NEWBF.RG GRAPHIC. A D V E R T IS IN G NEWBERG GRAPHIC. S U B SC R IPT IO N B e a d i n g N o t i c e s W i l l B e I n s e r t e d at the R ate o f T en Cents P e r Line. UK Of* IB Advertising Bills Collected Monthly. From All Parts of the New World and the Old. Subscription Prion P n r n b lo in A d v a n e e . VOL. X III. NEWBERG, Y A M IIIL L COUNTY, OREGON, F R ID A Y , LA TE R NEWS. UPRISING O F DUTCH. Philip D. Armour, the great pork packer, is dead. Portugal is sending reinfoicetnents to Lourenco Marques. Eight men met death by suffocation in a Minneapolis hotel tire. Situation in Cape Colony Takes a Serious Turn—Boers Half Way to the Cape. British Authorities Actively Pre­ paring for Defense. David J. Sehnebly, the oldest news­ paper man in the Northwest, is dead. Capa JTown, Jan. 4.— The British battleship Monarch w ill laud guns to­ morrow as a precautionary measure. Tbe situation is serious. It is true that the Dutch have not joined the in­ vaders in any considerable numbers, but a lack of arms is believed to be the true reason for absteution. In many places horses are freely offered ami information readilv supplied so the Boers. The early proclamation of martia. law in the Gape Town division is ex­ pected. The division does not include Gape Town itseli. The latest reports show the situation to be generally as follows: Kuruman. if still uninvested, prob­ ably soon w ill be. Griqualand West is filled with small parties of Boers, who are working south toward Briesak for tfte purpose of co-operat’ ng with or supporting Commandant Hertzog, whose advance parties are in the ueighborhod of Fra­ zerburg. The Boers are close to Graaf Reinet, where of late the Dutch have given many demonstrations of extreme sym­ pathy. In the eastern part of the colony the advance guard of the Boers is close to Marieebiirg, about 25 miles north­ west of Cradock. The general opinion here is that the position is not properly appreciated in England. The Worcester conference excited the Dntch throughout the col­ ony. Many old residents, who are by no means alarmists, regard a general uprising of the Dutch as quite likely. JANUARY 11, 1901. an inn Envoys at Pekin Not Expected to Settle Question. NO. 8. Health antborities estimate that 10 Coal Train Wrecked. per cent of the men wbo go to Cape Niles, O., Jan. 5.— A coal train on Nome never come hack alive. the Niles & Lisbon road was wrecked Over 800 of the leading German last night, killing Charles Frark and goldsmiths met in Berlin recently to -erlonsly injuring Fireman William take part in the celebration of the Klein and Brake nan Garfield Powers. fourth centenary of Benvenuto Cellini's The train waa descending a steep grade In New Zealand there exists a braes birthday. when a farmer attepmted to rroae tbe band whose members are wholly Electric fountains have become verv iracks with a wagon loaded with hogs. mounted on biqjelee. This band, popular, especially as attractions for The engine atiork it and with six can which la located at Cbristcbnrch, con­ amusement parka. In England, espe­ went down an eml an-orient. The en­ sists of 10 p.ayers, m:cl these not mere­ cially, they have lately been installed gineer was buried under tbe debris. ly ride tbeir bicycles to practice bnt , large numbers. I Lbs farmer escaped. fulfill engagements on tbe wheel Pittsburg Ironworkers Strike. Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 4.— One thou­ sand structural ironworkers struck to­ day for an advance of 8 cents per hour in wages and a nine-hour day. Not a single man ia working, and a number of important contracts are tied up. Wrecked by Boiler Explosion. Watseka, III.. Jan. 7. — Bishop’s mills, con'mlled by the Pure Food Milling Company, were wrecked by n lioiler explosion today. John Hpobrie, a member of tha firm, and Late Mai- lott the engineer, were instantly killed, and Era Jones, a miller, was Travel Returned. slightly injured. The boiler waa Travel has resumed over the Lewis thrown 200 feet, demolishing Card'a and Clark road, Clatsop oonnty, and hardware (tore. Tha canse of tha e>- the break in the dike baa been repaired. j plosion ia not known. In v n ria b lg Address, O s a ra ie . Now borg, Oregon. BOMB IN A TU N N E L Discovery Was Made by a Chicago Detective Sergeant. Chicago. Jan. 7.