Observation, with me. Is second na­ were not able to see that the man was were tedious.” — Westminster Gazette. ture. You appeared to be surprised a sergeant of marines.” "No. indeed.” when I told you. on our first meeting, “ It was easier to know it than to that you had come from Afghanistan." Sptakiag of Royalty. explain why I know it. If you were “ You were told, no doubt.” Damocles had been invited to dine asked to prove that two and two made “ Nothing of the sort. I knew you with the King of Syracuse. On taking came from Afghanistan. From long four, you might find some difficulty, habit the train of thought ran so swift­ and yet you are quite sure of that bis scat he instantly saw the sword ly through my mind that I arrived at fact. Even across the street I could hanging by a hair above his head. “ 1 suppose,” He t&id to the king, the conclusion without heing conscious see a great blue anchor tattooed on of intermediate steps. There were such the bark of the fellow's hand. That "you call that the hair apparent.” smacked of the sea. He had a mili­ Dionysius, pretending to see no steps, however. The train of reason­ ing ran: ‘Here is a gentleman of a tary carriage, however, and regulation humor in the remark, replied: side whiskers. There we have the medical type, but with the air of a mil­ " I don’ t know about that, my boyT itary man. Clearly an army doctor, marine. He was a man with gome but if it falls upon your head it will amount of self-importance and a cer­ then. He has just come from the make some crown prints.” tropics, for his face is dark, and that tain air of command. You must have This shows that the ancients weie is not the natural tint of his skin, for observed the way In which he held not aver e to joking, even under trying his wrists are fair. He has undergone his head and swung his cane. A steady, hardship and sickness, as his haggard respertable. middle aged man. too, on circumstances.— New York Times. face says clearly. His left arm has the face of him—all facts which led L’efkitioe. been injured. He holds It In a stiff me to believe that he had been a ser­ and unnatural manner. W here in the geant.” “ Sectional lines are vanishing. Soon “ W onderful!” I ejaculated. tropics could an English army doctor there will be no north, no south, no seen much hardship and got his arm “ Commonplace," said Holmes, east, no west!” wounded? Clearly in Afghanistan.’ The though I thought from his expression “ Yes; I suppose it’s only a question whole train o f thought did not occupy that he was pleased at my evident of time until they get up a lorporation a second. I then remarked that you surprise and admiration. “ I said just came from Afghanistan, and you w »w new that there were no criminals. It big enough to own the whole country.” astonished." appears that I am wrong— look at — Puck. “ It Is simple enough as yon explain th is!" He threw me over the note Th* targai Dane. It,” I said, smiling. “ You remind me which the commissionaire had of Edgar Allen Poe’s Dupin. I had no brought. The largest dome in the world is that Idea that such individuals did exist “ Why.” I cried as I cast my eye over of the Lutheran church at Waisew. outside of stories.” it. “ this is terrible!” Its interior diameter is 200 feet. That Sherlock Holmes rose and lighted “ It does seem to be a little out of of the British museum library is 130 bis pipe. the common.” he remarked calmly. feet. “ No donbt you think that you are “ Would you mind reading It to me complimenting me in comparing me to On th« taovr. Dupin,” he observed. “ Now, .in my aloud r This is the letter which I read to opinion Dupin was a very Inferior fel­ "They have two servants.” low. That trick of his of breaking in him: “ Huh! That’ s nothing. We “ My Dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes— on his friend’s thoughts with an apro­ usually have two in our house— one pos remark after a quarter of an hour's There has been a bad business during going end one coming.” — Philadelphia silence Is really very showy and super­ the night at 3 Lauriston Gardens, off ficial. He had some analytical genius. the Brixton road. Our man on the Press. A STUDY IN SCARLET. C O U N T Y , OREGON, FU I D A Y , A U G U S T EVENTS OF THE HAY FROM T H E F O U R Q U A R TE R S OF T H E WORLD. A Comprtheiuivc Review of the Important Happening! of the Put Week. Presented in a Condensed Form. Which Is Most Likely te Prov« of Interest to Our Many Readera Whitelaw Reid, special ambassador to great