Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 21, 1902, Image 3

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    R tv. T. Brouitlette will preach in the
The Graphic and Natioual Magazine
for $1.60.
Presbyterian chapel Sunday morning.
Blacksmith's outfit for sale.
The largest supply in town o f candles,
J. A. Wolf of Perryd tie was in town
J ob . H all .
» dates and ail kinds of nuts, at Star Bak-
tlie mid lie of the week.
Flease call and pay your dog license, ' ery.
Go toT. IS. Cummings for paints and
i t2
Clarence Butt, Recorder.
N. C. Christenson was in the county
oils. A full line of undertaking goods
Memorial s* rvices In honor of Frances seat ttie first of the week in the interest
kept in stock.
! Willard were held in the Baptist church o f the Chebaleui Valley Mills.
R. T. McCaskey is moving bis family
Rev. YVinans of Salem, an officer of
Monday evening.
to Portland where he will work ut the j
Frank Mills has been engaged this the' Stale Sunday School Union, was in
carpenter trade.
week moving a granary for Miss -Mc­ Newberg ou business the middle of the
Mrs. I). M. Metzger of Dallas visited j
Dowell on her farm near town.
in town a few days ago with her sister
Mrs. (1. W. Cutis, accompanied by her
Mrs. W. W . Nelson.
is with the Penn Mutual, has teen In dr.tgl.ter Louise is visit;; g at Shcdds
Trof. J. If. Douglas took his yonng
town this week talking insurance.
sons Bruce and Donald dowu to Port­
A. li. Wilmot.
land to take in the sights Tuesday, they j Wanted— Good horse thr.t can travel,
Mrs. Cahill of Amboy, Washington,
single harness—one broken to saddle
having never visited a city before.
came' down the latter part of la-t v.eek
D p .. G l ' llktte .
Miss Ella Macy, who for some weeks
Half an hour Is all th9 time required to see her son Roscoe who is sick a t the
had been conlined to the hoarding ball
college hoarding hall.
owing to the scarlet fever quarantine, to dye with Putnam Fadeless Dyes.
Rev. A. J. Hunsakerof McMinnville
lias been visiting in Portland this week. »Sold by C. F. Moore A Co., 10 per pack­
will occupy the pulpit o f the B ap tist
Charlie Clemenson took his wife, who
C. F. Moore has been in Portland on church next Sunday,Tu belli morning |
has been ia poor health for some time,
this wees, and also lias been and evening services.
down to Portland Monday morning, for j
a course of treatment at the Good Sa visiting Ids brother Dr. J. Burt Moore a t 1 l l r i j - t Teft and sister of B oiveiton
v ¡sited in town Saturday ar.d Sunday l i t
Oregon City.
maritan hospital.
George Larkin came up from Port- with the Misses Grace and Annie D ud-!
Too much cold weather back in Min­
ley, former schoolmates of theirs.
nesota caused Mrs. D. R. Jackson to
Five teams wanted to move tna- !
shorten her visit and turn her face to-j Watson wedding at Dundee, and visited
of Yamhill Coal it Oil Company j
wards balmy Oregon again. She ar­
from depot at Newb. rg to the company’ s |
rived home the latter part of last week. day.
D. Id. Turner, G. C. Sears and F. H. land and accept payment for same in
Mrs. Esther Michener of Pasadena,
stock. Enquire at office of company.
California, who had been visiting a son Storey, shareholders in the Skookum
The “ Y ’s” w ill hold a public meeting
in Seattle, stopped off at Newberg, on ! Oil Company, attended a meeting o f t he
her way home, over Sunday and visited stockholders in Portland the first of the in Craters Hull, Tuesday evening, Feb­
ruary 25, to which all parents and every­
wit li her cousin Wm. Stratton and fam­ week.
Rev. D. Faber of Portland, represent­ body Interested, especially hoys, are
K. C. Eldridge, the prosperous In­ ing Archbishop Christie, was in town coidiallv Invited. There will be no ad­
dependence creameryman, was in town I Tuesday looking after tlio property mission fee, and a good program. Come
L ocal
E v en ts.
