»% Loca] E vents. G et your lawn mower shnrpeued and The Douglas Studio for fotoa. Discount sale a t H adley's racket, bet­ Jesse a M E E dw ards to S M Calk- repaired at B ru n so n ’s. ter take advantage of ¡1. W anted, 170 stoves, Brunson. ins sm all tract in Newberg ....... 700 T he best line of teas and coffees in You can buy your wool sacks and sell F A H ayes a wf to Jesse Edwards Look at those carpets at U runson’a. [ Call a t C hehalem V alley Mills for th e city at W ilso u ’s grocery. pt d I c of David Lay field 13 r 2 . 600 your wool and m ohair a t C. V. Mills. Wool an d mohair bought at C hehalem >’our wool sacks. S E .* J M Crawford to Jo h n Rod- M r. and Mrs. Clias. Hadley of Dayton The place to get some choice bargains Valley Mills. j A second h a n d wagon for sale. En- man pt E M A dam s d 1 C 14 re .. 16 visited in Newberg yesterday. in furniture is at B runson’s. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson visited Quire at tbi„ office, Ed Parrish a wf to O C and Hugh M oney to loan on approved security J . L. Davis arrived hom e Wednesday relatives In P ortland over Sunday. D iscount sale a t Hadleys. E very- R ennie pt of Jessie P arrish d 1 o at the C hehalem Valley Bauk. tf evening from bis tiip to Eastern Oregon ! You will always find a complete line fhlng goes at a reduction, 13 r 2................. ._............................. 791 V esta Bell and Olive Sutton of P o rt­ an d W ashington. of fresh vegetables a t W ilsou’s g ro c e ry .1 Pave Lam b was over front tia rio n A E Ingram a wf to D E Stem It 2 land visited in Newberg over Sunday. H ollingsw orth & Cooper speak to th e | and 3 blk 69 I.a F s y e tte ................. 200 W m . Scott, the piano m an of Me- county this week visiting relatives. All parties knowing them selves in ­ public in a new ad th is w eek; also A. M innvllle, was down on business Wed- j Mrs. A. M. Hoskins has been visiting debted to J . G . H adley, will please call Schwelzer the tailor. nesday. j relatives In th e county seat this week. M arriage License. an d settle. T. R. Willis of M cM innville, republi­ Mrs Ida F M i'ler 38 to John H Burch 38 Go to T. B. C um m ings for paints and All kinds of fresh fish may be tound Jim H eater lias rented his place out can candidate L r county commissioner, A nnie Barker 30 to A lbert Springer 28. oils. A full line of u n dertaking goods a t any tim e a t th e Newberg Fish and east of tow n to Ed McKern and will cam e dow n yesterday with R ecorder J. Poultry M arket. k ept in stock. L. H oskins. probably roam for awhile. The G raphic and New York Tribune C arpet weaving w ith a new loom A special sale of m illinery is on Land F arm er $1.60. Prof and Mrs. R. W . Kelsey cam e up H ave h ad ten years experience. Ja s. today and tomorrow at Mrs. Jo h n so n ’s O. A. C. VS. P . C. -------------------- from Portland Saturday evening and m illinery store. Comic. tl L ast Saturday at Corvallis, the track w h a t T u la F o l k . Need spent Sunday in town with frieuds. Miss Flora Bell of Portland will show Miss Ada Perry left the latter p a rt of 1» • g reater pow er of digesting and C hopping ten cents per h u n d red or team of Pacific College m et its first de- last week for Dolph, Tillamook county, a nice line of trim m ed hats every leat of th e season a t th e hands of th e assim ilating food. For them Dr. K ing’s $1.50 in ton lots a t Chehalem Valley where she will teach n sum m er term of T hursday at E h re t Bros, store. j >>ew hfe pills work w onders. They tone Mills. Also nice white seed oats (or sale. team of th e A gricultural College. school. Mrs. C ourtney, wife of D r. Courtney T he superiority of th e sm aller insti- ‘f"'1 regifiate the digesliveorgans, gently Miss Bergitta Nelson of McMinnville, F ob s a l e —3 miles east of Newberg, 40 of D ayton, visited in town Tuesday w ith lutions was forcibly illustrated by the , expel ail poisons from th e system , en- I came down on th e boat T hursday m orn­ acres