C H U R C H N O T IC E S . “ Tile Valley of Diamonds.” New line of wrappers at S. C. A Co. S u d d e n D e a t h o f IX. I*. L i l b l e r . iAi. 1 her health. If slm is weak, sickly and fairly jingle. Mr. I.xi.-a -ajs W O K T ItV At seven o’clock on lust Monday even­ all run down, she will be nervous and ir­ regular olJ fashioned winter up U:cv Y V ; - j» in chis b Eri IT Nice slock of Silk at S. C. A Co. !uly o air e w ork coi uluctt ing while If. F. I.ashler was silting in ritable. If «In* has constipation or kid­ Thursday, snow falling to tho depth of ima str .¡¿f t ** 11 a y è or D ll You will want to hear Kasmus this trout of Ilia grocery store he became sud­ I» —*1411.rite. + ñ i Ladies' summer Vests at S. C. & Co. several inches, making things look like bon iflde,. U(> m ore, no left* ft ney trouble, her impure blood will cause M onthly »M. evening. K efurem Ci. JSaclrs« Fell i d s'. '.inp-.’J denly 111 and dropped over on the bench pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a Fanta Claus times. But then, he says envelop« The Graphic and the Oregonian for lie r bwit K. Hex fra il. IHPL AL Chic-igo. Old hats trimmed at the Model, in the he bus seen this same thing on which he was sitting. He w as car­ wretched complexion. Electric Bitters occur on | t 0. latest style. ried into the store by James Hamnett is the I text medicine in the world to regu­ ¿he20th of May.- Transcript. See Garmiture Skirt Patterns at S. C. CHURCU.—SERVICES, SUNDAY 11 CTIVE SOLICITOR“ WANTED EVERY- Lawns, Dimitvs, J. C. cords, Piques and Worth Kims where he expired in a late stomach, liver and kidneys and puri­ B A - IT IST ■ «ehool m . a n d 7:30 _ p. m . Sunday San- & Co. At the reque-t of Supl. Littlefield, the wht-ri* for - Ilio Story ° f th e P h ilip p in e s ’* few minutes. He had beeu in rather fy the blood. It gives strong nerves, i r g i M d » y » » tlO a. m. IT« P ra y e r H m eetin W e J a e s d I jy and Percales at S. C. A Co. lv J fu ra ' IL il-te-iJ cum m K alooed by it-e o,iv- e v e n in g a t 7:30 o ’clock. attorney general expresses the opinion Mrs. S. J. Everest is at Colfax, Wash­ i ro i:.e u t s« o ffici.l Itic tn r i.a to th e War Pe­ feeble health fur the past two years. bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, rich n ili» p e rirn e "t. Ih e book wo* written in arrov Charley Ash pole, the Middleton mer­ . The funeral was held at the M. E. church complexion. It will make n good-locking that a scholar who, io play, accidently RESBYTERIAN C H U R C H -S E R V IC E S EV. ington, at present. • i im p s a t San 1 r a n c h o . on th e Pacific w ith erjr tw o week« as follow s: F e b ru a ry *th injures or destroys school prope perty, G em -rat M erritt, tu th e h o sp ital» a t H onolulu'. chant was in town Wednesday. ¡on Wednesday afternoon, the services charming woman of u run-down invalid • nd 21«t, M arch 7th a n d 21st, a n d A p ril 4th au d For the latest styles in millinery, go to : should not be suspended from sc e lio o l. I „ Íf,re ¿ 2 i c r urn-a u T w ^ ith í A t g l u Í in ’i being conducted by Rev. W. J. Waltz ............. ald ^ o Only 50 cents at C. F.Sm i’l i ’s Diugstcrc Kodaks and Cameras from $1,00 up. — ! the Model. Where the act is malicious tho case is 0.1 tho d eck "f tb e O lym pia w ith Dewey. In tho ree m e t h o p is t . - p k a y e r and Mrs. Perry. MEETING High grade and low gear at C. i ro u r of b attle a t tho fill of M anli v B o n an zt F. Moore fc •T*ry T h u rsd a y a t 7:30 ] different.—Telephone-Livgi - ter. for a ent«. ItrIm ful of o rielu n ! picture* 'ak*-n for A Co’s. The deceased was born at Blooming­ school every Sunday a t 10 a. m. K r a i I f s tn te T r a n s f e r « . __ | Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery !b y ffo rc rtim e a i p h o to g rap h ers on th e rp o tl ir„'e b ok lo w price», i'.iir profits. Frt- ’phi ton, New York, March 26, 1^3.1 lull ttie Iternrtc.I by the YsmlitU Co. Abstract Co. at Me- E. CHURCU -PREACHING 11:00 A M. j expressing or light hauling. While witnessing the ball game last paid . C re d it alv eo . Urnç »it Trashy j i unifiei«i Sutton Calkins A Co. are closing out d 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. S u n d ay j „ . • a n ____ - —. -------ay. Mtnuvtlli», Or--.,- -n, f ir tbs v. rek ca-itug V -nil free. A ddress. F'. t ! B arber.' Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Terrell their Ladies’ Huts at 25 per cent dis­ greater part of his life, previous to com­ I>ec 8 c h o o l 10:00 a m. Class 12:00 ni J u n io r Saturday, Bernard Fay tired several 24, t>. v Janie« M . Pugh, ninnazer. see > b lu r In su ra n c e Bldg., Chicago. ing to Oregon ten years ago, was spent L eague 8:00 p. in. E p w o rth League 6:30 : m I successive shots from a revolver into the count. P ra y e r a n d P raise M eeting every W edneadat on Tuesday May 16, a daughter. ; Orm C Emery A wl to L S I in Wisconsin and Minnesota. May 5, 7 :00 p. in. C h o ir P ra c tic e every W ednesday i air, doubtless to help make a noise, lie Townsend Its 5 6 7 blk 22 Ed­ Mr. Withycombe, the North Yamhill 8 :00 p .m . A ll a re c o rd ia lly in v ite d to all of Mrs. J. W. Bankson, of Indiana, is 1855 lie was married to Catharine M. was arrested by Constable Dee, and sub­ th e s e s e r v ic e s ___ WM J. WALTZ P asto r j wards add to Newberg ......... $ 3j0 00 tile man was in town Wednesday. in town vi-iting with her sister Mrs. Barrie w ho survives him. As a result of sequently the owner of tho weapon, SOCIETY NOTICES Emma Bell. this uuion nine children were born sev­ Wiu Savage and wf to David W Claud IJondriek, was also arrested. They --------------- I Born—To Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ward, Ralston 300.76 a part die liar- DENTIST. OF TH E WORLD.—NEWBERO ( AMP, NO. on Wednesday, May 17, a daughter. For choice reading matter go to F. en of whom are living. nett Haggard Iti-rtiw............... 6015 20 were examined on the respective charges O ilire 2 doors w est o f M oore’s Drug store. # 113, meet» every M onday ev en in g . Mr. Lashier was known in Newberg as of “ discharging firearms on the public 1st. stre et, New be*?, Oregon. If you want a good chicken for Sunday Canton wine’s news stand, corner First a man of strict business integrity and lie Benjamin Stark (by sheriff) to ■ | * c T t . u !—BUSINESS MEETING THE highway,” nnd “carrying concealed and College streets. Barnet Y Roe 640 n die Philip # o n d a n d fo u rth W ednesday in each leave your order at Wilson’s grocery. was held in high esteem liy young and weapons,” uml were fined $15 and $29 m o n th . Thompson et C B Mnlthorp.. 2829 58 Beginning with Saturday the Model old. lie was a member of the city coun­ James Madson of Newberg gave the , respectively. They will lay out their CLARA M. DAVIDSON, M. D. O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY Reporter a pleasant call while in town will sell sailors and walking hats at cil for several terms and always per­ U S to Lola Price 160 a in sec 2 ev en in g s in B an k of N ew berg b u ild in g . I. t3sr6w........................................ Homstd in j«il. Telephone-Register. greatly reduced prices. formed the duties of the office faithfully yesterday.—Reporter. AND L. OF S.—NEW BERG COUNCIL, VO. Isabella J Alderman to Maggie , 168, m eets e v ery F rid ay ev en in g in Ma­ S. J. Lashler arrived hero from Med­ and well. In his death Newberg loses a Mr. Johnson, the Portland harness Llndsley Its 4 3 6 blk 27 La- so n ic b a ll. good citizen. ford last Wednesday afternoon in time man has changed his plans and will not Fayette...................................... 250 0 ) Offlet* a n d R esidence one bioek so u th of B»nk ¥ . AND A. M.—MEETS EVERY SATUii- to attend his father’s funeral. come to Newberg to locate. . day n ig h t in C, V. B an k b u ild in g . of Newberg. F J Craw ford A wf to J L Baker C lo s in g E x e r c i s f s . G .W . Mitchell and W. R. Scott have n 1.. It 137 Masonic cemetery.. 12 50 Our Cameras and Kodaks will make The graduating exercises of tho pub­ the homely handsome. Seo samples of been down at Wilsonville for several lic School will be conducted at tho hall F F Sutherland A wf to Moses ,^ T T O ItN E Y AT-LAW. S. I*. R A I L R O A D T I M E T A B L E . days laying tile for Charley Tooze. Morgan Its 5 6 blk 7 McM ... 