Moore’j dandruff cure or no pay. B. Fv Childs the cheese maker who Go toT. it. Cummings for paints end Fresh vegetables at Wilson’s grocery. oils. A full line of undertaking goods was severely kicked ip the hire l>y a OK THE WORLD.—NEWBERO CAMP, N*. Itellahte pontons of a mechanical or inveutlvo infoi horse three weeks ago has almut reeov- dcxlriugatriptothe Parli With gix>U Ili, meets «v.rjr llouJay evening. Moore's corn remover or your money kept in stock. — dory *------------------ *-* -* — i:\|>o*itiout 1 * rite aart exhense*» paid. shoukfwrttt ! ered his natural sue and activity, but T h e £ *A T £ N T K U O U i), lialtiuiore, 7 Md. \\r C. T. O.-BUSINESS MEETING THE >«'. hack. Miss Amy Hall of Sherwood, a bad a bad looking face for a while. M . n R u l fourth Wsdneaday In aacb cal student of Miss Mabel Edwards vis- suonili. Strawberry crates for sale Work is progressing nicely on the Administrator*« Notice of Finnl Settle* | ¡led in Newberg the first of the week O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY Wilson. incut. locks now nud about one fuurth of the I with her teacher. . «v eilin g * in Bank of Newberg building. Notice is hereby civen that the undersiguod Leave your orders at the office of the j permanent datn is built. Tile contract­ admiufhtiMtor of the errate of C bari«*« Bovard, Choice Farm atid City Fioperty. AXD T. -OF g.-NEWBERQ COUNCIL, NO. The best of fresh and salt meats the deceased has filed his tìnsi account with salti ors say they will fluish this fall, sure. , Ion, meet* «vary Friday evening in Ma- Chas. K. Spauidiug Logging Co. for slab j Collect Rents and Look After Estates. . estate, in the county court of Yamhill county, market affords will bo found at the New- «o n te halL wood. Investments Made lor Non-Residents. j berg Meat Market. The highest prices Hull Johnson I. building a large h o -1 d !’'ISjV , t P S W . i 'S : F. AN» A. M.—MEETS EVERY SATHB* Insurance Written in Select Companies. C. C. Smith is now be ready to make ior butcher’s stock, tel at the mineral springs for Lite accom­ »>• the J*y Hint hour for the he.rlug nl objec­ dey night In C. V. Bank build:ug tions tu th«* said Sua! account aud th« »rule- stamp pictures 16 for 25c. Four differ­ modation of It is patrons. The springs incut thereof. Miss Heien Chamberlain of Portland N or. therefore, all perrour latemlrd in ent positions. are becoming better known and (letter raid CHURCH NOTICES. ertale are hereby notified and required to who had been attending the Chautau- appear at the county 'court room, a! McMinn­ patronized all tile time as their merits Well boring done by D. W. C mumins j q Ua assembly near Oregon City, came up ville, raid county and alate, at raid time, to If you want to buy, either a large or small farm, you can save both jtRirNDS' CHURCH.—SERVICES EVES- then ami there shove eattae. tf utiv there be, ■ Sunday wt II a, m and 8 p. m. and Thure- at 30 cents per foot, board furnished for borne with her parents Saturday and become better known. time and money by calling on us. If we haven’t what you why rail! account should not ho settled, allow­ av at 2 p. in. Sabbath school every Sunday at V:a6 a. m. Monthly meeting at S p. m the first himseli and hand. want we will take pleasure in assisting you in procuring prop­ Very few loafers adorn the street cor­ ed and approved, and the administrator ilia visited until Tuesday. Charged, aud said estate forever aud linntly Tuesday in «ach month. Quarterly meeting erty to your satisfaction. If a non-resident aud wish to ob­ ners now as every one can have work settle.! the second Saturday and Sunday In February, A. K. f t Mt'SI'vlN. Mrs. Dr. Courtney and little daugh­ Articles of incorporation were filed May, Attgust and November. Women's For* Administrator of the Katate of Charier Bo- tain information about Real Estate or the country in general, 8 - 1 “ olgn Missionary Society meets third Saturday ters came down from Dayton Wednes­ to-day by J . M. Wright, H. Cooper and who wants it, and at good wages. yard, deecared. tn each month at 3 p. i Dated July JO, 1000. or Newberg (the town of schools aud churches) in particular, day morning for a visit with Dr. Clara E. K. Shaw, incorporating the Newberg And yet there is a demand for more Ciarruc* Butt, A tt’y for Estate. write us. lA jT 'IS T CHURCH.