9 closed the exercises of the evening man thinking and activity are con- have graced an upper class recital, the degree of A. B., while upon with three hearty cheers for the trolled by the Omnipotent. T h e ' The academic graduates constitute R. W. Jones, Miss Nervia Wright grip of the Man of Nazareth upon a banner class, and it is the wish | and Miss Rose Metcalf were con- girls of Pacific College. O.R.M. E. H. VT ôodwakd , K üitou ii P u b l is h e r . THE B A C C A LA U R E A TE A D D R E SS. human hearts is strong today. Put of their many friends that they may j ferred the degrees of B. S. W . C . W oodw ard , A ssociate E ditor The Friends church was well fill yourself in tune with the Infinite, continue their work in college, an ALL’ MNI B A N Q U E T . unbroken phalanx. ed Sunday morning to hear the 'aud dream of a masterful life.” The exercises of Commencement The music of the evening consist­ The address to the class by Prof. in t e n d ta eeeood «lu a matter at the poatoBIce Baccalaureate address delivered by week were closed with the annual C A N BE SU ITED W H O T R A D E W IT H at Mewberg, Oregon, ed of a trio by the Misses Sibyl and H. G. Rosenberger was brief, but Pres. McGrew. The services were Bernice and W. C. Woodward, and contained some pointed and practi-! a*umu' banquet which was held in opened with a voluntary by Miss the college library Wednesday IMUID EVERY FRIDAY HORNING. Mabel Edwards, which was follow­ of a quartet by the Misses Lucy cal thoughts as to the desirability night. A six course spread was of a finished education. Gause and Carrie Turner, and Prof. ed by scripture reading by Jesse served, covers being laid for forty. H. G. Rosenberger and E. A. A L U M N I PUBLIC. Edwards, prayer by Rev. Randall F R ID A Y , JUN E 27, 1903. Toasts were responded to as fol­ — .• » » OH------- As usual, the alumni gave a high lows, W . C. Woodward serving as of Portland, and a vocal solo by Newby. A D D R E S S T O L IT E R A R Y S O C IE TIE S. class entertainment, Tuesday even­ toastmaster. Miss Sibyl Woodward. Taking for the text of his address, On Monday evening in the ing, the program following. "Raw Recruits” —Gertrude Lamb. F I K S T — They are in the FU R N IT U R E BUSINESS Duett....................................... "Looking Forward” —R. W. Jones. John 2:5, “ Whatsoever He Sayeth Friends church, Prof. J. C. Hodson Inatrumeutal with both feet. New and up-to-date styles ...... Mis. Jessie Britt sod Mrs. C. U. Wilson. "The Faculty” --A . C. Martin. Unto You, Do It,” Pres. McGrew delivered the annual address before President's Address............... O. K. Edwards, '96 Told Tales” - ! ! . M. Hoskins. iu house furnishings always kept in stock delivered an earnest address full of the literary societies of the college Vocal 8oio,......... “ Forever Dear........... Streleaki "Twice "Our Ladies” —R. W. Kirk. at reasonable prices. They also run in Miss M. Evelyn Hurley. The program was opened with inspiration to his hearers. "The Old Gold and Navy Blue Forever” — History.............. Miss Jesiic Britt, '99 Ella Macy. In opening he said, “ Not know­ an instrumental solo by Miss Jennie Alumni connection a second hand store where sec­ Male Quartette, Messrs It. W. Kirk. II. O. ing what the future has for you, I Crawford of McMinnville. Calvin A t a business meeting following ond hand furniture can be bought aud sold Rosenberger, W. c. Woodward, I. E. Holt. come to repeat the words of the Blair, president of the Crescent So­ Caper...........................................“ Ethic, oi Law" the banquet, officers for the ensuing or exchanged for new — anything to please D. P. Price, '97, mother of Jesus. Respond to them ciety, then introduced the speaker year were elected as follows: the people. The season of college Commence­ though you know not what the Prof. Hodson announced his sub Vocal Solo...... “ A Red, Red Rose,” .......Hastings President, W. C. Woodward, I Miss Hurley. ment, with all its vaiious pleasures command will be. Live in vital ject the “ The Golden Fleece.” He vice president and treasurer, W. S. i The paper presented by President and attractions, has again come and communion with the Master that told the story as taken from the