We Iincïï 7 that if you
give us your trade wo
Is sii!l to tho hilt ill high prices
which means that you can buy
clothing at ourstore at U N P R E C ­
and U N H E A R D o f prices. D on ’t
he a gum p and let those oppor­
tunities pass, but buy your cloth­
ing in the next ten days, and
save money, The tide is at its
flood ; take it w hile it servos or
lose * your venture.
) J
t ,i
Our stock o f SAscs is a way above
the average.
W e are goin g to
show the most com plete line o f
Spring G oods in every department
ever shown in this market.
Yours for business
Hops are being contracted for fall de
11 very at 11c. Mr. M. W. Krebs of
Mrs. M. E. Hoxtor of Portland, will Brooks, »Marion countv, was In town
speck in the interests of tho Florence I Tuesday and bought at above price tho
Crittenden Homo next Sunday after- 1 output of twa or three of our best hop
noon at 3 o'clock, and Mouday evening raisers,
at 7:30 at the Baptist church. A c o r -1 Plans of yesterday may not succeed
dial invitation is extended to all.
today. At Smith’s Studio you will al­
Give uü ii chr.nco to prove this as­
sertion. We want your
| The boarJ of tra,,° eseca,ive
Itee " m Pct 0,,t advertising matter in
! ,he form of Printe l envelopes!, and a lit-
; tie folder of eight pages which will be
distributed free by the railroad com­
panies. President Clias. Oris, on has
i ensured an article for the Sunset Mag­
azine, which will bo illustrated. This
i is work of a ch »motor which should
Sara Atkinson returned home from ways get a perfect likeness and up-to-
I bring some results.—Reporter.
Corvallis last Saturday, having com ­ date photographs. Wa enlage small
Jo and Sam Atkinson have their
pleted the larraers'short course at the pictures and guarantee them perfect.
! plans pretty well matured f.»r making
State Agricultural College. On
the Samples at the gallery.
I extensive improvements on their farm
evening before leaving lie attended the
Rev. F. C. Stanard and family left
I at the foot of tiio mountain two miles
O. A. C. primary oratorical contest.
the first of ¡he week for Brownsville for
| north o f town. The building they In-
Mr. A. L. Stevens, who for many a visit at Ihe formers’s old home. Afler
»tend to do will lie done on what is
months has been visiting her daughter a short time of rest and recuperation,
known as tho old Westfall place which
Mrs. E. C. Hall at Baker City, returned Rev. Stanard hopes to be able for his
! lays between the old Atkin-on home­
home the first of the week. Her daugh­ pastoral duties here again.
stead and the road. This will put them
ter returned with her for a visit here,
Politics will soon be “ warming’ ’ a j on the public road and much nearer
expecting her husband Elmer to come few.
The candidates we have heard j town t|)Rn t|iey now are. Material is
down later.
mentioned are J. L. Hoskins, Joseph being hauled for the foundation for a
T. D. Snodgrass reports the birth of Y'ocotn and F. W. Sitton for the offices dairy barn which when completed will
a son in their family on Wednesday, held by them at present, W. W. Nickell, house about a hu i»lre»l head of cattle
February 12. Tom says the youngster republican, for county clerk and B. F. and will cost $1303. The farm house
doesn't measure eight feet yet, but that Rhodes, democrat, for county judge.— will bo repaired and put in good shape,
it is only a question of a little time when News.
water will be piped down from a big
he will he stretching up neck and neck
Through the kindness of Clarence ! spring on the side of the hill, and when
with his brothers and looking dowu on ¡Edwards the whistle at the brick fac- all their plans are worked out, t lie At-
tho old man.
j tory is sounded at 5 o ’clock in the morn- , kinson farm will he up to date from a
Miss Idell W oodworth of Hood River, ing and also at 5 :30 and 6, so that early d a iry s ta n d p o in t.
who has been attending college here risers may know the time and regulate
P i t i M A R Y O R A T O K I C A It .
