Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 01, 1899, Image 1

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    ll««o! JU«MHtlUIII«IU<IS Cl
at Ones*
Now York, Nov. 27.—-A «pedal to
rubali* wimt thè trnop* withdrawn
the Herald Inmi Waaiiugton aaya:
hut no Auiericau ci vii governor.
I'realileut McKinley lie* received n
N>uop»ia of Secretary Knot'« atinuul
A new fiiiance bill is under comdd-
report, which he ia now eonatdenng lu
eratioli hy thè Uepiildicaii colimi it tee.
connection with hla inun t t " tooougreaa.
Fusteru Oregon stiHT* sell for $70
Dealing a» II doea w ith ell the event»
api»«»*»«. VYool go»«s at 15 ceuta ja«r
III the laat year In cntUM«tlnu with the
rhiltpptnea, Uulia am. I’uertn Itim,
Secretar)' Wilson will try tn retanti
and lu Dm diw-uaaiou Ol d Moommmda-
lin i» h
! »un i T h u l r I*« n i I
th»» preiamt practiiH» of frec «•«»* l distri*
thm« for the futuiegowrament of the»«
>, b u i l u t i llua% l l y
In l à »
new |Mi»ae«Nliina it wilt form the lia«ia
(or the moat Important chapter of the
An orgaiiixatit»n t»» control thè out­
prealdent'« ine«aHge. Theae are «nine
put of electrio finis lui« la«»*u |»erfeoted
id the moat eaeentiel 'eaiurva of tlm
Lmnloii. Nov. 25.— Before anxiety
in New York.
and reixmi-
b> the situati«ni in Natal had la«en re- aecroUry'» ohaervatl' ■
I.uglaml bus glveu noti»*e to thè
lleved there com«»« new« of a great bat­ uieiidationa:
|mw«*rs »»f h untpe that a «tatti of war
The immediate apjolntaient of civil
tle at Belmont. Thu ha« hapi>en*d
exists in thè Transvaal.
•»Miner than wum expe««ted. Only the governor« for ( ’ulie a »4 |*aarto Kioo.
A |»urtage m « ad at The Dulie« mi thr oflictal account is yet t»» hand, hut so
The .uhatilutioa of aittl government
up|sT t'oliiiuhia is und««r cHiiistructioii. fur a* «•an ho gather«»»l the fighting ap
either by nwuuiiaaknidM civil governor
Thia ia |M»rt of a large trau«|Mirtatloii |M«ars U» have l«»en almost a re|M«fttl«ai for the I'hl lppineg lulkywing the *up-
of the battle of FJaiid'a Laegto
A dis­ preaalon of the p r a W S H k w r i l M .
A eomplete inteta of »uffrage in the
A r»'pr»*scntatlve of thè B um « iati gor* patch of the previous dey estimated
Philippine«, * 'uhe end l*uerU> Hlco with
erament ls in Chicago huying hors»«» that the Boers lu that vicinity nuui
for thè ciar. Over V?,0»»0 head bave Ia«r»»»l 2,000, and that they had five eilui-atlonal and |>r»pcrty ijaalilicatioua
nuns, and, Judging from the ah «e uc# of rei|uired for all mlora.
s»» far h(*««ii pur« has»«d.
uiy statement t*« the contrary in the
Thn Immediate ronitnictlon of a
An east U»und O. II. »V. N. traiti wa»
cable Imtwei.n the L'ultdl State, and
"fliclal re|«>rt, it i* ladieved that Brit
wrecked m«ar lha»«ter Bo« k. 'I h«» tire
i«h were slightly «u|N«rior in numts»r to Dm Philippine*.
man was kilici un i thè engilUHT seri
No general rcorganiaatton nf the
the enemy.
ou«ly injure«l.
The Boers had chosen a position with army will Im ......miueuded hy Dm aec-
Attutirai Watson r« |mrts that tlu» «»n- •heir customary «kill, and wen* strong­ rotary at the pn-aent time.
lie will
tir«* pn»vlune of Zaini»«»aliga, isluml ol ly entrenched.
were lea',e till* »uhjeet o|«'ii lor (urtmr
Mindaiia«», ha« «urreuderod U» Coni i)hlig««<1 t»> carry three ridg«»s in sin ce«
cou.lderation until alter the war In the
munder Yery.
lion. Apparently the guards th»» Philippine» ha» In'll brought to a cloae.
TI mi w i«h **pr«*ail »»(««mtiotis of th» brunt in currying th«» laat ildge by a II w ill l«> |e>1 Iit4iI out, however, that
lm\» baymud charge after ita defenders had the n-b'litlou ol the hulk ol Die preedit
11» »era demonstrate that they
greeter strength than luu U»*n e*ti l*een »liaken with shrapnel
Nothing army w ill Im iiocvNaary (or aome mouth»
mated, says a London dispatch.
11** **id “« to whether th»» poaithm« ««. bi come.
A private «*f the l weuti«dh Kansu*
^ w,'n’ h« l«l a i l the destri.« ti« t
W IL L R E T U R N M O N E Y .
iyt the Filipino whom c«d«m. l M. t l’f •4" " . “ " ,‘t“ u «*»«in* t . indicati that
o f t l i * f.nw
M tA tlille i.
Smallpox is prevalimi iu Imlian tor­
ri tory.