Parker, secretary, Miss Jessie Britt. A G A I N 7- -Hollingsworth & Cooper are UNDER­ gone, and auother year’s history of you may understand His will. In ancient Greek myth and compared Edwards was carefully prepared Pacific College has been completed that and that alone can you know it to modern life. “ The Golden and deserved the close atteutiou it T A K E R S and EM BALM ERS. They carry received. A few points brought K. P . D ix i.ii. The exercises of the week were the real power of the Man of Fleece” to be sought for now, is H. C. D ix o n . a full line of first class goods — all latest fully up to the standard set by oth Nazareth.” well rounded character and has lie- out were as follows: “ It is not devices for doing first class work. - - DENTISTS - - er years, and the friends and pa The speaker took three com­ come a reality of life after which enough to know Greek, German or trons of the institution are well mands of Christ as the theme of his every mortal is sent. It may be mathematics, but the purpose of Newberg, Ore. • • •• • • • ■ • • pleased with the showing made. sermon. First, “ Be ye therefore possessed by every bright, energetic education is to fit one to live a life The excellent music furnished for perfect.” The real meaning of this young person. He named some of that amouuts to something. The H. J. Littlefield. H. A. Littlefield a f e w p r ic e s . time has passed when professional the different exercises, contributed command has been the study of the the requisites for its attainment. men 'only, need education. The Cloth covered caskets, any color, $28 to $32 in no little degree to their success ages. Does it mean perfect physi­ A strong body is necessary. We LITTLEFIELD BROS., Former prices........................................ $50 to $60 Y. M & Y. W. C. A. R E C E PT IO N . cally, or mentally? This is desir­ must be enthusiastic or the world past fifty years have been devoted PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Commencement week opened able, but it meaus infinitely more— will not know we mean anything. to mechanical development and the Other goods from..................................$12 to $28 next will give attention to political Office» in Chehalem Valley Bank Building with the annual reception given to be perfect in character. We must be beautiful. Man is Former prices........................................ $20 to $40 Phone No. 43. the Senior class by the Christian Second, “ Love one another.” little lower than the angels and aud social amelioration. The sys­ Residence north of Public School Building, tem laid down by Christ for right Phone No. 44. associations of the college. It was The greater love of humanity is the beauty must be seen springing from COMMENT IS UNNECESSARY living is gradually gaining ascend­ held Friday evening from 8 to 10 need of the world. Holiness is his immortal soul. o ’clock, in the large church tent goodness incarnate, but righteous­ The last and probably the great­ ancy. The speaker closed by trac­ H o llin g s w o r t h & C o o p e r . which had been pitched on the ath­ ness is goodness at work. You may est force is education. It controls ing the teudeucy to combination in the commercial world. Instead of letic field back of the college. say the rabble is vulgar. Yes, but all others. It begins with life and The tent was beautifully decor­ the cleanest hands in history touch­ continues through eternity. One criticising it, be encouraged adapt­ m m m m m ated with ferns and evergreens, ed the leper to heal him, annointed may learn in a few years study ing it to the principle of govern­ WATCHMAKER ment ownership as soon as condi­ lighted by Chinese lanterns, and the blind man's eyes with clay and what it has taken ages to dig out. — presented a very pleasing appear­ lifted the beggar from the wayside. This is a practical age and an edu tions are favorable thereto. JEWELER, TTORNE Y - AT-LA W. The alumni chronicles were The power of love in the regenera­ cation is necessary to do things ance. handled in a vivacious style in DR. GEO. LARKIN, Solicits the patronage of his old Indiana Î The first part of the evening was tion of lives is immeasurable. This right. The opportunities are splen­ CLARENCE BUTT. Friends who need watch repairing done. spent in conversation and music, is a world of conflict. Go out and did and every young man should which Miss Britt is master. While Will practice in all the courts of the state both instrumental and vocal. The help enthrone the King of kings in seek them if he will have the ‘Gold­ the truth was given uncompromis­ 2 0 7 M o r r is o n St. Special attention given to probate work, the ingly, some excellent hits were ♦ j writing of deeds, mortgages, contracts and the main feature of this part of the pro­ the hearts of men. en Fleece.’ ” PO RTLAN D , OK J j drafting of all legal papers. made and theaudieuce kept on the Office over Chehalem Valley Bank. gram was the “ coon" quartet con­ The third command, “ Go and The program was closed with a * Newberg;. Oregon. qui vivi. N e w b e r g , Oregon. sisting of Marguerite Allen, Ger- preach my gospel to every crea­ song by the quartet, Misses Gause ! • O ffice —Second Floor Mr. Price btgan his able produc­ | J Bank of Newberg Building. trude Cook, Carrie Brouillette and ture.” We are indebted to the and Turner and Messrs. Rosen­ Erma O ’briant. As suddenly as if I monk for the work he did in his se- berger and Newby. They respond- tion with a plea for the dignity and nviolability of law, which is the they had sprung up out of the elusion but we must take up, the to a hearty encore. O. R. M. result ot evolution, the best in­ ground there appeared on the scene burden in active service. Our CLASS D A Y . terests of society ever being its ¡(¡Of Perfume are you using— it is,, four of as black pickaninnies as ever efforts must bear fruition. “ Thy w- The Senior exercises of class day guide. The laws of a country are (f graced a Southern plantation and will be done,” said Savonarola, so nice? are amoug the most popular of standard of its morals. The re­ tiS set up such a buzzing that it was Luther, Wesley, Carey, and Gener­ ¡Why it is Extraite de Violettej Commencement week.v While they difficult to tell whether they were al Booth. $ Those should lie the are doubtless not as profitable as view of the steps in the evolution » » de Parme, manufactured byL pickaninnies or bumble bees. They words of every Christian. We are others, they are healthfully mirth- of law, to the present standard was given, after which law was treated Roger & Gallet, Paris. sang the songs “ The Honeysuckle making history. Would you help? inspiring and place a class strictly as adapted to different avenues of ¡And where did you get it? At*f That is, the dirt does if you take your clothes to the and the Bee” and “ Coon, Coon, “ Whatsoever he sayeth unto you, upon its own resources iu the fine activity. Our laws are strong in Coon,” in a manner that would put do it.” F. H. C A L D W E L L & CO .’sS art of entertaining. that they are made by the people, most minstrel singers to shame. “ In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born The Prescription Druggists. 5 The exercises as given in the ‘everybody bring cleverer than across the soa, They were repeatedly encored. First class work done iu every particular, and careful a glory in His bosom that transfigures college chapel Tuesday morning anybody.” ¡And the price— only 75 centsr After the musical program all With you and me. were fully up to the standard. The < l> attention given all customers. per ounce. Well I guess COM M ENCK M ENT. 1? flf! took refreshments, consisting of ice As lie died to make men holy let us live to class labored under the difficulty of D u n d e e cu s to m e r s w ill p lease le a v e tlie ir la u n d r y will go and get an ounce. cream, cake and strawberries. At make men free. The church was beautifully dec­ being small in numbers, but was w ith G . W . B yers J r . this time Calvin Blair recited two For God is march*ng on.” orated with maiden hair ferns Wed­ I^Well you will have to hurry asj^ equal to the occasion. The pro­ Don’t be idle, don’t move in a of Riley’s pieces, "A Day in June” nesday morning, and a good au­ there is only a limited amount^ gram opened up with an organ 7f. ¿Prcssnalt, ¿Prop. and “ I Chawed On,” and Owen narrow groove, but go in the spirit dience was present to see the Seuiors u