E N C O U R A G IN G IÜUARRH ! COLDS f S coughs K grippe CROUP SORE- HOARSE TMROAI HESS S IT U A T IO N . | The Condition of Trade on the Whole Quite gatlafaotorjr. Brad.treet’a say»: Despite kmiib ir­ regularity growing oat of the auseason- ible weather conditions, heavy price hanges in leading staples or increased | jonservatism in some traders as the ‘ lection approaches, the general busi­ ness situation as a whole is encourag­ ing. and new elements or manifesta- 1 tions of strength appear from time to time. Perhaps the most notable fea­ ture of the week is found in the indue- tral situation, which lias been dis­ tinctly improved by the apparently ofli- ! cial and final action taken toward emling the anthracite coal strike. In view of the fact that most miners have obtained increased wages, the effect on business in the producing regions cun hardly be otherwise than beneficial, while the trade at large must reap bene tits from the return to normal con­ ditions. The situation in cereals shows little change. A feature of the movement of product to market at the present time not heretofore noted this year, is the growing scarcity of cars r e i* ted west >f the Missssippi. Hugur is lower thu anticipated, and coffee is off on con­ tinued large receipts. The strength of demand for finished products of Iron and steel, noted for some time past, finds reflection in an improved inquiry for the cruder forms at leading iron centers this week. Wheat (including flour) shipments for the week aggregate 4,923,978 hush* els, against 3.79(1,643 lust week, 4,416, 496 in the corres|ionding week of 1889, and 6,660,991 in 1898. Business failures for the week in the United Htatei number 181, as against 223 last week. Canadian failures for the week num­ ber 31, against 22 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. • » t i l . Market.. Onions, new, 1 H o. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per orate. Potatoes, new, $16. Beets, per sack, 8 5 c@ $ l. Tnrnips, per sack, $1.00. Beans, wax, 4c. A French statistician has calculated tluU the human eye travel« over 2,000 yartiu in reading an ordinary sized novel. He has also estimated that the average human being reads 2,500 miles of - hand-writing and print in a life­ time. Squ ash— 1 H e . Carrots, per sack, 90c Parsnips, per sack, $1.25. C a u liflo w e r , n a tiv e , 7 5 c . D O N 'T GET FOO TSO RE. GET FOOT- Cucumbers— 40® 50c. Cabbage, native and California, 2c per pounds. Tomatoes— 30 @ 50". Butter— Creamery, 29c; dairy, 18@ 22c; ranch, 18o pound. Kggs— 82o. Cheese— 12c. Poultry— 12c; dressed. 14c; spring, 13@ 15c. Hay— Puget Sound timothy, $14.00; ohoice Kustern Washington timothy, $19.00. The commonest of all trees is the fii j Corn— Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; tree, which flourish«« in every part ol feed meal, $25. Barley— Rolled or ground, per ton, the world. $ 20 . T O C U R E A C O L II IN O N E D A T Flour— Patent, per barrel, $3.50; Tak« Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab­ blended straights, $3.25; California, lets. All druggists refund tha money $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­ if it fails to euro. K. W . Grove's sig­ ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat nature is ou ouch box. 25c. flour, $3.26; rye flour, $3.80@ 4.00. Millstuffs— Bran, per ton, $18.00; One wineglass of strong borax water in a pint of raw starch will make c o l­ shorts, per ton, $14.00. i Feed— Chopped feod, $19.00 per ton; lars and cuffs stiff and glossy. middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, T lia H ost P r e s c r ip t Ion f o r M a la r ia per ton, $30.00. