% I \ N E W BE R G G R A P H IC S I H S t K I P I IO V h, Y..» NEW BEKG NEWBEKG UA ............. - a - M e r l a t i » F r i r e F a r e k le a h lr I h A S v h h m . at at GRAPHIC. A EVENTS OE THE DAY 1*V K R I 'I S U . X J R S I KNi Waa Oalnmn.......... ..................Twenty Pollan Halt C o lu m n ......................................... T u n P ollan Professional Cards ......- ............. Pella» O»* I h veri Address. Omarino. Newbara, On«oa. G R A P H IC . S m S I b i M » t ir e s w i l l He In s e r t e d I k e r a t e e f T e a e cH te p e r M a s . VOL. X I. LATER NEW BEKG, NEWS. It is believed that the battle at Ma* nil* w ill hasten the tatification of the m aty with Spain by congress. Y A M H IL L C O U N T Y , OR EG ON, CLASH OF ARMS F R ID A Y , M O N U M E N T T O MAINE HEROES. R esolu tion Adopted by the H o u s e o f Congress. FEBRUARY 10, 1899. OREGON'S S0L0NS. EXPRESS Lower In itia tiv e and K e fere ml mu Tusses the NO. RATES ON 12. FRUIT. B i l l I n t r o d u c e d In S e n a t e a t O l y m p i a C u llin g fo r a R e d u c tio n . a« k tv w IM a c Mils OeUeoted Monthly* ¡FOSTER FOR SENATOR Washington, Feb. 6.— In the senate When the McLean 8^-cent per mile S e i i u t e — C o n v i c t s t o Bu W o r k e d railroad and transportation bill came the president pio tempore presented a ou M arion County K o a d *. up in tiio Washington senute Tuesday, The Choice of Washington memoiial from tiie Chamber of Com­ it was at once referred to tiie commit­ merce of New York, uiging ratification Legislature. Eight bills were passed in the Oregon tee on railways and transportation. of tiio peace treaty. Hale, cliuiiman senate last Wednesday ami two were Tiie usury and interest-rate bill was of the naval affairs committee, favora­ j referred to tiie judiciary committee. A bly reported the following joint tesolu- | recommittted for amendment. San Francisco is to have a world’s Four of tiie bills passed were to disposition not to approve of the house NOMINEE OF REPUBLICAN CAUCUS TE RSE TIC KS FROM T H F WIRK.S i fair in 1901. It is to he known as tire tion, and it was adopted: “ Tiie secretary of tiie navy is hereby 'amend tiie chatter of Lakeview, Can- bill fixing tiie rate on state warrants | Pacific Ocean and International Expo- at 6 per cent manifested itself during authorized to have erected in Colon | yon City, Seaside and Hilshoro. I sition. W i l s o n W i t h d r e w In H i s F a v o r , a n d t h e A n In te re s tin g C o llectio n o f Ite m s F ro m Looney’s hill to provide for working the discussion. cemetery at Havana, Cuba, a suitable Turkey is making military prepara­ A n k e u y -H u m e s Forces B olted state convicts on about 125 miles of th e T w o H em isp h eres Presen ted Bills introduced weie: Reducing granite monument to the memory of tions in view of a possible Macedonian t h e Caucus. I Marion county roads, between state in­ express rates on fruit to 70 per cent of iu a C o n d e n s e d F o r m . the sailors and marines who lost their uprising. Bulgaria is also hastily or­ stitutions, and appropriating $3.500 the rate now iu force, and on all other lives by the destruction of the Maine, Iowa mineworkeis are making an ganizing and arming troops. and whose remains are buried in that for su|ierintendence and buying tools, express matter to 80 per cent of tiie Addison G. Foster, of Tacoma, who effort to have eight hours declared a President McKinley lias presented to T w e n t y A m e r i c a n S o l d i e r s K i l l e d , a n d cemetery, and to suitably inscribe and passed by a vote of 127 to 7. present rates; for an additional su­ received 58 votes in tiie Republican Tiie bill to make a poison who vol­ perior court judge in Spokane comity; day’s work. Charles A. Schott, chief of the comput­ 1 7 5 W o u n d e d —E n e m y ’ * L o s s K u n a enclose such monument, and tiie sum cauous held Tuesday evening. waB at I n t o t h e T h o u s a n d s —N e w s o f the of $10,000 is apptoptiated for that pur­ untarily charges a crime against an­ compelling inineowners to keep on 12 o’clock Wednesday elected to repre­ Native troops are to be utilized in ing division of the United States coast other before a justice of peace or grand B a t t l e C o n fir m e d b y G e n e r a l O tis. band a supply of mine timber for tiie sent tiie state of Washington at the na­ pose.’ ’ Cuba and American soldiers gradually and geodetic survey, tiie prize recently conferred upon him by tire Academy of Harris offered the following resolu­ jury pay the cost, in oase tiie prosecu­ use of employes; re-establishing munic­ tional capital. withdrawn. tion piove malicious or frivolous finally Manila, Feb 7.— The long-expected France. ipal oourts in Tacoma, Seattle and tion, which he asked might lie on the The nomination of Foster in tiie can- A syndicate composed of American, passed, as did a bill to prevent swine i Spokane, cos Tuesday night was brought about Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, founV gnilty rnptnre between tiie Americans and tiie table: Canadian, English and French capital­ miming at large in Hliernian county, Filipinos has come at last. Tiie former “ That the United States hereby dis­ by tiie Wilson following coming over In th e House. ists, is making an effort to secure con­ by a San Francisco court of the murder claims any intention or purpose to ex­ and a bill to reduce tiie salaries of to Foster late in the atternoon. They are now engaged in solving tiie Philip­ of Mrs. John P. Dunning, lias been A letter was teceived in the bouse trol of all the railroads itt Cuba now ercise permanent sovereignty, jurisdic­ Washington county officers. signed an agreement to Biippoit him in sentenced to prison for life, tire judge Tuesday from Speaker Thomas B. Reed, pine problem with tiie utmost expedi­ building and in operation, and all to tion or control over tiie Philippines In t h e House. refusing a new trial. The case will be tion possible. of the national house acknowledging tiie canons. To his intimate friends, be constructed hereafter. appealed. Tiie reconsideration of the Woodburn tiie compliment paid him by the Wash­ Wilson stated tiiat he bad expected lie clash came at 8:40 yesterday anil assert their determination when a The bishop of Havana has declared stable and inde|>endent government support from various sections of tho Tire commission to investigate the evening, when three during Filipinos shall have been erected therein, en­ charter hill was tiie occasion for an­ ington house of representatives in the that Preotestant services cannot be held state tiiat did not come to him, and other spirited forensic battle at tiie ses­ adoption of hia rules. darted past the Nebraska regiments at conduct of tire war is devoting all of its over tire graves of the Maine victims in The H ill, bill 189, for a constitutional that although he had promised from Santa Mesa, but retiled when chal­ titled to lecognition as such, to trans­ sion of tiie house Wednesday. Columbus cemetery, as it reconsecrated energies to closing up its report. Tire lenged. They repeated the experiment fer to such government upon terms bill, however, passed by a vote of 85 amendment to exempt $300 of peison- day to day that lie would make a bet­ ronglr draft is practically completed, ground. Americans were preparing to without drawing tiie sentries’ file, but which shall be reasonable and jnst all j to 15; absent, 10. A motion to recon­ nl property from taxation, was indefi­ ter showing, he had to admit tiiat he decorate the graves on the anniversary and copies are being made of tire docu­ at the third time Corporal Gieeley rights seemed under the cession by sider the vote by wliioli tiie bill was de­ nitely postponed but house bill No. 17 could not bring to him support that he ment, so far as it is ready. of the explosion. challenged the Filipinos and then fired, Spain, and to tiierupon leave tiie gov­ feated January 27 passed unanimously. for tiie same purpose, was amended had counted upon. It wag then agreed It is said administration officials are killing one of them and wounding an­ ernment and control of tiie islands to tiiat his men should lie released. There­ Other hills passed were: To amend and advanced to its third reading. The Central Cable Company an­ urging tire president to endeavor to en­ the charter of Arlington; to incorporate j Bills introduoed were: Appropriat­ upon tiie Foster managers opened ne­ other. Almost immediately afterward their people.” nounces that tiie United States govern­ list the services of Aguinaldo in the In accordance with previous notice, Medford; to fix tiie compensation of ing $593 for the relief of Frank G. gotiations to take Wilson’ s men into tiie Filipinos’ line from Calocan to ment in tire Philippines Iras modified settlement of tire Philippine question, Money began tiie discussion of expan­ tlieasses8or of Jackson county at $1,900 Kiesow, to reimburse him for interest camp, wliioh they did