this year was called home the first of themselves accordingly. This is quite a
the week on account of sickness in the favor wheu the signals are once learned .11198 N e r v la W r ig h t C lion en t o H e p re s cn t
P a c if ic C o lle g e in t h e S ta te O r a ­
fam ily. She will not return again this which are, one blast for 5, two blasts tor
t o r ic a l C o n t e s t .
school year, but her college hope 5:30 and three blasts for 0 o ’ clock.
natural for tlio public to
to welcoruo her back when school opens
For some time inteiesteil parties have
up In the fall.
been working up interest in a home tele­ assume, considering tho oratorical ex­
Miss Grace Ileston of Dundee, was phone company here, a co-operative en­ cellence attained last year, that it wouM
taken to the hospital at Portland Tues­ terprise, in which each subscriber buys take hard work even to maintain it this
day by Dr. Gullette for treatment for a his phone and pays so much a month year, hnt after tlie aspirants for oratori­
comp'ication of ailments. The doctor toward the salary of the operator. Seth cal honors bail given account of them­
regards her as seriously ill and thinks Mills has started out to get forty sub­ selves last Friday e.'en;ir:, ;he audience
that she may have to remain under scribers as charter members of the com­ felt that the standard of oratory in Pa­
medical care for two months or more. pany, which will fully justify organiza­ cific College had been appreciably raised.
Her many friends will sympathize with tion.^ Such companies are very com ­ All of this year's speakers had had the
her and hope for her speedy recovery.
mon in eastern towns and give goal advantage of last y« ir’s tr ining in ora­
tory, and the result of Prof. Kelsey’s
Miss Pearl Cummings gave a valen­ satisfaction to their patrons.
enthusiastic and effective work was
tine party to a number of her friends at
Afflictions have been coming thick plainly evident. Close competition
her home last Saturday evening. and fast upon the family of Postmaster
from tho class contests up, is bound to
Those present were the Misses Olivo i Imus i f Dundee, from the ravages o f
bring out good m »tonal, and
Stratton, Mabel Ed wards, May Lamb, j the dread disease pneumonia. On last
i.ratorical contest hero is assuming
Stella Smith, Jessie Britt and Messrs. Friday occurred iho death of Frank,
more and more a prominent position
Nelson »Sykes, R. W . Kirk, L. B. te r - ag ej twenty years, which was followed
among the year's entertainments.
guson, H. A. Terrell and W . S. Parker. | on g u n ja y by tho death o f Alvin, aged
The orators of Frid iv nipht wero five
C. V . Leavitt, in company with J a s- j about sixteen years. The funeral ser- in number, all classes being represented
per Smith of Tillamook county, left vices of both eons were conducted Mon- hut the Freshman, whose represent
Wednesday morning for Alam o, East­ day afternoon at the church, ami were
tive, C. L. Niswonger, was held up at
ern Oregon, to look after his mining in­ well attended. The third daughter
the college boarding bail in a scarlet
terests. A proposition is on foot to con ­ Rhoda, who was very low, seems to he
fever quarantine. Tiie usual amount
solidate his arid two or three other good improving.
of class spirit was in oviilence, and the
mining properties under one company,
The farm formerly owned by Sam yelling was highly satisfactory to all
for the purpose of selling stock sullicient
Woodward and recently purchased by concerned. The Sophomores and Sen­
to insure the development of the pros­
| Miss McDowell, o f Indiana, is u:i lergo- iors arrived and look tip positions first
I ing a transformation process which will at the scene of conflict, an J were soon
Everybody is cordially invited to the i make It a model place. The present followed by tho Juniors and Freshman
L. T. I». silver medal contest to be held owner ia busily engaged making changes who marched in two ami two, the Wad­
in Craters Hall, Saturday evening, Feb- j with the oU buildill,,s ani, haa aiready er carrying aloft a broom with class col­
ruary 22, at 7:30 o ’clock. W hile tbe ! remo<le|ed the dwelling, and
Intends ors
to attache). Conspicuous in the pro­
judges arc deciding on the winner,
the bui, , at once a ,arg„ bara in
a new j0.
