th . Q u r . iio n of N ew Y ork, Deo. 23.— Clark H ow ell, member o f th e Democratic national com mittee from Georgia, and editor of t h e A tlanta Constitution, after OOlisult ing w ith the leaders o f both political parties at Washington, telegraphed as la caused by acid in the blood. Hood's follow s to his paper tonight: Harsaparillu neutralizes this aeid and cures “ W ith the adjournment of congress the aches and |>nius o f rheumatism. I)o on not suffer any longer when a remedy is at for the holidays . the final decision . hand of which thousands o f people say it _® peace tieaty is as clear as it w ill he has caused all symptoms of rheumatism after a vote lias been taken in the sen­ to disappear. Remember ate, Two weeks ago the matter waH in doubt— today it is as certain ttiat the treaty w ill he ratified as it w ill be that it has been after the vote lias been Is America’s Greatest Medicine. Trice, $1. taken. "M r . Bryan has heen in Washington H o o d ’ s P ills cure sick headache. 25 cents. fo i several days, and lias conferred fre­ quently w itii the Democratic leaders F o r k ( It'iiiit-r, in both the senate and the house, lie A recently patented invention w ill has advised ratification of the treatv. please those housewives whose soul* a„ (| (,« jg outspoken in theopinion that have been vexed by the problem of aside from the qeustion o f national ob­ polishing forks. It consists of a treble ligation, it is a matter of party policy strap of " S e lv y t,” held in position and for the Democrats to throw no obstacle stretched by means of a wire frume and in the way o f ratification. There aro handle. The forks to he polished are loading Democrats of both the senate inserted between the straps, each of and the house wiio less than a week ago which fits into a corresponding space were in doubt as to whether or not between the prongs. A few movements Democrats should assist in ratifyin g the lip and down then suffice to thoroughly treaty; more than that, some of tiiem clcun ami polish the fork, either with were outspoken in the opinion that it or without plate powdet. was perhaps better to reject it. Today, many o f these Democratic leaders take the open position that the treaty should be ratified, and that it w ill he, no one who has studied the situation from the inside can have any reasona­ ble doubt. “ It must not be understood that the ratification of the treaty w ill carry with it tiro assumption that all those who tea vote affirm atively are in favor o f na­ tional expansion across the Pacific. Of sold only in the senators who w ill vote in favor of the treatv there w ill bo Republicans as well as Democrats who are opposed in principle, as well as in theory, to the trans-oceanic expansion o f our national K e e p * th e R e in s in rince. j domain. They take, however, and very To prevent horses getting the reins properly, the view that the question of tinder their tails, a Virginian lias de- expansion per so is not involved in the signed a harness attachment composed consideration o f the peace treatv, and of a number of wiro hows, to bo so- that after the treaty lias been ratified cured to tiro breeching on either side, w ith Spain and lias been eliminated as nod extend n w it*e tail, amt prevent ) ,, factor in the Philippine problem, it the liorso from sw itching it high w ill he tim e enough to consider the enough to get over the reins. policy to be pursued in dealing with the Philippines, and just here w ill T R V A I.I.K N ’ S F O tIT -K A S K , A powder to he Hliakcn lino the shoes. come the real contest on the question A t tills season your feet fuel swollen, ner­ o f expansion.’ ’ vous ami uncomfortable. I f you have Mr. H ow ell then says that after tho smarting feet or tight shoes, try A llen ’s Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes treaty lias heen finally disposed of, a walking easy. Cures swollen and «wenting irsolution w ill bo introduced, making Fet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves declaration of the proposed policy of corns and bunions o f all pain and is a cer- 1 1 .:H «vovurtiinent in dnnlim/ with thn tain cure for Chilblains, Hweating, damp ,H > r,,v< rmm nt in dealing w in t h o or frosted feet. W e have over thirty thou- 1 Nppines, and that this resolution sand testimonials Try it lodai/. Sold bv w ill lie framed very inncli on tlie basis all druggist?? and shoo stores for 2.rH:. Trial ' 0f the (Julian resolution adopted ooinoi- package FREE, ' dent with the declaration of