«ff Moore's dandruff cure or no pay. J. M. WRIGHT, ! Ladies’ second hand wheel for sale. i Dr. Clara Davidson has now recovered Fredric Florey & wl to Jane Mc- H. COOPER. 1 from her sickness and is ready to attend Alpin *0 a in sec 24 t2r4......... 350 00 Fresh vegetables at Wilson’s grocery. Enquire at Graphic office. Notary Public. OF T H K WORLD, NEW BERG CAMP, NO. | fl G Miller A wf to Olive I. But­ ta every M onday ev en in g . Moore's corn remover or your money • 113, Guaranteed gentle horse for his keep. ' to her practice. ton 3 Its in blk 32 Hurley A back. Mrs. Was. Manning received word a Light driving. F. X. M c A tks . T%7 C. T U . - B D R N i a MEETING TH E ï - l C- Larges adJ to Newberg........ 800 00 Y V . o n d and fo u rth W ednesday in e ac h 1 lew days ago of the death of her father Strawberry crates for sale by C. 13. Go toT. 13. Cummings for paints and m o n th . I U 8 to Henry B Nevina 152.41 a \ at the advanced ago of seventy-eeven Wilson. oils. A full line of undertaking goods sec 27 t5r3 ............................. Patent O. O. F -SESSIO N S HELD ON THURSDAY years at bis home in Texas. • evening« In B ank of N ew berg b u ild in g . U B Nevina A wf to J O Uery- Forty bead of choice stock sheep to­ j kept in stock. I Mr. ond Mrs. Robert Varley of Cor­ ford 152.41 a sec 27 l5r3.......... 1500 00 Choice Farm and City Property. AND L. 0 F 8 . —KKWBBRG c o u n c i l * n o . gether with 31 lambs for sale by A. P. Miss Anna Briebine was married on , 168, m eets every F rid ay e v en in g in Ma* nelias, visited in town last Sunday with N P Christenson et si to Chris­ Collect Reuts and Look After Estates. Oliver. il Friday of last week to J. 8 . Boatman, to n ic h a ll. Win. Mannings. Mr. Varley is a broth­ tens Christenson Its 1 2 3 4 Investments Made for Non-Residents. Rev. J. C. Lucas officiating. Leave your orders at the office of the F. AND A. M.—MEETS EV ERY SATI?fi» er of Mrs. Maiming while liis wife it a blk 14 Newberg............... 300 00 Insurance Written in Select Companies. day n ig h t In C. V. B an k b u ild in g . Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. for slab R. S. Evans moved to Salem the first sister to Mr. Manning. O A C R K Co to J C Gates A J wood. of the week where he lias bought a farm W Henry 6 '^ a in sec 25 t 2 rfl. 15 00 CHURCH NOTICES. J. L. Hoskins came down from Mc- C. C. Smith is now be ready to make on the Polk county side of the river. R K Warren A wf to Thoa A If you want to buy, either a large or small farm, you caa save both Miunville to spend Sunday with tbe TlR jrN D S* C H U R C H .- S E R V I C E S E V E R * Clark Hs 1 2 8 blk 36 It 3 blk : * in d a y a t 11 a, m. a n d * p. m. a n d Thura* stamp pictures 16 for 25c. Four differ­ Rev. A. A. Winter of LaFayette an­ ‘ family. He said he spent the greater time and money by calling on us. If we haven’t what you ent positions. 27 Oak Park add..................... 700 00 nounces that be will preach in the Pres­ part of last week receiving bis friends ay a t ‘i p. m . S ab b ath school every S u n d ay a t want we will take pleasure in assisting you in procuring prop­ $:45 a. m . M onthly m e e tin g a t 8 p. m th e first Rev. Levi D. Barr went to Portland byterian church next Sunday morning who came in to offer congratulations Luciuda Miles to H L Christen­ T uesday in each m o n th . Q u a rte rly m eetin g erty to your satisfaction. If a non-resident and wish to ob­ th e second S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y In F e b ru a ry , on Tuesday on business connected with at 11 o’clock. son 22 ft a side It 4 blk 7 II A tain information about Real Estate or the country in general, over the vote he received in his home May, A u g u st a n d N ovem ber. W o m an 's For­ L a d d ...................................... 30 00 eign M issionary Society m eets th ir d S a tu rd a y church work. or Newberg (the town of schools and churches) in particular, precincts but be is getting onto the The best of fresh and salt meats the In each m o u th a t 8 p. m . George W Joseph to Carrie M write us. Mrs. Philip Bowerman, of Heppner, market affords will be found at the New­ work in the recorder’s office all right. a p t i s t c h u r c h .