vety gracefully. the recent prohibition of telegrams in as Ire has tire services of General Go­ sion, speaking in op|iosition to taking ! per annum in lieu of per dietn; to on olaitus arising ont of the construc­ cipher or code. Messages in secret lan­ mez in the pacification of Cuba. tiie Philippines. Money concluded at create a separate board of county com­ tion of tiie Cheney normal school build­ guage may now be accepted, subject to 2 o’clock, and Daniel then addressed missioners for Clatsop county. Lord Charles Beresford, tire distin­ ing; allowing three months from date government cnesorship. the senate on the same subject. guished British naval officer and states­ The following bille weie introduced: of publication of administrator’s notice The senate committee on naval man, w ill arrive in San Francisco on To nmend tiie charter of Medford; to to present claims ugainst tiie estate of O p p o s itio n to T e s t V ote. affairs lias decided upon favorable re­ the Japaneso steamer American Maru, incorporate Enterprise; to repeal the a deceased person; prescribing a coda Washington, Feb. 6.— Tiie contro­ port on the bill providing for addi­ due on February 11, ami the chamber ict providing for tiie payment of street of mining laws; exempting mutual fire versy in the senate ovei tiie vote upon tional pay to laborers in navy-yards of commerce is arranging for a public tnd sewer assessments iu installments. associations from tiie license require­ tiie various resolutions interpretative who worked overtime during tlie emer­ teceptioii to the Englishman. ments of tiie state law; making wages of tiie peace treaty took an acute turn gency of war with Spain. The amount In itia tiv e and Referendum . and salaries of all agents and employes A battle between American troops late today. Tiie opposition to a vote required is about $300,000, and about The resolution for an initiative and and insurgents began at 8:45 Saturday 6,000 men are involved. first came from the friends of tiie referndum amendment to the constitu­ of comities, municipalities and school night at Manila, which last into Sun­ treaty, who held to the theory that it tion pnssed tiie senate last Thursday, districts subject to garnishment ami General Otis cables the war depart­ day, the insurgents being tire aggressors. could be ratified without compromise. having previously passed tiie house, attachment for nil debts contracted in ment, giving the number of deaths in Twenty Americans were killed and Those who apparently were then w ill­ snd is ready for submission to tiie next the state, subject to exemption for his command since January 7. The heads of families. about 176 wounded. The loss of the ing that a vote should he taken today legislature. total is 19, many of whom died of The house bill making the district insurgents is estimated to run into the held un opposite view, and absolutely Tiio American Bar Association’s codi­ smallpox. The greater number of thousands. Naval vessels took part in refuse to agree to a time fot taking a fication of laws relating to negotiable tliut remains when division occurs to deaths were of Kansas, Colorado, Cali­ establish a new school district respon­ the battle by shelling the insurgents’ vote. paper pasaeil both houses. The Curtis fornia and Pennsylvania privates. In sible for debts for permanent improve­ position. The contest occurred in the execu­ hill limiting tiie number and salaries the list appear tiie names of Allen E. ments, was advanced to tiiird reading. tive session, which did not occur until of professors in tiie state university The situation at the mining camp of Carlyle, private, First Washington, Bills killed were: Relating to pub­ a quarter after 6 o’clock. The next passed the house after a sharp discus­ January 16, typhoid; Earld A. Jeans, Independence, 18 miles from Aspen, lic instruction; for a constitutional hour and a qunter was spent in a vain sion. HOM. A O M S O N U. FO STI R. OP.W. F ifTT.TO AO TTT7VAT.no. First Washington, January 26, ty­ Colo., is oritical in the extreme. Star­ amendment to govern alien ownership endeavor on one side to get art agree­ H ill’s pilotage bill, which pnssed tho phoid; Wistar Hawthorne, private, vation stares the inhabitants of tiie o( teal estate; fixing rutes of interest Santa Mesa commenced a fnsilade When Speaker Gnie, of the house of ment to a date for a vote upon tiie house a week ago, was reported by the town in the face. Provisions and fuel Second