N E W B E R G GRAPHIC. a d t ir t is im o ba th N E W B E R G GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. . ..T w enty D o llar• i M d l n i M otte** W ill B o l a * * r t * 4 n t (B e K o t o o f T o o C o o t * F o r L ia o . advartlalog BUI* Col Loo tod M onthly VOL X IV . N E W B E R G , Y A M IIIL L C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , J U N E 13, 1902. •DBaORirTIOM r a t h . Osa T t t r ..... ..... •1« Month*..... T h m Month* .. '3 One Year, in advance....................... JJ.00 NO. 30. •n .ro ic , Rowhorg. SE A D R E D G E F O R BAR, W IL L SE E IF M IL E S IS T H E M A N . Y ea,” said he, turning his b rig h t face npon h er, “ w e'll get th ro ' it a ll rig h t.” Columbi* Rivtr Likely to t1*vc Oiw at One* “ You are both very good to m e,” Blam* for Giviaf Out Phtlippins Report* I s — fund* On Hand to b< Lied. said she, going to him , and sheddlug B< Fixed. E L E C T E D G O V E R N O R BY VE R Y FROM T H E FO U R QUARTERS OF some tears on his shoulder. W ashington, Ju n e 10.— As soon as W ashington, Ju n e 7.— Follow ing up “ T here now— th e re ," said he, pat­ T H E W ORLD. S M A L L VOTE. the rivet and harbor bill has been the intim ation which Senator Beveridge ting h er. Then tu rn in g to me, “ She BY J. M A C L A R E N CO B B A N . signed by th e president, the chief of made th a t General Miles was fu rn ish ­ m eans yon, too, my la d .” “ Yea,” said she, resum ing her seat, A Comprthenaiva R«vi«w of th* Important engineers will ap p o in t a board of en­ Official Canvas* Will B* Required to Give ing reports from th e war dep artm en t, and looking down, “ Mr. B irley has It is Exact Figure*— Republic*** Elect All an investigation is in progress. Happening* of th* Put Week, Presented gineers, in accordance with the pro­ told me all you have done for me to visions of the bill agreed to by the con­ possible th a t th is will not bring th e Other State O fflcan-W ill Alls Control In a Condensed Form, Which Is Most find out about my poor father—and all and then ceased altogether— until some CHAPTER X II—Continued. ference com m ittee, to visit the Colum­ th a t he and you suspect, too. Aud I the LcgUlature - Contest Wat Closest os m atter home to Miles. In fact, some Ukely to Prove of Interest to Our Many “ I t is not for me. F rau lein ,” I weeks ago, when again I was summoned cannot—o h , I can n o t!” she cried, bia river and m ake a n exam ination aud subordinate w ill probably have to to face him a t th a t same place w ith ! Readers Record— Retuun* for Govcmsr answ ered, " to say how wicked he is. estim ate to determ in e w hether a canal He looked a t me ] shuddering and pressing her hands to shoulder th e responsibility if it ia B ut I have told you he is behaving th e fallen w all. her eyes— “ look a t th a t te rrib le , cruel traced to th e headquarters of th e arm y, very harshly to th e dead man’s d augh­ earnestly, and then over his shoulder : man a g a in !” The form ing of th e new French cab- for overcom ing th e obstructions be- P ortland, Ju n e 1.—George E. Cham ­ ter— more th an h arshly, for he has even a t some or.e whom I did nut see, b u t • “ I could not help tellin g her, my inet has been compietevi although it may be said beyond all , hveen The Dallos an d Celilo can be b erlain ’s p lu rality for governor over W. h id her away in a strange tow n, to try who I knew lie feared was watching) la d ," said Birley, in answ er to a look question of doubt that when officia M itchell denounced the I'anam a canal b u ilt for lea. th a n th e estim ate made T his happened three, four J . F urnish was cut down to 299 by docum ents come out from the headquar- every means to make her m arry his eon, him . of reproach from me. “ The old chap route in a speech before the senate. tim es, and then no more. There has | by C aptain H arts two years ago, ap- in order th a t lie may not have to give com plete returns from 10 more counties tes th a t the comm anding general w inks « ro te questions to her about t h ’ papers an account of th e dead m an 's property. been no more y et, but what may be, you found, and l had to e x p la in .” A plot haa been diacovered a t Tre- P ^ ' t . a t e l y N , 000,000. The first yesterday. The official count has now a t them . T his was th e case w ith