j has been faithfully cultivated and re- digging ditch and laying pipe to a spring j fioctod by the only metropolitan dally on G runt H eater's place almost one newspaper in t h l state, th e Portland mile from here. B. H. \V oopward , E ditok 4 P lbi . ihiikk . Oregonian. Maintaining u nominal The population of Springbrook lias W , C. W o o d w a r d , A ssociate E d i t o r . republican allegiance, it lias defamed increased considerably l.iiely by (he ud- _________________________ __________ and defied the parly when ever it tleair- ditiotl of a railroad ciew that is fixing Aotered as eecoad-c’.Ma matter at the posloftlce , ed to make men or unmake them . V\ it- up tho track. They have along with at Newber*. Oregon. ness th e lout; and bitter fight against them dining and palace sleeping care, — --------------------------------------- Mitchell who Is now restored to favor. Mrs. G. M. Graves was taken very J Witness th e crusade against Mcllride suddenly sick Saturday and is hut very IÏSUKD KVKItV FRIDAY MORNING. while in th e senate. Witness th e perse­ little better at this writing. Lewis Mills cution of Gov. Geer, until his friends ! went up to Wjllamina Sunday on his F R ID A Y , JUNIÌ ao, 1902. were driven to rcliel. Witness the tin- wheel to notify friends there of Mrs. reh tiling war upon ¡Simon, w hom the ! Groves' illness. From there parties | Oregonian was largely in strum ental in went to WooJs to notify several of the , COJIMKsrKUKXT T I M E . J sending to the senate. Witness moat of children w ho were taking a few days 8 li l y 's In the parlor. Listen, you can hear. all the reckless attack! oil President outing on tlie beach. Tho latter urrived She' s o ra ti n ’ alt about " W o m a n a n ' h e r s p h e r e . " ; McKinley th a t continued to the very home Tuesday afternoon. H e n ry 's in the stable, ta lk in ' to th e hay. Rhoittia' "Home was not, Btrr, b u il ii e d in a day of his death. IrllO K T Y . j' d ly!" Where all are taught th a t parties exist Ov e r i n the m i I ter n e ig h b o r S p r l f f l n s ’ Nate to reward or punish men according to Ka wi tho air, and hollers of affairs of Slate. F u r Sale. their attitude toward you, where both Th o m p s o n' s boy, Elisha, 's iu tho ti m b e r lot, Nine hundred m res of land within five H ead in' from a p i p e r o a " T h e T r e n t o men and parlies tiro pursued vengefully T h o u g h t. " ilay after (lay and and month after luontll miles of Newberg, in different tracts. ! ■ Amos Nelson. A br ah a m McGinnis, d o w n the re I11 tho brush, because they have not followed dicta­ Mostly improved. Fcalterin the silence w it h his wo rd y rash , tion, they feel themselves eventually Y e l l i n ', " F e l le r citiseus, c a n It be d e n i e d — S aveil F r m n an A w ful F a te . I ( absolved from party allegiance and e n ­ Deyo nd the Alps Is Italy, Just the o th e r s id e ? ” "Everybody said I had consumption," j , titled to their innings. The result is 8II.1.1 Bradd ock's H uf u i, you ter on the hill , political disorganization and factional wittes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers- \ , H pe e c h ify lu ’ strong ou " W o r k l n ’ with a Will.' Wil lia m Wiggins stands there, on a stu m p supremacy. Thus the paity becomes a burg, Pa., " I was so low after six months j and busts Secondary affair; and it nmy be used, us of severe sickness, caused by Huy Fever A ll the air arouud with " i l o i v to d e a l with. it has been used by one side in the past and Asthma, th a t few thought I could ( 1 Tr u s ts ." and was u»cd by the other side in this get well, hut I learned'of the marvelous Some one lu the corn fluid, k ic k in ' up a fu ss merit ol Dr. K ings New Discovery / >r election, to get even. 'flout a gladiator, n am e o ’ Bpartycuss. l f e u r y Clay ain't iu It, P a n le l W e bs t e r’s beat. It is most unhappy, but It is not won­ Consumption, used it, and was c o m - !, Pa tri ck Ueury's s im pl y k n o ck e d p lu m b off bis derful th a t the voters could not he made, pletely cured." For desperate throat , feet. to lice I appeals to party loyalty this and lung diseases it is the safest cure in , Ge mouy! ft's noisy h e re from d it v n t i l l l a t e - year in support of the head of ihe ticket. th e world, and is iiifuliblo for coughs,!, Scholars gettln re a d y for to grs l late. Troraped the cr ops Completely, scattered all Vou cannot lash m en, abuse them , brand colds and bronchial affections. Guar- j 1 the birds. tlm party itself because it has honored anteed bottles 00c and $1. Trial bottles ' Woods is fu ll o' spe eches, nir is full o ’ words. them, and carry this policy through free at F. II. Caldwell & Co. — Baltimore A m e ri ca n . threu years and eleven months, and Virulent C&ncer Carec*. ■Mount Kanier is the last peak reported " ,eu turn aro,,mJ 1" 1;1 1“;“ l 1a11 tho Startling proof of a wonderful advance to be smoking. Doubtless Mt. Hood brf ‘,ul,e.s by »*27*®?