Four minors ut
tmvt» gon«* on m winit» strilo*
!>«#»*»••orrtti«* now-»!»*»!*'!’* in KootiU*h.\
DOW itUiooiU' Tn) lor li.Mr I y
I ’nttlo now «^>i 11 init.t th«
fiuo«* l s v j in l i t rhn-H-o mar
Lutuoertnon U‘ tin-* country think
thul iViiiiMln in to»»
i i i I hm tvullii'
tl. u
The "tHinhir!
Oil Unnipiuiv ha-
rMiMnl th«* |*m ** <>n rru«lt* oil Ui a |H»iui
the highest ill lour yearn.
The revenue cutter Manning will
leave New York |»»r tin* North I'a-
rifle i '»»; ih |, where »lie u t«» rvmaiti m
I’romtlent’* mi** nap* will he heM
o|M‘ii until the lat*'*t |H»i«»ihle time,
awaiting «le\ek»(»iurliU lu the Bhlllj»-
Two con ft»'*«* I home-thieveH in M i
Hoi* travele«! a ro ll'll road on their
way to jail un«l narrowly um'.i|*»«l
lyiichitttf twice.
A torrihlt» Imttle t«*»k place laat
ThurwUy Utwccn Colombian r»*U«la
»m l if«»veniii»ent force«. A thounaml
retseU wert* kit lot I.
.; \
calf is hccumm I of inur«l«’ring was kilit)«! 11Ho contrai) v.a « the cuhc
( x the eoli M : In ■ Il <k U nm
W hl
i M» thuen in e • n
.. rrutulat«»»l utMtii a brilliant victory, it
l illptno trisipa are scattcri*«! in «m all1
I n again at tin* cost of a heavy lutei of
coin|auiies amt an» committing fright
Walter Murchcad, of
I^uidoii, u fui atn«1 th»«. Th««ae *»f the natives wh< officers and men.
Stockholder in the Southern I’acitic
N l ti m ih M t lu N * t n l .
ha\*» web*om»««l «»r t«»larat«*»l the Atneri*
ha« ap|M*al«Ht to the cmrta to *«*t a»id« cans an« rem» *rse lessi y cut t«> pieem.
Thu situation in Natal remains nb
the recent reorganization.
Fighting is re|x»rted at hot).
Sir Fruind« Winagte, in the batti» •cun*.
It was at
I »oaf war with th«» khalifa’« fore», near t»e«lid, Fstcourt and Ladysmith
wre»-k«*»l ahnant of New tilaxpiw. 11«*t captunal 0,000 men. women ami chib first n*|M»rt««d that heavy firin«' has h»««*n
in the dir««< tlou <»( Willow
captain, now «lend, wan to have l»ecu iln«n. O k : iihii Digna, th«» principal heard
married ou hi* arrival in port.
general of th»« khalifa, i.« atill at larg«« Grange, leading t«» tin* l«’li«»f thut fi»*n*
era I Ihlyard had made a s*'rti»-
The torpedo-1.».at Dahlunn 1 » not up
Dr. von Hollela*u, <«erinau ambaaaa llHf«itch»‘s aiiiioulice that» »eiieral Whit»*
to requirement« and hor builder« will
dor t«» th»» Ciut<*«l Slat«'«, in the fires
have to («tv tin»*«. The tioat. it ih »»aid. enee of 2,000 (»erinans, i»n’H«’iit»'«l a »•rti»«d from loidvaiuith and tilth« t**l
a d»«nioralising defeat 'i|»»n the |U»erH.
should not have been accepted.
flag *» ut by F.iiifairor W illiam to th» ft wouhl Is« pnnuulure to give full ere-
(icnernl Fun-ton hhv * that (Ydonel United (ierinan soldiers’ Kocndit»* in
huicc t«» either refx»rt
Metcalf 1 « n<»t iruiltv of th»« chargv* of ( htcago.
W hat is ifuite »-ertain is that loidy-
murdering a Filipino preferred agnin«t
The «pin n a of inflm tice in China an smith, I ntcourt ami M«s«i river station
him by a iiicui U t of th»« Twentieth
t»» be informal. The Uniteti States ha» »n* all isolut»««!, ami th«» IU mth M*.*ni
refus»-«! to agr»'o to a tr»*uty. Thb tble, after detaching enough tnMijw» to
The Santa Fe 1.« at retching out for »•»»untry want* an o|«*n «l»a»revsrywh»»r« hold tlie Biitlsh forces, aggn«gating
trade in northern California. It ha« whiidi others are disfM»sc«l to give with­ 17 , 000 , to |iu«h ont' wmd I’lctcrmantx
recently U»inl*«<l the Klamath road, out treaty.
tmrg with mint 7,000 men.
the Belt Line about Furokn harbor and
Kepreaentutlves «» f the American*
r i | h l l i t | In l*« i«(»)r.
immeniM» tract« of timl>cr land.
Fnglish syndic ate have la*en in M»»u
Manila, Nov. J.« — Hn»«-™ tl{lit«UK
By the death of Yice-lTenident Ho-
tana all summer and fall, securing op* north ol llo Ilu Iiogan NovnnU r II
l»art, the of lice of v ice* pn* hi »lent l»e*
Ilona on the lieat >hmp ram Ima au.: pour Atm rii ana were kllleil uud Si
Come* vacant for th»' rent of MrKm-
t«at watCDNl limit (or thn j■ nrj »
united. In, ImlliiK three oltli'era. The
lev’« term. The preaident pro t«*m of
roUMiliilnttux thrni into < ua lari;« min lliaurxeiita are retrcatlutf to >anta liar
the MMiato will be i 'U i U m ! * hen con*
t>ara, hut the IlKhtuitf continue.
grem mwtH.
