THE NEWBERC GRAPHIC. w eek’s speaking from the te s t “ The things l,'“ n wu l “ " ^ devices for doing first class work. , U W,‘M It,m e ,nf c,,,,,t'cr*1- would adm it th a t owing to this nutive short history of the Friends church, and "lbly tion of workers to tlieir work. energy, we Bre pushing our trade into Mtated th a t lie thought we were th e only The evening service which was of an f K. 1*. D i x o n . I I . C. D ix o n » the remotest corners of the world. W e 1 « b u tch , which had gone into quietism ! evungellstio nature was led hy Thomas are inventing tilings, and selling tilings, ani* bad risen again. He spoke o f Cali 1 A . 1 ? I S W I ’H I C I S S . - - D E N T IS T S - - A rm strong, followed by Jo h n Dunks. and getting rich a t it. All th is is good, 1 f°m ia yearly m eeting’s work in Alaska, MONDAY. Cloth covered caskets, any color, $28 to $32 Kewberg, Ore. and we are proud of it. B u t in all th is ! 1>r°b * • K - introduced the work The business of th e Meeting was fin­ Osteopathic Physician Former prices........................................$50 to $60 “ hustle“ a good many of us are forget- ' n Uubc. H e spoke of the ignorance, ished Monday m orning, till the reports ting some of th e best reasons for liv in g ;! filthiness an d priest-ridden condition of Other goods from..................................$12 to $28 H. J. Littlefield. II. A. Littlefield [ of Ihe various com m ittees lieing pre­ ♦ IVI. V O T A W R e s id e n c e . getting less out of life th a n th ere is in it j people of th a t island. After the Former prices........................................$20 to $40 sented nnd adopted. M any expressions e ____ __. a : _ 1 .. .. .1 . .1 l \ i t*o A A n nna tm \f/>A n rep o e rt, Mrs. Moon, Consultation and Examination Free. j ^ ^Consulta for us, and cutting down the n u m b er of e tre a su re r’s I'lirin were heard relative to th e appreciation o u r m issionary from Alaska, spoke of years wo m ight enjoy it. of the m eetings and of the services of Do our business men get more o u t of her work In th a t northern field. H er visiting friends, ltev. Thos A rm strong HO.ifK INFORMATION KF.OAItOINO life th a n their forefathers got o u t of it a presence here arid her encouraging words was particularly com m ended for his THE FKOflltRHH AND Ills- Ottico» in i liclialem Valley Bank Budding, j H o llin g s w o r t h BUono No. 44. TORY OF THKi 8CIKMCK. hundred years ago? In certain d irec­ on th is occasion made a deep im pres­ Kesidenc« north of'Public School Building, able efforts th ro u g h o u t the Yearly Phono No. 41. tions it is quite evident th a t they do. sion upon th e m eeting and greatly Meeting. 1' kkhs C om ., by 0 . O. It. T here are more wavs of having fun, served to Increase the entliusiusm in How our ancestors of a hundred years th ere nre more th in g s to do, it is far th e work of missions. Over tw o h u n ­ ago would stand in astonishm ent if ^TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ileal Kaiate Transfers. easier to go about. A nd yet it seems to dred dollars w as raised in the face of placed on th e streets of one of our active Reported hy th e Y am hill Co. A bstract be tru e, also, th a t people have less tim e th e m eeting to carry on the work. cities of to d ay ! They would not be­ Tiio even in g service was in charge of Co. a t McM innville, Oregon, for the lieve th eir eyes. Y et now we look upon nowadays, and take less real, solid com ­ W ill p r a c t ic e in a ll th e c o u r t s o f th e s ta t e i week ending May 31, 1902. The place a t te n t io n g iv e u to p r o b a te w o rk , th e fort, th a n did th e ir g randfathers. It the “ K ndeuvorera.” The scripture les­ these wonderful achievem ents of steam , 8p«*oi»ii w