NEVVBERG GRAPHIC. A D V K ltT iaiN O » d i n s N o tic es W ill B e In serted a t the K a te o f T e a C e n ts P e r L ine. EVENTS OF THE DAI E pitom e o f the T elegraphic N ew s o f th e W orld. • TRRSK TICKS FROM THK WIRES An In te re stin g C o lle ctio n o f Ite m s Fm s( th e T w o H em isp h eres P resented In n C o n d e n s e d K orin . Recent incendiary Gres in Paris ars a t t r i b u t e d to anarchiets. The revolution in Venezuela under Castro is gaming strength. Director Metriani, of the census, ad­ vises enumerators to do some studying Cornelius Vanderbilt died suddenly at his home in New York if paralysis. Bush negroes of Jam aica have re lapsed into savagery und gone upon tin warpath. The great council of Improved Ordei of Red Men opened in Washington with 1.000 delegates piesent. Some of Aguiiialdo’s officers are tired of fighting for the Filipino s’ cause and will seek capture by the Ameiicai. forces. The yacht Narno fins arrived at Honolulu on a trip around the world. She left New York four years ago and has made neaily 40,000 miles. Oakland, Cal., lias acoeptod the offer of Andrew Carnegie to give $50,000 for a public libraiy building, and will gurantee the necessary f t . 000 a year for its support. The Portland chamber of commerce will send Senator Simon to Washing­ ton to push recognition in the matter of embarkation ol troops lor the P h il­ ippines from th a t port. A t Tuckahoe, N. Y.. Terry McGov­ ern, an American pugilist whippod Pedlar Falmer, an English baturn, in the first round, and wins the title of champion in this class. Secretary l ’.ay, of the interstate com­ merce commission, who has been in Hawaii investigating the labor situa­ tion, says ho is of the opinion th a t the solution of the labor problem there is the employment of free w hite labor. Extensive circulation has been given to a rumor in New York tiiat the C hi­ cago & Alton, tiie Illinois Central and e Union Pacific have entered into a t ■uuibination and would form a trunk Nine from Chicago to the Pacitio coast. Chairm an Van Horn, of the Canadian Pacific, says the Canadian Paoifio is anxious to establish a gieat steamship line between Liverpool hiu I Halifax to take business away from New York lines, and expects to receive a subsidy from the Canadian government. An uncensored dispatch from Manila via Hong Kong says th at Otis tried to shelve Joe Wheeler, the veteran fight­ er, by sending him to an obscure post in the southern islands. General Wheeler now declares th at he will ap ­ ply for permission to return to th il country unlt‘68 there is some change in the management of affaits in the P h il­ ippines. Northern railroads are involved in a rate war. The transport Senator, with 10 offi­ cers and 600 recruits has arrived safely in Manila. The steamer Homer has arrived in San Francisco from Cape Nome with 9200.000 in gold duet. L ieutenant Peary had his feet frozen during his northern trip, but now walks without limping. The hanks of Guatem ala City will ease the exchequer by a loan to the gov­ ernm ent of 92,500,000. The French mission atT ri|io !i, head­ ed by F ath er Foureau and Major Lainy, haa been annihilated by the nativos. The town of Dyea, Alaska, is to be moved across Lynn canal on scows to Skagway, to augm ent th a t growing town. Two firemen and a child were kill eel by gas in a vault in Cincinnati. The firemen lost their lives in an effort to recover the child. C aptain Thomas Phelan, a crack broadswordsman and pistol shot of Kansas City, has challenged Eslerhazy to fight him a duel. Recent tests practically a»snre the adoption of the Mauser revolver by the U nited States government. It is being used by the Germ an cavalry. Captain Robert Noble ami Captain A rth ur C. Ducatlr, aides on the staff of General Sliafter, have been promoted for bravery at San Juan hill. The people of Cape Nome are to have a well-equipped refuge, which will be formally opened on Thanksgiving day. It will be th e largest and finest struc- to re nortli of Sitka. Tire navy d epartm ent lias assigned Rear-Admiral F a ra u h