Tim country ladwecu J ,io ami Santa
Many lioiiil. arn laMii.’ (iuri'liaa«il 1 I
Aaron Wolfaohn, who wa* «uppoeed
llarhara la till, kly lntrrm hi*', eapei
to have corumittwl aui«-ide in !>«« An- th« Kov.rniuont now,
tally near Pa>ie
The sixth artillery’
Th« Cmtiit >Utt«. i niirrr Moiit^otn
gele» laat luminer, ban turned up in
tired on
11« wan in ignorance of the «ry liar airiM-il at Mntit«vid«>,
idKhteetith infantry charged, tin- ru ­
ta t that h*« ha«l h»*en mourned a« dead.
A larK« carpurttion w a. ori;aiiit4sl it nny relrr.itkuK to the next trench lh<
Alleged relative# roll«»» te»l $10,000 life P.ukiT tTty, Or., to <t«v«iop uriil lanilt
' 'nhteenth aituin chargwl, en.-ounter
inau ranee.
mil attni’kiMM a (orcr ol
lu crmiii>i|U«nr« of Uiril Salt.tmry’i
b a th e r and bidet are going up rap
.o were hidden iu the letitl Kruaa,
hrr««nt, illploiiiatio mattin will
an. 1 who .evrrely wi.uudi»l arverat
) « itrlayi-il.
Much anxiety in felt for a number of
It 1- «aid that thr Bonn iiiovi > 10 fa»1
During the afternoon "I November
Y©*-«d* Icing overdue at San Francisco.
ami oltr'ii that tlio llrituh cauuot tna<|
J I . the ItKiitillK w»a »even-Immediately
Four traiiHpnrtM with reinforcement* trark ol Uirin.
ninth ol Pavla, three mile« north o
for < >ti* nailed from Kan Francisco
Tli» Aiurrican. nr. in oontrol ol laro. Tlie Twenty-»Ixth com;»iuteM n-
va.tly yrratrr trrritory in I.uzoii that tunu ll bi Jam immi-dteb'ly, the Hank
A wirelee« telegraphic company wa* thry wnro a montli a^o.
movement having captured tloee » n
f»rg.miwd in New York; capital, $ 1J,-
Ayninalijo, with a f»w turn, womnt l«mnd «month l»uw cannon and a i|aen-
ami rarta, naa anon la twrrn San Kalilai titv ol arm . ami ammunition. The
Protestant !• pi*»*«.j»al church ami San I rriiuinlo on i rlil.iy.
Iliemy’. loaa wa. not ohtatnahle, hut
ha* decided to mmd m Uni »marie« to oui
«even men were found dead in one
J.mra I). Itirharitaoti will v«ry j»nit»
new imsMCHaionM.
ahly l>« th» l«ail«r of th» minority it
The ln»urffi-nt. arc fallint; hack on
The Nuprcmc court hu* dechled that th« nrxt houa. o( n<|ir»arntativ«a.
-antn |tar)«ra, which, it ia expected,
the Northern l'acitic railroad cannot
A . a mat tor of »oiiv«iii«ni-« for th«i lielierai IliiKhea haa iitta. ked lielore
hold a 100*foot «trip through SjN»kana.
Wi'ntrrti bunliima, th« f-nllmau com till. mnrniiiK.
The wreck «if th«» Karkriitinc .fane I any w ill Imllil r«|>alr ahop. In I)rn\«r
Hf-rvldh«'« Worn l(«• t t f .
Falkenhurg wan found ofT Ca)*» M at­
A llrooklvn «ourt haa rrmlrrnl a ilr
1’ft. — «VlnRato
tery with nothing ou Uiard hut a black
■Talon that arhiail l.ianla cannot la Ion ml Netiaaa evacuati'il, )niaheil mi bi
(orc«i| to »Im it nr^riHM in whili Ahriaadil,
four mile, farther, ami
Chicago, Indiana poll», St. I'aul, St. M-hool*.
fnmnd force encamped.
They were
I/ mum , <ralve*ton and Philadelphia art
Th« Vanronvrr ( It. « ’.) chief of |«i lorthwith eni;ai(i>il hy the monnteil
all after the Kepuhlican national con­
lice lailievra lie haa Ih« lon^-aonKhi ipKipa, under Mahon, with four Max
Taamtt, th» ninr l«r«r of M illionuii ma and two Runa, and tlm Jelindieh,
Transcontinental rnllmad pimnenger Snell, of < 'hlcttyo.
inder (lorrlnife The dervUhea charged
nite* have In'ori rcMtored an a rcnulL of
with all their old ilaali bi witidn HO
Thn Itritiah court of apia-ala haa m
h «conference held in Portland by th*
yard« of tlie sun«. WiliKate, w ith the
vnrawil th« lower camrt ami will ix-rnti’
various line*.
