N E W B E R G ÌRAPHIC. N EW B ER G GRAPHIC. A D V K K T I9 IN O NEWBERG GRAPHIC. B A IE 1 One Coltunn.........................„....Tw enty Dollars alf C o lu m n ....................................Ten Dollars roiesaioaal Cards............................. One Dollar R S U B S C lt I F T ' On, V ,» r .. .. „ ..... ....... Six M o n th ,.................. Ih r e * Months......... ...... ( H ATU. J S u b s c r ip tio n P r ie # k e a d ln i N o t ic e s W i l l B e In s e r t e d at the R a t e o f T e n C en ts P e r L in e . VOL. BBOfim X III. N E W 1 ÎE K G , Y A M H IL L LEFT TO DIPLOMACY. COUNTY, OREGON, F R ID A Y , MARCH »9, 1901. BOTH SIDES RETIRE. NO. 19. Address, O n .ru le. ..... .... (s i* I c t r U M i In A d > ▲ drertlsing Bills Collected Monthly. ..... ............ n M , , i, |f b. «.bo.g, Oregon. A RIVER OF FIRE. Troops Withdrawn From Disputad Flaming Oil Destroyed New Jersey Settlement of the Dispute at Tien ' Village. Land at Tien Tsin. Tsin. NEW YORK, March 26.—A river of BERLIN, March 25.—The war oflflce PEKIN, March 23.— Count Von ffamiug
J while its Waldersee: In at Inhah facts were aslf- e til t mornlug. Consul-General Gunnere Is After “ The Anglo-Russian dispute at Tien Russians Refuse to Gi’ From All Parts of the New World eral Wogack have been in consults items of Interest From All Parts «nd redmod 11 bulnUms. stores and tion and General Wogack has agreed i Tsin has been settled from a military residence* to ashes. T conflagra­ Tien Tsin. the Moorish Ruler. of the State. and the Old. to withdraw the Russian troops from standpoint in a manner satisfactory tion »a s extraordii i: Harm ter, to both parties at a conference be­ the disputed ground at Tien Tsin. I and in its origin. The '1-je is In a tween Generals Wogack and Barrow. provided the British also withdraw. valley along the New jersey Central Of INTEREST TO OCR MANY READERS He insisted also upon a guarantee COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS Both guards and posts have been HAVE ORDERED BRITISH TO WITHDRAW Railroad. An immense freight train HL MlliT Stri LE UNITED STATES CLAIM withdrawn and salutes have been ex­ was coming east at 6; 30 A. M. It was that work on the railway siding changed. The British declare that no composed of a string of coal cars, and should not proceed until the matter Offense to the Russian Hag was in­ General Wogack Refuses to Accept Von Wat A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve­ 18 tank oars. High above the village Cruiser New York Arrives at Gibraltar, and Comprehensive Review of the Important l i ^ had been diplomatically adjusted. tended and that the aliegea removal the tracks of the railroad run along dersee's ArBifration— English Troopa Will Convey the American Official ments of the Many Industries Through- of the Russian boundary marks was penings of the Put Week hi • This proposal and stipulation was the side of a mountain. They descend Being Rushed to the Scene. out Our Thriving Commonwealth. from Tangier to Mazagan. neither by the command nor with the satisfactory to Geueral Barrow and Condensed Form. as they approach the village, but even knowledge of the military authorities. at the station are considerably above was accepted by him. Consequently The work on the disputed land will LONDON, March 22. — "General the main street, which runs up to the OTBRALTAR, March 25.—The ar­ Ashland— Construction of the Ash­ not be continued until the govern­ Pittsburg street-car men may go am the British and Russian troops will depot at a steep incline. land freight depot has begun. mored cruiser New York arrived here he withdrawn at 5 o’clock this morn­ ments have reached an agreement as Wogack has refused to accept Count strike. A few miles west of the village, today. The New York will convey Mr. Pendleton— Young men of Pendle­ to its possession or until a special un­ von Waldersee's arbitration at Tien ing (Friday), thereby avoiding all General Funston has gone In pursuit Tsin,” says the Pekin correspondent while coming down the incline around Oummere, United States consul gen­ derstanding has been attained.” trouble at present. Orders have been ton have organized a cornet band. the mountain the train parted. The of Aguinaldo. of the Daily Mail, wiring yesterday, engineer on the forward end pulled eral, from Tangier to the tneaport of La Grande— A large fruit cannery issued that no British officer shall Muzagan, whence he will <|svel over­ PEKIN, March 23.