cession were two elegant silk class ban­
L. r. L. autograph quilt will be
auc- cati0n, demolish the old one,
replace ners,
old with tlie figures ’03 and ’05 in
tioned. No admission will be charged. fences w|th new OIle9i piint>
pruno scribed
thereon in gilt. A song was
The following are the names of contest- renew things geiierany u.ltil her farm feature of their triumphal entry, hut the
ants: Dorothy Ehret, Truth Ferry, ■ wiu
in ship gha(MJ uomlilion.
i Seniors and Sophomores, with strange
Emma O B rjant, Etna Colcord, Vera:
; inconsiderateness concluded lo test tho
Cooper, Cartie Brouillette, Ralph Cook, I On Thursday afternoon o f last week clflcacy of a favorite yell aliout that
Anna Morris, Gertrude Cook, Jessie the aspirants for positions on the college time an»l the song faded into something
Gardner, Erma Heacoek, Elsie Tall- debating team contested for honors in a very much like the “ lost chord.”
man, Nina Mills, Jamie Scott, Frances primary debate held in the college chap­ ! Tlio program of tlio evening began
el, the judges being Pres. McGrew,
Mitchell and Mahle Duncan.
with a well executed Instrumental duet
Prof. Kelsey and W . C. Woodward.
The freight truffle on the Y'nmhill di­
by Miss Jog do Britt an 1 Mrs. C. B.
Those who tested their forensic ability
vision of the Southern Pacific is increas­
Wilson. Prof Kelsey spoke ttfkfly o:i
in grappling with the ship subsidy
ing to an extent that extra trains
behalf of the orators, complimenting
question were Aubrey Kramien, Robert
are found necessary in handling the bus­
. them for the conscientious work they
Jones, Curt Parker, Clarence Coe, C al­
iness. Tbe Observer predicts that it
had done in preparaiion, and emphasiz­
vin Blair, Arthur Kirk and Elwood
will not lie long until the company will
ing the fact that while the first honors
Minchin. From this number tho judges
lie obliged to run daily trains lietwcen
i of the evening could lie award«*»! to but
selected for the team, Ro'oert Jones, as
Portland and Arlie in order to move the
o i i p , the cre lit for conscientious elfirt
leader, Calvin Blair anil Elwood Min-
freight offered for shipm ent. Passen­
would be equally divided. The orations
chin, with Arthur Kirk as alternate.
ger traffic continues heavy, ami the
which followed, were as follows:
Rev. fI. Gould, pastor of the M. E. “ John Marshal,”
Portland-Daiias local train is becoming
Lu»-y danse, ’03.
more and more popular with the travel­ church, delivered an ad !r -si upon “ Mor- “ Anarchy,”
Dwight Coulson, ’03.
ing public. The train to and from Port­ raonism” from hi« pulpit Sunday even­ ‘ ‘ England's Grand Old Man,”
land is crowded every day. The pro­ ing, consistin' principi !y of the r o i l ­
Patton, '04.
gressive policy of the Southern Pacific ing from authorities on the subject to “ Influence of Superior M inds,”
company in encouraging the develop­ show up the Mormons in their true
Nelson, ’04.
ment of the contiiry along its lines and light. Intereit on the occasion was “ The »Spirit o f Commercialism,”
improving its train service as rapidly as heightened by the presence of t’ia t'.v»o viti Wright, '02.
conditions will permit i* rapidly begin­ younz M innon missionaries who have
Probably the mos^ finished literary
ning to bear fruit. Dallas appreciates been doing Newberg an 1 vicinity tills production of the evening was that of
its splendid railroad facilities, and will winter. At the close of the sermon one Mis* Gautc, and in its delivery she sur­
always be found willing to co-operate of the yo ing gent'emen aro-s and asked passed herself, and surprised her most
with the railroad people in bringing the privilege of oc-upying the pulpit ardent admirers Always ail effective
about still better results.—Observer. r.ext Sunday evening, expressing the speaker, she seemed to be fin d with the
Newberg also appreciates its traveling fear that the people might become lop spirit o f Ihe great man ehe eulogise«I,
facilities so mneb that il fam ishes more si Iel from heiring hu* o le si |j of the ami completely e'»ectrifie«i her audience
passengers than any town along the question O f course his request was re­ from the first, though appearing at
road, and for that reason feeis that sha fused as he fully expected, and now the some disadvantage as ihe first speaker
deserves better depot accommodations Mormons h iv e po-ters out to the effect on the program. Senator Mulkec, one
than she has. Newlierg stands ready that on Monday evening in Crater's Hall of the judges, was especially Impress«'«!