infantry, arrived tn time in «upport
th« Mnxican International rallroail tr
The Yaqai Indian* are drilling Ilka ]im, rial with Ita plan lor fumltiitf ib Mahon, and cleared the whole ramp
Tim dervlahea Imlted IhmiiKh Dm Imah,
aohlier*. and are U ing exhorted hy 0 per cent laimla.
|iuraned hy the monnteil troop«. Wln-
their chiefs to fight until the whites
The navy il«|>artment ha* awardm Itate i-atlmnti-» Keiiil'a Inrce at S,ft00
are all exterminated.
thn contract for a dryiluck at tha men, of whom 400 were killed. Witt-
While *h«iwing a friend how ha la-aynii lalaml navy-yar.l, I’lnlailrlphia
Kate captured many priaoneta, Krain,
would drop a footpad, a l'ortland to the Atlantic, ( lull & l ’acitic (loin
riff«, and apeara. 11m l-'K«’ftiixii raaaal-
butcher «hot sml seriously wounded
puny, lor fTNJ.OOO.
tlo. were three wounded."
ls»y who was looking on.
A report haa Icon recaTvaiiJ at Vlo-
N r w W «railI|»s.
Ten *hi|i* are re|«»rted to have gone torta of th« drowning in Alaaka nf a
J4.— Secretary
«whore on the straits of Magellan
It Mra. Dumlilntnn, anothnr woman ami
is feared their crews have fallen into thre« unknown ninn. T)i«y w «r« car Long w ill recommend to cmiKreaa a
programme for new naval conatruetion
the hands of the cannibals.
ri«T under thn Ice iri a amall laiat.
which will lie in accordance with tlm
After a thorough InvestigAtion the
Hncaua« he tranalnmil hla Waaliln^ policy that haa horn puraiicd for Dm
German government finds that the in* ton horn», thn i<ift ol (uttrlotlc citluoia,
p i»t three year«, lie w ill a«k for three
ejection of meats as conduct»««! in thii Drat bi hla wtfn ami later to hla aon
armored erniaera of alauit III,000 bma'
country to l»e perfectly reliAhle.
Admiral llnwny ia thn aol.jnct of inuiT diaplacement, three |iroteeteil eruiaera
Kmpernr W illiam I* In Lngland’ cenanre, amt coiitrilnitora to thn (uml nl alaiut H,00ll bma, and a dozen irun-
Hr- was received with all the jxunp of will accept mi explanation.
lamta ol Him bin», maklnn Is »hip» lu
royalty. Public buildings were deco-
(kiliitmaa will lai )aitition»d bi imate all. The armored cnilner* w ill lie en-
rate«l with British, Herman and United laiailtona (or Kitxhuah l<«« and "O ld larged llrnoklyna, improved iu many
States flags.
H u m " Wheeler. A fund will alao la detalla, and will he the ht/i.’e»t ahl|«,
The Samoan treaty will soon l»e dl»- «tailed to pur,Tiaae each ol them a in the United Stab*» navy, having great
pr*»ed nf. Secretary Hay merely await a «word. The movement ia Imintt rnui «pil'd. Tim protected rrniaora will lie
neered hy yuiin.' ladle», who want tlndi of the Olympia type. Tlm gunboat,
the arrival of text of agreement entered
into between Germany and Great Brit­ idol» bi Im«. Tim Itrat will Is) alsmt the M/.c ol tlm lllll*
miaitliiK wa» hold in Chicago.
Marietta, of light draft.
Naval test* of the Marconi wireless
telegraphy at w a w«*re successful up to
110 miles. At ¡10 miles the m««Hsag<*
Became unreadable.
Lieut. Franklin Schley, who Is *»»>n
to go to Manila, closely resemble* his
father, K»*ar Admiral Hchley, In ap*
|s«arance and stature.
W ith appropriate ceremonies the
Methodist Fpiseojwil home for the ng»«d
at Bala, a suburb of I'hiladelphia, was
dedicated by Bishop Foss.
Salmon Spawns’ V.ntig Trip.
Admiral l)«wi>y haa lawn Ananimona-
ly re-elected commander ol the Naval
Han FraneUoo, Nov. S3.— A novel
Order ol thn United State«.
experiment ia to he tried at It. D.
William 1«. Mmidy, aon of Dwight 1«. fliimea' aalmon hntehery et the mouth
M<«idy, haa Haaumed the mllbirahip nf of the Itogim river, in Oregon, A mil­
the official newapa|>er of
Mnody’i lion aalmon «|iawn w ill arrive here on
the Oregon expreaa baiay. The a|«iwn
will at once lie put iu a eold-aturng«
Tim (fTave of Prealdent Tyler, in plant until they ran Im «hipped tn Cooa
Uollywi«Hl Cemetery, ill Itichmimd, hay. At tliat |«dnt a tug w ill I»-w a it­
V’a., which haa been unmarked for H7 ing and the a|aiwn will Im taken bi tlm
year«, la bi have an appropriate mnnn hatchery at the month of the llngoe
\ river.
i ... ...
»»¡Tor« t«» Itrlmhiirap
n I... u life it .
New York, Nov. 27. — A »pedal lo
(he World (nun \\ aahlugbin aaya: Any
»uhacrila'r bi the Ihiwey home lund who
w tahoa to, may have Ida or her money
John It MiT~ a, »jn-akliig lor
hla »l«tor, Mra. Dewey, »aid:
" M r » Dewev and the admiral have
Iamna overwhelmed with, not huudrod»,
hut Ihmiaanila, of telegram, of .ympa-
tliy lor the ullil, tinu w hich In. Imlalii’ii
them In till, lurion. and th< ilitlea-
attaek made upon their dowe.tlc life.