550 00 work in window at C. F. Moore A Co’s. on Saturday evening. The class is made CLARENCE Leon Kenworthy is expecting his sis­ up of an even dozen bright boys nnd Wm Colwell to T A Shelton Y a m h ill D iv is io n . The last number of the LTuion Lecture 22.12 a in N K Sitton die ter here this week from Huntsville, girls and the program will bo as follows: Course will be given June 2 by Dr. W ill p ra c tic e in nil th e court« o f th e st«te. t3sr4w...................................... 453 40 Invocations. HpeeUl a tte n tio n g iv en to p ro b a te w ork, th e P a sse n g e r d e p o t foot of Je ffe rso n s tre e t, P o rt Chapman, President of the University Washington for a visit of several days. « rit oa < M eed*, m ortgages, c o n tra c ts a u d th e W II Devore A wf to E M Llnds­ la n d , Ore. Greeting Glee. of Oregon. u ra ftin g of a ll leg al p ap ers. N. C. Christenson contemplates mov­ ley IC O a ne qr sec 32 t4sr7 w 300 00, Oregon.......................... EmtnaDorrap.ee William Merchant was over from ing to McMinnville for permanent resi­ » w b e r g . O re g o n . A irlie m a il (tri w eekly). Treasures from the Sandpit, Merle Woods Nancy R Noble to S W Norton 8:40 a. m. Lv . P o r‘. lau d Ar j 3:05 p. m. North Yamhill on Wednesday posting dence, in case he goes Newberg w ill 10 a in sec 14 t5sr7w.............. 50 00 O r r i c r —Second Floor Dreams and Ideas.. Lillian 11. llcacook 11:35 a. m. Lv N ew berg. L v | 12:15 p. m. lose an excellent citizen. 1'ank of N e w lv rg i ’.uU dlug. P C Thomason A wf to W F 3:50 p. m. Ar A irlie • Lv I 7:30 a. m. notices for the county pioneer picnio at The Romans..................................... Nellie Dillon Carlton June 7. McCutchen 56.85 a in W C She rid a n p a sse n g e r (d a ily e x ce p t S u n d ay ). Don’t think you can cure that slight Quartette... .Misses Carter and Graham 4:30 p m. Lv Portland Ar I 8:40 a. m. Hembree die .................. 3000 00 In the absence of tho pastor, S. K attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that F. A. M ORRIS, Pres. Messrs Smith and Satchwell 6:05 p. m. Lv N ew berg . Lv 7:05 a. m. 7:40 p. m. Ar .S h e rid a n .. Kodol Dyspepsia Our F la g ............. WillardF. Satchwell Joseph W Kinney A wf to W Lv I 5:30 a. in. Diebel, of Portland, will preach at the it will cure itself. A- K. MILLS. Vice P res. Tyler Smith small tract ad­ MOSES VOTA W, C ash ier. Baptist church next Sunday, both morn­ Cure will cure it; it “digests what you Acquisition of Territory.. . . Bello Smith G. W. CUTTS, A gent, N ew berg. joining Sheridan .................... eat” and restores tho digestive organs Finding Oar Place»......... «Maude Comer 95 00 R. KOELER, M anager. ing and evening. C. H. MARKHAM, L W Parker et al to A mon to health. C. F. Moore A Co. IM I IF Pompeii.................. Winbern Holloway Attorney Clarence Butt went to Walla Gen. F. Je P. Agent. P o rtla n d , o re . Shadden It 8 blk 4 College 2nd Solo .................................Mies Altermatt Isaac N. Miles, governor at the college Walla, Washington, tho first of the week ÍUL ILLL add to McM............................. 330 00 ....... Herman Smith as counsel for Portland parties in a hoarding hall, can’t understand w hy the j Alaska........... N e w b e r g , Or. Local E vents. Pluck and Luck................................. Anna Carter Evening Telegram puts him down as a | bankruptcy case. W. M. Manning, of Carlton, who was “hopgrower” when he goes to Portland.! Julius Caesar................... Clarence II. Coe You will find at the Model the finest Tho reporter evidently sizes him up by Progress of Democracy, Rose 15. Graham a prominent candidate for county Treas­ line of head gear ever shown in New­ his “ bust measure” and asks no ques­ Address .............. Prof. Edwin Morrison urer at the last republican convention Ilasmus is an orator. It artificially digests the food and alia O K ,Q -_A _ IS T IZ IE ID 1 8 9 3 was over the first of tho week on busi­ Nature In strengthening -and recon- 1 berg, at prices that cannot be met by tions. Presentation of Diplomas. Lace Curtains at S. A Co. ness and while here was the guest of H. strutting tho exhausted digestive or­ any firm in Yamhill Co. Class Song. Transacts a general banking gans. It isth olatest discovered digest- James Hamnett Jr. arrived home last Nazareth waists at S. C. A Co. II. Winslow. Mr. Manning was a re­ ant and tonic. No other