war, in sled, t o ltuy, N. Y which it was declared that the policy A S u it W a te r F ir e S e r v ic e . of this government would bo to give tho A «alt water lire protection service people of Culm a free and independent 1 inn been establinhed in lioflton for a government of tfieir own. Mr. H ow ell lim ited area. A line of pipe has been further says: laid to a point near the post office and “ The vote on this proposed resolu­ a number of hydrants laid on it. tion w ill not bo confined by any means Pum ping is done by an engine on a lire to party lines, and the outcome is in boat. This, it ia hoped, Bays Engineer* doubt. A largo m ajority of tho Dem­ ing News, is the beginning o f a com­ ocrats w ill voto in favor of it, and a prehensive system of independent tiro large m ajority of the Republicans w ill protection for the busmens district of vole against it, hut the size of either the city. Such a system lias heen ad­ m inority is sufficiently involved in vocated for a number of yours. doubt as to render exceedingly ques­ tionable the final action that w ill bu No household is complete without a bot­ tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It taken on the resolution.’ ’ is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec­ ommended by nil physicians. Don’t ne­ INSTRUCTIONS T O OTIS glect this necessity. Rheu matism parilla Hood’s Sarsa­ quality o f bard tack ami don’ t know it. It Is never safe to accept an amateur singer's verdict o f an operu company. A woman’s Idea o f getting real reck­ less is to cut loose, and tell all she knows. fJIrosIs o f the liver Is hard to spell; think how much harder It must be to have It. Atchison has a man who refuses to go to places because his w ife won’ t go with him. E very girl who has never known a g rie f In her life tries particularly hard to look pensive. A woman never becomes so rich that she can resist the temptation to wear calico shirt waists. A fte r a woman passes 35, If she mar­ ries at all, the chances are that she will marry a man younger than herself. As a rule, those who talk most about longing for a higher life do least to im­ prove the life they are compelled to live. You con occasionally meet all kinds o f people; even the man who means It when he asks you to come and visit him. SfHttlff Market«- Onions, 85@90c per 100 pounds. Potatoes, (10(312. Beets, jier sack, 75c. Turnips, per sack, 50(360c. Carrots, per sack, $1. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 50® 75c per doz. Celery. 35 (3 40c. Cabbage, native and C'a 11 fur nia $1.00® 1.50 per 100 pounds. Apples. 35@50c per bo— Pears, 7 5 c® $ l per box. Prunes, 50c per box. Peaches, 75c. Butter— Creamery, 27c per pound; dairy and ranch, 18®20o per |>ound. Eggs, 85c. Cheese— N ative, 12(312' P ou ltry— Old Irens, 15c per pound; spring chickens, 16c; turkeys, 16c. Fresh meats— Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 6 '¿ (3 7c; cows, prime, 6 '£c; mutton, 7 )2c; pork, 6@ 7o; veal, 6 ® 8a. Wheat— Feed wheat, 122. OatB— Choice, jier ton, $24. H ay — Puget Sound mixed, $9.50@ I 10; choice Eastern Washington tint- : otiiy, $12. Corn— W hole, $23.50; cracked, $24; feed meal, $23.50. Barley— Rolled or ground, per ton, $24®25; whole, $22. F lour— Patent, per barrel, $3.50; straights, $3.25; California brrnds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3. 75; rye flour, $4. M illstuffs— Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed— Chopped feed, $19@21 per ton; m iddlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. iriie P o p * If;«« N o D e b t«. P io Nono bpqaeathe 1 to the chnreh 5,000,0000 francs in goM. Leo X I I I ha* already doubled that sum, which is deposited among various European hanks. The holy see has no debts, those which existed having been paid by the present pope. — Albany Argus. H eein« to G et It ip * . One complaint seems to get ripe in autumn, ami that is neuralgia. To soothe the pain, strengthen the nerves and rid the system of it, use St. Jacobs O il, the best known cure. A handy device for hanging clothes is formed of a ring to be screwed to the T h e Fnorm oiirt (¿ o ld P r o d u c t o f 1898. top of a post to HUp|Mirt a number of From South Africa, the Klondike and arms, which are dropped into a hole in Australia gold is being shipped in large the end of the ¡»ost when not in use. quantities. This year’s output will nearly D EAFNESS CANNOT double that of any previous twelve months. The sales of ITostetter’s Stomach Ritters local applications, a« they cannot reach