a r to command the North Atlantic squadorn in place of Rear A dm iral Sampson, who will assume command of the Boston navy yards. The New York World publishes e purported interview with Admire! Dewey in which the admiral is credited with saying that he still believe th at the Filipinos are mote capable of self- government than are the Cubans. William H. Rodwell, a well-known printer, ez president of the Intern a­ tional Typographical Union, died at W hitehall. N. Y., aged 67 y ears An imperial nksse has I men Issued i establishing a system of education (- -r children of the nobility in Russia, argely at government expense. Salvation Army folks are forbideo to use trum pet, drum or tamborine in the streets of Philadelphia, and speech only is left to them In their public Worship, V O L. X I. LATER NEW BE1ÎG , NEWS. Y A M H IL L CO UNTY, OREGON, EMBARK AT PORTLAND THE TARTAR F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R CLEARED. Circle City, Alaska, now hai a popu lation of bnt 100. A big yield of wheat is reported in the Walla Walla valley. The Nevada«, Iowas and Tennessees will soon be on their way home. Six negroes were killed in a riot be­ tween white and colored miners at Car- terville, 111. C. A. Pillsbury, the great Soaring mill king of Minnesota, is dead at his home in Minneapolis. Tlte Dreyfus meeting held in London was a spiritless affair. Inteiest in the subject seems to be lagging. The plant of tiie American Fisheries Company, Promised Land, L. I., was destroyed by fire; loss, 9600,000. The British admiralty has prepared a war map of St. J o h n ’s, N. F., as a preliminary to fortifying the town. An adobe house, five miles from Morn, N. M., collapsed and killed Mari­ ne! Cordova, his wife and six children. The memory of the martyred presi­ dent, Jam es A. Garfield, was honored in San Francisco with a parade and exercises at Golden Gato Park. The Hungarian novelist, Mauris Jokai, now in his 75th year, was m a r­ ried at Vienna to tiie H ungarian act­ ress, Arabella Grossnagv, a girl of 18. Tom Reed has published his farewell to his friends of the first Maine dis­ trict. He says public office is m a n ’s opportunity, not a ribbon to stick in the coat. The reply of the Transvaal is very unsatisfactory to the British, and Mr. Chamberlain declares it will compel the imperial government to ooriBider the situation afresh. A Manila dispatch says the cruiser Charleston bomarded the fort at Subig bay. Little or no injury was done. The Monterey and Concord were sent to continue tiie bomardment. A Washington dispatch says the T ar­ tar recently delayed in the Orient, was not overcrowded, th a t site had 155 less th an tier capacity, and th a t the Double was entirely due to gim olding. One of tire most remarkable religious institutions in the country, the Monas­ tery and College of tiie Holy Land, was dedicated with imposing ceremonies by tiie prom inent Catholic clergy of this country at Washington. Leaders of the different railroad em ­ ployes organizations are discussing plans with a view to establishing em ­ ployes’ grocery stores at the division points of the various lines. If success­ ful in tiiis line other departm ents will he taken up. Admiral Howell will succeed Far- quliar as commandant at Norfolk navy yard. A new cabinet has been formed in Venezuela, with Senor Culcnno a t tiie head, with the foreign |>ortfolio. John King and his wile, an aged couple, were killed by th eir drink- crazed son at Soutli bridge, Mass. The mill situation at Fall River, Mass., lias been greatly simplified, as a combination of stock is likely soon to be effected. Bourke Cochran has advised P res i­ dent McKinley to tender his good offices in the settlement of the T rans­ vaal muddle. Harry Melzler, 12 years old, was washed from a raft by a passing steam ­ er and diowned in th e W illam ette at Portland, Or. The mam moth new Oceanic, the big­ gest vessel in the world, arrived in New York, six days and two hours from England. New York and Boston capitalists will form a livestock combination witli a capital of 930,000,000 