M iles tiod only knows. T h at is a ll," she A nd here is a le tte r » hich I have re- “ B u t," said I, in some alarm , “ you toria to blow up the government build- action taken under th e new bill w ill la» been m ade in 17 counties. T here is fu rn h h in g the newspapers all corre­ ceit-ed thi* morning (com he. oth er said, with a sigh *••• of relief, turn in g know, Misa Lacroix, we m ust not, we ings. | th e appointm ent of special hoards. If to me. “ And now, H err Pastor, you but a very small chance now of Furnish spondence between him self and the sec­ guardian, who was H err S tein h a rd t's cannot denounce him — we m ust not, I retary of war w hen he was in Porto Twelve trainloads of Mystic Shriners th is board shall report th e H arts eeti- best friend when he first came to E ng­ know what I have had to te li, and you doubt, say anything till we have some cutting down C ham berlain's lead hut Rico. T his w hs never brought horns to arrived a t San Francisco to attend the 1 m ate a reasonable and safe one, and land, and whom lie has alm ost ruined. will not forget your prom ise to me— evidence th a t he is really th e m an. I W hile it is an Miles, although he no doubt understood th a t th e work cannot bo done for any very little more. He has found th e young lady, and you will not set yourself to bring pun­ th in k , I am sure, I soon shall have im perial council. considerably less am ount, the chief of assured fact th at Chum berlain ia elected, ¡•erfectly well th a t th e correspondence taken her to his own house; bu t he ishm ent on Em m anuel S te in h a rd t.” Coal m iners in W est V irginia have engineers intends to authorize th e com­ waa being obtained. “ I shall hold my prom ise to you, th a t evidence, but even then we m ust fears he cannot keep iier, for H err gone out. A larger num ber q u it work m encem ent of work w ithout further it will not be know n by just how many be careful what we say .” I t is very an n o y in g to the secretary F ra u le in ,” said I, “ as sacred.” S teinhardt may now ru in him outright. T his, I was glad to find, was not re­ th an was anticipated. delay. W hile there is nothing addi- votes u n til th e official canvass lias been and to th e president to have a high Possessed as I was with th e exciting I m ust therefore re tu rn ; and this, garded as more than a general, though The officers of th e cruiser Chicago tional in the departm ent on which to m ade, which w ill require several days officer of th e arm y, having access to all F raulein, is my only hope of effectual­ thought engendered by her story, I was confident, expression of hope, so I was ¡>apers, use his position [to injure the alm ost forgetting th a t I had no result who caused th e disturbance in Venice base an opinion, engineer officials here yet. ly hindering H err S tein h ard t from do­ not asked uwkard questions. Now th a t incline to the opinion th a t C aptain R epublicans are elected in both con­ arm y am i th e ad m in istratio n . The ing w hat he w ill— by frigtening him ofmy mission which I could show or teli roy anxiety concerning Louise was for will not be court m artialed. m atters which leak o u t from some a t H arts w ill lie sustained by tb e Isiard. gressional d istricts, Tongue in the w ith my knowledge. B ut I do not yet to S tein h ard t, and the tim e a t my dis­ th e tim e allayed, I felt exceedingly An excursion train on a Michigan present unknow n b u t suspected source Work at th e m outh of th e C olum bia posal m ust be very short. I looked at know enough to do th at. tired. I promised to call next day to road was wrecked, killing one person river w ill lie taken up as soon as the F irst and W illiam son in the Second. are those which th e w ar departm ent ia my w atch; I had half an hour to spare. I t w ill th u s be seen th a t I told F ran- tell them about my journey, and rose and in ju rin g 33, three fatally. The investigating on its own responsibility, local engineers subm it projects, upon They received large m ajorities. lein H aas ju st enough of th e case to T here was no tim e for the expression of to go to my lodgings, where my land­ The relief supplies sent by th e U nited w hich contracts are to be invited. Tbe Republican state tic k e t, with th e ex­ but w hich used sep arately