Young Idaho Representative Cleanse Your Blood. Glean P. McKiulev, speaker of tb« Idaho bouse of representatives, is tbe youngest member of that body, being only 22 years old. He is a student of the law department of tbe University of Idaho. The cause of all spring humors, pimples and eruptions, as well as of that tired feeling and poor appe­ tite, is found in impure, depleted blood. The perfect blood purifier Is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, as multitudes know by experience. It cures all blood diseases, from the smallest pimple to the stubborn scrofula sore — from morning tired­ ness to extreme nervous prostration. Begin taking it TODAY. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR PRAISES PE-RU-NA. „O S Proposed Alliance With England. r eg o n First Boy—Your little baby brothel I! thr Uni'ed States and England should hasn’t any hair. Second Boy—No; tha h o rt in e form an alliance, (lie combined strength doctor what brought him was bald.— would be so great (hat tnere would belittle Smart Set. chance f,,r enemies to overcome us. In a A Weakling Chap: She—You're get­ iike manner alien men and women keep np their boiilv strength witii Hostetler s n io n a c if ic ting tired of kissing uie already, lie — Stomach Hitters, there is little chance of T IM E S C H E D U LES what makes you think that? She—1 attacks from disease. Tne old time remedy D sra sT A rr ive Portland, Or. enriches the b ood, steadies the nerves, ami saw you atop to take breath.—Bazar. increases the appetite. Try it for dyspep­ Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. in. Chicago A Bird lu the llaud: "Mu, Is there sia and indigestion. Portland Ft. Worth,Omaha, any pie left In the pantry?” "There 1» Kansas City, St. Special Louis,Chicago and $30,000 for Sewage Improvement 9:00 a. m. one piece, but you can’t have It.” “ You East. via Hunt- are mistaken, tua; I ’ve bad It.” —Tlt- Bradford, England, has had a recom­ lugtou. WHOLE GARDEN Blta. mendation from the committee on sew­ Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 8:40 a. in. The I.ast Reiort: Superintendent— age. calling for the expenditure of n ExpreHS Ft. Worth,Omaha, W e wish to tf*m thi* JM T »¡»,000 now Kansas City, St. y :00 p. m. These good» wou't sell at 11 cents a more than $30,000 on the improvement customer*, «n d hence offer Louis,Chicago and via Hunt­ i F M - B *-**r’« - iu f l W oo* T o ie «to I6e yard. Dry Goods Man—Mark them up of its sewage disposal plant. It is also East. ington ¡1 •• The Northern Lem on.............. 1-« contemplating immediate street im­ I a Mama’- iafurlw Onion.......1 0 c to 14 and put them ou the bargain- i • gmeraU Green Cucumber.... Me provements to the amount of $1S0,000. 1 •• C ity Garden Beet.................... *0c counter.—Brooklyu Life. Walla W alla Lewis­ 7 :00 a. m. St. Paul 1 13Day Ratilah.......•••••......... ton,Spokane,M in­ Fn Always Bought has borne th© signa­ a n d causing me Popular Literature in France. ture of Chav. II. Fletcher, and ltas been undo under his merit dlarem/art/Faur (j,, right down to the store and change ■ » « a g e checked through to deatinatlon ol darter, «1 4 the Vetter There are aliout 117.000 novels in the ticket. persontvl supervision for over HO veers. Allow no on« It."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. bad pragmesad ten far Parts national library and nearly 69,- For sleeping car r e w r a t l o » , , tickets, mane to dtrelvs you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and te hr cured, and thru A Martyr to Principle: "Ah. poor end full iaform atlon, cali on or write | 0.10 volumes of Kreuch poetry. ** Just-ai-gned” nre but Experiments, nnd endang-er th« sen Id d< a as bra g fur thing! Her end was sad In the ex­ l hmh aqly three M u s t B e a r S i g n a t u r e of health of Children—Experience against Experiment. ties of • s s aad treme.” “ Indeed!" "You know she al­ A. m < camplatrly eared T i n was dftr.n years ways revolted at the Idea that there 18885121 ago. aad f ham sever iut. Gei. P»ss. Agent, Portland, Or. star, seen aay alga af a t cld Iroabl»."