to control the cattle business. Attorney-General Blackburn lias de­ cided th a t a game warden cannot grant permits to h u n f g a m e out of season for scientific purposes. The Earl of Yarmouth, who has been spending tiie summer at an Atlantic resort will go on the stage. Charles Fiohman has engaged him. The troops quartered at th e Presidiu in San Francisco now num ber nearly 12,000. This num ber includes 6,000 returned from the islands and «waiting muster out. Emile Zola has published a protest against the Rennes' verdict, in which lie shows conclusively tiie weakness of the prosecution’s case before the eyes of the world. | The commissioners of Clallam coun­ ty, Washington, have appealed to the secretary of th e interior to modify the boundaries ol th e Olvmpic reserve. Four hundred and fifty thousand acres of agricultural land ia included in the reserve. Tire Filipinos have mail* their reply to our offer of autonomy. Tiie docu­ ment repeats arguments contained in a recent appeal to the (rowers for recog­ nition. It fa rth e r says th a t the race prejudice of the Americans ia to blame for the hostilities. The Civic Federation conference on the uses and abuses of trusts and com­ binations opened in Chicago with representative men from nearly every state in t lie Union in attendance. Governor Tanner and Mayor Harrison each delivered an address >.f welcome. Washington, Sept. 16.—The war de­ partment received a dispatch today con­ taining tl>e information that clearance papers have been allowed tiie tn»ns|iort Tartar at Hong Kong. It is ex|>ecled that she will proceed to the United ROOT OVERRULES GEN. SHAFTEP Slates at once. The information came trom Colonel Metcalf, commanding the Tw entieth Kansas and troops aboard the tran s­ H e F i n d » T h e r e A r e N o O b f t t a c l o » li port. It is supposed clearance papers th e W ay of T ro n p th lp a C om ing were allowed upon the suggestion of U p th e C o lu m b ia* tiie British foreign office to the British governor at Hong Kong th at it would Washington, Sept. 16.— Secretary be unwise to interfere with American Root emphatically overruled General transports. Sliafter today, in determining th a t the Another dispatch from Colonel Met­ Thirty-fifth should embark for Manila calf, in reply to one sent yesterday, at Portland, unless tbeie was unsur- states that tiie Tartar was not over­ mountable obstacles. These lie eoul I crowded, and th a t the food was us good not find in the reports from Sliafter and as on other transports leaving Manila. the quartcruiasteis. He said the trouble arose among the The pleas about length of time an-\ discharged regular soldiers who were impossibility of sending ships were returning home on hoard the ship. considered by the secretary as in ade­ PEARY’S WORK. quate. Two transport ships can lit sent up the Columbia, and lie saw nc reason why they should not sail front I I , L . R r l t l c i - m s n B e l i e v e s H e W i l l l t « m c l i t h e l* o l e . Portland direct for Manila. As tiie New York, Sept. 16. — H. L. Bridge- ■hips could not return to the United States in time to cairy other troops to man, who commanded the Peary Arctic Manila, the delay, even if • it was all expedition of 1889, arrived in Brooklyn tiie opposition claimed, waB unim por­ today. The Diana, the ship which conveyed the members of tho expedi­ tant, in the opinion of the secretary. The transports will he fitted out at tion into northern Boas, reached Syd­ San Francisco with everything exeep' ney, C. B ., Tuesday. Members of the what the regiment carries. When the Princeton scientific party remained in troops come to Portland, they will be Sydney to superintend the shipping of allowed to parade in the city before their collections made during the two they em bark. This will he determine, m onths’ oiuise. Of Peary's work, Mr. Biidgeman says: by tiie commanding officer. ‘‘P eary ’s results in the first year of The secretary felt th at all Portland and Oregon had done for the country, tlte four alloted to his greatest Arctic entitled tiieni to favorable