esfesaeagg - ........ . NEEBERG GRAPHIC. The public when ho heard my request he at once to take us out in liia carriage , which offer wo gladly accepted. When i wo got hack the boat was not quite | ready to sail so Mr. C— took us out to his pineapple plantation, and gave us pineapples enough to last us the rest of the trip; just before tve started for his plantation lie bought some “ lays” from the numerous “ lay” girls. “ Lays” are flowers strung on a string and aro worn by the natives around their necks or on Y O U T H S S U IT S — their hats. Those he gave us were two Hoys’ Wool S h ir ts ............... *1 25 $ 50 Agre 1 3 t o l t t . shades of orange—the national colors. Boys’ Mixed Wool S h irts.. . 85 35 • *5 50 Si Where ever the natives noticed our col­ Macintoshes, Boys’ ............. 3 00 2 26 7 50 6 ors they tipped their hats and grinned a “ Men’s .............. 3 50 2 86 B O Y S ’ S L I T S $1 50 $1 23 e 00 7 pleased and radiant grin, for with tlieao ” “ 5 50 5 00 2 25 1 75 8 50 7 colors on they considered us their best “ “ C 50 5 19 £ 50 2 09 friends. It is tho custom to de,-or.ito C om forters............................. 75 63 3 25 2 97 departing friends with these “ lays ' ami 3 50 3 04 $ 5 50 ♦4 all manner of flowers; Miss B— and I A A - 3 29 a m 0 50 5 got such a lot tied around our arms, our 5 00 4 00 Our best grade high cut Box 10 00 7 necks and our h its, we were buried a l­ Cali leather lined shoes.. (3 65 (3 25 8 50 5 most. It is such a pretty fashion, isn’t 10 per cent, discount on all 11 00 9 it? The band played us out of the h a r­ other Boots and Shoes. T h at, stro llin g on my lo n ely way, 12 00 9 bor. The soldiers on the dock and the A m o m en tary g lim p se I c au g h t soldiers on the ship cheered, and so we W lm t S h a ll l i e D o n e W i t h t h e G o ld ? Of a fair d a ra te l d eep in thought. B en eath th e wall w hereby she stood said good hy to Honolulu, i t was nil I t is no longer novel inform ation L e a n t C upid in d e sp o n d in g m ood; very amusing except when the hand be­ th at th e w orld’s o u tp u t of gold lias be- F o r h ig h an d rugged w as th at w all __... .............. .. gan to play Home Bweet Home, th en I come gie.vti r th an th e o u tp u t ol both A nd C u p id is n 't very tall. began to remember how far afield I was gold an d silver was in coinparilively re­ H e tu rn e d h is tro u b led eyes to m ine, A n d c rie d "She is ray V alen tin e; going and tho tears came to my eyes in ' l l ' ANTED—HKVERAL TK US T W O It T II Y cent yeurs. T he gold o u tp u t has more A nd th o I laugh a t lo ck sm ith s all, spite of myself. f t persons In the state to m anage o u r b u s i­ th an doubled since 1891, an d nearly I h a te to ta c k le th is old w all.” iu th e ir ow n a n d n e arb y counties. It is Monday morning a lot of nativedivers ness doubled since 1892. Hut th is fact m akes m a in ly office w ork c o n d u c te d at hom e. Salary * Iu tr u t h ” q u o th I, “ th e w all is h ig h ; ...» .« * ••••••••• s tra ig h t $9 K) a y e ar a n d e x p en se s—definite, j came alongside our ship ar.d wo threw it th e more interesting t h a t th e p ro d ­ B u t d id It m o u n t to y o n d er sky, bonnfide, no m ore, n o less salary. M onthly $7.3. them money. It was comical to ste them R eferences. E n clo se self-a d d re sse d stam ped I 'd clim b it, w ere th e h o n o r m ine, -. IZs-x uct of th e U nited States, not including H e rb e rt E. H ess, P rest., Dept. M. To greet so sw eet a V a le n tin e .” all dive in a heap after one poor little envelope. bullion coming from th e Klondike or C hicago. [jenny. I wish I could swim as well as Mexico, continues to increase, th o u g h Aguanahlo says he has enough already not quite in proportion to thu t ol th e they. Another amusing incident just c t iv e s o l ic it o u s w a n t e d e v e r y - and U now anxious for peace. before wo pulled out. The Captain was w here for ‘‘The Story of the P h ilip p in e s ’ rest of th e world, ow ing to th e new [ by M urat H alstead, co m m issio n ed by th e Gov* i hurrying the Chinamen with the I e m in e n t as Official H isto ria n to th e W ar De- uhd rich Ileltl3 opened in South Africa, Coal—there came along a crazy Kanaka I p a rtm e n t. The book was w ritte n iu arm y An eminent New York physician says Australia and British Columbia. Since c im p s at San F rancisco, on the Pacific w ith , who used to be a sailor, who stood there G eneral M eritt, in the h o sp ita ls at H onolulu, th a t a good safeguard against the grip th e supply of metal used as money has H ong K ong, in the A m erican tre n c h e s at and ordered and directed as though he in is to keep the mouth closed. That is the so greatly ineicased, it becomes a prob­ M anila, in the in s u rg e n ts cam p w ith A guinaldo on the D eck of the O lym pia w ith Dewey, and i,’ .''