— The Record sava: “ On infarmation from a source which be declines to make public, Detective Sergeant McLaughlin located a gas pipe bomb in one of the nichee of the La Salle street tunnel shortly before midnight The bomb was taken by the policeman to the central station, and thence- carried to the lake front and exploded. Detective MeLanghlin said he received a hint to the effect that an effort would he made to blow np the tunnel used for the passage of the North Side cable cars. He has­ tened to the scene and found a piect of tnree-iuch gas pipe about 15 inches long in one ot the small arched open­ ings in the dividing wall of the tun­ nel. A lialf-burnod fuse protruded from one end. When touched off the bomb is said by the policemen to have exploded with a loud report. “ Flarlier in the night one of the sweepers employed in the tunnel saw a man about 25 years old and shabbily dressed loitering in the tunnel. He was Hsked what he was doing there, and replied, ‘Nothing.’ The stranger left the tunnel hurriedly. The police suspect the bomb was placed there by a discharged employe ot the company.” AMOUNTS DEMANDED VARY GREATLY GUNS LANDED FROM THE MONARCH An effort is being made to revise the Russo-Chinese agreement about Man­ churia. It 1» Believed Thai the Bill of Germany Will Invading Columns Art Still Marching South­ Comp-thensivc Review of the Important Hap­ An agreement restricting operations Be Largest—State Department in Cor­ ward-Kitchener's Conference With penings of the Past Week in a of allied croops has been made by Yon respondence With Other Powers. Burghers Removes Anxiety. Condensed Form. VValdersee. Eight hundred colliery employes of Washingtoon, Jan. 7.— The state de­ London, Jan. 5.— Advices from Cape The assassin of Baron von Kettiler Pennsylvania coal and iron mines are partment ia making a strong effort to Town this morning are more hopeful, was beheaded in Pekin. on a strike. secure an understanding among the owing to the active recruiting of local Costa Kica is pleased by recognition China desired envoys to delay sign­ forces in all quarters, aud a better feel­ powers to serve as a basis for the ad­ in the canal negotiations. ing joint note, but was informed by ing prevails in Loudon, based upon the justment of the question of indemnity to be paid by tiie Chinese government. The British are unable to check the them that this was impossible. prospect of Lord Roberts taking the It appears from Mr. Conger's reports Boer invasion of CapeC olony. Samuel S. White, a pioneer of 1845, reins at the war office. that it is hopeless to expect the From Sydney, N. S. W ., it is re­ . The foreign troops in China are \j-ell and Oregon’s first probate judge, died foreign ministers at Pekin to reach an at his home in Portland. He was 89 ported that there is quite a rush of prepared for the winter season. agreement on this important point, and men there anxious to join the new years old. The Republican caucns in Pennsyl­ if the problem is to he solved at all it Five bags of registered letters have coutingi-nts, 5,000 haviug volunteered. vania selected Ljuay for senator. must be removed from the Pekin coun­ 1'he reports of Lord Kitchener’s oon been stolen on the load between Turin cil and dealt with by direct diplomatic The United States training ship To­ tereuve with the burghets also tends and Rome. Three bags came from exchange, as was successfully at­ peka has arrived at Tangier, Morrocco. to remove anxiety. According to the New York. tempted in the case of the preceding Daily Express, Lord Kitchener has The Earl of Ilopetoun was sworn in in an affray at Altgeberg, Hungary, warned the mine owners that they serious differences between the minis­ as first governor of Eederatea Aus­ between striking miners and gend­ must not count upon military protec­ ters. Therefore the state department tralia. armes, there were seven of the former tion. is in correspondence with other foreign Oregon, Washington and Alaska killed and 40 wounded. offices respecting this subject, though There is an unconfirmed report from have been formed into a life-saving tbe negotiations have not proceeded to FROM A BOER STAN DPOIN T. The followin Washington post- Cape Town that fighting has occurred district. a point where it can be said that a otlicea have been discontinued: Dish- 80 miles north of Matjesfontein. successful termination is in sight. Over 16,000 Hardy, Determined, Invincible Fire in Seattle destroyed the city li­ man, Spokane county; Green River, The principal difference in the way brary, containing 25,000 volumes and King county, and Laurel, Whatcom Patriots Under Arms. Preparations at Cape Town. is believed to be the enorn ous indem­ vauled at $30,000. county. New York, Jan. 7 .