— The troops on "and demands that the British not apen the throttle of the Kruger expects to visit the United | leave or even "sleep out’’ at night will be established at La Grande. engine land to Morocco City, ttfe political both sides of the disputed land at States next month. to race away from capital of Morocco, there to demand John Day— The Sheep Gulch mine, Tien Tsin have been withdrawn, and only withdraw, but apologize for te- and tried or go to dinner without furnishing General the section, which was Increasing The Philippine commission is taking his address to the adjutant. The near John Day, has resumed opera­ all danger of a fracas is ended. The tnoving the Russian flag. from the sultan an apology for an ap­ Barrow refuses to do either, and in its speed every second. He man­ testimony in Negros. opinion of the British is that the so refusing has the support of the aged to keep clear of the racing parent discourtesy to the United marines will return to the ships. tions. Salem— The O. R. St N. Co., whose promptness oi General Barrow in call­ British government. Japan energetically protests against Admiral Seymour objects to any of British rein­ cars until he got opposite the depot at j States, committed by the sultan's j grand vizier and his minister to for­ the Russo-Chinese treaty. the Australian naval brigade, who docks were washed away, contem­ ing up the marines from Taku pre­ forcements are being sent.” Glengarden, when the second section plates replacing them. vented a collision. The British re­ “ Russia's proceedings in Corea,” smashed into the first. The first sec­ eign affairs. At the same time, Mr. The Portuguese government seized volunteered for service on the rail­ Eugene— Many orfers are being re­ port that prior to the arrival of the says the Kobe correspondent of the tion, composed of the coal cars, was Gummere will request tne sultan to way, remaining. The military au­ Jesuit property in Lisbon. ceived for Eugene school bonds, which marines sentrtes were supplied from Daily Mail, "arc now openly aggres­ going at a high rate of speed, and settle certain claims of the United thorities say he does not understand States long pending against the gov­ Spain received $100,000 for the is­ the situation, that his inference is the district will sell to the amount of the Madras Pioneers, who for several sive. and it is believed that sue is none of Its cars were Jolted off the ernment of Morocco. these claims days were surrounded by crowds of about to make further demands in track. The oil tanks on the runaway $25,000. lands of Cagayan and Sibutu. uncalled for and laat the Australian arost largely from alleged undue In­ foreign soldierB mostly French, who | connection with Masampo.” section were hurled sideways across Summerville— It is reported that assailed them with all kinds of abuse, A tornado did great damage to ship­ marines are just lue men needed. The officials of the foreign office the tracks, and the oil tank cars be­ terference by officials of the sultan The Russians have ordered a regi- j the complete outfit of new machinery calling them "coolies.” The Madrasses with American citizens doing busi­ ping in Pensacola bay, Florida. ment to proceed from Port Arthur for the creamery at Summerville has were becoming restive when the ma­ here have received no Information hind were piled on top of it in every ness in Morocco. When Mr. Gum­ of an outbreak of hostilities at Tien way. The first crash caused the oil Corea removes British collector of to Tien Tsin. The arrangement made been ordered. rines arrived at night and quietly re­ Tsin. Their latest advices Buy the In one of the tanks to explode, and mere said he would see the sultan customs, which causes a protest. by General Bailoud the French com­ personally on the matter of these Weston— Two quarter sections of lieved them, and it was only when situation remains the same. The ru­ Ignite, and the terrific heat caused tne mander, are regarded as perfectly fine farming land, one and one-half daylight appeared that the Russians mor (credited by a news agency to other cars to explode, one after the claims, he was told by the grand Governor Rogers, of Washington, ve­ satisfactory and all danger of trouble miles south of Weston have changed discovered the change. toed the bill for the selection 01 school the London stock exchange and pub­ other. The Incline running from the vizier and his minister of foreign af­ between the British and Russians is owners. The price paid was $13,500. | text-books. lished in New York) that the British depot down to