r itin g o f d e e d s , m o rtg a g e s , c o n t r a c ts a n d th e I to get the title of your land exam ined, hns lieen lately discovered th a t th e in- j son was read hy Marguerite E lliott, electricity unit m echanical ingenuity us d r a f t i u g o f a l l le g a l p a p e rs . N e w b e rg . O re g o n - j dividual of today is fifty lim es us able to su p erin ten d e n t of the Christian E n d e a v -: U S to John I Hash th e H ash die commonplace facts. In the 1 tie field of t 3 r 2 ............................................... pat science too the one w atchw ord has lieen O ffice —Second Floor supply his material w ants as was th e , or work. A short talk was given hy liuuk of Newberg building. individual of oue hundred years ago. i Pres. McGrew, encouraging th e young Pacific College to L aura P orcht progress. Perhaps in no science in e sm all tract In N ew herg................. 200 greater progress lieen made Ilian in that T h at is to say, th e productive power of j Pe®pb> •*> service. Mrs. Mattel Douglas th e race has increased flitv fold. I t K»ve a very earnest and practical talk Mary H arris et til to J If Baird 15. of treating disease. T his advance, how ­ 30 a in T C Davis d ie t4 r 3 ......... 1 ever, has chiefly been m ade along other would scent reasonable tu suppose th a t und closed w ith an appeal to E ndeav- under these conditions u man toduv orets to consecrate them selves to special C V K uykendall e t al to Mary lilies than th a t of medicine, as Surgery, Harris 15.30 in T C Davis die t4r3 15 H ydropathy, E lectricity, Hygiene, and the coming year. would have far more leisure than ever lines o f work mau had Itefore. Rill the tru th is the Many responded to the call. A vocal Dundee Cent A-sn to Jo h n L iven- last, blit not least, the science of (Jsle good hlk 14 D undee.......... .......... 15 opatliy. The tim e of Wood-letting is m an of today is dreadfully pressed for d u e tt, "Sweet. H our of P ray er” was tim e. He is “ driven to d e a th ,” as lie rendered by th e Misses Sibvl and Ber­ E J W right to to U W Olds 4 a In passed; the era of powerful doses of sec 14 15 r5 ..................................... 40 poisonous drugs is on th e w ane. “ Onto som etim es puts it, by his terrible social nice W oodward. A general praise ser­ G W Pickering anil wf to Alfred and business responsibilities. Hu ru sh ­ vice followed. opatliy,’’the wonderful science of drug- Larrson 27 h in sec 3 t2 r4 ........ 900 less healing lias passed the experim ental FRIDAY. es off for a hasty breakfast to hoard an M A M arshall and wf lo Isaac The m o rn in g service for devotion was express tra in , to I* whirled to his tele­ stage, and is becoming a household P ritch ett 1(50 a in M artin’s d 1 c phone and typew riter and other devices leil hy Cussie Commons of Scotts Mills. word. Its wonderful cures are hailed t 4 r 4 ................................................ 4500 w ith delight, the now science which A t tho 2 o'clock business session the for saving tim e. Everybody, nowadays, Is o u t of |H)liteness, supposed to be over 1 devotional p art was conducted by Rev. D C Coleman and wf to A B Thom ­ makes good health the rule, not the ex­ as It 4 hlk 1 Morgans add S h’dan 95 ception, and hy clinging to n a tu re ’s head and ears busy—busy ill trade, it. F. Jlinsltuw . The first subject to busy in Ids profession, busy socially. to come before th e meeting was th a t of i Coulter Thompson and wf to H F laws cures disease w ithout a t the same Bed well 123 u in sec 11 an d 12 t3 We are continually hearing people say Pence n n d ’A rbitrntion. These are prin ­ time producing a worse disease. r 5 ...................... 