-“Viesas owned tho ship, his favori e command comfortable no doubt. It would he lem, which nobody cares to tackle, how way with these doctors. Why in th e ro a r of battle a t tnc fall of M anila. Bo- | . • •” can ’t they prescribe something easy for it can be claimed with a n y appearance hard, however, to find more beautiful being, "all hands on deck,” and many tiauza for agents. B rim fu l of o rig in a l p ic tu re s i ta k e n by th e g o v e rn m e n t p h o to g ra p h e rs on th e 1 of tr u th th a t th e purchasing power of voices th an the Kanaka women have. times when the Captain would issue an spot. Large book Low prices. Big profits, j a fellow. : : reig h t paid. C red it giv en . Drop a ll tra sh y I gold has been increased hy its scars!ty. Sat. night after wo came hack from ex­ order he would swear at him and ask F unofficial w ar books. O utfit free. A ddress, ' n‘--v If the world’s gold production bus co n ­ ploring the town thero was a boat-load him what he meant hy interfering. By j F. T. B arber, s e c ’y S tar In s u ra n c e B ldg , C hi­ The old policy of “ you tickle tno and cago. ■ U '& í siderably more th an doubled since 1873, of Kanaka men and women came along­ and by he liegan the lioola hoola a danca / V* I ’ll tickle you’’ seems to be in full force side of the ship and sang a num ber of th a t the people arc much given to, at Salem when extravagant appropria­ when silver Is said to have been d e ­ their native songs. The voices and the a stiff legged double back action move­ tions for various grafts aru under con­ monetized, an d if half as m uch more language combined are so soft and ment of tho arms and body too funny sideration. A systematic method of rob­ silver lias since been added as th e sweet. The night we landed we were for anytiiing but not noted for grace­ whole world th en possessed, an d also b ery seems to lie tho order among the considerably over half as much gold as met by a number of the Hospital Corps, fulness. members of the legislature. I fully expected to ho seasick again tho whole world th e n posessed, w ith who escorted us about Iho town for an Office 2 doors w est of M oore’s Drug store. th e quantities w hich had sufficed for hour then took us back to the ship tired hut was not until a week ago, we had a T h e voice of the people is decidedly use in 1873 rem aining alm ost w holly out with our unusual exercise. Hono­ hard wind for almost three days en­ 1st. s tre e t, N ew berg, O regon. against making any more appropriations still in use somewhere, it would seem lulu looked little and dirty and altogeth­ tirely changing tho motion of tho ship for the stute fair, at least while it is un ­ an extremely violent supposition t h a t er nasty hut Sunday morning we took a making me nice and sick. Such a love­ d e r the present management, hut mem­ scarcity has made eith er metal dearer. drive out into the resi lence part where ly lazy trip I have had, [ do not in the T H E MAMMOTH. bers from other sections of the statu In fact, tile problem which will have the streets are wide and so smooth, we least know what I have done with tho whero (at appropriations aru wanted are most interest in tlie future is w hether drovo about until lunch. After lunch time. Standing iu with Salem in order to get gold has not declined in purchasing Capt. Hayes, tho I’urser and a friend of The only land wc have seen so far was what they want. An till round public power by reason of th e enorm ous new theirs living in Honolulu took all of us Assumption and Warrens Islands, we WATCHMAKER steal is likely to be the result. supplies, and if not, w hy not?