of fine tim ber land. In q u ire of her sister Dr. C lara M. Davidson. fact th a t th e O. A. C. with its five b u n - ! rich tlle blood, im prove appetite, m ake ! ing an d is th e guest of Miss Mabel E d ­ J o h n Kirkley, 974 M acadam S t., P ort­ dred husky hay seeds from w hich to healthy flesh. Only 25c a t F. H. Cald­ J . M. W right th e real tate m an, h a s w ards. land, Or. 5-30 a few good lots th a t he can sell you on pick a team were only able to defeat us well & Co’s drug store. A sm all arm y of Newberg boys took long tim e—m o n th ly or quarterly pay­ , Sweat or fruit acids will not discolor by a score of 69 to 57, w hich is consider goods d yed w ith Putnam Fadeless T he G raphic aud N ational Magazine th e tra in M onday m orning for Sherwood m ents. ed very close. The team arrived in Cor­ t2 Dyes. Sold by C. F. Moore, 10c per vallis about noon on Friday and th e for $1.60. and lower points to go into service at G. \V. M itchell made a business trip package. w eeding onions. meet was to have been held th at after to Scappoose, Columbia county the first B id s W a n te d . Quite a num ber of N ewberg people ndbn but only a few even'9 bad taken* W hat do you think of those new sam of the week, in th e interest of the E n te r­ took In the steam boat excursion to Ore­ place when it was necessary to postpone For ten ricks of first class oak wood pies at S m ith ’s Gallery 7 He will have prise Tile Company. gon City Sunduy and witnessed th e base th e rest until the n ext day on account 24 inches lo n g ; also ten ricks of fir wood o th er newrthings too—they are being Mr. an d Mrs. Jus. Clemenson and ball game. of*the rain and bad condition ol the 24 Inches long. All to be corded in the developed now. y o u n g son of P o rtlau d visited in town G et ahead of th e flies and buy your track . The nex t day, however was no wood shell a t school house ill Chehalem M rs. H. D. H arford, presid en t of the over Sunday w ith the form er’s parents, door and window screens now, at N e w ­ better a . it rained continually and the C enter, Ore. AH bids m ust be sealed state W.C.T. U , will address a union Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Clem enson. berg Sash an d Door F actory. mud on the track was ankle deep, so and in clerks bands by Ju n e 1, 1902. m eetiug in th e Friends church next For sale or trad e, 80 acres of land on the rem aiu in g events w ere finished in R ight reserved to reject any and all bids. W. P. Heacock & Sons. S unday evening. foothills 3 m iles east of Newberg. 35 t3 W. R. C arter, Clerk Dist. No 9. the best way possible. U nder the cir­ F. W . Sitton and W. T. Macy, demo A good representation of S eventh Day acres im proved, sm all orchard. cratlc candidates for sh e riff and asses­ cum stances it was impossible to make A dventists from N ewberg an d vicinity Mrs. C. W ard. sor, respectively, drove down from Mc­ any good records but it was sufficiently A d m in is tr a to r 's N o t i c e o f F in a l S e t t le - are attending th e ir ann u al cam p m eet­ Mr. aiid Mrs. R obert Howie came up M innville Tuesday on an electioneering close to make it an interesting meet in e n t . ing near Portland th is week. from P ortland the latter p a rt of th e tour. N otice Is h e re b y given that th e u n d e rs ig n e d Our team received good treatm en t at a d m in is tra to r of the e sta te of C auby H eston, The “ C. V. M. E x cellen t” flour giv­ week and visited with the form er's p a r­ a se d , h as filed his final acc o u n t an d re p o rt D r. H . J . M inthorn is arranging to the han d s of th e Corvallis boys and d as e ce en in exchange for w heat—40 lbs. to th e en ts on the side of Chehalem m ountain a d m in is tra to r of s a id estate, in th e county would be very glad to m eet them again c o u rt of Y a m hill c ounty, O regou, an d th a t said build a san itariu m o u t on the coast at bushel, a t Chehalem Valley M ills, Main over S unday. rt has a p p o in te d S