—SERVICES, SUNDAY 11 harvest hands. M. Davidson. Land Company. Mr. Shaw is from ) a. m.and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school Sun- eting Wednesday ays at 16 a . m. Prayer Mr. Krats of McMinnville has rented «•▼en i nr mi 7:10 o’clock. Farmers I want your eggs. I will Brooks, Marion couuty, and is the fath- To Cure A C«ltl In On« Day the warehouse here ut the depit anti of young Shaw, one of the parties who Egg packers RESBITERI AN CHURCH.—SERVICES EV give cash for them. Take L axative H komo QmxiNft T ablets , All bought A. M. Hoskins’ bicycle busi­ will handle grain this year. a ry tw o weeks as follows: February 7th furnished free to those wishing them. dtuggUtg refuud the money if it fails to cure, •and ¡¿lit. March 7th and 2iat, And April i l l and ness. Hth. A worm supposed to be the army- K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Jf>c. C. B. W ilson . 'OREE METHODIST*—PRAYER MEETING Our Recorder J. L. Hoskins brought a worm lias made its appearance and is P every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath Mrs. Emma Farnsworth and little boy load of household goods up from New­ doing considerable damage to the vege­ school every Sunday as 10 a. m. of Milwaukee came up last week and berg yesterday. Mr. Hoskins says he is tables und clover. P osey . visited until Wednesday witli her broth­ getting tired of standing around ou the er T. H. Gardner ami family. A C a r d t o t b e P u b lic . Local Events. streets, and wants a place he can throw off ills coat and “just feel all right." During nty m other’s illness I took Mrs. N. F. Byers, photographer, has to rent or sell. closed her studio for the present on ac­ Mrs. Hoskins aud their youngest son bells off some cows and take this method C. E. Moore has THIS MEANS YOU. count of ill health and has gone to Hood return to Newberg to-day.—Transcript. to let the owners know where to find The'Graphic and th e Oregonian for them . I want to say that if'people ouly River for a two mouths stay. # 2 . 00 . knew what sick and nervous people suf­ N o tic e T h e F o llo w in g O fl’e r s o f Pre.ldewt McGrew Arrive«. R, E . Nixon, engineer at the sawmill, fered from the clanging of the cow bells, C. B. Wilson is stt!I paying cash for Ile a l E s ta te . Prof. H. E. McGrew, the new presi­ is taking a months lay-off and will take the last one would soon disappear, for I produce. dent of Pacific College, arrived here No. 1 his family up in the Coast mountains on think there are few, if any, families in .« 2 118 Ac 5 mi from New berg $2500 from Iowa ou Friday evening of lost W. N . Button is inbaTing the stiff salt the headwaters of the Luckiamute. 67 “ 3V> 1400 Newberg who desire to annoy their week and has been putting in the time «tmosptiere at Yaquuia Bay. » 3 00 “ 4 “ . 1300 After suffering for five Prof. F. K. Jones will return to New­ getting acquainted with the people and neighbors. “ 4 45 ” 4 “ 650 Learve orders at Wilson’s Grocery for berg from Berkeley, California, next making preparations for the work lie- months front this nuisance (and this is “ a 255 “ 4 “ .3000 expressing or light hauling. — •»«§£?;•— - not the first time) we feel that as a fam­ week, and it is likely that he will take fore him. On Sunday morning he “ 6 27Wj “ 2% “ 1375 Try » load of slab wood for $1.50. his old place on the college faculty preached an excellent sermon at Friends ily, we have a right to express an opin­ .. 