Oregon, diphtheria. resolutions, and on the other in a more senate committee on commerce and on county, school and municipal war­ representatives, called tiie caucus to supplies are nearly exhausted. Wood which was ineffectual. rants; tnuking county wurrants receiv­ Cnban General Gomez refuses to The Nebraska, Montana and North successful effort to bring tiie day’s ses­ navigation with amendments striking order, Senator Wilshire, of Seattle, that had been ent and piled for winter able fur county taxes. disband his army unless paid nearly representing the united King county use lies buried under many feet of Dakota outposts replied vigoiously, and sion to a close without allowing any­ out a large part of the bill and leaving $60,000,000. lie claims to have 40,000 and Ankeny forces, stated that tiie ob­ snow, and cannot be renolied. Roads held their ground until reinforcements thing to be accomplished iu that di­ it without direct bearing on liar pilot­ R E A P P O R T I O N M E N T B I L L . men under arms, for which lie asks ject of the caucus call, under which rection. leading to Aspen, the only source of arrived. age ami placing tiie ap|ioiiitment of t,»y ibr three years’ service, at tiie same Tiie Filipinos in the meantime con­ After a general debate on the subject pilot commissioners in tiie hands of the R e c o n s i d e r a t i o n F a i l e d I n t h e H o u s e they were opetating was signed with supply for Independence, are impassa­ rate as given American soldiers. For a t N a le n t . tiie understanding tiiat tiie caucus, as a ble. Snowslides are so frequent be­ centrated at tiiree points, Calocan, Ga- tiie senate adjourned. governor. Tiie amendments were nis own services in the past he wants tween Aspen and Independence that it galangin and Santa Mesa. The effort to obtain reconsideration whole, was to select a man for senator, adopted, and tiie hill passed, 21 to 5. $11,000 a year, tiie same as paid an A t abont 1 o’clock the Filipinos DYEA AND SKAGWAY. is almost suioiual to venture on the The only change in tiie present law is of the reapportionnient bill in tiie and tliut it was unfair for any part of American lieutenant-general, lie has opened a hot fire from all three placeB route. to make river pilotage not compulsory. house Tuesday, whicli gave promise of the members to organize within tiie about 200 brigadier-generals, who de­ T h e y M a y l i e C e d e d t o t h e D o m i n i o n o f simultaneously. Tiiis was supplement­ In tiie senate Thursday a resolution a bitter fight at tiie close of the session caucus and decide upon tiie man to he Canada by Treaty. mand pay at the rate of $5,500 annually Fine buildings covering half a block ed by the fire of the two seige guns at to authorize tiie exchange of tiie old Monday, has failed. After a dehate ■elected. Tiiis statement was received for three years past, besides numerous in the heart of the hnsinesss portion of Balik-Balik and by advancing their Washington. Feb. 6.— If the report blind institute site for a lilock adjoin­ of over an hour, tiie decision of the with indulgent smiles by tiie Foster other officers, whose pay aggregates Columbus, O., were destroyed by fire. ■k irmisheis from Paco and Pundacan. of their subcommittee ¡ b adopted, as ing tiie present site of the blind insti­ speaker in holding that tiie hill iiad men. A t the conclusion of tiie Wil- $3,783,000. Tiie Americans responded with a ter­ seems possible if not probable, a slice tute, owned by J. II. Albert, was the passed beyond tiie jurisdiction of tiie shire statement, tiie Ankeny men, with The transports, Ohio and Senator, The North German Gazette again bearing the Twenty-second infantry to rific fire, but owing to the darkness of Alaska territory, embracing tiio en­ speeial order, and, after a vote curry­ house was sustained by a vote of 32 tu the exception of Gose, of Walla Walla, denies tiie rumor that Prince Hohenlohe the Philippines have sailed from San they were unable to determine its effect. trance to the Klondike, may be coded ing tho resolution was nearly complet­ 20; absent 7. Ankeny’s home bolted. The Utah light artillery finally suc­ to Great Rritain in treaty to he adopt­ ed, it was recommended on a state­ contemplates resigning tiie imperial Francisco. Wednesday was tiie anniversary of Stillman's amendments to tiie house ceeded in silencing the native battery. ed by tiie Anglo-American commission. ment from Selling that lie had jnst rules providing for reference of bills tha election