Maris spoke “ St. Peter at the Gate.” ¡of Christ. The world will look on voluntary by Miss Rose Metcalf, as take their degrees and embark up­ ^ imported each year. After the refreshments, s o m e of to judge and criticise, but care not. announced, though the action of on life’s voyage. The exercises Well if you do n o t get the Vio-j^ the youuger generation, (Seniors Move on to duty’s call. Look unto the organ betrayed more of the went off without a hitch and were lette de Parme, they have lotsjj I Emraer Newby excepted) took advantage of the the Judge infinite, and see that He “ involuntary.” fully up to the standard set by prec­ of others at 25 to 50 cents per’^ -J& X l beautiful moonlight night and is pleased with the efforts of your delivered the address of welcome, edents for such occasions. ounce, which are very nice. ^ in which he set forth a little class Instrumental Duett......................................... grassy campus to play that new and hand. “ Whatsoever He sayeth ¡ x c M m m x m u x x a. :af history, and stated that the only .............. Miss Jessie Britt, Mrs. C. B. Wilson popular game drop the handker­ unto you, do it.” remarkable thing about the class Invocation.................................... Jesse Edwards chief. ADD R E SS TO T H E C H R IS T IA N ASSO­ was that it had never done any­ Oration.....................’-The Enduring Republic,” The reception was well arranged C IA TIO N S. Robert W. Jones. thing remarkable. A vocal and "Burst ye Apple Buds,” if f and the committe deserves the The officers of the Y . M. and Y. instrumental solo were well ren­ Vocal Solo...................... Sooner or later arc candidates Mrs. Fletcher Linn. /I V W‘ Pt ,IEACOCK ORLAND IIRACOCK , thanks of all present for a very en­ W. C. A. were very fortunate this dered by Miss Nervia Wright and for glasses. Only an expert op­ Address...................................... Dr. Edgar P. Hill tician can tell you just when joyable evening. O. R. M. iji W. MORRIS HEACOCK year in the selection of Rev. Wm. Mr. Newby. Miss Wright deliver­ Conferring of Degrees. that day has arrived. A sensible Vocal Solo < a) Loves Eternity, g i r l ’ s g y m n a s t ic d r il l Randall pastor of the second Baptist ed a lecture upon the class which vocal solo, (b) The Madrigal. /|\ AAA A regard for one’s eyesight dictates the use of spectacles the moment On Saturday evening the girls church of Portland, to deliver the was graphically illustrated with Mrs. Fletcher Linn. they are necessary. NEWBERG Physical Training Class, under the ' annual address before the Christian peucil sketches drawn to order. Benediction........................ Pres. Edwin McGrew A N E X A M IN A T IO N BY U S direction of Miss Jessie Britt, gave j associations. Rev. Randall is a The class band called forth a show­ The oration by Mr. Joues was a SASH & DOOR which cost nothing may prevent an excellent gymnastic drill on the man of depth and power and has a er of boquets from the audience. credit to his class aud college and consequences which later on would be inevitable. FACTORY tennis court. This was the first magnetic presence which puts his The “ theatrical" reproduction of was well delivered. He first gave W E F IT E V E R Y O N E EXAOTLY. entertainment of the kind given by hearers in close touch with him. an incident in college life, a literal iu brief the status of different re­ the girls and a large crowd of in -1 His address was excellent and high- “ comedy of errors” was heartily publics aud showed phases of their terested spectators was present. j ly appreciated. His introductory appreciated. The vocal solo by K. strength. The latter have all been Keep on hand and manu­ The music for the evening w a s j words were, “ Your desire is for A. Newby adapted for the occasion material however aud as a result facture everything iu the ‘lOinslow ¿Pros. furnished by the C. M. A. band, power and enlargement. W hat will from “ Just Suppose” was accorded republics as a rule have been fail­ There are grave fears upon and the college quartet, aud Mrs. you do with life? If I can make a hearty encore. The exercises ures. line of C. B. Wilson furnished the music the question burn within you, and closed with some