“ "* dU‘.y ‘° .P1,r' y will be tho n ext. The great increase in thirty days. T h a t was tho cx|ierlment in medicine is giveu by druggist C. W. this most injurious and filihv hulnt is in Oregon; ami it led to the humiliation Huberts of Elizabeth, W . Vu. An old an occasion for serious alarm a n d steps of a great party, us its punishment. The man there had long suffered with what should be taken to prevent 11 further cost will not he too heavy if the repub­ j doctors pronounced in curable cancer. licans of the state place » heavy heal They believed liis case hopeless till he spread .—Milton Eagle. upon th e tr iu m p h uf disorganization, used Electric P otto s and applied Buck- T h e Salem Journal says there are lots put party above the individual and so leu’s Arnica Salve, which treatment place themselves in lino w ith that re­ completely cured him . When Electric of republican papers in Oregon and else­ publicanism which not only wins its Hitters are used to expel bilious, kidney where who keep harping on the duty to battles at the pulls, hut scores its migh­ and microbe poisons at Ihe same time tho Philippines, and l a n d i n g by th e ty successes in conduct of national this salvo exerts its matchless healing nrmy, etc , when wo h iv e a duty at power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, home ns well, and tliu spoils of army policies. ulcers and sores vanish. Hitters 00c, politicians to light. Oregon kept tin G o i u r n f l o a h l p in t h e H e n a t e . 20c at F. II. Caldwell & Co. eye out for both duties in the recent I t may be heretical to say it, but tho «lection. debates both in the Senate and House F a r m F o r S ale . A prevalent and much harped on Yan- seem to partake ot the nature of cross The J. J. Coulee place in West Che- kee characteristic has been given a new e x a m in a tio n —of effort to trip it speaker halem containing 120 acres, about UK) in name by foreigners—that of "A m erican - while he is courageously trying to fur­ cultivation, fair buildings, orchard. On itis.” Its ravages are in evidence w h en nish material for the congressional rec­ road and close to public school. Price two-third) of the passengers in a rail­ ord. Tlie taunting reparten may seem reasonable for cash. Reason for selling, way train jump up from their seats and rattier rude, even insulting, hut it serves tlie business of the Coulee estate must stand crowded in the aisle for one or a good purpose in bringing out, in a face bo closed up. Amos Nelson, Admr. more minutes before reaching a tcrmlii- 1 <“ face contrast, all phases of the ques- al or metropolitan station. I thru under consideration. For instance, Il«*al K H t a t o T r a n u f e r n . .. .I-.... 1 . 1 Senator Allison is speaking, and Senator Reported by the Yamhill Co. Abstract There has bee t much complaint over rillman raises a point. A colleague of Co. at McMinnville, Oregon, for the tho county over the appointment of a , Ihe speaker, say Senator Aldrich, quiet- week ending May 31, 1002. The place county road master. Thu general di.-s- | !y Hoes over to the South Carolinian's to get ttie title of your hind examined. satisfaction was ti-o I by sharp politicians desk, and points out a reference or in tho recent campaign to encam p n s n h i purs a supplemental explanation, •f II Chapin A w f to Thus Turner A wf 18 a In J a s Toney tile t5i5 . . tf 1728 the defeat of Judge lilt'd and evidently which may or not bo satisfactory, h c - C A Chapin A wf to Tho* Turner A ! cording to the nod of Tillm an’s head. served tlie purpose. Tile question now w f lOt) a part Jas Toney dp; tor5. ¡1810 is, was tho agitation merely a campaign ! Senator Quay sits with his builds folded measure, or Is tho new administration quietly watching proceedings, with his A Grace A wf to U A Smith !t 1 sec 15 t3r5............................................... 