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves. Fresh Meats— Choice dressed beel Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply steers, price 7 M e; cows, 7c; mutton Iron and quinlno in a tasteless form, 7 H ; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veul, U@ No Cure. No Pay. Price 50o. lie . Hams— Large, 18c; small, 13.M; The Chicago Historical Society has a fine new building that cost $180,000 breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides. ami a library of over 26,000 bound vol­ 8M c. umes and 60,000 unbound volumes be­ Portland Marks!. sides many bust*, paintings, etc. Wheat— W alla Walla. 62 @ 5 2,'sc; Valley, nominal; Bluestoui, 55o pet Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their bushel. Flour— Best grades, $3.40; graham, children during the teething period. SAAK, A powder. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. II you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts: makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feist, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns ami bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30,* 000 testimonials. Don’t get footsore get Foot-Ease. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package F r e e . Address, Allen 8. Olm­ sted. Le Hoy, N. Y. A new household implement which w ill delight those who havu suffered the annoyance of puttiug down a m od­ ern carpet at home with the old-time carpet stretcher and tack hammer is a combination stretcher ami tacker. By ils means tho CHrpot is stretched in pluce and tacked at the same time. A Frenchman has discovered a leine- dy instanlapoous in its effects for the horrible burns caused by the use of oil of vitrei. It is a soft paste of cal­ cined magnesia and water, with which the part* burned are covered to the thickness of an inch. It alleviates the pain almost immediately, and when the paste is removed no sear remains. Cancer T h e r e are never any ex­ ternal signs of Cancer u n t i l th e blood it lluted and the aystem thoroughly con- ninatrd by tliia deadly virulent poison. Tlieu a sore or ulcer appears on some part of the body ; it may be small and harmless braking at first, but aa the can­ cerous cells form and are deposited by the blood near the sore, it increase* in size and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore is removed by the surgeon's knife or flesh destroying plasters, another rotnes and is worse. The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, and when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal naturally aud permanently. K $ 2 . 00 . Oats— Choice white, 43c; choict gray, 41o per bushel. Barley— Feed barley, $15.60 brew­ ing, $16.50 per ton. Millstuffs— Bran, $15.50 ton; m id­ dlings, $21; shorts, $17; ohop, $16 pei ton. • Hay— Timothy, $ I2 @ 1 8 ; clover,$7@ 7.60; Oregon wild hay, $6@ 7 per ton. Butter— Fancy creamery, 45 @ 60c; store, 80c. F.ggs— 80c per dozen. Cheese— Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; uow cheese 10c per pound. 1’oultry— Chickens, mixed, $2.50@ 3.60 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.0 0@ 3 .00; geese, $6.00@ 8.00 duz; ducks, $3.00@ 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, l4o per pound. Potatoes— 60@ 60c per sack; sweets, 1 ?4 C per pounn. Vegetables— lleets, $1; turnips, 75o; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab­ bage, 2o per pound; intrant;*, 86c; onions, $1; carrots, 76c. Hops— New crop, 13 @ 15 H o pet pound. Wool— Valley, 13@ 14c per pound; F.asteru Oregon, 9@ 1 2 c; mohair, 26 per pound. Mutton— Gross, liest sheep, wetherr ami ewes, 8 H o; dressed mutton, 6 H @ 7c per pound. Hogs— Gross, choice heavy, $6.75; light and feeders, $6.00; dressed. $6.00@ 6.60 per 100 pounds. Beef— Gross, top steers, $3 .5 0@ 4 .00; cows, $3.0 0@ 3 .60; dressed beef. 8@ 7o per pound. Veal— large. 