— s e r v i c e s , S u n d a y n Johnson Its 17 18 Rural a. m . a n d 7:30 p . m . S u n d a y school Sun* was down a few days laqt week visiting berg Meat Market. The highest prices ¡v e w a e w A notice has been hanging in the Homes sub no 2 ..................... 15 00 /■ a t 10 a. m. P ra y e r m e e tin g W ednesday paid for butcher’s stock. with relatives in town. ev en in g a t 7:30 o ’clock. postoflice window duriug the week call­ Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co to R RESBYTERIAN CHURCH —SERVICES EV* Farmers I want your eggs. I will ing for forty hewers and choppers at Dr. J. S. Stott formerly of Gervais has O Jones 20 Hs io Watts add to ery tw o w eeks as follow s: F e b ru a ry 7th Egg packers $1.50 a day and board. During the Amity...................................... 280 00 a n d g ist, M arch 7th a n d l i s t , a n d A p ril 4tn a n d located at Newberg and can be seen at give cash for them. 18th. presidential campaign four years ago Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co to R furnished free to those wishing them. the Hotel Newberg at present. ree m etiiodist .— pr a y e r m eeting C. B. W ilson -. such calls were not to be found posted O Jones 1 85 a in John Watts Roy David who has been working with every T h u rsd a y a t 7:30 p. m . S ab b ath up anywhere in the country. Times die t5r4.................................... 54 00 school ev ery Sun d ay a t 10 a . m. a contract company in and around Se­ H. J. Winters, optician and jeweler is aad conditions have changed since then. MARRIAOE l ic e n s e s . by close application to business building attle, Washington, has been home this up a good trade and Increasing his stock. W. F. Edwards who has beeu working Local Events. week on a few days visit. Mary A Rauch 18 to D C Buffum 24. Take note of his new advertisement in on a salary siuce going to Portland is Annie Brisbine 18 to J 8 Boatman 21. The Graphic lias been requested to the Graphic this week. about embarking in business on his own Nellie M Larkin 23 to W H Nelson 24. C. F. Moore lias tent* to rent or sell. call the attention of property owners to Hevland Bros, inform us that they account, by entering into partnership the fact that growing thistles on vacant The Graphic and the Oregonian for lota ought to be cut at once. have all the work and more than they with a gentleman who is engaged in W u It A M lr a el.T $ 2 . 00 . can attend to in the ax ban lie manufac­ business on Third street, handling wag­ “The marvellous cure of Mrs. Rena J. The real estate men of Newberg in­ turing business. A short time ago the on and carriage material. Nis Newberg C. B. Wilson is still paying cash for form us that business in their line is two men put out ninety dozen handles friends wish him abundant success in Stout of consumption has created in­ produce. tense excitemsnt In Cammack, Ind," very brisk now. The beet eugar agita­ in six weeks and then managed to at­ his new undertaking, r writes Marlon Stuart, a leading drug­ Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery for tion is already bringing in the strangers. tend a beet sugar meeting occasionally. gist of Muncie, Ind. “She only weigh­ expressing or light hauling. F r « «h C o w . The stock of goods belonging to the At the business meeting of the ed IK) pounds when her doctor in York- A fresh cow for sale. Inquire of Try a load of slab wood for $1.50. Union Mercantile Company has been Friends church held Tuesday evening town said she must soon die. Then she A. T. B l a i r . The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. transported to Portland this week where Rev. Levi D. Barr was re-elected as pas­ began to use Dr. King’s New Discov­ the company opens op a new place of Top buggy for sale, or will trade for tor of the local church. He has served ery and gained 37 pounds in weight Will sell cheaper than any one iu the County. Will exchange New business. With