Britain, has returned. Tlte Shenandoah collieries may start up undei the protection of troops A Chicago woman lias been arrested for starving nine infants to death. Striking anthracite coal miners say incompetent men are being sent into the mines. The Santa Fe railroad has issued a circular granting an increase of wages to the carmen. There is good reason to believe that the United States will secure a coaling station on the west coast of Africa. Press censorship in Russia lias been vigilant and exacting since the assass­ ination of the minister of the interor. In a collision between a passenger train and street car at Terre Haute, Ind., three persons were fatally, six seriously and two slightly injured. There is strong talk in Jamaica of annexation to the United States. Robbers at Astoria bound and gagged a man on a fishing scow and secured MOO. The Vatican proposes a gradual with­ drawal of ttie friars from the Philip­ pines. A Salt Lake mining man shot and fatally wounded two persons and then killed himself. 8, 1902. C O N T R A C T IS L E T . Coiutruction of Snake River Line to Lewis­ ton to Commence at Once. Portland, Aug. 5.— Contract for building the O. R. A N. railroad on the north bank of the Snake river between Riparia and I will build this structure itself or let it out by contract. After the completion H the roadbed next April the company will lay its own track. It has already begun send­ ing ties forward, and the rails are [pro­ vided for. It will take about three monthtfto put the track in shape for operation after the contractor lias fin­ ished his work, so it is not expected that regular running of trains will be­ gin much before the first of next Au­ gust. The Northern Pacific will use the line jointly with the O. R. & N. track to Wallulu Junction. . E N G L A N D IS W ARNED. The Seattle steamer Jessie Benning has been sold to tiie Colombian govern- Trinidad Asks for Relief Measures — In Favor ment for $08,000. of American Annexation. Troops will remain in Shenandoah, London, Aug. 5.— A striking contrast Pa., where the recent riotH occurred, until the strike is ended. to Colonial Secretary Chamcrlain’s A secret organization in Tayabas pro­ optimistic West Indiun speech Thurs­ vince, Philippine islands, lias been up­ day is furnished by advices from Trini­ rooted by the constabulary. dad to the effect that a deputation is The cruiser Brooklyn, which con­ starting from there for Ixindon to make veyed the remains of the late Lord a strong presentation to the colonial Pauncefote to England, has returned. office on the island’s financial condi­ An explosion in a colliery in New- tion. The party includes influential South Wales resulted in the death of at members of the legislative council and least 100 persons. the president of the island’s chandler The Louisiana Purchase Exposition of commerce, who are charged to, point company has secured an additional 50 out the inadequacy of the -4,000 pounds acres of land for use in the St. Louis refund of the immigration tax which fair. it is proposed to allot the island. The A tidal wave in Costa Rica, follow ing loss on the sugar crop just gathered is severe earthquakes, frightened hun­ estimated at 50,000 pounds, while the dreds of residents and caused consider­ planters must continue to lose at tiie same rate for an indefinite period or lie able damage. obliged to throw 50,000 laborers on the Cholera is spreading with terrible hands of the government. The depu­ rapidity throughout Manchuria. The tation was requested to remind the epidemic now claims hundreds of Colonial seeretary that il Trinidad was victims a day, mostly Chinese. taken under the American flag, like Outlaw’ Harry Tracy appeared at a Porto Rico, the sugar estates could be Wenatchee, Wash., ranch, and after run at a profit. obtaining food and fresh horses, con­ F I G H T IN PANAMA. tinued liia journey in a southerly direc­ tion. The navy department has extended Governor Stlezar Say* It ii Still in Progress and Dopcritc. the time for the completion of the seven submarine boats authorized by Washington, Aug. 5.