— Uharlea P. nities demanded by some of the powers. Cape Town, Jan. 5.— The military The revenue cutter Perry w ill sail Chailes W. Norton, a switchman, The efforts of the Chinese government Pierce, consul-general of the Orange from Astoaria in search of overdue was instantly killed at Tacoma, by anthorities are providing for all con­ to secure better terms, so far as they Free Slate in New York, and treasurer It has been decided to Colombia river ships. being crushed between two cars. He tingencies. tend to protract the negotiations, are of the Boer relief fund in America, transfer the Boer pri-oners from tha Pat Crowe, charged with the ahndc- j leaves a widow and three children at expected to have the result of lias given out the following statement: camps to transports. U N FO R TU N A TE VEN EZUELA. also tion of young Cudahy, of Omaha, has Mount Pleasant, la. “ The news coming to us every u»_i, adding considerably to the sum total Farmers coming in from Carnarvon Deen captured in South Dakota. Severe cold weather has suddenly j describe the Boers as traveling in par­ which must be paid in the end. This both by public aud priavte cable, The cold ' allel columns, with numerous (tanking One Revolution Terminates and Two More is because the expenses of maintaining shows the reported conquest of the Edward Rice, an Idaho man, sen­ act in throughout Europe. Break Òut. the foreign military establishments in Boers to be a delusion. There ar{ tenced to death for murder, made a wave is accompanied by a gale which I parties sweeping the country on horses, underarms on the Boer side over 16,- desperate, hut unsuccessful attempt has wrecked several vessels and caused plundering loyalists and carrying off Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 4.— The China probably w ill he assessed against 000 hardy, determined, invincible pat­ to commit suicide by cutting his throat. heavy loss of life Hnd property. everything eatable. It appeare that revolution has ended, but ex-Secretary- tha Chiuese government, aud the cost riots, of which 5,000 are now invading The coal miners’ strike at Picton, they are accompanied by strings of General Peraza is said to be, with of keeping foreign troops in Pekiu at i An insane man, being conveyed from Cape Colony — against the 210,000 Nova Scotia, has been settled. Every j packhorses ligtly loaded. Colesberg about 50 followers, in the mountain this season of the year, ami in a coun­ Multnomah county to the Oregon state try wh)re every necessity of life has to troops lauded from Great Britain aud demand of the men was conceded. telegraphs that Kritzinger’s com­ districts. asylum at Salem, jumped from a mov­ The Boers’ total lie transported from a distance .w ill her dependencies. The managers sought to hind the men mando is crossing the Middelberg dis­ ing train, bruising himself about the San Jnan de Port) Rico, Jan. 4.— make the bill very heavy. It is lie- 1 loss in killed and dying from wounds not to ask for a further increase for 12 trict, hut is getting few if any recruits. have not exceeded 1,500, but their loss head. It is thought he will recover. months, but failed. Here in Cape Town, snch business Passengeis who have arrived here on lieved that the hill of Germany w ill in property has been very great. Part Famine in some of the provinces o l : Governor A lion, of Porto Rico, has men as ara unable to leave are organ- the Red D line steamer Philadelphia, lie by far the largest, and it Is a sig­ of the Boers are armed with Mansers, China is becoming worse. The rice just returned to the capital after an iziug a town guard, composed of ths from La Guayra, December 30, say a nificant fact that the German govern­ using a plain bullet, hut many have serious revolution has broken out in ment has allowed its officers on serv­ crops, owing to the way, were almost extensive visit to the towns in the leading citizens. The commercial Lee-Metford rifles, which use the dutn- the Maracaibo distiict of Venezuela ice in China five fold their regular total failures, and canihaliam has western part of the island. He visited companies have asked the mayor ta dnnt bullets, and all of the latter were broken out. The authoiities are un­ places where no governor of Porto Rico call a mass meeting to uige the govern­ They add that the government troops salaries, a rate of pay probably higher the English; they have defeated the rebels and arrested than hitherto known in military his­ captured from able to do anything. has visited before. Everywhere he I ment to suppress district newspapers hear the arrow mark of Woolwich. 