« BOOIETY NOTICK8. 4 11« F o u l e d Y h e H u r ^ c n a , Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery for C. B. Wilson is still paying cash for come with it, as well as oilier smaller and Middleton for the past year aud a King’s New I die Pills the wonderful Ail doctors told Renick Hamilton of stomach and liver remedies, gives a expressing or light hauling. industries. produce. half, took ’lie Tuesday morning train w Everybody present seemed to catch for Enterprise, Eastern Oregon, to ac­ West JefTersou O., after suffering 18 splendid appetite, sound digestion The Graphic and the Oregonian for You can get all goods at a discount new inspiration and a meeting was ar- cept a position in the Friends churcli at months from rectal fistula, lie would und a regular bodily habit that insures C .T . U.—BUSINESS MEETING TH E $2.U0. this month at Votaw Bros. \V . ond and fourth W*lue»c»frable e m p lo y m e n t w ith unu»u»l op- f o r R h e u m a t i s m , N e u r a lg i a , P l e u r i s y nnd nil P a i n s an d port mii I He». Re fere new* e x ch a n g e d . E nclose ership sad Ike question reads something seems that the two communities could answer to the statement made by Prof. the wound, and at last accounts he was ■elf addre»«ed M umped en v elo p « . 8. A. P ark, A c h e s o f t h e llotly. I t a ls o c u r e s F i s t u l a In H o r se s u nd r e ­ 3£JC«xtoii B uild in g .C h icag o . like thefallowing: “ Resolved that il is not do enough toward showing their Shaw that the season was too short in getting along nicely. m o v e s E n l a r g e m e n t o n t h e B o n e. desirable for municipalities in ths appreciation of the work done by Rev. the Willamette valley for successful beet Geo. Sylor, city jeweler, while trying | United States to own and operate plants Lewis in their midst. A letter was al­ growing, that there were twenty-eight to open a bottle of soda pop had the AGENTS WANTED— FOR T H K I.IFK AND ent» of A d m iral !**wey.'’ th e w orld'» (or supplying light, water ami street car so received from Alto Park, near Port­ varieties of sugar beets, some maturing same explode in his hand and particles ' g A re chievem a te st n av al hen». By M urat H al«tc*d, th a n g friend and a d m ire r of Knife. Only |l . i d K norm ou» d e m a n d Big com m ie- of sides, taking the affirmative. No felt by all there end that all pray for George C. Sears made an earnest ugly wounds. George ssys be lias fully afdaa OwUU free f’h e n ce of a H fetlm e. W rite T be D om inion C om pany, ir d flo o rC a i more appropriate subject could hare his speedy return. A local among tbe speech in which he said these people resolved hereafter to take hie beer q to u n irk Bldg., C hicago. been chosen (or inter-collegiate disco«- Sherwood items in this issue were not asking anything of os but were straight in preference to mixing it with T ry n b o t t le o f t h i s L i n i m e n t nnd i f you t h in k it n o t w o r t h th e •ion, and as the boys are pre paring to indicates the devotion of tue simply offering a t a big tiling if we “ pop” end run chances of getting his T o C o ro A C o ld I n O m D a , p r ic e pnl.l, r e t u r n t h e b o t t l e a n d g e t y o u r m on ey. get in and drill, the public may reason­ people to their former pastor and would take it, and be urged immediate head blown off. Taka I.tXATivc R iuiho Q r i s i s s T a n trra , All ably expect some light on this all im­ suggests very significantly tbe text, an