—N ew girls who were going on, (the others hav­ went right between them hut they arc Established in 1850 ing already departed for duty), out driv- j only bare rocks, old volcanoes. As­ and JEWELER, York Tribune. ing. First we went out to Wiakik, to th e sumption looked not utiUko Mt. Hood A bill (or the “ protection of razor clams B U IL T AND C O N D U C TE D ON beach and all went iu bathing. Thero j with the snow off. Tonight we could ttnd crawfish'’ seems to meet with much A S h o r t S e r m o n t o l ' 03 'M. S 1 R IC T BU SIN ES S P R IN CIP LES | Solicits th e p a tronage of h is old In d ia n a was not the least chill in the air or the ! seo land if it wero not for the squal­ favor at the hands of the members of the A pair of twelve-year old hoys left F rie n d s w ho need w atch re p a irin g done. water. I could have stayed in all day. ; ly weather. It has not been ve-y hot legislature, while a hill for the taxing of good homes this week foshift fo rth e m - dogs introduced in the interest of sheep selves, says Senator F u n k , in the Spirit After a cup of tea wo drove over to the 1 all the way, only a sultry day now and 2 7 0 M o r r i s o n S t . ALWAYS UP When you buy The Oregonian you tlo nor PORTLAND, OR. park to a hand concert, the Hawaiian ] thon. owners is made sport of and voted down Lake, Io w a Beacon: TO DATE invest in a lottery. You get your taou-'y a hand, and they can play quite as well as j Two days out from Honolulu Captain us a good joke. In the opinion of a good worth, in both quantity and quality. Front t h a t age on for a half dozen many people several seats in the legis­ years th e outside world looks very in ­ they sing. Tho park is all cut up will) Smith (doctor in other words; vaccina­ little islands witli pretty little bridges ted all of us, so many of us have been lature aru being occupied by "clam s” viting to a hoy. If lie is not built ju s t The Oregonian is the only newspaper in Ore­ DAY AND this session and two years bunco the right, and few are, it seems like a h a r d ­ connecting llicm. Tho trees are beauti­ going about with sore arms—not I how­ N IG H T gon, Washington, Idaho and British Co: • i people will try to protect themselves ship to stny at home and he taken care ful, such thick ferny foliage. After tlie 1 ever it did not take. PR ESS taking both the day and night reports of the concert wo drovo about stopping at the R E P O R TS T onight I am sittin g up w ith a Miss ngainst their encroachments by electing of anil obliged to recognize Iho painful Associated Press. independence Hospital to seo the girls, West, poor girl sho has been sick all the men to the legislature in their places. fact that he is subject to parental a u ­ then hack to tire ship to dinner. In the w ay—dreadfully sick. thority. H e has not th e least idea n s The Oregonian has a larger special service T H E SPECIAL evening Mr. Dekuni, from 1’ortiand, j We are now in u dense fog, ju s t when COR­ anti expense an d FL O U R . FK B D , H A Y & G R A IN I t is estimated that during last year to how m u c h of care th an any other paper in the Northwest. Staff . . . . i Oro. called to see ns. Miss Bowman ; we need tine weather so we are headed RESPOND­ GARDEN & FLOW ER , ,, ,1 alone there was moro money taken out toil he lias caused, and is apt to care I , correspondents maintained at Olympia and Sa­ . . . . . . . , knew him in Portland, lie is a brother o f , home, ju s t barely keeping in motion ENCE SEEDS. lie Idle un derstands how .... . . . , ,, ,, , of Alaska from the salmon fisheries and very 3 little, lem, so th at state and legislative ne\v3 of Oregon SER VICE . . , . the owners of the Dckum blk. Monday until daylight. We are to s tart th rou gh the mines than the amount of the orig­ sore his ingratitude makes th e hearts morning bright and early we went and and Washington is gathered and printed in the straits around the head of the Is­ F ree D elivery. inal purchase money paid Russia for who have cheerfully sacrificed for him liought some mosquito nets, they aro a detail. , land and it is dangerous to try it w ith ­ Alaska by tho United States, and yet since he had being. He is such asollish perfect post in Honolulu and w ill ho in out good light. I t will m ake us twelve thero was just ns big a furore r a i led over ami silly anim al th a t he feels th e world Manila, (the mosquitos I mean, not tho ; TH E ORE­ The Oregonian Bureau a t Washington city E . C. W a r d & C o. hours luter getting in. I am having G O N IAN ’S th e proposed purchase at the time, hy to he Ids, an d all