20 of the leaders. Another rising is tory. The Chinese, however, are ex­ aud to proclaim martial law. The final payment hns been made on was enthusiastically received. The British battleship Monaroh to-1 reported to have occurred in tbe vicin pected to pay for thia. tbe Bald mountain group of mines ia Henry Si. Hoek, agent for the ity of the Orinoco. Tha United States PRESENTED T O LANSDOW NE. Eastern Oregon, near Baker City. Knights Templar's and Mason's Life day lauded men and guns to relieve auxiliary crusier Scorpioti left hen FAILED T O BLOW UP. The purchase price was $50,000. The Indemnity Association, of Chicago, is the troops for service nor ;hward. It yeaterday to join the Hartford at Li. The British Foreign Office Has the Canal new owners are men of menus, and under arrest at the central police sta­ is believed that the guns w ill be sent Guayra. Treaty Amendments. work on a large scale w ill commence tion, Chicago, on a telegram from up the country. Mechanism of an Infernal Machine Would Five hundred citizens enlisted to­ at once. Washington, D. C., which stated that Not Work. London, Jan. 7.— United Htatee day. It is hoped that the first butoh N EAR LY FR O ZEN TO DEATH. Ignatius Donnelly, politician and he was wanted in that city on a charge of mounted men w ill leave within Paris, 111., Jan. 7.— Thomas J. Coff­ Ambassador Choate presented tire (lay- of forgery. author, died very suddenly at his home thiee days for Worcester. They are to Man in a Drunken Condition Slept Out in the man, an attorney residing at Hume, Pauncefote treaty amendments to the in Minneapolis, aged 70 years. Mr. The British second-class cruiser Am- hold the passes of the Hex river to Cold for Quite a Time. nairuwly escaped being blown to secretary of state for foreigu affairs, Donnelly was a candidate for vice- phion has arrived at Panama. protect the railway tunnel. The or- atoms with an infernal machine re­ the Marqnis of Lansdowne, today. Express, Or., Jan. 4.— A man by president on the Middle-of-the-Road No discussion occurred and the na­ The envoys were surprised by the | gaization is rough aud ready, and not the name of Tudor started from this ceived through the mail today. The Popoulist ticket at the recent general troubled much with drill or special box was of wood with a sliding lid. ture of L )rd Lauadowne'B answer is prompt acceptance of the note. election. not indicated. Mr. Choate simply uDiiorms. Horses are scarce. Six place yesterday evening fur the Big A movement is on foot looking thousand five hundred South African Kidd mines, about 12 miles east ol It contained a pound stick of dynamite notified the secretary of state for for and several match heads, which, how­ An armistice has been proclaimed at toward Canadian independence. A party leaving for tb< eign affairs that he had sent him a irregulars have been recruited daring this place. Pekin. same place this morning found hiu ever, failed to ignite ami explode the document forwarded by the state de­ Great changes are said to be planned the last eight weeks. charge when the box was opened. Boers captured a train near Rosmead for the C., M. & St. P. railway. An answer probably will The Boers in the Transvaal have about half way between here aud tbi Lwo thicknesses of heavy brown paper partment. with 60 soldiers. He wai been exceedingly active for the last mines in a frozen condition. covered the box, which was addressed not be sent nntil the cabinet discuss«* Russia, it is said, inspired the brought to this place and later removed The interview be­ Another six-day bicycle race hai charges of barbarity against German week or so daily attacking trains, to Dr. Sylvester Coffman, Hume, ill., the matter fully. been started in Boston. convoys and isolated posts. In most to Hontingtou, where he could receivi a brother of the lawyer, who opened tween Mr. Choate and Lord Lana- troops. dowite was chiefly devoted to an ex­ instances they have been repulsed, and medical aid CoDger reports China's acceptance Governor Geer announces the ap- j the railways are now working more As far as could be ascertained, the hia mail. The inner surfaort Meade, which carried The navy department has ordered th« short distance away and fell to slee| Tried to Drown His Landlord. occupied Frazerburg. gunboat Scorpion to La Guayra, Ven­ a large amount of specie from San again. As the weather was hitter cold, only other clew about the Itox is a printed label pasted on the lid, in­ Chicago, Jan. 7.