7 44 “ “ Will exchange New w 1000 Will sell cheaper than any one in the Couuty. T he Obas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. again the coming year. church which was well received at the ion on the subject. H. M. W illiams . ” 8 16 “ ” •• 900 Goods for old. time and many words of commendation •• 9 16 “ tj' •< Mr.’and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer left last 650 Goods sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments. Mrs. Olive M. Tuttle of Maine, who « W ith a clubbing rate of only $2 a year “ 10 20 «> •• 700 Friday for Newport for their summer has been visiting for some weeks with have been spoken of the discourse dur­ ing the week. President McGrew is a ior the Graphic and the Oregonian you ” 11 “ “ « 250 -outing. ber cousin Mrs. Win, S tratton, left here new man to the people of Newberg, he get all the news, both local and generul, » |2 61* •« 250 Good pasture io r eight or ten head of Wednesday intending to be back again never having met but very few of our at a very low figure. Now is the time “ 13 25 ” \ « 1000 cattle near the river. Terms reasonable. however about September. people previous to his coming, but he is to subscribe. “ 14 20 “ ” 700 Enquire of Ed Hobson. “ 16 16 " 3 » Rev. H erbert T. Cash removed with making a very favorable impression and 1000 Sam Manning left Tuesday morning his family to Sherwood on Thursday the opinion prevails that the right man <• “ 16 95 *< •* 3000 The Appetite ofa Gout. tor Chehalts, Washington, where he has where he will do pastoral work during has been selected to succeed President “ 17 300 “ 4 « 10000 Is envied by all poor dyspeptics “ 18 10 “ 3 •a position in a saw miil. « the year, dividing bis time between Newlln. Mrs. McGrew and little daugh­ 600 ter are visiting with relatives at Boise, wltose stomach and liver are out of or­ “ 19 10 “ “ “ Sherwood and Middleton Friends 350 H ave every th in g you w a n t In th e E . C. Ward left for Chicago last Fri­ der. All such should know th a t Dr. Idaho, but will come oh in a few days. " 25 347 ” “ ” 10000 day on a business trip, intending to be churches, K ing’s New Life Pills the wonderful 400 ncres river bottom land eubdi vided .gone about three or four weeks. stom ach and liver remedies, gives a A noted safe cracker was captured in into 10, 15 and 40 acre tracts. “ I n H is O w n C o u n t r y . “ splendid appetite, sound digestion Peaches for sale: You can get them Portland the first of the week and on ” 20 House and lot in Newberg *175 ‘of W right & Cooper throughout the sea­ his person was found a map of the towns Rev. H. E. McGrew and wife spent and a regular bodily habit th a t insures “ 21 ti 4 i 200 perfect health and great energy. Only in which he had marked out his fields of son by placing your orders early. 8-3 Sunday with the former’s mother in 41 II “ 22 225 25c. C. F. Moore & Co , druggists. .i il II A. T. Hill of LaGrande was in Port­ future labor. Newberg was one of the LeGrand, returning here Tuesday even­ 400 NEW COODS ARRIVING DAILY & PRICES TO SUIT EVERY ing on the mixed train. Thu members Il «I land on business the first of the week towns listed. “ 24 600 ONE. of his congregation had prepared a fare­ an d of course bad to make Newberg bis A m i o u n c e m e n t «. Over 100 choice located lots in the heart Representative Clarence B ntt was up well social for him in the church on headquarters daring th at time. of tho city of Newberg. from Newberg Monday. Mr. D utt is Wall Paper & Picture Moulding in all Styles & Prices. th a t evening nnd it was largely attend­ If you want to raise chickens take a look FRIKNU8 CHURCH. Mr. G. M. H unter