a clubbing rate of only $2 a year wood. A. E. M oore . a wide field of religious interests since and was completely cured.” I t has Goods for old. lor the Graphic and the Oregonian you The new college catalogue* are out, taking up the work here and his labors cured thousands of hopeless coses, and Goods sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments. Mrs. C. J. Storey of McMinnville is get all the news, both local and general, visiting in town with her son F. H. and any young people who have any have been very satisfactory to the at a very low figure. Now is tbe time is positively guaranteed to cure all thought of attending college next year church. throat, chest and lung diseases. 50o Storey and his family. to subscribe. should make free to call for one at the and $1. Trial bottles free at C. F. We have sold maoy different cough Good pasture for eight or ten head of postoffice. Moore A Co.'a drug store. remedies, but none has given better cattle near the river. Terms reaspnable. N o tic e . satisfaction than Chamberlain’s,” says The Loyal Temperance Legion will Enquiro of Ed Hobson. Notice is hereby given that the part­ meet in the Presbyterian church Tues­ Mr. Charles Holzbauer, druggist, T o C u r e A C o ld I n O n . D a y Frank Storey was over across the river day afternoon at 2 o’clock, Miss Burrows Newark, N. J. I t Is perfectly safe and nership of Fuchs and Grafe has been by Take L a x a t iv s B romo Q u i n in e T ablet *. All last week doing work in his line on the superintendent. All children are re­ can be relied upon in all cases of colds, mutual consent dissolved to-day, and by d ru g g ists re fu u d th e m oney I t It 1*11» to c are. dwelling bouse of J. N. McKay. quested to come. * coughs or hoarseness. Sold by C. F. this all bills and accounts to be paid are E. W. G rove’s sig n a tu re 1. on each box. 45*. paid by the new firm. H ave every th in g you w a n t in th e Miss Mary Smith of Dayton visited in I t’s about time to begin to look out for Moore & Co., druggists. June 5-1900. G ra pe A K e l l e r . AGENTS W A N T E D - FOR “ TH E L IF E AND town with her father J . R. Smith and a starch factory. This is the natural re­ A. M. Hoskins has sold his bicycle a c h ie v e m e n ts o f A d m iral D ow ry," th e world*, brother Seth, the first of the week. sult to be expected from the beet sugar business and repair shop to a couple of g re a te st n»v«l h e ro . Bv U u r .t H a latesd . the F le a » « T o k o N o lle « . ltfelo u g frie n d And a d m ire r of th e n a tlo u '. Idol. Salem gentlemen. They intend to en­ Peaches for sale: You can get them factory. Why not McMinnville make a and b t . t b ook; o v e r 500 pages, a x 10 Owing to the lateness of the hour at B in iggest large the business, put in a big turning ch es; n e arly too p a g e , h a lfto n e lllualratton*. move in the matter.—Transcript. of Wright & Cooper throughout the sea­ |i,50. E n o rm o u s d e m a n d . Big commia- which tbe evening mail arrives and the Only lathe, brazing machine etc., and think O utfit free. C hance of .lif e tim e . W rite son by placing your orders early. 8-3 The new recorder, J. L. Hoskins, has that along in the fall they will prepare rush of patrons of the postoffice after aloui. qu ick . T he D om inion C om pnny, 3rd floor Cax- to n Bldg., C hicago. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY & PRICES TO SUIT EVERY assumed the duties of the recorder as to manufacture umbrellas. One of the the mail is open, no money order busi­ A. P. Oliver is advertising some good ONE. real estate for sale in the columns of the natural as an old shoe. His experience gentlemen has very successfully run a ness will be done in tho future after the hour of 7 o’clock p. m. Please don't ask Graphic. It will pay you to look over as Co. Assessor especially fits him for repair shop in Salem for some time. the important business.