consider:» work fully reward expectations and tion of the request for tho embarkation justify confidence. What he has a l­ ready achieved removes it is undertak­ of troops at tiie Oregon metropolis. Representative Tongue has tele­ ing from the realm of doubt to reason­ graphed Secietarv Root saying the Ore ably certain success.” Mr. Biidgeman believes that Peary gon, chartered by tiie government could be used for the transportation of will accomplish his purpose and reach troops. The department says the Ore­ tiie pole before his four years are up. gon has riot been chartered. SENTENCED TO DEATH. McGraw and Parry tried to get Seat- tio made a port of embarkation for V e r d i c t o f C o u r t - M a r t i it I I n t h e C a s e of troops, hut were told at the war de­ T w o M a n il a Iiifitntrym en* partm ent th a t a lew more animnli Manila. Sept. 13, via Hong Kong, m ight be shipped from the Sound, bui Sept. 16.—Tiie local papers assert that no more troops. Corporal Dainhoffcr and P riv ate Co- nine, of company B, Sixteenth infan­ T H E Y W A N T P R O T E C T IO N . try, have been sentenced to death by conit-murtial, and th at private Me- N ativ e» P r a y i n g fo r t h e A r r iv a l o f t i n Bennett lias been condemned to 20 A in e rican s. y ears’ imprisonment for iiaving c rim ­ Washington, Sept. 16. — Mail advices inally assaulted native women in Ma­ roceived at the war departm ent from nila a month ago. The crimes, it is Manila state th a t the natives of tin said, greatly aroused the natives island of Samar are praying for the The papers assert also th a t General speedy arrival of the Americans and Otis lias recommended th at President will welcome the hoisting of t h “ McKinley approve the sentence, and American flag. It is said that, as a that he desires a pulhio execution ol result of the forcible collection of taxer the men sentenced to death, as a warn­ by the emisearies of the insurgents, ing against a repetition of tiie crime. who take all they have got, the natives GUNBOAT ATTACKED. are in a sta te o f semi-starvation. They have no faith in the Tagals, and they A d m i r H l W i i t r oit K n p o r t i a S h a r p E n * earnestly desire American protection. g : » g e n i e n t In M a n b a t a . An insurgent leader, General Luz- Washington, Sept. 10.—The follow­ ban, lias bolted to Japan, taking with him $2,600 collected by him for the ing dispatch tiqs been received at the navy department: insnrgente. "M anila, Sept. 10.— Secretary of tiie Tiie agents of the insurgents endeav­ or to force tiie natives to join theii Nvav, Washington: Davidson, com­ forces, which they will not do. The manding the Puragua, reports a sharp condition of tiie island, it is asserted, engagement at Malemao. Tlte vessel is rapidly approaching riot and a n ­ was struck many times hy rifle ahotk, archy, as the heavy and continued drag but there were no casualties. The P ara­ upon the natives in the foim of tribute gon silenced the insurgents’ Gre in 20 exasperates them , and tiiey, as tiie let­ minutes. The range was 400 to 900 ter says, threaten despeiatedisturbance yards. The oocasion was the capture of a Filipino schooner, which Davidson if it continues. destroyed. W A TSO N.” A n t l - M i a a i o n a r y K io t» In C h i n a . Malemao is in the island of Mashata, San Francisco, Sept. 16.— A special south of Luzon, and north of the VI- from Tacoma says: Telegraphic ad ­ sayas. vices iiave been received at Shanghai PARDON FOR DREYFU S. announcing th at several British mis­ sionaries have been driven out of the B u r n e r T h a t t h e F r e n c h C a b i n e t H a» A g r e e d U p o n It* city of Paongau, situated 160 miles across the bonier in Audone province. Paris, Sept. 10.