with his family looking into the wants of his constitu­ ed. Quite a neat purse of money was at my ls acre lots. A lso it F u l l L in e o f n e w e s t C a rp e t» . A ll lin e s o f U iid e r t n k lu f f Sunday school at 10 a. tu. Preaching moved up from Portland th e first of the ents so as to be »Me to do some effective raised there and presented to Rev. Mc­ Correspondence Solicited. Call on or O ootlit c o n H ta u tly o n b a u d . week and will live with his father G. W. work at the next session of the legisla­ Grew as a parting testimonial of their at 11 a. m. aud 8:00 p. m. Address, A . 1*. O liv e r, ture.—Transcript. Intermediate “ - 6:30 “ •Hunter in the west end of town. love and good will. Newberg, Oregon. “ - 6:30 “ On Wednesday morning Rev. and Y .P.8.C.E. Mrs. C. K. Spaulding and children, Miss Gertrude Lamb has been elected Prayer meeting ou Wednesday even­ S^ffOpposite Postoffice. -accompanied by Miss Bertha Wood left as one of the teachers in the public Mrs. McGrew took the flyer for their ing. th e heated city Saturday aud are taking school, which election completes the list new home in Newberg, Oregon, and Midweek meeting on Thursday at 2 N E W B E R G , O R E . a summer outing at Newport by the sea. of teachers. She has had several years about half the people in town were down p. m. to the train to bid them farewell. We experience in teaching and has always Junior Endeavor society meets Sun­ Mrs. E . F. Ruckmau’s son-in-law Mr. were sorry to see them go, but wish day aftcruoon at 3 o’clock. _ Wilson and family have returned to been successful in her school work. DEALER IN them success in their new field of labor. T. rvi D. B a r r , Pastor. Newberg from Eastern Washington President Nowlin delivered his farewell And in saying this wo but voice the D r u g s & M e d ic in e s , K o o k s ,V where they have been living for the sermon in Newberg on the evening of sentiment of the community. No one B o o k le ts , F i n e & F a n c y S t a t i o n ­ BAPTIST. last few years. the 8th, from the text, ‘‘Why seek ye in Earlham has more friends than Rev. e r y , S e lto o l B o o k s & S u p p lie s . Preaching Sunday morning. Even­ FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 19,1900. Mrs. Win. McLaughlin and daughters the living among the dead.” This is a McGrew, and he deserves them all. " He ing service 7 :30. Lizzie, Mary and Tessa, left last Friday very suggestive te x t for a man who is go­ was an earnest worker, and the im print Junior a t 3 p. m. Young people’s W ALL P A P E R . N ew est P a t­ for Berry, to join “ Bill” at the logging ing away, but itcertainly cannot apply to of his presence here will remain for meeting at 6:30. J. F. D ay , Pastor. cam p. They expect to remain the great­ Newberg, with the prospect of a beet many years. In all that he undertook t e r n s a m i S ty le s . and in all th a t he accomplished he was sugar factory.—Reporter. e r part of the summer. The Academy offers cxcelleut opportunity for review work and prepa­ EVANGELICAL CHURCH. ably seconded by his faithful wife.— We have sold many different cough Earlham, Iowa, Echo. Mrs. Rebecca Marr received a letter ration for teaching. Besides the Sunday Hchool every Sunday morn­ tfrom the superintendent of the state remedies, but none has given better ing at 10 o’clock. asylum Monday saying th a t the condi­ satisfaction than Cham berlain's,” says Preaching every Sunday evening at A Yamhiller Home from Cape Nome. tion of Mr. Marr, physically, was such Mr. Charles Holzhauer, druggist, 8 o’clock. th a t he could extend no hope of his Newark, N. J. I t Is perfectly safe and Prayer meeting every Wedttesday Thos. H. Rogers is at home from -There will be- can be relied upon In all coses of colds, Nome again, and from his talk can ap­ evening at 8 