—Transcript. E. H. W o o d w a r d , P. M. it. "W all Paper & P icture Moulding in all Styles & Prices. Our people will naturally feel a little it. Master Clinton Bradshaw of The restive at the delay which must neces­ T. B. Cummings and son Claud have A lso a F u ll L in e o f n ew est C arpets. A ll lin e s o f U n d e r ta k in g T h a A p p e t i t e o r a G o a t. been engaged the past week in making Dalles has been visiting in town with sarily be endured before anything G oods co n sta n tly on b an d . his uncle Dr. Harry Littlefield. His Is envied by all poor dyspeptics definite can be received from the beet some repairs about the Newberg flour­ father Judge Bradshaw is expected to whose stomach and liver are out of or­ sugar capitalists. Patience is a good THIS M EANS YOU. ing mills. join him in a visit here before be returns old virtue to be cultivated, however, der. All such should know that Dr. Will Vestal has purchased the old O. home. and we will probably find this part of King’s New Life Pills the wonderful N o tice T he F o llo w in g Offer« o f V. Allen property back of I. M. Wright’s Fred Groff received a telegram on last the game to be as wearing as the active stomach and liver remedies, gives a Ile a l O t a t e . home in the east part of town and will splendid appetite, sound digestion N E W B E R G , O REL Wednesday announcing the death of bis canvass for acreage. We have done our make that their future home. and a regular bodily habit that insures No. 1 part and can only throw ourselves npon 118 Ac 5 mi from Newberg $2500 son Samuel Groff at Salt Lake City, • 1 In these stirring times people are not Utah. The news was not altogether un­ the verity of the old proverb “ Every­ perfect health and greal energy. Only “ 2 67 “ 8)4 1400 II 25c. C. F. Moore A Co., druggists. «• 3 60 “ 4 satisfied with anything short of the very expected as he had been sick for two thing comes to him who waits.” 1300 •• “ 4 45 ” 4 latest uews. This explains the growing weeks or more. 650 Dr. J. S. Stott, the new doctor who S p e n t A G ood F a r m D o ctorin g. II 255 “ 4 list of the Evening Telegram. Ten cents “ 5 3000 has a local in the columns of the Graph­ W. W. Hollingsworth has bought out «1 Mr. A. N. Noell of A sherviDe, Kan­ •• 0 27)4 “ 2 )4 a week at postoffice. 187« ic announcing his temporary place of the Votaw interest in their stock of wall « 7 44 It M «1 sas, says he spent a good farm doctor­ 1000 business, comes to Newberg with tbe FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 9 ,1 9 0 0 . J . W. Wheeler has sold his place out paper, and has reduced the prices on the II ing himself for chronic diarrhoea but " 8 16 •• •• 900 northwest of town to a Mrs. Lenora stock to make room for fall goods. This beet of recommendations, both aa a got no relief and was afraid that be •• 9 16 " X II 550 Ferguson of Oregon City who intends to latest purchase make» him sole owner of physician and citizen. He has prac­ must die. He chanced to get hold of a “ 10 20 *• » «• 700 ticed fur seventeen years continuously wake the property her home. The sale the whole business combined. «< bottle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera “ 11 5 X “ “ 250 at Gervais, where he is uni versally high­ was effected by Henry McGuire. II The Misses Agnate and Tora Paulson ly spoken of. Many of his old patients and Diarrhoea Remedy and was per­ “ 12 ¿X “ H 250 The Academy offers excellent opportunity for review work and prepa­ II The Misses Ella F. Macy aad Marga­ of Portland who had been visiting in over there have signified tbeir intention manently cured by it. For sale by C. " 13 25 “ X ration for teaching. Besides the 1000 M ” 14 20 “ •• ret Inglis, accompanied by Nora Parker, the capital city came down on the boat of coming clear to Newberg for their old F. Moore & Co., druggists. 700 II “ 15 16 « 3 are now rusticating at the popular sea­ Wednesday and stopping off here visited doctor when in need of a physician's 1000 M a r r ie d . II “ 16 96 •• “ side resort of Newport and are keeping until the next day with their uncle H. care. 3000 « At the home of the bride's parents house by the classic waters of Nye C. Paulson and family north of town. 10000 -There will be- John Dunstan’s parents, who own the Mr. and Mrs. John 8 . Larkin, their ’■ 17 300 » 4 <• » 18 10 “ 3 Cieek. 