NEWBKRG GRAPHIC. A D V E R T IS IN G GRAPHIC. RATES. One Column................................Twenty Dollars H a li Column ...... •..........................Ten Dollar« Professional C a r d * ............................One Dollar On. Year ___ ______________ R e a d i n g N o t i c e s W i l l B e I n s e r t e d at the K a t e o f T en Ceuta P e r Lin e. Advertising Bills Collected Monthly. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. ,lu b «»rl»tlo n Prie» r «r «t > U In A d v e n « « . VOL. X II. LATER NEW S. The senate passed the diplomats and consular bill. .- ' « . Queen Liliuokalani will receive nc pension from the government. General Joe Wheeler’s resignation w ill lie accepted on his arrival iu Washington. Boers Outwitted by Roberts’ Movement. En I n t e r e s t i n g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m s F r o m General Kobbe, with 2,500 men, has occupied the town of Sorsogon, in the southern end of Luzon. Thousands of organized insurgents The plnguo iu Honolulu is ituiler con­ are resisting the Americans in the Antique province in l ’auay. trol. The annual reports of Indian agents General Gutacrc ltus occupied Storm- show that the entire Indian population berg. Cape Colony Iioers aro retreating tc of tlio United States is 297,905. The legislature of Illinois appropriat­ Orange l-'ree State. ed $100,000 for the reconstruction ol General Joe Wheeler has arrived at the Lincoln moument at Springfield. San Francisco from Manila. The mutual Lifo Insurance Company A resolution was introduced in con­ of Now York, has subscribed for £2,- gress asking for repeal of the tariff on 000,000 of the new English war loans. paper. The legislative trouble at Frankfort, The British government has decided Ky., is at the boiling point. M ilitia is to retain Lord Pauucefote as ambas­ in complete control of the state execu­ sador at Washington indefinitely. tive building. The latest sugar trust’ s dividend w.fl The threatened strike of the em­ smaller than usual, supposed to be tin ployes of the St. Louis Transit Com­ result of the fight with Arbucklc. pany is off. An agreement satisfactory Yaqui Indians dispersed 300 M exi­ to both sides was reached. can soldiers who were Acting ns escort Indications are that the Boer war is to the mail, near l ’otain, Mexico. drawing to an end. President Kruger Geraldine, the famous racing mare, has appealed to Lord Salisbury for a holder of the world’s record for half a cessation of hostilities. mile, is dead at Napa Faun, ueai Taxation of corporations in Paris has Napa, Cal. led to the transfer of many main offices Lieutenant Edgar Koehler, of tht to Brussels, French societies being in­ Ninth infantry, was led into an am­ corporated there under the laws of Bel­ bush of Filipino rebels north of Tarlat gium to avoid the French income tax. and killed. Admiral Kautz, commander-in-chie! The Howe Lumber Company of of the Pacific squadron, has been Lowell, Mass., has assigned as a result ordered to proceed with the Philadel­ of the failure of the Globe National phia to the coast of Central America bank, in Boston, to which the company for the purpose of protecting American owed a large amount of money. interests there. A revolutionary movemeut near Sai. The piesident has commuted to im ­ Salvador was recently nipped in th. prisonment for life the sentence ol bud, and a confiscation by the govern death imposed by court-martial iu tht nient of $50,000 belonging Dr. Jose caBe of Private George Murphy, com­ Alfarado, took place, who, it is re{iort- pany C, Twenty-fourth infantry, con­ ed, was to have led the revolt. victed of the murder of another soldini Sir Charles Tupper, ex-premier of of the same company in the Philippines. Canada, believes that the Alaska boun­ Dr. H. D. Morgan, of the United dary and other disputed questions l-g- States navy*speaking of the war in tht tween the United States and Canada, Philippines, says: “ I do not believt w ill soon be settled and that Canada that the revolution is at an end. Tht w ill get the of it. Filipinos aro scattered aliout the At a meeting of the Baptist Social islands, mainly in Luzon, in small Union of Boston, it was announced on bands, but it is generally understood behalf of the Union Theological Insti­ that they are under orders to concen­ tution that John D. Rockefeller has trate at any given point when the word undertaken to contribute one-half of is passed. 