o’clock. recovery. coughs or hoarseness. Sold by C. F. preciate fully the words “ There’s no Everybody invited. F. W. L aunkr , Mrs. Jesse Edwards and daughter Ma­ Moore & Co., druggists. I’astor. place like home.” He arrived by Mon­ bel went to Portland Saturday to attend day evening's train, and was warmly the funeral of Mrs. Durgin who visited The Misses Winnie and Cecil Hollo­ welcomed by his many friends, a salute I t Saved H is Ley. . . . WINK tL BLINK . . . with them in Newberg last winter. Miss way left the first of the week for Hepp- W ill you w ink ami blink vour li f« and neT- of 37 guns (firecrackers) being fired in P. P. Danfort!» of LaOrange, Ga., suf- voiin Fannie Durgin returned with them Mon­ ner, Eastern Oregon where they were energy away, rather than wear glasseh? his honor. Two months ago he left with fered ior six months with a (rightful W ill you force your eyes to overwork, neglect day and is spendiug the week at their to be met by their father Dave and taken for help, ab u se th e m year other parties, full of hope expecting to running sore on his leg; but writes that th e m 'w h e n thejr ery at m iddle life you are com home. out to his ranch several miles from that to find your vìkìoii . come back in the fall loaded down with Buckleu’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it pel led to seek n aid, . perhaps Im paired beyond e n tire re p a ir? place, to keep house for him. Their the precious metal. He has been out in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, So far, prospects seem very encourag­ A L ITTLE CLASS AID grandmother Mrs. Sue B. Holloway ac­ about $500 and has dust in a cartridge it’s the best salve in the world. Cure a t th o p ro p er tim e w ill save von a w orld of ing for »good attendance at Pacific col­ companied them to Portland. tro u b le an y o u r vision for old age, shell aggregating 75 cents. Besides be­ guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by C. F. w hen you d b p e reserve lege next year. Seth Mills reports many g in to n iv m ore an d m ore on p rin te d book am i new spaper for com panion- ing out $499.25 he has lost 25 pounds in prospective students from about Scotts We are now prepared to do watch and Moore & Co., druggists. xhip. C o n su ltatio n an d Eye* TratcM Free. Mills, Rosedale and Marion, where he jewelry repairing. Our equipment is flesh and 90 cents worth of skin off the H. J. WINTERS, i t u it a Miracle? wag last week, and the number of calls complete and nothing but first class le ftsid e of his face by being thrown 1 block E. I’ontofflce. J e w e le r* O ptician. for catalogues here indicates th at the j work turned out. Prices reasonable and against the Bide of the vessel in a rough “The marvellous cure of Mrs Rena J. ------- •{*$•£>*----- - home attendance will also be large. I every job guaranteed. We carry a full sea. He reported all of the Yamhill sto u t of consumption has created In­ CV OCUCCO I DUI ^ h ^ h h y moral atmosphere combined with favorable Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Garretson of Mich­ line of optical goods th at will please you boys In the best of health when he left, tense excitem jut in Cammack, In d ,’ b Ä r b N O t O LU Y»-* iiireilectuul advantages. and says that most of them will he at writes Marion Stuart, a leading drug- igan arrived in town last Friday evening both in quality and price. home again as soon as they shall have gist of Mutiele, Ind. "S he only welgh- W inslow B ros ., Jewelers. and have been visiting a t the home of Successors to H. A. Miller. made enough to pay their transport«- ed i<0 pounds when her doctor in York- their old friend Matthew Terrell. Tboy tlon down. According to Mr. Rogers’ town said she m ust soon die. Then she Send for Catalogue. have been looking over the