600 Leon Kenworlliy has evidently al­ old Edmund Robinson place out by tbe II daughter Miss Nellie Larkin to W. H. " 19 10 " •• 350 J . E. Pressnall is dressing out the ready effected an auspicious entrance fish pond, suffered quite a serious loss Nelson. Both are well and favorably “ 20 House and lot in Newberg 175 into public life. He writes from his Tuesday, in tbe burning of tbeir house. public school building in a fresh coat of II II known in and about Newberg. There •< 21 200 paint. Our school building is favored home in Huntsville, Washington that be The fire took place about eight o’clock were many friends and relatives present “ 22 1 « II 225 delivered the Fourth of July oration at in the morning. Mr. Dunatan hod to witness tbe ceremony conducted by with the most sightly location in town, II «< ** 23 400 and when newly painted up, will greatly that place. Leon is the boy who can do gone up to his Dundee place for a load the pastor of the Baptist church, Rev, J. “ 24 II l< 600 it. of hay, and his wife was out in the gar­ add to the general apperance of our F. Day. Following the ceremony the Mel David who has been up at Sump­ den, nobody.being left in the house, and guests were invitod to a most excellent Over 100 choice located lots iu the heart berg. of the city of Newberg. ter for several weeks is at home again the fire got under good headway before dinner at which all seemed willing to do If you want to raise chickens take • look Since leaving the county recorder’s of­ for two or three weeks. He and his it was noticed. Very little personal prop­ their part. After a social evening to­ at my X sore lots. fice Will Macy lias taken charge of the brother-in-law Frank Hobson own some erty was saved, and as there was no in­ gether the gueste returned home leaving Correspondence Solicited. Call on or N. E. Kegg grocery business in McMinn­ mining claims there which they are surance the loss was quite heavy upon behind them their best wishes for along Address, A . P . O liv e r, ville. He was in town the latter part of pretty confident will prove good invest­ the old people. The origin of the fire is and happy life to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Newberg, Oregon. last week canvassing the business men ments when worked. unknown. A Guest. W Opposito Postoffice. of Newberg for a publication which he H. A. Miller has sold his jewelry busi­ Two brothers, C. N. and Henry Ehret is getting out which gives the financial A M o n s te r D e v il F ish ness to R. F. and Glenn Winslow who from Canby were in town the first of the standing of the citizens of Yamhill will take possession in a week or ten week looking for a location for business. Destroying its victim, is a type of €. F. M OORE, rwAFuera ■ m u A healthy moral mtmoephere combined with favorable county. Before leaving they rented the A. M. days. Mr. Miller contemplates going constipation. Tbe power of this mal­ EXPENSES LOW— inreilectual advantages. Fred Ramsey, formerly of McMinn­ Hoskins store building where they will to Cottage Grove where bis son has ady is felt on orgaus, nerves, muscles DEALER IN ville, who has been a gunner on the open out with a stock of dry goods and been for some time. R. F. Winslow and brain. But Dr. King's New Life spent last winter working with one of Pills are a safe and certain cure. Beet D ru g s A M ed icin es, B o o k s A battleship Oregon, was in town Mon­ shoes about the first of September. B o o k lets, F in e A F a n cy S ta tio n ­ Send for Catalogue. the beat jewelers in Salem and be is day, visiting his uncles Roe and George Dr. G. W. McConnell of Baker City well qualified to tsk* up tbe work. in the world for stomach, liver, kid­ ery, School B o o k s A Supplies. Ramsey. He was on the Oregon when was in Newberg on business a few days neys and bowels. Ooly 25c at C. F. she made her famous trip around Cape ago. He Is about as an enthusiastic Glenn who is a fine musician is contem­ Moore A Co.’s drug store. Horn