the main street acted fairs that any Buch effort would bs avoided. W H Y BOTHA DECLINED. and Russians had fired at each other as a sluice for the burning oil, and it useless, as the sultan would remove Quartzburg-—Qunrtzburg will soon Russia agrees with Great Britain at Tien Tsin, has not even reached poured into the chief thoroughfare of himself and his ministers from their be connected with Prairie City by :o let Von Waldersee arbitrate the Tien MILITARY TO CIVIL. capital, Morocco City if the Ameri­ Kitchener Refused Complete Amnesty the leading stock exchange firms. telephons. The wire has been the village, setting fire to every thing can consul attempted to visit them Tsin dispute. to Leaders. stretched nearly the entire distance. it touched. Houses, fences, trees, there. Thts uiscourteous statement Mrs. Nation was escorted from Transfer of Government in Philip­ Preparing for Trouble. shrubbery and barns were reduced to constitutes the offense for which the LONDON, March 25.— The Daily Clatsop — The Elk Creek toll road, pines June 30. grounds of Kansas soldiers’ home to ashes in an incredibly short time. Chronicle, professing to be able to Tien Tsin, March 22.— A special I Moroccan government has been asked train by police. W ASHINGTON, March 23.— The in Clatsop county, is almost com­ give an outline of the negotiations be­ train bearing reinforcements of Aus­ Villagers awakened oy the explo­ for apology and to secure which apol­ pleted, and wii. soon be open for Graviy of the Russian student trou­ transfer from the military to the civil travel. One bridge remains to be tween Lord Ktohener and General tralian troops left Pekin for Tien sions rushed from the on-coming flood ogy Mr. Gummere, backed up by the Tsin at 10 o'clock this morning. One of blazing oil, carrying children in New York at Mazagan, will travel Botha, says; bles impelled the Czar to call a special government in the Philippines is ex­ put la. “ The chief obstacle to a settlement French, an Italian and a German war­ their arms. Some risked iheir lives to overland to the sultan's capital. meeting of the ministers. pected to occur about June 30, ac­ Gold Beach—Gold Beach is now in was Lord Kitchener’s jefusal to grant ship are outside the bar. A dust free horses, cows and dogs in outbuild­ The United States experienced New Jersey village was destroyed cording to calculations made at the telephone communication with the out­ complete amnesty to the leaders of storm prevented Count von Walder­ ings, but other unfortunate animals by burning oil, as the result of the war department upon information re­ side world. The line has been ex­ the rebels in Cape Colony. He offered see, who arrived here yesterday, could not be reached in time, and were some difficulty and delay last year in securing the payment of $5,000 from wreck of a coal and oi! train. ceived from the Taft commission and tended across the river from Wed- self-government on the lines of Jama­ from proceeding for Pekin until this burned. Within five minutes after the . Morocco for the latter’s failure to derburn. morning. Ninety British marines ar­ first explosion the flowina river of oil General MacArthur. It is known that ica immediately upon the cessation of Insurgents will be given 30 days’ ex­ ! make any attempt to punish the lead­ tension of time to take advantage oi even where civil government is be­ Eugene-—A bridge on the Elmira j hostilities, with legislative bodies rived here last night from the Taku had reached the Masonic Te.mple in ers of a mob who burned and killed forts to replace the Indian guards on the heart of the village and ten min­ the law regulating voting and office- ing established by the Philippine com­ mail route, about eight miles west partly elected by the burghers. The the naturalized American cttlzen, the disputed land. In addition to .the utes later that structure was envel­ holding. mission, the military will be neces­ of Eugene, is in a dangerous condi­ government agreed to provide £1„ Australians, outposts from the lines oped in flames. Then building after Marcus Ezequi, at Fez, last June, l 000,000 to compensate Boers for prop­ tion. It will be rebuilt as soon as the After considerable correspondence on General Weyler, Spanish minister of sary for some time to support the water recedes. erty destroyed and articles comman­ of communication are coming to be building, all of them frame, took fire the matter and after the United war, is preparing extensive army re­ civil authorities. It is the