— In view of several Francisco, has arrived at Manila. ezuela. it is a miracle that he was not frozer scribed: “ Dr. J. W. Hluaser & Son.” persons, Joseph Schweir committed till Variety of European prunes which G EORGIA NEGRO LYNCHED. to death. The Oregon snpreme court decides The United States marshal and the final act in a confessed plot to kill that the wife alone can convey estate ripens two weeks earlier than present local police are investigating. John Korda, Hchweir’s landlord. lie A Zambesi College. crop is to be intrudneed in Oregon. in entirety. Judge Refused to Protect Him and Mob pushed Korda into the lake from a Chicago, Jan. 4.— A special to tht A bill will he introduced at the com­ Robbers got $450 from passengers liter at the foot of Michigan street, at Strung Him Up. DYNAM ITE EXPLOSION. Record from Richmond, Ind., says: 1»nd mail and express in a British Co­ ing Oreogn legislature making life im­ a point where the water is 12 feet Rome, Ga., Jan. 5.— George Reed, a Bishop Hartzwell. of the Methodisi prisonment the penalty for kidnaping. lombia stage. deep, and then ran from the scene, negro, charged with an attempted as­ Episcopal church in Africa, has ar The plot It is nndrestood that at the conclu­ sault npon Mrs. J. M. Locxlear, ol j ranged with the Rev. George H. Rei- Three Men Were Blown to Atomi in s leaving Korda to drown. The Taft commission has completed failed, for the intended victim was Cartridge Factory. the municipal government bill for tbs sion of operations in booth Africa. this city, last night, was hanged to ■ lioldt, of Indiana, to go to Zambesi rescued from the water by workmen Philippines. Lord Kitchener w ill become command- tree today, after which hia body wat Africa, to conduct a college at New Philadelphia, Jan. 7.— A frightful in a near-by factory. Hchweir was er-iu-ebief in India. Fire in Williamson, W . Va., de­ riddled with bullets by a mob of 1 oC Ontolia, in the country. This being a explosion of dynamite occurred in the anested late last night. He was sur­ United States Consul Wildmau, at men. Reed protested his innocence, j Britieb country, the British govern­ powder machine honae of the Repauno prised to learn that Korda was alive, stroyed almost the entire town. Ths loss is estimated at $75,000. Hong Kong, has been granted a leavi Mucli excitement prevailed throughout ment donated to the Methodist Episco­ Chemical Company, whose works are and confessed to an attempt on the Aftei pal church $15,000 and 13,000 acres located at Thompson'appoint, N, J,, man’s life. One person was bnrned to death and of absence and w ill return to tht tbe day before the lynching. a tliinly settled spot nn the Delaware another fatally injured by the explo­ United States immediately for the his arrest this morning, the negro w-ai ol land for the pmpose of building a General Bitchelder Dead. taken before Mrs. Locklear, bnt she school to edneate tbe English residents. river, 12 miles below this city. The sion of a kerosene lamp at Allegbauv benefit of bis health. Pa. 'Hie Boer invasion of Cape Colony failed to identify him, and he was re­ Rev. Mr. Heibohlt's mission is to go to building was demolished end three Washington, Jan. 7.— General Rich­ However, the mot Africa to snperiniend thia school. Ht workmen in it at the time were blown ard N. Batohelder, quartermaster- On the turned to jail. The new battleship Wisconsin has has not yet been stopped. Several workmen in other general of the army, died here this which had been seeking the prisoner’ s w ill sail from New York the last oi to atoms. been lormally turned over to the gov­ other hand the burghers seem to be life apparently was not satisfied. buildings were hurt by the force of Ths this month. afternoon at 2:25. General Katn telder ernment at the Unitm Iron Works, bar gaining gronnl daily and are at pres­ demonstrations were so pronounced the explosion, bnt none seriously. had been in delicate health for several ent half way to tbe Cape. Francisco. Cable Around the Globe. The men killed were in a frame build­ that Judge Henry, of the superioi years past, bnt his illness did not The new Argentiue-Chilenn agree­ court, not seeing any reason for hold­ Amando Morales, a Mexican, ran Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 4. — Sanford ing, and were engaged in loading assnine a critical