Net te he Dlvulgsd. B r e a s tw o r k « fo r S o o th A fr ic a . H a v e b e e n r o s t e r e d to h ealth b y ly d la C. P.'nkh am ’s V e g e ­ ta b le C o m p o u n d . The In l o t - to r s a r o o n tHo s n d p r o v e this s t a te m e n t to b e a fa ct, n o t a m o n o b o a s t . W h en a m e d i ­ Another Leap to Fame. c i n e hag b e e n s u c c o e s fu l In “ M y cousin Percy, the poet, like c u r i n g g o m a n y w e m e n , y o u Byron, awoke the other morning to c a n n o t w e ll ca y w ith ou t tr y ­ in g It “ I d o n o t b e l i e v e It find himself famous. ’ ’ w ill h e lp m e . ” “ How did it happen?” The great lots of life suffered In at­ tacking Boer Intrenchments In South Africa has Inspired Walter Severn, an English artist, to Invent and patent a form of movable breastworks, by the one of which he thlnka fortified kopjes might be captured without much dan­ ger to the attacking party. The breast- worka constat of steel platea. mounted an bicycles at such aa angle that bal­ lets striking them will be deflected up­ ward. The Inventor baa the word of Maxim, the great gonmaker. that the “ A man who hud committed sui­ cide had, when they found him, one of l ’ercy’s pieces in his pocket. Nearly every paper in town men­ tioned it .” ALL N o other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so m any enthusiastic friends am ong the house- :rs of Am erica. N o other article of food has received such emphatic commendation for purity and wholesomeness from the most em­ inent authorities. The g re a t p o p u la r it y a n d it s g e n e ra l s u p e r io r it y . The “ Royal Baker and Pastry Cook " —containing over 800 most practical and valuable cooking re­ ceipts—free to every patron. Send postal card with year full address. Avoid the imitation powders. They •re sold cheap because they are made from alum. But alum is a poison dangerous to use in food ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8TREET, NEW YORK. Gave him Time. "Y o u haven’t explained how you came to have Mr. Sm ith’s chickens in your possession, ’ said the judge. " I ’m trying to think, your honor," replied the accused. "G iv e me tim e ." "V e ry w e ll," replied the judge blandly. "S ix m onths." — TO C U R E A C O LO IN O N E D A T Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A ll flruggibts refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. The Source. “ Unhealthy." “ W h a t’s your m an’s specialty?’ ’ asked the mayor of H ot Dog. “ L iftin ’ horses,” said the advance agent of the strong man. j “ W e ll,’ ’ said the mayor, “ f shore admire yer gall fer ownin’ up to it. but I ’ll tell you beforehand ttia tlflin bosses is a mighty unhealthy game in this here seciton.” I d o n ot b f li.v e i'is o ’s T u re fo r ( ’.in su m p tio n has an equ al fo r cou gh s and co ld s,—J o h n K. B o y e r , T r in it y Springs. H id ., Keb. 15. WOO. “ As for the clergy, they’re a pretty One Good Thing. poor lo t,” said a grumbling layman. “ There is one good thing about “ Yes,” returned the bishop, of them are poor indeed, lint con-1 this classical music, ” remurked Mr. aider the stock from which they cornel ; Meddergrass. “ You can start or stop You see we have to make them out J anywhere you want to without spoil- of laymen. ing the sense of the music. Take Garfield Tea for constipa- tio n ; it ban this to recommend It; it is made from health-giving herbs and it surely cures. Poor William. She (petulantly)—. [ don’t see why you should hesitate to get married on $3,000 a year. I'apa says my gowns never cost more than that. H e— But, my darling, we must have something to eat. “ Oh, W illia m ! Always thinking of your stomach!’ ’ P l . n . a n t , I'H lu ta b la , P o te n t. Easy to buy. cany to tn«e, may In action.eaar In re.u lu t aacaret. Candy Cathartic, ideal liver regulator amt Intentinnl tonic. A ll drug- glsta, 10c, 26c, 50c. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. G e n u in e C a r t e r 's Little Liver Pills. “ H e has built what he calls a Queen Ann villa, but it st rikes me as being a tawdry imitation, m erely.” “ Extremely, tawdry! Why, the roof doesn’t leak, even.” M ust B ear S ignaturo of Mtopm thm C ough mnd W ork * O ff thm C old. 3ee FaoS Im lla Wrapper Below. Laxative Ilrom o-gulnlnc Tablet, cure a cold in one day. .N o cure, N o Pay. Price 26 cent*. ■mall mad as easy to take aa s a fa r . Tear/ Work on Longfellow Memorial. The fund for a statue for Longfel­ low park, in Cambridge, has reached Hi.44, and work w ill he begun on the meomrial early in the spring. M oth ers w ill fin d M rs. W in s lo w ’s S o o th ­ in g S y ru p the best rem ed y to use lo r th eir c h ild ren d u r in g the teeth in g period. FOR FIR FOR FOR FOR FOR FON -, « H EA D A C H E. DIZZINESS. B ILIO U S N ES S . T O R P ID L IV E R . C O N S T IP A T IO N . S A LLO W S K IN . T H E C O M P LE X IO N O H m ilN U NIUTHATI 0APMATVW». M IS F O R T U N * R e la t iv e to th e party of thirteen.” said a broker who it credited with plenty of “ horse sense.” “ for the simple reason that 1 don't In­ tend to give coincidence a chance to play Into the haDds of superstition. Moreover, 1 have had one very disa­ greeable experience along that line. In the early spring of 1890 I was one of . '& ■ a bachelor party gotten up to give the usual send off to a friend about to com­ mit matrimony. There were fifteen of V e g e ta b le C o m p o u n d ua In the crowd, but at the last moment two were called away. That reduced is a p o sitive euro for all those painful us to the fatal number, which nobody A ilm e n t s of W o m e n . noticed until we were seated at the I t w ill en tirely cure th e w orst form s o f table, wdien a desperate effort was made F em a le Com plaints, a ll O va rian troubles, to scare up another guest, _______ but no _____ one inflam m ation and U lcera tio n , F a llin g and . *\T TT displacem ents o f the W o m b , and consequent could he found h o w e la u g h e d ¡S p in a) Weakness, and is p ecu lia rly adapted - - with the fun, » to ‘ the Change - r J * matter off and went on o f ---- L ife . u Your medicine cured me o f ter­ but there was a palpable undercurrent rible female illness. of depression and several of the boys M r s . m . E. M u l l e r , 1 a Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. acquired lachrymose Jags—which, next to the Eugllsh comic newspapers, are Backache. saddest thlags in the world. I t has cured m ore cases o f B ackache and " i f you are not familiar with the Leucorrhcea than any oth er rem ed y the terms I will explain that a lachrymose w orld has ever known. I t is alm ost in fa llib le Jag Is the stage of Inebriety at which a in such cases, i t dissolves and ex p els Tum ors from the U teru s in an ea rly stage man tells you the story of his life and o f developm ent, and checks any tendency weeps on your shoulders at intervals of to cancerous humors. six months In the narrative. However, in ||i jfjBiBfc Your Vegetable Compound re- moved a Fibroid Tumor from my to get to the point, two of the fellowa womb after doctors failed to give relief. M r s . B. A. L o m b a r d , present died In 1896. and the way the ________________ Westdale, Mass. clrcumstnnce demoralized nearly all the others was simply amazing. In several B e a r in g -d o w n F e e lin g of them It effected a total change In dis­ W o m b troubles, causing pain, w eigh t, and position. The death of distant rela­ backache, instantly r elie ved and perm a- tives, petty misadventures in business, n en tly cured by its uso. U n der a ll circum ­ occasional attacks of