are d etri­ wonder, or of any kind of fitting com­ convince her of its urgency; b u t she Seeing lady, I knew, or h er herculean son, States to th e M artinique sufferers were prelim inary work dene under tb e last ception of governor, was successful by m ental to th e arm y . T here is no doubt guessed som ething I had not told her. m ent upon w hat I had heard. would still be sittin g up for me. now th at if th e p resid en t could fix this not properly distributed and did n o t go appropriation lias placed th e jetty ami me iook a t my watch, she rose. T he legislature is m atter upon M iles beyond question his “ I understand now, H e rr P a sto r,” B irley accompanied me to the door, w here they would do the m ost good. approaches in such condition th at the large m ajorities. “ And now,” she said, “ you m ust go she said, “ why yon are so interested in talk in g according to his wont. He put threatened re tire m e n t would follow work of extension can be carried on also Republican. K ruger w ill not be required to ac­ E m m anuel S tein h a rd t’s crim e; i t is quickly, I suppose, to your hotel, and on a cap which h mg in the hall, and, w ithout delay. In th is connection the The following are th e returns fiom very speedily. th en to th e statio n .” knowledge B ritish’aovereignty in South more love th an vengeance th a t pushes chief of engineers ia considering the each county so far as received, allowing “ Y es,” I said. “ But th ere is one leaving th e door ad jar, walked w ith me Africa. you on. And t h a \ too, H e rr Pastor, to th e gate. The a ir refreshed me, advisability of taking a purt of the the vote for governor: M IT C H E L L J O K E 8 W IT H H A N N A . th in g , F raulein, I had alm ost forgotten; w ill m ake you b o n er understand why I The president is being urged to send funds on hand for the m outh of the not of a painful so rt,” I made ¡haste to and, full as I was of Fraulein H aas's am interested in E m m anuel Htein- G illiam — The official vote gives revelation, I felt im pelled to tell Birley a message to congress on the Cuban river forabuilding or purchasing a sea add, for she had reassumed her expres' Tell* Him H« Will Puncturs Hit Panama Ca- h a rd t,” she said, sim ply, looking ro t dredge for m aintaining a deep channel C ham berlain 346, F u rn ish 445. sion of close endurance and resignation. som ething of it. Thus, alm ost uncon­ question. nal Argument a t me, but at her th in clasped hands. Marion — The official count gives tein n h arai ard t’s s messen- messen sciously, we wakled away from the gate F ire in Denver destroyed a grocery across th e bar u n til the je tty is com­ " H e was many years ago not th e H err! I 1 came came as as H rte err rr S o iein down th e lane leading to the high road, W ashington, Ju n e 7 .—There was a C ham berlain 2,845, Furnish 2,523. pleted. He is of the opinion th a t he 6 te in b ard t he seems to he n o w ; he was 1 Re r > an<* 1 have no message I can carry and I was led into telling him all, the store, room ing house and several other already lias authority to m ake th is ex­ between Senator i back to h im .” Tillamook — Official returns give jocular exchange business concerns. good and gentle, though his heart and penditure, ami has inform ed Mr. C ham berlain 412, F u rn ish 617. 8be sat down again, took a sheet of more so th a t he did not seem sceptical M itchell and S enator H anna yesterday m ind were set on being rich. But I We had Ju n e 8 and 9 have been declared Tongue th a t lie is very favorably im ­ paper from a drawer, and wrote in the of th e value of her visions. U m atilla—Official returns give F u r­ before e ith er of th em began to talk. detain you, ’ she added, glancing up th u s left the house some minutes, how thanksgiving days and holidays pressed w itli the proposition, realizing nish 1,911, C ham berlain 2,177. m iddle of th e page, in a sm all German M itchell told H anna th a t he had raised suddenly. H er hands tightened th e ir th e necessity for im m ediate relief. h an d , a few words, which she signed. many 1 cannot te ll, when several throughout Cape Colony. I.in n —The official count gives C ham ­ the price of red ink in m arking eruptive clasp on each other. " I f , ” she said, O ther works w ill he taken up as soon W