990 “ I have no tim e for anything.” It is ciples w hich have always been held hy A careful investigation will show th a t the fashion to fie overw helmed with ed ­ the Friends. Anson Cox spoke of his F F Seeley to A L W atson 25 a pt the scope of our science is broad. We S H eater die t3 r2. ....................... 1500 gagements ami presaci! for tim e. If experience on th is line durin g th e Civil claim th a t all diseases are curable— T h e D o u b le T r i a n g le B r a n d C o lla rs a r e s ty lis h a n d 'th ere is a death in lite fam ily, the war. Thom as A rm strong said we m ust A L W atson to ¡4 0 H am den 25 a though all people are not—some have c o m fo r t a b le . T h e o n ly c o ll a r m a d e w i t h a h e a v y 3 in S H ea te r die t3 r 2 ............... .. 2000 'clergym an is hurriedly summoned hy hrit.g o u r testim ony tip to the scripture waited too long. H ut O steopathy goes p l y s e a m . S o l d b y u p . t o . d a t e m e r c h a n ts e v e r y w h e r e telephone to |>erform th e funeral servi- j standard, llnth speakers said they had U 8 to J W Cook 13 u in sec 12 t3 nearer the grave to rescue |ieople from o r 2 s a m p le s s e n t p r e p a i d f o r 2 5 c e n ts . T h e y e q u a l r 4 .................................................... pat disease than any o th er treatm en t. I ces. Personal letters are dashed off on ' noted with sadness th e sp irito ! militar* a n y q u a r t e r c o ll a r m a d e . _ M e r c h a n t s s h o u l d w r it e a typew riter, because th is suggests ism in tiie public schools. At th e close Malconi Gibbs and wf to Lucy J quote a few lines from the pen of the f o r o u r 1 9 0 2 o ffe r . Budd 30 a in Luke McKern d I c ru sh in g em ploym ent, and the result is of this session the subject of L iterature noted au th o r, John It. Music. H e says t3 12.....................................................1400 in an article on O steopathy: “ 1 have th a t tiie growing generation of young was considered. W N ZANDT f lac cca 7 !; The first part of th e afternoon meeting J W Estes and wf t Jn o M Williams m en does hot know how to w rite a let­ seen the lam e m ade to walk, the blind JACOB It 1 hlk 3 N Y a m h ill..................... 3500 to see. the paralytic restored to h ealth , I te r with the proper forms of salutation was a “ Memorial Service,” for the mem­ -»MAKERS v - W 8 Powell and wf to Adam Uoss- bers who have died during th e past and superscription. and many snatched as it were from the TROY. NY 50 grave. I have seen old chronic cases ! E H R E T BROS. Now the moral of this tale is tlint year. These remembered with words of ner Its 30, 31,32, 33, D ayton............ Mary A liynum and hush to J F respect h 111 1 love were, Richard W hite while a uuslerate degree of “ hustle” which have defied the skill of th e best Wado hi C Saylor’s ad M cM ......... G00 physicians in th e world yield to th e n»w m ay he a good tiling, It is possible to of .Scolta Mills, H oratio llall of Newberg, take an overdose and then it becomes it j Ross Pemberton of Rosedale, Gen. Ha system of healing. I have seen typhoid Nave«* n W uiukii '« Life had thing. II we sre indeed “ terribly worth o f Pendleton, Caiiliv Heston of j I To hnve given up would have m eant fever cured in less than a week. rush ed ,” "driven to d e a th ," and it is Dundee, Joseph Cook of Marion and death for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of D orches­ have seen diphtheria cured in a few not witii us a huge joke, ur an assumed Rebecca Lewis of Portland. All th is seems so marvelous ter, Mass. For years she hud endured hours. . W. P . 