400 really going to take steps toward rucok- inevitable motion,to adjourn. It may ing tho net ion of tho present erctnn- be thut Senator Zcnrose, with one band J F Allison .< wf to J A Campbell (in in sec 18 tor.3 ........................... 257 bent. For tho public good it is to bo In his pocket, in trying to push a matter hoped that tho forrnar is the case, { through, and if » 0 , Quay assists him N Yamhill cemetery to W E Churchill 0 Its in N Y e e m .......... 10 though such stylo >f pulitlua is far from w ith the whispered explanation. There elevating. Many people aro objecting '•* «omotliing charm ing in tills spirit of U S to W B Hush llU) a w J sec 28 t 4 r 0 ......................................... pat to tho employment of a roodmastor, for comradory between senators interested tho sltnplo reason th a t tho now otll tial jointly In a measure. When Senator T N Fuulcouer a wf to Jo h n Wort- man 100 a see 4 i4 rO..................... loco draws a reasonable salary, anil thin k F r.vo talks on tho shipping bill, Senator nothing of the prolnhlo general saving H a n n a is o n o o f t h o I n t e r e s t e d a n . l i t e r s Fani Weidener to Sophia Weidener 121) a in Rowland die t.3r4............ 7500 to tlm tax payers through bavin { tho and assista in clearing -tip points uh tho road work organise I and under ono • poecli progresMs, I t ia easy lo observe Joh n Winnegeig to Joel Anderson tilk 5 Carlton Imp ( ’o a d d ........ 2000 head, beside the fact that Y amhill m ly frolli Ilio fuces of ilio seilatera or moni- have better roads til in she has ever fall­ bora whelher or noi tlu y are connected J T Thomason a wf to M A Hudson 1 a in Futur Smith die tJr-i.................. 225 en heir to. People are too easily soured witli Ilio Diattcr under discussimi, and by innovations. O ther states employ Ilio friendly courtosy of nltention, Christian Neuman to Christine Neuman 34J a in Geo Hush d 1 c rnadmaater*, and w ith 110 better natural the Iiiun! grasp and th è Iniliation of nn t3 r 2 ....................... 1 advantage« and at no more expense have encouraging t ipple of applause, when pttblie highways which make Yamhill- , ihe speech is concluded, are hits of lin­ A rth u r Mcl’hilippa to A J Hun- saker Its 7 A 8 ( handlers 2nd ad ers blush for shame. Why not give the man fellowship that sulve the sting of McM.......................................... 5500 roadinsster a fair trial, co-operating wounds inflicted in partisan struggle.— with him toward th e desired end, rath- I'tdin "Affairs at W ashington,” by Joe David Stout a wf to II. M. Daniels 7.1!) a S Henry d I e t 4 r 4 (.Star er than everlastingly kicking up a Mitcliel Clntpple, in Ju n e National, Mills,-................................................. 10000 row just for the satisfaction of kicking.) S l ' t t I N t* Il H O O K I I I M S . IT S to G ertrude M Hare 100 a in J t will go farther to w ard making good sec 14 t2 it!........................................ 400 roads. Several around here have began to Pacific College to Jesse Kdwards 8 , , ,, . , , . . . cut liny. Look out for rail». Its in C h u rch ad Newberg.......... OOO At tins tune of tlie year when im m i­ grants arc Mocking in (o see tlie country ^,r' Lj man oí lo i t l a n d was up Satur- J?sse Edwards a wf to C J E dw ards and are touring tho valley towns In ,bl)’ looking after tlie building of his 5 Its in church ad N ew berg........ 500! search of pleasant looations for homes, l,u" house. fortunate is the town w hich is blest with Grant Heater was eleited director l l . a p p y T i m e In (Hit T o w n . nn abundance of stately shade trees, and J. H. Revs clerk a t tho school meet- “ Wo felt very happy," writes R. N. i Nothing so helps th e appearance of p ¡ ing Monday. Itevill, Dili Town, Yu., "w hen Dock lens place, in proportion to the expense they It. Mills got his foot h u rt quite Arnica Salve w holly cured our d n tg h tei necessitate. A long street or avenue Imr- badly last Monday w h ich will lay him of a had ease of scald head.” It delights i dored by beautiful Maples is worth h u n­ up for aoine time. all who use it for cuts, corns, burns, \ dreds of dollars to any to w n . There are Mrs. Ilin nrll of Salem, visited her bruises boils, ulcers, eruptions, (nfali- j certain vacant lots and blocks in Newberg sister Mrs. Courtney on tho mountain bln for piles. Only 2.5e