phase until just he ment, in regard to the frontier settle­ amuck at Morenci, Aria., A constahls ing Reed and fearing an attack on ths Fleming, one of the principal promot­ eight-inch pHper shells with dynamite fore the holidays, when he suffered It is thought the from an attack ol angina pectoris. In­ attempted to arrest him and in ths ment, has beau signed and the presi­ jail, ordered the sheriff to release him. ers of the Pacific cable, has written (nr use in blasting. dents of Argentine and Chile have ex­ fight killed Morales. The moh, after the release, formed an open lettei to Hon. W illim Mnl'.eck, loss w ill not be over $50,00. terment w ill be made at Arlington changed friendly telegrams of congrat­ within the city limits and marched tc postinaster-General, in fpvorof a state- cemetery, Monday. General llatchel- Henry 8. Eastham .the only surviv­ ulation. Will Psy Tsx Under Proteit. the house of Lila Glover, in North owned telegraph line encircling the der served in tbe quartermaster's de­ ing member of Commodore Perry’s The war department has authorized Rome. Here they found Reed. Hi globe. This is said to be the begin­ Rochester, N .Y ., Jan. 7.— The latest partment of the Pacific coast, doing squadron, which opened the Japanese ports many years ago, died at his horns enlistment’s at Vancouver barracks, was taken three miles from thia placs ning of a movement bo nationlize the development in the woman suffrage dnty as chiof quartermaster at Port­ Washington, for service in new regi-' before being lynched. Mrs. Locklear's cable and telegraph services of the tight, begun over a quarter of a century land, Or., aud depot quartermaster at in Berkeley, Cal ments to lie sent to the Philippine is­ pondition is serious. British empire. If this were done. Sir ago, when 8nasn B. Anthony and her Ha j Francisco. A heavy explosion of gas occorred lands. Recruits w ill be sent to the Sanford aavs. it would reduce the price sister, Mary 8. Anthony, were arrested in the Hollenbeck mine, at Wilkes- Presidio at ban Francisco for assign­ of messages to one-eighth or one-tenth and lined, ia the stand taken by Mary A Newport Bank Arrest. Extensive Repairs to the Baltimore. barre, Pa. Five hundred men were ment to regiments. Newport, Ky , Jan. 5. — E. C. Rena­ of what it now costs to distant British H. Anthony in the matter of taxation at work and all got out safely, except Washington, Jan. 7.'— The naval of her projierty. She send- notice to Tbe sttamhip Thomas Brooks, with me, late caitier of the German Na­ possessions. two, who were badly burned. hoard of construction today decided tc County Treasurer Hamilton that she tbe Caban officials on board, has ar­ tional bank, was today arrested on an rehabilitate almost completely the A Disastrous Salute. The British foreign office expects a rived at Port Antonio, Jamaica. The w ill not in the fatnre pay taxes except cruiser Baltimore, now lying at the renewal of tbe modus vivendi in New­ official! w ill inquire into the British affidavit of Bank Examiner Tncker, Tien Tsin, Jan. 4.— Ten German* under protest, until she is allowed the New York navy yard. Her improve­ foundland, but believes it w ill be im­ methods of rolonial government and charging him with aiding Assistant were killed and nine woonded at Leie right of suffrage. The action will mediately followed by negotiations adopt the desirable features into the Cashier Brown in the embezlement ol Ha, January 1, through the tiring of s 1 likely result in a test rase being ments w ill involve an expenitnre ol tbe hank'a funds. He was held ia abont $500,000, and take at least a ssitb tbe view of finally settling tbs Cuban government. salute with a defective cartridge. brought in the court. $20,000 bonds. year and a half. dispute. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Tbe way of the transgressor if bard In modern times. The persons who commit Crimea are daily coming to grief. Escape ia lees frequent than ir former years. RATES. One Year ............. .. ................. 8ix -Months................... I*"“ '***** Three M onth s.................. .»11*77^****' 121 NEWBERG GRAPHIC. KATES. One Column.. .......................Twenty Dollars Half Column.................................Ten Dollars Professional Cards..........................One Dollar End of th« Venezculen War. New York, Jan. 7.