—Tiie Matin this Thibet. morning asserts tiiat the cab inet lias Over 3,000 Lamas reside there, the agree ! to pardon Dreyfus and tiiat tiie majority of whom joined the anti-ton decree will be signed September 19. •ign demonstration and druve the tnia- Many of the provincial papers pub ­ eonaries ont. The latter included Mr. lish articles insisting on the granting and Mrs. Shields and Mrs. Macbeth. of a pardon. Tho F igaro says that For several weeks previous to the final many officers of the army are asking lio t the missionaries were compelled that Dreyfus be pardoned. to etay in doors. Details are not known Countess Prokeschostein, president fa rth e r than th a t tiie mission was de­ of tiie Austrian Red Cross Society, haa stroyed and the missionaries barely written a letter of condolence to escaped by journeying secretly a! Madame Dreyfus. night. K r u g « r ’ a K e p i 7. Near Ichang and Chun King an anti- Pretoria, Sept. 16.—The discussion Catholic uprising hHS been caused by of the first draft of the reply to tiie kidnaping of children hy wandering Biitish note ended this evening. P resi­ gypsies. A number of native Catholic* dent Kruger having left at 4 o ’clock have been killed. and not having returned. It Is u n der­ stood the government will draw up the V e n * x n * l i i ■(«»volution 8 p r # » d l n | . New York, Sept. 16.—News ol the final reply in its final form tomorrow progrese ol the Venezuelan revolution and submit the same to the volksraad. has been received by a prominent The reply will he in terms strongly in ­ South American, by mail, in this city, fluenced hy the Orange Free State, and from the vice-military committee in among other features the maintenance charge of the affairs of the rebels. of the convention of 1884 will be This committee is located now on one storngly asset ted. Tiie situation th is evening is not of the West Indian islands, and con­ considered so favorable as it was d u r­ sists of five generals. In hia letter, which is dated Septem­ ing the forenoon. ber 2, the writer says th at the revolu­ Ni»gr« L y n c h e d In G e o r g l » . tion is progressing rapidly, and ha* Macon, Ga., Sept. 16.—A special spread to all parts of tiie repAblio. from Tilton, Ga., to the Telegraph The letter further states that in Coro, says: A negro was arrested at Tyty the whole state is in arms, and th at this morning and positively identified General Castro with an army of 6,000 as one of the two negroes who assaulted men, left Valera on August 19, and on Miss Johnson et tiiat place last Tues­ August 26 annihilated the government day. Two hundred men, heavily forces at Caroca under Torres. It ia armed, assembled at Tyty. reported, according to the wiiter, th at People passing on s t r a i n at 2 o’clock Castro pursued the government troops thi* morning saw a negro suspended to Barqirisimeto and captured th at 20 feet in the air from a telegraph |«>ie. town. Search for the other negro continues. Glasgow numbers among its popula tion a man who is msking a manuscript copy of the Bible. He expects to fin­ ish it in two years. Wilbur F. and Joh n Stile« are twins living in Wichita, Kan. They look so much alike th a t only in tim ate fri«nda can tell them apatt. Near a certain quarry in Italy ia ■ town the inhabitant« of which pay no rent or taxes. They are quarry e m ­ ployes, who have dug dwellings in th« lac« ol a steep rock. Chicago, Sept. 16.— A special from Norfolk, Va., says the torpedo boat Talbot will shortly be given a spin through th e recently open«! Dismal swamp canal, which will form an Im­ portant link in the system of inland water ways th a t in time of war art e l e c t e d to afford safe passage for tor­ pedo boats and other small craft unable to cone with a hostile fleet. On thi« trip (he Talbot's newly installed petro­ leum fuel furnace will Ire given a test. H o n g K o n g A a t t i «»rlties G r a n t e d P a p e r a to tlie T ra n s p o rt. Thirty-fifth W ill L eave Froir. O regon M etropolis. T h r n n g h l)i« m n l H w m n p C an n l. 2 2 , 1899. GOLD UNDER THE SEA W ardner S a y s Cape Nom e D eposit E xtends There. EXAMINATION PROVES THEORY O p e n s U p O r . a t P o s s i b i l i t i e s In A l a s k a « H u l a s —P i l g r i m » K r o m D e a d l y K tlm o iito n T ra il. Seattle, Sept. 18.