at F. II. C n ld -; which would ho worth much more to the first of the week. well A Co.'s drug >tore. th eir owners today iu dollars a n l cents if Grant Heater has been under the th e y were lined with slia lo trees. They relieve the bareness and give property a weather for tho past week witli some kind of throat trouble. homelike appearance which always a p ­ Roy David'* friend named Dement peals to home seekers. As u town, Newberg is already well favored in this from Astoria who had beet) visiting respect, b u t tliere is much yet that w ith him for the past few weeks left for oouid be done to advantage by individ­ home Tuesday. ual property owners. It lias been said Miss Myrtle Graves arrived homo that i( lie i s a philanthropist who makes from Dolph Monday night to wee tier two blades of grass grow where but one sick mother. Miss Gravea h*» been grow before, many times a philanthro­ teaching school there for several months. pist i s he who makes nmnv tr.-es grow Rev. T. Whittlesey went up to where none grew before, as did the I ite Dallas Monday lo attend the commence- J . Sterling Morton of Nebraska, a former ,n0nl exercises at Dallas College. Seeretnry of Agriculture. Mr. Morton Whittlesey will teach in th e College was not afraid to I m called a crank on there next year. tree planting. Tho words ‘‘Plant lYees” Rev. Whittlesey and family arrivili were etched on Ids glassware, stam ped here Friday night from Southern Ore­ on his family silver and carved i.n the gon an d will live with Mr«. W hittlesey’s ■tones of ills home, as tho Oriental.) i n ­ parents, Mr. an d Mrs. K. II. 8kinner scribed religious mottoes on the ancient for the sum m er. phylacteries. "Woodman spare that Mr D. P u tm an and family of Oaksdale tree," is eloquent in sentiment, but the first step consists in getting tho tree Washington arrived here Saturday. Mrs. P u tm an is n daughter of Mr. and planted. Mrs. Itenj. H eater. They will visit around Itere for some time. AS » T l l l ttS HFK i s Mrs. Jo hn son an d daughter of S her­ The Heatlle IVwt Intelligencer has tins to say of tlie election in Oregon, wood visited with Mrs. C. B. New house Mrs. Johnson and tlie causes that lei up to tlie defeat Wednesday afternoon. of Mr. F urnish. Its diogn • • • •— F I R S T - -T h e y are iu the F U R N IT U R E BUSINESS with both feet. New and up-to-date styles in house furnishings always kept in stock at reasonable prices. They also rttu in connection a second hand store where sec­ ond hand furniture can be bought and sold or exchanged for new — anything to please the people. The Faculty is made up of C O M P E T E N T IN ­ STRUCTORS. The interests of all STU D E N TS R E C E IV E TH O U G If TE UL A T T E N T IO N . Both A CA D E M IC and C O L L E G I A T E work given. N O RM A L and CO M M E RC IA L courses are offered and special advantages iu O R A T O R Y extended. A G A i A - •Hollingsworth & Cooper are U N D E R ­ T A K E R S and KM BALM ERS. They carry a full line of first class goods — all latest devices for doing first class work. G eneral E xpenses Low , FOR CATALOGUE AND SPECIAL INFORMATION, ADDRESS • ••se tt• • • A. F B W I ’H I C H S . ¿President ¿Pacific College > Cloth covered caskets, any color, $28 to $32 Former prices.......................... 1 .$50 to $60 ^5» Other goods from..........................$12 to $28 Former prices................................ $20 to $40 y/owberff, Oregon. COMMENT IS UNNECESSARY H o l l i n g s w o r t h A4 C o o p e r , x; • HEADACHE E Y E ACIIE H E U l ì lì IN G ( ) F T H E P R I N T oo£-<*— m ■ v; m i ... A • 'a i i - THE ; Oftentimes stow the need of glasses. They are some of the indications of defective vision and should be attended to at once. Y o u ’ll be surprised at the comfort a pair of glasses will afford if your sight is in any way defective. Scientific examination free and proper glasses properly adjusted is what you are guaranteed here. 4 ^ 8 ?^ 7 fin s io w ¿Pros, CELEBRAT — — E W g a a g g M f - « fj/ie S eason S o r 1 W a it ¡P aper j f o u s e d e a ?i ing " i¿ r í Tfew ^Designs ¿for is a t JfCand. 2 \ / s o ¿ fry O ur 7 /¿ ix cd ¿Paints t l i e c a r r y a f u /i best bran ds o f W C M? Si Uno o f ih e tP a in is a n d Oi/s /¿/inciouj S '/a s s . U / in c to w S /ia e ics . C u r ­ ta in J Í ¿P ig jC inc o f ! /P ota s, -C o o A in r f S u p p / iT s . e / c . S ia s s e s . F id u ie O /co V//oui