6 H A 7 H o; small. 8@ 8 Ho per pound. Mr«. Sarah M. Kee»ling, t Windsor Av«., Bristol, r«ttn . writes I am 41 years «fid. an«l for threw years had »uttered with a aevei* for 1 o f Cancer on tnjr Jaw'Whlch the doctors •aid waa incurable, and ■an Vranfiica Market. that I could not live more tha msix months. I accept W ool— Spring— Nevada. ll@ 1 8 c p e i ed their atatetneni *■ true pound; Kastern Oregon, 10@14e; Val­ and had given up all hope of ever Icing well again., ley, 16@17c; Northern, 9 @ l0 c . when me druggist. know Hope— Crop, 1900, 12 H <9 16c. In g of m vcondition reoom mended S. S A. After tak Butter— Fancy creamkry 25c; Ing a few bottles the sore began to b eat to the inrpitse o f the ph,«Irian*, do seconds, 2 6 @ 2 7 H c; fancy dairy, sad in a »loot tuue made a com plete m ro. I have j gained in ge.h . my appelltt ia aplendid sleep la 28c; do seconds, 22c per pound. ref tee huag - l a fact, am enjoy tag perfect health." F.ggs— Store, 80e; fancy ranch, overcomes t h i s de- E L S struct ire poison and removes every vestige t o j g b ^ V _ jp of it from the system, makes new. rich blood, strengthens the burly and builda up the general health. If you have a suspicion# sore, or have in­ herited any blood taint, send for our free hook on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information or advice wauled ; we 1 ake no charge for this aer- vlce. Your letter will receiv.- prompt and careful attention, and will be held ui Strictest confidence S ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . ATLANTA, AA. A t Bast ¡ 9 n* CütlS WIR AIL tlM fM9* ■ ■ ugh Ryrup "Ugh i f nip. Taeiem (»oml. I a> Q In fm e- fc»ld by drugglM». -C O M Æ U M P T IO N # ■ EJ 4 f 42 Ho. Millstuffs — Middlings, $18.00 @ 22.00; bran. $15.60@ 16.50. Hay— Wheat $ 9 @ l3 H i wheat and oat $9.00(412.60; beet barley $9.6C alfalfa, $7.00@H.60 per ton; ztraw, !0 @ 42 Ho per bale. rotatoes— Farly Bose, 80@ 76c; S .nas Burbanks, 9 0 c @ $ l.l5 : river Bu 'ttnks, 26@50e; uew. 6 0 c@ $1.00. Citrus Fruit— Oranges, Valencia $2 .7 6@ 3 .26; Mexican lintes. $4.00(g 5.00; California lemons 76c at $ 160 lo choice $1.?6@ 2.00 per box. Tropical Fruit*— Bananas. $ 1 .6 0 «t 1.60 per bunch; pineapples, nont nal; Persian date* A@ 6 Ho pet eud. Art and Nature. A bulletin of the New York Zoolog- /cal Society report« that the experi­ ment of decorating the wall« of the hird houae with painting« of landHcape« ha« had at leant one interesting result — the cranes have several time« tried to walk through the walla. T h « G liin tf«e S it u a t io n . DYSPEPSIA “ F o r s i x y e a r s I u aa a v i c t i m o f d y a - e p a ia in its worst form J could cut nothing tit milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that. L ast March 1 oegan taking CASCAK KTS and since then 1 have steadiiy im proved, until 1 am as well as I ever was in m y life. ' D a v i d H I I l ' k p e y . N ewark. O. | r The cause f«»r the present Chinese en- tangleiiieiits is the abuse of the Chinese i immigrants by the foreign power». An­ other great revolution comes from the abuse of the stomach. Overtaxed digestion l»r< duces dys* -s constipation, indigestion, dys- pensia and ilHtiilency. Hostetler's Stom- ach Ritters ters is the best medicine to take, It prevents nervousness or sleeplessness, i Don’t fail to try it. Wash mirrors in warm suds, then dnst with whiting from a muslin hag and polish with chamois «kin S lo p s th o G o u g h a n d W o r k s O f f th o G o ld . Laxative iiromo-Qoinine Tablet« cure a cold in one day. No cure, No Day. Price 25 cents. Professor Lloyd Morgan, in a recent address, stated he had found that young chickens, taken straight from the incubator, could swim