preparation Benediction. Sutton Calkins A Co. have the nicest Saturday evening from the Copper river business. publican at a time and under conditions can approach It in efficiency. It In­ C. B. Wilson is still paying cash for assortment of Men’s Crash Hats ever country, Alaska, where ho went several when it cost something to bo on that stantly relieves and permanently cures produce. seen in Newberg which they are selling months ago in searcli of the yellow met­ A G a t h e r i n g of Y o u n g P e o p l e . side U9 his home was in Virginia w hen Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, 1 Foreign Exchange bought aud , . al. His family and friends are very glad Oscar Cox, of Portland was in town a at 25 per cent discount. Among tho many conventions to be the war broke out. A little bronze but­ Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia.Crani.ps.and sold, day or two this week. Mrs. Dunbar went to Portland Mon­ to see him safely at home again although held in Portland this year is one which ton worn on tho lapel of his cont indi­ a l l other results of Imperfect digestion. ; ------ ■------ is attracting the attention of young peo­ cates which side he was on in that littio P r e p a r e d b y E -C -D e W Itt a C o.. C h ic a g o . ,, , , day and secured a fine lot of flowers at ho was disappointed in his mission. A five room cottage for rent. L’. F. M ookk A Co. ' ^-are“ l‘ attention given Collections. ple in almost every town in tho state. reduced prices and now has the best as­ four years affair. My friend if you have never given me C has . K. S p a u l d i n g . The Christian Endeavorers of Oregon sortment ever shown in Newberg. a call, give mo one now. I am in the Miss Mellie Douglas visited at Mc­ are looking forward with great e tgerness 2 I l f s L ife W a s S a v e d . John Richie, of Scotts Mills, came over position of the man who was trying on Minnville with Frank Taylor3 last Sun­ to the State conven'ion, which is to con­ a pair of boots that were too small for last Friday and remained over until Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of day. vene in tho metropolis May 25, and con­ Monday. Prof. Douglas returned with him. An Irishman stan ling by said: Hannibal, Mo , lately had a wonderful Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin’s father, Mr. tinue until the 29th. him for a few days fishing in the moun­ “Begad ye can’t get them boots on till Lambert is down from Washington fora Tho committees appointed some time deliverance from frightful death. In tell ye wear ’em awhile.” So it is with me. tain streams. visit. ago to look after the preliminary ar­ mg of it he says: “I was taken Hick | I can’t receive your further business un­ By allowing the accumulations in rangements for the convention, report with Typhoid Fever that ran into Pneu­ til I get your first order. Please give Mrs. Dunbar will receive from the bowels to remain, the entire system is m e a call. C. C. S m i t h , Photographer. “all things ready” and general enthu­ monia. My lungs became hardened. I East in a few days an invoice of new poisoned. DeW itt’s Little EaMy Ris­ siasm throughout the state. The pro _ j was so weak I couldn’t even set up in bed trimmings In the latest fads. I expected to soon ers regulate the bowels. Try them and gram committee has arranged an attract­ 1 Nothing helped mo. L a n d F o r S a le . die of Consumption, when I hoard of I)r. Mrs. M. E. Myers has the thanks of you will always use them. C. F. Moore Keeps on h a n d a full a n d com pleto lin e of ive program, covering tho three days of Two hundred acres, six miles north­ King's New Discovery. One bottle gave this office for a very fine bunch of & Co. west of Newberg at $10 per acre—7 per the convention, anil promising the dele­ great relief. 