— "B attle still ¿lie naval appropriation act of 189», being fought deaperately.” These are from two to seven months. the words contained in a dispateli re­ Eire at Pittsburg destroyed property ceiver! at the Colombian legation from valued at $318,600. General Salazar, the governor of the King Edward is able to walk about department of Panama, and were in the deck of his yacht. answer to a message asking that offi­ The German gunboat Panther has cial for information regarding the con­ test which has been in pregresa since been ordered to Caiibbean waters. Tuesday at Agua Dulee, when tiie A policeman at Shenandoah, Pa., Colombian revolutionists liegan to at­ was attacked by strikers and severely tack that place. Hie officials here are beaten. anxiously awaiting additional news of Natives of Portugese West Africa the battle. are causing the authorities much Tiie understanding here is that the trouble and a general uprising is feared. government’s force of 7,000 men is en­ Rioting and demonstrations in gaged with a large portion of the revo­ France are subsiding, and a peaceful lutionists who have in the department solution of the religious question is of Panama about 4,000 men in all. Agua Dulee, about 70 miles from Pana­ looked for. ma, is an inaccessible part of the coun­ Another explosion in the New York try for ready communication. It re­ subway resulted in the latal injury of quires eight days to make the overland two men and the sarioua injury of journey, while water communication is two others. very irregular, and is carried on main­ The president of Peru, in a message ly by small boats. to congress, points out the great lienefit BAD N EW 8 FROM C U B A . of the Panama canal to that country and urges his people to prepare for it. The liattleship Illinois is in drydock Native» Arc Not Thriving Since Withdrawal •f American Troop». in England. Examination discloses that considerable damage had been sus­ Washington, Aug. 5.— Discouraging tained when she struck the obstruction. reports are received from Cuba. There A German electrician lias invented has been a great falling off in the rev­ a wireless telephone. enues since the United states withdrew from the island. It is reported that $4#0 Gift for Children at Portland Carnival tiie daily receipts at Havana do not Children’s Day at the Portland Elks’ average more than $5,000. Capital in Carnival tFill lie Sept. 12, the last day cautious, and men of means are wait­ but one of the great street fair. On ing to see w-hat tiie government will do tiiat occasion a pretty Shetland pony before investing. The expenses of the with an up-to-date cart and harness government have been largely reduced, will lie given to some lucky boy or girl hut thin has caused dissatisfaction who is present. The pony has lieen among tiie Cubans who want fat salar­ given by Dr. W. A. Wise and the cart ies. There are rumors that many of ie from Studebaker’ a. Besides this the officers placed in important posi­ equipment, it is probable thata saddle, tions are incompetent, and some may together with a iiand-omely embroid­ not lm straight. A general feeling of ered saddlecloth will lie given with the disquiet is apparent, which is not a good pony. Prize liaby day will be Sept. 5. indication for the new republic. Withdrawal ol Friar». Capt. M. I. Smith, the first man who stretched wires acroaa the state of Wis­ Washington, Aug. 5.— The war de­ consin, is still living in To|«ka, Kan. partment has received no confirmation of the information from Rome that tiie Chicago chemists have invented a Spanish friars in Manila are to be re­ process for making wall pap. r stronger lieved, but it is stated that such a that promises to revolutionize the in­ course would he in furtherance of the dustry. plan of Secretary Root, which was pre­ The largest stockholder ;n the United sented to the Vatican by Governor Taft, States Steel Company, ” Mi. Cutler,” ft is also stated that if ruch action was is John D. Rockefeller, not Andrew taken it would greatly simplify the Carnegie; his dividend is $1,000,000 negotiations, which will he renewal at Manila. snnnally. NO. 38. NEW S OF THE STATE IT E M S O F IN T E R E S T FROM ALL Add rete, O b a p h ic , N ew berf, Oregon. EARTH IS SHAKEN. Violent Seismic Shocks in California—People Warned to Move. Santa Barbara, Cal., Aug. 2 — The inhabitants of the little town of Los Alamos, which has been the center of Commercial and Financial Happening» of lm. seismic disturbances during the past portance—A Brief Review of the Growth ; four days, are tonight huddled around and Improvements of the Many Industries a huge uontire, waiting for daylight to Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth come. Many of the residents have left for places outside the tremor belt. —Latest Market Repat. Those who have remained could not well abandon their business. The tow n The first ear of 1902 wheat lias been of Los