very well, the power of swimming being perfectly iustinctive. It the flowers in your window box seem blasted, or are of a faded, sickly color, cover the earth around the roots about half an inch deep, with pulver­ ized charcoal. The ruses that blossom in the next few days w ill have a fine, lively rose color. Charcoal always gives great vigor to the red or violet colors of lluwers. White petunias be­ come varied with red or violet tints, violets become covered with irregular spots of a bluish or almost black tint, but yellow flowers are insensible to its intluence. AN EDITOR’S EXPERIENCE. A R M Y L IF E C A U S E S P H Y S I C A L A N D M E N T A L D IS A B IL IT Y F O R M A N Y YEARS. Kf>»cned From D eath by R eading ar A \11 satisfactory results. I read all the medical authorities within a radius of seventy miles fre it obtainable, ami dually found my svmp- its headquarters. These meals are se it toms under the head of Locomotor out iu wagons with compartments for Alaxia. Tho author said there was no each article; the meals are placed in cure for the disease, and 1 believed the different compartments smoking him. He recommended a mixture of hot and are kept Ht a high temperature iodide of potassium and sarsaparilla, as uutil placed on the purchaser's table. a possible aid to existence. 1 took sev­ The “ elephant beetle” o f Venezuela eral bottles of this formula aud double is the largest insect iu the world. A the strength. This failing, I made up full-grown one weighs about half a my iniud to die as soon as possible. pound. There was no comfort, pleasure or hap­ piness iu life which knew nothing but pain. Oue day I reatl the experience of a man who lutd been affiieted with Loco­ motor Ataxia, and cured by the use of Dr. W illiam s’ I’ ink Bills for l’ale l’eo- pie. 1 bought one box and tried the remedy, following the direction* very closely. This had a little effect, and I procured a half dozen boxes, and took them before l was convinced that a 1 cure waa possible. I began with ono pill after each meal, in a few days I took two, and finally used one box a week. My pHins gradually disappear­ seem to be the heritage o f the ed, color came to my tlesh, I could humau family everyw here, via: walk, nin and jump, and actually dis­ pensed with a cane. Words cannot portray my feelings. Today l weigh 200 pouuds, am perfect­ ly healthy and feel 20 years younger and than I ilid 10 years ago. Journalists and all brain workers are liable to afflictions such as I suffered. To all such I would advise the use of Dr. hut there is one aure and W illiam s' I'ink Bills for Bale l’eople prom ;* cura for both, via: iu connection with cold water bathing, morning ami evening. 1 will cheer­ fully answer any ami all questions asked by those afflicted. JOKL SltOM AKKR, Editor Farmer aud Dairyman. North Yakima, Wash. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3d day of January, 1899. JAB. K. COK, County Clerk. A »|>eci lie for all forms of weakness é ï is obtaiued in Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Bills for Bale People. The blood is vitalised ami becomes pregnant with the ele­ ment* of life. The nervous system i* reorganised. *11 irregularities are cor­ rected, strength return* and disease diaappears. So retuaikable have been the cure* performed by these pill* that their fame ha* spread to the far end* of ATI ( « M o f D E A FN E SS er MAftD-HI civilisation. M herever you go you will are n.'wrrftaSl E S t onr n*w imvaat lonjaaiy t find the meet important article in eve* v dtmt iM trtb * U« tB SOl « $ f l » « « UBI <1 •tf •< PUla. liUnutiml lira! f liiif. <§w A | T w o B ig P a in s Rheumatism Neuralgia i St Jacobs Oil B ,i * - • m # A re You D eaf 7 ? As is well known, some