and was in it at Santiago. He has man over the prospect of the beet sugar plating putting in a line of mosical in­ W A LL P A P E R . N ew est P a t- A o B .a u been oa a furlough since April, and does enterprise here as anybody we have seen struments for the trade. Both are en­ te r n s au d S tyles. not know where lie will be assigned at home or abroad. Hs says we can’t ergetic and deserving young men who C u r e » C a n c e r If a p p lie d In t h e i r e a r l y are worthy of the confidence of the pub­ FRIENDS CHURCH. when he returns to tire service. That’s estimate the value of the advertising lic and they will no doubt succeed in Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching | Uncle Sam’s business. S ta g e »» which Newberg has received in Us ef­ business. f at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. forts for the factory. Wherever be has .......... It Cures---------- A letter received from O. J. Hobson, “ - 5:30 " Pres. Newlin delivered bis farewell Intermediate engaged with an abstract company at been he lias found that people know sermon at the Friends church Sunday Y.P. 8 .C.E. “ - • 6:30 ” C ancer W a rts. T um ors in tb e F lesh o f M an a n d B e a st, Corns, Prayer meeting on Wednesday even­ Seattle, indicates that he is prospering something of our aspirations and enter­ night, and the magnificent andiencc B u n i o n s , Sprains an d B ru ise s,a n d Isa u E x c e lle n t L in im en t in Washington’s windy city. He writes prise in this direction and are anxious which greeted him woe a fine tribute, ing. fo r K h cu m atlsu i, N eu ra lg ia , P le u r isy an d a ll P a in s and to know more. Midweek meeting on Thursday at 2 j that he is associated there with a fine and mark of tbe great appreciation with A ch es o f th e B ody. I t also cu res F istu la in H orses an d re­ lot of college ond university young peo­ The Whittier, California, Register is which he has always been held in the) p. m . m oves E n la rg em en t ou th e Bono. Jonfor Endeavor society meets Sun­ ple, and what is more to the point he is authority for the statement that Prof. community. The other churches very still able to give them pointers in te n -J Chas. E. Lewis, now of Denver, Colo­ courteously adjourned their evening ser­ day afternoon at 3 o’clock. . . . WINK A B U N K . . . L e v i D. B a r r , Pastor. W ill yon w in k a n d b lin k y o u r Ufa an d n ar T h is ItsISM B t waa th o ro u g h ly tested hy Dr. Wm. E llis d a r in g th ir ty .Sv» r a n p ra c tic e of nis. We are glad to know that aa O. J. rado, will .n the near future be married j vices and as a result the large church voua e nergy aw ay, r a th e r th a n w ear glasses? ■ a d ir la * , a a d In esae* o f T tu n o n . C a sc a r W ert», a n d #11 u n n a tu ra l g ro w th * o n B an waxeth older, he loseth not his old time to Miss Barali Vore who has been in | was crowded, floor and galleries. Pres. W ill you force y o u r eye* to overw ork, D eflect i t h a s a lm o st In v a ria b ly ta k e n th e p la c a of th e S urgeon * K nife. th e m w hen th e y ery for help, ehuae th e m y e ar BAPTIST. cunning in the nobla game. Wldttier for so me time. Newberg peo-: Newlin delivered a powerful and inspir­ a fte r year, u n til a t m iddle Ufa you a re eom . ited to aeek a id . p rrh a p a to find y o u r vtalon Preaching Sunday morning. Even­ p aired beyond e n tire re p a ir? Though the plan has been given but a pie will remember the lady as being ' ing sermon from the text, “ Why seek ye ing service 7:30. Try n b o ttle o f th is L in im en t mnd If you th lu k it n o t w orth th e A LITTLE C LA SS AID short trial up to date, it seems that the here In attendance at Oregon Yearly the living among the dead?” It is gen­ Junior at 3 p. m. Yonng people’s a t th e p ro p e r tim e w ill aav* yon a w orld of p rlee p aid , retu rn tb e b o ttle nnd g e t your m oney. Meeting two veers ago fn company erally considered to be the equal, if not i co-sperative management of the New-, tro u b le an d prenerva yonr vlafon for old age meeting at 