of John L Wilson. chancellorship. A freighting party was caught in a Tiie subcommittee’ s repoit, it is heard something about it that needed before being read and ordered printed Twenty children are reported to have snow slide in Lincoln gulch, nine The Third artillery also did good work saiil, comes dangorously near to putting investigation, T h e N e w Senator. in tiie interest of economy of time and been drowned by an ice disaster at tiie miles above Aspen, Colo., and it is be­ on the extreme left. Tiie engagement Skagway and Dyea under British con­ lasted over an hour. Addison G. Foster was born in Tiie following hills were passed: expense was adopted, and tiie senate village of Warpuhnen, Boirlieim, re­ lieved five men were killed. Tiie United States cruiser Charleston trol, leaving to tiie Americans, how­ To constitute tiie county court a board concurrent resolution adopting the Beiehertown. Muss., 61 years ago. cently. The second battalion of tire Seven­ and the gunboat Concord, stationed off ever, tiie control of the headwaters of Oregon grape as tiie state flower was Katiy in life hi* parents removed to The president lias nominated Colonel teenth infantry are en route to Manila Malabon, opened fire from their second­ tiie Lynn canal, by which both ul of equalization for county assessment; Illinois, and when a voting man, Mr. to extirpate Russian and Chinese concurred in. Asa 13. Carey, assistant paymaster-gen­ via New York. They sailed from that ary batteries on the Filipinos' position these supply towns are reached. Shorwin’s heet-sugar bill, which was Foster's fathei located in Central W is­ thistles; to appropriate $4,000 for the eral, to be paymaster-general, with the port on tire transport Sherman. at Calocan and kept it up vigorously. defeated by five votes in the house last consin. There young Foster had his Oregon Historical Society. T o K i l l A ll F o re ign er.. rank of brigadier-general. A t 2:45 there was another fnsilade The largest combination of whisky week, was this afternoon passed by tiie first experience in lumbering. He as­ In th e House. San Francisco, Feb. 6.— In the sto­ A terrible blizzard was general and distilling interests yet attempted along tiie entire line and the United Tiie greater portion of tiie forenoon narrow maigin of one vote, tiie affirma­ sisted his father in clearing a farm in ries of tiie minders of missionaries and throughout tiie Mississippi valley on has been concluded in New York, un­ States sea-going double-turreted moni­ tiie Wisconsin forcBts, and inter moved foieign residents recently in China, de­ session of tiie house Thursday was tive vote being 31, negative 27, and tiie 29th and 30th of January, reaching der the title of the Kentucky Distillers tor Monadnock opened fire on tiie ene­ to Wabasha, Minn. A t that p'ace its given up to hearing repoits of standing two members being absent. tails of a particularly barbarous affair my from off Maiate. as far south as St. Louis. & Warehouse Company. In addition to tiie sugar-beet bill, was elected, while a young man, coun­ committees. In addition to this, two at Chongan Chiniig, involving tiie life With daylight the Americans ad­ ty surveyor, and latei courtv auditor. Three representatives of 40 German Negotiations for the consolidation of of an Englishman named Fleming, and bills were passed and eight new bills the following other bills were passed; To prohibit tiie driving of fish-trap These were the only public offices lie families in the East are looking over the leading pottery inteiests have been vanced. The California and Washing­ Evangelist Pan, have been wanting. introduced. the Pacific Noitliwest with a view to concluded in New York by the forma­ ton regiments made a splendid charge J. R. Adams, of tiie Chinese inland Tiie bills passed were those by Cur­ piles so aa to interfere with navigation; ever accepted. While at Wabash, he and drove tiie Filipinos from tiie works engaged in the grain, fuel and real es­ buying several thousand acres of land tion of tire Amertcart pottery compa­ tis, amending tiie salmon-fishing laws to tequire the submission of new chill­ mission, visited the scene of the mur­ at Paco and Santa Mesa. The Nebraska tate business, in 1878 he moved to ier s oi charter amendments to tiio vote fot a colony. nies, with a capitalization of $40,000,- passed at tiie special session so ns to regiment also distinguished itself, cap­ ders, and tells of a shocking condition Ht. Paul to engage in