—J. F. Wardner, the well-known mining man, who lias ju st returned from Cape Nome, a d ­ vances the novel theory tiiat the gold deposits extend miles out to sea. In support of the theory, lie says that two m iners placed a caisson 120 feet from low tide. The d irt which was taken out ¡an 15 to 60 centB per shovelful. Similar experiments were tried at a further distance from tide mark, with better results. D e m lly E d m o n to n T ra il. Wiangel, Alaska, Sept. 13, via Seat­ tle, Sept. 18.—The Btickeen river steamer Strathcona arrived today with 67 survivors of the Edmonton trail. The majority of them are without means. They will he shipped to Puget sound at the expense of tiie United Stntes government. About 60 of them will go to Seattle tomorrow on the steamer Al-Ki. Many are suffering from the effects ol scurvy. Their stories of hardship and suffering en­ dured in their 18 months on tlie tiail aie in a similar strain to those which have preceded them. No new fatali­ ties are reported, ft is thought that at least 75 prospectors are still on the trail. They will have to ooiue down tho Stickeen in small bouts, as th* low stago of w ater will pievent the Strathcona from making another trip this year. On her last t u p she war hung up on a sand bar five days, 8( miles above Wrangel. J , J . H ill in S p o k a n e * Spokane, Sept. 18. — President Hill and a party of G reat Northern officials and guaBts arrived here this overling on a special train. Mr. Hill announced his purpose of beginning at once per­ m anen t improvements in Spokane in ­ volving an expenditure of fioin $600,- 000 to 9 1 , 000 , 000 . lie also stated th at lie will return hero Tuesday ami dis­ cuss witli business men and miiieown- ers the matter of smelting here the ores of the surrounding country from Bakor City, on the line of the O. R. & N., to B ritish Columbia on tiie north. Tho party will leave in tiie morning lor Puget sound. P h i l i p p i n e C ' < » i iii n l» «i on e r » t o R e t u r n . Manila, Sept. 16.— Colonel Charles Denhy and Professor Dan Worcester, members of tbe Philippine commission, have received instructions (roar Presi­ dent McKinley nBking them to return as soon its possible. They »»ill em ­ bark on the Bteamer India, which sails from Hong Kong September 26. It is not known whether tiie clerical force will return with them or remain here. The commissioners had just removed into new offices and expected to spend some months working on the establish­ m ent of municipal governments. The Nevada oavulry was unable to sail on the Newport. They will take the next available transport. C an Nut T e l l f f h i i H e Is. Seattle, Sept. 18.—Among the many unfortunate prospectors th a t have re­ turned from Alaska this season is an old man who cannot tell who he is, or where he canto from. There is a clot of blood in li is brain which haa caused n paralysis ol speech, due to typhoid fever. Tho only words lie can utter are an indistinct yes and no. By th* aid of a map it was learned tiiat ht came from Cambridge, Mass. A man who accompanied him from Dawson says his name ia something like " F i s k . ” Efforts aio being made to establish the m an's identity. Ilia limbs are also paralyzed. O p e n i n g o f t h e O r e g o n H int* Fwir. Salem, Or., Sept. 18. — Without cer­ emony the Oregon state fair of 1899 was formerly opened to the public this evening. Fully 506 people were in a t ­ tendance, a large orowd lor opening night, and passed the time very pleas­ antly in inspecting the many fine pavil­ ion exhibits, in listening to In stru ­ mental music hy Parsons’ orchestra, an outdoor illustrated lectnre on the war in the Philippines hy Edward Shields, a recitation tiy Miss Helen Lamar, and vooal selections by Charles H. Whiting. B u n g lin g E x e c u tio n of n N egro. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 18. — Henry Gardner, a negro, aged 18, was hanged in the jailyard here today for assault­ ing a white girl under 10 years of age, last June. Wtien the trAp fell the noose had not been properly fastened and tbe negro fell heavily to the ground. He was assisted to the scaf­ fold, suffering great pain, and the trap sprung tiie second time, successfully. H s r r l r s n s In S t w h a s i l l a n * . St. John's, N. F., Kept. 18— A violent h u rt'e a n e swept this section of New­ foundland last night. Four fishing boats were driven off the St. John'« coast, and three men and a woman were drowned. N ational E i p o r t E xp o s itio n . K i l l « * ! H « r C h i l d r e n an O ne C o lu m n............................. ........T w en ty Dollar» •’ «II C o lu m n ..................................Ten Doller» J i_ofe»»iun*l C ard s...... ........................... o n e D ollar A d e e r t i a i n g B ilia C o lle c te d M o n th ly . N E W B E R G GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. BA TH . In v a ria b ly A d d re s s, O a s r n i c , N sw b s ry , O r e jó n . NEGROES SHOT DOWN Bloody R iot at Brush M ines, Carterville, IU. OPENED FIRE ON TIIE WHITES C u lm in a tio n of L o n g -S ta n d in g T roublw ■ l et w o o d U n i o n a n d N o n - U n io n M iner». Carterville, III., Sept, lfl.—Carter- ville was the scene of a bloody riot be­ tween »vliite and negro m iners today. Six negroes were killed, and one otiier ■not tally wounded. Company C, Fourth regiment, Illinois National Guard, arrived here late this evening, arid will endeavor to preserve order. Forty miners from the Herrin mines left th a t place for this city this even­ ing, armed witli Krag-Jorgensen rifles deteimiued to assist the white miners, should their services he required. Trouble has been brewing ever since the militia was recalled hy Governor Tanner lust Mon-lay, since which time the white miners Iiave refused to allow the negro miners to come into town. Today 13 negroes marched into the town and opened fire on a crowd of whites. The whites returned the fire promptly, ami a running fight ensued. The negroes, closely followed by the wihtes, scutteted, some running up the main street, the remainder startin g down the railroad trauk. Here tiie worst execution was done. After the fight was over, four dead bodies were picked up, and another man was found mortally wounded. They were taken to the city hall, where the wounded man was given medical treatm ent, ami an inquest was held over the dead ones. Later, near tho Brush mines, in a n o th ­ er par t of tiie city, two other dead bod­ ies were found. The killed are: Rev. O. T. J . Floyd, Huso Brudley, John Blaok, Henry Brunnum. Two unidentified. Mortally wounded: Sim Cummings. The mayor has taken every precau­ tion to pievent further trouble, and none will occur unless the negioea make an attack. Spuerintendent Donnelly, of the Brush mines, where the negroes reside, repot ts that the negroes aro worked up into a fienzy, and, while lie is doing all in his power to hold them in check, ho is afraid he oatinot do so in noli longer, and th at unless the m ili­ tia appears shortly further trouble m a r be looked lor. Trouble has existed here, off and on, for over n year, but no fatalities oc­ curred until Ju n e 30. when a passen­ ger train on the Illinois Central rail­ road was fired into and one negro wo­ man killed. These negroes were on their way to the mines, having oonre from i ’anii. A short time afteiwarii a pitched battle ensued between the union and nonunion forces during which time tiie dwellings occupied by the union negroes were burned. Sev- erul arrests were made, and the parties are in jail at Marion on the charge of murder, awaiting trial. ON THE B R IN K OF WAR. Ite p ly o f T r a n s v a a l V s r r U n satisfa cto ry — B o e r s M e a n t u K l g h t . London, Sept. 19.—The reply of th« Transvaal to Mr. C ham berlain’s latest T h e I ' r . i M . n t ’l T r i p . note is said to cover niue pages. It ia Washington, Sept. 18.