sickness and a stances it acts in harm ony w ith the law s th at govern the fem ale system , and is as hundred and one other Incidents of harmless as w ater. ________________ everyday life were all charged up to Backache leit me after taking the second bottle. Your medicine the blight of thirteen, and finally, about cured me when doctors failed a year and a half later. I became so M rs . S a r a h H o l s t e in , 3 Davis Block, Gorham St., Lowell, Mass. tired of hearing that sort of stories that I took the pains to collect statistic» on Irre g u la rity , another stag party given within a few Suppressed or P a in lu l Menstruations, W e a k ­ weeks of ours. An even dozen had ness o f the Stomach, Indigestion, B loating, been present and the net result was: F lood in g, N ervous Prostration, H ea da ch e, Two deaths, three business failures, G en eral P e b i 1 ity._____________________________ I» It is a grand medicine. I am one lost a leg and one lost an eye In ac­ thankful fo r the good it has done me. Mrs. J. W. J., cidents, one embezzler skipped out. one 76 Carolina Ave., divorce and two men gone to the dogs Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. through drink. This was not a party of hoboes, either, but average chaps about D iz z in e s s , F a in tn e s s , town, and thetr catalogue of disaster E x trem e Lassitude, “ don’ t care ” « n d “ w ant to he le ft a lo n e ” fe elin g , ex cita b il­ put an end to further croaking over our ity, irrita b ility, nervousness, sleeplessness, thirteen supper. All the same, I don't flatulency, in**l;oicholy, or the “ blues,” and yearn for a repetition of the experience. b.i(.‘ 11.o'lie. Th ese are sure indications o f Life’s too short for all worry not strict F em a le Weakness, some derangem ent o f the ly necessary."—New Orleans Times Uterus. _____________________________________ •rvtfVfc» I was troubled with Dizziness, Democrat. Lfriiï# Headaches, Faintness, Swelling Limbs. S ta m p N o v e lty . Stamp collectors have a novelty tn the shape of Cape Colony stamps Issued in that portion of the colony that ha« been annexed to the South African repub­ lic. for a time at least. These are the regular issue of British stumps, across the face of which have been stamped the letters "S. A. It." and the value of the stamp In Boer coinage. Dealers have not yet been able to secure the;- apeclniens, In any number at least, and there la a fancy value attached to the bits o f printed paper that makes their actual worth to collectors an unknown quantity until some one ascertains how many of them have been Issued.—New York Times. BLOOD WAS THIN PATIENT TREATED FOR HEART DISEASE AND CONSUMPTION. ttC M I Unwly T * p u W t . A 4 U ^ » * The Irony of Fate. There is the “ irony of fate” in the | CURE SICK HEADACHE. f a c t t h u t Hear Adm iral Cervera got his promotion to 1st vice admiral in Beyond Mir Limit advance cf either Sampson or Schley, “ Do you ever have moments, Mr. whose ships destroyed his fleet. Spoodlekins, when it scorns as if you couldn’t think of anything?” 1 nevah thought of that. VI/hAAn t l i A » c c o m p a n l e d b y I — “ I Why, wondah if I do?” W I I C I I I I I C the “ ucou‘ p,au h" in m o u t h , erup- | | «k in H [ o || a tio n s on th e skin, d l l . l d l l a throat r;>p|>er • c o lo re d splotches, A | . f l s w o lle n g la n d s, a c h in g m uscles V U I , n '* t>°n c s , ,l l r disease ** m a k in g ra p id h e a d w a y , an d fa r w orse sy m p to m s w ill fo llo w unless th e b lo o d ia p r o m p tly an d e ffe c tu a lly cle a n sed o f th is V iolent d e stru c tiv e p o ison . ■» S. S. S. is th e o n ly sa fe and in fa llib le cu re fo r th is disease, th e o n ly a n tid o te fo r th is sp ec ific p o ison I t cu res the w orst rases th o r o u g h ly and p e rm a n