the lumber and of electors before being introduced in 000. Mrs. Jane L. Stanford, who has turing several prisoners and one How­ of affairs, in tiie North China Daily conform with tiie regulations agreed tiie legislation; allowing executors or fuel bueinesa with Colonel C. W. settled the estate of her late husband, A snow-slide occurred on the Cana­ itzer, and a very strong position at tiie News. He ascertained that the people upon by tiie joint fislieiies committee, administrators to complete written Giiggs, now at Tacoma. A t Ht. Paul Leland Stanford, and wiio would be en­ dian Pacific at Rogeis Paes, in the Sel­ reservoir, which is connected with the of Chongan had determined to take tiie and by Myers, to applv to tiie military lie formed tiie acquaintance and friend­ life of every foreigner in the place, and fund of tiie state all moneys that may contract* of decedents. titled to $357,768 as fees, refuses to ao- kirk range. The railroad roundhouse waterworks. Fifty-nine bills were read the socond ship of Henator C. K. Davis, Senator be teceived from tiie government for when Mr. Fleming set foot in the town cept anything for her services. and other buildings were demolished. The Kansas and Dakota regiments Knute Nelson anil other prominent Re­ he was a doomed man. A t least 200 transportation and equipment of the time and referied, and 10 bills weie Companies H, O, K and L, of the Nine persons are known to have been compelled tiie enemy’s right flank to publicans of tiie Middle West. He has read tiie first time. Second Oregon volunteers. people witnessed the mmder from the retire to Calocan. Seventeenth United States infantry, killed and two injured. always been successful in business and Other hills passed wero: To require In t h e S em ite. There was intermittent firing at va­ opposite side of tiie river. Evangelist 412 enlisted men and nine officers, equally successful whenever he engaged Contracts have been let for the erec­ that nil claims against tiie state other Ten bill* were introduced in Oregon Pan was suddenly and qnickly cut in politics. have left Columbus for the Philippines. tion of a large heet-sngar factory at rious points all day long. than salaries and liabilities established state senate Tuesday and three passed, down. Mr. Fleming dismounted from Tiie American losses are estimated They go via New York. Mr. Foster moved to Tacoma in 1887, Amers, a small town west of Omaha, by law, be incorpotated into separate one to incorisirate Warrenton, and one iiis mule to go to his assistance, hut to engage witli Colonel Griggs and Tiie American shipping interests of on the Union Pacific. The men who at 20 men killed and 125 wonnded. appropriation acts; to abolish tiie ex­ to fix salaries in Morrow, Clackamas he, too, was nttacked and slain after a The Igorotes, armed with bows and others in the mnnufactuie of lumber. the Hawaiian islands have largely in­ are furnishing tire money to build the pensive practice of copying assessment and Yamhill conntiea, and tiie other arrows, made a determined stand in desperate conflict. His principal company is known as crease.! since their annexation to tire factory are Boston capitalists. roils for tiie state and to provide for was Daly’s text-hook commission bill, tiie face of a hot artillery fire, and let the Ht. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Com­ A Court o f In q u iry P rob a b le . United States. There are now load­ transmission to tiie secretary of state which finally went through by a vote Tire United States transport Grant, Washington, Feb. 6. — Indications summaries only; to provide for the re­ of 22 to 6, after a discussion of fully an pany, and operates one of tiie largest ing for or on the way to tiie islands 50 which left New York January 19, hav­ many dead on the field. Several attempts were made in this are that a court of inquiry will be or­ sawmills on Puget sound. He is an vessels, of which 35 fly the American ing on board Major-General Lawton, organization of the state militia; to re­ hour. city yesterday evening to asaassinate dered to investigate and report upon extensive owner of coal and ooke flag. store to tiie military fund of tiie state Special order was the resolution tire Fourth infantry and a battalion of American officers. tiie trnth or falsity of statements al­ $8,897.68 expended in the suppression passed by the legislature of 1895, for a mines, and of timber lands in the state F. W. Peck, United States commis­ the Seventeenth