the are also increasing very fast. This famous j By portion of the ear. There is on y one remedy will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, , disva-td way to cure de»/ne*>, and that rs by constltu- constipation, nervousness and weakness. | tional remedies. Pea mess is caused by an in* I flamed condition of the mucous lining of the The Japanese are, as a race, so small Eustachian Tube. When this tube get* in- ! flamed y o u have a rumbling sound or im per­ that it is necessary to build specially fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is t he result, and unless the inflamma­ low bicycles for them. tion can be taken out ami this tube restore«! to its normal condition, hearing w ill be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot t 'n are caused by catarrh, w hich is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We w ill give One Hundred Dollars for any case o f Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by H all’s c atarrh Cure. Send foi circulars, free. _ , . _ F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall*» Fam ily Pills are the beat. There is in the constellation Andro­ meda a star visible to the naked eye which the smallest telescopes show to he double. Seen through a powerful instrument, it is found to be triple. F o l l o w I t Dp. Sit down ami cool off suddenly, and then regret it, for stiffness and soreness is bound to follow. Follow it up with St. Jacobs Oil and you w ill have nothing to regret from a prompt cure. A Texas woman has patented a new toy for children, consisting o f a jack- in the-hox to be released from the box by striking the spring catch with a ball attached to an elastic coni. IIO IT T ’ S SCHOOL FOR I A Missouri woman has designed an ice creeper to slip on the sole o f the shoes, a steel plate, with cuvred ends, to grip the edges of the sole having teeth to engage the ice as the wearer walks. SENATOR CHANDLER'S OPINION. H O Y S. The fo l l o w i n g le t t e r fr o m S e n a to r G e o r g e C h a n d le r s p e a k « v o lu m e s fo r D r. Now at Burlingame, will remove to its , D a rrin ; beautiful new home at Menlo Park. San (Oregonian.) Mateo County, Cal., and re-open January Dr. Darrin—Dear Sir: I am pleased to lbth, 1801). Address Ira G. Ifoitt, Ph. D., inform you that mv son Charles, whom Menlo Park, Cal. you treated in January, 1896, for heart 1 trouble and general debility, has fully re- There are 110 mountains in Colorado • covered ai.d gained 30 pounds, for which About half the time a man feels like whose peaks are over 12,000 feet above I please accept mv thanks. Portland Market. a cat which has Just eaten the canary; the ocean level. GEORGE C H AND LE R . Wheat— W alla W alla, 58c; V a lle y , he Is getting a lot o f abuse for eating | Baker City. When coming to San Francisco go to 61c; Bluestem, 62c per bushel. a m ighty poor bird. A S w e d is h G e n tle m a n 's l a c k . F lour— Best grades, $3.20; graham, Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. To the Editor.—I have been afflicted The man whose hair has come out American or European plan. Room and $2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. board $1.00 to $1.50 per day; rooms 60 cents with deafness and ringing noises in my can make him self very interesting to Oats— Choice white, 42@43c; choice to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. head. Dr. Darrin treated me with elec­ any woman by announcing that It came tricity and cured me. W ill answer ques­ Free coach. Clias. Montgomery. gray, 40@41c per bushel. tions at 539 Luring street, Albina. out through a fever. Barley— Feed barley, $22@25; brew­ CH A RLE CARLSON. There are houses still standing in There Isn't any one so good that It ing, $24 per ton. W o u ld N o t T a k e SftOOO. Nuremberg, Bavaria, that were built doesn’t make him mad to go home to M illstuffs— Bran, $16 per ton; m id­ in 1080. ___________________ To the Editor.—I have been a physical dinner, and find some one sitting In dlings, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $15.50 wreck for the past four years, being af­ flicted with kidney, liver and heart trou­ his chair at the table. T o C u re h C o ld in O ne D ay per ton. ble and dyspepsia, accompanied with pain W henever we see a man having a H ay— Tim othy, $9® 10; clover, $7 Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. in my hack, stomach and breast. One All druggists refund money if it fails to “ good time,” we are glad that we have @ 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. month ago I went under Dr. Darrin’s cu re. 25c. electrical and medical treatment. Now I Butter— Fancy creamery, 60 @ 65c; quit. There Is nothing so dismal as IValtham has joined several other am cured and able to work. I most em­ seconds, 50@55c; dairy, 45®50o store, having a “ good time.” phatically commend Dr Darrin’s treat­ Massachusetts cities in adopting a cur­ ment, and will answer any questions, at 80@85o. It should be ns much the duty o f tho few ordinance. 