hen she had w ritten she handed the sounds like screams in rapid succession A boat containing eig h t Spanish a r­ berlain 2,061, F u rn ish 1,746. with rapidly growing vehemence, “ I volcanoes around th e canal route, and paper to me, saving, “ You may re a d .” rose behind us into the still night. tille ry officers was run down by a as plans can be prepared. tell yon what I have seen, in order th a t We stopped together and looked a t each Baker—Tho official canvass gives H anna retorted th a t he could not un- I read (th e words were in G erman) steam er a t G ijon, Spain, and five you may be ab le to d eliv er th e d is­ C ham berlain 2,171, F urnish 1,590 T IE -U P IN W E 8 T V IR G IN IA . derstand why M itchell should go wrong - “ R epent, and tu rn away from your other. tressed young F raulein, prom ise me, “ By th e L—d ! ” exclaimed Birley. drow ned. Douglas—Official retu rn s give C ham ­ on an im portant question like th is, evil, before it is too la te .” H err Pastor, for the sake of m y past, R etabulen, a town in G uatem ala, “ I left the door open!” a•»<" T n n iu l n r\t u ta V tn n o u/>ri rift ragua canal b ill. from th e 33 precincts of th is county situation m ight become grave indeed to see Em m anuel S te in h a rd t, w ith I home, I need not stay to describe. seven days, and on the seventh was a Every seventh som ething at h is feet again— n o t now The story of L acroix's fate I could now sacred day of rest. give C ham berlain 1,626, F u rn ish 1,523. and th e resu lt might prove disastro u s The rebellion in Southern C hina has Worit of the Flood in Kan*** I* Over Lo*» B enton—The official vote of Benton for Siam , as the French a u th o ritie th e wooden box, which was aside, hut fill in to its last d e ta il; I knew where year was sacred, and th e seven tim es been practically suppressed. will be a Million or More. th ree packages of canvas. Again E m ­ his m utilated rem ains lay buried, or at -eventli year ushertd in a year of ju b i­ county gives C ham berlain 842, F urnish would he found in such an event to The Idaho state Republican conven­ take active and stringent m easures to m anuel S tein h ard t looked a t me, as if least I knew a spot w hich coincided lee. T here are seven principal virtues E m poria, K an ., Ju n e 10.— Both the 890. tion will be held in Boise August 20. he wished me to go to him , and again w ith th a t described by F raulein Haas, — faith , hope, charity, prudence, tem- Wasco— Com plete unofficial returns protect th e ir own interests and insure Neosho and Cottonwood rivers are sub­ so w hat rem ained for me to do was to |>erance, chastity and fortitude —and th e safety of th eir own people.” Two villages were destroyed ami 75 I awoke, all trem b lin g .” siding. The form er estim ated loss of give Furnish 1,370, C ham berlain 1,180. Excessive taxation and unscrupulona She paused in h er story of th e vis­ bring th e fact of my knowledge home th ere are also seven deadly sins— pride, people killed by a volcano in Bolivia. W heeler— W ith five precincts to hear $1,000,000 is still adhered to, and it is from, F urnish has 289, C ham berlain and exacting officials a re held responsi­ ions, took her handkerchief and wiped to S tein h ard t in a m anner so forcible covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, The G rand Aerie of th e F raternal There were seven ble for th e rising. her dam p brow w ith trem bling hand. th a t he could not refuse to make term s envy an d sloth. O rder of Eagles is in session a t M inne­ now believed th a t it may even go 206. I watched h e r in ten tly , a sensation to me— more than th is I could not ac­ cham pions of C hristendom —St. George, apolis. M ultnom ah— The unofficial returns above th is. The Neosho has subsided of creeping excitem ent and m ystery com plish, even if I would, considering E ngland; St. Andrew, Scotland; St. give Furnish 6 ,6 1 1, C ham berlain 7,166. P O L L 8 O N C A N A L B IL L . But in P atrick, Ire la n d ; St. David, W ales; The team sters’ strike in Chicago con­ enough to clear some of the fields, but held me bound to h er q u iet b u t intense my prom ise to Fraulein H aas. Folk —C ham berlain leads F urnish by all over the flooded country a sedi- th e sequel I had my conviction re- St. Denis, F rance; St. Jam