Alamos is situated on the Pacific received in Portland. Coast railway, midway between Santa The wheat crop of Umatilla county Ynes and Santa Maria, in the long, will be 15 per cent less than the usual narrow valley of the Isis Alamos, 15 yield. miles from tiie coast. It has about 300 Eire at Elgin deatroyed $25,00 worth of property. Eleven horses were population. Tiie Los Alamos "alley is from one-half to one mile wide. Its burned to death. population is about 800. There are no The run of fish on the Lower Colum­ brick buildings in the little village, bia continues exceptionally heavy and tyui the damage thus far is limited to the fish of good size, the ruin of plaster, the collap-e of Tiie report of the superintendent of chimneys, tho breaking of crockery ami Columbia county schools shows 04 glassware, the falling of the walls of the Piesbyterian church and two store more children than last year. buildings and the demolishing of an old The Elks’ «arnival to lie held in adobe building which was seriously Portland promises to surpass anything damaged by tiie first quake. The dam­ of the kind ever before attempted. age will not exceed $10,000 in tiie The Southern Pacific will form a fire opinion of conservative residents of the patrol to protect its large timber hold­ place. There is not a chimney left ings in Southern Oregon from fire. standing in the town. One residence Many smalt fires have been reported was mover! four incites and split in Not a building in Eastern Oregon grain fields hut so opposite corners. far no great amount of damage lias escaped some injury, and it is consid­ ered miraculous that no one was hurt. been done. There was h series of light vibrations Harry Wright, who is believed to during the day, which culminated in have assisted Tracy and Merrill in es­ quite a severe shock at 7:30 P. M. caping from the penitentiary, lias been Kruther shocks are anticipated. Tiie located in fatne county. most severe shock of the entire series One of the tunnels at the Lucky Boy occurred at 1:20 this morning, when mine, ill Lane county, collapsed. Sev­ tiie hils were shaken and twisted to eral men narrowly escaped death. It their foundations ami the valley trem­ will take some time to repair tiie dam­ bled and rolled like the surface of the ocean. Great fissures were run in tiie age. earth, hills appeared in level valleys, Attorney General Blackburn has springs of water opened up in places taken an appeal to the supreme couit that had been dry, and the general to- in the case of the state against ex-clerk pographv of the valley was greatly of the school land board George W. changed In many respects.. Davis and his bondsmen. The disturbance had no general direc­ The Crown Paper company, of Oregon tion, hut was what is known us a It was preceded by a City, will in a siiort time liegin the “ twister.” construction of a pulp mill on the east rumbling like tiiat of distant thunder, side of the river at that city. This which increased until the earth began will make the output of the company to rock and twist and tiie hills liegan to tremble. With the first warning of 20,000 pounds of pulp a day. the sound of the approaching disaster About 50 Indian war veterans of the terror-stricken people rushed into Southern Oregon held a reunion at the streets and sought places of safety Medford last week. in vacant lots and fields, while many A postoffice has been established at hastened toward the neighboring hills. Cecil, Morrow county, on the route The first vibrations were similar to the preceding disturbances in direction and from Douglas to Ella. effect, but they were immediately fol­ The sand taken out by tliu dredge on lowed by the most terrific shock ever the lowei Columbia lias l>een proven to experienced in this section of the state. bo rich enough to more than pay the The earth tiemhlcd mid rolled and expense of handling it. twists'll until it was impossible to stand The timbermen of Dallas and vicin­ erect, and the terror-stricken people ity have organized an association for crouched together in tiie darkness, fear­ the purpose of mutual protection and ful Hint the earth beneath them might defense ot the timber clftims filed on by open and swallow them up. them at Oregon City last week, when a SO LD IE R S ARE IDLE. township was thrown open. P A R T S O F O REGON. A coal strike that promises to make no little stir in tiiat section has been Nothing for Thrm to Do it Shenandoah — Strlkeri arc Orderly. made near Asbestos, in the northern part of Jackson county, where the Shenandoah, Pa., Ang. 2.