to co-operate with the company to this . they will bold a pub ic meeting and with her style of «lelivery and remarked
' answer Rev. Gould.
lacet:9U»ly that if be ouuldsiy the word
fïr J ’
8eat a,1>* 8ee w*‘ at
I ow ned by their church ju st outside the I li' r*y ®n‘| Bet n
„ city
i , „ ii.„;,.»
t h e ‘ ‘ Y ’ s can do.
F e ll a c r o s s i h o w e a t h e r , w h ic h
m e n u s n f u r t h e r c o n t in u a n c e o f
w in te r •
on business the latter part of last week
and called on his Newberg friends. He
reported the birth of another son id
their family, of recent date.
XIhe Srounci JÇog’s Shadow
P A lk K E I l & P O O L .
:\ £ * ~
I fill di î 1 iiifî
r if
N ew b erg , O regon .
H u r V a lu e «iti .0 0 p e r S h a r e P a i d u p a n d
C. Churchill. Pres:
Dr. H. ,T. Littlefield, Vico Pres.
A. P. Oliver, Sec’y.
J. C. Colcord, Treas.
Clarence Butt, Attorney.
Bank of Newberg, Depository.
D IR E C T O R S :
yJ ll.C .
S. M. Calkins,
N. E. Britt,
sjijjC. A. IloJson,
II. J . Littlefield,
A. I’ . Oliver, Clarcnco Butt,
J. C. Colcord,
A . C. Churchill.
A t Sir. E li t l o flo tti* m O t t i c o
W e have received w ord from
Mr. R. 15. M iller, G . F . & P .
A gt., S. P. R . R. Co., that ou r
machinery w ould arrive in
Portland Feb. 21. W e should
expect same to arrive not later
than Tuesday next, and w e
trust all friends o f this devel­
opm ent may have the pleasure
o f identification as a sharehold­
er in this, the pioneer oil find­
er o f Yam hill county.
2/am hììì Coai de D ii Co,
Tfcwboryj Crayon.
F L O U R , F E E D , II A Y & G R A I N
W a r d & B a r c la y .
II. C. D ix o n .
lat. Street, Newberg, Or
- - DENTISTS - -
Fewborg, Ore,
ta w H O E S E
G O O D S****
f >♦><
f '♦tv
i V ' V ree Delivery.
K. P . D ix o n .
1 Newberg
ill H a r n e s s S h o p .
N 4i
î î î
Feed & Seed store
T « n C f.O r H I B R S
Repairing Neatly Done,
a call.
(live me
Buys, sells, trades
and handles new
furniture. Call on
him for prices.
II. L. Sutherland.
Bank of Newberg.
U. C. MILES, President.
N. E. BUITT, ytco-Pre».
E. H. W OODWARD, Secretary.
J. C. COLCORD, Cashier.
n . E. m u r r ,
Di ree lore.
2 0 7 M o r r is o n St.
P O R T L A N D , O il
Calclwoll dc Co.
iPh ::r/nac/sts —
C O I t a K s r o N n F N T B —Ladd A T ilton , P ort­
la n d ; National Park Bank, New York.
Strangers visltim f the city are Invited to ca ll at
the bHiuc for Information con cern in g the
city. C orieapou deuce invited.
Dealer in
The place to get your
fils d ie m e is ,
Solicits the patronage of his old Indiana
Friends who need watch repairing done.
jC n d a dull lin o o f - - ~
P artit/ a n d ZJoilot jtr tto la s .