1IBACOCK ORLANO IIEACOCK Ck * — The Suhhalh school work then came affectation, and Instead of being the untold misery from a severe lung troub­ th a t I hesitate to tell it, hut I am su p ­ m asters of tim e, we are really th e slaves 1 before the meeting, J . C. Hudson giving W . MORII IS IIEACOCK That is, the dirt does if you take your clothes to the le and o b stinate rough. * O ften,” she pressing ra th e r than expanding facts. of tim e, and the tilings have got us u n ­ a very interesiing talk upon some of thè writes, " I could scarcely breath and Careful records of one thousand cases, a « A li der th e saddle an d are riding us, weakiiesses <>f thè work. Poi ut s were som etim es could not apeak. All doctors large m ajority of which have been d e ­ noted ss follows : 1 Lack of prepared would do well to get out some q uiet and rem edies failed t i ' 11 used Dr. King’s clared incurable by practitioners of o th ­ night and sit down under th e stars, and teachers. 2 Studv th è Iwy and keep First class work done in every particular, and careful New Discovery for C onsum ption and er m ethods, show seventy-live per cent ask ourselves what we are here fur, and bini in ilio Sahlmth sellimi. 3 The cured, ninety per cent helped, only five attention given all customers. w m com pletely cured ” (Sufferers from w hether we urn really g ettin g th e best letliargy in thè botile fife; p aren ti should D u n d e e c u s t o m e r s w ill p le a s e l e a v e t h e i r l a u n d r y coughs, colds, tlirout and long trouble per cent w ho were not benefited, and out n( life, slid perhaps they will say to go to Salihatli scliool witli th eirchildreii. yjv ¡ N Y / V w i t h t i . W . B y e r s .I r . need this grati.l remedy for it never not one w ho claimed they were injured In Ilio eveniug F . M. George litui us us they di 1 to E m erson, “ Why so disappoints. Cure is guaranteed hy F. hy the treatm en t.” lint, mv little m an? ’—8. F. Chronicle. cluirge of thè m eeting. The Service P erhaps some of the m ost wonderful Sit II. ( » d w e ll A Co. Price 50c m id $1. was evangelistio und some definite Work Keep on hand and manu­ S» cures effected hy th is science are those Trial bottles free. A gentlem an well posted in regard to wus dono. of tiie diseases of th e digestive organs P r \ \ facture everything in the HATtTRDAY. political conditions in th e state ventures and th a t m ost common and dreaded N o w Is t h e A|i]>o lnt e«l T i m e . line of the prediction th a t Congressm an Tongue The ninrning servine was in clinrge of The O. R. it N . Co. lias just issued n disease, constipation, which is largely to Vi/ stan d s an excellent chance of becoming Aaron M. Bray. At 10 o ’elock ilio de- handsom ely illustrated pam phlet en­ blam e for o th er ailm ents, yields readily our next U. 8 senator. O wing to an ­ votiotial exercises wero conducici! hy titled, “ Oregon, W ashington and Idaho to O steopathic treatm ent. VV tagonism* th a t have been aroused th e | Jam es Vestal. The epistles from Canada and tlieir Resources." People iu the C. 8. C arr, M. 1)., editor Medica gentlemen who have lieen most prom i- and Kansas yearly meetings were read, east are anxious for Information about Talk, says: “ T he O steopath looks upon nenlly mentioned for th e position a te j The report of Ihe Evangelistic and th e Pacific N orth West. If you will a man as an anatom ical structure co; not likely to m ake it, so th a t a new j C hurch Extension work was given. give th e O. U. A N. Co agent a list of stating of a framework of l>or.e8, a net VI/ m an « ili bave to he takeu tip, and no At 2 p. ni. th e session was opened by names of eastern people who are likely work of nerves, a tangle of mtirtcles, a S o o n e r o r l a t e r n r e c n in liila tc s muti ¡11 all thè state wonld come so tirar B. F. Hlnsliaw. The epistles from to lie interested, th e tuoklet will lie web of L ym phatic duct*, a complication fo r