metals are unsuitable for casting, while others, like iron, can readily be cast in any desired shape. The property of casting well is said to depend upon whether the metal contracts or expands ou so­ lidifying from the liquid form. Iron, like water, expands in solidifying, aud hence the solid metal may be seen floating in the liquid iron about it. Gold and silver contract in cooling, and therefore, are not suitable for cast­ ing. A S li g h t C o r r e c t i o n . (¡.R A N . That is where some people feel weak all the time They are likely to be despondent and it is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble as if they hadn’ t enough already. The fact is their kidneys are weak, either naturally or because o f sickness, exposure, worry or other influences. *• I am thankful to say,” writes J. L. Campbell, of Sycamore. 111., “ that HoodV Sarsaparilla has cured me. For man; years l was troubled with backache. A times I was so had I had to be helped from the bed or chair. I am uow well and strong aud free from pain.” What thi* great medicine did for him it has done foi others. TIME SCHEDULES D kp abt Chicago Portland Special • :15 a. m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. W orth,Omaha, Kansu* City, St. Louia,Chicago and ta il 4:00 p. m. A tlantic Express • 00 p. m 6aIt Lake, Denver, Ft. W orth,Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,C nlcago aud 7:00 a. m. Spokane Flyer • X0 p. m. Walla Walla, Lewis- ton.B pokane, Miu* nesp oli», St. l’ aui, D uluth. ¿ I llu s o - kee, C h ica g o ! hast 1:40 a. m. j j 1 1 • tf) p.m . Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Begin treatment with HoodH today. For Pan Francisco — Sail every 5 days. Dally Xx Hunday :00 ». in. S atnrday 10:00 p. m. Miss Lakeside— Goodness! How tanned you arel Y ou ’ ve been in the sun. haven’ t yon? Miss Presyse (of Boston)— Most as- suredly not. There are no means as yet of transporting oneself to that sphere. I have been merely basking in the beams which percolated through the circumambient atmosphere of A t­ lantic City. 4.00 p. Ocean Steamships. All »ailing date» subject to change 4 00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Columbia Rivor Itoomcrt. To Astoria and Way Landings. An ingenious table intended for the use of invalids who are confined to the Wlllamotto River. 6:00 a. m 4:30 p. m. bed, has been devised. It is so arrang­ Xx.S unday E x.S un day Oregon City, New- ed that it can be raised or lowered, I berg, Salem, Imle- and can be increased or decreased in endence «b Way andings. diameter, to overlap the side of the bed. By pressing a knob it can be con­ 7:00 a. m. Wlllamefte and Yam­ 8:80 p. m. hill Hivers. Mon., Wed. verted into a reading-desk, and spring Fuel., Thur. and Sat. and Fri. clips are provided for holding the lead­ Oregon City, Day- ton, A Way Laud* ing matter in position. The mechan­ in g » An attempt is being made to reform ism of this table is so easily worked that an inavlid can operate it without the Mexican army, teaching the officers 4:0« a m. Willamette River. 4:80 p. m. to stay by their men in an engagement assistance. Tue»., Thar Mon., Wed. »ltd Sat. Portland to C orral- and Fri. instead of seeking a secure place when Giraffe skins have become extremely 11» Jt Way Laud- danger is encountered, and the men to valuable because of their scarcity. logs. fire from the shoulder instead o f from Teu or 15 years ago it was common the hip. President Diaz also intends enough for a hunter in South A frica to L r R ipari» Snake River. Lv. Lewiston 8:15 a. m. Dally to have his army provided with the kill 40 or 50 ol the animals iu a day. Riparia to Lewitston • a.m. Dally best modern arms. At this rate they were rapidly being exterminated, and now a giraffe skin W hile some farmers are deploring W . H. H U R L B U R T , is worth anywhere from $20 to $50. the loss of profit on wool, the knowing General Passenger Agent, P ortland, Or. It is a great mistake to make a large I one« are raising “ hothouse” or early lamb«, and make more profit from one tea biscuit. Properly speaking, a tea ewe than they formerly did with half biscuit should not be more than t w o 1 E A S T A N D SO U TH a dozen sheep kept for wool. They inches in diameter an 1 proportionate!