intention deered by the Boers on commando, ready in case of necessity. The Brit­ as the oil reached them, and within States had threatened to send a war­ Ashland—S. H. Calhoun, of Ash­ provided the signatures of the of­ ish are under arms to prevent the half an hour an area of 400 feet square forms. The food of the soldiers will to withdraw the military as fast as ship to Tangier, Morocco paid the be improved, and economies will be possible, however, from any partici­ land, has exchanged 160 acres of land ficers who commandeered the goods settlement being rushed, but they do was a mass of flame. From the $5,000 In question. wrecked cars the oil flowed down the realized in the war budget. pation in the governments established, near that place for a like amount of were forthcoming. He also offered to not anticipate such extremes. land in Klamath county belonging tu grant loans on easy terms for rebuild­ General Lom e Campbell, the Eng­ incline of the railroad track, making a “ The United States government,” and the soldiers will be more of a G. H. Palethorpe. ANXIOU8 TO ASSI3T CHINA. lish commander, and General W og­ long line of fire that destroyed the ties police than of a military force. ing and restocking farmsteads. More- says the London correspondent of tue ack, commanding the Russians, met and bent and twisted the tracks. The Wherever possible, native police will ] over, he agreed that children should Baker City— Mr. C. McEndry, who Daily Express, “ has refused New Zea­ Ministers Desire to Put Her on Her Count von Waldersee upon his ar­ owns placer claims on Pine creek, on be instructed in English or Dutch, at rival here. Learning that both had loss is estimated at from $60,000 to land’s request to reopen the question of be organized. Feet. the Burnt river slope, nas been ex­ j the discretion of their parents. The received Instructions from their gov­ $75,000. permitting British steamers to trade FEKIN, March 25. — The British BATTLESHIP ASHORE. hibiting in Baker City a gold nugget ; government undertook to make no ernments, Count von Waldersee said between Honolulu and San Francisco.” W ANT CIVIL RULE. headquarters here report the with­ claim on church property or funds, or which weighs $107. Two hundred girls working in the Massachusetts Runs on a Spit in Pen­ drawal of both the Russian and Brit­ upon hospitals or hospital funds, or that it was useless for him to give Pendleton— Frank Frazier Is mak upon private Investments. No burgher even an opinion regarding the mat­ Negros Is Ready for Provincial Gov­ ish troops from the disputed terri­ overall department of Sofford Bros., sacola Harbor. ing plans for a horse parade at Pen­ of either state was to be allowed to ters at Issue. drygoods factory at Kansas City, ernment. tory In Tien Tsin. M. De Giers, the PENSACOLA, Fla., March 21 — It is the general feeling in Tien dleton early next May, similar to the possess a rifle, except by special li­ walked out. The firm recently re­ BACALOR, Island of Negros, March Russian minister to China, believes Tsin that the trouble Is not likely to duced the price for making overalls The flagship Kearsarge and the battle­ one last May. All kinds of well-bred cense. 25.— According to expressions of a that everything will be amicably ad­ from $1.25 to 98 cents a dozen. ship Alabama, of the North Atlantic horses will be allowed to take part. “ General Botha was generally ip reach a point where blood will be large majority of the delegates from justed at London and St. Peters­ shed. Both detachments on guard In the bankruptcy court at Burton- squadron, crossed the bar here this Ashland— Inquiry of lumber dealers favor of these conditions, but he dis­ have orders to do nothing aggressive Occidental Negros and of a few who burg, and doubts the probability of on-Trent, England, Lord Waterpark morning for a cruise In the Gulf, at Ashland reveals the fact that while sented strongly from a proposal to unless forced to do so by the other. were present from the Oriental side, further trouble In the matter. Gen­ Voyron, commander of t!