— Twelve Southern Pacific has lieen developing a hundred state troops are encamped to­ prospect. Tiie vein is six feet wide. night on a hill overlooking Shenan­ The postoffice at Antoos. Wheeler doah. Down in the town, where riot­ county, lias lieen moved one mile to ers and policemen fought tiie bloody the southwest. The office at Croy, battle last night, all is quiet, and tiie Gilliam county, has been moved six indications are tiiat so long as tiie miles to the southwest, and tiie office militia remains tiie peace of tiie com­ at Olene, Klamath county, is moved a munity will not again lie broken. The riot which caused the soldiers to he sent short distance to the south. here came like a Hash and was over almost as quickly as it had started, and PORTLAND MARKETS. not a single case of violence has been Wheat— Walla Walla, t!2@63c for new reported since. The tens of thousands crop; 64(gfi6c for old; valley, 65c; of idle men and hoys in this vicinity who have been gathering in large num­ bluestem, 85<§68c. bers and marching from place to place, B a r le y - $17.75 for old, $16.50 (or did not r«|ient their demonstrations to­ new crop. day, and tiie authorities consequently Flour— Best grades, $3.0503.60 per had little or nothing to do. barrel; graham, $2.9503.20. The arrival of the. citizen soldiery Millstuffs — Bran, $15010 per ton; proved to be a great attraction for the middlings, $21.60; short«, $18; large army of unemployed, and hun­ chop, $16. j dreds of men and boys can e to town to Oats— N o.l white, $1.0601.10; gray see the troops. Most of the commands were on the ground by 10:30 o'clock. $1.0001.05. Brigadier General Gobin, of the Third Hay — Timothy, $12016; clover. brigade, in command of the troops here, $7.50010; Oregon wild hay, $6O0 per and his staff were on the scene early. ton. The camp is located on a high hill juat Potatoes — Best Bnrbanks, 75085c outside of the town, and commands a per cental; ordinary, 60c per cental, full view of the town. growers prices; sweets, $2.2602.60 Beyond the presence of a group of per cental; new potatoes, 1c. soldiers here and there on the princi­ Rutter— Creamery, 20O21c; dairy pal streets, Shenandoah does not show any evidence of having passed through lflOlOc; store, 16010c. a trying ordeal. The large numer of Eggs— 20021 >ic for Oregon. Cheese — Full cream, twins, 12H persons who had lieen attracted to the 0 1 3 c; Young America, 13t%OMHc; fac­ place hy the co.ning of the militia left during the afternoon, and tonight tiie tory prices, lO I H i lees. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $3.500 town presents its normal appearance. 4.60; hens, $4.0006.60 per dosen, Franch Official Great» Root. 11011.4' per poend; springs, l l O 11 H e per pound, $2.6004.60 per dos­ Havre, Aug. 2.— General Pistor, of en; ducks, $2.5008.00 per dosen; tur­ the French army, hoarded the steam­ keys, live, 13014c, dressed, 16016« per ship Savoie, on her arrival here today, pound; geese, $4.0006.00 per dosen. Mutton— Groea, 2 H 0 3 c per pound; and officially greeted Elihu Root, the dressed, 6c per pound. American secretary of war, on behalf Hoge— Groee, 8)$c; 1 reseed, 7 07H r of the French government. Secretary per pound. Root thanked General Pistor. He pro- Venl— 70flc per ponnd. General Reef— (»rose, cows, 303 H «; steers. reeded at once to Paris. lloraee Porter, United States ambassa­ 3 H A 4 H « ; dressed, 708c per ponnd. dor to France, and General Leonard Hope— 16017c; raw rrop 170 18c. Wool— Valley, 12H O 16 ;F.astern Ore­ Wood arrived on the Savoie with Secre­ gon, 8 0 1 4 H «: mohair. 2 5 « 26c ponnd. tary Root. Ru»»i«n> Hold on to Manchuria. Yale university gave degn es to a class of 650. Plans for a Chinese voi- j London, Aug. 2.— fn a dispatch from unteer misainn were annonneed. St. Petersburg, the correspondent of A Chicago dispalch saysthat thè iear the Daily Mail says the order lor the of a bituminone minerà' strike is cans- withdrawal of Russian troops from ing mal dealers ami railroads to sture Manchuria has been rescinded, as that thouaands of tona as a reserve supply. country is overrun with Chinese rnhber The will of very Rev. E. A. Hoffman, hands. Quantities of Russian goods in dean of thè generai theolngieal semi- transit have lieen looted, says the cor- nary of New York, disposes of an estate respondent, and two Russian merchants eatimated at $12,000,000 to $15,000,- in Manchuria were recently burned 000 . alive.