atu rd ay , J u n e 21, 1902, at N ew port, and w ill spend the sum m er under m ore favorable circum stances. c 10 o u o’clock a. m. as th e day an d h o u r for the street, near depot, Newberg, Or. Rev. F. C. Stanard acted as en g in ee r season o u t th ere in th e practice of bis The following is a sum m ary of e v e n ts: h e a rin g of o b je c tio n s to said final a c c o u n t aud th e s e ttle m e n t th ereo f. Miss A lverta Meats w ent up to C arl­ a t th e C hehalem Valley Mills a d ay or 100 yard d ash —H eater, P C 1st; Now, th e re fo re all persons in te re s te d in said profession. ton Tuesday evenin g to m ake a visit so th e first of th e week in th e absence Woodcock, O A C 2nd; Moore, O A C e sta te are h e re b y notified and re q u ire d to ap p e a r a t th e c o u n ty c o u rt room, a t M cM innville, E lder G . C. Carl who has been con­ w ith her friend Miss H arrie t Martin of C. F. Johnson who has lieen w orking 3rd; tim e 11 1-5 sec. said cou n ty an d state, at said tim e, to th e n an d d ucting successful m eetings over at w ho attended college earlier in the year. in a bicycle shop a t Oregon City. 50 y ard dash—H eater, P C 1st; W ood­ th e re show cause if any tl.ere be, w hy said ac­ c o u n t sh o u ld not be settled, allo w e d a u d np- , Damascus, C lackam as county, came p ro v e d , a n d th e a d m in is tra to r d isch a rg e d , and All m em bers of the “ Y ” Society are Master Jo h n E llio tt is suffering from home on account of sickness the first of cock, O A C 2nd; R in eh art, O A C 3rd; said e sta te fo re v e r aud finally settle d . tim e 6 sec. n^ked to attend the m eeting tom orrow a severe attack of pneum onia. The fact D ated May 22, 1.02. th e week, b u t retu rn ed to bis work C la re n c e B utt, a tto rn e y for estate. 220 yard d a sh —H eater, P C 1st; Gel- n ig h t a t the M. E. church. Mrs. H a r­ th a t ho has b u t recently recovered from W. C. KKU G EIt, City Headquarters for General Supplies, such as T h u rsd ay , accom panied by his wife. lately, O A C 2 n d ; George, P C 3rd; A d m in is tra to r of th e esta te of C auby H eston, ford wilTtalk on tho work th e society is th e scarlet fever makes it go harder d e ce a se d . N otice—There will be a meeting of tim e 24.4^ sec. doing throughout the state. with him th a n it otherw ise would, b u t the Newberg Sm all F ru it Association, 440 yard ru n —Stiver, O A C U t; Mrs. J . W. Coffin, accom panied by he is expected to recover. S aturday evening, May 24, at 8 o’clock. K ram ien, P C 2 u d ; Coe, P C 3 rd ; tim e. A d m in is t r a t o r 's N o tic e . h er cousin Mrs. Shipley of P ortland Mr. and M rs. John G roff and young T here is im p o rtan t business to receive N otice is h e re b y g iv e n th a t the th e u n d e r 1.06 w ho had been visiting here w ith her, son came up from Portland W ednesday s ig n ed has b e en d d u ly . appoiu uted a d m in is tra to r •••••$ ••« atten tio n . Let all interested come out. 880 y ard ru n —K ram ien, P C 1st; Fer- of th e e sta te of A le x a n iuer D, W ebber, d eceased d e r D. w ent up to Dayton S a tu rd a y evening evening for a v isit with tho form er's by th e c o u n ty c o u rt of Y am hill c ounty, O regon, C. S. C alkins, Pres. ra, 0 A C 2 u d ; Stiver, O A C 3rd ; tim e, and visited relatives over S u n d ay . a n d has q u a lifie d . parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Groff. Jo h n Now, th e re fo re , a ll persous h a v in g c la im s C harles Clark of Morovia, Indiana, 2.22 Dr. H . J. Littlefield w ent down to is off duty u t present on account of th e A g ain st said e sta te are hereby notified an d Mile ru n —Morris, P C 1st; Larsen, who is m aking a tour of th e coast visited q u ire d to p re s e n t th e sam e, w ith th e p ro p e r P ortland last S aturday and assisted in big stiik e which is on in P ortland. u c h ers, to th e u n d e rsig n ed , a t h is place of in town the first of th e week with Mr. O A C 2nd ; K ram ien, P C 3rd; tim e, v b o u siness, at N ew berg, Y a m hill co u n ty , O regou, perform ing an operation on G ip L eavitt C. J . E dw ards is preparing to move w ith in s ix m o n th s from da te h ereof. 