great North- All who intend engaging In sugar beet idea, Nome falls far short of the place it began to use Dr. K ing’s New Discov- west for some weeks and are seeking a culture next year would do well to send F L O U I t, F E E D , H A Y * « K A I N has been represented. He was ashore ery and gained .37 piunda in w eight UAKDKN & FLO W ER suitable place to locate. Mrs. Garret- j their boys to find employment in the son is a minister in the Friends church. beet fields at LaGrande this summer. fifteen days, eight of which he spent in and was completely cured." I t has SEEDS. prospecting. Three of them, with the cured thousands of hopeless cases, and Boys can do the necessary labor of hoe­ aid of a rocker took out 80 cent* in 1J, ¡g positively guaranteed to cure all We are in receipt of a regular Sunday - F r e e D e liv e r y . leaflet or cslenAjv*r when yon write, killed. W alter wrote " M j wagon was goo City. This was before tbe day of H a rn e s s r . RwCRCCU â CO. a a o -a a * N a r W r a St. Ib le a g e Mrs. Dupny and Mis« Franck are Regular size 50c and $1. Trial boitltw filled with ballet holes. One of my curve« aod shoots, and the ball was free at C. F. Moore A Co '• drug stork. wheel moles was shot down in the bar- pitched instead of being thrown, end re- camping at Heaside with the family of B e s t o r n o t b e s t— m o n e y - V J neee while I was still on the wagon. The salted in a victory for LaFayette; the Dr. H. R. Littlefield of Portland. AGtNTBWASTgD-roR t h e u r E Ago b u c k , a n y w a y , i f y o u d o n ’t bullets come too thick for me and I tell score being 40 to IS. The LaFsyette Our lnietcsts are all here, we can not afford to misrepresent any article » h l a e re a a m aA t a cad ■ A dm aa I iral , • 1 f fK*wef.**thp la W » . I k « , 1 Jk 'S * ^ e n n te of A w . . orld Rev. D. M. Metzger and family and iu»hlp fre*IR *t n av al hero. Bv M urat H al«tpad. th o j which we have for sale. you it was 00 laoching m atter.” When nine was: J . J. Hembree c; J . A. Hus­ Mra. Burt have gone to Meadow Lake Hfelo n a frie n d a nd a d m ire r of th e n a tim i’* Idol. l i k e t h e m . he wrote he was just o a t of the hospital ton p ; F. Ewing s s ; I. N Hembree 1st b; haViep Rewdrr O A K T A N L E A T f l E K USED O N L Y . C A R R I A G E T R I M M I N G . jP ip fex ; an d b tx t book . o v e r jOO peep», H x 10 i for a weeks outing. fljV fflfl* FXtl dA.»M fUL n e w N ly IT I Î0n pa*e* lia lfto n e illu s tra tio n « 1 Ilep alring cheaper than anywhere else. Thank von for yonr pRnt patron***« after a case of malarial fever and intend­ C. T. Belcher 2d b; K. P. Bird .3d b; P. and nr* *:*• On y g 1 .-V0 knorrarmn demand. YM* eommf** w ill try very hard to merit a pcmtinaauce o f th * •tine. ed to atart home on the staging/ leaving P. Gates If: J. W. Baker cf; II. Martin Mr*. Frank Billington of Eugene 19 •loo«. Outfit fret* Chauee of alifetime- Write S d it ili m ¿ s B id . quirk The t*r*;nini'>u CurAp'injr, :.-»l £.x>r «J ar * the f rat of next oconth, riftfitiitg Frank’« xaoth«r her*. ti.—fhlepbone-Rsgliter. idi* Bldg . Chicago. A Free Trip to Paris! SOCIETY NOTICES. I K W RIGHT & COOPER, I R eal Rstnte Brokers. Newberg, Ore. J I Furniture Store P HARDWICK & CO. EVERYBODY! CARRY A FULL LINE — OF— NEW AND SECOND-HAND F U R N IT U R E & U N D E R T A K IN G . Votaw & Hollingsworth H ou se F u rn is h in g Line, PACIFIC COLLEGE, C. F. MOORE, Camera and Kodaks with all Supplies. Kegular Common School Studies, 2 Classes in Algebra, Civil Government, Composition & Elementary Science, New Students can enter any of the College Classes for which they are prepared. Feed & Seed Store Dr. Wm. Ellis Liniment OUR L E A D E R S [FREE 'Ìli Quality Tells, Price Sells. All of our Hand Made Goods Guaranteed. m F. X. McATEE, Opposite Pcstofflce. v h n i