Admiral Dewey'a atateun nt ha« had
great effect bi aeixiuiphali lilt, reiul-
.Ion of »»'Uttmciit.
"Among the telegram* received wa»
one (nuu Kmereoa McMillan, ol New
York, to the efTc.-t that tl any peraon
dealn'il tlie returu ol hi« aulwcripth'ii
to tlie home lund, the admiral would
forward the li»t of contributor* to him,
together w ith any letter» or dl.patchc»
n«|ui<»tiiig n-fundlng of the mm» r, he,
Mr. McMillan, would
reimburae all appllranle in full.
" I am anthoriand tn my moot pnel-
lively that all auoh reyu^gta w ill re-
reive the im'ii,pleat attention. All Dial
1» Iie. ew.ary lei theae jmKfiie tn do i. !<•
forward their lequeala b> tb. admiral
hi■■■ wi If and not to ru»h k> the new.-
|ia|mr office, w ith them, . ’ ll that come
In pni|«-r atyle w ill reoelpr« attention
" I alao dealre to aay ylhat nothing
voghimi oui
that haa hnp|» ned to
Uvea hut h e n anoh a
> ol griel aa
thia puhlle furor. Mm. Jewev ha* «1
wav* been the favorite la our faiullv
uni lia* heen
We led
tier grief very keenly and pix>|«me to
defend her. At prvaunt »he ta in m>
oonillllou to any anything (or pitdl a
"'Ilila trouble haa alao aerlonaly
afflii'tid our agi»l mother, who liaikeil
forward to the coming of Admiral
iH'wey with aueh pleaauiv and adm ira­
tion, anil wTio wa. an happy in her
■laughter'* marriage. We had never
antlci|«iti<d the nutburat, and acted
In aleolub) good faith, a* we .upi«eed,
with everylauly.”
ln alrtirll.n l» to M arrum .
Washington, Nov. 27.— Uulted State»
Omanl Macrum, at l*rntoria. haa lau'ii
inatnicta'd hy raid « bi linpn'»» upon
Preaiilent Kruger that It 1» Die »tew of
thia government thut Die uaage id all
civilized nation« «auction« the minia-
trution of a neutral repreeeutative in
the intereet of citizen» and captive» ol
nne ol the parti»« to the w-ur, and he
mu»t further luaiat upon i«oforming
the «acred duty lni|«>ard hy all the con
illtloua of humanity. Thia la praetir
ally an annimin-ement of our govern-
ment U|»>U the execution of the truat
which it «««timed b) look after the ln-
* r « * t . of Ilritlah citizen« lu the South
African repul die.
tevlleit In Chicago.
Nov. 27.— The Chicago
Dewey committee, owing to the rei-cnt
oritiriam of Adm ira^tk ^cy in connec­
tion with the tramder of hla home, de­
rided today b> urge an early accept-
ince of ('hicago’a invitation b) the ail
mirai to vlait thia city. The date of
the viait la named aa May 1 nf next
year, mid in the committee'* commtin-
Icntinn bi the admiral he la «««tired
that Chicago citiceli* do not approve of
tlio *b>rm of critiriam recently ralaed.
Mayor llarriaon aupplementeil the com-
mittee’a communication hy a peramiai
Udegram In which he mv«»l the mi­
ni irai b) accept the invitation.
f'arnrglff’a OfTrr A err
Tucoon, Aria., Nov. 27.— Andrew
Carnegie’« offer of $23,000 for a public
library building haa lieen aceepbul, the
city counell voting on the military
plaaa and $2,000 |»T annum (or the
mainteuanee of the library,
I inni In rail (»it ta larrM alnf.
Waahington, Nov. 27.— Report» to
thn immigration Imraau «how that the
total immigration tn the United State*
during the laat fonr immtha waa 11 A,-
273, an inereaae over that of the corra
t|»inding t»'rlnd of laat year of 10,344.
Filipino Government Is About
to Full Hard.
■ een iiered
A ll
t'u e e e e tle e
■ n a u r r i i t l i . i l u m l
n i»
S lU U K N H K U E t
tV lik
Valu .I f u r a n o r ­
C a bin a ! M in i.O r I a n .h i.
Manila, Nov. 27.— Ilantlata, preai-
dent id the PUIpiliu uongreaa, pi«»t<nt»d
lit III ■»■! f bi lielierai Mai Arthur baiay
and formally renounced all further con­
nection with the inaurreotion. 11« wo»
one of tlie inllueiitial Pilipinoa who
healtHNil at the lu-giiiiuiig ol the war
aa with which aide to cast hi. lot. lie
wa» offered a judgivhlp of the «upremu
•ourt, but declined. He now anunuuce.
that he deair«, to accept the |«*ltiun.
and any. the Ki It pin» coup re»» and cab­
inet arc aeattereil, never to ri-aaeemiil«.
Some of Die mcmlieni, lie add«, have re­
turned to Uictr lioniee, while other, arc
Hying fur »ufety. Many of the con
greemien hate reHigued, and he tie
lievea Die Mlipino wdilier. will lay
down their arm. everywhere a» ataiu in
tliey learn the truth.