es, Spain, tin u es w ith no signs of an early settle recital. She resumed suddenly, w ith ­ m ent^w a. left th a t will, It is believed, 127 votes w ith only one more precinct Pasamt Probably Now Ha* 42 Vote* is th* impressed th a t I was in th is business and S t. A nthony, Ita ly . There were m eut. More rioting has Occurred. out looking a t me kill all crops, including alfalfa. The yet to hear from. Sens««. raven ages of m an, also seven wire I slept no more th a t n ig h t for ! *>nt th e agent of a H igher Power, W ashington— Unofficial, but com­ Jo lie t, 111., is suffering from the S anta Fe today ran tra in s over the C hrist spoke seven th in k in g of w hat I had seen, and so I 1 1 reached Tim perley very late on Sat- men of Greece. W ashington, Jn n e 7.— Polls have All the m ain lines. The Cottonwood river, plete, returns give Furnish a plurality Rome was b u ilt w orsi flood in its history. been made npon th e Nicaragua canal over C ham lierlain of 270. saw Em m anuel S tein h ard t no m ore; I urday nig h t, b u t in spite of th e late- tim ee on th e cross. lower portion of th e city is under water. which was at its height last n ig h t, has tried to sleep in order th a t I m ight, I ne»* of th e hour and my w eariness I on seven h ills, and th ere are innum er­ by various New Y ork papers, but, of fallen three feet. The farm ers along went s t once to B irley's ; I had warned able o th er tra d itio n s which go to prove The pa;>al » erretarj of sta te . C ardi­ A te rrib le n ig h t to but I could not. course, of th e 88 senators, there are my coming by telegram from th a t seven was a num ber to cling to. nal K am polla, has received Judge T aft th e Cottonwood are in as bad a state as m e it was. B ut next n ig h t I was him of Ad|oaram «nl of C ssgrti*. those on the Neosho. The crops are found him w aiting for me. fn these m odern tim es it is wonderful a t the V atican, Rome. m any who have not declared th em ­ sleeping a lig h t, disturbed sleep, when j London. totally lost and many hundred cords of W ashington, Jn n e 9. — Chairm an selves, and th e polls are naturally For I was taken aw ay again to Em m anuel *n<1 him , as I had ho|ied, but how often th e nnm her prevails. K ruger declines to expre-a any wood pile»l in the tim ber have been Payne, of th e way* and means com m it­ guesswork. One states th a t there are S te in h ard t; th is tim e I knew I was not scarcely expected, hie ward Louise I instance, vaccination m ust take place opinion w hatever regarding th e conclu­ carried away. tee, ssys th a t he does not a t ¡.resent 41 for N icaragua, 36 for Panam a and in a room ; th ere was no lig h t. H e fear his cheerful greeting passed for every seven years, in order to escape sion of th e w ar in South A frica. --------------- ■■ I contem plate introducing a resolution 12 in doubt. T he donbtfnl ones in ­ looked a t me across a newly dug spot alm ost nothing with me in comparison •m all pox: fashions c h a n r ' every seven King o( Saxony Dying. for the adjournm ent of congresn, an no clude men who have said nothing, and Mine engineers, firemen and pum p­ of ground, and then turned away. I with hers. H er m anner was nndemon- years, and seven years is always a m ile­ B erlin, Ju n e 10.—The king of Sax- definite plan would tie formed on the if such a poll Is correct It means th a t men in th e an th racite coal d istrict have did not really wake, though I felt con- "trativ e, but there was, I felt, a cordial stone in a p erson's age. ony'n condition in evidently worne than prospects for adjournm ent u n til the N icaragua w ill carry . q u it work to the extent of about 80 per - •ric !