545 Wood street, Portland. Would not Cheese— Oregon full cream, ll@ 1 3 o ; "com m ittee o f safety’’ to get loafers take $5000 and be ! pii placed back where I was. Am erica, 15c; new cheese, out o f town ns It should l>e to bring de­ Young I f you want the best wind mill, w f A L T E R MORGAN. 10c per pound. tanks, plovvs, wagons, bells of all sizes sirable men to town. D eafnem i C ured In 20 M in u tes. P ou ltry— Chickens, mixed, $2.5o@3 boilers, engines, or general machinery, see To the Editor.—For six months past I W henever you si-e a girl with her write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison per dozen; liens, $3.5 0@ 4.00; springs, or have been troubled with deafness. But, street, Portland, Oregon. hair neatly braided in two bra ds you thanks to Dr. Darrin and his method by $1.25@3; geese, $6.00@7.00 for old, can make a pretty good guess that her $4.50@5 for young; ducks, $4.00@ The C alifornia woodpecker w ill Electricity, for by him and in 20 minutes I was entirely cured. My daughter was mother Is a neat housekeeper. 5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 11® carry an acorn thirty m iles to store it cured of rheumatism six years ago. 1 ad­ A mnn went Into a store to-day, and 12c per pound. in its nest. vise all who may be troubled in any way said: “ I want enough rope to rope my to call on Dr. Darrin. They will find him Potatoes— 60@70c per sack; sweets, P I T * Fermanootly Cured. N o fltsor nervousnes efficient in all he professes to be. Refer to bed.” Are you old-fashioned enough 2c per pound. • l l w after first day’s use of Dr. Kilne’s Great Restorer. Send for F U E E 3U .00 trial me, at 51 \4 Third street, Portland. to remember a bed that was roped? Vegetables— Beets, 90c; turnips, 75o Nerve bottle and treatise. DR. R. I L K L IN E , Ltd., yao MRS. A. SCHOEPS. Young people are apt to stuff their per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab­ Arch Strict, Philadelphia, Fa. D r. D a r r in ’ s P la c e o f B usiness. pocket books with pa; er, to appear rich. bage, $ 1@1.26 per 100 pounds; cauli­ Dr. Darrin gives free examination to all, “ Anglosaxonia contra mumluxn” is and when necessary gives medicine in con­ Older people, however, have found It flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c a lato neo-Latin coinage. nection with electricity. The poor treated per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery, wise to appear poorer than they are. free from 10 to 11 daily, except medicines. AG ENTS W A N TE D . Those willing to pay, 10 to 5; evening, 7 to It Is well to remember that If your 70@75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per DIATOMS—Vegetable and m etallic, a freak 8; Sundays, 10 to 12*. friends think you are a charming con­ box; peas, 3 @ 3 '2e per pound. Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose and throat, of nature, noted as the best P< lish in the Onions— Oregon, 75o@ $l per sack. versationalist, your enemies regnid you world for silver, gold, brass, etc., sent in quan­ heart, liver, stomach, lung troubles, errors Hops— 16® 18c; 1897 crop, 4@Go. tity sufficient for years, for 25 cents P. O. o f y o u th , blood taints, gleet, impotency, ns n great gossip, and that they may be Wool — V alley, 10@12o per pound; stamps. It is infusorial and cracks in stoves varicocele, hvdrocele ana stricture a spec­ right. be repaired with it. Address,R. H. IIAFL­ Eastern Oregon, 8@12c; mohair, may ING ER, 501 Mutual L ife Building, Seattle,Wash. ialty. A ll cnronic male and female and private diseases treated at reasonable rates. 