Ktasse*. O n ly a n e x p e r t o p ­ luukiug an ideai cumlidute us Mr. North Carolina and New E ngland year- mailed free to such persons. t i c i a n c a n te ll y o u ju s t w h e n of ligament!», blood vessels and Viscera. t h a t d a y h a s a r r iv e d . A s e n s ib le Tongue. The only trouble about his ; ly m eetings were read lor th e encour- To untangle and locate all tiie m u lti­ A. L. CliAio, G . r . A., r e g a r d fo r o n e ’s e y e s ig h t d ic ta t e s clection would lie th a t It would leave a age me lit of the meeting. A recintimeli- farious organ« a n d tissues is his busi­ 110 P ortland, Ore. t h e u s e o f S p ectacles th e m o m e n t Sit vacancy to be filled hy ap p o in tm en t by lalloO came Udore th e m eeting to the ness. lie *roes to work to heal a sick man th e y a r e n e c e ss a ry . £ JS ^ Y o u r p a tr o n a g e s o l­ llic governor, and th e new executive be ; effect Ilia', all ministers and missionaries m uch tb« sam e ns an engineer would AN EXAMINATION BY US w h ic h c o s t n o th i n g m a y p r e v e n t i c it e d . fix Ins locomotive. Ho finds a nerve (IS io g a dem ocrat naturally would Is« ex- !*• given certificates, slatin g their stan d -i c o n s e q u e n c e s w h ic h la te r o n peeled to name a dem ocrat for the ing etc. The object of these certificates 1 crossed or stretched. He finds m uscles \}/ w o u ld h e in e v ita b le . place.—Tim es. tense or strained. He finds tames d is­ is in introduce our nilnieters into other W E FIT EVERY O N E EXACTLY. VI/ Timi* Curd No. 2 0 . cliiir'hes and to help them get half fare located, or partly dislocated, cartilages /*v No. 2 For VaqniiiA: rates on railroads. ttil'plureil, and a thousand things th at A Corvallis man, who hails Iront Dix­ it/ Leaves Albany ................... 12:45 p. m. o th er pructloners m ight not find or The subject of education claimed th e ie, and who liecaine exercised over Hie " I'o rv a lH g ................. i :.‘>0 p. m. V ' A *- ' S *.- general criticism of Senator Hailey of atten tio n of th e m eeting foe the greater Arri von Yutjiim*.................. 6:3ò p, m . dream oi. Hence it is th a t th e Oste- in s le w ¿Pros. opathist u n til he a good anatom ist. Texas for basely assaulting Senator part of the afternoon. All the reports No l R eturning: -7 - A ; were g ratifying, and especialy when O steopathy is not a faith cure, lint n Heverhlge, says in a letter to the Ore. Leaves Vaqnina ..............7:00a. m. A L m w i ( % I - 11 IP a in. scientific m anipulation of the muscles gonian th a t th ere is no more cultured, they nunounred that Pacific ('allege » a s va Arrive« AIL'Mny.................. 12:15 p .m . overlying iui| or:.tnl nerve centers, re­ refined, high-minded, Christian gentle­ tree of all debt. Several short addresses No 5 For D etroit: m oving obstruction or o th e r inteifer- man in the Unitisi States 8eimte than encouraging education, were listened to. Leave# All*any .................... 1 :00 p. m. erce to nature’s way of m aintaining r e r f n m e are you using— it M r. Bailey. The public has learned A subscription was taken for the college Arrives Detroit ..................5:45 p. iu. health. It is applied physiology. so nice? sem ethi’ig—of the calibre of the C orval- I am ounting to !>'20, which will l>e ap- No. 4 From lV troit : m I plied on next y ear’s expenses. III correspondent. I envoi* lV troit ................6 :S 0 a . m . hy it is Extraite de Violette'! At 7 :8l) o ’clock a short business ses­ F o p H a le . Arrives A ibanv.......... . . . . 11:05 a. in. de Farme manufactured b> 3 sion was belli to consider the reading of T rains I and 4 arrive in Albany in tim e Nine hundred acres of laud w ithin five T hree prom inent candidates sre ont a tem perance resolution to be read at Ro” cr & Gallet, Paris. jq to connect with tbe 8. 