- Mas. could he anything In common between i Castorla Is n harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare* L- ■ Jacasen. 141 « MrOaa at . XaasasCky. Mo her ami the lower classes.” "So I have 955 M o rr is o n fit.. C o r. T h ir d . (Torlc, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. I« 8. 8. 8 neutralises this acid poison, always heard." "W ell, she caught cold 5 « « Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. contain* neither Opium, Morphin« nor other Nurcotlo "1 bmv« gon« 14 4 « y o *t a tlm* n i i h o u t « cools the blood end restores it to a healthy, from her cook, and was so ashamed substance. Its mg© is it* guarantee. It destroys Worms ■ • > « ■ « ■ 1 mf ! « • Hasfvoio. nul ho c « d o to natural state, and the rough, unhealthy that she refused all medical aid, and i*o;ii Oioopl «y uot h * Uot « » t e r tu «Ciluno. •»4 •• rar j and alluys Feverishness. It cures Diarrha-a and Wind BO Y E A R S ' Phreiii« «ouitipatlou for io »»n reor# p ir M rr# in •kin toft, smooth i skin becomes soft, sud clear. Colic. It relieves Tecthlnjf Troubles, cures Constipation died!" -Life. E X P ER IEN C E »Mo i«rrit><« condition. d«riti« th«t thne l cid or U . L P F o r 14 C H O O D ’S Sarsaparilla MONEY -HEIRS- FAT FOLKS REDUCED PATENTS MRS. PUCE'S STORY. CUTLER'SGIUBOUTE ií IODINE I MACHINERY, FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc. S ENCINE, BOILER NOTHING BETTER MADE SAW MILL . . M it c h e ll. . Mitchell, Iieuiis & Staver Co. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. êw£ N ORTHERN PA C IFIC RY. GASOLINE ENGINE ECZEMA'S . M B SU LU 1 Ë SECURITY. CASTOR IA t C a r t e r 's C Little L iv e r Pills. C What is C A ST O R IA ■ « u r e a T e t t e r , Bre- I aipelaj, Psoriasis, Salt Kheum and all akin | diseases due to a pois­ oned condition o f the blood. Send for eur book and write ns •bout sour case. Our phyajetnna have made these diseases a lift study, and can help you by their advice; vre make do ebargr for this service AlU-orreepoodeoco i i conducted in strictest confidence. t n i awtFT tptmrM co.. A tlanta , a a SSSi P IS O H D. CHARLTON, S CURE CUJUS “ Utili AU fO R UM FAU BflM Cough Hjrugk Ti mi « Onvi lo tima. f i * « hr Anifflet*. f~ O N : • > r .ir 1 I O N , C m I I W ill by P h on ograp h . A wealthy engineer recently talked his last w ill and testament Into a pho­ nograph. Then with a hot copper wire he signed Ills mime on Ihe wax roll of the phonograph, the witnesses doing likewise, and the "document” was thereupon completed. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reaulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought orytam* I h««rd of u«t i vver f%unU su' ic «r Micb * « • « v ca « « ii mil 1 bo«an ufling < A ' A KBTSk. 1 » • * «a »0 frtMK on« (O tfcro# i sasagn id n r and If | « « • rie» I «ou d ( ! « • *KW OU for «A- h mor«tuent. Il 1« • • « « a r «ll«f ' A Y I J( R H I . llr \ T 1*M liu»ft«it LH . l ‘OlrotV. 3H«h f t ER Bears the Signature of rca FOR FOR FOR FOR IILIOUXKESS. TORPID LIVER. CONSTIPATION. SALLOW SKIN. TX£ COMPLEXION S m ty T e fn a N l./ d w a > {^ . \ U« mh I A p p le I h ip . It le reported that Ihe apple crop In Baden. Germany, was so abundant that the assistance of soldiers had to be asked for Its harvesting. Tbe "training'' a matt receives before marriage tloesn t go after be is uiarrlesk TO* IEADACHL CARTERS ran D iu m cxs. C U R E SICK H E A D A C H E . 1901. No*«r > cKOB. hM k»B or tari «««TO«« OflO N C U M CONSTI PATI ON. • •— t«w w . o w e ■» » «(. >.- two. a W M B * — r i t t a « t » a d .e r t is e la ?1 a e e t l e e th is p e p a r. p ia s e . T radc M a n s a D is io n s ConvnioHTS Ac. Anvrm« «onUng a «kef rh and deorrlptinn may i’’ « * a * - whethrr aa S r*‘ • «bty patentai)}«. Comnnnlen> ttonowtrinly eontdentlaL Handbook on I’aront« •M t fre*. Oldest im r r r for «srnrtnc patenta. Patema takon thr. u*h Munn h Co. recelvn •period « o fir*, without ch«m«. in the Scientific American. k weekly. lerreet ctr. mlatlon .'f ecr tclemmc t-nmol. T e r » .. Sé • Sold broil e#wed«w:er% m UNN I : Co.” « o s c a Oflco, OI '* s u — Wash •’ Lagt New York oo, D. U r