26c per pound. Corea?? G c o m a n c e rs . A breech-loading cannon made in No cases published except by permission M utton— Gross, best sheep, wethers The lufiiieiice o f the gcomancers ex­ o f the patient. All business relations with tends from the K in g to Ills humblest and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7J^c; 1659 lias been discovered in an old mu- 1 I)r. Darrin strictly confidential. Letters scum at Hamburg, which explodes the ; of inquiry answered. Circulars and ques­ subjects, and Illustrates the cunning spring lambs, 7*-a'c tier lb. Hogs— Gross, choice heavy, $4.25; belief that such weapons ate an inven­ tion blanks sent irfie. Batteries and belts and sim plicity which nre combined In furnished when necessary. Offices, 2G5 tion of the present century. tho Corean character. These profes­ light and feeders, $3.0 0 @ 4 .00; dressed, Morrison street, Portland. per 100 pounds. $5.00@5.60 sional oracles are consulted on all occa­ Piso’s Cure for Consumption lias saved Beef— Gross, top steers, 3.50@$3.75; me large doctor bills.—C. L. Baker, 4228 sions by all sorts o f people. The K ing $2.50@ 8.00; dressed beef, Regent 8q., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, ’95. never thinks o f doing anything without cows, A odorless ink for nse in w ritin g on first asking their opinion. They are 5 ® 6 ls c per pound. more Important to him than legal ad- 1 V eal— Large, 6 ® 6 j£ c ; small, 7@ 8c postal cards, etc., is made by m ixing together sulphuric acid and water, the vlsers are to railw ays ami other corpor­ per pound. w riting becoming permanently visible ations that employ them, and they aro San Market. attached to all the departments o f tho W ool— Spring— Nevada, 10@12c per when the paper is heated. government. A t the same time they aro pound, Oregon, Eastern, 10@12o; V a l­ notoriously corrupt, and their advlco ley, 15@17e; Northern, 9 ® lie . & V1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ' For Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel Log­ Is alw ays Influenced by the payment of M illstuffs— M iddlings, $ 18@21.00; <>Kii.k.j 1780. s won Established ging and H oisting Engines; Hoe Chisel brail, $15.50® 16.50 per ton. money. Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc. On ions— Si I verskin, 50 @ 75c per sack. I f any one desires to obtain a favor I creamery, 80c; from the K ing he usually endeavors to | Butter — Fancy secure the good offices of the geomancer do seconds, 20(" 24c; fancy dairy, 20o; 27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or. who Is likely to be consulted, and tho ' do seconds, 17@31c per pound. T im P r e s id e n t ’ * rro i'lH iiiM t Ion to th e g ^ ^ I izi-au 34-36 x Fremont t c iu u u t 0 Street, 11 c c t , D San a u r Francisco. t a u v is K U i Where the llnlls Ctmin From. Eggs — Store, 18@22o; fancy ranch, amount o f the bribe corresponds to tho I F i l l pi non. The lurgent center in the world for Importance o f tho matter. W hile the 8 6 @ 8 7 l»o. b u y th e c e n u in e Washington, Dec. 23.— The cabinet the manufacture of steel halls for hall Citrus F ru it— Oranges, Valencia, $2 geomancer pretends to c o n f i t the spir­ hearings is situated at Schweinfort, in today discussed (lie to bo its and observe the movements o f the @2.50; Mexican limes, $6^)6.50; C a li­ Havana. A couple of factories there, sent to General (His, at M anila, which stars, Ills client knows that It Is tho fornia lemons, $2.00®.800; do choice, celebrated for more owned by one lirin, ptodut e clone upon w ill be promulgated there as a procla­ money that governs his action. N ever­ $3.60@ 4.50; per box. than a century as a ... MANUFACTURED B Y ... «100,000,000 halls annually with the mation by the president. The instruc­ theless, when the client Is required to delicious, nutritious, Martha Washington’ * Oven. C A L IF O R N IA F IQ S Y R U P CO. tions are sim ilar in import to those sent labor of (500 men working ten hours perform some official net, he consults and flesh forming C. L. Bruinard, an Oak Park drug­ t r X O T E T IIE SAME. daily. Tint total production of G er­ to our officers nt Santiago upon the oc­ the same old humbug, who has been beverage, has our gist, says the Chicago Inter Ocean, cupation of that city by the United many in stated to he about 050,000,000, well-known They assure the F ili­ bribed by some one else to Influence while searching among some fam ily while England and Franco combined States troops. his decision, and he Is perfectly aware lieii looms recently, found an oven turn out only about 70,000,000 addi­ pinos that tho United States assumes o f the fact.