e n tly . f . . a n i . . C ould V v H V IIIv H V v Q lV ,n thr f*11 ° r '*»7 I contracted B lo o d live BCCR N r Wersc. * t h * e + i r ¿ treatment ¿ 1 * did me no good ; I was setting worse all the lime my hair came out, ulcer* appeared in rnv throat and mouth, my body was almost covered with copper colored splotches and offensive •ores I suffered severely from rheumatic pains in my shoulders and arms Mv condition could have been no worse ; onlv tho»r afflicted aa I was can understand my sufferings I had about lost all hope o f ever being well again when I decided to try 8 8 . S,. but must confess I had little faith left in any medicine After taking the third battle I noticed • change in my coadi tiea i hia was truly en­ couraging. and I deter­ mined to give S. S. S a thorough t r i a l . From that time ontbetmprove- meat was rapid ; 8. S 8. seemed to have the dis­ ease completely uader ooatrol . the sores and «leers healed aad I was soon free from all signs • f the diaorder ; I have been strong and healthy ever since L- W 8 m it « . k Boa 6?\ Noblesville. Ind. ccc is the only purely vege­ table b lo o d purifier « k n o w n , $ l , o o n ia off r m l fo r p ro o f that it ron tain a a p a rtic le o f m ercu rv potash o r o th e r m in era l p o ison . Send fo r o u r fr e e Ixxtk on B lood P o is o n ; it c o n ta in » va lu a b le in fo rm a tio n about th is diaeaae, w ith fu ll d ir e c tio n » fo r a eif treatm en t. • W e c h a rg e n o th in g fo r m edi* •n l a d v ic e ; cu re y o u rs e lf at hom e. TMC « w i n IPtC IM C CO.. ATLANTA, «A . T h . Beat Praaerlption for Malaria Chills anil Kevcr la a bottle ot drove’. Tasteless C hill Tonic. It 1» ilm n ly Iron and i,utnlue tn a tasteless form. No Cure, No Cay. Price 50c. Chinese Era. Tho “ Chinese era” begins B. 0. 2697, with the accession of the Em ­ peror Yao, who first devised a ealen dar for tho Chi none dividing the year into 365 days with an extra day every fo w lli jrflw A ctive man by laritc manufacturing troti,e: 0:10.00 In ca.h paid for 12 dava trial; promotion amt permanent po.ttlou If satisfactory. An­ drews tj. B. P. Co,, ,23 Chestnut Ht . PhUatla. Dani|erou, H u ,In c . Tourist— W hy don't yon offer a reward for the desperadoes who robbed the hank here last week? Sheriff — W hy, if they thought there was any money in the county treasury, they would come Kick and rob that too. , Hlmnticltv, strength ami purity combined tn cartteM Tea, the herti meiltetne Unit cure, const!- patlou amt liver troubles Then Hr Swart Off. H e (producing eigaretle case)— Do you object to cigarettes'’ Khe— Not at all. I don't blame the cigarette»— I only object to people who smoke them. Y This signature ia on »wary bat ot t h . (o .u in s Laxative Rromo-Quininc T»bi.t. Uta r t « a d j that r n r v a m rs lr t 1« s a a d a j Shopping. Shopman— Thiff mutches your imtn- pte perfectly, ntadame. Customer— It certainly does, couldn't he closer I Shopman— How many yard» do you wish? K n g la n d ’ « A r m y en d N e v y , I t w as r e c e n tly stated th a t E n g la n d ’s a rm y and n a v v is in a d e q u a te to p ro p e rly d e fe n d h e r s e lf fro m a sudden on s la u g h t. E n g la n d is, in th is in sta n ce, lik e th e ind i- v id u a l w h o a llo w s disease to creep in to hia system th ro u g h a stom a ch to o w eak to p r o p e r lv d ig e st th e fo o d taken in to it. T o stren g th en the stom a ch th ere is n o th in g b etter th an H o s te tle r 's S tom ach B itters, i t cures d y s p ep sia , co n s tip a tio n , in d ig e s ­ t io n , liv e r a n d k id n e y tro u b le, and as a to n ic is in c om p a ra b le. N n a ib e r Features ol a National Park. The Vicksburg national park w ill soon be complete as far as the acqui­ sition of land is concerned. It w ill comprise in all 1,231 acres. I t is proposed to restore all m ilitary feat- tires that marked it in the struggle of 1863. F I T # Permanently Cured. Ko fit* er neni I I IQ after lint a»y’n uaeof Dr. Kliae’s Great Nerve Restorer Send for P K B E f i . 