6:30. J. F. D at , Pastor. with M. 7,. Kirk, then traveling agent 1 the beet sermon be has ever preached in h e n voti be«1n to reiy m ore a n d m ore on For ssl* s t ths Drug Storss in Newberg. When wanted by mail address, berg creamery is going to be a substan­ p rin te d hook a n d new spaper for eom panlon- E. A. E L L IS, N ew b erg , O regon. ahlp. C o o au llo tio n a n d Eye* Taatod Free. tial gain to the patrons. During the for the American Friend. Wedon't wish Newberg. I t S a v e d H la L a«. H. J. WINTERS, last five days ol June, the price paid for to lie previous, but Newbeig claims the I Bert Hoover, a former Newberg lad of P. P. Daaforth of LaOrango, Ga., sa t-! Jew e le r » O ptician. the oh) academy days whom many peo­ fered for six mouths with s frightful . 1 block E. Foatofllee. butter fat per pound was seventeen and first right in extending the glad band. Newberg, along with several other ple will rerem ber, has been, with bis a half cents, or a gain of two and a half running (tors on his leg; but writes th a t, rents on the price which bad been real­ sister towns which could be mentioned, wife, located for some time in Chins, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it ised previously. This rate means thirty Chicago included, will prohabiy be dis­ where he is engaged with a large min­ in five day*. For nicer*, wounds, piles, five cents a roll k> batter producers who appointed when the returns from the ing syndicate. Tbeir borne baa been a t ; it’s the beet salve io the world. Cure patronise the creamery, where»» by census enumeration are made public. Tien Tein, the teat of the preeent trou­ guaranteed. Only 25c. Hold by C. F. making tha butter at home they could We sre all prone to claim an exaggerat­ bles, and much anxiety has been felt for Moore A Co., druggists. not hope to realise more than twenty- ed population, and corns to believe it their welfare. Two cablegrams have , FLO US, FEED, H A T A ORAI W Bool Baloto TraaaSaro. GARDEN * FLOW ER five cents as a rule. Thie shows the until the census man rudely shows us been received from Bert by relative* on : Our interests are all here, we cad not afford to misrepresent any article It must be remembered the coast since the trouble began, one R eported by tha Tata MU Co Aba tract C oat Mc- SEED S. great advantage of a creamerv to a our error. which we have lor «ale. community. Now if twice the arnoont however that our city limit# lack very of them by Mrs. Van Leavitt of this MIn o r ili* . Oregon, lor tb s w eak endin g Ju ly T, ISO«. Jame t M P ogh , manager. O A K T A N L E A T H E R U SE D O N L Y . C A R R IA G E T R IM M IN G . much of taking in all Newberg, and this place, his sitter. From these it is learn­ ■Free Delivery. of milk which la brought In could be re­ R e p a irin g ch M p c r th a n an y w h ere else. T h a n k yon for y o u r peat p a tro n i f a. ceived, there la no reason why the price will in a great part account for the ap­ ed that all was well with Mr. and Mrs. Ssm'l T Likens lo Berli mo A w ill try very h a rd to m e rit a eo n tln -m n ec of th e m ate. E. C. W nrd A Co. coaid not be ye* farther advanced. The parent deficiency—if perchanoe there is Hoover up to June 28. Nothing definite . Likens* Its iu Watts add to F. X. 1st. S treet, F e w b e rg Or A m ity..................................... $ 1 0 0 baa been learned since. one. crying nee« ««re cewa. SOCIETY NOTICES. W W RIG H T & COOPER, R ea l E state Brokers. I K Newberg, Ore. I B Furniture Store P F HARDWICK & GO. CARRY A FULL LINE — OF— NEW AND SECOND-HAND F U R N IT U R E , F U R N IT U R E & U N D E R T A K IN G . Votaw & Hollingsworth House Furnishing Line. EVERYBODY! PACIFIC COLLEGE, Regular Common School Studies, Classes in Algebra, Civil Government, Composition & Elementary Science. New Students can enter any of the College Classes for which they are prepared. Dr. Wm. Ellis Liniment Camera and Kodakfe with all Supplies. C Feed & Seed Store Quality Tells, Price Sells. All of our Hand Made Harness Good« Guaranteed. McATEE, Opposite Postofflce. A