—Chautanqtmn. Yellow Label bnyinir 1 which had once belonged to Martha m ilitary control of the Philippines in a "e c o n o m y I n c x lr a v - tional. — Chicago ( 'Iiron ¡t ie on the front of every noomneo,” because the eoi H Washington. In the same trunk was a spirit of peace and ftlendship, and that " o f cu ltivation wanted on inferior^, P o r f 'c t l y I ’ r a o tto n l. seeds always largely exceeds th e letter which gave a history of the relic. package, and our | all civil rights and privileges that they original coat of the beet seeds t-o An odd and convenient custom exists The oven has the appearance of a ket­ hitherto have enjoyed w ill be contin­ trade-mark,“ La Belle 1 be had. The beat ie I always the cheapest. Pay a trifle more for In Genoa. Many o f the well-to-do peo­ tle. It is a round iron pot, about six ued, and that It is the purpose of this Chocolatière,” on the ' ple ns well ns those In moderate cir­ M rs. F in k lm m R e lie v e d H e r o f A ll government to relieve, in all possible inches deep and thirteen inches in back. 1 H e r T ro u b le s . ways, the unjust burdens they havo cumstances do not own either horses diameter. The sides of the kettle are or conches; they own only an Interest black. Martha Washington gave the NONE OTHER GENUINE. borne, and ask for the co-operation of Mrs M ador It a iicock , 17(1 Second « and always get yonr money*l all good citizens in m aintaining order, In them. Four or five or a half dozen oven to a Mrs. Mary Denning, in 1778, MADE ONLY BY « worth. Five cent* per paper 6 t . Grand Rapid* Mich., bail ovarian Mrs. to the end that peace and prosperity great fam ilies club together and buy a in exchange for some knitting. everywhere A lw a y s the trouble w ith its atten dant aches best. SeedAnnual free. may be restored. So far as is practica­ conch and horses, then they arrange Denning kept it until her death, in g WALTER BAKER & CO Ltd., i . n .K H Y A ( V „ and pains, now she is w ell. Here >etroll. Mich. among themselves the days the differ­ 1872. when it came into the possession ble, all efficient c iv il officers w ill be re­ Dorchester, Mass. are her own words: tained in the official positions they now ent fam ilies w ill use It. Thus one fam­ of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Ren- " Y our V e ge ta ­ occupy, and fair and impartial justice ily uses the coach on Mondays, another shaw. During tho war o f 1812 Mrs. ble Compound has on Tuesdays and a third on Wednes­ Denning, who was liv in g in B iandy- w ill be administered to all. made me feel lik e i It has been decided not to give out days, so Hint an establishment that wine Manor. Pa., buried the oven in a new person. In 1840 the text of the instructions to General would lie Impossible for one fam ily be­ her yard w ith $300 in it. B efore I be­ Otis until about the tim e of their ar­ comes perfectly practical when the c o s t Mrs. Rensliaw exchanged the oven for I, C. R. R ollin «, M. D , of (¡m ss Valley, Or., voluntarily make the follow ing statement: gan taking it rival in M anila, which w ill be’ a month Is divided among five or six. Each fam­ some coal oil and tobacco to E. W. After having my teeth extracted I have had five sets made at intervals o f about nine months, I w as all run throe In Portland, one in San Francisco and one In S|»okane. With neither of these have I been ily has a set o f doors for the coach with W iig lit. a storekeeper of Coatesville, hence. (Iowa, felt tired able to eat a meal's victuals or even an apple or rine peach. On December 10. 1898, 1 had my The cabinet also decided tliat exist­ their own cont-of arms on the pauels, Pa. Mrs. W iig lit kept it until her sixth set m u le by Dr. Stri ker, I. O. O. F. Temple, First and Alder, Portland, Or., and w ithin and sleepy most ing conditions justified a reduction of which are ehnnged according to the death, in 1878, when it was stored twenty minutes after the time they were pnt into my mouth I was able to eat a common hard of the time, winter apple and a piece of dried venison, anti at this time, December 13th, have eaten every tiie m ilitary fo rc e*o f the United States, fam ily which Is going to use the coach. away with some other furniture and meal since with the greatest comfort and with no trouble at all. Thev are a perfect A land had pains in < k. ROLLINS, M. D. The builders o f these vehicles seldom forgotten. C. L. Biainard, a grandson satisfactory in every respect. and the secretary of war instructed to my hack and References: French Bros. Rank. The Dalle«, Or.; Sherman Co. Rank, Wasco, Or.; Wn. arrange for the immediate muster out \ think o f building a coach without five o f the stotekeeper, visited the old Holder, Sheriff of Sherman Co ; Drs. A. S. Nichols ami Brother, Portland, Or. side, and such Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1898. ! or six sets o f doors, and arrangement* homestead and found the oven. of 00,000 volunteers. terrib le [S e a l ] JOHN OGILBEE, Notary Public for Oregon. are made so that they are very easily M ln sm Itu rn ed tit D e a th . . headaches T h e M m ina o f t h e .le w « . i l l the time, Dead wood, S. D., Deo. 23.