^e declared his bankruptcy was due to with Target Bay, Culebra Island, as improvements have been going on give the full privilege of citizenship to Except the army and camp followers, the sentiment of the people Is over­ eral whelmingly In favor of succeeding French troops, has ordered a new properly domciled and registered steadily all winter, building will take the compulsory sale of his property a destination. The Massachusetts, blacks. He was also greatly con­ the only Russians now residing here the present governments by provin­ regiment to Tien Tsin to replace the in compliance with the Gladstone act which followed the two other war on a fresh impetus with the open­ cerned about the position Jewish cap­ are the members of the consular staff, cial governments In both divisions. one now here. French officers here of 1881. He said he had thereby lost ing ol spring. two clerks and two Jews, who are The reasons given for tii.s view are think it was a mistake to leave a italists would occupy in the country, £35,000. The liabilities of the debt­ 6hips out, took a sheer, left the chan­ Milton — High water In the Walla and was told that Jews and Chris- running stores, and who left Russia that such a change will effect a reduc­ regiment recruited in a city at Tien or amount to £26,00v, and his asset! nel, and went aground on a spit ol W alla river washeu out the under­ j tians would enjoy equal rights, no dis­ in order to save their lives. These tion of taxes and the high salaries of Tsin. This regiment was composed are £3,000. sand at buoy No. 7. President pinning at the Milton end of the tinction being mane in the matter of are now being offered Inducements officials, the establishment of schools of a tough Paris element. to move to the Russian concession. and the improvement of roads. The Great damage has leen done by O'Brien, of the National Bar Pilot bridge near Brown’s mill, and con­ concessions.” At the meeting of tne ministers Association, arrived late tonight from siderable work was necessary to re The French concession Is quiet. speakers alleged that owing to a lack held this morning, the only question floods in Andalusia. the battleship. He says she is aground pair the damage. French gendarmes are on duty at of means of education, liberty was considered was that of policing the MUST REFUND THE BONDS. A hurricane swept the New H » with 24 feet of water under her for­ the British concession to prevent the becoming license. The military com­ legation quarters. A committee of brides January 25, doing great dam­ ward turret, while there is plenty of Sumpter— The Sumpter Valley rail­ soldiers from trespassing, and an Aus­ mander is credited with having or­ commissioners has been appointed to Pina County, Ariz., Will Pay for age. water under all other parts of the road will commence work on the re tralian naval brigade is preventing ganized the only schools. They arc discover China's resources and re- the Experiment, the Slhks from invading the French taught by soldiers. Commissioner | port on her ability to pay the indem­ The condition of Representative ship. It is expected the battleship maining three miles of road to the new town in a few days, and trains PHOENIX. Ariz., March 25— The concession. Livingstone, of Georgia, who is ill will be pulled off tomorrow. Taft assured the delegates that Ne­ nity to be demanded by the powers. will be running from Maker to W hit­ territorial supreme court today hand­ General Lom e Campbell, upon gros would be supplied with Amer! Many ministers at Washington, is encouraging. are strongly op­ ney soon. Whitney will be the ter­ ed down an important decision in the hearing of the death of ex-President Philippine Trade. can teachers and he outlined the need posed to China's having to pay to The cruiser Olympia was placed in minus of the company at present. matter of the Pina county bonds, it Iq Harrison, ordered all the British flags of organizing provinces uniformly keep an army of from 10,000 to 12,- the drydock at Boston to be scraped Washington, March 23.— The im­ 000 men here for the next two years, Eugene — Sheriff W. W. Withers held that the territory must refund to be flown at half-mast. with other islands. and painted below the water line. ports into the Philippine Islands from these bonds, amounting now, with in­ The announcement of yesterday's thinking this entirely unnecessary. Company I, of the Twenty-third in­ the United States during the first rounded up a gang of 11 hobos in terest, to $352,000. Incidentally, the Our Claim Againit Morocco. surrenders In the island oi Panay was Even those ministers who were here fantry, stationed at Fort Douglass, eight months of t900 show an increase the woods beyond the river opposite opinion re-establishes the territorial during the siege were tired of see­ will leave for Fort Wingate, New of 72 per cent over the amount for Eugene and took them to the city loan commission which the legisla­ European Diplomats Watching the greeted with applause. ing Pekin a military ramp. They jail. Residents beyond the river had Mexico. Case With Intereet. hope China will be put on her feet that many of their ture sought two years ago to abol­ the same period in 1899, according to complained General Harrfaon’e Estate. The bonds. amounting to Carlos Rololf, the newly appointed a statement of the commerce of the chickens were missing. At the camp ish. NEW YORK, March 22.