1 continued to uso it, and tulips picked from her door yard. R ev .J .H . Douglas left McMinnville cent interest. Inquire at Graphic office. gates some rich treats. It is announced now am well and strong, 1 can’t say too that “ Father" F .E . Clark, the founder W. K. Allen has been considerably last week for Illinois with a view of do­ of tho organization, will be present. Dr. much in its praise.” This marvelous I When you are needing anything in this line, call and see us and your run down physically for the past few ing some church work in the limits of F a r m F o r S a le . Clark's presence alone is sufficient to in­ medicine is ihe surest and quickest cure | weeks but he is on the mend again. wants will be fully supplied. Western Yearly Meeting of Friends Two hundred and fifty acres 5 miles sure a large gathering ot Endeavorers, in tho world for all Throat and Lung j A young man named Cole came down church. His first stop was to be at Ver­ west of Newberg. Half in cultivation. e a r v ree Delivery. and tho convention is fortunate in secur­ Trouble. Regular sizes 59 cents and Inquire at the Graphic office. tf from Salem on his wheel last Satur­ million Grove. j o s . w u l s o it . $1 9 ). Trial bottle free at 0 . E. Smith’s ing him. Rev. Herbert H. Johnson of day and visited with Emmor Newby. I bug Store; every battle guaranteed. Dayton and LaFayctte, two of tho Pittsfield, Mass, will also he present and F o r S a le . A man always feels like he had re­ oldest towns in Yamhill county and the President One 3 inch tubular axle wagon, one address the Convention. latter the county seat for a long period ceived the wo-th of his money after hav­ George W. Jones came down from the New lin of Pacific college, Newberg, Rev. extra strong single top buggy. ing listened to a good lecture. Dr. Kas­ of years, are each about 3,000 behind If. A. Ketchum D. D. of Salem, Prof. Neetucca mills Friday, and remained un- E d m u n d R o b in s o n , Newberg in the number of postoffice mus don’t deliver any other kind. P. L. Campbell of the Normal school, i til yesterday. George says they will be Newberg, Ore. money orders issued. Monmouth, and several prominent pas­ able to start tho mills about tho middle We are prepared to furnish George H. Rogers and family, of Jack- tors of Portland will also take an active of the week and cut the prettiest lumber N e w b e r g F l o u r i n g M ills . The Rev. Jno. Glen of Dayton, will son, 'Washington, returned home last part. over furnished in Oregon. The chute Price of feed reduced— Monday after visiting for a few days preach in the Free Methodist church of The committee in charge Is, putting they have been working on tho past six with Mrs. Roger’s parents north of this place next Sunday, May 21, at 3:30 Bran per ton................................... $13 50 town. and 7:30 p .m . A cordial invitation is Shorts per ton................................. 16 00 forth every effort to make the most suc­ weeks or more is completed. It is 2,700 Middlings per ton.................... . 18 00 cessful C. E. convention ever held in feet long, “ stands on its head” part of Rev. J. F. Day, pastor of the Baptist extended to all to attend. Chops (oats and wheat)................ 20 00 this state, and judging from tho pro­ tho way down, and when one of those church, has gone to San Francisco to at­ Tailoring cloths and samples for men Flour $2.S0 per barrel at the stores. gram already arranged, tho talent se monster logs goes down it makes things tend the Baptist aniversaty held in that and womens wear. Also measure taken cured, and the general enthusiasm city. Mrs. Day and the children will for clothes to bo cut and made up by Strayed or Stolen. throughout the stato, theirexpoctations How to expose a hum- visit with relatives during his absence. the Hamilton Woolen Co. In room re­ Light bay mare. Weight about 900 will be fully realized. cently vacated by L. M. Parker. pounds, 7 years old, short mane, brand Railroad and steamboat lines have bug— money-back it. At the Friends church next Sabbath on right fore shoulder. Has been gone been interviewed, and very low rates se-1 J. B a r r ie A Co. the usual service will be conducted by How to establish such Also Burial Robes and all Undertaking since April 13. A suitable reward will cured from all points. All socities the pastor. All are cordially invited. The United Artisans have a picnic Children’s Day exercises at the Friends hilled to come off at Sherwood on June be given for her return. heard from to date express their inten- i things as Schilling's Best g'.gjF'IIearse aud Carriages furnished at Reasonable Prices. t2 C. L. J ohnson . baking pomi er church will be held Sunday evening, 