Senor Itui ncuiolno, a former memhei
of tlie wi-called cabinet of Agtilnaldo,
ha* I mkii brought to lielierai Oti. .
priaon.-r, on the trun»|«irt llrutua. lit
had Nought refuge 111 a village near Sun
Fabian, with Aguinaldo'. mother an I
the native.dUcloa**«l hi» lileiititv
to Major Cronin, who raptured idin.
lielierai Young 1» »till iu the moun­
tain», on the trail of Agulunldo.
S I T U A T I O N IN N A T A L .
I'uftmililr M n«N|r I Sun fM-nrral lVIillr
»1 I mil y ••till It.
Durhan, Natal, Nov. 27.— An oilicia!
mi»*SM|{t» from (inicnil Whltr, at Ia$«ljr-
Mnith, ilatfd Nov«»mlH»r 22, Mays:
"Situation uuc)ian$(t»<l. T hmijm soil
and churriul.M
Natal .Vdvt*rtiM*r ronflnus th«#
n«|«ort «»( fighting ntuir W illow iitungn.
It xayi«:
**Fiv«» thousand Brltiah loft l>t«*ourt
WudiH'ini.iy nft«rn«H.n fur
MdUi«*«». Tht»v imr|irisral the B«^ rw at S
o ’clock Thursday morning, and occu-
th«» lU^«r poftiiutn, Utyom-tting 80
of the* enemy. At daylToak ihe Boers
ojH-ned with <|uickflrers. Tht* British
urtillerv was nimbi«» to reach th«* Boers
an*! the British fM>»«itioii. thorei<»ro, he*
unt«»iU4lde »ml was evaluated.
Suhsi neutly the artillery was brought
into action, and the B« mts fell hack.
'Hielr o lj.v t having lasm attained th«
British n ttirnw! in ijftcnurt."
Mvr II tttitl i.-. I llneri Kill««!.
ftontlon, Nov. 27.— The Daily Mail
puhliahea the following dl«pateh from
llelmoiit deaerthing the laittle:
•"The lltH'ra heel a jaialtion which
Itritiah tn«'p« would hold agaiii»t al-
moat any force. Tlie Itritiah victory 1.
complete My catlmat" of the litter ioie
ii 6011 kill» I ami ISO wounded. Mr.
Knight, «'urTv»|aindeut of the f«tnih>n
Morning foat, w a.
wounded. The
ILx-r |tnaoner» are ignorant, tltrty and
wretched. They »av that half theit
commantl, tired of Die war, will refuse
further »eriiee. ”
Nlale uf Vlrglula Mag I I»* « lo r » , {'• » -
|t4»t»« tl Hat I hr Hmilft,
New York. Nov. 2 7 — The I lei aid
»ay«: t'onaiilerable interest lias lai'n
created am<n; line«lor» liy the an-
nounrement Diat a large numiter of
forgetl Virginia state 3 ja-r cent laintif
are afloat. It la not kuowu how many
of these l«>ntl» are held in thia city, hut
It 1« said that a comparatively large
iiumla-r have lountl purchaser» here. It
1» the opinion ■>( some who are consid­
ered authorities that the cou|«i|i» from
tlie»« l»'iitl» in the hand» ef ilium eut
third |airtie» will prove valid oldiga-
t!■. 11 .« of tlie htate of Yirgtuia.
Under what waa kuow aa the Hitldlo-
la'rger law, in iss-J. a contract waa
given hy Virginia to the Kendall Itauk
Note Com|Mny, of tlii» oily, for 3 ja<r
■nt Itonila, which were b) lie iiM«d in
funtiing the state debt.
Ninety day.
>er the contract had 1 «-cn awartled, •
|teeial aesalon of the legialature an
nulled Die Uitlillels'iger law. How­
ever, bond* having a face value of
$3,000,000 wero ex pressed to Rich­
mond anti were »fu se d .
latter they
were «old for the chargee. In whose
hand* Ihe |tn|» r fell is not known.
Attempt* were made lo rervrer the
Ittuii!», hut without encceaa. For more
than a year, however, Imnka in the
North and West have heart) much of
the forged bond*. It ia mid that in St.
lauiia laat .Inly a truat company loaned
$30,000, taking a large block nf the
worthleaa pu|ier aa security. In that
ease there was no attempt at fraud,
an,I the loan waa rcttalil before either
the borrower nr lander knew tluit the
«eenrity wa* without value.
Wlntto«v-f}lA4« tloUhrr* Or^nultr.
New York, Nov. 27.— Fifty jobber«
In window- glass, after a two day*’ sc«-
«ion ill this city, have nrganiecd the
National Window lila »« Johltei»’ \»»o-
ration. In effect the new- association
w ill l»< a purchasing agent through
which the individual johls'r* will Imy
their «hicks— Die individual jobber«
having no dealing* witli the manufac­
turer* whatever.
Ulrfffl Itnllwsy Strife*.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 27.— After a
meeting lasting four hours, the street
railway employes of the city at 4 A.
M., derided to »trike within 4H hour«
nnleaa the Citizen»’ Street Railway
Company accede h> certain demand,
An artlat residing in Florence, Rob­
which will 1») presented h< them to lay.
ert Davldaohn, haa dlacoverad the old-
These demand* include the relnatate-
vat known eancatnra of a light Iwtween
aient of certain dlaehargetl employe*
knight*. It ia dated 1320, and waa
ami adjustment of differences with re­
found on thè inalile oover of a matin,
gard bi the crew» of aulnirltan ear. run­
ning into the city.