— * -----‘---------- — i—i - . . i , . ___ _ sincerity in it which came from her I t is probable a s I was in my own bed at th e same official bulletins indicate. P rivate din- senate has determ ined its ronrne on th a t th ere a re abont 42 men who, as Char*ct«ri*tic* of Gold tru e h eart, and I was flattered with cent. tim e as I wa* held where he had left . patches from Hlbyllenort represent his the Nicaragua canal and Cnban bills. the senate now stands, will vote for 1 hope. There were, liowever, things Many people suppose th a t all gold Is me, close to a w all. A fter some tim e, The cable between M anila and Hong m ajesty's condition as well nigh h o p e -1 At Ihe sam e tim e, he believes th a t the th e F anam a routs. T his is not enough, back more »rrious and im m ediate to be alike when refined, but th is ia not so. how long I cannot tell, be came Kong is broken. Teiegraph eom m nni- |ftpH q j , , c MI,,nv [m inistry assem bled business of congress w ill be shaped no An experienced man can tell at a glam e b u t th e advocates of Panam a hope to w ith a rope. I knew a t once w rh h a .. t . he . . talked of than m atters of love could cation w ith the Philippine islanda is, , jn (,*rm>t)eiire thi* morning to aw ait *« fo p erm it of adjournm ent shout seenre th ree ad d itio n al votes before the from w hat part of the world a gold piece was going to do before he had done it *^en 1* considered. therefore, stopped. | the end. j Ju ly 1. vote is taken. —fasten th e rope in an iron srm ething I inquired concerning S tein h ard t, cornea, and in some cases from wl a t o:i th e other side of the wall and pull it and was told th a t they had not yet p articu lar gold d istric t the metal ha« Immigration la May. Mr* Vanderbilt'f G ift WO Sfgs Public Bo ldin«» Bit!. A notralian gold, for G erm any haa appealed to th e U nited over. I do n o t know w hy I did not seen him . W hat, I asked B irley, did been obtain ed . New Y ork, J n n e 7.— The official im ­ Instance, is d istin c tly redder than th a t States to assist in preventing monopoly New York June 1 0 — In memo! y of! Washington, June 9 .— At the cabinet S tein h a rd t came th in k it im possible for a single man to he propose to do i m igration figures for th e port of New from C alifornia. The I'ra l gold ia the in w ireless telegraphy. ________ he'r late husband, Mrs. Cornelias Van- «*• om nibn. poblie building. York for May, issued today, show* pnll a wall down with a rope, b u t I did I and dem anded the r . r render of hie reddest found anyw here. i bill wan diarnapod, and it waa derided The statu e of liberty torch in New I derbilt haa arranged to pretent to Ht. fhj|| ,t not. In a little w hile he pulled, and w ard?— would he adm it him ? The cabinet th a t 82,064 im m ig ran ts were landed York harbor ia to Is dark hereafter f artholomew’s Protestant Episcopal *|so went at length Into certain matters d arin g th e m onth, as ag in st 73,667 for th e wall fell flat, and, cnrionaly, on- | "A d m it him ?” he exclaim ed. "O f Happy Recollection» course. There it no use in shotting broken, covering over th e newly dug nPW and four bronze © nnected with Cuban reciprocity meae- A pril. V isitor— W ell, my m an, w hat are because congee«« refused a (50,000 ap- cji0rc|1 •pot end ell aronnnd It. Then I awoke, him out. He can sell me up in this propriation for lighting it. j l\nnTlt w8lt tl,e original intention nres, but no decision was reached. In- yon in for? Hobiss la Pslltka. house and then tarn me o n t,—he h a t a as w ith th e noise, and slep t no more. Convict—"O h , I ’m in fer a good The refusal ol the Manitoba govern- of Mrs. Vanderbilt to give only the ssmuch as It appeared that Judge Taft G reensboro, A la., Ju n e 7.— I t i( an- A fter th a t n ig h t I saw him again for bill of sale on everything, and he has ment to allow the Northern Pacific doors, but she de. ided a better effect had present*! the instructions of the th o rativ ely announed th a t Captain tim e, lady. several nig h ts, for a dim m om ent or been holding it back for some tim e, to V isitor— I d o n ’t uderstand you. railroad to extend its lines aero«« «hs could be obtained by remodeling the secretary of war to Cardinal Rstnpolls. Hohonn w ill retu rn to th is city so d use it now, I expect, but Louise sh a n 't two, a t th e sam e place. They were Convict — I ’m in fsr lickin’ me tagder i, taken aa notice to all Ameri- entire front of the edifice. The im- Secretory Root w ill send these Inatruc- run for th s A lsham a senate from th is but glimpse«, w hich, as th e night« go back to him , nnlees she lik e s; I 'l l m other-in-law , lady.— Judge. ren railroads to keep out. : provsment w ill mst (200,000. jtfons to th s Philippine commission. and h e '. d is tric t a t th s n ex t election. ^ a a e d on, became dim m er and dim m er, find - m e roof to .h alter me m m EVENTS OF THE DAY CHAMBERLAIN WON HERR STEINHARDTS NEMESIS I