5.41 for appendicitis. T h e operation was his electric light plant up town and an d Mrs. N athan W hite, and called on Dated May 22.1902. H am m er throw —Burnougb, O A C C larence B u tt, a tto rn e y for e sta te . A G E N T S F O R C Y P H E R ’S N O N -M O IS T U R E IN C U B A ­ successful and the patient is recovering. locate it in a building w hich he will old Hoosiers in tow n. H e contem plates C. CHRISTENSON, 1st; Graff, P C 2nd; Jackson, O A C 3rd; A d m in is tra to r of th e N. estate locating iu Denver. TORS AND B R O O D ER S. of A le x a n d e r D. M rs. G . W . M itchell favored tile erect on lots sit uated north of th e Forcht W ebber, deceased. A ball gam e which proved to bo ra th ­ distance, 94 feet. G raphic man with a boqnet a couple o! property on the D ayton road. g W 'F re e Delivery. He will Pole V ault—H eater, P C 1st; Daily, P days ago, in w hich were some sw eet also p u t in a new engine better adapted er interesting took place on th e college C, and G ellately, O A C tied for ¡2nd; cam pus Saturday afternoon between H .J . L ittle fie ld . H . A. L ittlefield peas, w inter grown w ithout any protec­ to his needs. some of th e town boys and th e ball 9 fe e t. tion. Oregonians who com plain of cold F i r s t S tr e e t - - N e w b e rg , O re. C hester K irk left Tuesday m orning tw irlers of P arro tt m ountain. T h eg am e 220 y ard hurdles—H eater, P C 1st; w eather have a weak case here. for Spokane, W ashington, w here he has resulted in favor of th e former w ith a K ate, O A C 2nd; Coulson, P C 3rd; B. C. Miles, republican candidate for a good position a t fifty dollars a m onth tim e 29 4-5 seconds. score of 12 to 11. representative, has been o u t over th e to begin on, w orkiug u n d er his brother 120 yard hurdles—H eater, P C 1st; T he m anager of th e Oregon F u rn itu re C h eh alem V alley B ank B irld in g , county this week g ettin g acquainted W alter for th e P o rtlan d A nchor Fence Woodcock, O A C 2nd ; Kate, O A C 3rd; Offices P h in o n e No. 43. factory of P ortlaud, accom panied by a n ­ w ith the voters. Beports indicate that C om pany. H is work will be principally tim e 13‘2. (E qualling the w orld’s R esidence n o rth of P u b lic School B uilding, o th e r interested party came up to New­ P h o n e No. 44. lie is m aking a good im pression und will outside p u ttin g up fence. record.) berg last Friday evening to look over m ake a strong run for legislative honors. R unning high jum p— Moore an d Bur- Mr. and Airs. G ottfried Keller have the location with a view to moving th eir naugh, O A C 1st, 5 feet 3 inches; T he “ se ttin g ” of four hundred eggs in been enjoying a visit th is week from a p lant. T he gentlem en expressed them Thom pson, O A C 3rd, 5 feet 5 inches; th e big incubator in W ard & B arclay's cousin of the la tte r, Dr. H. R. N elirbas selves as being highly pleased w ith con­ H eater, P C 5 feet 5 Inches. feed store is hilled to hatch next Tues­ w ho is out from the E ast. The Keller ditions here a n d the action to be tak en R unning broad jum p— H eater, P C d ay . Many w ho w ant to observe the fam ily drove up to M onm outh w ith th e by th e board of directors will be aw aited 1st; Moore, O A C 2nd ; Burnaugh, O A process wished to be apprised of the la tte r yesterday, w here he has some WATCHMAKER w ith interest. C 3rd; distance 19 feet. d ate and th is announcem ent is m ade business interests to look after. Elwood Minchin went down to P o rt­ accordingly. Discus throw —Jackson, O A C 1st; E nos Ellis is rapidly Im proving his land W ednesday m orning and left there A braham , C A C 2nd; B urnaugh, O A L ittle Lois W ilson was w hisked from ranch north of tow n and will soon have Sell the Best the Market Affords, such as