he has to tlo is to furnishes the paper with everything in national 1st. S treet, N ew berg, O regou nets). Hut. and Hun. nights we were su ch a good tim e I d o n 't very m uch W ASHING. th e doubting Thomases, us there is now shake home rule and enter upon joys of dreadfully bitten, looked as if wo had legislation and gossip which may affect the care only the poor boys m ay not get TO N being raised hy the so called anti-expan­ unbounded dominion. To most ofsiieh people of the Northwest states. This is in addi­ BUREAU had the small pox or something of the th eir X m as presents on time; th a t is sionists over the Philippine question. boys th ere comes a time when reflee- kind. Monday Miss Bowman and I took tion to and supplements the daily house, senate w h at tills trip is made for largely you Who is there now who will stand up and tion upon Illese foolish notions are ex­ dinner with tho engineers corps, took , and capitol reports of the Associated Press. know. cay that Alaska was not a valuable pur­ ceedingly humiliating, and th ey try to "p o t lin k ” with them, it was great fun j I wish you could sit down to d in n e r chase? The hind Site of some very prom­ assist hoys of th a t foolish ago to right EDITORIALLY The Oregonian prints more editorial th an any I just for once. We camo hack to town, I with mo some night. We have m uch inent men is often better than their fore­ ideas as to their debt to Iho home and other paper in its field. It is pre-eminently the hired bicycles and rode around until more of a variety ami better served than eight ami so it is likely to prove to he in th e perils an 1 hoartae'ies Involved in journal for thoughtful, Intelligent readers. It dinner time, the roads being perfect for in most first cluss hotels, and to ask for the consideration of the Philippine rebellion from home rule. Hut these, wheeling, I s a y wo hired wheels hut discards hollow, sensational matter, with which a n y th i n g is to p etit. The only th i n g question. like most lessons of life, m u s t lie learned many other papers are burdened. . , they were loaned to us, just because we th a t I h a v n ’t been able to get is some — in ilio too bitter sebo il of cx|HTience. were nurses from Portland. Mr. Pearson blue baby ribbon. The captain says he T h e many friends of Ella Higginson, Sometim es a tioy Is ready bullied ou t of j happened to coaie from there. It was draw s the lino at drygoods stores. Time Spent in Reading The th e brilliant writer of New Whatcom, the homo circle hy th e parents unlit to | th at way every place wo went for tho One night nt d in n er I asked for two Oregonian Is Time Gained In tlie reading m atter, illustrations, Washington, whose home was formerly he trusted w ith iho care of im m ortal j pieces of pie. ¡Since, I h av e h a d no general appearance, colored cover pages, in Oregon, will he interested in tho fol­ sou's. Children have rig h ts under liu tabic place I ever struck—we were going peace on the pie question. I am called and make-up Farm ers and business men turn to The Ore- FO R FARM ERS lowing news item taken from tho Tele­ m an an d divine laws, written and u n ­ to nurse tho soldier boys so were wel­ tho pie fiend, but not satisfied w ith AND gonian as the indispensable record and direc­ gram : Carrie Ulake Morgan is the name written, w hich should lie respected come to the best tho land afforded, th a t fora joke, I was given a cotton pie, B U SIN ESS tory of commercial affairs. Accurate and r e ­ signed to a very interesting story e n ti­ Hod pity th e l>oy ami h av e mercy on MEN i Monday night we went to the theatre, a whole pie, and asked to servo it. Of liable. tled " F o r Pity’s Hake,” contributed to the domestic ty ran t when these rights such a funny mixed up crowd, nation­ course I asked everyone if lie or she is co m m a n d in g a first p'acc a m o n g : the Y'outh’s Companion of January 19. are Ignored. Much cases, itowever, are alities from tho four corners of flic would have .some pic. As th e y nil popular-priced periodicals, receiving TH E “ AD.” Great bargains are noted in the display and Perhaps but few know th at the author so extrem ely rare t h a t th e boy who earth, the Kanaka women in full force know the natu re of the in ternal a r­ th ousands of new readers th roug hout COLUM NS classified columns of The Oregonian. Those