0 0 trial bottle aud treat* lae. Dm.R. il. K linb . Ltd..»31 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa, K H A M ’S u s e o f t h e R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r a tte s t M E T W IT H S u p e r s t it io n Kash— W hat was the cashier fired for? De Sales— For giving away one of the trade secrets, I believe. Kash— You don’t say? De Sales— Yes; he told one of the customers that the boss was an old block head, and the boss overhead him. Your inedicina cured me. M r s . S a r a h K. B a k e r , Burksport, Me. A Deep Cutter. “ I was out in a revenue cutter, last •teel platea need not weigh more than five or six pounds to tho square foot, n igh t,” remarked Duka.te to Gaswell. “ I thought you went sleigh rid­ ao that the weight on each bicycle will not be more than that of an ordinary in g?” “ W ell, it made quite a cut in my man. It la Intended that the movable shields shall be pushed ahead of the revenue. ” attacking column by a cumber of strong men, detailed for the purpose. l i beet tim e to cure Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. They may also be used to protect the Our rem edy is guaranteed, $1. wounded, to form squares, and to pro­ “ •a O. . B “ o x 97 ---- 3. tect men who are cutting wires. They W. H. SMITH I CO., Buffalo, N. Y. can be removed from the wheels and transported by wagoD. and, when prop­ erly arranged about the sides, they would transform a transport wagon Into an armored car. ■ / THE ORIGINAL» B U T X E T-PB O O r B ICYC LE S E IIL T ). SOMMER KEEP YOUR SADDLE DRY! T r a v e lin g tn C o lo n ia l Days. A fter the period of walking and canoelDg had Its day In colonial times, nearly all land travel, for a century, was on horseback. Just as It was in England at that date. In 1672, there were only six stage coaches In the whole of Great Britain, and a man wrote a pamphlet protesting that they encouraged too much travel. Boston then had one private coach. Women and children usually rode seated on a pillion behind a man. One way of prog­ ress which would help four persons ride part of their Journey was what was called the "rlde-and-tle” system. Tw o of the four persons who were traveling started on their route on foot; two. mounted on the saddle and pillion, rode about a ntlle, dismounted, tied the horse, and walked on. When the two who had started on foot reached the waiting horse they mounted, rode on past the other couple for a mile, dls- mor.uted, tied and walked on; and so on. Disappeared« RIDER AND SADDLE HARDE5T5TORM l* wm* * ^ catalogued free 8 SHOWING TULL L IN E OF GARMENTS AND H ATS $25 When vou take G rove'» Tasteless C h ill Ton ic because the formula is (.lainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simnljr Iron and Qni- niue in a tsateless form. N o C ure. N o Pay. 60c. A Realist. “ So you let your loading man go?” “ I had to ,’ ’ answered Mr. Storm- ington Barnes. " H e was too realis­ tic in his itlcas. ” “ Interfered with your work on the stage?” " N o not on the stage, in the box office. H e wanted real m oney.” HOW’S T H I S ’. "e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease o f Catarrh that can no; bo cured by Hall's Catarrh C ur.. K. J. C H E N E Y .4 CO.. Prop s. Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for to e past 15 Years, and t>ehero him perfectly hono-ubl in nil busm ss transaction* and fin­ ancial able to carry out any oblig-n ona muds by luelr firm. W is t Jk T r i - a x . Wholesale DrmjTists, Toledo, - $35 - IF! ttMto"«, ! « T H ° " P E I N S I O I N BICKFORD, Washington, D. C.. they w ill re. ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Stall 20th Corps. Prosecuting claim s since 1878. N . P . N . Ü. W H E N w r it in g t e a d v e r t is e r s m e n tio n t h is p a p er. “ADVANCE” THRESHER Or w rite M. E. and E. T . Hay, Wilbur, Wash. PORTLAND’S FUTURE. POULTRY JO H N P O O LE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street, Can give you Buggies, Plows, Wm. tin ilia and Machinery. See NETTINC. Buy from the manufacturer. Price in fu ll roll« 2 feet wide, l i t feet lon g.........................|l.6A I *• * " “ - ............... 2.47 4 *• •• * " - ..... 3.40 5 •• aa «« «< aa ^ ... ............... .... ^ 4»l'J the best b a r g a in s in • " - •• * * . 4.95 Boilers and Engines, AH Kinds o f W ire and Iron Work. Pumps and Geueral P O R T L A N D W I R E A. I R O N W O R K S us before baying. 149 F r o n t 8 t ., P o r t la n d . O r e g o n . l i hoo V pg yo O LD FENCESI “B y°uiï«°o« Anchor Clamps and Uprights. T n t O ld Ttncm. For tho last 10 years there has been an inen m «*.' «.f 2.000 annually in the numlter of Great B ritain’s insane. T he A nchoe F ence . • T i i * T tx T h a t B ivna." See Our Anchor Clamp 8t. Paul Fast Mail 6:00 p. m. via Spokane Walla Walla Lewis­ ton,Spokane,Min­ neapolis, St. Puul, Duluth. Milwau­ kee, Chicagotk East 7.00 a. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rK O M PO R TLAND . A ll sailing dates subject to change 8£0 p.m. 4:00 p. m. For San Francisco— Sail every 5 days. Dally Ex.Sunday 8:00 D. in. Saturday 10:00 p. in. 6:00 a. m Ex.Suuday 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur and Sat. Lr. Riparia 3:35 a. m. Daily Columbia River Steamers. 4:00 p. m. Ex.Sunday To Astoria and Way Landings. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, New- berg, Salem, Inde­ pendence »fc Way Landings. 3:30 p. m. Mon.. W « i and Fri. Alllamette and Yam­ hill Kivers. Oregon City, Day- ton, «b Way Land­ ings. 4 -80 p. m. Mon.. Wed. and Fri. Willamette River. Portland to Corval­ lis di Way Land­ ings. Snake River. Lv. Lewiston Daily 9 a. m. Riparia to Lewiston A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ---- V IA ----- SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Shasta Route. Trains leave New berg for Portland and way stations at 7:55 a. m. and for Dalias 6:4u p. in. Leave Portland................... 8:30 A. M. 8::v» P. M. “ A lb a n y ......................12:30 P. M. 11:35 A. M A rrive Ashland.................. 12.55 A. M. 12:35 p. M. 5:1-0 A. M. “ Sacram ento........ 5:10 P. M. 8:45 A. M. “ San Francisco..... 7:45 P. M. A rrive Ogden...................... 4:55 A. M. 7:10 A. M. D en ver..................... u:3end, Ellensbnrgh, Ros- lyn. North Yakima. Sprague, Cheney, Spo­ kane, Pullman* Gar­ field, Farmington. Mos­ cow, Fniontown, Gen­ esee, Rossland, B. C.; Trail, B. C.; Nelson, B. C .; Kalso, Missoula, Butte, Anaconda, Hele­ na, St. Paul, Minneapo­ lis Kansas City, Oma­ ha, Council Bluffs, St. Louia, Chicago, Wash­ ington. New York, P h il­ adelphia, Boston, and all points E*st and Southeast. r.-50 a. m 8 DAYS to Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Paul. DAYS to Milwaukee and Chicago. 4^ DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other Eastern points. Cattle. Sheep and Ho* Tlflht. SO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 1« xavaa suaaaltereloala* The Portland Anchor Fence Co. Write for Prices and Cata'ogue. Agenta Wanted in Every Town. — — «^ — ■ — — — — 7«J Nicolai St.. PORTLAND, Oregon. — — — ■— — P o r tls o d , O r. 2S5 M o r r l i o n St., C o r . T h i r d . FARM, RAILROAD AND L A W N FENCE. — 5CS* K E E P I OUR B LO O D C L E A N C h a s . L . M a s t i c k & C o . ” F’” ’ Oregon. ^ Portland, CASH B U YERS OF HIDES, PELTS AND TALLO W . IA i n TH i I I FS I J!o/PTO*iVUl»*a»i 8:40 a. m. Asst. Geo. Psss. A p o t , You would be surprised it you knew how little It would cost > ou \o flx up that old fence. Better send for some Anchor Clamps and t’ prijfu s. and a pair o f our pinchers, and mace your o d w ire fence look like a new one. ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and i l so strong that farm an sometimes think that it must ba high pv.cad. It isn't, though. C l a m p B irom i I ' m no . tuts Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansas c ity , st. Louis,Chicago aud East. A. D. C H A R L T O N , S r r .t Com bination o f Str.nxth mnd B esaty. CANDY C A T H A R T IC fOOTs P0WER,*»w ""^ • « * n « m » Atlantic Express 9 00 p. m. via Hunt­ ington Bagfage cheeked through to destination of 1 ticket. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps and full information, call on or write If yon haven't a reaalar, healthy movement o f th« bowel* every day, you re*lck orwii. he. keep yoar bowels open ami be well. Force, in tta**fc*p«or violant phy*’.’ or pill poison, is da.'gerons. Tha ■»vothckt e i :e*t most lerftc t w%r of teema* it * sem is clear and clean is w> lake »«•rM«% I f * t 4 t n « p a a v , Ihle««« , B 'a lr o a l , l w ! « r t . 4:30 p. m. The only route to the Yellowstone National Park. Portland is grow in g faster today than at any­ tim e in its past history, and w ill have a popu­ lation o f not less than 150,000 in 1905. I am offering business and residence property today at prices that w ill pay 50 per ceut net in 5 One or two horse : sizes 8, 9, 10 and 12. Cali on McCormick agent, or address years. Call on or address A . H . B O Y L A N , G sn . A g l . , P o r t l a n d , Or. R. L. CATE, For Catalogue and Prices. General Agent of the Hawthorne Estate. ’ Phone Oak 1006. 319 Chamber o f Commerce. Insanity ill Great Britain« P'ea«snt. PslaraMe. Potent. Ta*?eGooff TV Good. s m r G ip p S n ip o rt.r're I*V, MV WrtSg » 'resa Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth,Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,Chicago and East. Th* only Dining-Car Routt from Portland to the East. R. L. Cate Predicts 150,000 Popula­ tion and S ays All E yes Are Pointed This W ay. a NEW BESTFORTHE BOWELS Chicago Portland Special • :00 a. in. ▼ ia Hunt- iL-gton. O . H . M A R K H A M , G . P . A ., P o r t la n d , O r e g o n . T o be Prosperous, Use the W a LBINQ, ’ INMAN A MACVIS, » , I,™,,. a b b iv b a r r iv i (Yellow stone Park Line.) Ymolesale Drug ists, Toledo. O. nall'aC a.arrh Cure ist ken.n* rn a lly .a c ii thè syst m. Pri e 75c. per bo* ile. fcvMi drug ist*. Testim oni ls iree. Hall * Fam ily P ii) r th - 1-cst. c if ic Pullm an and T o u r 't cars on both trains. Chair cars to Ogdk ii » hd El Paso, and Tourist ears to Chicago, St. Louis, N ew Orleans and Washington. Connect ng at San Francisco w t i theseveral steamship lines for Honolulu. .Inpan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at N e w b .U station or address Advance Thresher Co., Portland, Or. PO RTLAND , OR. P a f TIME ftCHEDULES Or. D in a r p ie n s e The greatest money-maker. For prices and catalogue see "A d va n ce” agents, or w rite Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., Firat and Taylor Sts. n io n in e Mo. 18—1901« Branch House, Portland, Oregon. Dnnlop Steel Rims. Full Fine of Sundries. Agents Wanted. Send for Catalogue. L h o r t S O U T H A N D E A ST $40 OXFORD, DEFENDER and DUNLOP TIRES Didn't Need One. “ Clara, an indoca flying machine has been invented.” “ W ell, you needn’t get one, Clar­ ence. You break enough brie a brae now. ” $30 - U r e g o n A.J.TOWER CO. BOSTON. MASS, ss K id n e y C o m p la in t s and B acka ch e of e ith er sex th e V eg e ta b le Com com p pound ou nd alw olw ays cures. rsh-kaxjAaiB^. The Vegetable Com­ is sold by all Lydia E. Plnkham s pound druggists or sent by mail, in form o f Pills Liver Pills cure or Lozenges, on re. Constipation. ceipt of 81 .