— Only Secre­ eminently of the "negative and incon­ taries Gage and Root, Postmaster-Gen­ clusive” d iam eter, which Mr. C ham ­ eral Smitli and Attorney-General berlain declared would compel the im­ Griggs were present at today’s cabinet perial government to consider the s itu ­ meeting. The nresident announced ation afresh. It practically repudiate* th a t he had intended to extend ills suzerainty, reverts to tiie seven-year Chicago trip to Minneapolis and SL franchise, and declines to give equality Paul. to the Dutch and English languages in A variety of subjects were dis­ th e volksraad. In short, it is politely cussed, but final action was not taken, negative and defiant. The full text except in the case ol Cuban money or- may not bo available for a day or two, deis to the United States, the rate of hut it will not change the aspect of which will be raised from 30 cents per affairs. The cabifiet will probably $100 to 60 cents. meet on Wednesday or Thursday to W r e c k e d m id Iturued* consider the next step. It is supposed tiiat the next m ore Atchison, Kan., Sopt. 18.— Missouri Pacific h e ig h t No. 124 was wrecked at oonteinplated bv the Transvaal is an 4:30 th il afternoon, midway between apiieal to the powers, tegging them to St. Paul, Net»., and Ju lia n station, recommend arbitration on tbe lines of near Nebraska City. Three of the tho conference at The Hague. crew weie instantly killed, and their Haa M cK in le y Intervened? bodies ciemated. The Cape Town correspondent of the Ttie killed are: Engineer Tom Oil- lam, Firem an T. M. Kuae, Brakcman Daily Mall says: “ Afrikanderbund circle* profess to W. H. Foster, all single and residents Iiave information th at President Mc­ of Atchiaon. Kinley haa intervened between G reat D rank W ood A lco h o l. Britain and the Transvaal. Vallejo, Cal., Kept. 18. — Michael Owens and Richard Conroy, marines C o n d e m n e d to D e a t h . of the cruiser Philadelphia, hav« died Washington. Sept. 19.— The «ecre- from the effects of drinking wood alcohol. Botli men enlisted at Maie tary of war, in re«)ionse to numerous island. Owens, who was formerly a requests, cabled General Otis regarding member of the Sixteenth infantiy, the two men of tiie Sixteentlr infantry served through the Cuban campaign wiio, according to the press dispatches, and came here from Samoa on the had been condemned to death in the Badger. He was a native of P h ilad el­ Philippines for assaulting native wo­ men. A reply received tonight said phia. there was a third soldier now abont to ■ 'D evil A n n " H a t f i e l d C a|*tnrs(1. be tried in connection with the same Willlamaton. W. Va., Kept. 18.— case, and that when the court-m artial Sheriff Henderson, of Logan (Aunty, was concluded the papers would be and a posse of 15 today went to the forwarded to the department. The two Hatfield fort, in the m ountains 80 men sentenced are Corporal Damphoffer miles from here, and without blood­ and Private Conino. The name ol th« shed captured "D evil A nse” Hatfield, th ird soldier involved has not yet been hia aon Bob, and Jo hn Dingnss, a re la ­ made public. The sentences will d o I tive of tha Hatfields hy marriage. The bn executed until the war d epartm ent prisoners will be taken to Piko county ahall have reviewed the oasea. The and tried on charges of m urder grow­ papers cannot lead» Washington in lea« ing out of tha Hatfiald-McCoy feud. th an 80 days. F o r H ig h w a y B ohbw ry. R e f o r m In B » t » b » l l . Chicago, Sept. 19.— A new baseball league, whoa« circuit will include cities in both th« National and Western League«, and which will be known ■■ th« American Association ol Baseball Club«, was formed today a t a meeting here of baseball men and lovers ot th« national game. Th« circuit as decided Beattie, Sept. 18. — Alfred Hay, repre­ on will include St. Louis, Milwaukee, senting a Philadelphia syndicate, ia Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, New «hipping men and material to Alaska York, Philadelphia end Washington. for tho construction of th a second rail­ A. C. Anson was nffeied the th« presi­ road iu (bat territory. dency, hut refused to accept at pteeent. Pulaski, Va., Sept. 18. — Noah Fin- ley, a negro, was hanged here today, Hia crime was higtiway robbery and a t­ tempted murder, and Ilia execution was tha only instance in late year* in which the e i t r s m e penalty has been imposed in Virginia for this offense.