lives in Portland. Mrs. Morgan was w ants to leave homo is alm ost always in their lava lavas just the same as on rangem ent nobody w anted any hut ' the entire cou n try each m onth. I t is born in Indianapolis. While yet a child at fault. who watch them save enough money to get the street, other ladies in full dross and myself, so the laugh was on me. distinctly a publication for the home, their paper free. she eatuc to Oregon with her parents iu not a woman with a hat on and very and each issue contains reading of We wifi get into Manila harbor about tho early ’COs hy tho ox-team route. A N B A V O V A t l K rt» M A M l . t . few with wraps so mild is the climate. 3 <>. in. tomorrow. I cannot reallzo m uch interest to every m em ber of the They livod hi the (¡rand Itondc vnllev a I’.t tlt ll W r i t e » a n I n t e r e s t ­ Wo felt like sitting on our hats they th at m y Journey is soon to end. I will family. W ith a splendid array of 12 Pages a Week lew years, coming to Portland in 18(19. Mr* i n C g li L r f e f tt t t f e n r o —A S t o p at H o n o l u l u on 82 Columns •• looked so out ol place. Kverybody rides, give this to th e purser to n ig h t so th a t Their home was situated where tho Tele­ T im e ly I l l u s t r a t e d A r t ic le s , th e W ay . 624 Pages a Year too lazy lo walk any place. Tuesday we it will reach you as soon as may he. gram office now stands. For a num ber 4368 Columns " B r ig h t A ttra c tiv e D ra w in g s, Mrs. Bedell, sister of Miss Mellic Doug­ took a ride on tho only railroad tho ! ol years Mrs. Morgan wished to give her las and Prof. J. if. Douglas, who sailed A n d C lo v er S h o r t S to r ies. All the news well written. Island affords. Tho road follows th e ntH'rtlon to literary work, but the care from Han Francisco on the last trip of B ijo k l t n '» A r n ic a S a lv e . Articles describing Western scenes and Inci­ from the peas of the best American coast, so that wo have the stiri breaking dents. ol uti invalid mother prevented. A rti­ the St. Paul for Manila, going ns an a r ­ The best salve in the world for Cuts, writers an d cleverest artists, th is m ag ­ on tiia rocks in beautiful rainbow colors Stories of love and adventure by well-known cles which she found time to prepare my nurse, writes as follows beginning authors. Men­ on one side and the rieo plantations, ba­ Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, azine certaiuly will please you. however, were always promptly accept­ December 7-’98. "Heven days out from Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Brilliant illustrations by newspaper artists. nanas, pineapples and sugar cane on the tion this paper anti send for a sample ed by the magazines, thereby giving her ' Honolulu. Interesting sketches and literature for boys Day before yesterday we other with hits of rod land showi ng hero Chilblains, Corns and all Snin Eruptions, copy. and girls. eoutideueo in her ability. For two years met tho Hcnmlia, homeward bound. and there ip the midst of the green ami positively cures Piles, or no |>av re­ Fashion articles and Illustrations for women. THU N A TIO N A L M A G A Z IN E, she has been a constant contributor to ! Thinking |>crlinps wo might he able to quired. Satisfaction or money refunded. Ileitis. The man who owns tho I di do J>1 B e d f o r d S t., B o s t o n , M a ss, I.ippineott’s. Mrs. Morgan comes of a j send some letters we hustled mound an 1 For sale by C. near which wo ate c a r lunch gave ns Price 55 fonts per box. literary family. Ella lligginson, the got them ready but to no avail. T he; Those Who Once Take The J o e M i t o i i k u . C itA rn .E . Publisher. some poi, a native dish very much F. Moore A Co. well known writer, is her ¡•¡•ter. Oregonian Won’t Do Without It Captains only said ' V i ' s well" and p i « - ! thought »f l»y tlie Kanakas. To us it sol on. We will not moot another boat I > >kod not unlike hill paste and tasted W ee k ly , o n e y e a r ....... M if r tl f r O f 1 tM li- O n l tiry I n n o r r n t s . 'octween this and Manila. Monday af- I shoal 1 fancy about like it too. Revised 50 W ee k ly . 6 m o n t h s .. .. ........ 73 "Bethlehem was little among the ternon was Tuesday, so I am ra th e r i ('upturn Soiith hired a C hinam an to W ee k ly , 3 m o n th s ....... Subscription 50 S u n d a y , p e r y e a r ........................................... .............. 