— M ike j c h # n g e d The manna o f the Jews is a lichen acdcouid not Ilennessy, a mine-owner who lives with I (Lichen esculentns, sive Canons escu­ W h r e H o e . P u p a C o m - In 7 sleep w e ll his fam ily nt Lead, and John O ’ Con­ lenta). The Sahara nomads and the The I,ell>*lg Tageblatt devotes a col­ nights. I al- nell, em ployed by Hennessy, were inhabitants of Houth A lg e ria call it umn to the m arring« market. An ad­ M I N i r tC T l It EUS o r had ovarian burned to death in tlieit cabin, at Oussehel-Ard (excrem ent of the earth). trouble T hrough Crown l lill, early this morning. The vertisement published lately was a- fol­ It occms in lumps the sise of a pea. lows: "A son, elderly, solid and seri­ the advice o f a cause of the fire is unknown. The inside resembles a w h ite farina. ous, I* seeking for his father in strict friend I began Il must !>o gathered early for the rays Dallas. Tex., Dec. 23.— A telephone and solid mnn In it quiet business) an the use o f Lyd ia K. of the snn soon wither it, but it can he niemag« received from Fort Worth tells nloue standing widow and maiden with Pin k h am s V e ge ­ kept quite well in dosed vessels. ready money. Offers. wlth full table Compound, o f thè eollap seof otte of thè tire depart- ment stationa tlieie. itererai mini and „tntement o f particolare, to he addroso Germany has 16,000 union shoe­ and since tak in g ] „ | ---- , T h e -o n onn be In te rv ie «, <1 by makers. Dealers In Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repair­ It all trouble» have pone. My monthly liursea wete killed and injtired. ing Promptly Attended to. appointment between the hours o f a sick ness used to be so painful, but have I n u t fo r A lM k N . R r « w « r j Im p ro v em e n t«. not bad the alightest pain Rlnee takin g Washington, Dec. 23.— The attorney- and 11.* PRICES THE LOWEST. ..PORTLAND, OR. There has been incorporated the WORK THE PEST. your medicine. I cannot praise your general has transmitted to congress tiie Grand Forks U reaery Company, with R e m e ily fb r Hnrns. Vegetable Compound too much. My report of the commission appointed to A Frenchman has discovered a reme­ * >apital of f ’.O.OCO, for the pa?pose of husband and friends see such a change prepare a code o f c iv il laws for the ter­ is i t W ro n ij? reviving the bn-iness ol .he ohi Grand CURE Y O U R SE L F! in me. I look so much better and have ritory of Alaska. Tho work has been dy Instantaneous In It* effects for th# I — R’ < fo r iiniMitnral G et it R ie h t Forks brewery and botili? tf works The horrible burnt caused by the use of oil Jforhanr«, in(1*M >m »tt n«, some color in my face.” completed, and it is urged that the ir r ita tio n « or n lrrration s new company w ill en la ’ ge the present Keep it Right Mrs. Tinkham invites women who are code prepared by o f m n r o a • ni»m bnuie$. the commission o f vitriol. It Is a soft paste o f cal­ M o o r »'. U r v v .lr .l llr m ..lT » i l l J o lt Thr«. plant to sufficient size to seek the large Pain A t m , and hot «a tr ia - 111 to w rite to her a t Lynn. Masa., for should be adopted a* soon as possible. cined magnesia and water, with which pent or poi*»nou9. do»-, » i l l „lake you feel better. G «l It from trade of this section of British C olum ­ advice, which is fie e ly otlered. *ol«l fcy Orard«!«, your d riw trt or m t «holvm la drag hoiu*. or The commission took the laws of Ore­ the parts burned are covered t,, the bia. >r *ent in plain «rapper, gon. which were extended over Alaska thickness o f an Inch. It a lle v ia te the hr expr-ri«-. prrp»i t. for bom Stewart A Uoinm Dreg Co* m i l l . til«*. *r.r\ in 1881, a* a basis for the new code. pain almost Immediately, and when tha The F ust frcsliytotian church o f «ó P I S O ’ S Some provisions in telation to railtoad twiste Is removed no scar remains. CUKtS WntHk A ll___ Me-ri-town, N. J., has had but five I Schillings Best M A C H IN E R Y B a k e r’s TA TU M & BOW EN Chocolate, s SYRUP OF FI6S FERRYS COULD NOT SLEKP. SEEDS m 0.R.*N. D epart FOR TIME S C H E D U L E S From Pori and. Fast Mail 8:00 p. in. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.Worth, Omaha, I Kansas City, 8t I Louis, C h ic a g o , and East. Spokane Flyer 2:20 p. m. A rp . ivx from Fast Mail. 7:2U a Walla Walla, S p o ­ Spokane Flyer kane, Minneapo­ lis, St. Paul, Du­ 10:15 a. m luth. Milwaukee,; Chicago and East 4 :00 p. m. Ocean Steamships From Portland. 1:00 p. m. All sailing date« subject tochauge. For San Francisco— Nov. 1, 4, 7, lo, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28. 8:00 p. m. Ex.Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Columbia River Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, New* berg,Salem & Way Landings. 3:30 p. m. 7:00 a. in. Willamette and Yam- Mon., Wed. Tins., Thur. hill Rivers. aud Fri. and Sat. Oregon City, Pay- ton, & Way Land­ ings. 4:30 p. m. 6:00 a. m. Willamette River. Tues., Thur. Tues., Thur ! and Sat. Portland to Corval- aud Sat. I lis ¿i Way Land­ ings. Lv. Riparia Snake River. Lv. Lewiston 1:45 a.m . 5:45 a. m. l)a ilv Daily Riparia to Lewiston Ex. F riday Ex.Saturday ; O LIV ER & COLUORD, Agents, Newberg. Or. W . H. H U R L B U R T , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. E A S T AND SO UTH — V IA — Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: Depot Fifth and I Sts., I Portland. | a r r iv e . Overland Express— For Salem,Roseburg, Asland, Sacramento, * 6:00 p. m. Ogden, San Francis­ * 9:30 a. m. < co, Mojave, Los An­ geles, El Paso, New Orleans and East. y Roseburg passenger— * 4:30 p.m . 'V ia Wooaburn, fo r' Mount Angel,Silver- Daily Daily ton, W e s t S c io , except except Brownsville, Spring- Sunday. Sunday. V field and Natron. f 7:30 a. m. ...Corvallis passenger f 5:50 p. m. I f 4:50 p. m. Independence pass’ngr.lf 8:25 a. m. •Daily. (D aily except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Potiand, Sac­ ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first-class and $11 second-class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ rope. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Au­ stralia, can be obtained from J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent. 134 Third street, Portland, Or. O R TH E R N N PACIFIC RY, (Yellow stone Park Line.) T h e only Dining-Car Route from Portland to the East. T h e only route to the Yellowstone National Park. H ave , j Un. Depot, Foot 6th 8t. | a w r iv k . Fast mail for Kalama, Kelso, Castle Rock, Win- lock, Chehalis. Centra- 11a, South Bend, Monte- sano, Aberdeen, Ocosta. Olympia, Tacoma, Seat­ tle, Victoria, Pt. Town­ send, Ellensburgh, Ros- lyn, North Yakima, Sprague, Cheney, Spo­ kane, Pullman,* Gar­ field, Farmington, Mos­ cow, (Jniontown, Gen­ 11:00 a. m. 7 :50 a. nj esee, Rossland, B. C.; Trail, B. C.; Nelson, B. C .; Kalso, Missoula, Butte, Anaconda, Hele­ na, 8t. Paul, Minneapo­ lis, Kansas City, Oma­ ha, Council Bluffs, St Louis, Chicago, Wash­ ington, New York, Ph il­ adelphia, Boston, and all points East and Southeast. A SW ORN S TA TEM EN T. i WILLAMET IRON WORKS 3 DAY9 to Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Paul. 8U DAYS to Mil wan Ree and Chicago. 4>f DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other Eastern points. Raggage checked through to destination of ticket. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, map« and fu ll information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Piss. Agent. E. H. WOODWARD, ENGINES, BOILERS Local Agent, Xewberg, Or. Saw Mill and Mining Machinery. YOUR LIVER a Cough hyrup. T tun cu lin i imp. t*nkl| I and otliet corporations are om itted, as it is thought congress should be left to legislate on this subject. Ungrammat .cully speaking tbs plorai baby must be twins. of NO. B S n r . n . r , •n t«u s since 1718. ami but tw o in 59 veais, the pus, nt one lu tiH>g scived 33 Y V K B H writing «d »e r tu * r « •*•?*. I I f oient loo Ih»« oaprr. -'»«. I TEETH WITHOUT PLATES R o o t « C r ow n »»d . R r i d g M Mad«». l*a in Ir «« A ilin g and ex tra ctio n . Dr. T. H. White, R â iïS T Portland, Or. 950 M or r is o n St., Cor. T h ir d . BO Y E A R S ’ EXP E R IE N C E P atents TRADC * 6 » « K a D esig ns C opyrights A c . Anyone «ending a skMeh and de«cr1p!i.->n m »f quickly ascertain oor opinion free whether an Invention 1« pmbably patentable. C Mon« strictly confidential. Handbook on Patenta Tent free. CM 1«*«t agency f for f securing patenta. Patenta taken through - r “f b M nnn A Co. recel Sperlai entire, without charge, in the Sckntific American. A handsomely Illu«trated weekly. I argest cir­ culation r>t any scientlOc Journal. Terms. $T a M M p o s t W , |L ioM by all i