In l(i-(;Mril t o
The law requires Die statlstlea forth*
12th eeiiau» of dairy product« (farm
nml fat-lory) to l>e taken on aepurnto
The division of agriculture will take
the atnounl. of milk and cream pro
din ml ant at.hi, and the amount of
money received from their aale»; alao
the quantity anti value of all the but­
ter nml cheese mail« ■ i the farm.
I >u the manufacture, s sclulule will 1»)
taken the quantity of hatter and cheeae
Houle In faebtriea, co-o|»-ratlve mid oth­
erwise, bigether with Die quantity uml
cost ill raw materials (milk ami cream),
cost of lalstr, capital invested, charac­
ter and value of pluut ami machinery,
Alter (he two forma of schedule«
»hall have Is-cii r»torn«d to the t t-nsua
office lu Washiugbiu, the like statlstlea
ol dairy prvslucta on each w ill lie con-
aoliilaled, ami thn. show, what never
heretofore haa I »-on shown, the b>t«l
yield of milk in Die Uutb'd Stub's and
tlie umoiints nml vuluua of it. aeveral
This assertion 1. Iiuaetl on the aa-
auinption that the farmer* shall fur­
nish bi the euumeruhira, fully and ac-
curatcly, the information which Die
echedules may call for.
Ill aome sections the record* of
cheeae faebtry and creaeiery iqs-rationa
for the current year are destroyed,
agrts-ahly to |irevioua vote of dirt-ebir«
or patrins. For IHUU they should vote,
insb'ail, bi liave prepared and preserved
(or the use of the t-t-nstia enumerators,
who w ill ap|s'ar on June 1, limit, the
• tatisth'H which tin- law say. ahull 1«
In many caaea a failure Ui do thia
w ill prevent th* enumerubtra from se­
curing any returns, because new man­
ager», or new aeeretariea, or ucw Is »arils
of routnd may I«' in charge on June 1,
limit, who will know nothing of the
faetory statistic* of IHUU— and the fig­
ures for IHUU are the onea which the
law say* shall tat taken.
Farmer* who keep no racnnlaof their
transactions will find themselves in tha
sum« dilemma, on the arrival of the
census enumerator, aa a factory which
destroy* 11« record«. Therefore, Chief
Mat 1st 1. iau Power* 1« ap|«'«ling to all
of them to
preitarc tn writing,
while (he necessary facta are fresh
tn nilml, aueh a statement of milk,
cream, butter ami cheese products as
w ill enable them to reply promptly ami
accurately to the inquiries which the
law-aava the enumerator* must make.
If they shall fail bt do this, the sta­
tistics of dairy product» in their coun­
ty will tie incomplete, ami w ill cora-
|»irc unfavorably with tlnar of eountiea
wherein the returns ara more accurate.
th e
N u p rw tn « I 'o n t llT I * » « « * «
I»i*y ■ ( t h * V m i o n i i .
Km -h
K«»m*. October. 28. 18»#.
t*l Cable.)
I‘o|te lost ia an early riser, ami hy
that I mean a man wlm is out of tied
uml at work at live o'clock In the morn­
ing. lie takes a light breakfast— a
little very weak coffee with plenty of
milk, and a piece nf bread, lie work*,
reading or writing uud receiving some
visit«, until lunch time. In the after­
noon he take* hla walk, and when in
ordinary health «pcmli aome time
in the gardens of the Vatican; then
he returns tn his apartment, where lie
say« hla msary. lie may then receive
a few vlaibtra, after which he takes a
nap and dines. At ten
M. he reads
the ncwspa|>ers and then retire» for the
night. The j'ope thus really works all
Impressive Religious
vices at Paterson.
lfi |c iil *h *f l M * ii o f t l i *
• ul
Nid tlon
I ’ r*s*
In m V a u l t
Paterson, N. J., Nov. 28.— W ith the
Itiipreattiv« rvtligitiua ceremonies nf the
I’roshyb rian church, and with the dig­
nity due b> his high office, all that waa
mortal of tie vice-president, (iarrett
A. Hobart, WHS committed b> the
earth. The president. Secretary of
State John Hay, Chief Justice Fuller,
ex-Vice-Prealdent Levi P. Morton, ex-
Het.-retary of W ar Alger, Secretary of
Ihe Interior Hitch,ock, the supreme
court judges, msmts-r» of the seriate,
members of congress and the vice-pres­
idents’ personal friends filled the l»-an-
t ifu lC h u r h of the Redeemer, ati'l
with moistened eye and lowed head
b-stifled silently and eloquently to his
worth aa a statesman, friend anti
Through the west window from the
center of the stained glass Maltese
cross pierced a shaft of crimson light
that »hell its light around the cata­
falque arid bathed the erebida, nar­
cissi;» b lo sso m s unit white rosea in
bright tints. Tlie eye of the clergy­
man, Dr David Magie, traveled along,
the shaft of light b> the crons as he rc-
l»-Ht<-d the words: ‘ ‘The Lord gave anil
Die Isird hath taken away; blessed be
the name of the L»>rd.”