— A dispatch to the Herald from Cnracoa saya: It la announced here that General Celeatine Paras, ex-secretary-general of Vene­ zuela, who proclaimed a revolution recently at Leeina, in the Miranda d strict, has been decisively defeated. Ha is said to be fleeing with a few followers toward Colombia. No de­ tails of tha engagement have been re­ ceived. lie had gathered 700 follow- era at La Paaona. Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve­ ments of the Many Industries Through­ out Our Thriving Commonwealth. Grants Pass is consideiing plans tor better fire protection. The Burns postoffioe has received a number of combiuation boxes. The new depot at La Grande ia reaily to be painted and furnished Ninety Danes have made their homes west of Eugene sinoe last tall. Leonard Lingren Mineral last week dent. Construction of Baker City w ill spring. loet three fingers at in a shot gun acci­ the new hospital at begin in tbe early Colonel J. T. Grayson has bought the Last Chance mine, in Cable Cove, for $3,500. Two carloads of mining machinery for the Cornucopia mines has arrived at Baker City. (jttiuce Davis, who was seriously in­ jured recently at tbe Coos Bay jetty, is recovering. J. P. Abbott a farmer of Wasco county has finished the must up-to-date residence in the county. Plans are being drawn for a number of modern residences at Baker City to be erected in the spring. The discovery of two new veins of copper at the Greenback mine, Grave creek district, is announced. The Bison group ot mines near Quartzburg, Grant county, has been sold to a California syndicate. The Medford bank presented to its customers aud friends in Jackson coun­ ty, 700 buokskin money pouches. The men who carried ont the dead- Chinaman that succumbed near Can­ non beaclt received $50 for the work. A portion of Pete Peterson's dike, on Hayne slough, Coos county, washed ont. The damage is estimated at $ 1 , 000 . Coustance Duffy is held in $100 bonds to await the next term of court for haviug assaulted John Tolen at Athena. The road from Miami bridge to Garibaldi is obstructed with drilt logs, aud it is possible to get by them only at low tide. Two Marshfield yonngsteia had a dnel with air gnns last week. One was shot in tha finger and tbe other in the forehead. Paul Rouco killed a congar near Bald Mountain, Polk county, for which he received $20 bounty from tha Livestock Association. Joe Peters, aobut 90 years old, who lived about three miles nouth of Loa- tine, Wallowa county, was found dead near his cabin several days ago. Tom MoEwen states that a three- foot body of ore averaging $24 has been encountered in the shaft of the Snow creek property at a depth of 55 feet. Dan Yager, who has a group ol promising claims at old Center, about six mileB front Kumpter, on the Gran­ ite road, has gone to Muntaua to bay mining equipment. The Granite H ill mine located in Loose Creek district, and owned by Messrs. Hull, Mongum aud Booth, is Item» operated on foil time, witb pros­ pects of a good ran. Mrs. Captain Geary of Corvallis made a cotnprotni te with the insurance company in which her husband was insured, accepting $3,000 in lien o' the claim of $5,000. In a drunken brawl an old man named Aldrich stabbed Henry Ziiin- walt severely several times in the back and ahonldeis. The wounds ate not considered dangerous. A barn belonging to John Reith, of the Lewis and Clark river, Clatsop county, was blown over recently. Four head of stock were buried to the rniDs but nono were injured. Sidewalks nearly two miles long leading to tbe church are contemplated at Ht. Lonis. For thia and other im­ provements on the church property the parish expects to use about 100,000 feet of luml>er. A new ooal mining town, three miles southeast of Wilkesou, by the name of Hillsboro, has been platted by Andre J. H ill and Joseph Fiukelberg. The plat contain! 19 acras. A logging road from Wilkeeon runs near the new townsite. The Crowell ranch of 300 acres, near Jacksonville, has been sold to O. J . Knips, of Grants Pass, (or $8,000. It consists of 20 acres in apple«, 80 acres in prunes, 10 acres in alfalfa, and 80 acres in new sown wheat. Tha pur­ chasers are recently from Iowa. John Colter, alia« “ Scotty,” has been held in $1,000 bonds to anawer at the next term of oonrt on the charge of robbing Thomas L. Edwards, of M il­ ton. of $100. Colter snatched a purse from Edwards at Pendleton. The Spat ta and Sparta-Careon stage lines In Eastern Oregon have gone into tha hands of the hondimea lor tha mail contracts. The reason given waa that the contract waa taken at too low a rata, and running expeueea oould not be made.