— A special Indianapolis, March 25.— Ex-Presi­ as soon as possible. treasurer of Cuba, whose term begins of the hobos preparations for a big $200,000 were Issued by Pina coun­ to the Herald from Washington says: dent Harrison left $40,000 in life in­ archipelago issued by the division of ty under an act of the legisla­ April 1, will qualify with a bond of chicken dinner were going on. TO RE-MARK BOUNDARY. The European diplomats in Wash­ surance. This fact was announced to­ ture of 1883 to encourage the con­ Insular affairs of the war department. $ 200 , 000 . ington are deeply interest'd in the night by President Eltel, of the Union struction of a narrow guuge railroad United States Expert Will Define Shamrock II will have several For the period stated of 1899, the im­ PORTLAND MARKETS. from Tucson to Globe. The road action of the United States in send­ Trust Company, which Is executor of ing the armored cruiser New York to General HarrlBon’s will. He said: trials over the Queen's course tn tne ports from the United States amount­ Lins In Mount Baker District. was begun but never finished, and Morocco to aid the American consul Solent, and off the Irish coast with ed in value to $780,793 and for the "Our appraisement of the Harrison SE ATTLE , March 25.—C. H. Sin­ Wheat— Walla Walla, 55<*®56V4; though these bonds had been turned general in exacting an apology and Shamrock I. estate gives Its total value at $380,000. first eight months of last year to valley, nominal; bluestem, 59c per over to the promoters, the county re- clair, a government expert, will leave Senator Frye, of Maine, sailed from $1,340,717. | fused to pay the interest. All the obtaining a settlement of claims ag­ This includes all real estate, railroad within a short time to re-mark the bushel. gregating $50,000. France's interest bonds, stock In the Union TruBt Com­ New York on the steamship Cherokee The total value of merchandise, Flour— Best grades, $2.80®3.40 per bonds are held in New York. la probably greater than that of any pany, the law building here, and other International boundary In the Mount for Santo Domingo. He is on a fivs gold and silver, imported into the barrel; graham, $2.60. Baker district. Captain J. F. I’ ratt, other country because It Is no secret securities.'' weeks’ vacation. Government Calls for Bide. of the United States coast and geo- Oats — White 44@45c per bushel; islands from January through August that she hopes some day to extend ! detlc survey, stated today that the Gales in English Channel, Charles Roller is under arrest at of 1900— the period of time to which gray, 42®43c. Seattle, Wash., March 25.—Quar­ her sovereignty over the whole north­ Barley-—Feed, $16.50® 17; brewing, termaster Ruhlen will tomorrow Is western coast of the African contl Ixmdon, March 25.—The first day of boundary Is not to be changed, but Los Angeles on a warrant from New­ the statement relates— was $!G.8ti5,- ark, N. J., charging him with embez­ 684. The exports were valued at $16.50@17 per ton. sue an invitation to the various ship­ nent. France requested the United spring was characterized by a gale is simply to be re-marked. Obliterated Miilstuffs— Bran, $16 per ton; ping concerns doing business between States some time ago to denounce its and a heavy snow storm sweeping posts, monuments and other land­ zlement and forgery. $17,808.222, showing a balance of trade middlings, $21.50; shorts, $17.50; this city and Alaska to furnish pro­ negotiations with Tunis, over which a over the channel. A storm has been marks will be restored and new ones King Edward has approved the ap­ in favor of the archipelago. These chop, $16. posals for the contract to lighter at French protectorate had been estab­ raging for three days over the North will be placed, to bring the marks pointment of General Sir Arthur figures, as compared with the same Hay— Timothy, $12@12.50; clover, Nome and St. Michael such govern­ lished, and this would probably have sea. Wintry weasfcer is general close together and prevent the possi­ Power Palmer as commander in-chlef period c f 1899, show an Increase of $7@9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6®7 per ment stores as are shipped this sea­ been a step in the direction of hav­ throughout Central Europe. In conse­ bility of error in the future. 