2 00 thousands of Ju d a h ,” writes Mrs. I.ew mixed as to time ete. Gut right again cl’nih a oocoanat treo and get us some Rates..... S u n d a y , r, m o n th s .................................! ” ” ! ” "*****” 1 00 Having located in Newberg again we desire to thank the public for I>;i !y. w ith S u n d a y , pe r m o n t h Walla«» in the February I.atllet’ Home when I come itack. Well to return t o ' green nuts; when the Chinaman camo So D a il y. S u n d a y e k ee p te d . p e r y e a r ...................... 7 50 By Moil past patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Journal. "W e aro told that probably Honolulu, we stayed there Irom Hat. with them, Capt. said: "N ow don't D a il y, w it h S u n d a y , p e r vear .*.......... I ! 1II111 II1I ’ 9 00 Postage Pre­ D a ily , w it h S u n d v. 6 m o n t h s .............................. 5 00 not over thirty children fell under the night un'il Weil, noon tilling up the look around," hut of course we did and paid in • a as * T o C it y S u b s c r i b e r * — Advance D t ly. p e r w e e k de livere d. S u n d a y s e x c e p t - d IS order of llernd. T h . murder of tho in ­ time with as much pleasure as could there stood the man with no clothes on ; Wo caxtt a fu ll lin o of D a lly , p e r w e ek , d e liv e re d . S u n d a y * in c lu d e d ......... 20 nocents ol the nlntccnth century is n possibly ho crowded into so short a space ! except a short jacket—he d id n 't min i march to untimely graves, not by order of time. Saturday morning when t h e ' si « hv should wt W e h t d two hours T H E ..,. To old subscribers who Increase our lists, the of a wrathful King, hut under what is Hawaiian Islands came into sight, even to eat our lunch, catch our train back to O REGOM AM terms are as follows: F or each new yearly claimed to be the finest free school sys­ the two or throe people who had been tho city an 1 our dinner, la the even­ FR EE subscription you send us. accompanied by the tem in tho world. Go into any public sick all th e way came up on deck an I ing Mr. Pokura and another Portland llaviug now on hand about money ($1.50) you will be credited three months school and yon will see girls pallid as gazed their fill and forgot that they were man took us to another Intuì concert, on your own paper—The Weekly. When you 1093 day lilies, and boys w ith ll it chests an I ever sick. Honolulu is quite ns lovely ice cream an I a long moonlight ride. I have sent in three subscriptions you have credit th e waxen skin th a t lias lieen name I the as people say it L*. Such intense green, wish you could see it al! as I did, lovely with us for a year. Do a little missionary work school complexion. Every incentive yellows, reds, even th e soil itself is a l­ it surely was, i will dream dream s of it with your neighbors and get you »Vet k . v Or »- and stimulus is held out: dread of most lose red in many places. However for many days to come. gonian free. blame, love of praise, prizes, m - la l s , there is one blur on this beauty of the Wednesday morning we did a little badge«, the coveted ttourish in the news­ landscape—th e native women after they shopping, came back at eleven accord­ Address...... papers—the strain never slackens. are twenty years old or about that, lose ing to agreement as wo expected to sail At the expiration of this time stock will be shipped to Portland. Watch the long lines filing past, each all I heir beauty, get t it and greasy look­ at twelve. I ran up to the (’a p t’s, room TH E OREGON* AN pupil carrying books—three, tour, five— ing ; to add to this beauty ?) they wear and asked him to let ns go out to tiie All kinds of goods bought and sold. PORTLAND. O Rft.ON Will exchange new goods for to be studied st night in hot rooms hy nothing hut mother H ubbard gowns; to hospital as wo wanted to see the girls old. Respectfully, fierce, sight-destroying lights. Time I k - sure they are often very fancy hut are and tell them goodhy—Mr. Cammer- '« as when spectacles went with age. mother Hubbards pi»t the Vc mon a frienj of the ('apt. was there, and They are no sign of ago now. Many must wear glasses to help eyes worn prematurely old by night work. igSL'KU KVKKY FRIDAY MOORING. "Said a thoughtful father, ‘my eh¡1 I- ren havo no child life. They aro strain ­ E . H . W o o d w a r d , E d it o r & P l r i . i h ii e r . ing up a grade, talking about exam ina­ tions. W hen is their playtime if not now, and what has become of the light­ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1899. hearted boys? School is never out. Even in the fields the butterfly and the X u a« le e o n i! elm s m u tie r at th e poatoülce ut N ew berg, Oregon. tree-toad aro turned into object lessons, and the grasshopper is torn to pieces in order to he instructive. When I wag a boy, and school let out, we were gay and free. We studied in schooltiuie, and in playtime there was no thought of anything hut play.’ I do not un der­ value education ; it is greatly to ho de­ sired, hut over-education is slaying its thousands. The burden is hooks. The tasks imposed on the young are fearful. The effort seems to he to make t e x t ­ books as complicated as possible, instead of smoothing the hill so high and hard « •T w u on Saint V a len tin e's fam ed day, to climb.” s c h o o ls te a c h a l­ m o s t e v e ry k n o w n b r a n c h o f s tu d y h u t tile one m i. t im p o r ta n t b ra n c h o f a lt. W h a t d o e s it p to fit jo o u r so n an in te l­ i f lie lia s a) le c t lik e a N e w to n , / - a m t is m e n ta lly an A d m ira l C ric h to n , i f h e h a s a w e ak and p u n y body ^ n a n d n o t th e re- m o te s t id e a o f h o w to c a re for h is h e a l t h ? A ; b o y s li o u 1 d b e ta u g h t from th e s t a r t tli a t hi . h e a lth is h is m o st p re c io u s e n d o w ­ m e n t. W ith o u t he a lth , a ll th e ta le n t, all th e g e s iu s , a n d a ll th e a m b itio n :,i th e w o rld a re w o rth le s s. A b oy s h o u ld be ta u g h t th a t s u c c e ss in a n y w a lk o f life, th a t h a p p in e s s , a n d life it : If. a re d e p e n d e n t u p o n h is c a re o f liis h e a lth . W h en a m a n feels th a t h e is lo s in g h is h e a lth a n d v ig o r, w h e n h is c h e e k s no lo n g ­ e r g lo w , h is s te p is n o lo n g c t e la s tic a n d th e s p a r k le o f h e a lth is n o lo n g e r in h is e y es, h e s h o u ld w o rk le ss, re s t m o re an d re s o rt to th e r ig h t re m e d y to re s to re h is b o d ily v ig o r. I)r. P ie rc e ’s G o ld e n M ed ic a l D isco v e ry is a n a tu r a l m e d ic in e —a s c ie n tif­ ic m e d ic in e . I t d o e s n o v io le n c e to n a tu re . It w o rk s w ith a n d n o t a g a in s t n a tu re . It p ro m o te s th e n a tu ra l p ro c e ss e s o f s e c re tio n a n d e x c r e tio n . It im p a rts v ita lity a n d powre r to th e w h o le s y ste m . I t g iv e s . p lu m p n e s s a n d c o lo r to th e c h e e k s , s p a rk le to l)l(. t yes, s te a d in e s s to th e n e rv e s, s tre n g th to th e m u s c le s a n d th e a n im a tio n o f h e a lth to th e w h o le b o d y . I t m a k e s th e a p p e tite k e e n a n d h e a rty . It is th e g re a t b lo o d -m a k e r, fle s h -b u ild e r a n d n e rv e -to n ic a n d re s to ra tiv e . M e d ic in e d e a le r s s.-ll it a n d h a v e a b s o lu te ly n o th in g e ls e " j u s t a s g o o d .” “ I was sffiieted with pim ples nml lw,ils. ami ru n n in g sores on face a nd neck," w rites Robert ft. Wert. Ivsq., o f No. 615 Calloway Ave., Colum­ bus, Oído. " I took Dr l*i< rce's (tolden Medical Discovery and T ic a ran t Pellets,' and was cured." C o n s tip a tio n is th e c o m m o n e s t b e g in n in g a n d first c a u s e o f m a n y s e rio u s d is e a s e s a n d it s h o u ld a lw a y s be tre a te d w ith Dr. P ie rc e ’s P le a s a n t P e lle ts u s e d in c o n n e c tio n w ith th e " D is c o v e r y .” T h e s e a re th e m o s t p e rfe c t n a tu ra l lu x a liv e s a n d p e rm a n e n tly c u re . — In order to reduce our Stock to make room for— i offered SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, v We offer you the following reductions for Casli Ouly until MARCH 1, 1899. NEWBERG CLOTHING HOUSE. A ELMER P. D IX O N DENTIST JOHN A. BECK, O r e c io n la o Feed & Seed Store Here is Something You Want! TBE NATIONAL MAGAZINE j The Weekly Oregonian CONTAINS: HARDW ICK & CO. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, NEW & OLD, DISHES AND TINWARE. 400 Pairs of Children’s & Ladies SI which will be sold for about 25c. on the dollar, FOR T E N D A Y S ONLY. HARDWICK & CO. 00 50 50 so 50 49 98 98 G2 87