interesting stere- the part of some that our republic can bring the response ‘I am a for the drill. optiean views illustrating various cannot endure. It has some weak­ DOORS WINDOWS, ¡|! First the advanced class of three steward of God,’ my visit here will incidents aud phases of college life nesses, but also the followingstrong MOULDINGS, W points which speak for its stability. ladies, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, and the not lie in vain." at P. C. “ We shall see what will become A C A D E M IC G R A D U A T IO N EXE R C ISE S First, the utter interdependence Misses Sibyl Woodward and Agnes TURNINGS, CREST- SK of our citizenship creates unity. Hammer gave an exhibition of club of his dreams,” was the text for the The exercises of the graduating evening discourse. After recount­ Second, religious tolerance results in swinging which was a credit to INGS, BRACKETS. § academic class, held Tuesday after­ freedom of thought. Third, our i themselves as well as to the in­ ing some of the great achievments, noon, were uncommonly good. which have coine as a result of DOOR AND WINDOW ¡jg uniform diffusion of education i s ' structor. The class was large, made up of the greatest defense any nation has j The quartet, Misses Cause and “ dreams,” the speaker gave a short 7/ cw 0 es ipns ¿Por the following named young people. FRAMES. FANCY Xj ever had. Ignorance is the bane | Turner and Messrs. Rosenberger picture of the career of Joseph, the Ernest W . Bales, Laura M. Blair, and Newby then sang an appropri- dreamer. of democracy. The character o f ! CASINGS, ETC. f Ü? Sü Ü? In applying the text, he said in Sadie E. Brouillete, Lulu Jessie the American citizeu is the nation’s \ ate song. After this came the class D T Y our patronage sol- \t/ Christenson, Florence E. Coffin, safeguard. of twenty-eight girls with wands. brief, “ Dreams of worth and achiev- Tjry O ur 77/ijccd ¿Paints le tte d . \ j/ Russell O. Coiner, L. Belle Cook, They were grouped according to ment are an incentive. Ambition The Commencement address d e-! Alverda H. Crozer, Myrtle E. size and being dressed alike they is the waking echo of God’s com­ livered by Dr. Edgar P. Hill of Gause, Alfred Ii. George, W. Mor­ ‘llte carry a Cull lin e o f the presented a true military appear­ mand, ‘Let Him have dominion.’ Portland was a masterpiece and no $ ris Heacock, Amy O. Heater, Le­ ance. After marching around the You have I trust experienced am -! words of comment can do justice to W. P. HEACOCK t SOUS f bast brands o f ¡Paints a n d Oils roy B. Mention, Walter R. Miles, V \if court for ten minutes forming in bitious dreams! Visions have come. 1Ï? it. To those who know Dr. Hill XU Dream of victory, and Mary A. Minthorn, Asa Curtis none is necessary to assure tnem of from single file, to two, four and Dream. 7f/t nctous 3/ttss, 7it'/ n etou> %SAerei ers, C u r~ Morse, Lillian A. Nicholson, Mabel eight abreast and back to single file of the investment of a life, quick­ the high character of his words. M. Newby, Lenora Ii. Parker, Nel­ iatn ^o/es, .£ ooAtny S/asscs, 37eo •gain, they entertained the specta­ ened by God. Real aspirations are The speaker began by paying a ¡Pip jCine o f S upp f/es, etc. Mietuto 77/ou/ci fnps. tors for some time with a graceful not vagaries. They are not outside lie M. Paulsen, Jesse Ray Pember­ glowing tribute to Newberg as a exhibition of the wands. Their of possibility. God has made their ton, Ralph VV. Reese, Viola B. town of schools andchurchesaud no Robinson, Lewis L. Saunders, work showed considerable skill and consummation possible. Samples to Se/ect 7/n et erta/ci np saloon. He stated that it was the ’ He alone is great who by life Anna M. Terrell, Albert E. Wilson. kind of place where he would like practice as the large class kept very The number of graduates made good time, moving Iwekward, for­ heroic conquers fate.’ Difficulties his boys to be brought up. In his ¿Prom. ward, to either side in perfect are the artificers of character. The it impossible for all to speak, and estimation the college adds immeas­ the selection was made as indicated T. B. CUMMINGS & CO. unison. The band then gave two elixir of life is found in high and urably to a town -more than any holy ideals. Making the ideal real by the following program: selections. factory or commercial enterprise. Invocation ............................ Rov. F. C. StausrU After a brief rest the class formed is the secret of the right life. This brought him to the subject of Instrumental Duett......... .............................. What will liecoine of yourdreams? 1 again and marched around the ............. Miss Jessie Britt. Mrs. C. B. Wilson bis discourse, “ adding values to ...................... 'T n know n Heroes,” things.” court, this time with their light In The poetry of Byron aud Poe reveal Oration, After illustrating from a A Kent* II. Croier dian clubs. As it was growing j beautiful and worthy dreams, which Oration, material standpoint, he devoted his ........... “ The tiro* th of Nations,” dark the marching continued only were never realized. Guard your attention to the question of adding Ralph W. Rues a short time and the club swinging | soul as the very citadel of your Oration, Four values .........................•Our Ten Talents," j values to manhood. Lillian A. Nicholson commenced. This showed more 1 dreams. Beware of gross ambition, particularly were spoken of. First than ever the effect of three months envy, malice and hate. Take care Vocal Solo ...................Silas SMbyl Wood want — the power to see. We see with Oration,. ............."Unconscious Influence," I persistent practice, for this exercise ' of the body, the temple of the soul, brains rather than with eyes. Mary A Minthorn was more difficult than that with 1 Take care of your spiritual nature, Oration,. ................................"Chain pions,” Second— the enthronement of a Asa Curtis Morse the wands and was performed fully j to which God appeals. Only the purpose is the transforming power as well. A class of twenty-seven pure heart secs God. Dream of Instrumental Solo,......... Miss Jennie Crawford of one’s life. There is a great vir­ Oration,...................... "The Cses of Adversity," swingingfirstoneclubthentheother, usefulness to a needy world. The tue in concentration of one’s activ­ L. Welle Cook 3 ree wit/t Cas/i then the two together, all keeping real Kittle in life is not for bread or Oration,..................."The Influence of Money,” ity. Third the power to persist. Walter K Mi lea perfect time was a sight which in - 1 glory, but for manhood and woraan- There are many good beginners ¿Purchases on Mrs Grace L Barrie terested and pleased the spectators, hood— for mastery of moods and Vocal Solo,................ . but the people of power are good Oration,...................... "The Lav of Ktndness." and was a source of pride to their ambitions. Carnegie says, 'The enders. Fourth -the chief thing is Mabel M Newby Oucrpt/tinp instructor who has been so faithful 1 man who dies rich is disgraced.’ Oration, .. . •Shall the War Drum be Silent*” character. Man is the chief factor M O D EL n o . .1. # 4 0 ; M O D E L NO. 7 , *30 I^ewis L. Saunders in her efforts to have the girls ready I The fact is, the man who lives, rich in our boasted civilization. To give stock. P khfbctios I s T v r r w a iters for this entertainment. in opportunities and neglects them, Instrumental Solo, .. .. Miss Gertrude Frcwer the world a good life is more than Class A ¿Areas. |*rof it o Rosenberger Is Ar L ast K k ached . . . . After the club swinging which j is the disgraced man. anything else you may accomplish. Presentation of Diplomas. lasted but a short time on account! Dream splendidly of God. Hu- Benediction ........ Pres II Rdwln MeOrew In conferring the degrees. Pres. Blickensderfer combines good work, easy operation and BROS. of approaching darkness the class man thinking is turning from pett- All the orations delivered were McGrew admonished the cla«s to durability at a minimum cost breke rank and the band played an- dttlistic motions to an intelligent above the average for this grade of have gieat faith and great hope. w A . R I D E O U T , Aejent, other selection. The college boys'Christian faith. The tides of hu- work, and some especially would Upon E. A. Newby was conferred . j u u l o j u u l u l O Q 6 4 Htaîk THE NEWBERG GRAPHIC. j f l l ¿ P a rtie s * 7 £olHn