34 per cent in imports and 28 per of the forces in India. ton. The geological features of the expe­ son by the war department to the ing the United States denounce Its quence of the gale In the channel, Miss Pearl Colleasure was shot at cent In exports. The exports to the Butter— Fancy creamery, 2214® 25c; military posts to the mouth of the treaties with Morocco, under which It more than 300 steamers are anchored dition will be conducted by E. C. Ber­ United States show a decrease, $1.954.- a charivari at Guthrie, and her life dairy, 18® 20c; store, 11® 13c per Yukon river and points in the interior Is proceeding In demanding the set­ off South End. The vessels are so nard, and will De simply an affirma­ is despaired of. She was hit with a 531 worth being sent to this country pound. of Alaska. Major Ruhlen roughly es­ tlement of claims. The United 8tates crowding the anchorage that several tion of records already made. bullet while standing on the porch. in 1900, as against $2,547,839 worth Eggs— Oregon ranch, 12 % c per timates that tnere will be lo.OOO tons declined the request. It Is treating minor collisions have occurred. It is thought that a Canadian com­ In 1899. dozen. mission may be present white the line The lower house of the Austrian of freight on the basis of ship's meas­ with Morocco as a sovereign power. $100,000 Philadelphia Fire. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $3.50® urement to he sent north this sum­ Is being re-defined as a precautionary Reichsrath reported a motion of While no bombardment of any Panic at a Chicago Fire. Philadelphia, March 26.—The West measure, and to prevent any future $5; hens. $5®5.50; dressed, ll® 1 2 c mer. The bids will oe opened March Mooilsh town is contemplated, the urgency in the Bohemian ce.isus de­ Park Ice palace, at Fifty-second and per pound; spring, $4®5 per dozen; Chicago. March 21.— Fire tonight bate after a discussion last’ ng five 30. The government win have four presence of an American man of-war Jefferson streets, was destroyed by dlfllruties over errors in the re-mark- ¡ Ing. hours. totally destroyed the large warehouse ducks, $5@6; geese, $6@8 per dozen; ships in the Alaskan service. Is expected to have a salutary effect Are early this morning, entailing a loss turkeys, live, 9@10c; dressed, 13® In obtaining Immediate compliance Creditors of Gaylord, Blessing & of J. S. Ford, Johnson & Co., at Six­ 14c per pound. of about $100,000 on which there was Father of Mrs. Marcus Daly Dead. with the demands of this government Hit Last Raid. Co., the oldest firm of brokers in St. teenth street and Wabash avenue. an Insurance of about $75,000. The Potatoes— 45®55c per sack. Helena, Mont., March 25.—Zenas Santa Fe, N. M, March 25—Tom The New York will remain at Masar- Louis., who fa.ted recently, filed a pe­ The building and everything inside Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers. Ketchum, famous as an outlaw, thé gan until Consul General Gummere building was used as a skating rink E. Evans, father o’ Mrs Marcus Daly tition to declare the company bank­ was ruined. The north, south and east $4.75; ewes. $4®4.50; dressed, 6^4® and for the manufacture of Ire for com­ and Mrs. J. FL is Clark, wife of the Marakesh. and an­ man who terrorized the territory for returns from rupt. mercial use, and was owned by tne brother of Senator VV. A. Clark, ia walls of the building collapsed while 7c per pound. nounces a satisfactory settlement. years, was executed today. ' Black Owing to the effects of the heavy a number of firemen were inside Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $5® York (Pa.) Ice Manufacturing Co. dead at Anacot.ua. Ho was 79 years Jack” was the soubriquet by which rains on one of the famous marbel $5.25; light, $4.75®5; dressed, 6®7c Ketchum was best known. He was of age. and ca;.ie tn Montana in tha Murder by Bulgarian Brigands. Earned Hit Pardon. quarries at Carrara. Italy, a land fighting the fire. They were com­ per pound. sentenced by the territorial supreme Topeka, Kan., March 25.—Oovemor sarly '60s froui Pen to the wesL without change jf p.o»4;. aster. A new office, irrow i a* Connell, hat been established in Fraiklln county, Washington, between Juil» vl>K King coun­ ty. Washington will discontinued March 30. «; t