1‘. south bound miles of Newberg, in different tracts. for th e speakership of the lewer house the Five Years M eeting to lie held at bA nd where d id you get it? A-rt train , ns well as giving tw o or three Mostly improved. Amos Nelson. of th e next legislature. They an* B. L. Indianapolis th is fall, in aecordanee hours in Albany before d ep artu re of 8. M F. H. CALDWELL & CO. Eddy ;of Tillamook, Frank Davey of w ith toe uniform discipline. The dele­ P. north train. The Prescription Druggists. * M arion and L. T. H arris of lame county. gates w ho were elected to represent T rain No. 2 connects with th e 8. P. b; Yttd the price o n ly 75 cent-'l All are considered able men. Oregon Y early M eeting a t Ihe Five trains at Corvallis a n d Albany giving fj per ounce. Well I guess jT Years C onference, are ns follows: If. direct service to Newport and mljacer. O H E G n M V K A Itl.Y X r M I N n p will go and get an ounce. E. M cGrew, A. M. Bray, F. M. George, heachee. E sth er Townsend, ('h a s. Baldw in, Ia>u- T rain No 3 for lV troit, Hreitenbush feWell you will have to hurry a T he sessions of Oregon Yearly Meet­ ist Round an d Jan e K iair; alternatee, and other m ountain reeurts leaves A l­ - _ ~***^^y there is only a limited atuouniv ing of th e Friends church came to a Jesse Edwards, Jas. Price, Anson Cog, bany at l KX> p. nt. alter th e arrival of M O D E L N O . ? IO ; M O D E L N O . 7 , f £ o \ imported each year. PXRFRTTTOV IV TrPtWRITgKS close Monday m orning. I t is considered Elisabeth Miles, John Pem berton. The 8. P. south hound tram from Portland, 4 b;V\ ell if you do r o t get the Vio \ I* Ar L ast KxAcnxn th a t the business of this year’s sessions epistles of Dubiin an d Ohio Yearly reaching lV troit at .1:4» p in So*lett* the pvtronace of hi* old Indian* has been transacted w ith unusual h a r­ meetings w ere also resd. p lette de Partne, they have lot Ulickensderfer combines good work, easy operation aud For fu rth er inform ation apply to Friends who u«rd watch repair»ug done. 4 m ony and efficiency, and that there is a In th e evening th e blhle lesson was durability at a minimum cost E dwin S tonb , Manager. k. of others .it 25 to yo ccn:s per] j '-fi7 Morr'won st. good outlook for th e work in Ihe coming read by Thom«« A rm strong from Cor. J. Turner, A gent, A'banv. o u n ce, w hich are very nice, year. The rep o rt of th e various se*. 2:1. Jobu H ack* did the preaching, H . H . Cron is«, Agent, Corvallis. P O R T L A N D , O R .' A'sfc m* is* - - 31 •-2 H i 1 cions, as continued from last 1 issue, follows. PTTBMFPTTBTP A i ■ @® \ t r a P ' @ @ S fo iitn (/¿ w o rth ó C ooper. 2^ AT PORTLAND PRICES PAINTS AHD OILS, WINDOW CLASS, PICTURE iylOULDiiiuS, CENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. T. B. CUMMINGS & CO. DR. C. C. BENNETT, LITTLEFiELD BROS., PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Comment is u nn ecessary. C o op e r. ^ CLARCKCE BUTT. in r r m n r ) C citisfaction Is what we to give our tomers in lines of goods. 2Û e siili g iv e Guaranteed Ivincn. C o llars 25 C enta J 7reo w it h , Cash ¿Purchases on C u cri/th in j in stoch. s$ca JU L O JL O JL 3 JL “ S t ¿ S it Com es O ut in th e ?Oash * INIEUB®»S'STEW UUJK1BOT NEW BERG SASH & DOOR FACTORY iij ¿Pressna/t, ¿Prop. ^ Vi/ Vi/ /js BOOHS: WIDOWS, ë MOULDINGS, Vî> sit ,;,n- ^ TURNINGS, C3EST- sit INCS, BRACKETS, (IS (IS DOOR AND WINDOW (is sit (is FRAMES. FANCY Sit as CASINGS, ETC. Us Sit sit (IS (IS V?/ CrfS & Eira l i W. P. HEACOCK & SONS 70 hat : JOHN L BECK. WATCHMAKER «• JEWELER, SCihct ALL E Y E S Sit M 4 j BLICKENSDERFER M . iV. I M D I .O L T Atjciit. ¡Stark street. P o r tla n d , O r.