1 do not believe that Agui­ the $400,000 needed to complete the naldo is in China. It is my impression equipment of that institution. he is still iu Luzon.’ ’ Chief Officer Cooskey, of the tram- General Joubert is now in supreme port Grant, recently arrived at San command of the Boers. Francisco, said that on February 3, the The total cost of the war in the P h il­ ship sailed over the spot where Morrell ippines so far is $50,000,000. island has generally been sup|«ised to British casualties in the final reliel be located. It is on all sailing charts, but at 11:30 A. M. on the date men­ of Ladysmith were almost 2,000. tioned, the Grant sailed over the posi­ The island of Tntuila, of the Samoan tion in latitude 29 deg. 57 min. north, group, is to be used as a naval station. longitude 174 deg. 81 min. east, and Fire in the retail dry goods district not a trace of the island could be of I’hiladcphia, caused a loss of $700,- found. At noon any land 400 feet 000 . above the level of the sea could be seen Boers say that the retreat from Lady­ lor a distance of 25 miles. smith was due to a commander’s mis­ Cecil Rhodes is on his way to Eng­ take. land . Senator Hoar now wants to give Princeton college wants a million Queen Liliuokalani $250,000 from the dollars for a law library. treasury. Cronje’s men are now prisoners on The Puerto Rican tariff bill was de­ board British warships. nounced from the pulpit by a Washing­ Germany w ill admit American meat ton minister. for fear ot_a tariff war. Steps are being taken to organize a The machinists of Philadelphia de­ bank with $25,000 capital at lone, mand a nine-hour day. Morrow county, Or. Six people were burned to death in a Strikes and labor troubles of various New York tenement-house tire. kinds have thrown 50,000 men out of The increase in American imports employment in Chicago. has been nearly doubled in three years. Civil war is imminent in China. San Francisco highbinders murdered One province is already in revolt over two men, both leading merchants of the dethronement of the emperor. the city. The senate has confirmed the appoint­ General Woods asserts that tronble ment of H. B. Miller, of Josephine in Cuba is now absolutely out of the count}’, Oregon, to lie consul at Chung Kiang, China. question. The transport Grant has arrived at San Francisco from Manila with 201 sick soldiers alioard. The British second-class cruiser Hemes is reported off Cat island, ii the Bahamas, in distress. Lady White, w ife of General Sir George White, has been invested by Queen Victoria with the Order of the Crown of India. Congressman Alfred C. Harmer, of Pennsylvania, father of the house of representatives, is dead at Philadel­ phia, aged 75 years. President David Starr Jordan, of Stanford University, in a speech at The United States government has Chicago, said that England would soon ordered that the California "Mammoth topple. Tree Grove, ” in Calaveras county, be Tronble has arisen lietween the cigar bonded for park purposes. and box manufacturers of Tampa, Fla. Advance in the price of boxes is the The Pure Food and Drug congress, cause. in convention at Washington, adopted Tom Sharkey and Bob Fitzsimmnnr resolutions seeking congressional action signed articles of agreement for a 25- to provide penalties for adulteration. round Imat la-fore the club offering the largest purse. Isaac Gordon, of Birmingham, Eng- land, the notorious money lendtr, is The United States government w ill dead. He was known all over the begin the manufacture of smokeless kingdom, under various aliases, and is powder and compete with private man­ said to have been worth £1,000,000. ufacturers in point of quality. Dr. Nansen, the explorer, questioned in regard to the possible fate of Andre, saiil: " I believe as long as possible, in his retnrn, making the most liberal allowance of time for his reappearance, Near Olympia, Wash., three chil­ but I no longer have any hope. I don’t dren. aged 5, 7 and 9 years, wert believe that he is living; otherwise we burned to death while their parents should certainly have heard of him. were absent from borne attending a A ll that can lie looked for now is the recovery of his body.” dance. The American Clay Manufacturing Company, the $10,000,000 consolida- tion of sewer-pipe manufacturers, w ill control 85 per cent of the industry. In the United States there are 5,427,- 767 batchelora mud 3,224,494 spinsters. The first woman's clno of Puerto Rico has been organised by some Amer­ ican women living in Ponce. The longest span of telegraph wire in the world is that over the river Kistna in India. It is over 6,000 feet long. The ususl output from 100 gold mines in the immediate vicinity of Johannesburg is 15 tons of gold a month. Y A M IIIL L TAKEN BY SURPRISE Rear-Admiral McCormick has been MADE placed on the retired list on his own application. in a C o n d e n s e d F o r m . » NEW BERG, TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES the T w o H e m isp h e re s Presented n a. Six M o n th «................... " . . . ........... ............ • ‘ a 'T h r e e M o n t h « ............................. ... - -.i ........ ^ NO DETERMINED Retreated E astw ard, R ein s STAND F ollow ed b y F r e n c h ’* C a v a l v /—T h e D u t c h M a k in g for B loem fo ntein . London, March 10.— The Boers ap­ pear to have made no stand whatever, jxcept that while iu retreat they twice repulsed General French’s cavlary with rifie tire. As no report has been made of the capture of prisoners, the enemy probably got away with their entire force. General French is still follow­ ing them and keeping between them and Bloemfontein. The evacuation of the northern dis­ tricts of Cape Colony is now nearly completo. The British are in posses­ sion of the rialroad crossings. The military critics comment on the discouraging news from Mafeking. Colonel Baden-Powell seems to lie in grave need of outside help. Otherwise he would not allow correspondents to H«lid out information respecting the distress of the garrison. A re-adjustment of some of the higher commands is taking place. General White is to go to Storm berg to take supreme command of General Gatucre’s division and the Tenth division, now in process of formation, which w ill lie under the immediate command of Gen­ eral Hunter, Sir George W hite’s cliief- of-staff. The Daily News makes the following announcement: " I t was rumored in London yester­ day— and we have no reason lor be­ lieving the rumor to be correct— that the two republics made informal and unofficial overtures of peace on the preceding day. Unfortunately, the conditions suggested were of such character as to preclude the possibility of leading to any result. Terms which might have been gladly accepted be­ fore the war, in order to avert it, are impossible after the war, with all the sacrifices it has entailed.’ ’ G e n e r a l R o b e r t.*’ R e p o r t. London, March 10.— Following is the text of Lord Roberts’ dispatch, re­ ceived by the war office today: “ Poplar Grove, March 10.— Two brigades of cavalry, with horse artillery and Kelly-Kenny’s division, marched today 10 miles eastward. The Boers were taken by surprise yesterday. They moved off so hurriedly that they left cooked diuners behind them. We captured a Krupp gun and several tents and wagons. The total casualties were: Killed, Lieutenants Keswick and Frieslick; wounded, Lieutenants Bailey, of the Twelfth Lancers, and Decrispigne, of the Second LifeGunrds, both severely, and Lieutenant Smith, of the Shropshires, who is believed to have been picked up by Boer ambu­ lance. Two men were killed, 40 wound­ ed, and one man is missing. "Gatacre reports he intends occupy­ ing Burgersdorp today. Repairs to the railroads toward both Stonnberg and Leynsberg ure being pushed. Clem­ ents now occupies Norval's Point, on the south bank ot the Grange river. The bridge was blown up March 0, and the enemy is holding the north bank of the river, but not, it is believed, in any great strength.” M a n y H a v e S m allpox. Jackson, Miss., March 10.— An offi­ cial report made to the Hinds county board of supervisors reveals an apiiall- ing stats of affairs in the Jonexville neighborhood, in the southern part of the county. The community is literal­ ly honeycombed with smallpox of the most virulent foim, and during the past six weeks nearly 100 deaths have oc­ curred. On some days the death rate lias been so large that it was im|iossi- ble to secure coffins, and rude caskets were made from rails. Whole families were wiped out of existence and of sev­ eral large families only one or two chil­ dren are left. Many of the patients who are now in a critical condition are without medi­ cal attention, and are dying at the rate of from three to five a day. The death rate exceeds 75 |ier cecnt, and the en­ tire lower portion of the county is de­ moralized. The board of supervisors Will make au effort to check further spread. COUNTY, S IT U A T IO N O liEU O N , AT F R ID A Y , M A F E K IN G . f e r r l t i l e P l i g h t o f t h e tf**gt-