10 and some think the early announce­ tion of sending large delegations. Dele- j »«4, C ii.v - lt fi*v0ring extract* T, B, CUMMINGS & CO. June 4th. • pates will bo provide*! with lodging flee ! and spice* ir. du ment of it is responsible for the unsettled Card ofThanUl. of charge, and epocial rates for meals ___m o n C V - b n c k t h e m A gentleman named Hunsaker, of state of the weather. Picnics are nearly * Wo wish to extend our tender and have been secured at hotels and res-1 *o Cottonwood, Shasta county, California, always at variance with good weather . heart felt thanks to our kind friends and tuurants. The world will keep on C A L L IN T H I is here visiting with his brother-in-lnw anyway, neighbors for their loving sympathy and Fred Groff. He has a desire to come turning round if you con­ I«ota of ISrlriKe Work. The annual reunion of the pioneers of kind assistance rendered to onr loved here to live if he can trade his Califor­ Yamhill county will be held at Carlton, one and also to us during our sudden and At the adjourned term of Commission­ tinue to buy trash spices nia property for property here. on Wednesday, June 7. Hon. W. S. sad bereavement. May Heaven’s rich­ ers’ court, Tuesday, May 9th, the full Upon invitation of Mrs. Dunlap the Duniway of Portland will deliver tho est blessings rest upon them all is the board was present and the following and flavoring extracts. Village Improvement Club will hold its principal address while Charley Talmage sincere wish and prayer of bridge work within tho county decided Schilling's Best, however, next regular meeting in the Kindergar­ of McMinnville will speak on behalf of In the Pickett Building nearly opposite tbe Post Office where you will find upon. M rs . H. F. L ashier and F amily . lire pure and money-back. full stock of all kinds of ten -oom Tuesday afternoon, May 23rd, the native sons. Clerk authorized to advertise for bids ; (7 at two o’clock. Ladies will make a note BHACKTCTH, HIKNOI.K8, LATH, PICKETTS, LIME, F o r L a G r ip p e . for three bridges; in Diat. No. 22 repair , Alger has promised Senator McBride CEM ENT, VLASTKH, SLABS, NAILS, LOCKS. of the change of day and hour. * Schilling's B est of Parker bridge, and bridge near Thomas Whltefleld A Co., 210 Wa- H o u r s , m o u l d i n g s , b u i l d e r s h a r d w a r e . that Oregon shall have her share of the l:akifi|f powder tea Carlton. Stanley A Bond are now in the New­ flsvori’ij? ext: act* enrtee captured Spanish cannon. Yamhill bash-av., Jackson st., one of Chicago’s Bridge on Nye creek in Dist. No. 2or- ftuda a .«J »pices berg Meat Market and arc doing busi­ oldest and most prominent druggists, county ought to secure one to take the r A J A X I1ICYCLHS—o n ly $ 3 5 .0 0 , n nd g u a r a n te e d dereil repaired under supervision of ness in the best of style. A good sup­ recommend Chamberlain's Cough l!e- arc for you; for your neigh­ fo r A O g N e L n t Y fo place of Dr. Watts’ little brass cannon EAH. ply of fresh meat usually on hand. If niedy for la gripp, as it not only Commissioner Branson. ; that was used in jubilees over at LaFay- One of the “Twin" bridges on the bor too, and your grocer. you have fat stock to sell you will do gives a prompt and complete relief, hut ette for a number of years. ss well to see them before selling elsewhere. also counteracts any tendency of lu county road north of LaFayetto ordered For sale by repaired under supervision of George F. gripp to result in pneumonia, For sale Prof. F. K. Jones who has been a After the reading of a most excellent Sutton, Calkins & O '. Farhart. paper on “Truth” by Mrs Dr. Mills at member of the faculty in Pacific college by C. F. Moore A Co. New bridge on county road two miles for the past two years has resigned his the last meeting ofthe Village Improve­ eagt of Newlierg in Dist. 9 ordered built ment Club, the ladies were very agree­ position and has accepted the principal- c e n t. D is c o u n t under supervision of Commissioner ship of the Friends academy at New ably surprised by a delightful tea, ele­ On account of late shipments and Pearce. gantly served by the entertainment Providence, Iowa. Prof. Jones’ work In Dundee bridge, under same supervis­ committee, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Britt