the th e following m orning with Prof. K el­ C 3rd; distance 93 feet. th e door step to the ground by a playful it in fine shape. H e is setting out stra w ­ S olicits th e p a tro n a g e of h is old In d ia n a sey for Union county, E astern Oregon. H eater of P. C. was th e star of the F rie n d s w ho n e ed w a tc h re p a irin g done. dog Monday evening, and fell in such a berries by th e acre and will have some­ He w ill accom pany th e latter on a week’s day, w inning 35 points while Woodcock way th a t h er rig h t arm was broken th in g to sell for cash when- the season 2 0 7 M o rris o n S t. cam paign to u r for th e purpose of sp eak ­ 0 . It. M. in two places and dislocated a t the opens. He also says he will have early in g his oration a n d getting practical was O. A. C .’s best m an. elbow. The little girl suffered a sim ilar potatoes for m arket next m onth. PORTLAND, OR training for the coming inter-state con­ m isfortune about a year ago. O s te o p a th y fop W e a k E yes—O ld L. B . Charles lost a valuable Jersey te st. H e will th en leave fur L incoln, All of which are GUARANTEED. an d Y oung. Miss Agnes W illiam son, siste r of Mrs. cow last week, and a diligent search and N ebrnska, w here th e contest comes off R obert Howie, arrived at Newberg last inquiry have b ro u g h t no trace of h er. Ju n e 2. It will please parents who have c h il­ fy/o jfcavo th e S fte s t ¿ »q u ip p e d Friday all the way from Scotland, and A band of cattle passed through town H on. B . L . E d d y , republican candi­ dren a tten d in g school, who are bothered — K----1-<—5».. ■ — received a w arm welcome here from Saturday and it is suspected th a t th e with weak eyes, to learn th a t the tre a t­ date for join t representative for Y am hill Scotch relatives and friends who live out cow was w hipped in and driven off. He and T illam ook, who has been cam ­ m ent of O steopathy for all forms of eye no rth of tow n. She will probably spend lost a 'good cow once before in a sim ilar paigning in th is county, cam e dow n trouble has effected most wonderful S u i t s the sum m er visiting w ith Mr. and Mrs. way but discovered th e identity of the from D ayton W ednesday m orning. In cures. Often after very few treatm ents G. W. Howie. d riv e r and collected the price of th e the evening h e delivered an able speech glasses are dispensed w itii. Osteopathy S n th e C o u n t'y . A la d o At the m eeting of the republican club anim al. to a good audienco in C rater’s hall, and also cures headaches accom panying eye trouble. C, C. B ennett, held Tuesday evening, new officers were The school directors of this d istrict made a good impression uj>on N ewberg Osteopatidc Physician. to O r d e r elected as follows: J . C. H o d so n ,p re si­ have re-elected th e sam e corps of teach­ people. M r. Eddy was considered one d e n t, C larence B utt, secretary, Jim ers for the n e x t year w ith th e exception j of the ablest men in th e last legislature M. Votaw residence. Jones, vice president, J . M. W right, of Miss Mary Burrows who did not ap­ and will no doubt be returned. treasu rer. S hort talk s were m ade by ply. Miss (jertru d e Lam b will take the T. P. Canghlin of Dayton, th e popular R e g is tr a tio n o f Y a m h ill V o te rs. J . C. H odson, Prof. F. K. Jones, R. B. la tte r’s room, and Miss Lena Stilwell of 1900 1902 nom inee of th e republican p arty for L iunville, T. B. C um m ings and others. D ayton, d au g h ter of ex-school superin­ 189 158 county sheriff, came down to Newberg A m ity O tto Pickett arrived borne Irom P o rt­ tendent J . B. Stilw ell, has been elected W ednesday on his canvass. M r. Caugh- Baker Creek 163 143 land Tuesday evening, having success­ as one of th e teach ers. The school liu received an ovation at th e hands of Bellevue 101 96 fully finished his last year in th e state board will finish u p a n o th er room for j th e county convention which nom inated C arlton 167 156 W ill p ractice in all the courts of th e state law school. Along with the o th e r grad­ occupancy n ext year w hich calls for th e (,im by acclam ation, which testified to Checowen 174 144 The place to get your Sp ecial attention given to probate work, the uates he will be exam ined a t Salem selection of still a n o th e r teacher, which th e confidence and esteem in w hich he Dundee no 79 w riting of deeds, mortgages, contracts and the May 29 for adm ittance to the bar. selection has not y e t been m ade. drafting of all legal papers. 