(to. ( orrespondence freei§ Sick Headache, 25c. answered. You can address in strictest confidence, LYDIA L. IM N klU n MLJJ. CO., Lynn, Mas From Presbyterian Journal, Phila , Pa. A fter years of patient anil intense suffering, Miss Gertrude Gilbert, of 3201 Dauphin street, Philadelphia, Pa., has recovered her lost health, and is today a rosy ami blooming specimen of young womanhood. To a reporter she gave the following ac­ count of her case: "1 had been sick for a long time, when a friend urged me to try Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills for Pale People. Previous to this three doctors had treated me. They diagnosed my trouble as heart disease, together with con mi nipt ion, and prescribed accordingly. All this medical treatment did not benefit mo in the least. I was in a terrible condition. There was scarce­ ly any blood left in my body. My chief trouble was weakness, and after laborious efforts to get up stairs I almost went into a faint and on sev­ eral occasions thought I was going to die. “ So little blood had I that nty ears were almost transparent, and my complexion was ns white as a sheet. I can scarcely describe my senations, but after repeated treatment by my physicians I became thoroughly dis­ count ged. " I t was at this time that Dr. W il­ liams' Pink Pills were recommended to me, and 1 procurrcd a b v Before I had finish,',! it I began to fool the l« 'ne fit to m y health. This gave me encouragement, and I ln-gan a sys- t etna t ic course according to directions. A t the end of the seventh or eighth box, in addition to having a sufficient quantity and a better quality of blood in nty veins 1 was relieved of that shortness of breath anti quick heart action which had been my chief trou­ ble. My appetite returned, and I was enabled to do my daily duties with a cheerfulness which I had never before experienced. I always, as a prevent­ ive. keep a box of Dr W illiam s' Pink Pills in my room. They are all they are represente,! to be. and to them, and to them alone, do I owe my res­ toration to health.” Signed. G K R T R U P E G IL B E R T . A t all druggist» or d iffc j (rom IV. W illiam s Medicine Company,Schenec­ tady, N. Y . Price, ¡*0 cents per box; 6 boxea, $2 50. PROTECTS BOTH Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan. VOU K N O W W H A T Y O U AR K T A K IN G Hut III«* IH w gnoni* f f m W r o n g —W h e n th e B lo o d W m R n ric lie m l th e S y m p to m « */S H B it s ® P O M M E L S L S lack I C cbyaliow K E R Mitchell Bicycles ADVANCE THRESHER CO. •or eight years I suffered with womb trouble, and was entirely cured by Mrs. Pinkliam’s medicine. M rs . L. L. T o w n k , Littleton, N . H. S 6:00 ft. m. Tue*., Thur aud Sat. Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. T lio w h o le st.orv, h o w e v e r , is to ld In an Illu s tra te d book w liie li goes w ith each b o t­ tle, th e m ost c o m p lete tre a tise on fe m a le coiy plaint * e v e r puhliished. O IConaignmrnta aolicite. 1 . Pay l ighrat market price. PROMPT RETURNS D-aler. in leather and Finding*. Refer to W#:te, Fargo * Co. Bank, Borland, Oregon. t r ad i M aras D c s ig n s o py r ig h ts A c . C Anvrtne sending * sketch and description may falrSly *arwrt«in our opinion free whether an Invention ts probably patentable. Cnmmunlrs- tlona strictly eonidenttal. Handbook on Patent« •ent free, t'ldeet ageiirv for securing parents. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. reeel▼« Wpectol notiee, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely frustrated weefclv. (relation o f anv sclenttfir Journal, year fner m- nths. II. OoMbyall 3611 MUNN & Co.,,,t'—- ’ New York Breach oflee7CS F St„ titngtoa, I>. U