infantry, bound for leged to have been made by General of riots by the state militia at Astoria constitutional amendment for woman of Washington. His company is also sioner-general to tire Paris exposition, Manila, has arrived at Gibraltar. C o n f i r m e d b y O tla* Miles, in which the quality of beet and Roselntrg during 1896; authorizing suffrage. Mrs. Duniway, on invitation engaged in tiie ■hipping business, send­ asks oengress to increase the amount The following dispatch from Gen. Steamer Rbynland, from Liverpool, furnished tiie troops during the late the supreme court to employ clerical of the senate, made a neat address of ing catgoes, principally of lumber, te set aside for the government exhibit to Otis confirms tiie news of the fighting: ail parti of the world. for Philadelphia, went ashore four war was brought in question. aid and appropriating $7,200 therefor; five minute*, after which tiie resolu­ $1,000,000. The first approprittion [ “ Manila, Feb. 7.— To Adjutant-Gen- j miles north of Penwick’s island life­ F o s te r on N a tio n a l Issues. to codify the laws relating to negotia­ tion waa passed, with only President was $65,000, which Mr. Peck says is eral, Washington, D. C .: Saturday | D e a d ly W o r k o f m Train . saving station. A heavy snow-storm ble instruments; to prohibit false label­ Taylor voting no. entirely too small. Regarding his position on national the insurgents opened attack on onr Pittsburg, Feb. 8.— A two-horse was prevailing at the time. There Kelly, of the committee on revision issues, Mr. Foster says: Tire reported rich strike of gold at j outer lines at 8:45, repeated attack sev­ wagon on which five men and a young ing of Oregon products, applying ea- of laws, reported adversely on Dnfur'a “ I favor what is oommonly termed Cripple Creek has been confirmed. It were 42 passengers and a crew of 79 on eral times during the night. A t 4 woman were riding, wan struck today |iecially to saltnon and Oregon fruits. board, all of whom weie resorted. bill to admit widows and wives of hon­ the expansion policy. Under a busi­ K * a p p o r tlo n m s n t H ill A p p ro ve d . is the richest ever discovered in the o ’clock this morning entire force was by a Baltimore & Ohio freight train world, estimated to rnn as high as There has been no further general engaged, and all attacks lepulsed; at at Riverton station. Four men were In the Oiegon senate Friday, Sena­ orably discharged Union aailora and ness-like arrangement I favor the build­ .$500,000 to tiie ton. There is blocked fighting between the partisans of the daybreak advanced against insurgents, killed and the other man and tiie young tors Smith, of Baker, and Dufur pre­ soldiers to the Holdiei’a Home, on the ing of the Nicaragua canal. I ain for out in one level, at a depth of 860 feet, rival chieftains in the Samoan island«, and have driven them beyond lines woman so badly injured tiiat they will sented explanation* of their position 1 ground that to provide accommodations •oond money and a thorough business $5,000,000 worth of ore. since the last advices except that a they formerly occupied, capturing sev­ probably die. with reference« to the reap|>ortinnment for such would require a large appro­ man’s administration of our public affairs. I favor an open river policy act, which was approved by tiie gover­ priation of money. A . Thompson, agent of the Coast; party of Mataafa’s followers was routed eral villages and their defense works; j H . p h n m ' . Canal H ill. Bills introduced weie as follows: To lor tiie Columbia amt as a general It is ex­ insurgents’ lose in dead and wounded nor while they were s|>ealiing. Both Seamen’s Union at Seattle, says: "U n -I in the bash by Malietoans. Washington, Feb. 8.— The house I opimsed tiie double districting feature reduoe the appropriation for tiie Hoi- pioposition favor river and harbor im­ less the Shipowners' Association gives pected, however, that fighting will he large; our own casualties thus far esti­ die’ s Home front $13,000 to $10,000 provements of all kinds. In a word, I committee on interstate and foreign of the law. few fatal.’ ’ up trying to put scab seamen on coast­ resumed, ss Mataafa is arresting per­ mated at 175, very ______ commerce today directed a favorable Tiie following bills were passed; To j and authorize tiie governor inetead of a desire to see the possibilities of the ing vessels, a general strike will lie or­ sons who have been already fined and A dispatch to the London Post says: rejairt on the Hepburn Nicaragua canal authorize coonty courts to |>erinit onti- board of truateee to appoint all offleere Pacific coast, particularly ot my own dered, and everv sailing vessel on the released. The work of pillage con­ coast tied up as soon as site gets into tinues, among the Itoases looted being Many of tiie insurgents were driven bill, witli amendments, as a soiistitnte stiaction of logging roads along public j of tiiat institution; to authorize an ad­ state, realize.), and I shall do all in my port. The union men will not accept Vilima, the home of the late Robert into the Pasig river and drowned. Sev­ for the Morgan bill, passed by tiie sen­ highways; to prevent tiie unauthorized ditional judge for tiie second judicial power to advance the material welfare distriot; to create the office of recorder of Washington.” ate. eral hundred were taken prisoners. use of trademarks. Louis Stevenson, the novelist. less than $40 per month.’ * of Polk county, at a salary of $1,000, Tiie men who voted for Foeter from In a subsequent telegram the follow­ R f f o r d - B r e a k in g Vnys(«t. P l . l r l r t A tto r n e y H ill R em itte r!, . M ln«»r I U i n « . and reducing tiie county clerk’e salary start to finish are; ing statements are made: Last night’s Washington, Feb. 6.— The Buffalo In the Oregon houae Friday the ju­ General Sheridan has complected ar­ The third regiment, infantry, hat Baker, Barlow, Bedford, Bellows, and today’s engagements have proved a arrived at Manila today, having made diciary committee asked to amend tlia from $1,600 to $1,300; making taxee left St. Paul for New York en route to rangements to send the third expedi­ veritable slaugnter tor tiie Filipinos, a first lien on real estate; to reduoe the Bishop, Brown, Corey, Dickson, Frye, a record-breaking run from New York bill by auhatitntirig 1900 for 1903, j tion of troops to the Philippines. It the Philippines. salariee of the Mnltnomah county Hamilton, Hammer, Heiiig, Kings­ will consist of 16 companies, taken thsir killer) being repotted as amount­ to Manila in 54 days. 8he ha* on claiming the figure* were placed in clerk, clerk of tire circnit court and re­ bury, Le Crone, Maxwell, McCoy, E. A blixzart has been raging over from the 12th and 17th infantry regi­ ing to tbonsands. hoard about 700 sailor* to relieve tiie j the bill as tiie result of a clerical error, | corder, after tiie expiration of the pres­ C. Miller, Brown of Whatcom, Parker, Wyoming. A recent dispatoh says the ments. Tiie following bill* were passed: To men in Dewey'* fleet She will be ent term, from $3,600 to $2,600; to Hharp, Shelter, Stewart, Warbnrton, T o Crush t h « R e v o lt. deep snow lias a hard crust, ami there u*ed a* a regular transport for men and I define the duties of administration in Washington, Feb. 7.— Instructions naval store*, making regnlar trip* be­ j payment of claims, ami declare tiie or- abolish the office of recorder of Clatsop ' Wickersham. A dispatch from Cokevilie, Wyo., *¿'1 be mnch suffering among stock, county; to protect fish against destruc­ Of this number, 13 are member* of | der of propriety of olaitna; to give farm n Iowa syndicate, with $30,000.000 says a snowslide a mile long occurred, will be sent to Major-General Otis to­ tween Manila and San Francisco. tion by explosive*; to prohibit the lay- [ the Pierce oounty delegation, the rock | laborers a lien upon farm product* for al, has asked congress to grant a burying several men and teams. A ll morrow, directing him to follow up hia It i* calculated that the men of Great j labor perormeil; to protect salmon in ing oat of connty roads of greater aronnd which the great fight was made. ady of $14,000 a mile for a railroad the men were taken not alive with the victor; over the insurgents and to crush Britain apend at leaat $25,000,000 Aleaea bay and stream* emptying into grades than 7 per oent; for tha Irettar I Bellows and F iye were among the and telegraph line to the Yukon, via exception of Burt Handy, who was the power of Agninaido in the Philip­ enforcement of judgments and decree« outside supports west of the mountain« •very year on ailk hat*. pine*. I it. and fixing the oloae season; Copper river. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. Two soap trusts are being former!— one at Chicago, with $100,000,000 cap­ ital. and one at Boston with $20,000,- 000. Serious Fighting Be­ tween Am ericans and Insurgents. T H E FILIPINO LOSS IS LARGE