/ use the mutton breeds, attach but lit­ thick when baked. This gives a deli­ tle value to the fieece, and make larger cate, moist, flaky biscuit which «vilI profits from sheep than they have ever be cooked through before the outsid^ done before. crust has become hard or over brown. r DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A BUSINESS LIFE? Y A M H IL L A N D ELK V FN TII W rite us. Crains leave New berg for Portland and way stations at 7:55 a. in. Depot Fifth and I Sts., Portland. ST ItE K T S, P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N . Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue. ( The Famous German ..A VENARIUS Wood Preserver) CARBOUNEUMma . . . . P e r m a n e n tly D e s t r o y s .... ..CHICKEN LICE ‘AND VERMIN.. One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Ii your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following: distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle, W ash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Overland Express— For Salem ,Roseburg, Asland, Sacramento, • 7:00 p .m . O gden, San Francis­ • i :15 a. m. co, M ojave, Los An- iles, El Paso, New rleans and East. *8:30 a .m . hose burg passenger— 4:30 p. m. Y’ ia W oodburn, fo r ' M ount A ngel,Silver- Dally ton, W est S cio , excep t B row nsville, Spring- Sunday. field and Natron. ) 7:30 a .m . ...Corvallis passenger... t 5:50 p. m. S { f 4:50 p. m .,Independence pass’ ngr. t 8:25 a. m. •Daily. |Daily excep t Sunday. C onnecting at San F rancisco with steam ship line» for H aw aii, Japan, China, the P h ilip p in e! knd Australia. Rebate tickets on sale d aily betw een Port­ e d . Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 7 nrst-clag and «II second-class, inclu d in g leeper. For through tickets aud rates ca ll on or ad- 1res» H. R. SATCHWELL, Agt., Newberg Station. Or Address, C. H. M ARKHAM , G. F. £ Pass Agent. P ortland, Or. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. (Yallowatone Park Line.) NOTHING Y ou ca n ’ t m ake a m istake it yo u g e t » TT k only Dining-Car Rout* from Portland to th* East. ..M i t c h e l l .. TTw only route to the Yellowstone National Park. Mitchell, Iieuiis & Staver Co PO RTLAN D. O RECON . a *™ WATCH d watch »v®r offer*«! j •iHr»NeJ.h»nt.ni or open face, fitted with age -“‘“ A M E R I C A N M OVEM ENT no Imllnlion, fall] jeweled, niekel fir Uh. propei Ijr regu lated and adjured quick t nin and wi.hal. ern improvement*—In fact one cf the finest made With proper care care will will l% l% With proper *t *t u • -------------------- ' v ^ 1 4 0 a. m ■ S S J ÏS r î 2 0 YEAR GUARANTEE.,1 peat nitre equal to any $40 »olid fold Watch SentC.O D. for f».» and expre*echar». a, with privilege of t'KKK k.X tXINATIOV II not »-«tLfaetory, can be returned atour expenae. An ee a n d I* s t a n t a n e o u s Rel i ef f ■ J W SC IA TIC A RHEUMATISM V o U JSN S N ES ESd n c u it n u u a a , D D Y Y S S lece-, F PS* • * H E A T - H , . C R .. O U P , B R A C H E , C T A R I R R M N C H ITS , LA GRIPPE, M ALARM , I BIILLUIT Salf-aakini G a s L a m p Make» Its own |M Everybody can r-EART W E A K N E “ S 3 S . ,' CRE PIN . .. now h*r* light brighter and better than ■' N u U m M b BN E S S , etc