The chief magistrate of the country
Itowed hi» head in his hau l». He was
visibly agitated. There waa scarcely
a dry cheek in the crowded edifice,
anti the widow waa comparatively the
nitsit coni|«>«ed. All the |»tmp of an
official pageant, which wa» omitted in
deference to the w *hr. of the deceased,
could never have caused tlie impre.-
■ivencKs of this scene.
Through a long lane of thousands of
nncovered heads, the cortege Wended
its wav bt fetlar Iatwn cemetery, where
the btsly was placed in the receiving
Ils ttl«
W ith
th .
Ksyiillan Army.
Cairo, Nov. 28 — Lord Cromer, the
British minister here, ha* received the
following dispatch from General Kitch­
‘ ‘W ingate’* force* caught up with
the khalifa’s force 77 mile* southeast
of liedil aud attacked it. After a
«harp fight he b«>k the position. The
khalifa, who was surrounded by a
l«idv-guard of emirs, waa killed, and
all the principal emirs were killed or
captured except O m a n Digna, who es­
caped. The dervishes were utterly de­
feated, Dielr whole camp was taken
and thousands surrendered. A large
number of women, children anti rattle
also fell Into the hand» of the Anglo-
F.gvptian force.”
General Kitchener also wires:
" W e b*>k the entire dervish camp.
A ll the dervishes not killed surren­
dered. 1 cannot speak too highly of
the excellent behavior of the troops,
and their enduring the long, tedious
marches preceding the final action.
From 4 o ’clock in Die morning of No­
vember 21 until 5 o ’clock in the morn­
ing of November 24 they marched 80
miles and {ought two decioive actions.
“ The Soudan may now be declared
to be open.”
A house bt house Moratory is the lat­
est employment which an enterprising
woman has devised for her sex . she
declares she has found «cores of women
unable to write their «octal note* and
letter* creditably, w hile other« are aim-
llarly unable bv attend properly to their
huatnem letter*, and hy employing a
secretary for theae purposes they not
only escape blunders, hut add some­
thing to their prestige hy the fact that
they only sign their letter«, and are,
therefore, know n to have a secretary.
mt C e d a r l . u w n C i m i n t o r y .
F ilip in o
day long, and latterly he has taken
nourishment fonr or tive times a day,
but alway. of a light character— a lit­
tle meat, aonpa, Itouillon, a gloss ot
two o( Marlant aine ami a good deal of
milk, which forms th* larger part of
his diet.
Haring hi. recent illnrsa very little
medicine w aa given him; the physicians
relied principally upon rest, nourish­
ment and stimulants every now and
then, hut always in small quantities.
The I-opc's nervous energy, aa a l­
ready noted in a previous letter, is
something remarkable in one of his ad­
vanced year», and when he comes out
of his apartment he almost runs— w alk­
ing so fast that his attendants can
hardly keep up with him.
When he i. to 1« carried in state
into the Histine Chapel, to attend or
preside at any ceremony, the clanking
nf the sabre* of the noble gnard on
the marble floor* can lie heartl a long
distance off, and several minute« be­
fore the pnaesaion reach«'» the chapel.
The Pope, it acema, although sleeping
well and enjoying his afternoon nap,
which he takes every day, doe» not
sleep ao much nt night, during which
he may get up aeveral times, ami even
;o to work.
S ratleretl
Manila, Nov. 2H.— The last Filipino
council of war wa« hold by the retreat-
! lug leader» at Havanibang November
13, in the home now occupied by Gen­
eral MacArthnr. It waa attended by
Aguinaldo. Pio del Pilar, Garcia, Ale-
jaiulnno and aome member* of the ao-
reached Geueral Mac Arthur from twv-
oral source* to the effect that the coun­
cil recognized the futility of attempt­
ing further resistant» bt the Americans
w ith united forces, anti agreed that tlie
Filipino troops should scatter and
ahould hereafter follow gnerrilla meth­
ods. The disposition of the generals,
with their approximate forces, is as
General (Vmcepiou, with 340 men.
In New Kgija province; General Mara-
Itolos, with 328 men, at the town ol
Rinaea, province of Tarlac; General
Pio del Pilar, with H00 men, northeast
of Maloloa; General Aqnino, with 800
men, nt Arayat; General San Miguel,
with 150 men, in Zsm(silos province;
General Msscartlo, with 1,1 (Hi men, in
the mountains west of Angeles, anti
the largest force, probably antler Geu­
eral Trio», in Cavite province.
T r a i n Stru t k a S ||«|*.
Trcmtdale, Or.. Nov. 2H.— The O. R.
* N. eaatlxmnd passenger No. 2 ran in­
to a small slide near Rooster Rock at V
p. m. Th* engine waa derailed and
slid down ihe embankment, instantly
killing Fireman Milor anti injuring F.n-
gitieer Koliert Hunter, how aeriou»iy
is nut known. The mail car waa de­
railed. hut the passenger coaches re­
mained on the track. The train crew
anti passengers showed great heroism in
the work of digging the dead and in­
jured men from the wreck.
T h n n k « | l « l n g In l l r r l l n .
Rerlin, Nov. 2H.— Rev. Mr. TMekir,
pasbvr of the American church in ller-
lin, delivered fcslay a Thanksgiving
discourse U'forv a large congregation.
The church wa* hung with American
Rtiaty marks can he taken out of
linen hy dipping it in hot water and
aqueesing the jnice of a lemon over it.