and the college has been very satisfactory backward spring we will close out our ion. S lim m e r lin t s nt 2.5 p er c e n t. and he will no doubt fill his new position Mrs. Spaulding. Shelton bridge, under samo supervis­ We have a large assort­ with credit to himself and to the satis- | D is c o u n t, Wanted—Three reliable ladies or gen­ faction of the patrons of the academy ment of L a d ie s a n d M isses S tr a w s ion. -Ts a pleasure when yon have a- Warner bridge in dist. 6 under samo tlemen to travel and represent an East­ I a n d M en 's n m l B o y s ’ S tr a w s a n d Rev. Levi D. Barr, of Hoisington, i C ra sh G oods. supervision. ern firm and establish agencies strictly Webfoot bridge in district 6 under salary from $30 to $90 per month and Kansas, who recently arrived in Oregon, I Yon can’t make money easier than same supervision. all expenses, also other positions for city attended the quarterly meeting of Friends ! buying from this stock. Willainina bridge at Willamir.a under work and throngh all this country. Call church held here last Saturday and Sun­ SUTTON, CALKINS A CO. supervision of Com. Branson. fp person with reference. F. P. D a v i s , day and most of the preaching was v s r r 1!«' S to c k a t th e I ’o s to ilic e 1» n o t la r j o hut It Is n e n t, w e ll s e le c te d a n d u p to d a te An K fra p riy f o r I.a G r ir p * « Sampson bridge in district I tinder General Traveling Manager. Newberg done by him. Rev. Barr is a man of fine appearance, and he is an excellent sing­ George W. WaiIt of Sooth Gardiner, same supervision. Hotel, May, 17, 18 and 19. er as well as a very forcible speaker. He Me., says: "f have had the worst The court also issued to Union Savings Dr. Henry Rasmus, of Portland, will has a happy faculty of diving right into cough, cold, chills and grip and have and Loan Association certificate of tax Inquire of the Postmaster lecture at Friends church this, Friday his subject without engaging in any taken lots of trash of no account but sale of » ', ne'4 lot 6 blk 3, except c 25 ft evening, his subject being “Tbe Valiey tiresome prefixes and with his clear, profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Edwards add to Newberg. Also certifi­ of Diamonds.” This will be the fourth ringing voice and easy and rapid flow of Cough Remedy is the only thing that cate of tax sale to s \ It 5 Mk9 Edwards number in the Union Lecture Course. language he has no trouble in holding has done any good whatever. I have aJd to Newberg.—Transcript. Dr. Rasmus ranks as one of the roost the attention of his audience. He con­ used one 50-cent bottle and the chills,' gifted orators in the Northwest and the templates sending for his family, con­ cold and grip have all left Die. I con­ 2 N o H lflit to rg lln « « i, people will want to take advantage of sisting of his wife and three children, gratulate the manufacturers of an hon­ The woman who i. lovely in fa*-*, form this opportunity to hear him. Admis­ with a view of remaining in Oregon for est medicine.” For »ale by C. F. and D-mper will always have frit-nds, hut., sion 20 cents, children 10 cents , some months at leaet. f Moore fr Co. one who would be attractive must ktsp* KIEN Dà’ C H U R C H .— SERVICES EVERY J i S u n d a y a i t 11 a, m . a n d 8 p. m . a n d T h u rs- a a y a t 2 p. m. S ab b ath school every Su n d ay a t m . M onthly m e e tin g a t 8 p. m th e first T uesday In each m o n th . Q u arterly m aetiug th e second S a tu rd a y a n d Sun d ay in F e b ru a ry . May, A u g u st a n d N ovem ber. W om an » For- sail------ mmmm • ig n M ' ihalonary Society meet» th ird S a tu rd a y in each m o n th a t 3 p. m. New lino of shirt waists at S. C. & Co. \ P F E L M E R P. D IX O N W W PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. K BUTT. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Staple & Fancy Groceries. UNDERTAKING Cloth, Y/ood & Metalic Caskets, and Coffins for Cheaper Grades. Supplies. New Store W. P. I1EACOOK, Proprietor Building Mat3rial Depot. per Letter Writing GOOD G R A D E o f S T A T IO For Rates Over the Northern Pacific Railroad. Q,uick time aud the best accommodations. They all take f liis route when they want solid Comfort.