Buy a bottle today I— m and electricity at about 1-10 the cost o f kem- ; have it in the hi>use. It will save an flaring an. sine or common gas. One quart gas» doctor's bills Harmless for children's use. Con lene lasts IS hours, giving 100 can- le tains no opiates nr other harmful ingre bents. power ligh t; more th»n & electric bull* Absolutely pure sn-t concentrated. Ijanre bottle or a mammoth Rochester lamp. A ny­ o f J 00 doses ft-r fl. prepaid by mail or eiprevs. o* body caui run them : can be carrbd ! we will send yon (postpaid) a trial bottle fu r l around or hung »nyw here: perfectly cents. Aarei ts 54 nnted. swfe : approved by Insurance com psnies: i l i l U f l D E u U T I C Cl* C M H I T . >44 lata U C > « a * X over 25.000 In dally use nearly two y e a n ; all rec­ ommend them. Local agents wanted. BRILLIANT OA 8 LAMP CO , 42 state BA, Chicago HELP W AN TK n, W I M T H I - U r n a n d w n m -n n f g o o d r h a r o r t -r to r r p r o a .n t - o t a h ll .li .d h o n .« on .a la r y ; o p lr n d ld o p p o r tu n ity . Ad- d r » , , I '. U . B o * 5 3 7 . r - r t l a n d . U n i o n GUTLEI’S CIRICLITE afI0IINE A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and Consum ption. #1 CMP. I> Lock B«>x 145. » 1 SMITH I GO., Iiflil* , I.T . f l i p ’ s DROPSY dR. BUNN’SûvnPILLSI 10 0 IS T L AT ME .7 Ff.CE. ONE F O R A DO SE Cure Btck Reader be and Dye- pep»!*. A Rei ePun? ee. Purify the F od . AM Plgve- | Uoa. ““ Prevent Iin»ow*neta. D »not Gripe or Sicken, To ivtnoe !**• BoMby L> ruggì a ta. JOH N POOL» POXTU XB, III *p*J and its com icat'.ess a i 'p«c.ai' *p*c ». y for twenty “ ,ost tß« B ol . wonderfti ___ [lave cur.1 d m*ay thou»- t I l i l Box V. Ofe*OOfe, can rive you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belt« am) windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un­ equalled. 7:50 a. i I DAYS to M inneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Paul. $4 DAYS to M ilw anxee and C hicago. DAY8 to W ashington, P h iladelph ia, New Y ork, Boeten, and other Kastern points. ■•*(••• ch *ck*d through to d M tlnatlon of Established 30 Year«. M X Fast m ail for Kalama, Kelso, Castle Rook, W iu- lock, C hebalis. Centra­ lis, South Bend, M onte- ja n o, Aberdeen, 0.:osta, O lym pia, Tac< n a , Seat­ tle, V ictoria, Pt. Tow n­ send, Bllensburjrh. Ros- ly n . North Yakim a, Sprague, C heney, Spo­ kane, Pullm an, Gar­ field, Farm ington. Mos­ cow , tJniontown, Gem esee, Roasland, B. C .; Trail, B. C .; Nelson, B C -; Kal»o, Missoula, Butte, A naconda, Hele­ na, 6t. Paul, M inneapo­ lis, Kansas City, Oma­ ha, C ouncil Bluffs, St. Louia, Chicago, Wash­ ington , New York, Phil­ adelphia, B< at^n, and all points K»dt and Southeast. l«k«t Orders for 125.00 and upward d elivered free to nearest R ailroad or Steamer Lauding. Blank i ases and Kegs. L O U IS tTn. Depot, Foot 6th 9t. | w. r . lÿ a x N TV n . u. writin g « i s h : text. A tlasts, G » Na. 43 I WOO. ta ad ad s e r t tears p leas* m e n t io n th Ts p a p e r. Tot slerptug-car r M i r t i i l o u , t lc k .u . m ap . fed full inform ation , call on or w r it. A. D. CHARLTON, lilt. 6«a. Put. Ag>at, Portland, Or. • •• M o r r lo o a I t , C o r . T h i r d . K. H. WOODWARD, Local Agent, Xewbftrg, Or. 60 Y E A R 8 ’ EXPERIENCE P atents tradì aa a r * * D esig n s C o p y r i g h t » Ac. Anyone send dl-vg s sketch »nd description » »y swlrkly , , ---- » por . Jni.'ti free »'ether an nventloa te probably pat' •ntahle. < ornnonf*. Uon» fCrlfltlf SowfldenUgl _ _ J Handbook on Patents Sent it frw* free, CUdeef CBdeef »genry egaacy f for »ecu ring paten ta rateate, taken throw«« Mann A Co. re«Hvw ■.&£* ■ M R M M l e b a ___ r g e , to the S ck n fllic A m erican tB o a m iM S MüNN jLCo “ J —r — Hew T o ri