B o o k s , H tation ery , F a n c y
w om k
¡ ¡ ' k c ia l t y .
w:-£^«SB-:-SS-:-S5£;>SS->sa I
“ no” as .she did, he would have it in i with tire result that Ire had the honor to
every paragraph. M i« O mmw will I represent a largo class on the primary
' oratorical, with mti«:h credit to himself
doubtless be heard from in ihe future.
Dwight Coulsoti delivered a strong an«! his clafsmon. Tho judges appre­
aldress ou tho subject which of late ciated the difficulties with which ho had
months ha-j been engaging tlw min is of striven aii'l complimented film highly
loyal hearle<i American*. “ Anarchy »a J “ The Spirit o f Commercialism,” the
not natural to this country, and though winning theme of tlio evening, will bo
ever a haven for tho oppressed, Am eri­ given due notice Utter.
ca offers no home for these vilest of
The report of the Judges r«'*<], third
traitor«. K lucation and a now respect place, Viola Patton. atvumi f.-rny G.vtso I
for law inuit supprets the scourge which and first N ervin' Wri ’ irt. Tho contest '
li*»« robbed the nation cf its noblest » o n /1 was so close that many independent I
Though not wholly at eiso on the stage, 'into makers ha«l to change their score
Mr. Coil's jti is vi/orona speoker whose card in more places than one when the
effort Wiis well received by his audience, decision was announced. On c imposi­
which woo Id doubtless hive awarded tion »Miss Gansu was one point in the
lii u a higher rank than he received.
As an orator Miss Wright is absolute-
Miss Patton was unfortunate in her
voice giving awiv almo«t oompletely tir- ly at home on 'lie stage and fully master
fore she linishe.l her oration, compelling of the situation, and the fact that she
her to omit a part of it. v'itlt a fine won three firsts on delivery shows that
show of courage, howev -r, sh«r rallieil »lie Iras a “ taking” way with tire judges
tier r«'serv«) f.rce and du’ivercl her clos­ which it is hoped will solve the situation
ing climax with effec t, flu e n t cimle^t at Kaletn next «north. Hl.e has a com ­
with noxionc gases in the labratory oc- manding app-aranco before an audience
caeioiHd the tr.niMe, and the j«i«Jges, and Pacific Coifi-gc lias a representative
acq»r «Intel with that fact were chnritrt- in whom it Iras reason to be well pleas-
Me ill their marking*. Mias Patton ] c l.
I Tire judgea of tire contest were as fol-
presented a goml oration.
More than »hat o f any o’ her speaker, l«iw* : Composition, Pres, H. B. L . Pen­
tire effort of Carl Nel«on showed wlmt rose ol Whitman College, Walla Walla,
can he ac«rompli«hed in tl»e face of great Washington, Prof. Merdman, of Port-
«11 ¡Scullies. C ooiing over from Den* land A cadsm y and Prof K. H .Thom as,
mark with Ids parents l.ot rela iveW a j principal of the Portland Clint«pn-Kellv
few years ago, with a nev language t»i Jscirooi; delivery, Senator Mulkey of
lenrn an»J with a foreign sc "nt to over­ Mollino «tli, V. G. -Sii iD k lo of Portland
come, he has worae.l and p> r.cvtre l, and Judge N. J. Jud d i o l .'■»»'em.
GOOD BARGAINS IN KODAKS T o ile t A r t i c l e . C a m a ra a n d
KiH laks an il a ll k in d s o f C a m a r a
C am era S upplies
S u pplier«.
ICopt in Stook
L E S S O N S G I V E N IN K O D A K -
¡P aoifio Coliege
Stancl3 for
CIn'is llan tty and Culture,
Success in life comes not by
chance but by thorough prepara­
tion, This is what PACIFIC COL­
LEGE offers, with general collegi­
ate advantages.
The Faculty is made up of COMPETENT IN ­
The interests of all STUDENTS RECEIVE
given. NORMAL and COMMERCIAL courses
arc offered and special advantages iu ORATORY
General Expenses Low,
¿President ¿Pacifc Colleyo,
yiewberg, O/eyan.