160 151 is held generally over the county. H e E Dayton N ew b erg. O regon . H e has not yet decided definitely w here 140 W Dayton 131 possesses th e q ualities which fit him ad- The Pacific College athletes are sched O w e * — Second Floor he w ill take up the practice of his pro­ Fairlaw n 172 161 for the office to w hich he uled to go over to F orest G rove tom or- * m lrably Shop next to Moore’s Drugstore. Hank of N ewberg B uilding. fession. . L aF ayette 162 145 row and hold a dual tm ek and field m eet aspires, 1 199 F or Sale—160 acres of good, dark soil w ith Pacific U niversity. T h e y came A. M. Hoskins who recently returned N M cM innville 190 8 McM innville 238 23.1 lan d , n ear Middleton, Oregon, tw o miles very near besting th e big State A gricul­ from Gold H ill, Jackson ♦ g = t.M g g .M g=t.:,-fg g .:-g = 7 .7.g = >.V g fg .*.g g .V = g .7.g g >.-. g g . - ,. g county, 196 from R. R. 20 acre9 in cultivation, 60 tural College a t Corvallis lust week, and th in k s there is a g reat future before N Y am hill 154 257 acres fenced ; box house, fam ily o rchard; are confident they could do it in a n o th e r th e m ining districts of Southern Oregon N Newberg 247 Booka, S tatio n ery , F a n c y a n d 214 213 very fine second grow th tim ber—enough mee*, and are correspondingly hopeful an d th e reports he hrings bsck are c a l­ S N ewberg T o ile t A rtic le s. C am ara and 182 155 wood to pay for land ; a snap a t $15 per over th e issue o( th e meet with th e F or­ culated to excite his Newberg friends N Sheridan K o i l a k a u n d n il k i n d * o f C a m a r a 68 63 acre, and m ust be sold; half cash, bal­ est G rove boys. As the la tte r ad m in ­ w ho are inclined to tu rn th e ir spare 8 Sheridan S u p p lie s . 95 73 ance on tim e at 6 per cent interest. istered a severe defeat to M cM innville tim e to th e investigation of mining W hiteeon W illam ina 151 J . M. W r i g h t , Newberg. 184 »L E SSO N S G I V E N I N K O D A K - last Saturday, and Corvallis is to meet prospects. He has ju st returned from a 160 139 ERY. S trayed—F rom my place in N ew berg, A lbany College tom orrow , a reasonably trip to The Dalles and Pendleton where W C hehalem 86 72 on F riday, May 16, a Jersey cow giving coirect estim ate can soon be made of he went in search of a party who has an W illam ette m ilk ; fair size, wears a bell, recently de­ th e relative strength of I lie college team s interest in a claim near A shland. If he Total 3398 3067 horned, left front teat sm aller th a n rig h t which com pete in th e state college meet succeeds In m aking th e deal he is w ork- Shortage, 321. otie, underbit in right e a r. Anyone giv­ which takes place at M cM innville in g on he in te n d s to go south again in search of th e yellow metal, in g inform ation th a t leads to recovery Ju n e 6. R e a l K M at* T r a n sfe r s . of above descrilied cow will lie rew arded. After having reached a depth of six Bert H eath , J r , had a very narrow R eported by th e Yamhill Co. A bstract CaB on or address, I,. B. C harles, h undred and fifteen feet, th e oil com ­ escape from d ea th M onday noon. He Co. a t M cM innville, Oregon, fur tb s N ew berg, Ore. pany suspended boring W ednesday for was attem p tin g to g et on th e caboose of week ending May 17, 1902. M rs. A . O. Mills, d a u g h te r of Mr. and th e purpose of casing out th e w ater. th e outgoing freight an d in some way A H inm an to Claus Muller 40 a in M rs. J. K . Blair, died a t h e r home The well contains fire h u n d red feet o f slipped and cau g h t bia foot in th e step sec 4 12 r 4 ........................................ $ 80 (Socás M onday evening, having been a sufferer w ater and it will take some eig h t or ten which h e ld him fast and he was dragged Em ory Hodson a wf to L M Bsker from lung trouble for several m onths. days to case np and “ b ail” it over half the length of th e depot p la t­ p t L M cKern d 1c t3 r2................ 1000 Had C A A tkinson a wf to W J B ister T he funeral services w ere held a t the o u t, after w hich it can be d is­ form on his head a n d shoulders. lionse Tuesday afternoon and were con­ covered how much oil is on ta p , how th e train been ru n n in g fast be would 200 a in J R Bean d 1 c U r3 ........ 4800 NEWBERG, OREGON. ducted by Mrs. Jane B. Votaw. The good a quality it is etc. In spite of have never know n w hat h u rt him . He G D Roberta a wf to F L R oberts Officers & Directors: deceased wan born in H endricks county, the water, which is heavier th a n oil and w as bruised up q u ite a little but was 1 a adjoining C arlto n ................... 825 A lphkus M ills , Pres., J. Me* Indiana, March 23, 1859, and was m ar­ would keep it dow n, enough of th e la tte r not seriously injured. Ju m ping on an d E 8 R em ington to M W H ouck Its C r ka , Vice-Pres., M osks V otaw , ried in H ardin county, Iow a, A pril 26, lias already been secured to burn. Two off of th e train s at th is place has liecome 1 2 3 4. blk 18 W biteson.............. 40 I Cashier, J. K inley B l a is . 1882, to (yifred O. Mills. She was a de­ practical oil men from S outhern Cali- q u ite a pastim e for th e boys uf ail sizes B W Robinson e t si to H F Bed- 'F i r s t 6 tre e t, N e w b e rg . voted, C hristian m other, and leaves a fornix, one of them a head d riller, via- an d it is hoped th a t th e above narrow well 190 a sec 27 t2 r5 .................. 46« husband, four children, fath e r, m other ited th e prospect th e first o$ th e week escape will be a lesson to others who L A W att et si to Mary Jack et »1 It ?< **- and two brothers to m ourn her loss. and grew entliusisstic over indications, are following tlii* practice.-M cM innville 3 an d 4 W att, ad Amitv. 40 The sym pathy of th e com m unity goes assuring the officers of the com pany th a t N ews. L et some of th e Newberg lads J T Cooper a wf to N athaniel Croz­ “ __ ___ ____________ ___ ___ ___ __ - -M , land, McMinnville National B a n k , tsk e w arning. out to the bereaved fam ily. ’ they have a sure th in g . ‘ •£T' ’ ‘^>"4 McMinnville. Established 1893. ier 120 s in sec 39 f î r4 .............. 2000 The matter of clothes comes up again with the coming of spring and we want to say there is nothing the matter with the clothing we sell. Our spring show ing is the finest possible selection from the best makers— the kind that keep customers coming to us for all the clothing they wear. Don’t forget to look through our stoek before purchasing; we can please our with quality and price. * FLOUR & FEED STORE. FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS KEPT IN STOCK, LAND PLASTER AND FIELD PtAS. W ARD & BARCLAY. LITTLEFIELD BROS., PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. 9/eus < U //ie e isf JOHN A. BECK -a» » « « « JEWELER, 7 J . S 3 . *Duncan 6 c S o n s, Columbia, Cleveland, Tribune, Ram­ bler, Snell and Yale, ALBERT SCHWEIZER. TAILOR REPAIR SHOP gg^fSundries on hand at all times. Cleaning And Repairing. CLARENCE BUTT. Come one, Come all. DRUGS & MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK SPECIALTY. gB a n k r u p t S a l e 8 2 $ This Stock of Goods and another Stock from Portland must be SOLD AT ONCE. In order to raise money I w ill sell at ac­ tual NEW YORK COST. Lflu, Oytu-st (Eia IC IIEH / 1 LEJVI I V ^ lle Y j B J I j Y K s f. € . V fU lt ferß In J. C. Lucas Building. | Come early & get Bargains! ?0*rs C. i ■ 7 r : T i* f